Autumn Snow

Queen's Own with Grove-stallion Augulas


1.) Name- Lady Autumn Snow
2.) Gender and orientation- Female, likes males
3.) Species- Human
4.) Age- 32
5.) Rank- Queen’s Own, Herald
6.) Physical appearance- Autumn has long dark hair that she wears back in a severe braid, which falls to her knees. Cool gray eyes watch everything without seeming to focus on anyone person at any time. Autumn is tall, and thin, like a sword, long, lean and hard. Her face is a touch too long for beauty and her nose is long to match her face, her lips are thin, and she often compresses them so that she appears to have no lips. She is pale, almost white, by nature She seems cold, and her face is often a mask, her eyes unreflecting of her personality. She wears a single style, no matter where she is-tight, white breeches, a loose white shirt under a tight vest and an odd robe. This robe is odd because of the style, it is a single piece down the back, but there is two slits from the shoulder down for her arms and the front it simply two separate panels that fall to her knees. This cloak is held in place by a gold chain that was fastened to the two panels by beautiful wolf heads and a third one held the two ends of the chains together. She always wears riding boots, and never any color but white, save for the gold chain on her robes and a gold ring on her right hand.
7.) Personality- Autumn has been called an ice-hearted b*tch, but that is because she doesn't show her emotions easily. It is not a thing encouraged among her people. She is open to a few people, especially to her Companion, and she is learning to be open to the Queen. She is passionate beneath her cold exterior, very passionate. She is like ice-incased fire, and this fire draws people to her like moths to a flame, but many are repelled by the ice without.
    Autumn is new to being Queen’s Own, she is still feeling her way through handling her Queen in this new position. She never wants to be thought of as rude.
8.) Brief history- Autumn is the bastard daughter of the Lord of Icefall, the northern most Lord’s Holding in Valdemar. It is a custom there that all bastards bear the surname Snow. Autumn’s mother is unknown; Robert brought Autumn to the keep when Autumn was a baby. She was trained as a true daughter and was even allowed to learn to fight. She was twelve when she received her first Companion; a young male named Malachi. With Malachi, Autumn earned her Whites and started on circuit. When she was 30, the old Queen’s Own died and she was chosen by Augulas. She has been Queen’s Own for about a year and a half, and is already displaying the signs of being one of the better Queen’s Own.
9.) Mother- Her mother’s information is not known
10.) Father- Robert Stark, 37, Lord of Icefall, Lord; Robert is a caring man; he has two bastard children whom he recognizes, from the follies of his youth. He has a hardened ice exterior, as all of Icefall have.; Robert loves his bastard daughter dearly, and is proud of what she is.
11.) Half-Siblings- 1. Michale Stark, 36, male, Heir of Icefall, heir- future Lord; Like his sister, Michale is passionate but cold; Michale is fond of his little sister, but is something of an *** when he was younger. 2. Sabra Snow, 37, female, Member of the Black Guards, Black Guard, Sabra is cold all through, a skilled fighter, but cold inside, she feels little. Sabra has always been indifferent to her younger half-sister, she neither hates her or loves her.
12.) Other significant relatives- Naomi Stark, deceased, female, Lady of Icefall, Lady, Gentle, warm and caring. Naomi died two years after her marriage to Lord Stark, bearing his Heir. Lord Stark never remarried.
13.) Children- Larak Snow, 6, Larak is Autumn’s son, a bright boy who is smart, and already showing signs of his mother’s Gifts.
14.) Romantic interests- Only Larak’s father, unknown man, no contact after conception
15.) Friends- Lark- a 32-year-old Herald, one of Autumn’s yearmates, the first who broke through the ice to find the girl within and the passionate fires that burned in secret. She is Autumn’s closest friend, who knows all of Autumn’s secrets, she may even know who Larak’s father is. Married to Tomas (lifebond)
    Tomas-35-year-old Healer, was in many of the same classes as the younger Autumn and Lark, married to Lark (lifebond)
    Ohala-Lord of Southrun, was a Blue in Autumn’s year, good friend, may have been a lover. 31-years-old, Father died suddenly last year, depends on Autumn and his other two friends to help him.
16. Pets- Autumn has no pets but Larak has a puppy name Malachi.
17. NPC's- Lark, Herald; Tomas, Healer; Ohala-Lord of Southrun, former Blue


1.) Gifts- Mindspeaker, her strength is enough to reach half of Valdemar, with her Companion, she can reach all over Valdemar and can use relays to go beyond the borders. She also has very faint empathy; it is attuned to the Royal Family especially, and to the Heralds in greatest emotional stress. It is not strong enough to be used in much save the reading of emotions.
2.) Reasons why you deserve to be a Herald- I feel that I deserve to be a Herald because I have always enjoyed the Valdemar series and I seek to do good where ever I can. Doing the RPGs is a focus for my imagination and creativity when I’m stuck on a book, but it also a chance for me to do more than I can in real life.
3.) Can your character be spared from their family to become a Herald? Yes, Autumn can be spared; she is the youngest daughter of a lord and a bastard besides.


1.) Name- Augulas
2.) Gender- Grove-born Male
3.) Age- adult
4.) Personality- Augulas is wise and kind, but he also loves to play jokes on his serious, young Chosen. Augulas is a trying person for Autumn, but she bears up, and has not laughed aloud in court, yet, for all that, Augulas has been trying to make her laugh.
5.) Children- Augulas has many children; he is the premier stallion of the Companion herd.


