Daena & Call
Played by Lydia

1.) Name- Daena

2.) Gender and orientation- Female, heterosexual

3.) Species- Human

4.) Age- 16

5.) Rank- Herald-Trainee and Princess

6.) Physical appearance- Daena is basically a younger version of her mother, Queen Civen. Her hair is the same golden-blonde, though Daena's is long and usually tied back into a ponytail. She's slightly tan, with a cheery smile and bright blue eyes. She's quite active, works out with the Weaponsmaster regularly, and is an expert rider on most of the regular horses at the Palace. Daena is 5'6" tall and is was just recently Chosen.

7.) Personality- Daena is a truly delightful and joyous young woman. Her outlook on life is always sunny, and she accepts each task she's given with a smile. She loves to see the relief in people's eyes when she helps them out, so she tries to assist people as often as she can. She adores children and takes a motherly attitude towards young Herald-Trainees, Blues, and Pages.
She doesn't really relate to other nobles' children her own age, but is good friends with many Herald-Trainees and the artificer Blues. She is creative and witty with a great sense of humor.
Daena is bold and loud around everyone, but, strangely enough, it hides a slightly shy and self-conscious interior. She is very bothered when someone doesn't like her and is inflicts horrible wounds on her confidence when someone insults her in a mean way, so she tries to be friendly to everyone so it won't happen. She's very polite and courteous to all, but most people don't get past that layer of her to see the shy, sweet person that she truly is behind her loud jokes and laughter.
She is fairly naive and sometimes doesn't take situations or people seriously enough. She has a hard time keeping secrets. Her hero is her older brother Bry, whom she tries to emulate in most ways. They're very close for siblings, and she and his Companion Ieriden adore each other. Daena loves her new Companion with all her heart.

8.) Brief history- Daena is the second child of Queen Civen and Prince-Consort Thao. She was raised in luxury, but never got too used to it - she tries to take care of most things by herself, and the servants hardly ever need to clean her rooms. She became one of the Blues at 12, but has wished for years to be Chosen, though she never told that to anyone. She trains with the Weaponsmaster and has developed some skill with sword and bow. Her favorite class is Cultures, taught by Esur the kyree. She was Chosen by the Companion Call when she and Bry went on foal watch very recently.

9.) Mother- Civen, 3, Herald, Queen, bright and sunny, loves her and respects her.

10.) Father- Thao, 40, Herald, Prince-Consort, quiet and kind, loves her and amused by her

11.) Siblings- 1. Bry, 18, male, Herald-Trainee, Heir, fun and sweet, thinks she's a great gal.
2. Rhiannon, female, Herald-Trainee, likes her.
3. Taen, 14, male, -, Prince, prankster, likes her.
4. Ceriyen, 9, female, -, Princess, sweet and quiet, likes her.

12.) Other significant relatives- none

13.) Romantic interests- Ayden Kael, Herald-Trainee, {see Friends}

14. Friends-
--Aislin and Kija (stallion), 15, female, Herald-Trainee, -. Daena met Aislin one year ago when Aislin first came to the Collegium with Kija. The two are now the best of friends and do everything together. Aislin's Gifts are strong Fetching and weak Mindspeech. Known each other for 1 year; is her best friend.
--Ayden Kael and Gwydion (stallion), 17, male, Herald-Trainee, -. Ayden is now in his third year at the Collegium and has begun training to be a Herald-Mage (when fully trained, he'll be a hedge-wizard with hardly any power). He and Daena are very close, and he's one of the few that knows her very well, past all her barriers. They have huge crushes on each other. Known each other for three years; romantic interest and best male friend. Ayden's Gifts are weak Mage-gift and weak Mindspeech.

14.) Pets- none

15.) NPC's- Aislin (Kija), best friend. Ayden Kael (Gwydion), romantic interest.


1.) Gifts and strengths of Gifts- Moderate thought-sensing, weak Mindspeech.

2.) Reasons why you deserve to be a Herald- Daena's greatest joy is helping others and making people even a little bit happier. She wishes desperately to be a Herald and will do her very best as one.

3.) Can your character be spared from their family to become a Herald?- Yes, her parents and older brother are all Heralds and live in the Palace, and she'll most likely be stationed at Haven after graduating anyway.


1.) Name- Call

2.) Gender- Female

3.) Age- Adult

4.) Personality- Call is the most charismatic Companion anyone is likely to meet. She is fun, sweet, and caring, but won't hesitate to give constructive criticism. She can always find the best of any situation and loves to have fun.

5.) Sire/Dam- Yron (deceased), Lirya

6.) Siblings- Arrow, adult, partner of Rin.

7.) Children- Songwen, female