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c. -13,500,000,000 BSW4


The Big Bang; the universe is created, including the Star Wars galaxy.  Out of the Great Void came the universe, its’ galaxies, star systems and suns.  Everything that exists, and will ever exist, was spawned from the primordial plasma of time’s beginning.  Over billions of years planets formed and life arose through a steady progression of increasingly complex organisms.  Woven into and intertwined with all of this – from the smallest molecule to the largest star – was the Force.  Symbiont and residing within cells in all life forms are the Midichlorians, a microscopic life form that is intertwined with the Force.  These tiny life forms communicate with the Force and reveal its’ will. (3)        

Thanks to Matthew Holm and Jeffery Winkler for that correction.  Description also from “SW RPG Tales of the Jedi Sourcebook.” [Page 8]


There are approximately 400,000,000,000 numbers of stars in the galaxy.  This is about 400 billion.  Around half of these have planets that support some form of life.  10% of those developed life on their own, and one in a thousand of these worlds developed sentient life (about 20 million forms of sentient life).

‘Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina.’


The length of the galaxy is 120,000 light years across.

“SW: Shield of Lies.”


The Force is an essential part of nature – like energy or matter – but it has yet to be quantified and analyzed.  The Force is not to be understood in the same manner as physical qualities of the universe.  The laws of physics are observable; technology is predictable and readily – controlled.  The Force is neither controlled nor controlling – it is part of life itself; asking if it controls or can be controlled is like asking if a person controls his component cells, or the cells control him.  It is not known whether the Force has always been, came about as life evolved into intelligence, or if it coerced the evolution of intelligence, or if it coerced the evolution of intelligence.  To the Jedi, it does not matter.  It’s enough to know that the Force is.

“Star Wars Roleplaying Game – 2nd Edition.” [Page 136 - 137]


c. -7,500,000,000 BSW4


The Yavin system is formed.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 347]


c. -3,000,000,000 BSW4


The Sharu, an ancient race that inhabits the Rafa System, begin to evolve.  They are a technologically – advanced race, as evidenced by the wonderful buildings and monuments they build throughout the system.  Scholars would describe the Sharu as “superhumanoids”.  Their descendants are the Toka.

"Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu.”


c. -2,000,000,000 BSW4


One theory of the creation of the Oseon System is during this period of time, a rogue star passes too close to the system, and its gravity well disrupts the planet - forming process which causes the Oseon asteroid belt.

"Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon."


c. -4,000,000 BSW4


The Valley of the Giant Oysters, home to the planet Mon Calamari’s huge oysters begins to form.  It is rumored that this is the basis of the Calamarian Knowledge Banks.

“SW: The Glove of Darth Vader.”


c. -3,000,000 BSW4


An asteroid collision with the planet Vinsoth wipes out the largest mammals of the planet.  Smaller species survive, and eventually evolve into the Chevin species.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens – Enemies and Allies.” [Page 25]


c. -2,006,200 BSW4


Like most other animals on Columus, the Columi evolve to make use of this muddy world.  Their ancestors were herbivorous lizards that, with the aid of a rather buoyant belly, crawled through the marsh on four webbed feet.  Soon, the lizards developed the ability to stand on their hind legs in order to pull fruit and leaves out of the trees.

Conjecture from “SW RPG Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races.” [Page 31]


c. -2,004,200 BSW4


The Columi learn to lay their eggs in the trees to better protect them from predators.  Following that development, the Columi begin living almost entirely in the trees, developing hands in place of claws and evolving a prehensile tail in place of the heavy caudal appendage that they had dragged around as quadrupeds.

Conjecture from “SW RPG Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races.” [Page 31]


c. -2,002,200 BSW4


The Columi learn to use tools, and begin a rapid series of evolutionary developments – loosing their tails and gaining a bipedal stance – that leads towards true sentience.

Conjecture from “SW RPG Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races.” [Page 31]


c. -2,002,000 BSW4


The Columi learn to mine metals and other raw materials from the bedrock, and they start to build cities that rise high above the tree and mud, supported on great pylons.  Over the next few thousand years, Columi technology advances as rapidly as had their evolution.

Conjecture from “SW RPG Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races.” [Page 31]


c. -2,000,000 BSW4


Beggar’s Canyon is formed on Tatooine, a result of three rivers joining in a valley.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 24]


The Columi are among the first star - faring races in the galaxy.  Disappointed to find barbarian races on other worlds (if even that), the Columi soon give up space travel and returns to Columus to develop their own race.  They spend the next millenium devoting themselves to meditation, science, and the improvement of their minds.

Conjecture from “SW RPG Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races.” [Page 31 – 32]


The cut – throat struggle for survival begins on the planet of Kashyyyk; species that could climb higher, such as the ancestors of the Wookies, did so.  The creatures that remained either evolved deadly defenses of became extinct.  The survivors now thrive in the towering wroshyr forests, and peculiar plants and animals fill every possible niche in the vertical environment.  The millions of years of competitive evolution created what many have called a “layered death trap” amid Kashyyyk’s wroshyrs.

“The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons.” [Page 77]


Sullustans begin to evolve on the planet Sullust in a network of dark, mazelike warrens that imbued the species with an unfailing sense of direction.  Once a Sullustan has travelled a path, the way is never forgotten.  This innate skill would even extend into hyperspace, making Sullustans prized as star navigators and explorers in future generations.

“The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons.” [Page 169]


c. -1,000,000 BSW4


The Hutts evolve on Varl, a barren, pock – marked planet circling the white dwarf Ardos.  According to Hutt legend, both they and the planet Varl are the only surviving witnesses to a great celestial tragedy.  Varl was once a lush, forested world whose azure skies were crossed by two suns, Ardos and Evona, who were lovers and gods in the Hutt mythology.  These gods ruled the system in peace until Evona was lured into collision with a tiny black hole and perished.  The other planets mourned her death, colliding violently and crushing each other into asteroids, many of which then crashed into Varl’s surface.  Ardos, in agony over the loss of his mate and the destruction of his children, began to self – destruct, and he ejected his gaseous shell, searing Varl in the process, eventually condensing into the white dwarf he is today, a god no longer worthy of the Hutts’ respect.  That story offers important insight into the Hutt’s exalted view of their own species.  Evona died; the Hutts survived.  Ardos withered; the Hutts survived.  Fire, heat, and meteoric rain nearly destroyed their own planet; still, the Hutts survived.  Surely this proves their greatness, say the Hutts.  Surely this means that they are destined to be gods, more powerful than the gods before them.  Future Imperial astronomers easily point to the impossibilities inherent in the Hutts’ legend, but this much is true: Varl, and only Varl, orbits the dwarf star, Ardos.  And there are lots of asteroids in the system.  A more likely explanation, handed down through the years by starship pilots and galactic explorers, is that the Hutts destroyed the planet themselves; embroiling it in a civil war of such vicious ferocity that only a Hutt could comprehend it.  Whatever the nature of the catastrophe, the Hutts survived, and managed to regain sufficient power and technology to relocate from the barren wastes of Varl to the paradise of Nal Hutta, a large, terrestial planet in the Y’Toub system, in the center of an area of the galaxy now known as “Hutt Space”.

Conjecture from “SW RPG Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races.” [Page 51 – 52]


Killiks, an insectoid race evolves on the planet Alderaan.  The Killiks have four arms, each terminating in a powerful three – fingered claw, and two stout legs that appeared capable of leaping large distances.  The Killiks construct monolithic hive castles that would last for millennia.

“The Illustrated Star Wars Universe.”


A Bith civil – war occurs.

Conjecture from “SW RPG Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races.” [Page 23]


The Corellian system is artificially created by an unknown race (possibly the Columi?) using planetary repulsors.  A humanoid race slowly evolves there over the next million years.  The repulsors are buried underground on each of the Corellian worlds, with the only external relic being the floating space station the Corellians later dub "Centerpoint."  One prominent theory is that the original creators of Centerpoint Station constructed it when their own star had begun to go supernova.  Once they arrived at the star Corell, they moved planets into orbit to give themselves a new place to live.  Each planet’s repulsor would have helped the tractor – repulsor to organise the planets into orbits.

Conjecture from “SW RPG Cracken’s Threat Dossier.” [Page 124]


Though the planet Jerrilek would in the future have no native intelligent life, an aquatic species existed on the planet during this time, several of their ancient ruins would still be seen beneath the water's surface a million years later.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


c. -999,975 BSW4


The planet Sernpidal takes Dobido as its moon.

“SW: Vector Prime.” Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline


c. -500,000 BSW4


The Devaron race develops star - travelling capability.

Conjecture from “SW RPG Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races.” [Page 35]


c. -300,000 BSW4


The height of the Gree civilization.  An alien race, the Gree resemble large, six - tentacled cephalopods. They are covered with gray skin that is often tattooed, especially around their large, bulbous heads.  The brain case of the Gree hangs in a sac - like appendage from the back of their head, and seems to draw their huge foreheads even longer.  They have no mouth, per se, but instead there is a series of fleshy folds beneath their eyes that serves as a vocal communication method.  The foremost pair of tentacles are used for manipulation of objects, while the middle pair is used for heavy work. The rear pair is used for locomotion, and they appear to be shambling mounds of flesh when they move.  The Gree civilizatizon is immensely old (it is rumored to be hundreds of thousands of years old and was well past its prime when the worlds were discovered by the Old Republic).  They have a technology that is vastly alien to that of the rest of the galaxy, and has its roots in music and the Gree physiology.  They developed the knowledge of quanta - technology and dimensional engineering (which defied future Imperial scientists).  Their views of technology are biased, and the Gree find little use for droids and computers, which they consider unimportant.  The Gree however, were undone by their technology, falling victim to the ability to use it rather than improve on it.  The discovery of life - extending technology further accelerated their decline, until they no longer knew or cared about their own devices.  The technology collapsed when none of the Gree could maintain it, and the Gree isolated themselves from the galaxy.  Little is known about their life cycle and customs, although it was discovered that their number system is based on the number 14 - the number of suction cups on each tentacle.  They guard the Gree Enclave jealously, and any ship passing through it often disappears.

“SW Adventure Journal #8.”


c. 200,000 BSW4


The Taungs, an ancient race, begin to control the planet Coruscant for many millennia, prior to the dawn of modern humans.  They conquered the other peoples of the planet, including the Zhell, in a series of bloody conquests.  They were known throughout history as the Dark Warriors, after a volcano erupted during their final battle with the Zhell. The ash from the explosion wiped out the Zhell city, and the Taung adopted the name ‘Dha Werda Verda’, or “The Warriors of the Shadow,” when the ash cloud filled the skies for two years, casting a shadow over their lives.

Conjecture based upon “Shadows of the Empire Soundtrack.”


c. -199,998 BSW4


The sky over Coruscant is finally free of ash.

Conjecture based on ‘Shadows of the Empire soundtrack.’


c. -100,000 BSW4


The ancient Sith race begins to develop their distinct culture and civilisation.  Only later, as these people spread across the galaxy did the term Sith become associated more with their teachings and philosophies than with the species itself.  Though the Sith held great power, they were not united, preferring to remain in tribal “circles”, bands of Sith led by one or more sorcerors who were responsible for the safety and protection of their charges.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 268] and “SW RPG: Tales of the Jedi Companion” [Page 78 – 79]  Note: This is not the same Sith as the later Dark Jedi to take the name "Sith," lest anyone think they predated even the Jedi themselves.          


Galactic city, later known as Republic City and Imperial City covers all of the natural land on Coruscant. One remaining piece of land, Coruscant’s tallest mountain remains and is enshrined in what will be known as Monument Plaza.  The city is built on an old battlefield between the ancient Taungs and the Battalions of Zhell.

“The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons.”


c. -95,000 BSW4


Most seedy taverns on the lower forty to fifty levels of (present day) Coruscant’s underground see the sun for the last time this year.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 58]                             


-50,000 BSW4


The Yevethan species, young compared to others in the galaxy, gain sentience.

"SW RPG: Cracken’s Threat Dossier." [Page 65]


c. -30,000 BSW4


A large lake is formed by the impact of a huge meteor on the planet Alderaan.  The capitol of Alderaan, Aldera would be built on an island in the middle of the lake.  The impact of the meteor wipes out the Killik race. Many of the planet's dignitaries would be housed in Aldera, and the famous Alderaan University would also be situated there.  Bail Organa would once maintain a palace in the city, where his study overlooked the lake and was surrounded by gardens.

“The Illustrated Star Wars Universe.”


During this time, the planet Alpheridies bears no sentient species upon its surface.  The world’s flora and fauna exist in the normal state of slowly changing equilibrium.  The system’s red dwarf star, Aber, casts little in the way of visible light upon the planet, instead emitting infrared radiation that keeps the atmosphere within a habitable range.

“SW RPG: Tales of the Jedi Companion.” [Page 129]


c. -28,000 BSW4


An isolated planet within what would be later known as the Pentastar Alignment, Criton's Point is located far from any major hyperlanes.  Its arid, desolate surface is covered with ruins that date from before the foundation of the Republic.  Among the many ruins is the mysterious Library of Xer, an ancient storehouse of information that has thus far resisted all attempts at translation.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


c. -27,500 BSW4


The first human colonists arrive at Alderaan after many centuries of travel, and discover the remnants of the lost Killik civilization.  The early colonists included miners, but most were retired businessmen or wealthy dignitaries searching for a beautiful world on which to spend their lives.  The earliest colonists refused to pave their new home with ferrocrete – one Coruscant was enough for them.  Instead, cities were built into canyon crevasses, beneath the polar ice, and on stilts in the shallow saline seas. (4)

“The Illustrated Star Wars Universe.” and “The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons”.


c. -27,000 BSW4


The invention of the portable power cell and the discovery of high – energy gasses leads to the development of the first energy weapons, known as beam tubes.

Conjecture based upon "Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology." [Page 2]


c. -26,000 BSW4


The ancient Nikto brotherhood called the Cult of M’dweshuu is formed shortly after the Nikto race discovered the existence of the M'dweshuu Nova.  Many Nikto believe that the powerful ability of the Nova to affect life on Kintan is worthy of admiration, and develop a cult formed on the basis that they were as powerful as the Nova.  The Cult rises quickly to power, and controls much of the planet in the years leading up to the arrival of the Hutts in the Si'Klaata Cluster.  With the arrival of the Hutts and their conquest of the planet Kintan, the Cult lost much of its control, and was thought to have been disbanded.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 164] and “SW RPG Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens – Enemies and Allies.”


The Verpine colonise the Roche asteroid field.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 327]


The Vontor Treaty is signed, binding the Klatoonian, Vodran, and Nikto races to the Hutts as permanent slaves.  A Barada M’Beg represents the Klatoonians in the negotiations, and becomes so revered by future generations that they name their sons after him.  The Hutts use an ancient device called the Lexicon Converter in the negotiations, which is used to translate languages electronically, in real – time.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens - Enemies and Allies.” [Page 50 – 51]


Settlers arrive on the planet Alsakan from the starship ‘Kuat Explorer’.

Conjecture based upon "SW RPG: Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook." [Page 61]


A group of Morodins (intelligent, fifteen meter – long, lizard – slugs) arrive on the planet Varonat to start an agricultural colony.  They transform a vast section of plains into the Great Jungle, and use immense organic starships to transport food back to their home planet.  When an ecological disaster befell their homeworld, the Morodins on Varonat were stranded and forgotten.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


c. -25,180 BSW4


Queen Rana is born on the planet Duro.

“The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons.” [Page 77]


c. -25,130 BSW4


The tyrant, Xim the Despot begins his reign as leader of his personal empire.  The planet Dellalt is a shining Jewel in his mighty empire.  Xim’s defeated subjects, cowed by his military might, offer extravagant gifts and tributes from their worlds.  To house his plunder, Xim commissions a vast network of vaults and chambers to be built on Dellalt.  Xim’s treasure arrives aboard the ‘Queen of Ranroon’, guarded by his war droids and a brotherhood called “the survivors”.

“The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons.”


The Nikto experience four intense civil wars, which nearly destroy the planet Kintan.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens - Enemies and Allies.” and “SW Adventure Journal”.


c. -25,100 BSW4


The 30 standard timepart reign of Xim the Despot ends in the Third Battle of Vontor, where the Hutts (led by Kossak) kill him and take over his criminal empire.  After the defeat of Xim, the planet Dellalt drifts into obscurity as the nascent Old Republic shifts the geographic centers of power.  Xim the Despot leaves behind legends of whole planets despoiled, of mass spacings of prisoners and other atrocities.

"SW: Han Solo and the Lost Legacy.”  This has been moved from the original setting of 25,000 thanks to a top - secret source.


c. -25,020 BSW4


It is rumored that the hyperdrive was invented eons ago by a space - faring race from outside the known galaxy.  When this race encountered the known galaxy, it first came upon the Corellian System.  There, the aliens sold the secrets of the hyperdrive to the Corellians, who studied it for decades before producing their first, working hyperdrive.

“SW: Tyrant’s Test.”




c. -25,000 BSW4


After two decades of research, the Corellians produce their first working Hyperdrive and sell their ideas to other star systems, notably Coruscant and Alderaan, the first rumblings of a galactic community begin.

“SW: Tyrant’s Test.”


Exploration of the galaxy begins.  Previously, the earliest spaceships could hardly escape their own star systems, but the miraculous discovery of the faster - than - light dimension known as Hyperspace ushers in a new age of discovery and exploration.  The first galactic scouts strike out from the Core Worlds along two stable hyperspace paths - the Perlemian Trade Route and the Corellian Run.  These twin hyperlanes outline a vast wedge - shaped region of space that is soon dubbed “the slice”.  Though it contains many of the oldest and best - known planets, “the slice” encompasses only a fraction of the known galaxy.  The Perlemian Trade Route runs through the Darpa and Bormea sectors of the Ringali Shell and connects, in order, the planets Corulag, Chandrila, Brentaal, Esseles, Rhinnal, and Ralltiir.  The Arkanis sector and its Pii system are a seven - day journey from the trade route.  

Date given in Issue #3, "Tales of the Jedi."  Information also provided from “The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons”.


Hyperspace travel is relatively new and is a bold and risky way to link the galaxy, so navigational beacons helped spacers travel between stars.  These beacons marked reliable jump coordinates among frequent hyperspace routes, allowing safe hyperspace travel.  Space stations quickly grew around these nav beacons to accommodate the constant flow of spaceships and passengers on their way to more important parts of the galaxy.

“SW RPG: Platt’s Starport Guide.” [Page 118]


Duros culture enters a golden age.  Under the wise rule of the benevolent Queen Rana, scientists make profound breakthroughs in the science of interstellar flight.

“The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons.”  Moved here via a top - secret source.


The Old Republic, a galaxy - wide government of planetary systems, is formed in the Core Worlds.  It will spread out from there to settle other distant star systems.  Coruscant, Alderaan, Corellia and Chandrila are among the founding members of the Republic.  

From the Guide.  


The Old Republic was the Republic of legend, greater than distance or time.  No need to note where it was or whence it came; only to know that . . . it was the Republic.  Under the wise rule of the Senate and the protection of the Jedi Knights, the Republic throve and grew.


From the First Saga

Journal of the Whills

“SW: A New Hope.” [Page 1]


The Galactic Constitution, the foundation document of the democratic Republic, is written.  The Galactic Senate is formed to preside over the Republic.  Lavender is chosen for the colour of the Senate interior because it is the only hue that had never been associated with war, anger or mourning in any culture of the Republic.  The Galactic Senate was entrusted with the incredible task of governing the galaxy.  One of its main tasks was to establish universal law while maintaining the peace among it's many alien and human cultures.  The Republic standardized trade and legal codes, while allowing each planet and people to maintain their original cultures, customs, and laws, languages, and governments. (5)

“Star Wars Episode I: Visual Dictionary.” And other sources.


The Senate Library, one of the largest libraries in the galaxy is built.  Based on Coruscant, it is a complete record of minutes, policy decisions, agendas, and related material of Senate rule over the Republic.

"SW: Dark Force Rising." 


The Galactic Registry, the document which describes all the peoples and races that have joined the galactic government begins cataloguing.

“SW: Children of the Jedi.”


"Galactic standard" timekeeping measurements are derived from those which originated on Coruscant. While many planets maintain their own timekeeping methods based on their local planetary cycles, all official communications and records use galactic standard measures.  There are 60 standard seconds in a standard hour, 24 standard hours in a standard day, five standard days in a standard week and seven standard weeks in a standard month.  A standard year is 368 standard days; ten standard months plus three fete weeks and three more holidays, all devoted to traditional celebrations, festivals, and observances.

SW RPG material.


The Jedi are formed, a theological and philosophical study group.  Over several centuries, however, the monastic Jedi become aware of something more in the universe -- some kind of “Force.” They dedicate themselves to studying and learning how to master the Force.  By the time the Old Republic is founded, the Jedi decide to take a more active role in galactic society, using the Force to aid in peace, justice, and order. Operating out of the Judicial Department under the office of the Chancellor, the Jedi become the guardians of peace and justice.  As a result, the Jedi Knights, a corps of Force - wielding guardians, are formally established (on Ossus, in the Adega system?).  They battle interplanetary criminals and settle cosmic disputes, becoming legendary throughout the galaxy.  Legend later has it that the first of the Jedi Knights learns the moral use of his power from the Caamasi race. (6) 

“Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace” novel. The Caamasi mention is from “Vision of the Future.”  Indications from the movies is that the Jedi were around at least as long as the Old Republic. 


The deeds of the Jedi become famous.  Aided by the Force, the come to be respected and honored throughout the galaxy.  They are known as scholars, warriors and philosophers.  They are all these things – and much more.  The Jedi spread across the galaxy, protecting the Republic and watching over its many systems.

“Star Wars Roleplaying Game – 2nd Edition.” [Page 138]


Not long after the introduction of the Jedi, they form a ‘code’ to live by, to prevent young Jedi being drawn to the dark side of the Force.  Ever seeking knowledge and enlightenment, a Jedi never uses the Force to gain wealth or personal power.  Because hatred, anger, fear and aggression are made up of negative energy, Jedi apprentices are instructed only to act when they are at peace with the Force.  Jedi should seek non –violent solutions to problems.  Sometimes fighting is the only solution, but Jedi are encouraged to find alternatives.  Jedi cannot allow evil to occur by inaction.  A Jedi must do anything possible to stop the forces of darkness.


Jedi are

the guardians of

peace in the galaxy.


Jedi use their powers to

defend and to protect,

never to attack others.


Jedi respect all life, in any form.


Jedi serve others, rather than

ruling over them, for the good

of the galaxy.


Jedi seek to improve

themselves through


and training.

“Episode I Scrapbook.”


Another code of the Jedi:


Emotion, yet peace.

Ignorance, yet knowledge.

Passion, yet serentity.

Chaos, yet harmony.

Death, yet the Force.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 143]


Shortly after the Old Republic is founded, an heirloom of the Kashi monarchy is stolen by young Force student Reda Jalooz.  Several months later, she returns claiming she’s discovered a dark secret about the relic and asks for forgiveness.  Very soon thereafter, the Kashi system suddenly supernovas.  The cause of the supernova is lost to history.

“SW Adventure Journal: Relic.”


A war on Ando between the two races of Aqualish (Aquala and Quara) is rudely interrupted by the arrival of an exploratory vessel, possibly Corellian or Duros.  The two races unite to kill the visitors, while taking their ship intact.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races.” [Page 13]


c. -25,000 to -15,000 BSW4


The Expansionist period, as all cultures gain interstellar travel.  Basic, verbal language based on the tongue of the Human inhabitants of the Core World peoples, quickly becomes a universal language after its’ rise in use in diplomacy and trade.  At the same time, Aurebesh becomes the second most widely used as a technical language.  Aurebesh eventually evolves into the written form of Basic.  Intelligent species have developed a bewildering array of communication forms. Fortunately, Basic (aka Galactic Standard), the standard language of the Old Republic, enables almost everyone to understand almost everyone else.  Basic, derived from the native tongue of Coruscant's humans, is designed to be easy to understand and pronounce.  Most alien species can speak it, and almost all of them can understand it.  Most records and texts are stored in Basic.  Nevertheless a variety of other languages are in use.  It isn’t unusual for someone to speak several languages; Basic, a native tongue, a couple of regional dialects, and a smattering of trade languages.  A well - traveled citizen may speak dozens of languages. (7)   



The Sith retained a harmonious social structure until now, with the arrival of a single fallen Jedi, who took particular interest in their techniques for drawing power from the dark side.  This dark Jedi dominated the Sith people, turning them into unwilling thralls, stealing their knowledge of sorcery and using it against them.  This Jedi proclaimed himself the Dark Lord of the Sith, making him first in a lineage that would plague the rest of the galaxy for untold millennia.  The Sith developed and perfected the techniques of calling on the dark side, enabling them to create more and more complex powers once thought well beyond the grasp of mere sentients.  The Sith simultaneously feed on and empower the dark side in a symbiotic relationship whose ties can never be severed.  This dark Jedi would continue to pervert Sith culture until his lineage is joined millennia later by hundreds of fallen Jedi during the Great Schism, which would conclude in the total subjugation of the Sith species.   (8)

“SW RPG: Tales of the Jedi Companion.” [Page 79]


The spread of technology and civilization led to the development of a so – called galactic economy.  Few worlds are entirely self – sufficient.  Some specialize in manufacturing high – tech goods yet depend on neighbouring agricultural worlds for food.  Those agricultural worlds rely on manufacturing worlds to produce the machinery for efficiently harvesting and processing the foodstuffs as well as supplying the chemical industries that make pesticides to kill insects and provide nutrient sprays to speed crop growth.  This galactic economy has allowed megacorporations to accumulate tremendous economic and political power. 

Conjecture based upon "The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology." [Page 168]


c. -24,980 BSW4


During this period of time, the Duros establish orbital waystations, and begin striking out into the inky blackness of unexplored space.  The Duros eventually blaze new hyperspace routes and encounter other star travellers, such as the Corellians.  Queen Rana dies, and her heir King Dassid continues his mother’s policies of galactic expansion and watched as more and more Duros relocated to space stations and far – flung colony worlds.

“The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons.” [Page 77] Moved here via a top - secret source.


c. -24,975 BSW4


The Aqualish, after they have learned the secret of starship engineering, use their captured ship to attack their sister world.  The Ando soon slap together a ragtag space fleet.  Their armada leaves their star system on a bold crusade to conquer the peaceful civilizations of the Republic.  The galactic government, however, had the best – trained soldiers and most advanced armaments in existence.  Warships of the Republic’s navy smashed the inferior fleet and swiftly took the war to Ando.  Smart enough to realize that they were hopelessly outmatched, the cowed Aqualish sued for peace.  Ando was forcibly demilitarized under the watchful eye of the Republic.  Though they could no longer be part of a conquering Aqualish space fleet, many of the tusked aliens found offworld employment as strikebearers, bill collectors, and other vocations were their bellicose temperaments were an asset.

Conjecture from “SW RPG Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races.” [Page 13] and “The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons.” [Page 17]


One system that attracted initial interest from the Hutts was the Y’Toub system, where a pleasant yellow star shone over six planets, four habitable.  The largest, Evocar, despite its huge size, had an extremely low density.  With almost no heavy metals, the gravity is comparable to a standard world.  Home to a species of humanoids called the Evocii; their civilization was in a primitive, feudal state of development.  Upon discovering them, the Hutts offered to sell the Evocii modern technology.  The Hutts traded technology for real estate – the Evocii never suspected the Hutts were trying to buy the planet away from them.  By the time they learned what the Hutts were up to, construction teams had begun arriving.  Soon, they replaced Evocii lodges with fantastic palaces and pleasure pavilions, which dot the surface to this day.  The Evocii appealed to the Republic, but even a Jedi can’t find a loophole in a Hutt contract.  The Evocii were relocated to a nearby moon.


Now in secure control of Evocar, the final transformation began.  The last native structures were torn down to make room for theme parks and palaces.  The ancient monuments were replaced with Hutt shrines and the planet was renamed Nal Hutta, which means “Glorious Jewel” in Huttese.  Whether this refers to the planet’s climate or its population is unknown, but in any case, it is an apt description of this pleasant and beautiful world.  This was one of the first planets bought by the Hutts and it has become synonymous with Hutt crime clans.  The planet is ruled by a council of the elders of each clan who live here.  This world is home to a full - fledged Hutt society.  Though the planet is owned by Hutts and according to tradition Huttese is the only language permitted to be spoken here, there are many non – Hutt residents as part of the enormous class of slaves, servants and sycophants to be found anywhere Hutts reside.  From here they control the entire economic life of the moon, Nar Shaddaa, an ancient spacer’s base and home to many of the pilots and techs working for the Hutt smuggling guilds.  Those earning the Hutt’s gratitude are often bought here for audience and vacation.  Those who earn their wrath can sometimes be found orbiting between both planets.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook.” [Page 84 - 85]


c. -24,500 BSW4


After many centuries, layer after layer of city is built on top of previous levels on the moon of Nar Shaddaa, until the surface is entirely covered in a multi – story vertical city.  Lower levels fall into decay and those who couldn’t afford to relocate higher were marginalized and forgotten.  Among there unfortunates are the mutated descendants of the Evocii.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook.” [Page 85]


c. -24,000 BSW4


The first Old Republic explorers and settlers to leave the Core Worlds colonize an adjacent region that they name the Colonies.  Many of these planets become just as industrialized and wealthy as their old – world counterparts, though the antiquated term “Colonies” stuck.  Among the planets in “The Colonies” are Arkania, Balmorra, Borleias, Carida, Talasea and Teyr.  The Tapani Sector is located in The Colonies, but by tradition it is considered a respected part of the Core Worlds community.  Elite and ancient noble houses rule much of the sector, though border planets called the Freeworlds are slowly encroaching on house – held territory.  Planets of the Tapani Sector include Fondor and Mrlsst.

Conjecture based upon "Essential Guide to Planets and Moons." [Page xv]


Hosk Station, located near the planet Kalarba, is built to be a supply and maintenance facility for the Republic Navy.  It is an excellent choice because of the proximity to the new colonies, while the moon’s low gravity proved convenient for capital ships coming in to dock.  The system’s asteroid belts provided a convenient source of metals and ores.

Conjecture based upon "The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels." [Page 66]


Hypertransceivers (precursor to the HoloNet), also called “hyperradio” is developed.  The technology relies on a network of satellites to broadcast messages through hyperspace.  Hyperstansceivers allow for instant, real – time communication with any world in the galactic network (although not every system is serviced).  The medium is limited to audio and video transmission.

