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Ricky, All talk no show
Tai-Kwan-Do boy has a lisp
3-D Room
No loyalty at all
Ricky and Josh updates
Ass holes
Teachers dont care
Teachers aren't teaching
Perverted class
Freeloading teachers
Makin' the school fancy
Prison school
dumb demerits
Welcome to Dark Blades Heavy metal
As a recently formed page that has many different offensive subjects I am going to proceed on asking every single person that has been granted acces to this page to not be telling any form of organism the existance of his web-page without proper notification from the presenter, the number of owners is never ending a large amount might be brought in every solem day, if word in fact does get out of any specific person giving the location of this page the will be notified and cesied, you will infact be punished, and while the punishment is un-speakable you can be shure if we find out you will know.
In later news the owners of this page if in existance welcome you to they're page, you will not speak of they command of me the hidden links through out the page, they're are a variety that exist only for protective purposes that should not be featured to the public.
Rodney is his name, most evryone knows who he is, he is also known as boy of a thousand brags, due to his never ending bragging spree on how he, is the best, we all know he means well, always for attension, no matter how many lies he uses of friends, he is most popular for his name Tai-Kwan-Do boy but while talking to him have you ever noticed his lisp, don't forget to check up on this in the amazing article "Tai-Kwan-do boy has a lisp"
As enrichment classes continue, so do the so called harmless fights between two friends, Ricky, the oldest, and josh, the youngest hit it off outside the bandroom every day, learn more about this topic in the article, "Ricky, all talk no show?"
You know them, you hate them yes I am talking about the two 3-D Room teachers, one is mean like a guy and the other is nice like a real woman, is there behavior due to... find out what it is in the article, "what the 3-D teachers do"
well that is all that I have been granted to give you info on by the elders of unknown existance but that's not all there is to read, check out the amazing stories we have to offer.
The web page you are viewing doesn't change on a dateline due to lack of news at certaint
the news may end but,
heavy metal doesn't
just like metalica, the news will return
soon a heavy metal juke box will be coming, it is pretty simple to use but pretty hard to make i'll have to type in the same code with different writing about 256 times, and sadly a little bit of country might be included, and some other stupid {pg-13}
This new jukebox coming soon will be a link, and of corse it is marked Juke Box.
what kind of stupid {pg-13}{pg-13} doesn't know that.
That will have to be the conclusion of the Marquee news update
Music Status
TRACK :Scissors
ALBUM :742617000027
A Really good game is here, but step back kids only 18 and older can play


For codes, and passwords to the above game

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