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Hi friends! This site is undergoing significant changes, starting just quite recently because I just have had the time to do so. Thanks for coming and your patience. God bless you! :)

The poem on the right was originally entitled He Shall Come whose author is unknown. It was taken from Rev. Clarence Larkin's celebrated book Dispensational Truth, published by himself in 1920 in Philadelphia, Pa. This poem is lovingly dedicated to Sis. Naty, Sis. Placida, Sis. Enyang, Sis. Theresa, Sis. Mercy, Sis. Charity Grace and Sis. Charmaine Campaner and Sis. Nicole and to all of my friends!!! :)

Please feel free to email me as often as you likeif you have any prayer requests, comments, suggestions or any other stuff at any of my previous emails, and I'd be more than be glad to get back to you through this site or any means you may prefer. Thanks and wishing you all God's blessings!!! :) Also, please don't hesitate to talk to me or text me anytime. I'm closer than you think! Watch out for my NEW website designed especially for all my friends! (I have finally deleted the Wired News Section because I just noticed that it's contents are somewhat offensive to this Christian site. Also, I do not personally advocate the ads popping on this site; they don't necessarily reflect my personal views. )

Hi! To know more about my current whereabouts, just visit the following sites/companies I have worked with for the last four years:

Thanks for the DaySpring e-Card!


"Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God."
(I Corinthians 2:9-10 KJV)

"I will do the very thing that you have asked; for you have found favor in my sight, and I know you by name," declares the Lord.
(Exodus 33:17)


"If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you," declares the Lord.
(John 15:7 KJV)


"I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life," declares the Lord.
(John 8:12)


"I have engraved you on the palms of my hands," declares the Lord.
(Isaiah 49:16)

Hey, go here and we both get free ipod nano!!!

Principle of Charity:

If the language of an argument is open to several different interpretations, select the interpretation that makes the argument most cogent. If there are some obvious unstated premises, fill them in. In short, follow the principle of charity when analyzing arguments: Interpret opposing arguments as generously, as charitably, as is possible. By always giving the benefit of the doubt to whatever arguments, theories, or positions you are considering, you will have to think a good deal harder, but you will also think more carefully and be more open to promising new ideas.

--Bruce N. Waller, Critical Thinking: Consider the Verdict, 3rd Ed. p.246

What is Grace?

When we learn about grace we learn what life is all about. We learn about who we are. But more importantly we learn about who God is, what the gospel is and our relationship with Him.

We enter into a dimension of life we never dreamed possible. Nothing is changed and yet everything is changed.

Grace is not just getting what you don't deserve. Grace is getting the opposite of what you deserve.

Grace is not just another doctrine. Grace is the way God relates to us.

Grace is the gospel as the bible says (Acts 20:24).

1. Grace is knowing that there is no more guilt, condemnation and punishment (Rom, 8:2).

2. Grace is knowing that God loves me and accepts me just the way I am not because of what I do, but because of the cross (Rom. 5:5-8).

3. Grace is knowing that Satan was defeated at the cross and has no power over me and the only weapon he has is the lie. (Col. 2:15).

4. Grace is knowing that because I died to the law and have been released from it (Rom. 7:4,6), I don't have to live up to anyone's standards.

5. Grace is knowing that I am not under law but under grace (Rom. 6:14) and that Christ is the end of the law (Rom. 10:4), it is not up to me to live the Christian life, but to trust Christ in me to do it (Gal. 2:20).

6. Grace is knowing that there is nothing I can do to make God love me more and nothing I could do to make him love me less (Rom. 8:39).

7. Grace is knowing that Jesus said that all who come to Him will find that the Christian life is easy and their burden is light (Matt. 11:28-30).

8. Grace is knowing that it is not up to me to do or die or strive and strain, but to believe that He will do it all for me (1 Thess. 5:24).

9. Grace is knowing that my sin and failure cannot overcome the grace of God (contrary to popular belief) (Rom. 5:20,21).

10. Grace is knowing that no matter what I do or how I mess up, God is going to love me through all eternity (Rom. 11:6; 1 John 3:1; 1 John 4:6).

11. Grace is knowing that I have all I need because Christ is in me and I am in Him and He is in the Father (John 14:20).

12. Grace is knowing that freedom is my birthright as a child of God and not something I have to attain (Gal. 5:1; John 8:32,36).

