Queen Civen & Adri
Played by Lydia

1.) Name- Civen

2.) Gender and orientation- Female, heterosexual

3.) Species- Human

4.) Age- 38

5.) Rank- Queen, Herald

6.) Physical appearance- The gold circlet that Civen wears is only a few shades darker gold than the hair it rests upon. The smooth, perfectly straight hair starts at the top of her 5'2" form and ends at her shoulders, where plain Heraldic Whites are the most common uniform. The next thing that one notices about Civen is her eyes - a bright, sky blue darker than that of her Companion's, with thin lashes that make her look far younger than she is. Her face still contains the young enthusiasm of someone half her age, with a pretty mouth most often turned upwards into a smile.
Civen's figure is nothing to catcall over, but there are still some that call her beautiful. Her arms are strong from years under the Weaponsmaster's tutelage, but that strength has given her an expert shot with a bow, as well as skill with throwing knives (ever since the Herald Skif in the reign of Queen Selenay, most Monarchs, Heirs, and Monarch's Own have learned to use these weapons). Though she is short, Civen carries a lot of responsibility on her thin shoulders, and when people see her, they see a Queen who is secure and responsible, but one who's not afraid to laugh!

7.) Personality- Civen, though she reminds most of an over-enthusiastic youngster, is actually quite knowledgeable and responsible. She knows that her foremost duty is to her people and to protect them, so she often goes out on trips into the cities to visit them and see what they need. She's not one to sit around - she likes to get things done now. Her skill as a leader was always evident and will always be - if something bad happens, people look to Civen to help them, and she always does!
When she's not busy with the Council or any of the other myriad of things she has to do every day, Civen spends time with her Companion, Adri, reads, and takes her younger children for rides with the Companions. She is usually seen in the company of her loving husband Thao, as well as her oldest son, the Heir Bry.

8.) Brief history- Civen is the great-granddaughter of Queen Selenay through that Queen's son Kris. Though she was the third child, her two older brothers were both killed in horrible accidents when Civen was only 12, leaving her as the unChosen final child of the King Rruo and Queen Luyia, both too old to have children. At 13, Civen was Chosen by the mare Adri and officially made Heir.
When she turned 18, her father died of a stroke and her heartbroken mother followed soon after, leaving Civen as a very young Queen. That first year of her rule, she married one of her year-mates, Thao, Chosen by the stallion Rhaeuhn. When she turned 20, they had they had their first child, a boy they named Bry.
Civen's reign has been fairly uneventful, but Valdemar has prospered and remained in peace.

9.) Mother- Luyia, deceased, former Queen, happy and loving, loved her.

10.) Father- Rruo, deceased, former King, compassionate but strong, loved her.

11.) Siblings- 1. Tui, deceased, male, former Heir, nice but quiet, loved her;
2. Arao, deceased, male, former Heir, prankster, loved her.

12.) Other significant relatives- none

13.) Children (Name, age, gender, job, rank, personality)- 1. Bry, 17, male, Heir
2. Rhiannon, 17, female, Herald-trainee
3. Daena, 14, female, Princess, joyful but thoughtful
4. Taen, 12, male, Prince
5. Ceriyen, 9, female, Princess, sweet and quiet.

14.) Romantic interests- Thao, 40, male, Prince-Consort, silent and kind, loves her, married. NOT lifebonded.

15.) Pets- none

16.) NPC's- Adri, Companion; Kedy, Adri's colt


1.) Gifts and strengths of Gifts- Average Mindspeech, weak Fetching


1.) Name- Adri

2.) Gender- Female

3.) Age (generic; young adult, adult, older adult, or older)- Adult

4.) Personality- Spunky and wild, Adri is "the life of the party." She always has a joke or sarcastic comment at hand, and could make anyone laugh.

5.) Sire/Dam (optional)

6.) Siblings- None

7.) Children (if applicable)- Kedy, colt, young. Kedy is very quiet, and is only a month old. He is the child of Adri (of Civen) and Rhaeuhn (of Thao), both of whom keep a close eye on him in case he starts getting into trouble.