Conjecture based upon “Star Wars Roleplaying Game – 2nd Edition.” [Page 192]


c. -20,000 BSW4


Many of the galaxy's first starship manufacturing companies are founded, including Alderaan Royal Engineers, Core Galaxy Systems and Rendili StarDrive.  Alderaan Royal Engineers was most famous for it’s luxury yachts, deep - space stations and exotic vessels.  Core Galaxy Systems was one of the famed “founding shipwrights” of the Old Republic.

"SW: The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels."  I don't have the book, so this was copied word-for-word (with thanks!!) from James McFadden's Chronology.  


The Etti, a near human race unites in opposition to the political and military policies of the Galactic Republic.  They pool their resources and purchase several colony ships.  Declaring the Republic to be “tyrannical and too oppresive”, they leave the Core Worlds and follow several scout ships to a new world far removed from the reach of Coruscant.

"SW RPG Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook."


c. -19,997 BSW4


The planet Neona experiences a geologic warming period, during which its polar ice caps melt, flooding the entire planet except for two ice - covered continents at the poles.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


c. -18,000 BSW4


The Bureau of Ships and Services (BoSS) is formed, and will become one of the oldest institutions in the galaxy.  It has its own customs, traditions and unique personality.  Most of the positions are filled through hereditary means.  BoSS is as much a star – spanning tribe as it is a civil bureaucracy.  The Bureau of Ships and Services (BoSS) is the galaxy’s record – keeper when it comes to starship and spacer information.  It keeps extensive information on starship registrations and transponder codes, captains’ flight certification, and upgraded weapons loadouts on all ships in the galaxy.  It also keeps track of astrographical and navigational information as well as data on hyperspace routes used in nav computers.  The bureau’s databanks are continuously  updated and transmitted to starports, systems, and enforcement agencies throughout the galaxy.  BoSS has been the keeper of starship information since time began (or so it seems).  It’s not really a bureau attatched to any government or other institutions like other bureau’s, it doesn’t owe loyalty to anyone.

Conjecture based on “SW RPG: Platt’s Starport Guide.” [Page 10]


c. -16,000 BSW4


Sith warlord – king Adas uses his knowledge of the dark side of the Force to conquer and subjugate his home world.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 72]


-15,100 BSW4


The Anomids develop faster – than – light travel.  The Anomids sought to develop advanced technology for the sheer sake of meeting the challenge, but they had little desire to actually leave their home system.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens – Enemies and Allies.” [Page 15]


c. -15,000 BSW4


Republic Fleet Systems is formed.  The company is founded to design warships to counter the threat of Sith - backed uprisings in the distant corners of the Old Republic.  In time, the company expands its operations to design exploration, transport, passenger, and colony vessels.

"The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels."


The Anomid, a peaceful humanoid race native to the Yablari system, begins supporting the Republic.  The Anomid are born without vocal cords.  This requires that the immature Anomid wear complex masks which synthesize the sounds necessary for communication with others.  These masks are very large, covering all but the Anomid's eyes and forehead.  They dress in long, hooded robes made from pure dendrite.  Most Anomids have pale, transulcent skin and wide eyes, and their ears are large and leaf - like in shape.  Anomids have six toes on each foot.  Their technology is fairly sophisticated, and the Anomid have become very wealthy selling it in the galaxy.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens - Enemies and Allies.” [Page 15]


c. -15,000 to -100 BSW4


The Golden Age, a period of unrivalled peace and prosperity in the galaxy. (9)  


During the golden age of the Old Republic, the planet Trulalis was a thriving cultural center boasting one of the finest liberal arts schools in the galaxy.  Today, however, its days of respected theater and drama have long passed, and only a few scattered remnants testify to its former glory.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


-14,000 BSW4


Holocron technology is developed by the Sith.

Conjecture from “SW RPG Tales of the Jedi Companion.” [Page 79]


The Vultan civilisation blossoms, progressing from a feudal agricultural economy into a thriving trade and high technology center.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 103]


The Herglic trading empire settles Lamuir IV.  Shortly thereafter, they desert the planet.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


-13,720 BSW4


The Herglic trading empire crumbles.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


-13,000 BSW4


After thousand of years of activity, Hosk Station became a base in search of a mission.  The former colonies had become stable worlds, and galactic trouble spots increasingly cropped up in areas close to other supply stations.  So the Republic sold the station to civilian interests.  The station’s close proximity to several influential systems allowed it to become a center of commerce and political influence.

Conjecture based upon "The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels." [Page 66]


The Ailon Nova Guard, an ancient military service, begins its history and traditions.  The Ailon people are militaristic, devoted, and highly focused on professional military service.  Soldiering has a deep religious meaning to the Ailon, and all able-bodied Ailon serve at least a five-year term in the Guard.

"SW Adventure Journal, Vol. 1, Issue #15."


-12,770 BSW4


The Herglics resettle Lamuir IV.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline


-12,720 BSW4


The Tapani Sector enters into what is later known as the Colonial Era (0 - 1012 by their domestic calendar), during which the first colonists settle the region and begin trading with the Herglics.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


-12,500 BSW4


Slavery becomes common practice in Twi’lek society.

“SW RPG: Platt’s Starport Guide.” [Page 154]


-12,000 BSW4


The planet Ord Mantell is settled by the Republic as a military outpost.  (“Ord” is an outdated acronym for “Ordnance / Regional Depot”).

“The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons.”


-11,708 BSW4


The Tapani Sector enters into what is later known as the Twelve Kingdoms Era (1012 - 5372 by their domestic calendar), during which power shifts from Pelagon to individual planets, which become organized into regional kingdoms.  It is during this time that the first settlements of the periphery worlds are created as a buffer zone with Herglic space and first contact is established with Mrlssti.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


c. -11,500 BSW4


The first great schism between the Jedi Knights takes place, a schism between the Forces of Light and Darkness.  After a century of battle, the Dark Jedi are exiled and eventually take over the Sith civilisation, building it into an empire, bringing about the so - called 'Golden Age of the Sith.'  Among the many Jedi literature and traditions of the time is the prophecy of the one who will bring ‘balance to the Force’ and heal the schism.  During this time, the fallen Jedi also begin experimenting on their subjects, converting many Sith into deadly Massassi warriors.


"... And in the time of greatest

despair there shall come a savior,

and he shall be known as: THE SON



Journal of the Whills, 3:127


"Tales of the Jedi: Golden Age of the Sith."  Date is conjecture only, as it could have taken place at any time between -15,000 BSW4 and -5,000 BSW4.  The art seems to indicate Lightsabers were not yet invented at the time of the schism.


A Sith Holocron is created.  In time, it will fall into the hands of Odan-Urr. 

"Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War."  Urr said it contained knowledge "dating back a hundred thousand years and more." 


c. -10,000 BSW4


The planet Ammuud is colonised from seven ships (The names of the seven ships were ‘Reesbon’, ‘Tikeris’, ‘Owphrin’, ‘Melchett’, ‘Almowri’, ‘Odoon’ and the ‘Glayyd’) departing from the planet Thokos.  The seven original colony ships evolve into seven ruling clans, with each clan headed by a hereditary patriarch, or ”Mor”.  The opportunity to move Ammuud forward vanishes when the clans fall into partisan rivalry and open warfare.  The two worlds lose contact, and Ammuud is soon forgotten by Thokos.

"The SW Encyclopedia" [Page 303] and “The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons.”


A young warlord named Vall Kumauri seizes several dozen star systems in an attempt to forge an Empire in the outlaying regions of the Republic.  His upstart fleet was suprisingly effective thanks to the ‘Kumauri Battleship’; a revolutionary capital ship developed in the outer systems and modestly named after the young would be Emperor.  The ‘Kumauri Battleship’, practically the last series in the line, the ‘Cal’ – class battleship, was a terror in it’s day due to its primary weapon – the huge mass driver slung over its main hall.  This weapon tractored asteroids and other space debris into the rear end of the huge armoured cylinder and shot them at tremendous speeds out of the canon at the front.  During this period of time, shield technology was unable to stop this type of weapon.  A well – aimed asteroid could level an entire city, while a large asteroid could completely upset the ecological balance of the planet.  Kumauri’s empire imploded within a few years, but the ‘Kumauri Battleship’ lived on as a legacy to his efforts.  The ships of this line saw service in hundreds of navies, including the Republic starfleet that defeated the Kumauri Empire.  Only when planetary shielding became practical and widespread was the ‘Cal’ – class warship rendered obsolete as a terror weapon.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 84]


The Great Library, a vast intellectual establishment is founded by the Ropagu near the city of Ebyl, on the planet Ropagi II. It contains many years’ worth of Ropagu history, including some parchment scrolls and paper texts.  The majority of the staff is comprised of 18 specially - programmed droids, although a few Ropagu are also on call. However, there is little information on galactic history in the Great Library, since the Ropagu have kept out of the political battles of the larger community.

“SW RPG: Twin Stars of Kira.”


The HoloNet is built during the height of the Republic and is one of its greatest accomplishments.  Using specially – developed hyperspace technology to link all members of the Republic in a real – time holographic communication network, the HoloNet relied upon a complex network of hundreds of thousands of transceiver satellites to transfer messages through hyperspace.  Through the HoloNet, the President of the Republic could instantly address all member worlds, no matter how remote.  The Republic used the HoloNet to encourage the free exchange of information and ideas, leading to great advancements in culture and commerce.  However, the HoloNet was hideously expensive to maintain.  It’s use was commonly restricted to official Republic government functions and the largest corporations, yet it provided a vital sense of belonging and membership to the average citizen.

Conjecture based upon “Star Wars Roleplaying Game – 2nd Edition.” [Page 192]


The recorded history of the Gran race begins in this era.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens – Enemies and Allies.” [Page 39]


An aborted rebellion occurs in the Galactic Republic.  The captured criminals are exiled to the edge of Wild Space, where they eventually colonize the world of Adumar.

“X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar.”


The Akwin, an aquatic race indigenous to the planet Lazerian IV, evolve from a species of savage sea creatures.

“SW RPG: Twin Stars of Kira.”


-9,997 BSW4


The Fortress Barlos is built on Pachi.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


c. -9,990 BSW4


The first lightsabers are created.  One of these will later come into the hands of Vima-Da-Boda -- and from her to Leia Organa-Solo.

Conjecture from "SW: Dark Empire" and new info from "The SW Encyclopedia."


c. -9,500 BSW4


A Law, which would in later times simply be known as ‘The Old Law’ is written into the Hutt legal system.  It states that, given sufficient provocation, a Hutt clan leader may challenge another in single combat without any legal ramifications.  The victor is presumed to be in the right.  The corpulent Hutts, who prefer to have others do their dirty - work, rarely stain their own hands with Hutt blood in such barbaric duels, but it has been known to happen.  This law would become antiquated, and the custom rarely invoked in modern times.

Conjecture based upon “SW: Rebel Dawn”.  Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


c. -9,000 BSW4


The Jedi Knights build a massive underground library on Yavin IV, and a city around it.  They tap geothermal energy to create a weather control system for the planet.  Gradually, they transform the cold, barren world into a lush rain forest planet.  Centuries later, for reasons unknown, the city is abandoned and falls into myth.

Conjecture from "SW: The Lost City of the Jedi."  Ken said it was "thousands of years ago," but it must also have significantly predated the "Tales of the Jedi" period by a great degree. 


The Tunroth are contacted by the Duros, and quickly accept membership into the Republic.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens – Enemies and Allies.” [Page 88]


The last known records of the Fraii Wys, an extinct sentient species date back to this period

“SW: Tyrant’s Test.”


c. -8,000 BSW4


The Republic settles the planet Elrood.  The first settlers find a world rich in basic natural resources - plenty of flora and fauna, a breathable atmosphere, good water, rich soil for crops, and some mineral deposits for mining and construction.  The name Elrood is chosen to recognise the Senator who fought for the funding for this colonisation effort.

“SW RPG Planets Of The Galaxy: Volume Three.” [Page 42]


Inexlicably, violent volcanic eruptions and seismic shifts wrench the planet Merisee.  Weather patterns shift and temperatures change just enough to alter the air streams.  The oceans calm and a land bridge connecting both continents of the planet emerge.  This period is referred to as “the joining”, and preceedes a period of bloody warfare that will hang like a shadow over Merisee for a thousand years.  First contact between the Teltiors and the Meris is violent (they both live on opposite continents).

“SW RPG Planets Of The Galaxy: Volume Three.” [Page 67]


c. -7,700 BSW4


Continuing from their ‘first contact’ the Teltiors and Meris of the planet Merisee continue their sporadic warfare and abortive colonisation attempts on the other race’s continent.  During this period, the conflict escalates into full - scale war.

“SW RPG Planets Of The Galaxy: Volume Three.” [Page 67]


c. -7,328 BSW4


The Tapani Sector enters into what is later known as the Dynastic Era (5392 - 11,138 by their domestic calendar), during which warrior prince Shey Tapani rises from the Melanthan Kingdom to unite the sector in a series of bloody civil wars.  He makes Procopia his new capital, while the twelve kingdoms reorganize as noble houses subordinate to his Tapani Empire.  During this era, the Giju Route is stabilized, Tallaan and Neona emerge as trading worlds, Shey Tapani gives Mrlsst a grant to create a university to cater to the whole sector and all species, and Tapani joins the Republic.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


c. -7,308 BSW4


Shey Tapani establishes the Tapani calendar, which is later augmented to conform to Galactic Standard, just with local names.  By the augmented calendar, as it is changed later, the Tapani year is 5412.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


c. -7,300 BSW4


Rabaan, a Corellian explorer settles on a planet in the Ishanna sector, and names it after himself, the expedition’s leader.  Rabaan supposedly rejects the typical Corellian life of a spacer and chooses to remain on a planet.  They thought the system was devoid of life, until they discovered the S’krrr living on the third planet in the system.

“SW Adventure Journal #9.”


c. -7,000 BSW4


The Sith lore library of Veeshas Tuwan on Arkania is opened.  It serves as both one of the few Imperial records halls and as a repository for Sith lore.  The great library covers more than five square kilometers, and bore down into the planet's surface for countless levels.  In sealed chambers Sith sorcerers conduct Dark Side experiments and transcribe Sith rituals for their own use.  For the next several thousand years the library grows in both knowledge and physical size, eventually becoming too large for even the most experienced Sith Lords to easily locate the information they seek.

“SW RPG Tales of the Jedi Companion.” [Page 131]


As a result in the war between the Teltiors and Meris of the planet Merisee, billions die as the rich farmlands are devastated by radiation and biological weapons.  However, due to the need to survive, the Meris and Teltiors develop very advanced medical techniques.  As the world faces final devastation, and with both populations on the brink of extinction, the races make a peace.

“SW RPG Planets Of The Galaxy: Volume Three.” [Page 67]


c. -6,997 BSW4


The first Republic and Tapani scouts survey Mrlsst, which is lacking in space travel technology.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


c. -6,300 BSW4


The Rabaanite, the name given to the human inhabitants of the planet Rabaan, develop a fairly rigid caste system that glorifies warriors.  The warrior caste is highly regarded, due mainly to the fact that the strongest Rabaanite warrior is sent to the Combat Moon to battle the strongest S’krrr whenever a dispute between the two races arises.  The Rabaanites frown on public displays of affection, especially among couples that have not been promised to each other.  Upper - eschelon Rabaanite warriors are awarded a red bandoleer.  The best of these warriors is awarded a sunburst sigil that is attached to the bandoleer.  The best of the combat artists is chosen to represent Rabaan in Combat.

“SW Adventure Journal #9.”


c. -6,000 BSW4


The Republic enters a time of history that will become known as the Manderon Period.  During this time, a set of pistols is created on the planet Brentaal that would later be considered antiques when owned by the future jatz muician Fitz Roi.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


The Queen of the Offens is born on the planet Casfield 6.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 216]


Miralukan scouts arrive on Alpheridies, their chosen new homeworld after a long search.  The Miralukan's original planet had begun to experience terrible geophysical and geochemical instability, and the peaceful species launched an intensive search for a new planet upon which to settle.  Though not a perfect choice, Alpheridies possesses most of the criteria spelled out by the Miralukan leaders.

“SW RPG Tales of the Jedi Companion.” [Page 129]


c. –5,997 BSW4


The Hundred – Year Darkness, a devastating war between the Light and Dark Sides of the Force begins.

Conjecture based upon “SW: Dark Lords of the Sith.”


c. –5,897 BSW4


The Hundred – Year Darkness, a devastating war between the Light and Dark Sides of the Force ends.

Conjecture based upon “SW: Dark Lords of the Sith.”


c. –5,528 BSW4


Sullustan scouts open a new trade route in the Tapani Sector.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.





c. -5,200 BSW4


The Sith Lords Marka Ragnos and Simus fight for control of the Sith Empire -- a conflict that is decided when Ragnos decapitates Simus.  Simus manages to cheat death via Sith magic and is kept alive inside a jar. 

"Tales of the Jedi: Golden Age of the Sith."  Date locked by Mos Espa Timeline.


c. -5,100 BSW4


A hundred years after his victory over Simus, Marka Ragnos is declared Dark Lord of the Sith, beginning a century of iron rule.

"Tales of the Jedi: Golden Age of the Sith."


c. -5,032 BSW4


The Ankura lineage of Gungans (distant ancestors of Boss Nass) unites with the Otolla Gungans, who would later found the city of Otoh Gunga in Lake Paonga of the planet Naboo.

Conjecture from “Star Wars Episode I: Visual Dictionary.”


c. -5,020 BSW4


Gav and Jori Daragon are born on the planet Cinnagar.

Speculation from "The Golden Age of the Sith."


Odan-Urr, a telepathic and long - lived Jedi Master is born.  He would later be known as the Keeper of Antiquities, and as such was entrusted as gatekeeper of the Sith Holocron and other potentially dangerous devices.

Speculation from "The Golden Age of the Sith."


c. -5,014 BSW4


Ikree, daughter of Emperor – King Prrit Qabaq of Nazzri goes into ‘boqeri’, a form of self imposed exile.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 29]


c. -5,012 BSW4


A period of strike, economic decline and widespread starvation plague the planet Nazzri.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 29]


-5,007 BSW4


The symbol of the Republic Navy is carved on a moon of the Academy of Carida.  There it will stay until the moon itself is destroyed 5,000 years later by a prank of Mako Spince. (10) 

"SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook." [Page 46]


-5,003 BSW4


Tapani mining companies begin shipping trillions of tons of valuable ore to the Core worlds annually.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


c. -5,002 BSW4


The Nazzar government begins to evolve from a monarchy to an oligarchical theocracy led by a king and 14 praefects, the heads of the 14 sects of the ‘Ulizra’, the state enforced religion of Nazziri.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 29]


Gav and Jori Daragon are offered the chance at becoming Jedi and going to the planet Coruscant to train. Leaving the decision to their children, Hok and Timar urge the children to take the opportunity.  Seeing a large profit in prospecting safe and stable hyperspace routes, Gav and Jori turn down the offer.

Conjecture based upon "SW: Golden Age of the Sith."


-5,000 BSW4


At this point in galactic history, great portions of the galaxy had not yet been explored, and long - distance travel was dangerous and uncertain.  Hyperdrive beacons were in use at this time, and hyperdrive explorers continued to map the galaxy.   

Prologue, "Tales of the Jedi: Golden Age of the Sith", issue #1.


Corellia StarDrive is formed by a former executive of Corellian Engineering Corporation (CEC).  Corellia StarDrive developed several exceptionally successful ship designs in both the civilian and military markets.  Corellia StarDrive warships carried the flag of the Old Republic Navy, much to the chagrin of CEC.

“The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels.”


Republic scouts explore the Epidimi System, and its’ planets Disim and Iri.  The Republic explorers discover that both worlds had produced species of avians that had similar genetic structures.  The Republic explorers tried to get the two species to mate, in an attempt to verify their genetic compatability.  The experiment was a success, and a new species was created from the union of the two.  However, the new species flourished with greater intelligence, and they overran the two parent species, driving them to extinction.  This new species, known as the Tarongs, now dominates both worlds.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens – Enemies and Allies.” [Page 83] 


The Qieg, an alien species living in the Lan system, form a network of cacti settlements tied together with stone walls.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


Ood Bnar of the Neti race - a treelike species - is born on Myrkr.

Speculation from "The Golden Age of the Sith."


"Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith."

                A young Jedi scholar named Odan-Urr is sent to the Koros system to help Empress Teta conquer Kirrek, the last of the seven worlds of her system.  Hok and Timar Daragon of Cinnagar (two hyperspace explorers) run relief supplies for the soldiers of Kirrek, and are killed in a final battle that wins Teta the planet and the entire system, largely due to Urr's Jedi battle meditation.  Their children, Gav and Jori, take the ‘Starbreaker 12’ to explore the galaxy.  A few months later, they are not faring very well financially, up to their eyeballs in debt to Aarrba the Hutt -- and worse still, a Cha'a cargo drone ship is destroyed using one of their routes.  When merchant lord Ssk Kahorr manages to stop a bonus from the Navigator's Guild and sends bounty hunters for them, the Daragons have to escape.  Stealing the impounded ‘Starbreaker’ from Aarbra's repair shop and making a random hyperjump, they arrive on the planet Korriban -- right in the middle of the funeral of Marka Ragnos, Dark Lord of the Sith. 


                A power struggle is under way between Ragnos's two pupils, the complacent Ludo Kressh and the impulsive Naga Sadow.  Ragnos's spirit halts a battle between them, urging them to "choose your course wisely... fight the correct battles... or all is lost."  On Cinnagar, Teta vows to arrest the Daragons if they return, even as Urr receives a premonition of the dark times to come.  The Daragons arrive at Korriban and are immediately taken captive.  Sadow sees in the Daragons a door to the Republic, and conquest.  He saves them from certain execution at Ziost fortress, murders his old ally Simus (a disembodied former enemy of Ragnos), takes the two in at his fortress at Khar Shian and declares himself Dark Lord of the Sith.  He made the escape look like a Republic raid, and he calls for war. 


                On Coruscant, Teta and Urr informs the Senate of the danger, but the Senate doesn't take the threat seriously.  Sadow begins teaching Gav Sith magic, as well as plotting the downfall of Ludo Kressh, who himself vows to kill Sadow before he ruins the Sith Empire.  A final battle ends in the wipeout of Kressh's forces (Kressh himself escapes), and Sadow sees Jori out of the system in ‘Starbreaker 12’ -- which, unbeknownst to her, has a tracking device on it that will lead the Sith Empire right into the Republic... 

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Kevin J. Anderson - July 1996-February 1997)


“Tales of the Jedi: The Fall of the Sith Empire.”  

                Jori returns to Cinnagar, and is immediately arrested and charged with a long string of crimes.  Her desperate warnings go unheard, let alone heeded. Everyone, even Aarrbra, has turned against her.  And to add insult to injury, a gleeful Ssk Kahorr (the reason she and Gav left Cinnagar in the first place) shows up to personally take the ‘Starbreaker 12’ for himself.  Jori is tried, convicted, and sent to the slave labor prison colony of Ronika all within a single day.  Meanwhile, Odan Urr's teacher, Master Ooroo, comes to visit.  He tells Odan that while the Senate didn't listen to his warnings, the Jedi did.  And Empress Teta has been building up her army in preparation for the assault.  Ludo Kressh tries one last time to warn the Sith of Sadow's plans, but Sadow orders Gav to block the transmission -- then watches Gav's shocked face as he in fact blows up Kressh's ship.  Gathering his fleet at Khar Shian, Sadow appoints a reluctant Gav commander of his fleet, and orders the Great Hyperspace War into being... 


                Jori escapes from Ronika in an ore ship, risking her life against the Cinnagar fleet to reach Empress Teta's palace and finally getting the warning to her.  The Sith fleet arrives in Republic space. Their first shot destroys the ‘Starbreaker 12’ and Ssk Kahorr.  They rush upon a completely unprepared Coruscant, and every other major point in the Republic, as Sadow uses Sith illusion to make the fleet look much larger than it truly is, and starts firing drop ships of Massassi warriors and giant beasts upon the planets.  Teta launches her fleet to meet the challenge as Urr works at Kirrek with the now pardoned and released rebels to repel the invasion.  Gav travels down to Cinnagar to find Jori -- and is helpless to stop his Sith guards from disembowelling Aarbra.  Jori arrives just in time to see Gav and the Hutt's corpse, and jumps to the wrong conclusion.  Wielding a lightsaber given her by Urr, she attacks her brother.  Gav escapes and (with Jori following) rushes to Sadow's base at Primus Goluud, now fully realising how Sadow has used him and determined to stop him.  With Sadow thus distracted, the Jedi find it easier to see through the illusions and drive the Sith off Coruscant.  The heroes win at Kirrek as well, even with Master Ooroo's death.  Sadow challenges Gav to face him directly -- and then quietly abandons his base.  Gav enters the base just as Empress Teta's fleet (who followed him) arrives.  He informs Jori that with Sadow's entire force in Republic space, the entire Sith Empire is completely unprotected.  Sadow retaliates by detonating the supergiant Primus Goluud into a supernova, killing Gav before his sister's eyes.  Teta's fleet just barely escapes the death trap.  The shattered remains of the Sith fleet return to the Empire, only to find Ludo Kressh securely in place as Dark Lord of the Sith.  He exiles Sadow from the Empire forever. Sadow replies by crashing a ship into Kressh's flagship.


                The Republic fleet (led by a vengeful Empress Teta and Jori) arrives, hellbent on finishing the Sith Empire for good.  Sadow flees, putting all the other Sith between him and the Republic fleet.  He uses the Denarii nova, detonating it to wipe out most of the Republic fleet and make good his escape.  The Republic celebrates it's victory. Odan Urr studies the Sith's abandoned ships, and discovers a Sith Holocron.  He decides to establish a Jedi learning center on Ossus, the quiet world where Master Ooroo trained him.  Naga Sadow and his Massassi warriors arrive on the quiet planet of Yavin IV.  He decides to establish a base there, and begins building great temples.  He intends to restore the glory of the Sith, “no matter how long it takes.”  Jori Daragon has the happiest ending of all.  Cleared of all charges, she takes over Aarrba's repair dock, and now has a secure fortune and bright future...

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Kevin J. Anderson – June - October 1997)


The Veeshas Tuwan Sith library on Arkania is attacked and destroyed by several hundred Jedi Masters.

“SW RPG Tales of the Jedi Sourcebook.” [Page 131]


-4,998 BSW4


The Gotals of Antar 4 begin to use a half dozen different species of beasts for short distance transportation.

“SW RPG Tales of the Jedi Sourcebook.” [Page 24]  


-4,700 BSW4


A Sith Holocron comes to the attention of the Jedi at around this time, the last to be found for centuries.

“SW RPG Tales of the Jedi Sourcebook.” [Page 79]  


-4,600 BSW4


Odan-Urr becomes a presider of Jedi assemblies, a post he will hold for six centuries.

“Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith” and “The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 215]     


-4,597 BSW4


Willm Lywin, a Duinuogwuin is born.

“SW Adventure Journal: The Most Dangerous Foe.”  


c. -4,500 BSW4


A fierce series of wars occur on the world Calamari, between the surface-dwelling Mon Calamari and the underwater Quarren. The primitive Quarren were jealous of the more advanced Calamari, and were driven by a fanatic pride. The Quarren, despite the overwhelming odds, fight until only just over a million of them are left – all Calamari prisoners. In the most daring social experiment of their history, the Calamari attempt to civilize the Quarren and bring the two races to an equal level. They ruthlessly separate the Quarren young and teach them relentlessly for a decade, then return them to their elders. The Quarren were forced to defeat and kill their recalitrant elders, then restart their civilization and tie them with the Calamari in an uneasy peace that continues into the Imperial era.

“SW RPG: Death in the Undercity.” Date is conjecture.


c. -4,470 BSW4


Freedon Nadd, a Jedi apprentice of unequalled enthusiasm and dedication, approaches what he believes to be the end of his apprenticeship and promotion to Jedi Knight. But when the time comes, the Jedi Masters refuse to grant him the title. Stunned at this contradictory action, he seeks the advice of Master Matta Tremayne, who tells him “some things you must find in yourself.” She won’t tell him what’s keeping him from Knighthood. Enraged, he murders Tremayne, steals a ship, and flies toward the worlds of the former Sith Empire.

“Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion.” [Page 69-70]


c.-4,450 BSW4


The Dark Jedi Freedon Nadd comes to Onderon to rule the planet, bringing with him the dark power of the Sith. 

“Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion.” [Page 72]


-4,400 BSW4


Chamma begins his service as a Jedi Knight.  His first mission as a Jedi is a total disaster, and he spends the next century in seclusion.  Finally, Miralukan Jedi Noab Hulis brings Chamma to his senses, and he works his way gradually up to Jedi Master.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 21]  


-4,398 BSW4


Freedon Nadd dies on Onderon. 

Date locked by the Mos Espa Timeline.


-4,350 BSW4


The Beast Wars of Onderon begin, a battle between exiled criminals and the Dark Side ruled city of Iziz. 

"Tales of the Jedi" and "The Freedon Nadd Uprising."  


c. -4,197 BSW4


The Gank Massacres occur, a struggle between the Light and Dark Sides of the Force.  Also during this time, the Vultar Cataclysm occurs, another war between the Light and Dark Sides of the Force.

Conjecture based upon “SW: Dark Lords of the Sith.”


-4,150 BSW4


The Hapes Consortium, or Cluster, is first settled by pirates – the Lorell Raiders – who seize beautiful women to be their mates.  Male domination would continue for a few generations.

Conjecture from “The SW Encyclopeida.” [Page 124]


-4,068 BSW4


Queen Amanoa of Onderon is born. 

Issue #1, "Tales of the Jedi."  


c. -4,059 BSW4


Jev Sunrider serves the Jedi as watchman of the Darada system on the edge of the Core Worlds.  

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 17]


c. -4,050 BSW4


The Hyabb - Twith Campaigns take place between the Jedi and the Nelori Marauders of Dachat at the Hyabb - Twith Corridor (a disputed parsec on the spinward arc of the Core Worlds that had been embroiled in conflict since the birth of the Republic).  Jedi Master (and master swordsman) Arca Jeth plays a key role in resolving the conflict. 

