I'm tired of running, I'm just trying to be me"
~Max Choices 11

Welcome to the realm of fanfiction created entirely by Mystic25 (aka: me) This entire collection is a series I started two years ago. I am very happy with how far it's progressed. And also of this new look for the site, think it feels more complete now.

CONTENT: This series centers around a AU world of Max and Logan together.
So this is a WARNING to anyone who is a Max/ Alec, Max/Zack, Max/Sketchy, or if it floats your boat Max/Normal. The series deals with a relationship between Max and Logan, going the same way as the writers on the show were headed, with a bit of tweaking by me. If you aren't comfortable by this, do not read these, as I am not going to take anyone complaining about it later.

DISCLAIMER:The characters and setting of "Dark Angel" are the property of James Cameron, Charles Eglee, Fox Broadcast Company and Cameron/Eglee Productions. None of the aforementioned elements are being used for personal profit in any way.

DISCLAIMER #2: Any new characters created in these fics that were not seen or mentioned on "Dark Angel" while it was broadcasted are the sole property of me, Mystic25.These characters should not be used without my permission. Anyone wishing to use my characters, email me and explain the situation, and I will get back to you.

Any comments, asking, groveling, ideas send it to me at: YELLOWRUBBERDUCK31@HOTMAIL.COM This is not a direct link to my addy. Write it down, or cut and paste the addy into your email server. I will not tolerate anyone abusing my email by spaming me or sending me anything else uncalled for. If you do it, I will block you from my account.

DEDICATIONS: I want to take this time to say thank you to everyone who has helped me with this fic with comments, reviews, suggestions. Northern Star: thanks soo much girl for all your reviews and suggestions, and countless hits on TBW BR, you rock girl, thanks for everything. The Broken Word: for all the great times and ideas I got off you.

Eyes<-><->Only for supplying the images seen throughout the front page.

and to all the others, thanks. This series couldn't have made it without you.

This page was last updated:

(this is an old banner, but I like the way it looks)

After a night with Logan Max is pregnant. How do they deal with it?
Rating: PG

Choices-02 "Without Consent"
The strength of Max and Logan is tested when Logan's ex kidnapps their son
Rating: PG

Choices-03 "Senses"
When a number of women turn up dead in Seattle Max and Logan go undercover to learn why. And when they do Max must keep herself from suffering the same fate
Rating: PG

Choices-04 "It's a Woman Thang"
Max's baby shower has a few unexpected surprises
Rating: PG13

Choices-05 "Beautiful Life"
The birth of Max and Logan's second child is hindered when a milita takes the hospital hostage
Rating: PG13

Choices 06-"Once Upon a Time"
Logan and Max attend another wedding, and a fairy tale gives Max the chance to explain some things to her small son
Rating: PG

Choices-07 "Family Affair"
Max and her siblings meet up for a day whose circumstances become dangerously unpredictable
Rating: PG13

Choices-08 "Mama's In Heat"
Max's heat cycle comes around again
Rating: R (you can figure it out)

Choices-09 "White Out"
Before it was Val who took their child, this time it's much worse. Now it's a race against time to save Max, Tinga and their kids before they find out how much worse it gets
Rating: PG13

Choices-10 "Mirando a Mi Madre" (Looking at My Mother)
Max has always wondered what happened to her mother after that night. And now that she has become a mother herself, she is about to find out
Rating: PG

Choices-11 "It's in the Genes"
A shooting in Southside Market lands Max in the hospital where the Cales learn the full extent of their son's advanced ability, and they aren't the only ones who find out
Rating: PG13

Choices-12 "Iridescence"
Lucia's visit with Max resurfaces her memories of Ben's death, and Asha drops a pontential bombshell on Zack
Rating: PG14

Choices-13 "Borrowed Time"
With Washington State going into total lockdown the X5's living there leave for San Francisco. But the vacation quickly turns ugly when they must save Max and Logan's daughter from an unspeakable fate
Rating: PG13

Choices 14-"DL in D.C."
A new street drug hits America with trade ties all the way to D.C. and Eyes Only is enlisted to find out how deep the chords run
Rating: PG13

Choices 15-"Deep Woods Scrabble"
Zack asks Max to join him on a "skills" retreat. But 12 hours in the Washington woods draws out longer then they expected
Rating: PG14

Choices-16 "The Lemons You Presented Me"
Something happened to Max and Zack eleven years ago at Manticore. Something they tried to forget, but now its about to be reborn into something they never expected
Rating: PG13

Choices 17-"Come Back and Slap You Like the Bitch That You Are
Max's exboyfriend Darren comes back to Seatlle wanting, something, apparently he didn't learn the first time
Rating: PG

Choices 18-"Stronger"
Three years ago Sage needed them in Cape Haven. Now recent events call Max and Logan back to the creepy town where the past never seems to stay burried
Rating: PG14

Choices-19 "Twenty-Four"
A run-in with White leaves Zack with twenty-four hours to prevent his own death. Ready. Set. Go
Rating: PG13

Hope my writing was enjoyable. I will post the next chapter upon it's completion. Thanks for visiting my site.

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