13. Grace is knowing that I am dead to sin and alive to God because of what God has done and nothing that I do (Rom. 6:4-7).

14. Grace is knowing that I am righteous because God has placed me in Christ and not because of anything I do (I Cor. 1:30; 2 Cor. 5:21).

15. Grace is knowing that I have died to the world, it's customs, ways, values and people's demands and expectations of me (Gal. 6:13).

16. Grace is knowing that the important thing is not what I do or don't do, but faith in what God has done and who I am in Christ (Gal. 6:5,14).

17. Grace is knowing that I am secure in Christ, that I do not have to fear any person and that He will never leave me or forsake me (Heb. 13:5,6).

18. Grace is knowing that Christ is my life; that my life is hidden in Him and I have everything I need for life and godliness (Col. 3:3,4; 2 Pet. 1:3).

19. Grace is knowing that victory is not something to work for, but it has already been given to me (1 Cor. 15:56; Eph.2:6; Eph 1:19-21).

We have just waded into the vast, limitless ocean of God's grace. The list is endless and we will spend the rest of eternity adding to our list.

How to Cope with Info-Explo

Permit me an analogy. The information that an utterance conveys (its explicature) is analogous to an explosion. Probably each of us has seen a film, whether of actual events or fictional ones, in which a rocket hits a munitions dump or fuel depot, triggering an explosion vastly larger than what the rocket's payload would cause. Well, that's how communication works, even normal everyday communication. The small amount of information conveyed by the utterance can ignite a huge amount of inference. Fueled by the context, it produces an interpretation that lights the night sky!

The Code Model-Sender Message Receiverlegacy has led translators to attempt to pack an explosive charge sufficient for a huge explosion into the rocket. But there are limits, limits to what will fit, limits to how much the rocket can carry to the target.

Relevance Theory, on the other hand, suggests that we ship some of the explosive material to the target. That way all we have to do is hit the target with a small rocket-borne charge, pretty much as the original text did for the original reader.

--David J. Weber, A Tale of Two Translation Theories. Journal of Translation, Volume 1, Number 2 (2005).

Ayala Avenue Bus Accident! (March 13, 2006)

This site is dedicated to Mama Rachel!

Mama Rachel toying with her Great Idea (above)

(James 1:27)

NA, Jowen, & Lizbeth

"And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear."
Declares the Lord

Isaiah 65:24

The True Miss Universe 2007

Miss Rachel Smith
(Miss USA 2007)

Psalms 23

Just fix your eyes unto Jesus!

You too can walk on water!

(Matthew 14:22-33)

Delight thyself also in the LORD:

and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

Psalms 37:4


...Jen Jen...

Isaiah 58:14

"What I say unto you I say unto all, Watch. At even, or at midnight, or at the cock-crowing."

It may be in the evening,
When the work of the day is done,
And you have time to sit in the twilight,
And to watch the sinking sun;
While the long bright day dies slowly
Over the sea,
And the hour grows quiet and holy
With thoughts of Me;
While you hear the village children
Passing along the street,
Among these thronging footsteps
May come the sound of My feet;
Therefore I tell you, watch!
By the light of the evening star,
When the room is growing dusky
As the clouds afar;
Let the door be on the latch
In your home,
For it may be through the gloaming,
I will come.

It may be in the midnight
When ?tis heavy upon the land,
And the black waves lying dumbly
Along the sand;
When the moonless night draws close
And the lights are out in the house,
When the fires burn low and red,
And the watch is ticking loudly
Beside the bed;
Though you sleep tired on your couch,
Still your heart must wake and watch
In the dark room;
For it may be that at midnight
I will come.

It may be at the cock-crow,
When the night is dying slowly
In the sky,
And the sea looks calm and holy,
Waiting for the dawn of the golden sun
Which draweth nigh;
When the mists are on the valleys, shading,
The rivers chill,
And my morning star is fading, fading
Over the hill;
Behold, I say unto you, watch!
Let the door be on the latch
In your home,
In the chill before dawning,
Between the night and morning,
I may come.