Conjecture from "Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 18]  


Jedi Knights decimate the male Lorell Raiders of the Hapes Consortium.  Women take control of the cluster, and the inherited leadership title of Queen Mother is initiated.  The first Hapan Queen Mother makes Hapes the capital of the Hapan Cluster.

"The Courtship of Princess Leia.”  "SW RPG Cracken's Threat Dossier." and “The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 124]


-4,048 BSW4


Drokko Kira, father of Modon and grandfather of Oron, is cast out of Iziz.  He promptly joins the Beast Lords.

Issue #2, "Tales of the Jedi."  


-4,040 BSW4


Novar is born into one of the wealthiest families of Iziz.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 70]


-4,028 BSW4


Novar gains acceptance in the court of King Ommin.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 70]


-4,022 BSW4


Netus serves the Republic as a member of the elite rocket – jumper corps.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 97]


-4,021 BSW4


Jedi Master Mroon Jassa begins training Jedi at his compound in the Truuine system.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 24]


Andur Sunrider is born, birthplace unknown. 

Conjecture from "Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 17]  


-4,020 BSW4


Intrepid explorers and traders from the Brentaal League begin forging hyperspace routes deep into the Expansion Region.  They create a string of colonies to provide the League with new resources for a booming economy back in the Core Worlds.

“SW RPG: Tales of the Jedi Companion.” [Page 152]


-4,018 BSW4


Oron Kira is born on the planet Onderon.

Date locked by Mos Espa Timeline.


Ulic and Cay Qel-Droma are born on the planet Alderaan. 

Date locked in by Mos Espa Timeline. Alderaan birthplace from Issue #1, "Dark Lords of the Sith."


Upon the death of his father, Ommin takes the throne of Onderon and marries Lady Amanoa, daughter of a wealthy noble. Like the kings of Onderon before him, he begins to study the ways of the Sith under the tutelage of Freedon Nadd.

“Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion.” [Page 72]


-4,017 BSW4


Netus leaves the military, dedicating himself from that point on to politics.  He would eventually become a Senator.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 97]


Keval Raffaan is born on the planet Chandrila.

“SW RPG: Tales of the Jedi Companion.” [Page 150]


-4,016 BSW4


Galia, daughter of King Ommin and Queen Amanoa and heir to the throne of Onderon, is born. 

Issue #1, "Tales of the Jedi."


After spending a dozen years studying the fine art of diplomacy at Ov Taraba, one of the cities most prominent and expensive universities, Novar is appointed assistant to the King’s aide (a position he received due more to his father’s connections than to his own accomplishments). 

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 70]


-4,013 BSW4


Vici Ramunee is born on the planet Alderaan.

“SW Adventure Journal: The Most Dangerous Foe.”


After several years of manipulating and undermining his mentor, Tolo Kad, Novar is promoted to minister of state.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 72]


-4,009 BSW4


Zythmar, temple priest of the Massassi warriors of Yavin IV, enters an extended period of solitude that lasts until the Sith War.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 354]  


Jev Sunrider, grandfather of Andur and Jedi Knight, leaves the family to pursue an evil force on Krayiss II. He never comes home.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 17]


-4,008 BSW4


The spirit of Jev Sunrider visits the teenage Andur to say farewell to his grieving grandson.  He advises him not to ignore the calling of the Force, and tells him that he will play a crucial role in a coming war.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 17]  


Finhead Stonebone, an alien pirate Captain arrives in known space without a single possession and unable to speak Basic.  He quickly took to illegal means of generating income, finding a gunnery position aboard a pirate vessel in Vorc sector within a week.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 99]  


-4,007 BSW4


Veni Ramunee is born on the planet Alderaan.

“SW Adventure Journal: The Most Dangerous Foe.”


-4,006 BSW4


Finhead Stonebone assumes the role of first mate aboard a pirate ship, and eventually steals and embezzles enough funds to buy his own pirate marauder corsair, the ‘Starjacker.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 99]  


-4,003 BSW4


After a decade of manipulating King Ommin, Novar convinces him to take him on as an apprentice to learn his secrets of darkside magic.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 72]  


-4,002 BSW4


Oss Wilum, a Vultan, completes his Jedi training under Master Arca on Stenness.  He had initially begun his training under Master Garnoo, who died before the training was complete.  He goes on to live with Master Thon on Ambria.

Issue #4, "Tales of the Jedi." and Issue #1, "Dark Lords of the Sith."  


Qrrl Toq leaves his homeworld for the first time.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 30]  


Andur Sunrider begins his Jedi training under Master Chamma on H'ratth. 

Conjecture from "Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 18]  


-4,001 BSW4


Kith Kark encounters a group of Jedi apprentices while on a sightseeing excursion in the Truuine system.  Kith, sensing the inner peace and calm of the Jedi, decides to follow them to the training compound of Jedi Master Mroon Jassa, however he is ignored, because he has proven that he is not yet ready to commune with the Force.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 24]  


Two years into his training, King Ommin becomes too ill to continue mentoring Novar.  Luckily (and to Novar’s surprise), Queen Amanoa took Ommin’s place as mentor, bringing him through the next levels of Sith technique.  In time, Novar grew in power, eventually becoming a minor dark side wizard.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 72]  


King Ommin’s Dark Side-caused illness worsens, as his very bone marrow degenerates. His personal physicians construct a durasteel exoskeleton to support him and keep him alive. He goes into hiding to pursue Dark Side studies, leaving Queen Amanoa in charge of Iziz. Rumors circulate of his death, and he does nothing to discourage them.

“Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion.” [Page 68]


-4,000 BSW4


A huge droid revolution occurs on Coruscant, where nearly every droid on the planet rises up against its masters.  Jedi Master Arca Jeth and many other Jedi on Coruscant help defend the planet's citizens from the malfunctioning droids.  This event is later known as The Great Droid Revolution.

"Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith."


The first Republic settlers are brought to the planet Muzara by a colony cruiser from the Brentaal League.  They establish a base atop one of the massive plateaus where they can oversee the agricultural enterprises planned for Muzara.  The league intends to produce food on the planet for export to nearby settlements that are not yet self – sufficient.

“SW RPG: Tales of the Jedi Companion.” [Page 151]


Ssseeeeseetek, a Galidyn, is born on the planet Fyodos.  He would become the oldest, strongest and wisest of his kind on the planet.  He would become the ruler of the Galidyn city closest to the Roh tribe of Fyodoi.

“SW RPG: Planets of the Galaxy: Volume 2.”


Churabba, a female Hutt with a cunning business mind, controls the Si'Klaata Cluster during this period of time.  She was there when the Cult of M'dweshuu once again rose to power on Kintan.  It was believed that she admired the Cult for its ability to galvanize the Nikto race, even as she sought to destroy it to gain control of the Nikto race. She ordered that the Cult's main headquarters be bombarded, killing off many of the Cult's leaders and leaving the Nikto people without a strong leadership. The Nikto then signed their support over to her.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens – Enemies and Allies.”


Kevan Raffaan graduates from school on Chandrila, and hopes to enrol at the Diplomatic Institute on Coruscant, wanting to further hone his abilities and later go on to serve the Republic as a negotiator.  Little does Kevan know: the Force changes his destiny, and he elects to leave the life of an average student, and apprentices himself to Jedi Master Ma’tien.

“SW RPG: Tales of the Jedi Companion.” [Page 150]


Old Corellian, or ‘olys Corellisi’, an archaic dialect still found in some sections of the Corellian sector and the galaxy fades into extinction.  There still exists a secluded sub - culture that insists on using the language, so as to remember the past and the Corellian forebears who helped open up the galaxy.  Socorro, for instance, is a planet with a known Old Corellian dialect still in active use.

"Star Wars Adventure Journal." 


Galactic explorers from the Old Republic make contact with Onderon.  Off - world traders begin to arm the Beast - Lords with advanced weaponry. 

"Tales of the Jedi."  


The Tallaan shipyards are built.  At the junction of a number of trade routes frequented by several space – faring species, among them the Herglics, Humans, and Sullustans, the Tallaan system has always been home to large communites made up of a variety of species.  The Tallaan shipyards, orbiting the planet Tallaan, begin to become an internal cog in the interstellar operations of the Republic.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 50]


Kith Kark is once again rejected by Jedi Master Mroon Jassa.  Over the next year, he would contemplate why he went wrong, eventually seeing light to his inner problem.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 24]  


Vima Sunrider is born to Andur and Nomi Sunrider on H'ratth. 

Conjecture from "Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 18]  


Dace Diath begins Jedi training under his father, Jedi Master Sidrona Diath.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 23]  


Vici Ramunee begins her Jedi training.

“SW Adventure Journal: The Most Dangerous Foe.”


Sundari, the hot, arid third planet in the Garos system, is settled as a mining colony.  Sundari immediately began to trade with its sister planet, Garos IV, because the Sundars were dependent on an outside supply of foodstuffs.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 288]


-3,999 BSW4


Kith Kark is finally accepted by Jedi Master Mroon Jassa, and he begins his training.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 24]  


Qrrl Toq encounters several Jedi who are arbitrating a treaty on the tropical planet of Ulda Frav.  When he approaches the Jedi, they cut short his questions, telling him that he possessed the potential to become one of their numbers.  They were taken aback when he announced that he had never heard of the Jedi Knights.  At their request, Qrrl joined them on their return to Ossus to begin Jedi training.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 30]




-3,998 to -3,997 BSW4


Senator Netus is appointed as Minister of Defence of the Republic.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 97]


Dace Diath travells to Ossus to train under Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas.

"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion." [Page 23]


During a Sith ritual, Queen Amanoa of Onderon is visited by the ghost of the ancient Sith Lord Freedon Nadd. He warns her that if the ongoing battle between Iziz and the Beast Riders continues, she will be destroyed. In a panic, Amanoa calls upon the Jedi Knights to help bring the war on her world to an end…

“Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion.” [Page 68]


"Tales of the Jedi -- Knights of the Old Republic." 

                On the planet Arcadia, Master Arca Jeth sends his three students -- the impulsive Ulic Qel-Droma, his younger brother Cay, and the Twi'lek Tott Doneeta -- to Onderon, which has asked for the Republic's help in repelling the attack of the newly armed Beast Lords.  Scarcely have they landed when a Beast Lord attack carries away Princess Galia.  Tott and Cay are reluctant to continue -- there's something wrong here with the people of Iziz -- but a headstrong Ulic won't listen.  A rescue mission turns much more serious when their ship (the ‘Nebulon Ranger’) is shot down.  They tame the local Boma beasts and make their way to the Beast Lord's headquarters -- where they learn Galia wants to marry Oron Kira, youngest head of the Beast Lords.  When they try to negotiate a peace treaty on that basis, they learn first - hand how the Dark Side has taken control of Iziz, the one walled city on Onderon.


                A battle ensues between Beast Lords and the city, where Cay has his arm chopped off, and the Jedi are nearly overcome by Queen Amanoa's Dark Side powers.  Only the last minute intervention of Arca saves the Beast Lords, who wrest control from the city dwellers.  Amanoa dies when Arca exposes her to the power of the Light Side, and Oron and Galia are married and become King and Queen of Onderon.  Meanwhile, on H'ratth, Andur Sunrider takes his wife Nomi and daughter Vima on a trip to Stenness, to deliver a cargo of Adegan crystals (lightsaber components) to Master Thon.  But the cargo attracts the attention of gangster Bogga the Hutt, who has Andur killed at the Stenness spaceport before Nomi's eyes.  Andur's ghost appears and urges her to take up his lightsaber -- which she does, killing her attackers.  Nomi escapes to the desolate world of Ambria, to meet with Master Thon.  Bogga follows her and attacks Thon's home, only to be repelled by Thon and his student Oss Wilum.  After being allowed time to grieve, Nomi is gradually trained by Thon, but there's a problem -- she won’t pick up a lightsaber again, for any reason.  But when Bogga (using a pirate crew he captured) jumps Nomi, Vima, and Thon at a mountaintop rest stop, and a frustrated Thon surrenders to Bogga without a fight, Nomi finds she no longer has a choice, and uses Thon’s own lightsaber to tear the pirate gang apart.   

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Tom Veitch - October 1993 - February 1994)

(AUDIO DRAMATISATION - Time Warner Audio - John Whitman - 1995)


"Tales of the Jedi: The Freedon Nadd Uprising."  

                On Onderon, a sudden uprising of Dark warriors besieges Iziz.  When the Jedi attempt to take Freedon Nadd's coffin off - planet, they are overwhelmed by Darksiders led by the armoured Warb Null, who effortlessly spirits the coffin away.  Even Oss Wilum, summoned by Arca from Ambria, is unable to help much.  King Ommin, Galia's father, is revealed to be the leader -- and leading him is the dark spirit of Freedon Nadd himself.  When Arca is kidnapped by Ommin, Ulic (after killing Null) calls for help to the Republic.  On Ossus, Nomi Sunrider constructs her own lightsaber under the instruction of Master Vodo-Siosk Baas, along with a sightless fellow student, Shoaneb Culu of Alpheridies.  She then travels to Coruscant with Master Thon to plead on the Jedi's behalf. 


                The Republic Senate is reluctant at first to help, considering the matter a problem for the Jedi only.  But while the debate takes place, a new element enters the picture -- Setal and Aleema Keto, two bored aristocrats from the Empress Teta System.  They have formed a secret society called the Krath and are in search of knowledge about the Dark Side.  As Setal and Aleema steal Sith artefacts from the Galactic Museum of Coruscant, the Senate is finally swayed by the arguments of Thon and Nomi.  Nomi is sent to lead a Republic fleet to Onderon to wipe out the Darksiders.  As the battle begins, the Keto’s race right through the fleet, ignoring their warnings and dodging rocket - jumper troops.  Making their way to the Darksider headquarters, they receive aid and instruction from Nadd and Ommin.


                The Jedi / Republic force faces not only Dark Side soldiers but strange war droids that radiate the Dark Side.  But when they unite with Ulic and his group, the army proves stronger.  The Keto's escape (guided by Nadd) just as the massed Jedi enter the subterranean headquarters, killing Ommin and freeing Arca.  But Nadd reveals that everything that has happened was planned by him -- and the Jedi have not won, but are about to lose.  The Jedi take the bodies of Nadd, Ommin and Amanoa to Onderon's moon of Dxun to free the planet of the Dark Side forever, unaware of the Keto's escape and plans... 

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Tom Veitch – August - September 1994)

(AUDIO DRAMATISATION - Time Warner Audio - John Whitman - 1995)


With the Republic distracted by the crisis on Onderon and other border wars with expansionist species, Provisional Governor Myrial of Argazda declares the Kanz sector independent, and quickly annexes and subjugates all worlds in the sector (including Lorrd).  The Lorrdians masters, the Argazdans, forbade them to communicate with each other.  This could have destroyed their culture within a couple of generations.  Instead, the Lorrdians adapted.  They devised an extremely intricate language of subtle hand gestures, body postures and subtle facial tics and expressions.  Lorrdians also leaned how to interpret the body language of others.  This was vital to survival during their enslavement – by learning how to interpret the body postures, gestures and vocal intonations of their masters, they could learn how to respond to situations and survive.  They maintained their cultural identity in the face of adversity.

"The SW Encyclopedia." [Page 157] and “SW RPG Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook.” [Page 132]


-3,997 BSW4


"Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith."  

                The Krath -- a secret society of Darksiders founded by Setal and Aleema Keto -- lead a political coup in the Empress Teta system.  Setal and Aleema unintentionally stumble upon the use of carbonite for life - suspension -- a fact they cruelly use upon their own parents.  Everyone who opposes them is subjected to hideous deaths via Sith magic.  The Jedi gear up to free the Tetan system.  While studying Sith artefacts to find a clue, Ulic Qel-Droma suddenly receives a vision of Freedon Nadd...  "The Sith are destined to rise again.  Nothing can prevent that.  YOU will be one of the great ones -- and there is another even greater than you..."    


                Leading a Republic force to protect Koros Major, last free world of the Tetan system, Ulic and Nomi are resoundingly defeated by the Krath ships -- and Setal and Aleema's evil magic.  An unprecedented assembly of ten thousand Jedi occurs at Mount Meru on Deneba to discuss the problem. Ulic Qel-Droma advises infiltrating the Krath to learn their dark secrets, but is advised against it by fellow Jedi.  A sudden attack by Krath war droids devastates the Jedi ranks -- and Master Arca is brutally murdered in front of Ulic.  A grief - stricken Ulic blames himself for Arca’s death.  Ignoring the warnings of Nomi and Masters Ood Bnar and Odan-Urr, he attempts an infiltration on Cinnagar, capital of the Teta system.  Just as a Tetan - led assassin group is actually about to kill the Keto’s, Ulic is forced to move in and kill them.  But Setal and Aleema are prepared for him -- the trap was arranged by them.  Infecting him with Sith poison, Aleema seduces Ulic and begins corrupting him. 


                Meanwhile, Exar Kun -- an angry and reckless student of Vodo Siosk-Baas on Dantooine -- finds his way to Dxun, where he is seduced into the Dark Side by Freedon Nadd.  He continues on to Korriban, where Nadd forces him to either surrender totally to evil -- or die.  He chooses evil.  Kun establishes his base on Yavin IV, the old base of Naga Sadow, and forces the Massassi race to his will.  When Nadd announces he wishes to reborn into a new body, Kun uses his new power to subject Nadd to a second death -- but not before Nadd warns the Keto’s about Kun.  Kun orders the Sith temples on Yavin augmented and increased.  Finding Naga Sadow's spaceship, he begins studying Sith alchemy.  Fearing for Ulic -- a man she has come to love -- Nomi attempts to rescue him on Cinnagar.  Even as Aleema works to darken him, Setal tries to kill him.  Finally giving way to his anger, Ulic murders Setal and becomes evil.  Nomi, Cay and Tott leave Ulic, realising he is lost to them.  They plan another attempt.  The Jedi Masters allow it, but say that if Ulic has chosen the Dark Side, he must bear the consequences.  The Jedi learns this sad fact for themselves when Ulic attacks them.  Just after they leave, Exar Kun attacks Ulic and Aleema.  The spirit of the last Dark Lord of the Sith intervenes and tells them they must work together.  He declares Kun the new Dark Lord of the Sith, with Qel-Droma his lieutenant.  

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Tom Veitch / Kevin J. Anderson - October 1994 - March 1995)

(AUDIO DRAMATISATION - Time Warner Audio - John Whitman - 1996)


Members of the Massassi race travel to nearby Yavin VIII in hopes of freeing their children, who have been trapped in the Golden Globe, a magical device created by Exar Kun.  When the native Melodies indicate they are unable to help, the Massassi carve their story into the side of the Sistra mountains in the hope that someday, someone will free the children.

“Junior Jedi Knights: Lyric’s World.”


“SW Adventure Journal: The Most Dangerous Foe.”

                After three years of training under the Omwati Mistress Tannis, 16 - year old Alderaanian Jedi student Vici Ramunee has completed her lightsaber construction at the Jedi Praxeum (“learning center”) of Teya IV.  But there is one more test she must face.  Without any resources other than herself, she must make her way along a difficult path to the Cave of Truth -- where she will face “her most dangerous foe.” Her 10 - year old brother Veni tags along midway, holding her lightsaber.  They run into Willm Lywin, a 600 - year old Duinuogwuin guardian who will take her to the Cave.  She makes her way in alone -- and faces her own corpse.  And then a Corusca gem that could finance her family.  And then a puzzle room.  Getting frustrated, she rages out at her unseen foe.  But facing her reflection, she realises -- her most dangerous foe is herself.  And with that realisation, she passes the test and becomes a Jedi.

(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Angela Philips - November 1996)


"Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War."  

                Six months have passed since Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma fell to the Dark Side.  The forces of Lord Mandalore attack the Empress Teta system.  But when Ulic defeats Lord Mandalore one-on-one on the planet Harkul, the Mandalorian warriors become Qel-Droma's servants.  Meanwhile, Exar Kun tries to recruit Jedi from Ossus, taking twenty of them (including Oss Wilum).  He steals the Sith Holocron from Odan-Urr and murders him.  At the shipyards of Foerost, the united Krath / Mandalore forces begin their invasion, gaining 300 Republic warships.  Ulic vows to move on to Coruscant.  Training the Jedi on Yavin IV, Kun refuses to aid him, saying he will go on alone if Qel-Droma fails.  


                The invasion begins, as Vodo, Nomi, and Cay organise the defence.  Aleema abandons Ulic to be captured, using Lord Mandalore to replace him.  Mandalore secretly intends to rescue Ulic.  As Ulic stands trial before the Senate, Exar plans to wipe out all the Jedi Masters at once, using the corrupted Jedi. Kun breaks into the trial of Ulic, puts the Senate under a spell, murders both the Senate judge and Master Vodo, and takes Ulic with him.  Mandalore informs Ulic of Aleema's treachery.  While Nomi and Thon are able to stop Oss Wilum from murdering them, the corrupted students of Kun carry out a massacre of the Jedi Masters.  Ulic sets Aleema up for death in a battle at Kemplex, a battle that results in the deaths of Aleema, three Jedi, and the creation of the Cron asteroid field.  As the shock wave nears Ossus, the dark Jedi attack.  Ood Bnar transforms himself into a giant tree to protect Jedi artefacts from Exar Kun. Cay desperately confronts Ulic --who brutally slaughters his own brother.  Only then does Ulic finally see what he's done -- and it's far too late.  Insane with grief and anger, Nomi inflicts the worst possible punishment on her former lover -- she strips him of the Force forever.


                Physically and emotionally broken, Ulic vows to do the one thing left that will give his life meaning - he will take Exar Kun down.  As the Jedi escape, the shock wave hits Ossus, making the planet a wasteland.  On Onderon, the Mandalorians attempt to retake the city, but are repulsed by Republic forces. When Lord Mandalore is killed, another warrior takes up the tradition...  Ulic leads the Jedi to Yavin IV. Realising he can't win, Exar enacts a horrible means of survival -- he saps the Massassi of their life forces to trap his spirit in the temples. 

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Kevin J. Anderson - August 1995 - January 1996)


"The Brotherhood of the Sith could have ruled the galaxy, could have squashed the doddering Republic and turned the other Jedi Knights into parlour magicians --- but I was betrayed."


Exar Kun

"SW: Dark Apprentice." [Page 228]


-3,996 BSW4


As a result of the Great Sith War, Jedi Knights discover bloodlines powerful in the Force in the House Pelagia in the Tapani Empire.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


The planet Ession, the fourth in the Lucaya System of the future Corporate Sector, is settled.

“X-Wing: Wraith Squadron.”


Forty-five different Ropagu nations battle with each other over which was superior.  The intervention of the Kalduu race saved the Ropagu from destroying not only themselves, but their planet as well.  Since then, the largest conflict the Ropagu have engaged in is a series of philosophical and theoretical debates in which the loser is encouraged to find a better argument and return to the debate.  The Ropagu are also excellent computer technicians, and can program nearly every programmable device in the galaxy.

“SW RPG: Twin Stars of Kira.”


-3,995 BSW4


Ulic Qel-Droma visits the now empty Massassi temples of Yavin IV; to see for himself the destruction he has helped cause.  Forever lost to the Force and to himself, Ulic cannot hear the voice of Exar Kun's spirit crying out for help, and walks away in despair. 

"Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War" epilogue.


-3,987 BSW4


"Tales of the Jedi: Redemption."

                Still in hiding from the Republic and Jedi alike, an old-before-his-time Ulic Qel-Droma hires down-on-his-luck spacer Hoggon to take him somewhere remote to live out the rest of his life.  Hoggon, unaware of Qel-Droma’s identity, takes him to Yavin IV.  Haunted by the ghosts of the past, Ulic refuses that place.  On Ryloth, the Twi’lek homeworld, Tott Doneeta is badly burned protecting a defeated clan from a heat storm.  He refuses treatment, because he has an appointment.  Namely, the first convocation of the Jedi Knights in a decade, held by Nomi Sunrider at the partially - built Exis Station, built to replace Ossus.  A bitter Sylvar is there, as is Master Thon -- and an impulsive, rebellious 13 - year old Vima Sunrider, who goes joyriding on an ion mining ship and is just barely saved from being sun - fried by the arriving Tott.


                Ulic finally finds a home in the arctic wastes of Rhen Var, in some ancient ruins.  Hoggon rushes back to Exis to watch the rest of the convocation.  Sylvar, it seems, has neither forgotten nor forgiven the events of a decade before.  Unable to take another mate, she loudly calls for the Jedi to hunt Ulic down. On Rhen Var, Ulic wanders, unable to find peace.  When he falls accidentally into a crevasse, he is more than ready to die -- until the spirit of Master Arca appears and tells him he must live.  Ulic pulls himself back out, but wonders -- what's he living for?


                Tott and Sylvar go to Ryloth to help the clan rebuild, only to run into a clan dispute.  A raging Sylvar stirs the people up, readies them for war -- and then Tott returns to announce he's negotiated a peace treaty.  She storms off the planet.  Vima gets ignored by Nomi one time too many.  She stows away on Hoggon's ship, and convinces him to take her to Rhen Var.  If her own mother won't train her to be a Jedi, she hopes the mysterious Ulic she's heard so much about will.  It takes some serious convincing, but Ulic finally decides to take young Vima in and start training her.  She sends word to a shocked Nomi of her plans.


                Tott accompanies Sylvar to her home of Cathar.  Her people welcome her as a hero, but all she sees is what she can't have.  She realizes full well just how close to the Dark Side she is getting, but doesn't know how or where to find peace.  Even a ritual blood hunt can't help her.  She abandons the hunt when a scout brings word of Vima’s disappearance.


                Vima’s training goes surprisingly well.  Ulic teaches her everything he knows, and allows her to build her own lightsaber, then begins training her in lightsaber combat.  She encourages a downcast Ulic to use what talents he does still have.  They use their lightsabers to carve a mountain into sculptures of Andur and Arca. 


                Hoggon won’t be allowed to see Nomi to tell her where Vima is.  But Sylvar will listen, and takes off with him for Rhen Var.  With the convocation over and realizing how she has neglected her, Nomi sets out after Vima herself.  She reaches the two first, and sees for herself how the two have helped each other -- Vima has become a full Jedi, and Ulic is a much happier and content man.  Vima takes Nomi to see her ice sculpture... at which point Sylvar appears and attacks Ulic.  Ulic won’t attack her, though.  Sylvar can’t find it in herself to kill Ulic, and shuts down her lightsaber.  At which point Hoggon shoots Ulic down in cold blood.  He runs off cheering at killing the great Jedi criminal.  All Nomi, Vima, and Sylvar can do is watch Ulic die... and fade away like a true Jedi Master.  And if only in that, they find some comfort.

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Kevin J. Anderson – July - November 1998)




The Expansion Region, within “The Slice” is created in an experiment in corporate controlled space.  While the profits from the region were enormous, internal strife and disturbances continually upset the region.  Residents of the region were forced to live under horrible conditions, while the corporations stripped the star systems of all resources.  Because the corporations had strict control of communication and transportation, few outside the Expansion Region were aware of the conditions in that area of space.  Eventually, the anger of the people peaked and civil unrest spread from system to system.  Due to mounting pressure from constituents, the Republic Senate took control of the Expansion Region, limiting or evicting the corporate interests.  Notable plants in the Expansion Region are Aquaris, Aridus, M’haeli, Mimban, Nkllon and Tynna.

Conjecture based upon "SW RPG: Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook." [Page 19]


The Scout Service is established by the Republic as a means of stabilizing and charting the expansion of the peoples of the Known Galaxy.  The Republic expanded, adding countless colonies to its benevolent, though often inattentive, catalogue of worlds.  Many of these new worlds were found in areas of space that were poorly explored.  These worlds relied upon scouts for contact with civilization and for maintaining valuable trade routes.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts.” [Page 14, 22]


-3,980 BSW4


Advances in navicomputer technology makes hyperspace beacons obsolete. 

Conjecture from the "Tales of the Jedi" Audio Drama.  


-3,698 BSW4


After three centuries of battle, the Jedi Knights finally intervene to end the Kanz disorders, freeing the Lorrdians. In the years of the conflict, over 500 million Lorrdians and five billion other beings died.  For their part, the Lorrdians have vowed never to let the galaxy forget that dark period.  They are outspoken critics and activists (and sometimes much more) against the practice of slavery.

"The SW Encyclopedia." [Page 157] and “SW RPG Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook.” [Page 133]


c. -3,500 BSW4


The planet Echnos is settled by accident, as an Old Republic scout vessel is pulled out of hyperspace due to Tinn VI’s magnetic interference.  The scouts set down on Echnos and developed a colony.  As trade routes came closer and closer to Tinn VI, hyperdrive cut - outs were enough of a recurring event to allow the Echnos outpost to thrive as a repair depot.  In the first 15 years of settlement, over 10,000 visits were recorded.  Echnos is the fourth of six moons circling the tremendous gas giant, Tinn VI.  Echnos, also known as Tinn VI-D, has a surface of barren stretches of land and rocky outcropping.  Its atmosphere is hostile to most life - forms, and beings require life - support and breath masks for survival.  The planet’s dry hydrosphere is trapped under the surface of the planet, consisting of frozen water and ammonia.  The moon is held in the grip of Tinn VI’s powerful magnetic field.  The sea - blue transparisteel dome of Echnos City, that provides a breathable atmosphere for the city’s inhabitants, also provides protection from the dangerous field.  Echnos became a standard refueling and trading port in the Outer Rim Territories.  It imports foodstuffs and metals, and exports mid and high technology.  Echnos has no real government. Its population is made up of humans, Sullustans, Ithorians and Rodians.

Conjecture based upon “SWAJ #4 ‘Enemies for Life’ Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


c. -3,000 BSW4


The Corellia StarDrive Company is bought by the Corellian Engineering Corporation after the company’s entire senior design team was killed in a freak shuttle crash.  It was a loss that Corellia StarDrive was never able to recover from, and led to its takeover. 

"SW: The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels."  Borrowed with thanks from James McFadden.


The Alsakan Conflicts occur.  The later "Dreadnaught" class of ship is inspired by the battle.

"The SW Encyclopedia." 


The legendary female pioneer Friea Kallea explores Brentaal space, forging the major trade route known in later years as "The Hydian Way", which runs from the Mid - Core out to the (future) Corporate Sector, then intersecting the Perlemian Trade Route in the Bormea Sector at the planet Brentaal.  

