Call, Companion


1.) Name- Call
2.) Gender and orientation- Female, heterosexual
3.) Species- Companion
4.) Age- Adult
5.) Rank- Herald-Trainee Daena's Companion
6.) Physical appearance- Call is a smallish Companion who is currently heavy with foal. Her eyes are a very dark blue, almost like the ocean. Because of her unborn foal, she isn't able to move very quickly, so she's staying near the stables, waiting for the time when the baby is to be born.
7.) Personality- Call is the most charismatic Companion anyone is likely to meet. She is fun, sweet, and caring, but won't hesitate to give constructive criticism. She can always find the best of any situation and loves to have fun.
8.) Brief history- Call was born to the stallion Yron and the mare Lirya some years ago. Both of her parents had Chosen at the time of Call's birth and were very attached to each other - almost like a marriage between the two Companions. Unfortunately, Yron and his Chosen were killed while on Circuit when Call was only 4 months old, and a depressed Lirya was "comforted" by Trev, a handsome stallion and the partner of the Herald-teacher Aethyd. Trev gave Lirya something other than comfort, as well - he made her pregnant with Arrow, Call's younger half-brother, who is now a true arrow as a Messenger for the Queen with his Herald, Rin. Years later, Call became pregnant by way of Augulas, the Grove-born Queen's Own's stallion. She Chose Daena when she and her brother Bry came out on foal watch to keep an eye on her.
9.) Mother- Lirya, older adult, Herald's Companion, nice but a bit silly, loves her.
10.) Father- Yron, deceased, former Herald's Companion, fun and nice, loved her.
11.) Siblings- Arrow, adult, male, Herald Messenger Rin's Companion, goofy prankster, enjoys her company
12.) Other significant relatives- Trev, older adult, Herald's Companion, father of her half-brother Arrow, fun, respects her
13.) Romantic interests- Augulas, adult, stallion, Queen's Own Rena's Companion, quiet and wise but with a good sense of humor, likes her, nothing right now.
14.) Pets- none
15.) NPC's- Lirya, mother; Arrow, half-brother

