Bry & Ieriden
Played by Angie

1.) Name: Bry

2.) Gender and orientation: male, heterosexual

3.) Species: human

4.) Age: 18

5.) Rank: Heir

6.) Physical appearance: Bry appears to be an average 18-year. He has dirty-blonde hair that he keeps short since his hair is prone to become messy, however, its length still does not prevent it into becoming a mess. He is a fairly handsome young man with a boyish charm.

7.) Personality: Smart, caring, and sweet, he's a wonderful guy to be around. He isn't one bit arrogant about his position, in fact, at times; he forgets someday he'll have to rule. His self-esteem can be shaky at times, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. His intelligence has won him respect within the council and with his peers. Spending most of his time outside and exploring new information, he is usually busy. Though, he still finds time to be with his family; always making sure he sees his mother and sister Daena when he has time. Humble, handsome, and responsible, there's no wonder why Bry deserves to be heir.

8.) Brief history: Bry, being the first child and ultimately the heir, was indulged little, to keep from having a spoiled brat as an heir. His life has been ordinary so far, with nothing particularly odd or amazing. He was chosen at an older than average age, scaring himself into believing he wouldn't be chosen at all.

9.) Mother: Civen, 38, queen

10.) Father: Thao, 40, prince-consort

11.) Siblings: sister, Rhiannon 17; sister, Daena 14; brother, Taen 12; sister, Ceriyen 9

12.) Other significant relatives: cousin, Faye 17

13.) Romantic interests: Trainee Dailiah has managed to capture the young heir's heart, but please don't tell him it's probably just puppy love. Though, Dailiah is only a year older than him, he feels inferior to her.

15.) NPC's: Ieriden, Companion


1.) Gifts and strengths of Gifts: fairly average MindSpeech and average fetching

2.) Reasons why you deserve to be a Herald: Bry is heir but also would make a wonderful Herald with his sweet personality and intelligence.

3.) Can your character be spared from their family to become a Herald? Bry, having a long time before he becomes king, is on his way to finish his Heraldic training.