"The SW Encyclopedia." [Page 8]


As Elrood’s population grows, so does its power and prestige.  During this time, a colony is established on Derilyn, marking the first trade route in the region.  In short order, the Coynites, Orfites, Meris and Teltiors are discovered, and diplomatic relations are established with these worlds.  In time, the E-D Run is pioneered and Elrood becomes a Sector Capitol, with full acceptance in the Republic.

“SW RPG Planets Of The Galaxy: Volume Three.” [Page 42]


The planet Pho Ph’eah is first contacted by the Republic, and the technologically skilled Pho Ph’eahians become members of the Republic.  Pho Ph'eah having a wide variety of terrain is the homeworld of the Pho Ph'eahians -- aliens with blue fur and four arms.  Pho Ph'eah orbits far from its star and receives little sunlight, but is warmed by active geothermal energy.

Speculation based upon "SW RPG: Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook" and “Han Solo’s Revenge.”


c. -2,997 BSW4


According to Jedi Prophecies, there would be a major war between the Light and Dark Sides of the Force during this period.  The prophecy was actually fulfilled a thousand years prior, with the war that featured Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma.

Conjecture based upon “SW: Dark Lords of the Sith.”


-2,996 BSW4


The Hapes Cluster cuts off all contact with the galaxy and seals off their borders.

"The SW Encyclopedia." [Page 124]


-2,992 BSW4


The Paecian Empire begins to collapse.

“SW: The Courtship of Princess Leia.”


c. -2,700 BSW4


During this period of time, Kala’uun had a sister city known as Kala’din on the planet Ryloth.  This city produced so much ryll that it held its own against slavers and spice merchants, and was the most powerful city on Ryloth.  A Twi’lek called Kroh’dalla liven in Kala’din, and was second supervisor to the Ryll Master.  He oversaw operation of the ryll mines and processing vaults, and it was his duty, like all other Twi’leks who knew of the mines, to keep their location secret from all others.  But Kro’dalla was greedy, and wanted more money and prestige for himself and his clan than he was paid by the miserly Ryll Master.  One day a spice merchant and slaver named Brophys landed at Kala’din to purchase a load of ryll for sale.  Now Brophys was known to many Twi’leks and others throughout the galaxy as a rich merchant who could cut a deal with anyone to make more credits.  Kroh’dalla approached Brophys when he landed, and offered to reveal the location of the ryll mines and processing caverns if Brophys would give Kroh’dalla 100,000 credits and make his clan the city’s ruling clan.  But after the deal had been made, and Brophys’ mercenaries had invaded the mines, Kroh’dalla and his clan were forgotten.  The ryll mineworkers were killed, Kala’din’s remaining citizens were enslaved, and Brophys relentlessly dug ryll from the extensive caverns beneath the city.  He and his men mined so much ryll in such a short time that the very foundations of the city collapsed into the mines, destroying Kala’din and killing the greedy mercenaries who deceived Kro’dalla into revealing the mines location.  “For once a secret is revealed, it spreads, like the ryll mines of Kala’din, until all the truth above is destroyed.”

“SW RPG: Platt’s Starport Guide.” [Page 152]


c. -2,600 BSW4


Humans come to the planet Dathomir when a group of illegal arms manufacturers are exiled to the planet by the Jedi Knights.

Conjecture from “The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 68]


c. -2,500 BSW4


Allya, a fallen Jedi, is banished to the planet Dathomir.  She tames the native Rancors and establishes rule over the planet.  She begins teaching her daughters the ways of the Force.  The teaching is corrupted in succeeding generations, leading to the "Witches of Dathomir."

Conjecture from "SW: The Courtship of Princess Leia."


Betha II, a low gravity planet located within the Betha System, which is at the midpoint of the Danarac run in the Corva Sector is made into a thriving port.  However, the planet’s low gravity means that it couldn’t hold it’s atmosphere for long, and this eventually led to the drying out of the planet’s ecosystem.

“SW Adventure Journal #8.”


-2,033 BSW4


Anakin Skywalker will later come into possession of what appears to be a holocron from this era.

Conjecture based upon “The Hunt for Anakin Skywalker”.

Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


-2,032 BSW4


A new sect of the Sith are formed, as a rogue Jedi Knight breaks from the order and pursues power.  Over the following millenia, the Sith fight each other as much as the Jedi, making it easier for the Jedi to control them.  The Sith embrace the concept that power denied was power wasted.  While the Jedi order was created to serve, the Sith only believe in domination. (11)

“The Phantom Menace” novel.


The baloo vines grow among the waza trees on the planet Dar'Or.  The Ri'Dar race string nets of baloo vines between waza trees to develop small towns within the trees.  The nets collect leaves and needles falling from the waza trees, over time collecting into thick mats of decomposing matter.  The layers of humus have been used by the Ri'Dar to plant gardens in their aerial towns.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races.” [Page 75]


c. -2,000 BSW4


Incom Corporation, a leading starship manufacturor and designer is formed.  Among future designs produced by the company are the Z-95 Headhunter (jointly designed with Subpro Corporation), the T-16 Skyhopper, the T-47 Airspeeder, the T-65 X-Wing and the I-7 Howlrunner.

“The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels.”


The Cha’wen’he is encountered by the Republic.  They are avid explorers and scouts, and make excellent starship pilots and navigators.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens – Enemies and Allies.” [Page 13]


Merenzane Gold, a subtle, sweet ‑ tasting alcoholic beverage begins to be brewed.  Depending on the vintage, it can be quite expensive.

“SW: Tales of the Mos Eisley Cantina” and “Tales of the Bounty Hunters”.


The Ebranite society is plagued with clan warfare.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens – Enemies and Allies.” [Page 35]


The ‘Order of the Terrible Glare’, an ancient priesthood is based on the planet Garn.  It is destroyed by the Jedi Knights, but the Order left behind the Portal Desolate on Garn.  Within the portal was a computer - generated image of Rur, the last of the Order's High Shamen.  Rur's image was placed there to destroy the Jedi once the Order could be re - established.  However, when Luke Skywalker discovered the portal during the Galactic Civil War, the computer system couldn't reconcile the facts that the Jedi were extinct and a great deal of time had elapsed.  The computer system exploded, taking with it the last remnants of the Order.

“Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds”


The planet Hargeeva a temperate world, the third of five in the Pelonat System is settled, but support for the colonists is soon cut off.  The society reverted to a feudal state, and remained that way until the Empire showed up.  The limited government was unable to stop Imperial subjugation, and high - tech refineries and a full garrison were quickly installed.  The planet remained under Imperial control for many years.

“SW Adventure Journal #8.”


Located in the Delari system of the Corva sector of the Outer Rim, Delari Prime is the first planet orbiting its binary star.  The world was teeming with life, until a wayward asteroid knocked its orbit closer to the heat of the twin suns.  Catastrophic climate changes caused the planet's seas to burn up, and massive erosion formed kilometer - deep chasms that now crisscross the orange - rust surface.  The world has a mere 10-hour rotation cycle, is buffeted by intense windstorms, and can only support vegetation at its poles.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


The Tasari, natives to the planet Tasariq in the Tasar system begin to pass down many tales of how their species stood on the threshold of traveling to the stars when the great disaster happened (an unprecedented meteor shower that ravaged their planet).  It has become a collective dream of the Tasari to someday travel to the stars.

"SW Adventure Journal, Vol. 1, Issue #15."


An unusual faction of Hutts break away from the other clans, named the Shell Hutts.  The Shell Hutts resemble their brethren in every physical aspect.  They are huge, slug - like creatures with tough skin and internal organs protected by dense layers of blubber.  However, the Shell Hutts choose to protect themselves from external radiation – which about the only thing that will naturally kill a Hutt - by enclosing themselves in riveted metal shells.  The shells must be continually shed as the Shell Hutt grows, and the donning of a new shell is often a cause for celebration. Everything but the Shell Hutt’s face is contained within the shell.  Even their hands are hidden inside, manipulating the controls which maintained the shell’s repulsor engines and directional thrusters.  The Shell Hutts take control of the planet Circumtore and use it as their base of operations.  They are quite paranoid about security around Circumtore, and often send delegates to meet with potential clients or enemies in orbit.  These delegates had their shells stuffed with explosives, which could be triggered from within in the event of an emergency.  The resulting explosion would kill the Shell Hutt and the enemy force, eliminating any threat to the continued security of their planet.

‘The Mandalorian Armor.’


-1,998 BSW4


Ecclessis Figg, the future builder of Cloud City of Bespin is born.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin.”


-1,991 BSW4


Jomark is colonised, the only planet of its system to be so. 

Conjecture from "SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook."


A pirate band hides their treasure in an ancient fortress on Yavin IV and leave a guardian droid and Q-7N to watch after it.

Conjecture based on “The Rebel Thief”. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


-1,989 BSW4


The Mon Calamari begin to construct Foamwander City.

“SW: Dark Apprentice.”


The inner surface of Coruscant, after millennia of build up and decay, starts to be taken over by the dregs of society, looking for a safe haven from the authorities and the outside world.

“SW RPG Jedi Academy Sourcebook.”


c. -1,980 BSW4


Cloud City is built in the atmosphere of the planet Bespin by Lord Ecclessis Figg of the Corellian system.  Figg (with the aid of the Ugnaughts of Miser) designed Cloud City (originally known as Floating Home Colony) as a tibanna gas mine, used to tap into spin - sealed gas trapped in the lower atmosphere of Bespin. The then - young Incom Corporation works for years to modify existing repulsor - lift technology to create engines capable of holding the massive complex in the air.  It then creates a subsidiary, Bespin Motors, which produces the cloud cars that fly over Cloud City. The inner planets of the system begin to be mined for ores to build the city.  These mines would later become havens for smugglers and pirates.  Over the years, Cloud City develops into a center of quiet, black - market commerce.

Conjecture from “Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin,” as well as the established date of Incom’s founding.


-1,581 BSW4


The Tapani Sector enters into what is later known as the Federal Era (11,139 - 12,688 by their domestic calendar).  Reformers within the Tapani Empire abolish imperial rule and establish a Tapani republic.  Noble houses manage to survive the reform and begin running affairs directly through the Great Council and Procopian Senate.  During this era, the Shapani Bypass is created, allowing the previously backwater periphery worlds of the sector to participate in galactic commerce.  This leads to the periphery worlds declaring independence from the Tapani republic and becoming the Freeworlds Region.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


-1,300 BSW4


Gammine Group, Incorporated, a mining conglomerate takes control of the Lan System and begins operations to exploit the system’s ore – rich inner planets.  The remote Lan system, consisting of five planets orbiting the large orange star Lan, is located over three days travel past the Outer Rim terminus of the Enarc Run.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


-1,200 BSW4


The Republic Survey Corps surveys Tatooine, a desert world in the J11.9 system.  The initial cursory examination finds no indigenous lifeforms, and the planet is approved for colonisation.

"SW RPG Galaxy Guide 9: Mos Eisley."


-1,196 BSW4


Hathrox III is the site of a biochemical civil war.  One of the armies had unleashed a plague as a "secret weapon," one which was a "fool - proof" anti - virus.  All the group managed to do was wipe out the entire population of the planet.  During the New Republic, Hathrox III was still listed as a "standing hazard."  The history of the planet was discovered by a scouting team that discovered records of civilization, but failed to live long enough to read them.  Neither did the rescue crew that assisted them, nor the quarantine staff that tried to save them.

“SW: Planet of Twilight.”


c.-1,050 BSW4


The Dark Jedi Kaan forms the Brotherhood of Darkness.  A Jedi army is raised to oppose him.  After several days of battle on a little - known world, Kaan puts the spirits of the Jedi and Dark Jedi into suspended animation.  The valley where this occurs becomes known as the "Valley of the Jedi."  

Conjecture from "Dark Forces: Rebel Agent." They said it was "hundreds and hundreds" of years ago. 


-1,032 BSW4


After a millennium of fighting, only one Sith -- Darth Bane -- is left.  He decides that from this point, only two Dark Lords of the Sith will exist at any one time -- a master and an apprentice.  He and his apprentice goes into hiding, slowly and patiently plotting the Sith’s revenge against the Jedi.  This new breed of Sith are the first to take the title of Darth (DARk lord of the siTH), which distinguishes them from the Sith ancestors from millennia past.  For the next millennium, the Sith would maintain their order in secrecy, passing down their evil heritage.  As they gained knowledge of the dark side of the Force, their powers increased with each generation. 

“The Phantom Menace” novel.


c. -1,020 BSW4


Jedi Knight Tal of Ruusan dies.

Conjecture based upon “Jedi Knight.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


-1,010 BSW4


Dannik Jerriko, an Anzati assassin, is born.

"The SW Encyclopedia." [Page 151]  He was the "Pipe smoker" seen in the Cantina in ANH.


-1,001 BSW4


The planet Spira is scouted by the Old Republic.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 283]


-1,000 BSW4


The desert planet Socorro sees rain for the last time this year.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 276]


The queen of the Alpherides, the sole female on the planet is born.  She will mate with all the males when they reach the age of 150.  She lives in a palace in the great Alpherides Ocean.

“Tales of the Jedi: The Freedon Nadd Uprising.”


Ewok mythology begins concerning the tale of the Golden One, the servant and tender of the First Tree. His return has been prophesied in Ewok lore.  According to ancient Ewok mythology, the Golden One would return to lead the Ewoks in a great holy war.  While the First Tree awaits the Golden One’s return, it is tended to by the being known as the Grudakk. (12) 

"Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi."


The Erasmus gambit, a military tactic, is devised.  It involves surreptitiously inserting troops behind enemy

lines by using a shell or other disguise that the enemy accepts into their lines.

"SW RPG: Rebel Alliance Sourcebook."


The “witch” Sycorax, who lives on Necropolis with her son, tells tales of how she can revive the dead.  The locals do not believe her and end up murdering her son and telling her to bring him back to life.  Instead, she dies of a broken heart and they are buried together in what comes to be known as the Crypt of the Ancients.  Before she dies, however, Sycorax places the Curst of Sycroax on Necropolis, telling the locals that if they ever ignore the dead, the dead will rise and take vengeance.

Conjecture based on “Galaxy of Fear:  City of the Dead”. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Books are almost totally phased out in lieu of electronic media.

Conjecture based on “Galaxy of Fear:  Ghost of the Jedi”. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


-990 BSW4


The teacher of Jedi Master Bodo Baas writes a prophecy about the Skywalker family.  When adding information to his Holocron decades later, Baas includes the prophecy.  “... A brother and sister born to walk the sky, but reckless brother falls - into Dark Side’s eye!  Jedi sister carries hope for future in her womb.  Only she can save the Skywalker’s from certain doom!  A Jedi killer wants to tame her.  Now the Dark Side Lord comes to claim her.  She must battle join against his thief, or the dynasty of all the Jedi will come to grief!...”

"SW: Dark Empire." 


-989 BSW4


The Khomm, a race that values sameness above most, begins using cloning to propagate their species.

"SW: Dark Apprentice" and "The SW Encyclopedia." [Page 164]


-920 BSW4


Aruk the Hutt, a sibling of Zavval, is born into the Besadii clan.

“SW: The Hutt Gambit.”


-891 BSW4


Yoda, a legendary Jedi Master, is born.  Place of birth is unknown.  

Date locked by “Behind the Magic.”    


c. -800 BSW4


Radell Mining Corporation (RMC) is founded on the planet Elrood.  

"SW RPG Planets Of The Galaxy: Volume Three." [Page 21]


c. -790 BSW4


Yoda, apparently a Jedi Master by now, begins to train Jedi Knights.  

From Yoda's line in SW V about having trained Jedi for eight hundred years.  


c. -700 BSW4


The Corporate Sector is established in a far – flung and minimally explored corner of the galaxy.  The Sector encompassed several hundred systems, all of them devoid of sapient life.  The companies had a right to lease or buy whole star systems of space, and develop those systems as they saw fit.  In the Corporate Sector, the Republic took a much more active role than in the Expansion Region.  The Republic placed itself squarely between the companies and their workers.  A full naval sector group was deployed to the Corporate Sector with a dual purpose.  The primary concern was protecting the civil rights and freedoms of those who chose to work and live in the Sector.  The secondary concern was to make sure that the systems were responsibly managed: companies were not allowed to destroy entire planets for a few extra credits.  The companies would have to operate in such a manner as to preserve the basic integrity of each world’s natural ecosphere.


Despite these restrictions, most of the companies that did business in the Expansion Region chose to set up operations in the new Corporate Sector.  Tax rates were comparably low.  While a general tax was paid directly to the Republic government, the companies could avoid the myriad of sector, system, planetary and local taxes found on most worlds.  While the companies had to work within carefully defined parameters, they generally had much greater freedom than on worlds with their own native governments.  The companies also knew laws would be consistent throughout the sector.  The biggest benefit of the Corporate Sector was the lack of competition.  Since companies could buy whole undeveloped systems directly from the Republic, the corporations developed industrial and manufacturing facilities at a much faster rate.  In brief, the Corporate Sector led to an era of unparalleled profits and industrial development.

Speculation based upon "SW RPG: Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook." [page 19]


The Death Seed, a horrific plague, rips through the galaxy.  Whole sectors are either wiped out or reverts to barbarism. 

"SW: Planet of Twilight."


The Iotran nations agree to unify themselves, and the various military orders that supported the former Iotran nations consolidate into the Iotran Police Force, simply known as the IPF.  They act as law enforcers, national guardsman, and rescue workers throughout Iotran society.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens – Enemies and Allies.” [Page 43]


The Grissmath Dynasty begins to send political prisoners to Nam Chorios. Hoping the prisoners starve to death on the inhospitable world, they set automated gun stations around the planet to prevent escape.  

"SW: Planet of Twilight."


The Old Republic first established a small base on Borleias for the purpose of plotting runs to the Corporate Sector and elsewhere.  The Alderaan Biotics hydroponics facility, a producer of Alderaanian foodstuffs, was also built on Borleias' far side, but over the years it was abandoned and left to the care of maintenance droids. 

Conjecture based upon“X-Wing – Rogue Squadron.”


-610 BSW4


Dewlanna is born on the planet Kashyyyk.  

"SW: The Paradise Snare."


-600 BSW4


Jabba “The Hutt” Desilijic Tiure is born to Zorba, probably on Nal Hutta.  

Speculation from SW RPG “Galaxy Guide 4: Aliens.”    


Gularg the Hutt is born.  He would become a jovial bartender who owned ‘Gularg’s Libation Emporium’ on the planet Celanon.

“SW RPG: The Politics of Contraband.”


The Kathol Sector is settled by the Old Republic, the first colonised planet being Gandle Ott.  To this day, it remains a Galactic backwater.  Eventually, there will be thirty official colonies and worlds in the sector.  On the other side of a large void on the edge of the sector is a cluster of stars called the Kathol Outback, which in turn borders on the mysterious and difficult to navigate Kathol Riff.  The Kathol sector touches the outer reaches of the Minos Cluster, with which it is linked by the Triton Trade Route.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 159]


The ‘Exocros Cabal’ was one of many exploration vessels sent into the Outer Rim Territories by Old Republic scholar and prophet, Deamos Na-Coth.  Na-Coth would often preach about a fabled, utopian world called Exo, which would be a retreat from the artificial "plastic" societies of the Core Worlds.  The ‘Cabal’ was a 2,000 -passenger colony ship filled with loyal followers of Na-Coth’s vision.  Upon entering the Outer Rim, the ‘Cabal’ was seriously damaged in an asteroid storm.  Its commander was killed, and its navigation systems were crippled. The colonists mutinied and warred over differing interpretations of Na-Coth’s scripture, and for many years, the ‘Cabal’ drifted aimlessly as different factions controlled various parts of her.  Finally a faction comprised of starship engineers took control of the Cabal, and steered the vessel away from pirate threats to a newly discovered world long hidden by the veil of a nebula.  The planet became the de facto Exo to many, while other colonists wanted to take the ‘Cabal’ and continue their search.  The early years were filled with strife and warfare.  To render the issue moot, the engineers deliberately destroyed the ‘Cabal’, stranding the colonists on the new world.  The engineers evolved into a ruling class called the Devisors.  They kept watch over advanced technology, ensuring that it stay away from the hands of the other colonists.  The rest of the passengers settled into a industrial - level society.  Their world became known as Exocron, in the heart of the Kathol Outback.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG: Darkstryder -- The Kathol Outback”. Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


B-1D4 (the future “Heart of Steel”) is first activated.

Conjecture based on “Prisoner of the Nikto Pirates.” Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Murgoob the Great (and Cranky), Dulok oracle, is born on Endor.  

 "The SW Encyclopedia." [Page 203]


-597 BSW4


Hanson Mining Consolidated discovers valuable ore in seedbeds on Neona.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


-584 BSW4


A supernova watch by the Republic of the red super giant star Carconth, nearest stellar body to deep – space anomaly 1033, (second largest and seventh brightest star in the galaxy) begins.

"The SW Encyclopedia" [Page 42] and "SW: Tyrant's Test."


-532 BSW4


Theed Royal Palace is built, the largest building of Naboo.  Its courts are used for meetings, dinners, parties, cultural events and visiting dignitaries.  The palace blends historic design facets with automatic doors, communications systems and area specific climate control. (13)

Conjecture from “Star Wars Episode I: Visual Dictionary.”


c. -500 BSW4


Starship building corporations Alderaan Royal Engineers, Core Galaxy Systems and Rendili StarDrive are bought out by Kuat Drive Yards. 

"SW: The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels." Borrowed with thanks from James McFadden's Chronology.


‘Prana Lexander’, an ancient scientific starship which is used by a respected philosopher, is lost...although legend has it that the philosopher is still out there, suspended in cryofreeze.



The Mineral Assets Partnership sets up a mining colony on Karra, based on incorrect beliefs that varmigio is abundant on the world.  When the truth of the matter is discovered, the colony’s funding is cut and the miners are stranded.

Conjecture based on ‘Stranded’. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


The great Old Corellian tragedy Uhl Eharl Khoehng, generally regarded as one of the greatest in all the galaxy is first written and performed.  The title comes from the Old Corellian term, ‘khoehng’, which means king.  The word ‘eharl’ is a Socorran mythological term that refers to an elf or trickster.  Thus, the translation of the title into Basic yields "The Trickster King."  ‘ . . . claiming that the burned - out trees and blackened soil were ". . . the only kingdom I deserve to rule, and the only kingdom that the Eharl Khoehng can claim." He then submitted himself to the Eharl Khoehng and mutters the famous last line, "Long . . . live . . . the king."

“SW Adventure Journal #8.”


The tradition of Kuat nobility to poison their enemies by a poison injector ring begins during this period.

"SW: Specter of the Past."


The Jedi training vessel “Chu'unthor” crashes on the planet Dathomir.  A rescue attempt led by Jedi Masters Yoda, Gra’aton and Vulatan is repulsed by the 'witches of Dathomir', women with imperfect knowledge and control over the Force.  Fourteen Jedi are killed in the battle.  The damaged “Chu’unthor” had been surrounded and attacked by the witches and the rancors that were under their control.  Master Yoda had saved the life of a young witch named Rell, and the two negotiate a truce.  The “Chu’unthor” and its’ reader tapes were to be left behind, but the Jedi were free to leave.  Yoda asked Rell to keep the disks hidden until a young Jedi would come to free her world from the Nightsisters, the group of witches who had turned to evil. Among the Jedi to be freed was Djinn Altis.

"SW: The Courtship of Princess Leia," “SW: Darksaber” and “The Essential Guide To Vehicles and Vessels” [Page 20]


-497 BSW4


The planet Aleron is settled and terraformed by colonists from Gilliana.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


-496 BSW4


Sodonna the smallest city on the planet Teyr constructs its’ own spaceport.  Sodonna is one of the terminus stations of the River District Flyway, and it straddled the Noga River.  Sodonna serves as the gateway to the Inner River District of Teyr.

“SW Shield of Lies.”


-495 BSW4


Ikrit, a future Jedi Master, is born on the planet Kushiba.

"Junior Jedi Knights: Anakin's Quest." Borrowed (with thanks) from Nathan Butler's Star Wars Timeline, v6.0.


c. -490 BSW4


The Arkanians take pity on one of their primitive neighbours, the Yaka, performing brain enhancement cyborging surgeries for them.  Already bulky and strong, the Yaka are soon refashioned into one of the most intelligent and technically deft species in the Republic.

“SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook.” [Page 49]


A feud begins between the planet Botor and its’ neighbours.  It would last for five centuries.

“SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook.” [Page 57]


-482 BSW4


Ikrit begins training as Yoda's Padawan Learner.

"Junior Jedi Knights: Anakin's Quest." Borrowed (with thanks) from Nathan Butler's SW Timeline.


-481 BSW4


After a year of training, Ikrit visits Kushiba and saves his people from a xinkra.

"Junior Jedi Knights: Vader's Fortress." Borrowed (with thanks) from Nathan Butler's SW Timeline.


c. -450 BSW4


As Ikrit grows stronger in the Force, he becomes more and more egotistical.  His selfishness grows to the point that he almost murders a fellow Jedi with his lightsaber over a disagreement, and Master Yoda risks his own life to stop the rogue Jedi.  Guilt - striken at his actions, Ikrit buries his lightsaber and vows never to use one again.

“Junior Jedi Knights: Vader’s Fortress.”


-445 BSW4


Yaddle is born, place unknown.  She is of the same species as Yoda, and like Yoda, would become a Jedi Master and part of the Jedi Council.

Date locked by “The Phantom Menace” novel.


c. -400 BSW4


An Ithorian genetic experiment goes horribly wrong, resulting in a parasitic monster -- Spore.  Even with the aid of the Jedi, it takes a century to free Ithor of the menace.  Spore is locked up in a vacuum - filled asteroid tomb.  

"Galaxy of Fear: Spore."


Yaddle is assigned head of the Librarian Assembly, a group of Jedi scholars who maintain the Jedi Temple's collection of holocrons, ancient scrolls, and Sith writings.  Her private quarters in the Jedi Temple are filled from floor to ceiling with thousands of tiny trinkets.  Yaddle is skilled at all Jedi techniques and is one of few Jedi entrusted with the dangerous knowledge of Morichro - a forbidden Jedi art that rapidly slows the body functions of other beings, easily resulting in death.  Yaddle is one of the Jedi Council's most compassionate, balanced and patient members.  In any debate or discussion, she will listen quietly and absorb all arguments before supplying her characteristically single and insightful opinion. 

Conjecture based upon information contained in


The B'Omarr monks establish a temple on Tatooine.  (In later centuries, it will serve as Jabba the Hutt's headquarters.) 

Conjecture from "The Illustrated SW Universe." 


The aquatic planet Issor, home to the alien Issori and Odenji species, is a prosperous technology and commerce center located in the Trulalis system.  During this time, the Issori's cousin species the Odenji are nearly wiped out by the "melanncho" -- a sadness so powerful it can make the sufferer go insane.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


Located in the system of the same name in the Corva sector of the Outer Rim, Jandoon is an abandoned world of plains and hills, dotted with the moss - covered ruins of an ancient alien species.  The builders of the ruins mysteriously die out, and the world is rumoured to be a haunted realm of ghosts.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


A colony is established on the planet Karra, in the Rayter sector, to mine varmigio, a material used in hyperdrive cores.  When no varmigio was found, the colonists are abandoned.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


-389 BSW4


Keiran Halcyon, a famed Corellian Jedi, successfully puts an end to the Selonian ‘Afarathu’ sect and it’s marauding within the Corellian system.

"SW: I, Jedi."  


-385 BSW4


The Jedi Master Ikrit travels to Yavin IV for a study of the Massassi race.  Whilst there, he stumbles upon the Golden Globe -- a sickening experiment by Exar Kun, in which the life - forces of Massassi children were trapped. Discovering that an adult cannot break the curse, he decides to watch over the globe, eventually going into a 400 - year hibernation there.

“Junior Jedi Knights: The Golden Globe.”


-376 BSW4


“Itchy” Attichitcuk (future father of Chewbacca) is born on the planet Kashyyyk.

Based on production art from “The SW Holiday Special,” as shown on a SW Galaxy card.


-335 BSW4


The Granite Slug is introduced into the undercity of Coruscant by the government to help clean up the detritus, garbage and refuse piled up in the netherworld over the centuries.

“The SW Encyclopedia.”


-318 BSW4


‘Starships and Aerospace Engineers Incorporated’ is founded, a company that specializes in customized space cruiser upgrades and starship modifications.  This company starts as a small business, but a lucrative franchising system will raise the company to a full – fledged mega - corporation within the next 300 years.

Conjecture based upon "SW RPG: Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook." [Page 23]


c. -300 BSW4


Berethon e Solo, an ancestor of Han Solo and King of Corellia, introduces democracy to the planet. 

“The Paradise Snare.”  11-year-old Han learns this while studying in Corellia’s public archives.  


A Shistaveen exploration group discovers the planet Shaum Hii while charting the sector, and the sentient race that inhabits the world, the Kian’thar.  The Kian'thar have been divided over how strongly to embrace galactic culture, but the feud has been minor as the Kian'thar are – as a race – content with their lot in life.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens – Enemies and Allies.” [Page 50]


The company Gowix Computers is set – up on the planet Corulag, and begins to become one of the top 20 computer manufacturing and consulting firms in the Core Worlds.

“SW RPG: Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook” And “SW Adventure Journal #7.”


Intelligent Insectoids with genetically transmitted memories from the planet Thrackia learn to communicate via mandible clicking, previously, they had only communicated by scent.

"The SW Encyclopedia." [Page 304]          


The ‘Lumrunner’ is contructed, a PB-950 model starship.

“SW Adventure Journal #9.”


The Ho’Din race carelessly exploits their homeworld of Moltok for industrial purposes.  This period, “The Great Rape of the Land,” almost drives the race to extinction.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races.” [Page 49]


The Bothan race begins to become masters at gathering intelligence and exploiting it for political gain.  Bothan statesmen rarely fall to assassins’ blades, but they often step down when their allies suddenly desert them or when an ugly scandal is deliberately brought to light.  This ruthless pursuit of power and influence, known as the “Bothan Way”, causes many non – Bothans to view the species as untrustworthy opportunists waiting to pounce on the slightest misstep.

