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Captain Dylan Hunt

Dylan Hunt had it all. Fiancee, Sarah, a High Guard ship of the line to command and the Commonwealth to stand up for.

Things were looking up until during a Nietzchean-Commonwealth battle, Captain Hunt was betrayed by his Nietzchean friend and first officer. Andromeda Ascendent was badly damaged in the battle and helplessly drifted towards a black hole.

Giving the order to evacuate the ship, the crew fled and Dylan stayed behind, becoming frozen in time due to the singularity. 300 years later, Dylan was unfrozen by the scavenger ship the Eureka Mauru.

Finding out that the Commonwealth had fallen and everything he knew was now gone, Dylan made it a personal quest to restore the Commonwealth with his new found, albeit rag-tag crew and ship-persona Andromeda.

Dylan is your typical fearless leader type. He feels responsible for everyone and everything. He will always try and negotiate before using force in battle and other situations.

Dylan misses his old crew on Andromeda and in many ways still hasn't gotten over Rhade's betrayel. However he maintains his heroic facade and everyone respects him - even Tyr.


Acting 1st Officer Beka Valentine

Beka Valentine was living her life from moment to moment, salvaging whatever she could find, looking for that 'big score' as Dylan put it.

Beka's main objective was to pay off her late father's debts. She joined Dylan on his quest to try to lead a more worthwhile life, and do something that mattered. As she said in An Affirming Flame - "What the hell,it beats doing salvage runs."

She also had a brother with whom she doesn't contact much due to his untrustworhty nature.

Being Dylan's first officer has it's perks but on occassion she clashes with Dylan about priorities. Beka's first loyalty is to her crew.

Beka has had a hard life like many of Andromeda'a crew but much like Dylan and Harper she stashes her anger away letting it emerge in sudden outburst - see It Makes A Lovely Light. Her issues are her own and she doesn't like discussing them.

Beka's past hasn't been fully addressed yet but from the glimpses we've seen we can understand that how Beka became the hard-ass we see today.


Seamus Zelazny Harper

Harper grew up on Earth during which time it was attacked by the Nieztchians and the Magog. He was traumatised having had to watch his family be used as Magog ‘incubators' for the aliens eggs. Not pleasant. He left Earth and his remaining family (including his cousin, Brendan) to escape the hell-hole it had become.

Harper joined Beka Valentine on the Eureka Mauru as an engineer and general handy man. On the salvage ship he met up with Trance and Rev Bem, a reformed Magog.

Harper suppressed his anger about his past and now it only emerges occasionally as his dark side (Fear and Loathing in the Milky Way, for example).

Harper joined Captain Dylan Hunt because, and I quote ‘Showers in every room! And real coffee!'. Heh heh. Well, the main reasons Harper stays with Andromeda is that all his friends are there and he has a crush on Rommie. Go figure.

Harper is now the wise-cracking, take-life-as-it-comes engineer onboard the Andromeda Ascendant.

He is extremely loyal to his friends who are really his adopted family. Harper has even formed a father-son type bond with Tyr.

Even though Beka is very protective of him and Trance, Harper can hold his own and is a valuable asset in combat situations - even if it is to keep the team amused.


Tyr Anasazi

Tyr is a Nietzchean, making his prime goal survival. Nietzcheans belong to clans or colonies, the males competing for a mate to spread their genes. Tyr's colony, Kodiak Pride was destroyed in a clan war. When Dylan first encountered him he was a mercenary, trying to gain respect and prove his genetic worth.

Tyr decided to join Dylan. Why? We really don't know. Beka says that he's 'always planning something' but the truth is Tyr likes to remain a little bit of a mystery man.

Tyr managed to form a father-son type bond with Harper. Tyr is at the time in a Nietcheans life where they would be having a child. Since Tyr had no opportunity's at this (But what will season two bring?) Harper became the closet thing to it. Tyr is protective of Harper and cares about him - though he chooses not to show it.

Tyr once went undercover to infiltrate a Nietzchean colony and he was paired up with a prime mate (no, not a primate). When Tyr left, having destroyed the Nietzchean clans home and reputation, the woman was given the choice to kill the baby or carry it. We never found out what she chose...


Reverend Bem

Rev Bem converted to Wayism thanks to his mentor. He still feels incredible guilt for the terrible crimes he committed before his transformation and even for the woman he killed when he was born - but Rev is always there to guide the crew of Andromeda.

If Rev had gotten the money from salvaging the Andromeda he would have built a hospital on the planet where he was born to gain redemption for the things he did.


Trance Gemini

Trance Gemini remains a mystery to the crew of Andromeda and to the audience of Andromeda. Hints have been given about her origins throughout the episodes.

From premonitions to lucky guesses, Trance isn't letting on. Perhaps she keeps herslef to herself because the truth could endanger her friends.

Trance has been descibed a 'An enigma. Wrapped up in a riddle with a tail in the middle'. Trance has a bubbly personality, always trying to do the right thing and generally being innocent, but when her real identity and past are questioned she becomes defensive and sometimes threatening.

Trance decided to join Dylan on Andromeda because 'Sounds kinda fun."



Andromeda is the living pesona of the starship of the same name. She can appear on monitors or as a hologram and also in physical form, thanks to Harper, who engineered a real body for her.

There is an issue surrounding Andromeda about her split personality aspect. She has a physical body, a holgram version of herslef and last of all an image that is shown on the screens around the ship.

Andromeda was with Dylan since the beginning and her loyalty remains to him.