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I thought I'd re-write a bit of personal history on this page.

Right now I am going through a bit of a personal revolution. Perhaps this happens to most women in their thirties.

I am no longer working in the Big City. I have become very accomplished at being unaccomplished lately, which is a HUGE change from the 24/7 a-go-go life.

Isn't it weird how something new can lead you back to something old... I've been pretty miserable about television since the X-Files went off the air. It's not that there isn't anything good to watch, CSI, Six Feet Under... I went bonkery over Buffy the Vampire Slayer and indulged in the DVDs and fanfic, some I wrote myself :) I have many friends who've tried like hellmouth to get me into this over the years but my obsession with Mulder and Scully required my undivided attention. Now that I'm a little less stringent about it, my world has bled out in not just Buffy but the Gilmore Girls as well.

This may not seem relevent in the grand scheme of things but it is. Since I've felt the twinges of obsession again, I have returned to my old haunts on the net, looking for fic, looking for inspiration and I think I've found it again. This is, in part, why I'm redoing this site, to make it more up-to-date, more current. I hope people still have their reasons for visiting me here and I hope that the few changes I'm making are an improvement. I love you all for dropping in here whenever you do- my internet friends and fellow philes have been a great strength for me for more years than I care to admit! Thanks!

Fanfic Awards for 'The Fanfics of Xenoprobe'

I have combined this page with my personal stuff as I thought it just made sense that way. I have had such great luck meeting and chatting with so many wonderful people through this common connection- the X-Files. I have met online friends in the flesh, I have helped with mentoring and coaching newer authors. I've been invloved in larger projects with other authors and I built this site for my own work. In all of this, I have never ceased to be amazed by peoples' generous spirits and their kind words. I know that my note of 'thanks' has been posted here all along, but I need to remind everyone just how thankful I am. You've all been so supportive and wonderful and I deeply and truly appreciate any and all of the interaction I've enjoyed.

Some of my favourite links...

The Hall of
The X-Files Official site
Fanfic Links