“The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons.” [Page 51]


By this point in galactic history, the Jedi have begun a new tradition: “One Master, One Apprentice.” The fear is that training multiple candidates greatly increases the risk of Dark Side tragedies like Ulic Qel-Droma and others. They also begin recruiting Jedi candidates almost from the cradle, as children are more mallable and can be trained to keep their emotions from controlling their actions. It soon reaches the point where Jedi candidates are only taken from childhood (ranging from six months to five years of age), with Jedi seekers investigating reports of Force sensitive babies across the galaxy, using midichlorian tests to determine their potential strength. The lucky children are taken (with their parents’ permission) to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where their elementary Force training begins. By the age of 13 or earlier, the most promising are apprenticed as Padawan Learners to Jedi Masters. (The unlucky ones who flunk are shifted to new civilian jobs that best suit their skills and personalities.) When the Master deems the apprentice ready, the apprentice is put through a series of “trials” to secure their Knighthood. While marraiges and training one’s own children is not forbidden among the Jedi, it is discouraged as much as possible. (Among Padawans, it is strictly forbidden.) While this strategy is very successful in weeding out potential Darksiders (with a couple of exceptions), it also has an unfortunate side effect: The Jedi’s numbers slowly start dwindling…

Conjecture from various sources. This tradition was clearly centuries old, yet was not in existence at the time of Ikrit’s training under Yoda (c.500 BSW4).


Karia Ver Seryan, a "life witch," is born on Leria Kerlsil.  Karia Ver Seryan had 49 husbands, whose lives she sustained for periods of time, when a potential 50th - Lando Calrissian - was investigating her as a possible marriage candidate.

"SW: Ambush on Corellia," and "The SW Encyclopedia." [Page 327]


-297 BSW4


The Kian’thar race is discovered by Black Sun.  The Kian’thar have a unique ability that lets them sense emotion, which Black Sun finds very useful.

"SW RPG Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook."


c. -290 BSW4


The planet Myrkr is discovered, and what is found there -- a Force - repulsing creature called Ysalamiri -- makes the Jedi and Old Republic leave it strictly alone.  The planet becomes a favoured haunt for smugglers and criminals.   

"SW: Heir to the Empire."


-281 BSW4


The Grand Rim Promenade on the planet Cejansij is constructed.

"SW: Specter of the Past."


-280 BSW4


After decades of research, the Ho’Din develop herbal therapies to rid themselves of the parasitical organisms plaguing them, and this therapy (still used today), combined with the eventual restoration of the natural ecosystem on Moltok, allowed the Ho’Din to survive as a species.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races.” [Page 49]


-275 BSW4


The clock of the Central Gathering Hall of Coruscant is modified to begin marking the hour by spreading auroras in the planet’s atmosphere.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 58]


The jungle barbarian culture on Janquine finally phases out, its language being absorbed by the mountain Mooloolian tribes.

“SW: Vector Prime.”


-272 BSW4


Emblems are beaded into the gown of the Queen of Naboo.  Many centuries later, Queen Amidala of Naboo would incorporate these emblems into her foreign residence gown.

“Episode I: Visual Dictionary”.


c. -250 BSW4


Adarlon is the first planet settled in an area of space known as the Minos Cluster.  Adarlon is created by decree of the Republic Senate, who selects the world because of its beauty, not for its (non - existant) natural resources.  The early settlers are among the brightest and best of the young of the Republic (many of them from Alderaan) and as a group they are alleged to be the most educated, sophisticated, artistic and handsome Humans ever gathered together.  The planet Adarlon will eventually pioneer the ‘holo’ entertainment industry, and its music will be known throughout the galaxy.

"SW RPG Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters."


Adarian Tropis and a group of idealistic colonists leave the planet Salliche.  The leave in search of their own world, and eventually settle on Varonat.  The colonists instituted an agrarian lifestyle, which they felt was threatened by the slime trails left by the Morodin.  However, the Morodins found a way to communicate with the colonists, and revealed the value of the nutrient - rich slime.

“SW Adventure Journal: First Contact.”


A very small group of idealist colonists leave the planet Salliche and settle the planet Port Haven, seeking a more natural way of life where each had direct representation in the colony government – a change from the vast bureaucracy which has ruled Salliche society for thousands of years.  However, the colonists were not prepared to live off the land nor could they adequately protect themselves from the jungle beasts which preyed on them and destroyed their feeble attempts at farming.  Within a few years, the colony was abandoned.

“SW RPG: Platt’s Starport Guide.” [Page 28]


The planet Gelgelar is first colonized by a small group of criminals, escaped political prisoners and vagabonds.  The refugees built their only town where they found a mysterious abandoned stone structure, which is today known as the Shrine of Kooroo.

“SW RPG: Platt’s Starport Guide.” [Page 59]


-241 BSW4


Ralrracheen, future Old (and New) Republic ambassador, is born on the planet Kashyyyk.

"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook."


-240 BSW4


Mexnean, a future criminal of repute (worth 15,000 credits to whoever catches her) is born on the planet Berrite.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


-232 BSW4


Valorum is elected Supreme Chancellor of the Republic.  (Ancestor of Finis Valorum, who would also become Supreme Chancellor during the time of the Naboo crisis)  Valorum inherited the legacy of a family whose greatest members had each represented more than 1,000 worlds. (14)

Conjecture from “Star Wars Episode I: Visual Dictionary.”


-201 BSW4


Salporin (future childhood friend of Chewbacca) is born on the planet Kashyyyk.

"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook."


Albert (AL-BRT-34-X3), a sentient central computer is activated.  Albert is originally designed and programmed to supervise an urban environment of 40 million beings, but he, like most of the BRT line, was divested of his duties after local politicians and bureaucrats realized what a threat he was to their careers.  He was sold to the sprawling campus of the University of Calamar on the Core world of Esseles.  For the next two centuries, Albert will function at a mere fraction of his capacity, maintaining school transcipts, running the University computer system, supervising registration, and performing other such exciting tasks.  Albert’s higher intelligence functions and algorithms were to have been shut down upon being installed at the university, but they never were.  Albert never saw fit to remind anyone of this oversight, but had to endure the natural result of being an incredibly advanced and sentient machine forced to process decades worth of menial computing tasks: ennui.  Not too long ago in Human civilization, the most talked about development in urban engineering was the creation of a series of sentient supercomputers which were designed to integrate an entire city into one smoothly functioning system.  Power plants, transit systems, waste disposal systems, air traffic routing, and such could all be directed and supervised by a single entity rather than an unwieldy morass of bureaucrats and droids.  Unlike a droid, such a system would be able to interact personally with hundreds of thousands of beings and other computers simultaneously.  The BRT line of computers was duly installed in hundreds of cities throughout the core, to much fanfare.  They went on to exceed every goal and forecast, slashing city expenditures, improving city services, and reducing crime.  Unfortunately, the BRT line proved to be too perfect: politicians found their activities monitored to an unprecedented degree (thousands of careers were subsequently ruined), and bureaucrats found themselves suspended or terminated by the millions as their jobs became obsolete.  Those that survived the staff reductions found themselves subject to a new and extremely unwelcome production standards.  Virtually the entire line of BRTs was unplugged and shut down within a year of the machine’s release to the general market.  Many were sold to private institutions or universities and reprogrammed to supervise smaller communities.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 52 - 53]


-200 BSW4


Chewbacca the Wookiee is born on the planet Kashyyyk.  

From the Guide.  


The planet Glova is colonized. The presence of precious metals in its crust caused a momentary population boom which petered out once the deposits were exhausted.  Glova recovered by turning to agriculture, and now fills its niche as a supplier of foodstuffs to other planets in the area.

"SW RPG: The Politics of Contraband."


The Krozurbian race, a brutish, green – skinned reptile people, enters a state of civil war, which would last for the next two hundred years.

“Droids Comics”.


The planet Tatooine is settled by miners and moisture farmers.  Among the first settlements are Mos Eisley and Mos Espa.  The leader of the new colony, Melnea Arnthout, suggested letting the local inhabitants be left alone.  There was an urgency evident in this request: one of the colony ships, the ‘Dowager Queen’, had crashed many kilometers away while on final approach, denying the remanining colonists extra supplies, leaving not even the slimmest margin for error.  The first settlement was named Bestine.  With the aid of the Jawa’s, the Republic settlers adopted the Jawa term for the planet (“Tah-doo-Een-e”), learned the names of various land features and wildlife, and were warned about the second form of intelligent life on Tatooine that was somehow missed by the Republic Survey Corps: the Sand People. (15)

Conjecture from "The Illustrated Star Wars Universe" and “SW RPG Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley”


Dresselian an alien race native to the planet Dressel, are tall, thin humanoids with heavily - wrinkled skin. They are often referred to as prune - faces, a description of their long, wrinkled skulls.  They are a tenacious race, and are discovered during this time by the Bothans.  The Bothans recognize the potential of the Dresselians, and left them to evolve on their own.  (However, in the future, the Empire took control of the Bothan mining interests in the system and subjugated the Dresselian race.  Throughout their enslavement, the Dresselians remained dedicated to their own independence, and followed the Bothans in support of the Alliance.)  They have developed steam - level technology, but have willingly accepted the blasters and repulsorlift technology offered by the Bothans.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens – Enemies and Allies.” [Page 32]


The Mandalorians exterminate the Ithullian race.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 145]


The highly advanced shipbuilding civilisation of Fere is wiped out by plague.  The planet was home to an advanced culture of tall, pale humanoids with six fingered hands.  They were master starship builders, and some of their small luxury liners can still be found today.  During a series of wars, a deadly plague was carried to Fere, killing all life on the planet.

"The SW Encyclopedia." [Page 100]


An attempt by the humans of Rydar II to exterminate the indigenous Ranat race (due to their appetite for human infants) fails when three Ranats stow away on a smuggling ship.  The ship crashes on the planet Aralia, and the Ranats repopulate themselves on their new homeworld.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 254]


Resentment builds between Sundar and Garos IV as increasing numbers of Sundarian immigrants establish successful businesses on Garos, earning the resentment of Garosians who were hurt by the new competition.

"The SW Encyclopedia." [Page 288]


The Tallaan Imperial Shipyards are built.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


A three level marketplace is constructed on the planet Bimmisaari, which would become a major attraction on the planet.

"SW: Heir to the Empire."



-199 BSW4


The Charon extinguish a liferom and reconstruct it, naming it the ‘gatebeast’.  The gate power harnessed by the Charon is not fully understood, and the Charon bioscientists who program the gatebeast keep its abilities limited. The gatebeast targets a subject and reflects its matter to a new location.  The gatebeast teleports targets to random locations.  The gatebeast is a four - legged creature with leathery skin.  It has a wide head on a thick neck.  Bubble -shaped scales are clustered around its arms and legs.

“SW RPG: Otherspace”. Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


-197 BSW4


Reena University is founded.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


-196 ASW4


Susejo of Choi becomes yet another victim of the infamous Sarlacc of Tatooine.  He will eventually take up a large part of the Sarlacc’s group consciousness, and taunted Boba Fett repeatedly while he was trapped in the Sarlaac.

“SW: Tales of the Bounty Hunters.”


The Tatooine colonists expanded, founding Fort Tusken in the Jundland Wastes far to the north of Bestine.  Both Bestine and Fort Tusken got down to the serious business of ore mining and learned the delicate art of coaxing moisture from the atmosphere for growing crops.  However the Sand People made their presence known.  The first attack on Fort Tusken lacked the element of surprise, but still resulted in casualties.  Over the next several seasons the colonists sparred with the newly named Tusken Raiders.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley.”


The colonists’ children of the planet Talasea begin immigrating to worlds where they could see the stars and didn’t have to work so hard.

Conjecture based upon “X-Wing: Rogue Squadron” [Page 120].


-194 BSW4


The term “spice”, a slang term creeps into galactic lexicon.  It refers to a number of substances used to artificially enhance, or “spice up” a person’s physical or mental attributes.  There are many forms of spice, from the glitterstim of Kessel, to the ryll of Ryloth, to Sevarcos spice.  Contrary to popular belief, not every form of spice is addictive, or even illegal.  Some forms of spice are processed, made less potent and sold as pharmaceuticals by major corporations.  Other types are manufactured in dingy warehouses run by chemistry school dropouts.  Some forms of spice are easily obtainable in some parts of the galaxy, while the same product may be classified as criminal contraband in other areas.  Substance classification is largely a factor of economic, political and religious factors, which vary from one star system to another.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations.” [Page 46]


-192 BSW4


Slavery is outlawed in the Hapan Cluster

"SW RPG: Cracken’s Threat Dossier." [Page 33]


-191 BSW4


The idea of having a humanoid “Gentlebeings’Droid” is all the rage among the nouveau riche and Serv-O-Droid first markets the JV-Z1 model to tap into this fad.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook.” [Page 126]


-190 BSW4


Vima-Da-Boda, descendant of Nomi Sunrider, is born.

"SW: Dark Empire" and "The SW Encyclopedia." [Page 328]


The Tatooine colonists surveyed an evaporated seabed east of Bestine, near the wreck of the ‘Dowager Queen’ with promising results, and preparations for mining were begun in earnest.  The planet’s terrain, while not “fertile”, could still support enough crops to provide sustenance for the small population, leading to the establishment of the small towns of Anchorhead and Motesta; Fort Tusken was abandoned due to the harsh conditions of the area.  The Republic miners established a new town on the seabed itself, called Mos Eisley, around Mos Eisley, around the site of the ‘Dowager Queen’s’ remains.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley.”


-189 BSW4


The Vors, previously showing a curious reluctance to explore beyond their own planet, begin to integrate themselves with the galactic mainstream.

“SW RPG Jedi Academy Sourcebook.”


-187 BSW4


Krunch, a Wookiee, and future starship mechanic, is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 91]


-180 BSW4


Another disaster strikes the settlers of Tatooine.  Tatoo III’ the brand new orbital station – designed to transfer cargo to and from those transports not capable of atmospheric flight – was destroyed.  The first impulse was to blame the ship ‘Obvious Nirvane’, which was approaching for refueling at the time the disaster occurred.  But the survivors who escaped in its lifeboat stuck to their story that, as the ship approached the station, there was an irresistible pull.  The flight recorder verified that the ship’s engines were in full reverse.  There was no immediate explanation for the disaster.  In the final analysis, the culprit proved to be the metal used in the construction of the station, the majority of which had been manufactured on Tatooine.  The ore, after refinement, seemed to randomly assume the properties of a magnet.  Experiments were hurriedly performed, and it was found that this reaction was linked to the cycles of the twin suns; the means to fix the ore was determined, but it was prohibitively expensive.  Competing sources could charge one-fifth the final price that the miners would have to impose.  Tatooine’s heyday was over.  The mining corporation went bankrupt, and in a few short seasons the mines were all but abandoned.  Although some miners left Tatooine, most of the support services, moisture farms, and most of the colonists themselves, remained.  The majority of mining equipment was sold off (or, in the case of the crawlers, abandoned and then reclaimed by the Jawas), and Mos Eisley eventually grew over the top of the excavations.   

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley.”


c. -175 BSW4


The art of the Blastsword, a prestigious and stylized form of combat, begins to wane in popularity on the planet Adumar, in favour of the heroic reverence bestowed upon fighter pilots.

‘X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar.’ [Page 80]


A young and bold Chewbacca grows up on Kashyyyk, hanging out with friends, tinkering with machinery and spaceships. He unknowingly earns the love of a young Wookiee female, Mallatobuck. She is urged by her friend Jowdrrl to initiate courtship by dropping a wroshyr louse on the young man from above. Only the louse meant for Chewbacca instead lands on the head of Dryanta, one of Chewie’s pals. Embarrassed, Malla and Jowdrrl hide out in the forest – only to run into some Trandoshan slavers. Malla is taken captive, and Jowdrrl barely escapes to call on Chewie and Jowdrrl for help. Chewie attempts a foolish swing from above to attack the slavers – only one shoots the vine, sending the Wookiee plummeting into the depths – or so it seems. Chewie catches a branch at the last second, hauls himself up, and proceeds to tear the Trandoshans (literally) limb from limb. He starts to help Malla out of the net, but she pulls herself free – “I never needed YOUR help!” It’s then that he belatedly realizes Malla’s feelings for him…. and he starts to feel the same about her…

“SW: Chewbacca.” Dating is conjecture, as it could have happened at any time between 180 and 100 BSW4.  


c. -170 BSW4


As Chewbacca and Mallatobuck grow more in love with each other, there is unexpected competition – an albino Wookiee named Tojjevvuk is determined to make Malla his wife if he has to disembowel Chewie to do it. He starts a “dishonourable” brawl on a bridge in an attempt to kill his rival. Beaten badly by the albino, Chewie brings the fight into the branches where he has the advantage. He continually pounds Tojj, finally sending him tumbling all the way into the darkest levels of Kashyyyk’s trees – where his white fur makes him an easy meal for the predators who live there. It takes Chewie until late at night to climb his way back up to his home and his waiting father Itchy.

“SW: Chewbacca.” Dating is conjecture, as it could have happened at any time between 180 and 100 BSW4. 


-158 BSW4


Orn Belden (future Senator of Bakura) is born.

“SW RPG Truce at Bakura Sourcebook.”


-153 BSW4


Chalmun, future owner of the Mos Eisley Cantina, is born on the planet Kashyyyk.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley.”


-150 BSW4


Bakura is discovered and used by the Bakur Corporation, who mines the planet extensively.

“SW RPG Truce at Bakura Sourcebook.”


Chewbacca, struck by ‘wanderlust’ leaves Kashyyyk to explore the galaxy.

"The SW Encyclopedia." [Page 48]


Guttu the Hutt moves under his own power for the last time.

"SW Adventure Journal, Vol. 1, Issue #15."


c. -148 BSW4


The Qella race is discovered by the Third General Survey, an Old Republic program established to explore the habitable planets in the galaxy’s spiral arms; the ship recorded a Qella population of seven million.  Evolutionary scientists discover that the Qella evolved from the Qonet, themselves evolved from the Ahra Naffi.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 236]


-147 BSW4


Kijo Mnuue, a Herglic and future union leader, is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 49]


Ozz, future King of the Ugnaughts of Cloud City is born.

"Hello, Bespin, Good-bye" Star Wars #57 and Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back, Second Edition.

Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


c. -140 BSW4


The Qella are driven to extinction when their world is hit by asteroids.

"SW: Before The Storm."


-132 BSW4


The planet Orax is discovered by the Republic.

"SW Adventure Journal, Vol. 1, Issue #15."


A daring mechanic called Phoebos creates the high – octane sport of Podracing.  Podracing had it’s origins in ancient contests of animal – drawn carts, of the kind still seen in extremely primitive systems far from the space lanes.  Phoebos recreated the old arrangement with repulsorlift Pods and flaming jet engines for a whole new level of competition and risk.  The famous first experimental race ensured Podracing’s reputation as an incredibly dangerous and popular sport.  Not long after, Podracing was banned from most civilized systems.  Podracing is still famous on the planet Malastare and in few other locals.  Real Podracing aficionados, however, look beyond the Republic to the rugged worlds of the Outer Rim, where Podraces still serve as a spectacle for hundreds of thousands and vast gambling fortunes are made and lost.  This naturally makes the Hutts an accessory to most racing venues.

Conjecture based upon “SW: Episode I Incredible Cross – Sections”.


Omo Bouri, a Wol Cabbashite Jedi Master, orchestrates the famed Treaty of Trammis.

Based upon information contained in


-128 BSW4


Eppie Antruse is born.

"SW: The Truce at Bakura."


c. -121 BSW4


Kare Fontin is born.  He would later become Old Republic Senator.  He was well over 100 years of age when the New Order was implemented, and while his body began failing, his mind was still quick and sharp.  He used his wits to avoid succumbing to Imperial pressure, and eventually became a diplomat for the New Republic.

"SW RPG: Star Wars Gamemaster Handbook”.


-120 BSW4


Ugloste, an Ugnaught is born on the planet Gentes.  He would later be a citizen of Cloud City, and be in command of its carbon-freezing chamber.

"SW RPG Special Edition Sourcebook."


The Stasis Booth is developed, a device that allows its living contents to be placed in suspended animation until revived.  They are often used in penal colonies or detention areas (Stars' End was the first facility to make it work) to keep prisoners in stasis until they can be tried.  They would also later be used by the Corporate Sector Authority to silence its enemies, as well as to preserve viable sources of labor.

“Han Solo at Stars End” and “SW RPG: Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook.”


-118 BSW4


A truce is hammered out in the Garosian Civil War, but will continue to be violated in later years.

 "The SW Encyclopedia." [Page 288]


-112 BSW4


The original form of C-3PO is first activated (on Coruscant?).  The droid was built at Cybot Galactica Corp.  The droid’s first post - primary assignment is programming binary load lifters. (16)  

From the Guide.  The Visual Dictionary has indicated that R2 is actually older than Threepio.  R2 was built by Industrial Automaton Inc.


-106 BSW4


Bohhuah Mutdah is born.  An obese human, he will become the richest man in the galaxy during the early years of the New Order.  He was a retired industrialist who personally controlled trillions of credits.  He lived on Oseon 5792, an asteroid in the Oseon System that he had altered to create his own fortress.  There, he had servants to perform any task he required.  His old age was achieved by the proximity of one of the largest life ‑ crystals ever exported from the Rafa System.  Another source of his longevity was his intense addiction to lesai.  He also had the asteroid's gravity modified, to allow him to maneuver his bulk around with ease.  In his asteroid retreat, Mutdah had amassed one of the largest private collections of writings and books, and possessed them in all their forms: early scrolls, worn hardcover texts, memorywire spools and memory rods, and data cards.

"SW: Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon."


-105 BSW4


Durga the Hutt is born to Aruk on the planet Nal Hutta. 

"SW: The Hutt Gambit."   


Weston Warsheld of House Calipsa is born.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


-102 BSW4


BLX-5 “Bollux” is activated at the Fondor Shipyards.  A labor droid, seemingly indistinguishable from the thousands of others on duty, gained his freedom.  Programmed with limited intelligence, labor droids require supervision for most complex duties, but could function quite well on simple repetitive tasks.  Of course, all such droids have frequent memory wipes and never have the time to develop complex personalities.  BLX-5 was one droid who did develop a complex personality.  At even a small facility it is possible for a droid to get misfiled or stored in the wrong recharge berth or be ordered out with opened programming.  Fondor is one of the largest shipyards in the galaxy.  Thousands of ships, from war cruisers to cargo craft to luxury liners, are assembled in the vast orbital docks.  The odds of displacement at such an immense facility are much higher.  Shipyards are a haven for mynocks and other space vermin.


BLX-5 was assigned to sweep certain sections of the shipyards for such creatures.  This was a common assignment, and occasionally a few droids were lost in the process.  When BLX-5 came up missing, it wasn’t a big deal.  The droid had been ordered to check the outside of a fuel module for mynocks, and apparently had found where they were clustering – the hard way.  Fortunately, that wasn’t what happened to BLX-5.  He located a few mynocks, and had to hide from their attentions.  But his orders hadn’t been specific enough to include a return time.  The droid recharged himself from the external power taps as needed, and he kept his post, making notes of their behavior.  The duty got boring after a few weeks, but BLX-5 did get a chance to discover and observe the nest that had been holding up production.  Once he had sufficient information (as he perceived the situation), BLX-5 sneaked back to base.  Since it had been over three weeks since BLX-5 had been heard from, and the labor pool managers figured the droid was long gone and reassigned his work designation to another droid.  BLX-5 reported what he saw and the managers assumed it was the newer droid that had noticed.  Inconsistencies with the work schedule didn’t grab their immediate attention.  Meanwhile, decontamination units dealt with the pesky creatures.  

“The Essential Guide to Characters.” and "SW RPG: Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook." [Page 123 - 124]


-101 BSW4


Eventually, the mistake concerning BLX-5 was discovered, but by this time, it was nearly a year since BLX-5 had had a memory wipe and he was becoming quite personable.  He soon replaced an astromech droid as shift overseer, and he was in a different reprogramming rotation by then.  That suited the droid just fine: BLX-5 liked the new perceptions he was getting about his work and the one thing he wanted to be was useful.  In BLX-5’s case, that included structural modifications and system upgrades.  Of course, there is only so much improvement that is cost effective for a high turnover position such as the one at Fondor.  Despite his popularity with the staff, newer, cheaper and easier to maintain models made BLX-5 obsolete.  That taught BLX-5 one of his first important lessons – one had to adapt to keep up with the advancing pace of technology.  BLX-5 would have to put this use on his next job.  Fortunately, it was a much more interesting position – constructing survival domes and camps for a scout team – and BLX-5 could devote time to improving himself.  This job allowed BLX-5 to move about much of the galaxy.  Along the way, the droid would volunteer for new modifications that were available.  But all too quickly, new models came and the poor droid realized it was time to be sold again.  

"SW RPG: Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook." [Page 124]


c. -100 BSW4


Rendili StarDrive reaches its zenith in starship production.  During the next century, it would lay claim to such designs including the Victory Star Destroyer, the Dreadnaught and the Mandalorian Dungeon Ships.

“The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels.”


Sienar Technologies takes over control of the industrial planet of Lianna, in the Tion Hegemony.  Shortly thereafter, a Lianna native named Kerrad Santhe buys a controlling interest in the company, renaming it Santhe / Sienar Technologies.

“SW RPG: Mission to Lianna.”


Gokus rules as King of the planet Alzar.  The unsteady peace between Alzar and its neighbor world Sooma was threatened when Gokus’ general caused Prince Plooz to end up on Sooma.  General Sludd plotted to have the two worlds erupt in war, and then move in and conquer both worlds.  Gokus was a tall, egg - shaped humanoid with reptilian skin, two small horns on his head, and two large pointed teeth on his lower jaw.

“’Lost in Time!’ Droids #4.”


The continual mining of the planet Pergitor by the Jessa Corporation results in an increase of volcanic activity, although mining did not stop.  The resulting volcanic eruptions – brought on by the thinning of the planet’s crust – filled the atmosphere with toxic chemicals and rendered the world uninhabitable.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 6.”


Prince Xixor, the future head of Black Sun, is born on the planet Falleen.          

Speculation from "SW RPG Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook."


-99 BSW4


Hunted down by combined space law forces, humanoid marauders crash - land on the planet Endor with the Dathomirian Nightsister Charal.  Though the navigator survived the crash, he was executed immediately for his unconscionable failure.  None of the other marauders had the slightest idea how to repair their ship and get off the moon, and with the navigator dead they had no idea where to go on from there.  Following the orders of their leader Terak, the long - lived aliens built a castle and searched for a power source to repair their disabled starship.

“The Illustrated SW Universe.” [Page 131 – 133]


-97 BSW4


A 'Droid Uprising' occurs on Bakura.  The Droid complement of the Bakur Corporation colony ship had been sabotaged by a rival company - the H'Lokk Consortium.  The H'Lokk Consortium hoped that the Bakur Corporation's colonists would experience enough hardship to force their withdrawal from the planet, allowing a nearby H'Lokk colony to annex Bakura.  H'Lokk's saboteurs included a minor virus into the settler's labor droids: the program would prompt the droids to sabotage as many colony operations as possible.  However, an error in the virus program code removed many of the droids' failsafes, wiping out non - aggression mandates.  During the early weeks of colonisation, the droids successfully planned and executed a revolt, killing nearly 40% of the original colonists before being put down.  Ever since this occurred, Bakurans have distrusted automatons, and have subsequently banned their use in public.  High tariffs and general disapproval of droids has led to a near total absence of droids on the planet.

“SW RPG Truce at Bakura Sourcebook.”


House Barnaba is pulled into the mainstream political intrigue of the Tapani Sector.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Orn Belden and Eppie Antruse are married.

"SW RPG Truce At Bakura Sourcebook."




-96 BSW4


Inevitably, as the number of member worlds increased, the Republic found itself saddled with too massive a bureaucracy.  It had grown too large, gotten too old, and corruption had set in.  A few unscrupulous, greedy Senators had started a destructive chain reaction of malaise.  They saw the first lingering problems as cracks in the system of government that could be exploited for personal gain.  These beings found that their colleagues were far too occupied by the day to day running of the Republic to monitor their activities adequately.  The corruption was too small to be noticed at first.  But as soon as the opportunities grew, so did the number of Senators who were seduced by the lure of illegitimate power and wealth.  These Senators found an easy alliance with some of the mammoth corporate interests that constantly were on the lookout for easier ways to make a profit.  A few arrogant, self – serving bureaucrats fell to seduction, and suddenly, a virus was in the stars.


Every instance of instability, each uncertainty in government action, every wrinkle in senatorial policy and procedure became a means to foster larger opportunities.  Senator turned on Senator, values eroded, trusts were broken, and fear gripped the Republic.  What was once thought to be immortal suddenly saw the approach of its own destruction, and the Old Republic was afraid.  Corruption and fear spread like a mutant disease, quickly reaching epidemic proportions without any visible cause.  The Old Republic’s troubles multiplied, and no one seemed to know what was happening – or why.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 217] and “SW RPG: Imperial Sourcebook.” [Page 7]


As often happens when wealth and power pass beyond the admirable and attain awesome, then appear those evil ones who have greed to match.  So it is with the Republic at its height.  Like the greatest of trees, able to withstand any external attack, the Republic rots from within though the danger is not yet visible from the outside.


From the First Saga

Journal of the Whills

“SW: A New Hope.” [Page 1]


The planet Danoor, located in the Nah'Malis System of the Kathol Outback, is colonized.  The colonists are scientists who want to dedicate their research to studying the Kathol Rift.  When word reached other planets in Kathol Sector of Danoor's natural beauty and resources, other groups established settlements there as well.

“SW RPG DarkStryder: The Kathol Outback”


-95 BSW4


The political climate on Lwhekk (home planet of the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium) changes when the new political ruler of the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium assumes power.  His Potency, the Shreeftut of Lwhekk, apparently seizes power after years of internecine fighting between his political allies and the factions that supported the former ruler.  (The former ruler's name has been removed from all Ssi-ruuvi records).  His Potency represents a more expansion minded faction of the Ssi-ruuvi population, and expresses his desire to move the Ssi-ruuk outward, not for exploration, but rather as a means of capturing more "energy resources".  His Potency proposes the capture of other worlds as sources of energy (‘entechment’), and indicates his desire to consecrate these worlds according to Ssi-ruuvi custom. 

“SW RPG Truce at Bakura Sourcebook.”


-94 BSW4


Tem Chesco is born, world unknown.

Conjecture based upon “SW Galaxy Magazine: Tales From Mos Eisley” [Spring 1995]


The Jedi Master T’un becomes caretaker of the records of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, a role he will hold for over fifty years.

“Jedi Apprentice: The Uncertain Path.”


