Should Have

SUMMARY: They should have been split up a long time ago
AUTHOR'S NOTES: I’m just going to say that this turned out completely different to what I started to write!

I should have split them up a long time ago. I saw the sparks between them when they first met. It would have been hard to miss them and I may be old but I’m not blind.

But to start with, I needed them together. I knew that, but I made sure I kept an eye on them. I saw them together and apart, but I still didn’t split them up. There was a reason for this at the time. They were working for me, and keeping them together was to my advantage. But then things changed; they always do. And then I knew that I’d have to split them up.

I’ve done it before. It’s something you have to get used to in a job like this. I’ve had to split up couples and families before now; they shouldn’t have been any different. Yet somehow they were..

I’ve actually tried to split them up. A couple of times actually. The attempts failed however. Someone higher up obviously has something in mind for Jack O’Neill and Samantha Carter. Someone higher than me won’t let me split them up, and I don’t really understand why those two specifically must remain together. They’re obviously pawns in a larger game and there appears to be nothing I can do but play along. There are too many variables in this game, which foil me at every turn and every corner. Every time I try to split them up, something comes along, like the Tok’ra. They’re just too damn important. I’m not sure to whom though. I have some suspicions, but I can’t voice them.

But I can wait. And then my time will come. I’ll split them up soon. I have to really.

I’m Death.

It’s my job.

