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Title: Ripe

Classification: MSR, UST, Angst, Mulder POV

Rating: R

Spoilers: none really

Summary: Mulder lets his imagination get the better of him while watching Scully from across the office.

Feedback: Yes please. I'm begging for feedback at

Disclaimer: Chris Carter and 1013 Productions would never allow Mulder and Scully do the things I have them do... Not mine, never were.



By xenoprobe

You're doing it again, Scully. I wish I could tell you to stop but then you'd know what you are doing to me. The way you silently worry your lips, your teeth grazing over them lightly then your tongue, God Scully, your tongue darts out to sooth them. I've watched this a million times. You don't even seem to realize what you're doing, a subconscious action while you perform the mundane ritual of report writing. It drives me crazy watching you so relaxed and unaware.

I lost count six years ago just how many times I've caught myself the voyeur of your little habits. You smooth your jacket down by tugging at the hem, pulling the fabric tight over your breasts. You rub at the crook in your neck and roll your head from side to side after long hours of driving. I watch this and imagine me kissing the soft skin there, working your sore shoulders with my hands and listening to you moan with relief. You close your eyes at those times, Scully, trying to work out the knots-I wish you'd let me do it for you. I lose myself in these thoughts sometimes only to be shaken by your voice, pulling me out of the daydream.

You think I'm bored or not paying attention but really, Scully I'm lost from paying too much attention. Sometimes, when you're doing an autopsy, you shift from side to side, lifting your tiny feet from the ground seeking temporary relief from the weight of a long day's hard work. You'd accuse me of having some bizarre fetish if you only knew how many times I'd envisioned me lifting you off the floor and onto the cold steel of an autopsy bay table, kissing you madly, demanding your feelings be returned. You'd slap me Scully, I'm sure you would if I ever confessed this.

And you doing that thing again. Your lips are plump from you gnawing at them. They're rosy and glossed from the saliva you've brushed them with. I have to shift in my seat, feeling the rush of blood leaving my brain and flooding to the erection I tried so hard not to get. It's painful, sitting across the office seeing the glow of the computer screen reflected in your glasses, knowing that I can't touch you-shouldn't even be thinking this about you.

I respect you. I really do Scully. No one works as hard, is as devoted, is as strong as you are. You are a far better person than I am, far more deserving of a full life. I think sometimes you'd be happier working in a different department, having a real life with the possibility of a husband, house and kids. I am selfish though. I want you here, with me, with me always Scully- would you do that? What would you do if I asked, if I told you how I feel and begged you to be with me always?

You're looking at me now, smiling intimately as if you could hear my thoughts. I know you'd laugh if I told you that you're psychic but I'd swear you can hear me even when I'm silent. I want so badly to just push my chair back, walk over there and shove the stack of papers that obstructs my view of your chest aside and plant a kiss on those swollen lips that would kill us both. I can imagine how it would feel, soft, urgent, calming and exciting all at once. I want to feel the pressure of your mouth returning my kiss, to feel your tongue against my own, searching each other.

I have to stop this. I am hard as granite, hiding behind this desk. I must be thirty shades of red, like all the colours in your hair are staining my cheeks in embarrassment. If only I could feel your soft hair bushed over my face- you leaning into a passionate kiss while you ride me in the throws of our lovemaking. Sweet Jesus, I've gotta stop this!

"Mulder are you alright?"

"Yeah Scully, I'm fine." You know. I know you know what I'm thinking over here. Indecent thoughts about my partner. I should feel shame-but I don't. I don't Scully 'cause I love you. I really, really do. "How's the report going?" How would you like to come over here and see what I've been working on?

"I'm almost done." Oh Scully, don't- just don't do the lip thing again. You've moved the stack of papers aside now and I can see the slightest bit of black lace in the opening of your blouse. A black bra. Scully's wearing a black bra and her nipples are- Christ I'm gonna come if I don't get out of here. "What are you working on Mulder, more paper airplanes?" No Scully, I'm working on a raging hard-on brought about by your hungry teeth chewing at your perfect lips, your God-damned perfect lips Scully- and I've been fantasizing how they'd feel on me, kissing me back, sucking me and whispering things I only dream of Scully. Things you'd never say. Care to help me out, partner?

"I'm done. I just need to go to the bathroom and we can close up the shop." I pull my suit jacket down into my lap before standing. Am I crazy or did I just see you checking me out? Did those beautiful blue eyes just trail down and up and then down again Scully?

"Mulder?" I was almost out, with my hand on the doorknob. Please don't make me embarrass myself Scully.


"Wanna come over for Chinese?" Do I? Do I? Yes Scully, and would you mind terribly if I laid you down on your livingroom carpet and fucked you within an inch of our pathetic lives?

"Sure, that sounds good. I think I'll go home first- get changed, have a shower." A freezing one.

"Ok. Well I guess I'll see you at my place then..." A wink. You winked at me. I've gotta get out of here.

"See ya."


The door is shut. Finally the door separates us. I thought I was going to die, watching him watching me. Did I do that to him? He thinks he can hide an erection like his behind an Armani jacket... give a woman a break Mulder. I feel flush, light-headed. I don't think Chinese food will fill me tonight. Somehow, I doubt I'll get much protest if I do what I've been wanting to. Its time things change for us. What would he do if I just leaned over the open boxes of lo mein and kissed him? I guess we'll find out...


Feed me with feedback please. I know this concept is not original but I wanted to try a Mulder POV on for size. Let me know if I'm any good. Let me know if I suck!