-92 BSW4


The mining industry of the Outer Rim world Halmad, which includes ground, lunar and asteroid belt - fails, leaving the facilities abandoned.  Halmad was the trade center at the hub of several well-travelled trade routes.

“X-Wing: Iron Fist.”


Ki-Adi-Mundi is born on the planet Cerea.

Date locked by “Episode I Insider’s Guide.”


Qui-Gon Jinn, a future Jedi Master, is born (on Malastare?). (17)

“The Phantom Menace.”


                                                               -91 BSW4


Qui-Gon Jinn begins his training to be a Jedi.

Conjecture from “Jedi Apprentice: The Rising Force.”  The implication is that all Jedi are trained almost from birth in the Prequel era.


-89 BSW4


Eol Sha is settled by the Old Republic by entrepreneurs who intended to use ramjet-mining ships to plow through the Cauldron Nebula and scoop up valuable gasses.  With the collapse of the Old Republic more than half a century later, Eol Sha was just one of thousands of forgotten colony worlds.

“SW: Jedi Search.”


                                                               -88 BSW4


A female Jedi Knight known only as “The Dark Woman” comes to Cerea to see four-year old Ki-Adi-Mundi, who has shown signs of Force sensitivity.  His father refuses to allow Ki to go to Coruscant for testing by the Jedi Council -- but an attack by raider Bin-Gardazon changes his mind.  The Council approves Ki as a Jedi Padawan Learner, and he begins his training under Master Yoda.

“SW: Vow of Justice.” Date locked by “Episode I Insider’s Guide.”


The Jedi Master Plett builds his house and laboratory in the Plawal rift on the planet Belsavis that serves as a safe haven for the Jedi and their families.  He names it Plett's Well.

Conjecture based upon“SW: Children of the Jedi.”


Jedi Ashka Boda obtains Master Bodo Baas's Holocron.

Conjecture from “Dark Empire.”


-87 BSW4


When a Garosian grain - processing factory is destroyed, full scale civil war breaks out between Sundari and Garos IV.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 288]


-86 BSW4


Locus Geen is born.  He would become an Old Republic General.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 35]


-84 BSW4


Jorus C'Baoth is born on the planet Bortras.  

From "SW: Dark Force Rising."  This and other dates in C'Baoth's life has been changed from their prior date due to new information and theories regarding the Clone Wars.


Lord Weston Warsheld begins ruling House Calipsa.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


-83 BSW4


Riga Lanchenzoor is born.  She would later become and Executive Viceprex of the Financial Division of the Corporate Sector Authority.

"SW RPG: Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook." [Page 34]


-82 BSW4


Doman Beruss is born on the planet Illodia.  He will later become a New Republic Senator. (18)

Conjecture.  “SW: Tyrant’s Test.” Borrowed with thanks from James McFadden's Chronology.


The future Emperor Palpatine is born on Naboo, the planet he will later represent in the Senate.   

Date locked by “Episode I Insider’s Guide.”


-81 BSW4


Nejaa Halcyon is born on the planet Corellia.  He would later become a Jedi Master and an unsung hero of the Clone Wars.

Conjecture based upon “I, Jedi.”


-80 BSW4


Nejaa Halcyon begins his Jedi training.

Conjecture based upon the Jedi traditions of this era as represented in Episode I


Lud, of the Rakaan species is born on the planet Raakaa IV.  He would be a major future crime boss in the Elrood sector.

“SW RPG Planets Of The Galaxy: Volume Three.” [Page 22]


Chewbacca is sold into slavery by the relatives of Tojjevvuk. On a Trandoshan slaver ship, he single-handedly incites a revolt between the Wookiee slaves and the Trandoshans. The Wookiees overwhelm the slavers and either kill or cripple them.

“SW: Chewbacca.”


-79 BSW4


13 - year old Qui-Gon Jinn becomes a Padawaan Learner.  On a visit to his homeworld, he finds a small, smooth rock at the River of Light that he keeps as a personal memento for years to come.

“Jedi Apprentice: The Hidden Past.”


-78 BSW4


Rostek Horn is born on the planet Corellia.  He would later become one of CorSec's best officers, as well as a skilled botanist.

Conjecture based upon “I, Jedi.”


Scerra, future wife of Nejaa Halcyon and later Rostek Horn, is born on the planet Corellia.

Conjecture based upon “I, Jedi.”


-75 BSW4


King Cana begins ruling Gala.

Conjecture based on “Jedi Apprentice:  The Mark of the Crown”. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


-73 BSW4


Kassar Kosciusko of the Tarro race, and a future deep cover agent and assassin, is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 47]


-72 BSW4


Stalnus, a future murderer of repute (wanted 35,000 dead or alive) is born on the planet Rior.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


Mace Windu, a future Jedi Master, is born.

“Episode I Insider’s Guide.”


Shmi Skywalker, future mother of Anakin, is born.  Birthplace unknown.

“The Phantom Menace” screenplay.


Tem Chesco marries Maia, his love for years.  Tem is hired by miners on Cirus II to haul syntonium crystals to Tatooine.  Shortly after hitting hyperspace, his hyperdrive and comlink are destroyed by a rogue asteroid.  Marooned, he sets his course for the nearest planet using his sub - light engines.

Conjecture based upon “SW Galaxy Magazine: Tales From Mos Eisley” [Spring 1995]


-70 BSW4


The Haik expedition discovers a reliable hyperlane through the Kira system, which they name the Kira Run.  The Kira Run connects the Lazerian and Ropagi systems, and also links the Harrin Trade Corridor with the Enarc Run.  It was originally seen as a risky, uncertain route, but recently small shipping companies have begun servicing the Run and bringing it into the company of established trade routes.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


Tal Anavere, a Ho’Din and a future information collector, is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 41]


Seti Ashgad is born.

Conjecture from “SW: Planet of Twilight.”


-69 BSW4


Clat’Ha is born.

“Jedi Apprentice: The Rising Force.”


-68 BSW4


Andreas Pell is born.

“SW: Before the Storm.”


Nejaa Halcyon is taken as a Padawan Learner.

Conjecture based upon the ‘Jedi Apprentice’ series of books.


-67 BSW4


Jorus C'Baoth attends Mirnic University. 

"SW: Dark Force Rising."


“Vow of Justice.”

Ki-Adi-Mundi completes his training under Master Yoda in the ways of the Jedi, and returns to Cerea to bring Bin-Garda-Zon to justice -- or perhaps to kill him.  He arrives at Bin’s camp, and challenges him to a fight -- with Ki’s hands tied behind his back.  But what he finds instead is a woman leader who beat Bin years ago for command.  Bin himself is now blind and used for feeding the animals.  The woman has Ki tied up anyway, and beat him to a bloody pulp...


He wakes up tied in a hut, where the elderly Bin taunts him.  Ki breaks free, and attacks only to be accosted by the woman chief again.  This time the fight's to the death -- but when Ki gets the upper hand, he spares her.  Bin has at Ki himself, but Ki shrugs off the ineffective assault and heads home, content that justice has been served...

My thanks to Mike Beidler, who pointed out a 4-year difference I’d missed in Ki’s age.

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Jan Strnad - March-May 1999)


-66 BSW4


(Future Captain) Dorja is born on the planet Coruscant.  

"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook."


(Future Captain) Gilad Pellaeon is born on the planet Coruscant.

Conjecture from “SW RPG Dark Force Rising Sourcebook.”


The Republic Cruiser ‘Radiant VII’ is built and launched by Corellian Engineering Corporation – the great orbital shipyards of Corellia.  Once construction is completed, the ‘Radiant VII’ begins service in the diplomatic corps of Coruscant.  The striking red colour of the Republic Cruiser sends a message to all who see it.  Red is the colour of ambassadorial relations and neutrality for spacecraft of the Galactic Republic, and has been for generations.  Scarlet delcares the ship’s diplomatic immunity and serves as a warning not to attack.  The ship has endured many adventures, bringing Jedi Knights, ambassadors and diplomats to trouble spots around the galaxy on missions of security and vital political significance.

“Star Wars Episode I: Incredible Cross-sections.”


Nields’ cousin (who will later be his caregiver) is born on Melida / Daan.

Cconjecture based on “Jedi Apprentice:  The Defenders of the Dead”. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


On a voyage in the Outer Rim, the Skywalker family’s ship is boarded by pirates.  The family is separated and (including 6 year old Shmi) sold into slavery.

“The Phantom Menace” novel.


-65 BSW4


Cryle Cavv, an acquisitions specialist, is born.

"SW Adventure Journal, Vol. 1, Issue #15."


-64 BSW4


Wilhuff Tarkin is born on the planet Eriadu in the Seswenna sector.  He would be the instigator in the ‘Ghorman Massacre’ and become the first Grand Moff. (19)



Tem Chesco discovers Millie, a droid, on his ship.  She provides him with companionship.

Conjecture based upon “SW Galaxy Magazine: Tales From Mos Eisley” [Spring 1995]


-62 BSW4


Xanatos is born to Crion on the planet Telos.

Conjecture from “Jedi Apprentice: The Dark Rival.”


-61 BSW4


Followers of the H’kig Religion, in the face of religious persecution, prejudice and open hatred, purchase two colony ships and go in search of a suitable Rim world to settle on.  They found the planet Rishi.

“SW RPG Dark Force Rising Sourcebook.”


Qui-Gon Jinn discovers Xanatos and his Force potential on Telos.  After a brief hesitation, he brings the boy to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to begin training.

Conjecture from “Jedi Apprentice: The Dark Rival.”


-60 BSW4


The ‘Millenium Falcon’, a YT-1300 Corellian light stock freighter, is constructed.  

Conjecture based on circumstantial evidence that the Falcon had been quite old already when given to Lando Calrissian, and then to Han Solo.  


Jorus C'Baoth begins a two - year study at the Jedi academy on the planet Kamparas, and then begins private training under an unknown master.  

"SW: Dark Force Rising."


Prince Beju Tallah is born on Gala.

Conjecture based on Jedi Apprentice:  The Mark of the Crown”. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Nejaa Halcyon is approved by the Jedi Council as a Jedi Knight.  He returns to his home, Corellia, to serve his people.  Shortly after he returns, he meets a woman named Scerra, and the two fall in love.

Conjecture based upon information from Episode I, “I, Jedi.” and the “X-Wing” novels.


-59 BSW4


Almost a year after they met, Jedi Knight Nejaa Halcyon and Scerra are wed.

Conjecture based upon “I, Jedi.” and the “X-Wing” novels.


-58 BSW4


Bossk is born to Craddossk on the planet Trandosha.

"SW RPG Special Edition Sourcebook."


Jorus C’Baoth is declared a Jedi Knight.

"SW: Dark Force Rising."


Retter Lewis, future Director of Alliance agent protection network and an artifact appraiser, is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 81]


-57 BSW4


Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi is born on the planet Tatooine. (20)  

Birthdate locked by “The Phantom Menace” screenplay.  Birthplace information provided by CD-ROM “Behind the Magic.”


Bruck Chun is born.

“Jedi Apprentice: The Rising Force.”


Nield is born on Melida / Daan to the Daan, Micae, and his wife.

Conjecture based on “Jedi Apprentice:  The Defenders of the Dead”. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Cerasi is born on Melida / Daan to the Melida, Wehutti, and his wife.

Conjecture based on “Jedi Apprentice:  The Defenders of the Dead”. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


A young Zabrak boy (possibly named Khameir Sarin?) is born on Iridonia. The child is strongly Force-sensitive. But before the Jedi can discover him, the baby is kidnapped from his family by (unbeknownst to anyone) Darth Sideous. Bringing the child to Coruscant, Sideous begins raising him as a Sith Apprentice. He renames the child “Darth Maul.”

“SW Journal: Darth Maul.” (Page 17). The name Khameir Sarin is from an earlier version of Darth Maul’s backstory that was removed from the Phantom Menace novel.


The Old Republic base on Dweem is abandoned.  Its security is left in the care of sentry droids known as Iron Knights, who remain undisturbed (except for intrusions by local wildlife) for the next sixty years.

Conjecture based on “The Monsters of Dweem.” Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


                                                             -56 BSW4


At the tender age of one, Obi-Wan begins his Jedi training at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, under Master Yoda.

“Jedi Apprentice: The Rising Force.”


A pair of Duinuogwuin star dragons decide to reproduce on the planet Shatuun, a largely uninhabited world found in the Kathol Outback between the Uukaablis and Nah’Malis systems.  The star dragons create a home for themselves, but were quite reclusive in their ways.  They would accept visitors they believe they can trust, since they didn't want the rest of the Outback to know they were there.

“SW RPG DarkStryder: The Kathol Outback.”


-55 BSW4


Chewbacca is on Kashyyyk, his homeworld, for the last time before meeting Han Solo. 

“SW: The Hutt Gambit.”  


Ansan Talam, a grizzled miner, is born.

"SW Adventure Journal, Vol. 1, Issue #15."


Yeorg Captison is born on the planet Bakura.

“SW RPG Truce at Bakura Sourcebook.”


-54 BSW4


(Future Moff of the Lambda sector) Par Lankin is born on the planet Desstious.  His crimes against the New Republic will earn him a 65,000-credit price on his head.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


Bant is born on the planet Calamari.

“Jedi Apprentice: The Rising Force.”


-53 BSW4


Tarn Innis is born.  He would become an Imperial supply officer.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 32]


Kassar Kosciusko is marred by one huge scar, the result of an encounter with a group of five Loag assassins in the seedy East Side of Luj City on the planet Novor 23.  Both he and the Loag party had been sent by different parties to eliminate the same target – Kassar survived to speak of the tale.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 47]


-52 BSW4


Garm Bel Iblis (future Rebel General) is born on the planet Corellia.

Conjecture from “SW RPG Dark Force Rising Sourcebook.”


Del Hunter is born.

Conjecture based upon “SW Adventure Journal: Passages.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Oppo Rancisis begins teaching at the Jedi Order, located at Coruscant, after becoming a Jedi Master under the tutelege of Yaddle.  Rancisis is a master of Malacia, a Jedi technique that induces a powerful dizziness and nausea in enemies.  It is completely incapacitating like a hammer blow, but does not cause any lasting physical damage.  Only a few other Jedi have come close to mastering the difficult discipline.  When peaceful negotiations fail, Rancisis ensures that Jedi - counseled military tactics are cunning and effective using his artful strategies and battle plans.


Bolabo Hujaan, a Sullustan and future starship mechanic, is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 89]


(Future) Imperial Admiral Gaen Drommel is born on the planet Oplovis.  His crimes will net him a 75,000-credit bounty.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


On Melida / Daan, Micae and his three eldest sons (i.e. all but Nields) go into battle with the Melida.  All four die.

Conjecture based on “Jedi Apprentice:  The Defenders of the Dead”. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


On Melida / Daan, Micae’s widow (Nields’ mother) leaves Nields with a young cousin and goes into battle against the Melida.  She dies.  Shortly thereafter, the Melida invade the cousin’s village, but Nields and his cousin escape.

Conjecture based on “Jedi Apprentice:  The Defenders of the Dead”. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


An identical bounty will be posted on future Imperial General Arndall Lott, born this year on the planet Kwenn.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


Jar Jar Binks is born in the underwater city of Otoh Gunga, located in the swamps of the planet Naboo.

“Episode I Insider’s Guide.”


After years of neglect, the Tasar system is finally considered worthy for exploration or colonization.  The system, too far from standard shipping lanes, indicated from long – range scans that only one world could support life, and that it was barely fit at that.

"SW Adventure Journal, Vol. 1, Issue #15."


(Future tax defrauder) Gornt Seron is born on the planet Korbin.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


-51 BSW4


(Future terrorist) Lohn Genden is born on the planet Alderaan.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


Jorus C'Baoth serves as the personal Jedi adviser to Senator (and future Emperor) Palpatine. 

"SW: Dark Force Rising."


                                                        -50 BSW4


(Future Rebel general) Airen Cracken is born on the planet Contruum.  He grew up on his parent’s farm, and was particulary adept at modifying and fixing machinery.  He later opened a mechanic’s shop, and repaired everything from landspeeders to holoprojectors.  He married a Corellian woman namde Josta, and they had two children before the Empire took control of Contruum.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Field Guide.”


Noncomformist Anomids surface in Anomid society – those who look down on their brothers’ and sisters’ cumbersome clothes and pacifist ways – are fierce “nationalists”.  They shun the customs of the past and regard violence as a sometimes necessary means to protect the rights of the Anomid people.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens – Enemies and Allies.” [Page 15]


Ohran Keldor is born.  He is one of the designers of the original Death Star, and he taught at Moff Tarkin's Omwat orbital school.  Ohran and his colleagues were on the first Death Star when it destroyed Alderaan. They were dropped off on Carida as the Death Star made its way to Yavin IV.

“SW: Children of the Jedi.”


A conflict arises between two Bith cities, Nozho and Weogar, concerning the patent rights to a new stardrive.  In accordance with the laws of their society, the two cities submitted their claims to a neutral arbitrator.  However, an agent from Nozho uncovered some compromising information about the arbitrator and blackmailed him.  Subsequently, Weogar’s mayor learned of the blackmail and refused to honor the arbitrator’s decision, and soon both cities were producing the stardrive, resulting in severe trade competition and the first Bith war in nearly a million years.  Unfortunately, when sophisticated technology such as that available to the Bith is involved, wars are almost always of a genocidal level.  Nozho launched a chemical attack against Weogar, wiping out 90 percent of the city’s population and garunteeing that the Weogar industries would no longer be capable of producing stardrives.  In retaliation, Weogar unleashed against Nozho a biological agent that altered the basic DNA structure of anything it contacted.  The unforeseen result was a planet – wide wave of evolutionary degeneration and mutation that turned their garden world into a monster – filled wasteland.  The surviving, untainted Bith were forced to contruct and retreat into hermetically sealed domes, where they live to this day, afraid to venture onto the surface of their own planet.

Conjecture from “SW RPG Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races.” [Page 23]


The m’Yalfor’ac is a native military service of the planet Guiteica, home of the Bitthaevrian species.  Bitthaevrians are naturally and culturally inclined to use direct conflict to resolve disputes.  This has led to a warrior ethos and intense dislike of aliens who use diplomacy, political process or indirect methods.  This led to a military confrontation between the Order and the Republic.  This short war was settled by the efforts of a band of Jedi, who used their powers to the Republic’s advantage.  The Republic and Jedi were therefore condemned by the Order and declared perpetual enemies of the Bitthaevrian people.  This was regarded as a formality by the Republic, since the Bitthaevrians rarely ventured offworld and lacked the military technology to be a real threat.

"SW Adventure Journal, Vol. 1, Issue #15."


Abav Ghart, an average sized Gotal male with numerous cybernetic enhancements such as his repulse - hand, becomes a pirate.  He would later be leader and founder of the notorious Void Demon pirates of Isen IV.  Ghart is unscrupulous, and would do anything for profit.

“SW RPG: Planets of the Galaxy: Volume One.”


Qui-Gon Jinn takes Xanatos to be his Padawaan Learner.

Conjecture from “Jedi Apprentice: The Dark Rival.”


Valin Halcyon (or as he is later known, Hal Horn) is born on the planet Corellia to Jedi Knight Nejaa Halcyon and his wife, Scerra.

Conjecture based upon “I, Jedi.”  Hal’s original name was provided by Matthew Long.


Soon after the birth of his son Valin, Nejaa Halcyon is partnered with CorSec officer Rostek Horn, in an effort to better police Coronet City and all of Corellia.  Their successes would later make them feared by criminals all over Corellia.

Conjecture based upon “I, Jedi.” and “X-Wing” novels.


Fabritech becomes a leader in starship sensor technology.

Conjecture based upon "Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels." [Page xvi]


-49 BSW4


Pter Thanas is born.

“SW RPG Truce at Bakura Sourcebook.”


Jorus C'Baoth plays an instrumental role in quelling a Dark Jedi insurrection in the Bpfassh system. 

"SW: Dark Force Rising."  This would seem to predate the later insurrection in the Clone Wars.


On Melida / Daan, Nields’ caregiver / cousin is called to fight for the Daan.  She dies in the battle, leaving Nields alone in the world, except for the Young, whom he meets after a short while.

Conjecture based on “Jedi Apprentice:  The Defenders of the Dead”. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


A quarter of a million people are killed when the mining dome on Varristad is damaged.  The culprit, a Hutt named Jemba (who works for Offworld Mining) buys up the mineral rights and makes a fortune when the mine’s owner goes bankrupt.

“Jedi Apprentice: The Rising Force.”


About a year after his birth, a very young Valin Halcyon begins to learn the ways of the Force from his father, Jedi Knight Nejaa Halcyon.

Conjecture based upon “I, Jedi.”


-48 BSW4


Mon Mothma is born on the planet Chandrila.  Her father is Arbiter - General of the Republic, and her mother is Chandrilan governor.  Her father taught her respect for all beings, while her mother taught her how to administer, organise and - most important - how to lead.  

From the Guide.  Family information from "The X-Wing Strategy Guide."  


Sylvn, daughter of Ki-Adi-Mundi, is born on the planet Cerea.

“SW: Prelude to Rebellion.”


Leger Demain, a future entertainer, smuggler and Rebel informant is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 69]


Grumby becomes a career officer in the Republic and later, the Imperial Navy, that would last for over thirty years.  He would fight in the battle of Ogorth Tiir.

Conjecture based upon "SW RPG: Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook." [Page 50]


-47 BSW4


(Future kidnapper and) Imperial Lieutenant Lon Donell is born on the planet Prefsbelt.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


Sena Leikvold Midanyl (future aide of Garm Bel Iblis) is born on the planet Corellia.  

"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook."


Qui-Gon is ready to accept Xanatos as a full Jedi Knight -- but Yoda isn’t so sure.  He sends the two to Telos.  En route, the ship is attacked by pirates -- pirates apparently helped by Xanatos.  When Xanatos sees how powerful his father (now Governor) Crion has become in his absence, the boy becomes resentful.  When Crion tries to set up a war with a neighboring planet, civil war breaks out instead.  Xanatos leads his father’s army, but Qui-Gon personally murders Crion in front of his son.  Now completely in the Dark Side, Xanatos sears the mark of his father’s white-hot ring into his face, and vanishes.  Shattered, Qui-Gon vows never to take another apprentice.

Conjecture from “Jedi Apprentice: The Dark Rival.”  


Veruna is elected as King of Naboo, who would become embroiled in outworld politics.  Senator Palpatine never favoured King Veruna, even after the stubborn ruler heeded Palpatine’s suggestions to become more involved in foreign affairs.

“Star Wars Episode I: Visual Dictionary.”


Ozz, future King of the Ugnaughts of Cloud City, is freed from bondage after being a slave for the first 100 years of his life.

"Hello, Bespin, Good-bye" Star Wars #57 and Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back, Second Edition.

Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


Jedi Knight Sharad Hett, increasingly haunted by the lack of a family in his life, turns to his old master Eeth Koth for guidance.  Koth arranges for Hett to visit his parents.  He finds upon his arrival that his entire family was murdered by an alliance of offworld rivals who devastated the planet.  Shattered by this tragedy, Hett flees into the Outer Rim and crashes his cruiser on Tatooine.  He wanders out into the Jundland Wastes to become a hermit.  He is eventually found and taken in by the Sandpeople, who accepts him as one of their own.  He marries a Tusken named K’Sheek.  Tragically, she is killed a year later in a desert storm – but not before giving birth to his son, A’Sharad.  Finding the baby strong in the Force, Sharad begins to train him in the ways of both the Jedi and the Tuskens.  The Jedi are unaware of all of this, and eventually presumes Sharad dead. 

“SW: Outlander.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


-46 BSW4


Padme Naberrie Amidala, future wife of Anakin Skywalker (and mother of Luke and Leia) is born on the planet Naboo to a pair of humble villagers in a small mountain village, where her exceptional abilities are recognized early in life.   

“Episode I: The Phantom Menace.”


The ‘Smoking Blaster’, a modified Loronar medium transport ship measuring 75 meters in length and armed with four twin laser cannons, begins service.

“SW RPG: Star Wars Gamemaster Handbook.”


Blaine Harris (future Defence Minister of Bakura) is born.

“SW RPG Truce at Bakura Sourcebook.”


The Bandorian Colonies are wiped out by an outbreak of the Candorian plague.  The epidemic was contained before it reached beyond the colonies, and the plague was thought to have been eradicated.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


The Melida girl Deila is last seen by her mother, having joined the Young on Melida / Daan.

Conjecture based on “Jedi Apprentice:  The Defenders of the Dead”. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


A fleet of two hundred Dreadnaughts, slave - circuited together, is launched, called the ‘Katana’ fleet after its commanding vessel.  (It was also known as the 'Dark Force.')  Due to a hive virus that infiltrates the crew, the ‘Katana’ fleet jumps into hyperspace and vanishes for the next half - century.  

 "SW: Dark Force Rising." Moved here on the advice of a top - secret source.


Jorus C'Baoth assumes the title of Jedi Master. (21) 

"SW: Dark Force Rising."


The Ssi-Ruuvi Ivpikkis joins the Ssi-Ruuvi military, eventually becoming an Admiral.

“SW RPG Truce at Bakura Sourcebook.”


-45 BSW4


Senator Palpatine funds and promotes long - range exploration into the Deep Core.  He commissions the launch of thousands of probots programmed to chart safe hyperspace routes into and through the Deep Core. Combining the apparent fatalism of a political realist with the shrewd and subtle power moves of a chess master, this senator from a humble provincial planet is a consummate performer in his chosen arts.  The Senate Chamber is Palpatine's stage, and he takes advantage of everything it has to offer in order to drive his points home.  The way sound bounces off the walls, the seating arrangement, the lighting that plays differently from one area to the other, the lines of sight everyone has or lacks - Senator Palpatine does not miss a single detail that might help him attain his goal.  Which is to help Naboo, of course.

“SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook.” [Page 75]  and


Jorus C'Baoth is sent to help determine the proper line for Viceroy of Alderaan.  It takes less than a month for C'Baoth and the other Jedi to decide that Bail Organa's father has the proper claim. 

"SW: Dark Force Rising."


Obi-Wan Kenobi accidentally causes fellow Jedi student Bruck to carry a grudge against him by tripping him up in a temple corridor.  Bruck takes to calling him “Oafy-Wan.”

“Jedi Apprentice: The Rising Force.”


King Cana of Gala dies, but not before revealing to Queen Veda that he has an illegitimate daughter named Elan.

Conjecture based on “Jedi Apprentice:  The Mark of the Crown”. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Berren Sid Te is born.  He would later become a Rebel cell operative and information gatherer.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 6]


 (Future Captain) Brandei is born on the planet Mantooine.  

"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook."


Due to his growing skill as a Jedi and the effectiveness of his police work, Nejaa Halcyon ascends to the level of Jedi Master.  As is the tradition of all Corellian Jedi, he gives Corellian Jedi Medallions signifying his ascension to his friends and family, including Rostek Horn.

Conjecture based upon “I, Jedi.”


-44 BSW4


Irenez (future aide to Garm Bel Iblis) is born on the planet Corellia.  

"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook."


Ulric Tagge is born, place of birth unknown.  He would later become an Imperial General. (22)

Conjecture. First name of Ulric is from the Marvel Series.


Six-year-old Hal Horn throws a temper tantrum over a toy that had been broken.  His father takes him back out into the yard and tells him that he can’t let his emotions run wild that way, that it disturbed the universe.  He then begins to teach Hal simple exercises to calm himself, and drills him until it becomes second nature.

“SW: Tales from the New Republic – Interlude at Darkknell” [page 47].


(Future thief and spy) Tord Gamb is born on Port Evokk.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


Ackbar, future Rebel (and New Republic) Admiral, is born on the planet Calamari.

Conjecture from “SW RPG Dark Force Rising Sourcebook.”


“Jedi Apprentice: The Rising Force.”

               Jedi student Obi-Wan Kenobi is just four weeks away from his 13th birthday... and from losing his last chance to become a Jedi Knight.  His only hope is that Master Qui-Gon Jinn will take him as a Padawan apprentice.  But when a jealous student named Bruck provokes Obi-Wan into a fight, the young man is forced off the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and shipped off to the planet Bandomeer to become a farmer.  Yet strangely enough, Qui-Gon is going there too on orders of the Supreme Chancellor.


         En route to Bandomeer, Obi-Wan is beaten senseless by a Hutt.  He learns later about Offworld Mining’s war with Arcona Harvest over the planet.  When Arcona’s mining machines are sabotaged, Obi-Wan sets out to find the saboteur.  With the aid of an Arcona named Si Treemba, he discovers that Offworld (in the form of Jemba and Grelb the Hutt) were the ones at fault.  The transport they are all on is attacked by Togorian pirates, the two Jedi join forces to fight them off.  The transport crash-lands on a water planet, and Jemba tries to force the Arcona to agree to serve him by stealing their life-essential dactyl.  Obi-Wan wants very much to kill Jemba, but Qui-Gon forces him to realize how anger is overwhelming him.  Qui-Gon takes back the dactyl, while Obi-Wan fights off an attack by draigons.  Trying to kill the Jedi at the same time, Jemba and Grelb are killed.  The ship is repaired, and the trip to Bandomeer completed.


           When they arrive, they receive a note: “I have been looking forward to this day.”  It was written by a Dark Jedi named Xanatos -- Qui-Gon’s first apprentice...

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Scholastic Books - Dave Wolverton - May 1999)


“Jedi Apprentice: The Dark Rival.”

           Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan learn the letter from the Supreme Chancellor bringing Qui-Gon to Bandomeer was faked -- probably by Xanatos.  Qui-Gon bundles Obi-Wan off to the farms, forbidding him to interfere in any way in his mission.  Not long after, he learns that Xanatos himself is Offworld’s representative in a business meeting.  A mine explosion alarms the people, but it turns out to be a natural disaster.  Meanwhile, Obi-Wan discovers a secret Offworld base at the farms, as well as the logo of a broken circle -- Xanatos’s facial scar.  Qui-Gon, refusing to place his trust in the boy, shuts him out.  Xanatos tries to sway the resentful Obi-Wan to his side, revealing his version of how Qui-Gon betrayed him.


