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Last Update: 10/25/01


With 100,000 people losing their jobs here in NYC on that tragic day of September 11th, an economic shockwave has been felt by everyone. Avodah Publishing's main benefactors were unfortunately forced to back out of their pledge to invest in our initial publication. Unless or until we find an alternate investment source, Avodah Publishing cannot go forward with it's plans to alter the Judaic Fiction world as we know it. But fear not, fans of fiction. For if the L-rd wills it, it shall be done! :)

Sooner or later all manuscripts received will be reviewed, G-d willing. But due to postal concerns, all future submissions will be accepted only in email format until the perpetrators of the Anthrax Scare are brought to justice.

At this point, we can't make any promises. But a feeling of hope is still within us. May the L-rd grant us all true and everlasting peace in this world and the next.