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May 2006 - Bangalore

Karnataka, India

Updated: June 8th, 2006

        Day 1         Just arriving and starting the load in

        Day 2         In JT's words, "Well, today was a bust." He ended up sleeping the day away. Ah... jetlag.

        Day 3         Food and work. There may or may not be many more photos for the next few days. They were already hit with one huge storm as rains arrived early. This is a VERY image heavy page, so it may be slow to load, depending upon your connection.

        Day 4         Typical workday. Mostly shots of the equipment and event site.

        Day 5         No photos - the camera was left in the hotel room all day, poor thing.

        Day 6         No photos

        Day 7         No photos

        Day 8         Equipment shots and a stormy sky. He couldn't get the lightning shots he was trying for.

        Day 9         No photos

        Day 10       More shots of the equipment and some beautiful birds.

        Day 11       Storm eagles

        Day 12       Scenes around Bangalore - palaces, shrines, the library and the park

        Day 13       Last full day in Bangalore - so that means geocaching!

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