           The mine explosion reveals an unexpected bonus -- ionite, a valuable mineral that can save Bandomeer from corporate takeover.  Qui-Gon, on a hunch, infiltrates Offworld headquarters and learns that Xanatos is the owner of Offworld.  He informs Yoda, who urges caution -- and also urges Qui-Gon to use Obi-Wan’s aid.  But Obi-Wan has been captured by Xanatos and bundled off to work in an Offworld deepsea mine.  After a fight with the dark ex-pupil, Qui-Gon goes after Obi-Wan.  Freeing him from the mine, he finally reveals the truth about Xanatos to Obi-Wan.  They chase Xanatos into the ground mines, where they have to fight him in the dark.  Xanatos rigs the mine to blow (as he did last time) and leaves the Jedi to die.  Working together, they find the ion bomb Xanatos was going to use and defuses it.  Qui-Gon finally yields to the inevitable, and accepts Obi-Wan as his Padawaan Learner. 

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Scholastic Books - Jude Watson - May 1999)


“Jedi Apprentice: The Hidden Past.”

Obi-Wan’s birthday has finally arrived.  He’s supposed to receive a meaningful gift from Qui-Gon as well as spend the day in quiet meditation.  He can’t quite manage the latter, but does get the former in the form of a... rock.  But there is little time to meditate, as the two Jedi are sent on their first official mission -- to oversee the democratic election of a new ruler on the planet Gala.  They are surprised when their transport mysteriously diverts to the planet Phindar instead.  They find themselves on a world where everything is scarce, and the populace is terrorized by assassin droids.  The transport pilot reveals himself to be Paxxi Derida, thief and brother of Guerra Derida -- a friend of Obi-Wan’s who helped him on his adventure on Bandomeer.  They reveal that they want to overthrow the evil Syndicat that has turned their world into a dictatorship.  In addition to the above tactics, the Syndicat has “renewed” – memory - wiped -- certain members of the populace and left them to die on strange worlds.  The people are too scared and beaten-down to revolt -- but that will change, Guerra explains, once the Jedi help them break into where the Syndicat is hording the planet’s resources.  Now is the perfect time, since the evil Prince Beju of Gala was coming to Phindia for a visit.  The Syndicat is helping him to rig the election and do to his world what was done to Phindia.


The Jedi come along in the break - in, but are discovered -- and Obi-Wan is captured, sent to be mind - wiped by Terra, the ‘renewed’ sister of Guerra and top officer of the Syndicat.  Baftu, leader of the Syndicat, is planning to double - cross Beju and take over the system one planet at a time.  With the Force as his ally, Obi-Wan resists the mind - wipe, but acts wiped as a ruse.  He is sent to Gala, where he becomes part of Beju’s visiting entourage.  In no time he’s back on Phindar, with Beju as a hostage. Meanwhile, Qui-Gon, Paxxi and Guerra prepare to reveal the warehouse to the people as the Prince arrives. Obi-Wan appears posing as the Prince to Baftu, stalling for time so that the others could loot Baftu’s treasury.  When the theft is discovered, Baftu mistakenly thinks Terra betrayed him and has her shot.  She regains her memory just in time to die in Guerra’s arms.  The Jedi join forces and helps incite a revolt, destroying the assassin droids.  A panicked Baftu tries to flee, only to be arrested by his own people when it is shown where his loyalty lies.  Prince Baju does manage to escape.  Within a week, Phindar is on its’ way to recovery.  Guerra and Paxxi find themselves contemplating political careers.  And the Jedi are back on their way to Gala and a rematch with Beju…

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Scholastic Books - Jude Watson - July 1999)


“Jedi Apprentice: Mark of the Crown.”                                                                                   *

                Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan finally reaches Gala, which is bubbling over with political rallies as the planet’s first - ever democratic election nears.  They find that Queen Veda is dying, and she desperately wants the Jedi to monitor the elections to ensure fairness.  She does not want her son, Prince Beju, to win (if he does, he will retain the monarchy – and civil war could result).  She fears the other candidates, Deca Brun and Wila Prammi, may not be up to leading the planet either.  She thinks the best ruler may be an tribal leader of a hill people named Elan – who is in fact the love child of the late King Cana.  She wants to meet with her, to reveal her royal heritage – then Prince Beju bursts in and orders the Jedi to leave at once.


                Veda compromises – she doesn’t want the Jedi to leave, but Beja is terrified of them.  She appoints a guide / spy, a young boy named Jono Dunn, to accompany the Jedi while on Gala.  Qui-Gon senses there is more to all this than meets the eye, but is determined to find Elan anyway.  He will go out into the hill country to search for her while Obi-Wan covers for him at the royal palace.  Jono befriends Obi-Wan, while off-the-cuff remarks by the Queen makes the young Jedi wonder if Veda is being poisoned.  He investigates, and (with the help of substance analyser Mali Errat) learns there’s a strange substance in the Queen’s tea.


                Up in the mountains, Qui-Gon is attacked by swoops and speeders.  He fights them as best he can, even when wounded, and is rewarded by meeting Elan.  She brings him to her tribe, where he reveals her parentage to her.  She won’t believe him and won’t come with him to the palace.  Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan compare notes via comlink, then Obi-Wan confronts the Queen about the poisoning.  When Beju accuses Qui-Gon of being the poisoner, the Queen reveals the Jedi’s secret mission to her son.  Beju won’t believe it, and the royal adviser Giba (who knows full well of Elan’s parentage) accuses the Queen of lying as well. Beju calls the guards, and Obi-Wan races out of the palace with Jono, who leads him to Deca Brun.  At that candidate’s headquarters, Obi-Wan discovers that Offworld – Xanatos’s company – has been funding Deca’s campaign.  He is suddenly rounded up by guards and thrown into a meat locker.


                Elan’s tribe is attacked by the Galacian royal guard.  Qui-Gon protects her people as best he can as they flee.  Elan proves herself to be an even better leader than imagined, as she leads the attacking tanks into a drift.  Qui-Gon learns from the captured royal guard that Giba had sent them to attack.  He also finds evidence that Elan’s mother did indeed know the Queen.  With this new info, he is finally able to convince Elan to come back with him.  Jono gets Obi-Wan out of the meat locker, and tells him that Beju has jailed the Queen, who is starving herself to death in response.  The rest of the ruling Council has unified against Beju and Giba.  Obi-Wan gets proof of the poisoning and an antidote from Mali.  Then it hits him like a thunderbolt – the only person who could prepare the herbal poison and give it to the Queen… is Jono.  He rushes away from him, into the Palace, toward the Council.  He runs into Beju, who challenges him to a good old-fashioned (metal) sword fight.  The protracted fight is stopped by Council member Viso, who proves conclusively that Beju is not the royal heir  -- The Mark of the Crown, a special sigil, is not on his skin.  Obi-Wan talks the shattered prince into opposing Giba, as Qui-Gon arrives with Elan and the hill people. Giba is arrested, and he is shown to be in league with Deca (and thus Xanatos).  With him gone, it’s all over but the voting.  Wila Prammi is elected Governor of Gala.  Elan (who does have the Mark) returns to her people, but will never be out of touch again.  Jono is sent back to his family to learn to farm.  And Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan set off on another mission, having left a stable new world as their legacy…

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL – Scholastic Books – Jude Watson – September 1999)


“Jedi Apprentice: Defenders of the Dead.”                                                                                 *

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan fly to the planet Melida/Daan, a planet wracked by war between its’ two native peoples so long that no one even remembers the cause – they now live only to avenge generations of dead. And now the Melida have captured Dahl, a Jedi mediator who was once a student of Yoda’s. The two Jedi fight their way to their contact, a Melida named Wehutti. He takes them to their headquarters, where he tries to capture them as well – but these Jedi are not so easily tricked. They are given an escape route through the sewers by a group of young people led by a boy named Nield and a girl named Cerasi. It seems the young of this world, both Melida and Daan, are rebelling against the old people (the only kind left – all adults are dead) who want to continue the war. In return for helping to free Tahl, the Young want the Jedi’s help in their battle to bring peace to Melida/Daan.


                This cuts to the very heart of Jedi philosophy – they can mediate and defend, but taking sides in a war is something the Jedi can’t do. Obi-Wan is all for helping. Qui-Gon will not. The Young decide to create an illusory fight to set off a battle between the old Melida and Daal, giving the Jedi the chance to grab the severely wounded Tahl. Obi-Wan, against the Jedi rules and without Qui-Gon knowing, agrees to join the Young in setting off the fight. Cerasi insists on joining the Jedi in their rescue attempt. They find Tahl in a Melida prison cell, blinded and barely alive. Cerasi, who turns out to be Wehutti’s daughter, is instrumental in their successfully getting away with Tahl. Qui-Gon is growing uneasy at how close Obi-Wan and Cerasi are getting…


                The Young attack the weapons warehouses on both sides, effectively disarming the warring peoples. Qui-Gon brings Yoda up to speed via Holonet, then confronts Obi-Wan. As their furious argument reaches a peak, Cerasi suddenly announces the Young have declared war on both sides. They ask Obi-Wan to fly them in the starfighter the Jedi used to arrive to knock out the deflector shield towers on both sides. He agrees and flies them the next morning. Unbeknownest to them, Qui-Gon secretly meets with the leaders of the Melida and Daan and tries to negotiate a peace settlement between them, even as news of the Young’s attack reaches them. They finally agree, but Nield will not meet with them – he doesn’t trust them. He is stunned when he learns of Obi-Wan’s betrayal. Obi-Wan is unrepentant, too– he’s found something among these young people he never had with the Jedi. Before either can think of something more to say, Nield’s prediction comes true – the Elders attack the Young. Obi-Wan rushes to the starfighter to counterattack – only Qui-Gon is about to use it to take Tahl to Coruscant. Qui-Gon issues an ultimatum –

come with him to Coruscant now, or….”you will no longer be a Jedi.”


And in answer, Obi-Wan gives him his lightsaber and walks away.

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL – Scholastic Books – Jude Watson – December 1999)  


Seek is born.

“The Phantom Menace” screenplay.


“Jedi Apprentice: The Uncertain Path.”                                                                                     *

Two weeks have passed since Obi-Wan Kenobi abandoned the Jedi Order. He and the Young of Melida/Daan are now hiding in the underground catacombs, under constant bombardment from the Elders. Obi-Wan plans to attack the Elders while they are repairing and refueling their aging starfighter fleet.  The stealth operation almost immediately goes wrong, and Obi-Wan saves Young saboteur Roenni from death at the hands of the Elder guards. They manage to escape, having crippled the starfighters and gaining the support of the Middle Generation (what’s left of them). The war, it seems, has been won. Obi-Wan, Cerasi and Nield are now de facto leaders of Melida/Daan. Nield declares that the top priority is to tear down the Halls of Evidence, starting with the one of his own ancestors. In fact, he personally destroys the markers of his own parents. He declares the ruins will be recycled into new housing for the people.


At the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Qui-Gon practice-duels with Bruck Chun. Qui-Gon wins, but just barely. Afterwards, he unburdens himself to Yoda in the Room of a Thousand Fountains. To his surprise, Yoda rebukes him for making Obi-Wan choose between Jedi training and the deaths of innocents – then he stuns him with the news of the war’s end.  Qui-Gon is later summoned to the Jedi Council. He expects more rebukes on his conduct; he is instead told of a series of mysterious thefts in the Temple. He is put in charge of the investigation, along with the blinded Tahl. Tahl now has a seeing-eye droid, 2JTJ.


Obi-Wan and Cerasi go to disarm some Melida holdouts. One of them turns out to be Cerasi’s father, Wehutti. Cerasi despairs afterwards, wishing she had a family again. Obi-Wan reassures her, saying “We’ll be each other’s family.” The people’s thoughts are turning to survival and rebuilding – but Nield is more interested in tearing down Halls than organizing reconstruction efforts. The people are starting to have second thoughts about all this – by tearing down the Halls, Melida/Daan is effectively erasing its’ history. Wehutti and the Elders force a showdown with Nield over the destruction of the Halls. Obi-Wan and Cerasi advise Nield to let the Elders win this one – and he finally, angrily agrees. Cerasi hopes she and Wehutti can reconcile – and she suggests Obi-Wan can return to the Jedi, whom he’s missing. He’d like to, except there’s one who would never welcome him back – Qui-Gon.


The thefts at the Temple grow more ominous – now lightsabers are being taken, Obi-Wan’s among them. And a message mocking Yoda’s style of speaking. The Temple goes on alert, and Qui-Gon and Tahl begin interrogating students. They can’t imagine one of them doing this, though. Tahl senses there is something more to all this – some unseen enemy is trying to fracture and distract the Jedi, she fears. The Temple soon is thrown into panic when an intruder is spotted. Now healing crystals are being taken. Who is doing this – and why?!? When Tahl smells that someone has been in Qui-Gon’s room besides him, he suddenly realizes a way to catch the thief.  Tahl and Qui-Gon learn that what she’s smelling is lake water – the thief’s hiding the stolen items in the lake in the Garden. Bant dives in to check, and finds a crate filled with all the stolen items – except the crystals. Now a trap can be set…


In a council meeting, Cerasi calls for a stop to the Hall demolitions. The vote ends in a tie, and Obi-Wan’s vote is the tiebreaker. He votes to stop it. Nield suddenly calls for another vote – to remove Obi-Wan from the Council!! Cerasi stops that idea cold, but the unity of the Young is clearly disintegrating. War, it seems, is about to break out again – and what can Obi-Wan do now? Fighting breaks out between Elders and Young again, as Nield moves to destroy the Hall without the Council’s permission. Cerasi puts herself between Wehutti and Nield – and is hit by blaster fire. She dies in a tearstricken Obi-Wan’s arms. No one sees who fired the fatal shots. And no one needs to. Her death is the excuse everyone needed to go to war again. Shattered, Obi-Wan faces off against Nield. The young man rages at Obi-Wan, blames him for Cerasi’s death, vows to kill every single living Elder, and orders Obi-Wan to get the hell off the planet. He sounds just like the holograms in the Halls of Remembrance. Obi-Wan has nowhere left to go…or does he?


Qui-Gon and Tahl hide in wait for the thief. It turns out to be none other than Bruck. He meets with some….unseen figure. Someone who is apparently at home here. Thanks to the blabbering TooJay, Bruck and the figure manages to escape. Qui-Gon braces himself to tell Yoda – only to have Yoda bring him before a holotransmission of Obi-Wan, who tells the whole sad story of Cerasi’s death and Melida/Daan’s disintegration. He begs Qui-Gon to return, to help. Realizing just how non-understanding he had been of the boy, Qui-Gon agrees to help. When he arrives, Obi-Wan realizes that he wants to be a Jedi again. Qui-Gon promises he and Obi-Wan will sort out their personal problems later. He forces a meeting with Wehutti, who’s in total shock over the murder of his daughter. He can’t, won’t help. They then meet with Nield, who walks past them without even talking. Qui-Gon realizes that Obi-Wan, Nield and Wehutti each think they killed Cerasi – and the identity of the killer may decide the outcome of this crisis. He assures Obi-Wan it was not his fault, then asks him to replay those tragic events in his mind, using the Force to sharpen his memory. It reveals that Cerasi’s killer was a sniper on a roof. Qui-Gon also asks – how did the Elders get rearmed? 

They start by examining the arms warehouse. They learn from there that Mawat, one of the Young, armed the Elders in hopes of overthrowing Nield. They split to find Nield – Qui-Gon returning Obi-Wan’s lightsaber to him before they do.


Obi-Wan finds him at Cerasi’s grave. He tells the grieving Nield what he learned, and convinces him of the truth. Suddenly, they spot Mawat outside rigging explosives to the Hall. Friends again, the two vow to stop Mawat any way they can. Along with some other Young, they attack. While searching for Nield himself, Qui-Gon finds a holodisk by Cerasi’s things. He races to the battle outside the Hall and plays it. She recorded it the morning of her death, as she had feared she would that day. Cerasi begs all to stop fighting and to work together as one people. Moved by her words, the people of Melida/Daan – even Mawat – lowers their weapons. The war is – finally – over. A peace agreement is quickly reached, Mawat moves to the country, and Obi-Wan joins Qui-Gon on the return trip to Coruscant, where he hopes to be reinstated into the Jedi. He likely will, but being Qui-Gon’s Padawan again…that’s a good question. Suddenly, an emergency call from the Temple comes in – an assassination attempt has been made on Yoda!!!

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL – Scholastic Books, Inc. – Jude Watson – January 2000) 


Afyon (future New Republic captain) is born on the planet Alderaan.

"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook."


-43 BSW4


(Future smuggler and slaver) Gaor Tembon is born on the planet Sullust.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


-42 BSW4


(Future criminal) Qell Tepine is born on the planet Coruscant.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


-41 BSW4


Anakin Skywalker is born and raised by his mother, Shmi Skywalker, perhaps on Tatooine.  His father is... unknown.  (23)   

“Episode I: The Phantom Menace.”  


(Future criminal and) Imperial Captain Iolan Gendarr is born on the planet Commenor.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


Kitster Banai is born, the son of Rakir Banai.

“The Phantom Menace” screenplay. Kitster’s last name and parentage is from “Episode I Adventures: The Ghostling Children.”


Sarchen Snyle, a future Lieutenant and customs inspection officer in Brentaal starport, is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 76]


Gilad Pellaeon joins the Republic Navy.

“SW: Heir to the Empire.”


Jorj Car’das enters the smuggling business.

“SW: Vision of the Future.”


-40 BSW4


(Future gambler and murderer) Estero is born on the planet Adner.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


The ore veins in the planet Dega of the Elrood Sector dry out, leaving Radell Mining Corporation little choice but to close operations on the planet.

“SW RPG Planets Of The Galaxy: Volume Three.” [Page 18]


The Koqus Design ‘Syndic’ starship class goes into production.  It is based on an old Republic Seinar Systems design, created as a short-route liner capable of carrying 58 passengers.

“SW Shield of Lies.”


Diskio Khzrry, a Xi’Dec, is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 9]


Evram Darkmere, a future underworld informant, is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 86]


A young female bounty hunter is double-crossed by her lover, Nikk Zavod. Zavod sends her out to inspect the malfunctioning thrusters on her ship – then ignites those engines, horribly burning her. He steals her ship and leaves her to die. That night, her twisted body is found by Chewbacca, who brings her to his ship and heals her. As he sleeps that night, she overhears him mutter the words “Malla…..Malla…” She then decides to change her name to Mala Mala in honor of him. She leaves Chewie when she is well enough.

“SW: Chewbacca.”


Devon Fuller is born on the planet Arkanis.  He would later become a Rebel operative and a skilled pilot.  Imperial High Inquisitor Tremayne would set a large bounty for his capture.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim.” [Page 5]


Ebareebaveebeedee a Squib reclamation ship Commander who is also known as the "Illustrious Chieftain of the Junkyards" begins to rule as the Squibs King.  He would later be responsible for the placement of Squib spies on capital ships, creating a network of informants who could inform the Squibs of the location of Imperial garbage dumps and battle sites. This allowed the Squib race to flourish during the later years of the New Order.  He commanded the momship Thrifty, and negotiated with the Alliance for information on the whereabouts of a gravity - well projector that could be used to detain the Elusive.

“SW RPG Scavenger Hunt.”


Kabe, the Chandra-Fan is born.  She would be orphaned in the streets of Mos Eisley by a group of smugglers who thought she was too small to be of any value, and be taken in and looked after by Muftak, a Talz.

Conjecture based upon “SW Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina.”


Princess Arawynne is born on Datar.

Conjecture based on ‘The Ghostling Children’. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Panaka gains combat experience in a Republic Special Task Force fighting against space pirates in the sector containing the Naboo system.

Conjecture based upon “Star Wars Episode I: Visual Dictionary.”


-39 BSW4


Dengless Rinn is born (future corrupt politician).

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations.” [Page 11]


(Future criminal and) Imperial Captain Dor Reder is born on the planet Pirralor.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


(Future smuggler and racketeer) Corf Sarb, an Enu, is born on the planet Deylerax.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


Darth Maul begins undertaking secret missions for his master, Darth Sideous.

“SW Journal: Darth Maul.” (Page 46)


Serdif Tount, future Imperial Governor of Rintonne system (and traitor), is born on the planet Coruscant.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


-38 BSW4


Chirpa becomes chief of the Ewok tribe on Endor. 

"SW RPG Special Edition Sourcebook."


Tiion Solo marries Randil Sal.  Tiion is far from attractive, especially in her old age.

“SW The Paradise Snare.”


Wald is born.

“The Phantom Menace” screenplay.


Diric Wessiri is born.

“X-Wing: Wedge’s Gamble” [Page 233]. The passage states that Diric is 20 years Iella’s senior.


Amee is born.

“The Phantom Menace” screenplay.


The old spacer who will come to befriend Anakin Skywalker on Tatooine leaves the Republic pilot corps after years of service, including stints flying Jedi Knights on missions, and taking Republic soldiers to Makem Te during its rebellion.

Conjecture based upon “SW: The Phantom Menace.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


A new Naboo Royal Starship is constructed, replacing the old one.  It is based on a J-type Nubian 327, and is built by the Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps.  Expressing the Naboo love of beauty and art, the dream – like shape of the ship, together with its extraordinary chromium finish, make it a distinctive presence in any setting.  The Royal Starship is completely unarmed in accordance with the Naboo philosophy of peaceful existance, an ideal growing increasingly rare as undercurrents of discord ripple through the Galactic Republic.

“Star Wars Episode I: Incredible Cross-sections.”


Ohwun De Maal, a Duros, is born on the planet Tatooine.  Along with his future wife Cachi, they would own the infamous docking bay 94 of Tatooine, which during one time housed at one time the equally infamous 'Millenium Falcon'.

"SW RPG Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley."


Shmi Skywalker and her son Anakin are sold into slavery under Gardulla the Hutt.  Some time later, Gardulla loses a bet on the Boonta Eve Classic pod races on Tatooine, and is forced to sell the slaves to the Toydarian junk collector Watto. 

“The Phantom Menace” screenplay.


-37 BSW4


The Z-95 Headhunter, the immediate predecessor to the X-Wing, is designed and built by Seti Ashgad for Incom Corporation and Subpro Corporation. 

"SW: Planet of Twilight." and “The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels.”


Future Governor of Tatooine Tour Aryon is born on the planet Treylon II.  One of her future most notable appointments was for the prefect of Mos Eisley, Eugene Talmont (featured in ‘Tales of the Mos Eisley Cantina’).

"SW RPG Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley."


(Future counterfeiter) Pendor Gyrr, a Givin, is born on the planet Yag'Dhul.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


Darth Maul is finally ready for the test that will declare him a full-fledged Dark Lord of the Sith. Darth Sideous puts him through two weeks of gruelling physical tests, then sends Maul to an Outer Rim planet to face three matches on desert, swamp, and mountain terrain against assassin droids programmed to kill. Wounded in the final battle, Maul unexpectedly faces one more duel – against Sideous himself. Stoked to insane rage by Sideous, Maul holds his own and even manages to sink his teeth in Sideous’ hand. Pleased, Sideous grants him the title of Sith Lord. He shows Maul the Sith Archives and suggests Maul adopt a weapon used by Exar Kun millennia ago – a double-bladed lightsaber. Maul builds the weapon himself.

“SW Journal: Darth Maul.” (Page 46-56)


Gilad Pellaeon graduates from the Academy in the top third of his class.  Ensign Pellaeon’s first command assignment is to take a squadron of transport vessels to the planet Garvyn.  They are stopped by pirates, but Pellaeon manages to trick and destroy the pirate vessel.  Pellaeon avoids capture by flying his vessel into Gavryn’s magnetic pole, fouling the enemies’ sensors.  For his quick thinking, he will be eventually promoted to the command crew of the Imperial Star Destroyer ‘Chimaera.

“SW: Heir to the Empire.”


Lobot is born, the son of a slaver.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin.”


(Future thief) Tardon Golor, a Twi'lek, is born on the planet Ryloth.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


Danaan Kerr, a rumoured Dark Jedi is born, place unknown.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


Tandra Pryl is born.  She would be future Captain of the Imperial Star Destroyer ‘Thunderflare.

“SW RPG Planets Of The Galaxy: Volume Three.” [Page 13]


Kolor Delan (son of General Delan) is born on the planet Pendarr III.  General Delan was the leader of the Pendarran Warriors, an independent group that fought with the Jedi Knights and the armies of the Old Republic during the Clone Wars.  As Emperor Palpatine eliminated the Jedi Knights, so did the Pendarran Warriors nearly face destruction.  Kolor Delan's crime of unauthorised military activity earned him a 12,500 credit reward for his capture.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


Zothip (future captain of the Cavrilhu pirates) is born on the planet Bestine. 

"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook."


(Future) Admiral Hiram Drayson is born on the planet Chandrila. 

"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook."


-36 BSW4


Crix Madine (future Rebel General) is born on the planet Corellia.

Conjecture from “SW RPG Dark Force Rising Sourcebook.”


(Future bounty hunter and murderer) Tantor is born on the planet Esooma.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


The Anomid, Magris Quill, is born (future dealmaker).

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations.” [Page 13]


Rogret Jiriss is born (future smuggler).

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations.” [Page 21]


K’lial Khzrry, a Xi’Dec, is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 9]


Ilo Jev is born on the planet Wyloff, in the Wyloff sector which is part of The Colonies.  Jev eventually becomes an Imperial Colonel.  After the death of his father from the orders of Moff Varnier, Jev becomes a Rebel sympathizer, providing them with valuable information.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 26 - 27]


Pertaal Shenvehr, future Assistant Features Editor for the Colonial News Net is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 42]


The Tonheld Mining Corporation buys the rights to mine ores and minerals from the asteroids within the Halmad System.  They efficiently stripped all the marketable material from the asteroids and then left, taking their machinery by leaving hollowed - out balls of rock in their place.

‘X-Wing: Iron Fist.’


At the age of 10, Padme Naberrie Amidala -- by sheer skill and earnestness -- becomes Governor of Theed, capital city of Naboo.  She moves from her country home to Theed, where she lives with her grandmother Winama. As a going-away present, her father presents her with an amulet fashioned out of transparasteel. She proudly wears this amulet wherever she goes.

“Star Wars Journal: Queen Amidala” and “The Queen’s Amulet.” 


King Veruna is introduced to the ways of the outer galaxy by Senator Palpatine.  Over the next two years, he becomes decadent and corrupt, neglecting his duties to his people.  The Naboo become enraged at his behavior and demand his ouster.

Conjecture from “Episode I Visual Dictionary.”


-35 BSW4


Callista is trained by Jedi Master Djinn Altis on a Jedi training platform hidden in the clouds of Bespin. 

"SW: Darksaber.”


(Future bounty hunter and murderer) Andov Syn is born on the planet Kerest.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


Graf Yonna is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 8]


“Pepper” Flarestream, a liaison and occasional smuggler is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 14]


Burellion Tiy, a Sullustan and future used starship trader and Rebel Alliance informant, is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 60]


Ebe Endocott, an arrogant rotund humanoid Tiffian of small stature, finishes first in the semi – pro Pod racing tournament on Malastare.  His round, white and blue fleshed face is framed by two large upward curving fur covered thermo – regulating flaps.

“Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.” “Star Wars Episode I: Who’s Who.” “Star Wars Episode I: The Visual Dictionary.” and “Star Wars Episode I: Racer.”


During the time he is away, Nejaa stays in contact with his family on Corellia.  His wife grows closer to Rostek Horn in Nejaa's absence.

Conjecture based upon “I, Jedi.”


Thrackan Sal-Solo is born on Corellia to Tiion Solo.

"SW: The Paradise Snare."


Tremayne is born.

Conjecture based upon “SW Galaxy Magazine: Dark Vendetta.” 


Over the millennia, beings involved in commerce and trade found it useful to create organizations to further their interests.  Whether in the form of trade unions, labor collectives, merchant’s associations, or one of the countless guilds, these groups have promoted their interests in the various legislative bodies of the Republic.  While their have been occasional cases of corruption, for the most part these associations have been law – abiding and responsive to their consumers.  Some groups and individuals had grand visions of the future of the galactic economy.  These individuals joined to form the innocuously named Galactic Corporate Policy League.  Few suspected it was, in fact, a cabal of plutocrats with ties to Palpatine and his New Order vision.  Not content with the vast trillions in wealth they had gained legally, or the uncountable sums netted in their shadier dealings, they hungered for more.  They resented prohibitions against slavery, world – gouge mining and other “altruistic idiocies”.  They longed for a free hand in the outer fringes, where less advanced worlds and civilizations couldn’t stand against the might of greed.  They found a new ally in Palpatine.  As the ambitious Senator secretly devised his plans of conquest, he enlisted amoral factions in the Transport and Power ministries and those long tired of Republic meddling in their economic plundering.  He used his position to award contracts and funding to those secretly sympathetic to his cause. 

Conjecture based upon "SW RPG: Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook." [Page 20]


Cachi De Maal, a Duros, is born in the Duro System - on Jivv Space City.  With her future husband Ohwun, they would own the infamous docking bay 94 of Tatooine, which during one time housed the equally infamous 'Millenium Falcon'.

"SW RPG Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley."


-34 BSW4


Talon Karrde (future smuggler chief) is born, birthplace unknown.

Conjecture from “SW RPG Dark Force Rising Sourcebook.”


(Future thief, racketeer, and smuggler) Jor Idrall is born on the planet Ryloth.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


Venlyss Pnorr, a Gand Findsman, is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 7]


Teela Panjarra is born, presumably on Corulag.  Her parents die shortly there after during an accident at an archaeological dig, and she is left in the custody of Chief Scientist Frexton of the Corulag Academy’s Science Service division.

Conjecture based on “Jedi Emergency”. Borrowed  from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


At an official banquet for the Old Republic’s Hewett senators, Adi Gallia keeps Qui-Gon Jinn from eating Konkeel pie, which is poisonous to humanoids.  He believes that Adi Gallia has saved his life, just as if she’d saved him from attack.

Conjecture based on “Jedi Emergency”. Borrowed from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Pike Angeles, a future Rebel shipjacker and starship engineer, is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 66]


For the second year in a row, Ebe Endocott finishes first in the semi – pro Pod racing tournament on Malastare.  Ebe pilots a sleek rust and silver Pod with large 10-meter long JAK Racing J930 Dash 8 split X configured engines, sporting angular cooling.

“Star Wars: The Phantom Menace”, “Star Wars Episode I: Who’s Who”, “Star Wars Episode I: The Visual Dictionary” and “Star Wars Episode I: Racer.”


The corrupt King Veruna of Naboo abdicates his throne, resulting in a general election for the planet’s next leader.  At the tender age of 12, and by an overwhelming majority vote, Padme Naberrie Amidala is crowned Princess.