It may be in the morning
When the sun is bright and strong,
And the dew is glittering sharply
Over the little lawn,
When the waves are laughing loudly
Along the shore,
And the little birds are singing sweetly
About the door;
With the long day?s work before you
You are up with the sun,
And the neighbors come to talk a little
Of all that must be done;
But, remember, that I may be the next
To come in at the door,
To call you from your busy work,
For evermore.
As you work, your heart must watch,
For the door is on the latch
In your room,
And it may be in the morning
I will come.

So I am watching quietly
Every day,
Whenever the sun shines brightly
I rise and say,
Surely it is the shining of His face,
And look unto the gate of His high place
Beyond the sea,
For I know He is coming shortly
To summon me;
And when a shadow falls across the window
Of my room,
Where I am working my appointed task,
I lift my head to watch the door and ask
If He is come!
And the Spirit answers softly
In my home,
Only a few more shadows,
And He will come.

Quizzer #1

A CSR was complaining to her sister who was a detective, that she had been fired without reason: “My supervisor warned me that I was too talkative and would be fired if I asked unnecessary questions during phone conversations. But after I heard a very business like conversation, he fired me. I feel like murdering him.”
She repeated the conversation word for word. The detective said, “I can’t intervene with your employer, since he was right. Better forget about killing him.”
The precise conversation was as follows:
CSR: Good morning. What can I do for you today sir?
Caller: This is Mr. Brontin. Please connect me with Mr. Hottencold.
CSR: What name? Please spell it.
Caller: Brontin. B as in brother; R for rhinoceros; O for osculation. N—
CSR: What’s that? O for what?
Caller: O for osculation; N for nitwit; T for terrible; I for idiot; N for nagger
CSR: Thank you Mr. Brontin. Here’s Mr. Hottencold.
Exactly what excess words did the CSR use that caused her to be fired?

Quizzer #2

Which burns faster? A white candle? or a black candle? Why?
Send in your answer and receive a life-changing GIFT at your doorstep!!

Choose Your Lot

In John 14:2-3 we read, "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."

The Bible says that each believer will be rewarded according to what good deeds he performed here on earth. I thought I'd speculated on what type of abode many Christians might find when they walk up to their heavenly mansion.

The Super Saint Mansion: This is the home of those rare folks who totally commit themselves to the task of advancing the Kingdom of God.

The Widow's Mite Mansion: Jesus' example of the poor widow out-giving wealthy men proved that it may not be so obvious who will be greatly blessed with riches in Heaven.

The God Fearing Mansion: The Bible repeatedly declares to us that God will, someday, pointedly ask each of us to give an account of the good deeds we've accomplished in our life on earth. This type of mansion is for people that wisely acted on God's warning.

The Average Christian Mansion: In heaven, even the average believer will enjoy living quarters that will be elegant by earthly standards.

The Struggling Believer Mansion: This home is for people who made it into heaven by the skin of their teeth. It's far better to live as a pauper in heaven,than to face the alternative.

The Spiritually Immature Mansion: Many Christians fail to fully mature in their faith. Because these folks cling to juvenile ways, a play house would be a fitting home for them.

The Wood, Hay and Stubble Mansion: This is the dwelling place for those individuals Who did everything in life for their own glory. Many high-minded preachers would easily fit into this category.

The Pew Warmer Mansion: One of the saddest groups of people in heaven will be those who never did anything beyond going to church every Sunday. They had the knowledge of the truth, but they never did anything with it.

The Quitter Mansion: This is a home that will never be lived in because the person slated for this lot was a believer in name only. Angels began to build him a mansion, but they stopped work when it was clear the client had no intention of fulfilling his commitment.




Tells you what to do.Exhorts you to believe God & His Word.
Focuses on traditions and customs and creeds.Focuses on the person and the work of Christ.
Forces you to conform to accepted practices.Allows diversity in practices.
Emphasis on rules, regulations.Emphasizes relationships and requirements with God and people.
Centers on principles and concepts.Centers on the person of Christ.

Directs you to do what you should be doing.

Directs you to what God has done and His resources.
Points you to a cause, a group, or an organization (church)Points you to Christ.
Majors on theology and doctrine.Majors on people and ministering to their needs.

Seeks to control you.

Results in alienation.

Seeks to release you to enjoy God. Results in love.
Stresses what you are doing wrong.Stresses who you are in Christ.
Comes across as judgmental and discouraging.Comes across as accepting and encouraging.
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