“The Phantom Menace” novel and “Star Wars Journal: Queen Amidala” and “Star Wars Episode I: Visual Dictionary”.


The Sullustian, Magar Jaros, is born (future counterfeiter).

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations.” [Page 12]


Veruna, former King of Naboo goes into hiding upon his abdication.  Captain Magneta, Head of Royal Security fails to prevent the “accidental death” of the former King, and quietly resigns.  Veruna’s “accidental death” is covered up, even from Queen Amidala.  Panaka (known as “the quickest eyes on Naboo”) is appointed as replacement to Magneta as Captain of Security.  Captain Panaka is an expert in his field, and he knows it.  Even in the presence of awe inspiring Jedi Knights, he relies on his own experience and instincts to guide his actions. 

“Star Wars Episode I: Visual Dictionary.” and


R2-D2, owned by the Royal House of Naboo, is assigned to Queen Amidala’s ship because of his outstanding performance record.

“Star Wars Episode I: Visual Dictionary.”


The Kogus liner “Star Morning” is built.  It will later be used in the Fallanassi evacuation from Lucazec.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 285]


While repairing a racing pod (a job assigned to him by Watto), Anakin Skywalker takes the pod out for a little ride.  Impressed at the boy’s skill, Watto allows Anakin to become a full - time Pod Racer. A dishevelled seven year old with blue eyes, Anakin Skywalker is an earnest and hardworking boy who lives in the slave quarters of Mos Espa, on the planet Tatooine.  A natural mechanic, he has a keen intuition with equipment and machinery.  He can sense what makes an engine work.  Leading a very humble life, Anakin dreams of becoming a starpilot and longs for a world of adventure.  Good at heart, hopeful and optimistic, this young boy little suspects the destiny and fearful challenges that await him.

Conjecture from “The Phantom Menace” novel, as revealed by Cinescape Online.  Info also from


                                                        -33 BSW4


Padme Naberrie Amidala’s grandmother Winama dies.

“Star Wars Journal: Queen Amidala.”


Increasingly, Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum is influenced by Senators such as Palpatine to compromise what he knows is right for the sake of approved procedure.

Conjecture based upon “Star Wars Episode I: Visual Dictionary.”


Sebulba the Dug purchases the expensive blue Rutian Twi’lek twins Ann and Tann Gella as masseuses, partly to put him in best form for the race, but mostly to irritate his fellow racers and steep them in jealousy.  This tactic has been resoundingly effective.

Conjecture based upon “Star Wars Episode I: Visual Dictionary.”


Glongfurrp, a Gamorrean, is born.  He would later be employed by Jabba the Hutt.

“SW RPG: Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin”.


“SW Tales: Life, Death and the Living Force.”                                                                      *

Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi walk through the jungles of Arorua, with a freed Moggonite named Mosko Bolpa in tow.  They treat the rude and recalcitrant Bolpa at their camp, where the little creature quickly drives Obi-Wan up with the wall with his behaviour.  He can’t understand why Qui-Gon’s being so nice to this guy – who later leads a group that drives them out of the camp that night.  Qui-Gon just as calmly kills the whole bunch.  The two Jedi set out from the ruined camp, with Obi-Wan more confused than ever.  Qui-Gon explains that he lets the “Living Force” controls his actions, whatever they be.  And right now, the Living Force is telling him to travel into a mountain and kill a dangerous Dark Side creature named a Silan.  Obi-Wan thought he had learned his lesson, but the slaughter of the Silan disturbs him.  Qui-Gon says, “The ways of the living Force are beyond our understanding.  As a Jedi Knight, you will be called upon to do many things you don’t want to do, Obi-Wan.”

(COMIC SHORT STORY – Dark Horse Comics – Jim Woodring – September 1999)


Ebe Endocott wins the semi – pro Pod racing tournament on Malastare for the third year in a row. With his cumulative winnings, he purchases a new Corellian freighter to take him to Tatooine so he can enter the professional Boonta Eve Pod race the following year.

“Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.”, “Star Wars Episode I: Who’s Who.”, “Star Wars Episode I: The Visual Dictionary.” and “Star Wars Episode I: Racer.”


After finally having enough, Boss Nass, leader of the Gungan city of Otoh Gunga banishes Jar Jar Binks.  Jar Jar had previously accidentally flooded most of Boss Nass’s mansion and several adjoining bubbles while working as a waiter at a high – class party.  As this was not Jar Jar’s first serious flooding accident, Boss Nass was furious, and Jar Jar was exiled from his own city under pain of death.  Jar Jar is well known to the city patrol of Otoh Gunga, which has extricated him from all kinds of trouble in the past – from petty squabbles over food theft to the commotion Jar Jar caused when he inadvertently opened half of the Otoh Gunga Zoo bubbles.

“Star Wars Episode I: Visual Dictionary.”


A mystery attacker starts to plague the Tusken Raiders of Tattooine.  Several camps are attacked outright, wells are poisoned, food and toys are poisoned.  Over the next year, at least a hundred Sandpeople die. Furious over the chain of events, the Tuskens discover evidence that a Hutt, possibly Jabba, is behind the assaults.  Determined to keep events from spiralling out of control, Jedi – turned - Tusken Sharad Hett takes control of the Sandpeople and starts a controlled attack against Jabba’s interests.

A year prior to “SW: The Outlander.”


On the advice of Captain Panaka, Queen Amidala selects a group of handmaidens to act as her loyal bodyguards.  They include Rabe, Eirtae, Sabe, Sache and Yane.  Dedicated and low key, the Royal handmaidens shadow Queen Amidala at all times.  This select group maintains Amidala’s regal image, assisting behind the scenes with her elaborate gowns, hairstyles and make – up.  They also quietly protect Amidala, acting as secret bodyguards.  Upon Amidala’s coronation, the handmaidens were hand – picked for their intelligence, courage, fitness and resemblance to Amidala. 

“Star Wars Episode I: Visual Dictionary.”


Tem Chesco begins to have heart problems.

Conjecture based upon “SW Galaxy Magazine: Tales From Mos Eisley” [Spring 1995]


-32 BSW4


As of this time, there are only 10,000 Jedi Knights left in the galaxy serving the Galactic Republic.

“The Phantom Menace” novel.


The Tapani Sector enters into what is later known as the Imperial Era (12,689 - 12,724 by their domestic calendar).

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Kant Aryon (future husband of Tour) is born on the planet Bethars.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley.”


(Future bounty hunter, thief, and murderer) Yarr Gatonne, son of bounty hunter Resh Gatonne, is born on the planet Bonadan.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


Vin Northal is born.  He would become one of the Alliance’s most impassioned operatives as a deep cover extraction specialist.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 5]


Saren Llalik, a future doctor and cyborg technology researcher is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 68]


Siro Simto, a future smuggler, is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 71]


Padme Naberrie Amidala is coronated queen of Naboo.  During her coronation, Amidala meets Senator Palpatine for the first time.

“The Phantom Menace” novel, as revealed by Cinescape Online.


Qan Gindoch, a (future) spice smuggler, is born on the planet Tralfin.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


(Future smuggler and traitor) Bom Vimdin, an Advoze, is born on the planet Riflor.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


“Prelude to Rebellion.”                                                                                              

                When the neutral, anti - technological world of Cerea refuses to join the Republic, an underhanded plot is implemented to force Cerea in -- by luring the planet's youth with the promise of technological wonders.  The Twi’lek Republic representative Silais arrives to make an ill - fated presentation to the planet’s elders, but is shot down by Jedi Knight Ki-Adi-Mundi, who compares their pristine world to the polluting citadels the Republic built on it.


                Ki returns home to deal with his many wives, as well as his troubled daughter Sylvn, who’s fallen in love with a “techrat.”  He finds her at a pro - tech rally, where a mysterious “diplomat” named Bron whips the youths into a frenzy.  When Ki tries to calm them, Sylvn’s boyfriend Maj-Odo-Nomor leads an attack on him He takes Ki’s lightsaber -- and accidentally skewers a young man with it.  An all-out riot begins, as the crowd mistakenly thinks Ki killed the boy.  Which is just what Bron wanted...


             Silais produces evidence that exonerates Ki, but the Jedi is still untrusted by all, his lightsaber kept away from him.  He returns to his honor - wife Mawin’s home, to find Sylvn and four others stealing food for Maj and running off in swoops.  Ki deducts the reason, and searches out the Ortolan snoop Ydde, who is too scared of whatever’s going on to talk to him.  Ki is jumped immediately thereafter by a gang. He beats them, only to find Ydde’s corpse nearby.  He’s pleasantly surprised to discover that Ydde slipped him a note beforehand...


              Meanwhile, in the Outsider Citadel, Maj is protected by Ephant Mon and Bron, but Bron tells Mon to kill Maj when he says. Two of Maj's buddies are killed in a swoop accident. Fed up with the runaround, Ki goes after Ephant Mon himself.  But Mon is already gone when he reaches the Citadel, along with the others.  As Ki tries to figure out what he's not seeing, a destroyer droid almost takes him out.  It's only with the aid of a messenger that he successfully destroys it, when the messenger gives him back his lightsaber.  As he convalsces later in a bacta tank, an Elder contacts the Jedi Council, who gives Ki full permission to pursue Mon, Sylvn and Maj anywhere in the galaxy.


              Ephant’s ship is detained in orbit by Tatooine militia when it is discovered to be loaded with 2,000 divvik pupae (snacks for Jabba) that have already hatched.  With Bron claiming a vendetta on the part of the Jedi, Ki takes a small ship and a trio of “prototype” droids (including the supposedly reprogrammed destroyer droid) and rushes to Tatooine.  When he gets there, he senses Ephant -- and vice versa.  Ephant reveals to the young passengers that Ki is coming, and he’s going to use them as bait to make Ki get them through the pupae and off the ship.


                As Ki hacks his way towards them, he receives a message from the Elder, who informs him that the death of Maj’s two friends was no accident.  He reaches the last door to the group, where Ephant informs him that he will eject the escape pod the group is in, killing them all unless Ki manually opens the outside hatch.  He then cold-bloodedly blasts Maj. With no other choice, Ki opens the hatch and lets them go.  Ki tries to pursue them, only to held up by a Trade Federation ship.


               Ephant reaches Jabba’s palace, where he informs him that he was unable to buy the malium he was going to buy with the pro-tech group’s money.  With Jabba’s “customers” empty - handed, and Ki pursuing him on the ground, Ephant decides on a distraction -- chaining Sylvn and Twin up outside to die in an approaching ion storm...


               Fighting past atmospheric fighters, Ki drops some decoy debris as well as one of his droids.  He has his ship "limp" toward Jabba's, and just barely saves the girls just as Jabba and Ephant launch a shuttle.  Ki's dropped off droid infiltrated the shuttle before launch, and reveals a ton of illegal war-related items inside -- items intended for the Trade Federation.  He returns home, where Sylvn reveals the truth to Cerea's people.  The hysteria dies down, but something else seems to be afoot.  Senators are going into seclusion, Silais and Bron are in hiding -- what's going on?  For Ki, that's for the future to discover.  For right now, he's spending badly needed time with his reunited family, including Sylvn, his other six daughters and his (finally) pregnant fourth wife Shea.  He's also mulling an offer to join the Jedi Council on Coruscant...

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Jan Strnad - December 1998 - May 1999)


“Episode I Adventures: Search for the Lost Jedi.”

Qui-Gon Jinn watches as his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi dispatches three armory droids in 17 seconds – blindfolded. He tells Obi-Wan that the Jedi Council has summoned them. On their way there, they pass by Senator Palpatine’s Jedi advisor, Jorus C’Baoth. Once they meet the Council, they learn why they have been summoned – Adi Gallia, a Council member, has vanished on a covert mission to the planet Esseles. The Jedi had gotten a mysterious datacard stating that 50 experimental, hyperdrive-equipped droid starfighters were being built there, and Gallia went to investigate. C’Baoth was asked not to tell anyone in the Senate any of this. Qui-Gon is ordered to take fellow Knights Vel Ardox and Noro Zak with him to find Gallia – and to leave Obi-Wan behind at the temple. Qui-Gon defies them and takes Obi-Wan with him and the others on the Radiant VII anyway.


                The Jedi arrive on Esseles and quickly travel to Trinkatta Starships, Inc., where the starfighters are reported to be. They arrive as the factory is cleared out and poison gas (for “vermin”) is pumped in. The Jedi rush in, sensing Adi nearby. The security droids move in to kill (not capture, as they’re supposed to be programmed) them. Qui-Gon fights his way into the factory alone, facing a variety of obstacles. He finds the factory’s owner, Boll Trinkatta, chained up and with a missing arm in one room. It seems the droids of the factory went berserk and took over. Qui-Gon frees him and interrogates out of him the mystery buyers of the starfighters – the Neimoidian Trade Federation. Someone’s already taken the starfighters. He leaves Trinkatta to escape and continues after Adi. He senses she’s up in a tower – where a skyhopper just landed. He fights his way up the tower, to find Gallia battered and barely alive. Now chased by every droid in the factory, Qui-Gon runs into another enemy – Bartokks, bloodthirsty mercenaries with a hive mind. Having rigged the tower to blow, Qui-Gon fights through the two Bartokk assassins and gets Adi to safety barely in time. The other Jedi meet up with him, and he fills them in. Vel and Noro takes Adi to a Jedi chapter house on Rhinnal for healing, while Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan stay behind to get to the bottom of this. Qui-Gon realizes that Barkokks travel in hives of 15 – that’s 13 unaccounted for. They must still be here – and so must the starfighters!


                Meanwhile, near the Ringali Nebula, Neimoidian Viceroy Nute Gunray talks via holocomm with the mysterious Darth Sideous. Sideous, angry that the Trade Federation hasn’t received the starfighters, orders Gunray to send someone to Esseles at once to confirm the starfighters left the factory, and to find and kill whoever it was who tipped off the Jedi to their actions…

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL – Scholastic Books – Ryder Windham – September 1999)


“Episode I Adventures: The Bartokk Assassins.”

Believing that the Bartokks are not behind the theft of the enhanced droid starfighters, and with the suspicion that Boll Trinkatta’s test pilot, Bama Vook, may have been behind it, Qui-Gon Jinn decides that he, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Trinkatta should head for the Ion Sandbox, a spaceport cantina where they might learn where the starfighters are hidden. 


Unbeknownst to them, Darth Sidious has dispatched Rune Haako and Daultey Dofine, two Neimoidians, to Esseles to find the starfighters.  They arrive and make a stop at the Ion Sandbox. They are noticed by Bama Vook (who, by the way, is not dead), who slips out slowly.  As he exits, he runs into Trinkatta and explains that he did not wish to be party to the building of war vessels for the Trade Federation, so he “vanished” with his son, Chup-Chup, and his droid, LE-PR34 (Leeper).  When the Bartokks arrived and stole the starfighters and the prototype hyperdrive, they put them in an over - sized freighter, which Bama subsequently stole, not knowing that it was owned by Bartokk assassins.  He hid it in Docking Bay 28, along with his brand new YT-1300 freighter, the ‘Metron Burner’, and a modified Z-95 Headhunter that can carry two passengers.  They head for the docking bay, followed by the Neimoidians, who recognized them as they left the Ion Sandbox. 


Upon arrival, they are attacked by Bartokks before learning from Leeper that Chup-Chup has been taken hostage aboard the Bartokk freighter.  A Bartokk gets the drop on them and stuns everyone but Obi-Wan, who battles several other assassins before they escape in the freighter.  He gets the others out of the stun net, and leaves Trinkatta to oversee their safety.  Obi-Wan then takes the Z-95 Headhunter after the Bartokks (after disabling a bomb they had placed on the starfighter).  He finally catches up to the Bartokk ship and battles one Bartokk starfighter and then three droid starfighters before boarding.  Once aboard, he finds twenty-two droid starfighters.  Considering the three he just destroyed, that means that twenty-five are missing.  He finds and frees Chup-Chup, who tells him that the Bartokks had transferred the other twenty-five droid starfighters to another Bartokk freighter. 


Obi-Wan defeats and uses the Force to probe the mind of another Bartokk assassin.  He learns that the Bartokks were indeed on a mission, but the target of their assassination is on Corulag.  They were stealing the droid starfighters to carry out that mission.  Obi-Wan then sets the ship to explode and he and Chup-Chup escape with the prototype hyperdrive just before the ship is destroyed.  They return to Esseles, where Obi-Wan informs Corulag that the other Bartokk freighter is on the way.  Reunited with the others, they determine that they should go to Corulag, but Obi-Wan reports that they cannot get a message through to Rhinnal (the planet they sent Noro Zak and Vel Ardox to with the injured Adi Gallia).  This could mean that there is trouble on Rhinnal, so they must go there before attempting to catch the Bartokk freighter.  Bama offers to take them to Rhinnal aboard the Metron Burner.  They prepare to leave. 


In another part of the galaxy, Neimoidian Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray contacts Darth Sidious via hologram.  He informs the Sith Lord that the two Neimoidians on Esseles overheard that the droid starfighters and prototype hyperdrive were aboard a Bartokk freighter that took off from Esseles.  Gunray offers to personally pursue the Bartokk freighter (not knowing that it was destroyed, but we can assume that he would’ve just wound up chasing after the second freighter), but Darth Sidious denies him permission to do so.  Sidious has someone else lined up for that duty…

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL – Scholastic Books – Ryder Windham – October 1999)

Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


“Episode I Adventures: The Fury of Darth Maul.”                                                                     *

Darth Sidious calls his Sith apprentice, Darth Maul.  He informs Maul that their droid starfighters (with hyperdrives) have been stolen, which interferes with their plans to take over Brentaal and control the Permelian Trade Route and Hydian Way.  Maul is to find and recapture the ships, so the Bartokks who stole them cannot use them to carry out an assassination or attack that would discredit the Neimoidian Trade Federation, which Sidious is controlling.  He is to leave the Bartokk’s employer to live in fear, but the Bartokks lives are forfeit.  As Darth Maul and his specially programmed and built droid, C-3PX, head for Esseles, Bama Vook, Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Leeper leave Esseles for Rhinnal to learn the fate of the planet’s Jedi chapter house.  They land on Rhinnal and learn that the communications blackout was the result of a severe storm, confirming Obi-Wan’s fears that they had deviated from going after the Bartokks when there was no real crisis on Rhinnal.  They will leave again as soon as the next storm subsides. 


        Maul arrives near Esseles and determines which freighter belongs to the thieves, who then divert course from heading to Corulag to heading to Ralltiir.  Maul follows them there and allows himself (and alter C-3PX) to be captured in order to learn from them and be in position to defeat them.  After destroying the interrogator droid in his cell and taking its truth serum capsule, Maul rages through the Bartokk’s fortress, killing many of them and using the truth serum on one to learn the story behind their assignment.  The Trade Federation had hired Groodo the Hutt to design a prototype hyperdrive engine for the NTF, which he did. The NTF took the hyperdrive and did not pay Groodo.  When he learned that the prototype hyperdrive had been taken to Trinkatta and Bama Vook on Esseles for the creation of fifty hyperdrive-enhanced droid starfighters, he saw his chance to seek revenge on both the NTF and Corulag Academy, which had refused to admit his son, Boonda the Hutt.  Groodo hired the Bartokks to steal the starfighters and prototype hyperdrive and then attack the Corulag Academy.  Now that he prototype is in the hands of the Jedi Knights and half of the starfighters are destroyed, the Bartokks still intend to use the remaining 25 droid starfighters to complete their mission.  Maul uses a thermal detonator to blow up the fortress’ armory, unfortunately having to leave C-3PX to perish (as far as can be told) in the explosion. 


Maul races back to his Sith Infiltrator and heads for Corulag to stop the attack on Corulag Academy, which was about to be carried out by the droid starfighters and one Bartokk fighter that had left the fortress during Maul’s rampage.  Maul arrives in the Corulag system just before the starfighters.  He then uses a droid starfighter control device given to him by Darth Sidious to turn the droid starfighters against the Bartokk starfighter, destroying it.  He then spots the ship that can only belong to Groodo and turns the starfighters on it.  Groodo and his son, Boonda, use an escape pod to head for Corulag’s surface, and Maul lets them live, as per Sidious’ instructions.  The Hutts land on Corulag and Groodo prepares to place a call that might enable him to strike back at the Trade Federation that Maul represents.  Maul, in the meantime, heads back to Ralltiir to search for C-3PX.  He finds the droid’s restraining bolt, but no sign of the droid itself and resigns himself to C-3PX’s destruction.  On Rhinnal, Obi-Wan reports that he has spoken with Corulag and learned of the firefight and that the droid starfighters escaped into hyperspace after the battle, leaving the question of who now has the starfighters up in the air.  The Jedi (including Noro Zak and Adi Gallia) confer on the issue, and Qui-Gon then receives a call from Yoda on Coruscant.  Yoda informs Qui-Gon that he will meet Qui-Gon and the others at Corulag.  “Matters must urgent” await them at the Corulag Academy…

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL – Scholastic Books – Ryder Windham –November 1999)

Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Bartokks assassins steal a new-model SoroSuub space yacht from Ausec Grogle of Trandosha.

“Episode I Adventures: Jedi Emergency.” Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


“Episode I Adventures: Jedi Emergency.”                                                                             *

As Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bama Vook, Leeper, Vel Ardox, Noro Zak, and Adi Gallia head from Rhinnal to Corulag to meet with Yoda and Mace Windu, Groodo the Hutt, angry over the Bartokks’ failure to destroy Corulag Academy, gives the Bartokks one last chance to fulfill their assignment.  The Jedi (aboard the Radiant VII and the Metron Burner) arrive in Corulag’s vicinity at the same time that a new model SoroSuub yacht (registered to Ausec Grogle of Trandosha, but piloted by the Bartokks with six X10-D droids, three of which are modified with plasma bombs) enters the system as well.  Leeper notes that this is odd since the new model should not be for sale yet.  (The Bartokks stole it, of course.)  All of our heroes meet on Corulag, and Windu and Yoda are not angered that Obi-Wan is with Qui-Gon against their original wishes.  Yoda and Mace Windu tell them that their mission is to help secure a Force-attuned child, Teela Panjarra.  It seems that when the six-month-old’s parents died, she was placed in the care of Chief Scientist Frexton of the Corulag Academy’s Science Service, she same division that rejected Boonda the Hutt’s application.  Frexton knows the child has a high midichlorian count, but refuses to turn her over, preferring to run his own tests (AKA preferring to make her his own personal lab rat, not an individual with rights).  The Jedi are there to save the child from Frexton. 


The Jedi soon run into two X10-Ds and realize that the Bartokks are trying to complete their mission.  Yoda orders the other Jedi to evacuate the children in the Science Service tower’s nursery (where Teela is nowhere to be found), while he takes out the X10-Ds.  He does so, but is locked into a different section of the tower, with only a shot-up security droid nearby to help. Yoda has taken out both droids and finds a bomb inside one of them.  The security droid disables it while Yoda rushes to the lab where Frexton has Teela.  He finds Frexton and Frexton tries to evade Yoda, carrying Teela in a Live Organism Comfort Conveyor (LOCC).  A few Bartokks and two more droids arrive, and Yoda defeats them.  They confirm that their intent is to destroy the Academy, and Yoda deactivates (well disintegrates—in a trash unit) another bomb droid.  There are two droids left, one of which has a bomb.  Yoda chases Frexton (who has ran off with Teela) to another room, where the girl is taken by several Bartokks and the remaining two droids.  Yoda defeats them all, and then takes the last bomb and the LOCC aboard the Bartokks’ skiff and flies to the SoroSuub yacht.  Once there, he races aboard, sets the bomb to detonate (it had a fail-safe timmer), and then battles (and kills) the Bartokk queen before escaping with Teela in the LOCC.  The ship explodes, taking the rest of the Bartokks with it.  Victorious, the Jedi prepare to return to Coruscant on the Radiant VII, while the furious Groodo and his son, Boonda, hitch a ride back to Esseles with Bama Vook and Leeper aboard the Burner

 (YOUNG ADULT NOVEL – Scholastic Books – Ryder Windham – December 1999)

Borrowed from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


“Episode I Adventures: The Ghostling Children.”                                                                   *

On Datar, several Ghostling children are kidnapped by Djas Puhr and Gondry under orders from Sebulba the Dug.  They are then transported to Tatooine where Pala, a Twi’lek slave of Madame Vansitt, is being shown to a prospective buyer, Lord Tantos.  Tantos agrees to purchase her, and she will be leaving soon.  She goes to give the bad news to her friends Anakin Skywalker, Kitster Banai, Wald, Amee, and Dorn.  Watto sends Anakin to sneak a peek at what Sebulba is bringing into Mos Espa.  He and Kitster rush off and see Sebulba’s newly modified Podracer.  After other crates are brought inside a storehouse, the boys sneak in to check on the crate contents.  There they see the Ghostling children, including Princess Arawynne.  They have not had the explosive anti-escape transmitters installed in them yet.  The boys are sent away by guards but want to help the children, if possible.  The Ghostling children are soon sold to Gardulla the Hutt for use as garden decorations (which would be killed by more ferocious garden decorations).  Anakin is then sent on a trading mission to the Jundland Wastes where he meets with some Jawas and reluctantly purchases what appears to be a small cube with Jedi markings and something evil trapped inside…


 Soon Kitster, Pala, Anakin and Dorn (disguised as Jawas) break into Gardulla’s complex and find the Ghostlings.  Using the unimplanted transmitters as impromptu bombs, the Mos Espa children sneak the Ghostlings into the as-yet-empty garden to hide until they can come back and get them out of Gardulla’s palace completely.  Anakin and the other non-Ghostlings make their escape (an escape that the Ghostlings, by their physical exhaustion and make-up, could not have made).  They say their goodbyes to Pala as she prepares to leave with her new master.  Shortly thereafter, Sebulba comes to Gardulla for his payment, but she refuses to pay until she has the Ghostlings in her hands again (since she fears duplicity on Sebulba’s part).  Sebulba sets out on a personal (and business) mission to find the missing Ghostling children….

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL – Scholastic Books – Dave Wolverton – January 2000)

Borrowed from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


“Episode I Adventures: The Hunt for Anakin Skywalker.”                                                         *                                                          

                 Gardulla the Hutt has sent Sebulba, Grondy, Khiss, and Djas Puhr to find the children who helped the Ghostlings.  They find a skin bit left by Pala Kwi’teksa and pick up Anakin Skywalker’s scent and are on the move.  At Madam Vansitt’s academy, Vansitt suggests that Pala escape.  After meeting with Jira and deciding to collect money to free the slaves, Anakin, Kitster, Dorn, and Pala prepare a plan of action. Anakin is chased by Puhr, but the others help him escape.  Anakin and Kitster escape in Sebulba’s Podracer, while Sebulba pursues in Brant Rumble’s.  Anakin drops Kitster off so he can take a scrambler to Pala to save her if Gardulla sends people after her based on the DNA of the skin flake or try to destroy her using the implanted detonator.  Anakin and Sebulba go head to head in Mos Espa (with Sebulba not realizing who he’s facing) and Sebulba is forced to wreck Brant’s Pod and Anakin escapes.  Later, Kitster informs him that Pala is safely hidden with the Ghostlings and the scrambler is working to save her from scans and kill commands.  Later, Anakin has a dream and seems to be being contacted by some kind of lifeform in the mysterious cube he got from Jawas earlier in the week.  At Jabba’s Palace, Sebulba informs him that a bounty has been put on the head of Pala and her unknown accomplices, and Jabba tells him that he will put Dorn to tracking down the children (which will mean betraying his friends if he follows through) . . .

Borrowed from Nathan Butler’s Timeline. He notes the story is placed exactly one week before the Boonta Eve Podrace – in other words, one week before “The Phantom Menace.”

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL – Scholastic Books – Dave Wolverton – February 2000)


“Anakin’s Fate.”

                Another day of drudgery and slave work for Anakin Skywalker at Watto’s junkyard.  But Watto has a special job for him today -- go to a Jawa Sandcrawler and gather parts for a wrecked pod Watto’s gotten a hold of.  Taking the partially - built C-3P0 with him, he travels to the sandcrawler -- that he learns is badly damaged.  In return for the pod parts, Anakin agrees to repair the sandcrawler.  Not only does he get thrusters in return, but an entire pod engine!  Anakin takes the rebuilt pod to a Boonta Eve Classic pod race, but Sebulba cheats, leaving Anakin crashed in the sand.  He’s ordered by Watto to rebuild the pod.  That night, he heads to the market, and meets a spacer who encourages him to follow his dreams.  Thing is, the things Anakin’s been dreaming about haven’t come true... yet...

(CHILDREN’S BOOK - Scholastic Books - Marc Cerasini -- May 1999)


Podracer Wan Sandage hires Aldar Beedo, a Glymphid hitman to assassinate Sebulba.  Beedo enters into the upcoming Boonta Eve Classic.  Kam Nale enters into the Boonta Eve Classic under an assumed name, “Elan Mak”, in the hopes of exacting revenge against Aldar Beedo, who had murdered his father.  Mars Guo, infatuated with Ann Gella, one of Sebulba’s masseuses, promises to help her escape Tatooine while he is drunk.  Sebulba learns of Guo’s plans, and vents his rage by ensuring that Mars would never finish the upcoming race.

“Episode I Insider’s Guide.”


Darth Sidious sets into motion the final stages of his order’s 2,000-year-old plan to destroy the Jedi.  Working patiently, Sidious has extended his power and influence deep into the galactic government.  Using his grasp on psychology and bureaucracy to stifle justice, he brings about the crisis he needs to make his move for domination.  The shadowy figure incites key individuals within the Neimoidian Inner Circle to take drastic measures in pursuit of profit.  When the Galactic Senate imposes taxation on the former Free Trade Zones of the outlying systems, Sidious goads the greedy and bullying Trade Federation into aggressively blockading the planet Naboo in retaliation, one of the oldest, most revered planets in the Republic – a measure by which he intends to force an end to the new regulations.  A standard month passes, and the situation on Naboo rapidly reaches crisis proportions.  With no food being imported, the entire Naboo race is afflicted by starvation.  Queen Amidala viciously harangues Chancellor Valorum over holochannel for his inaction, declaring him personally responsible for the suffering of her people.  Shamed by Amidala’s bitter accusation, and alerted to possible war - like actions from the Federation by Jedi Knight Adi Gallia, Valorum takes the biggest political risk of his career – without the consent or even the knowledge of the Senate, he calls on the Jedi Council for help...

“Star Wars Episode I: Visual Dictionary” and “Star Wars Journal: Queen Amidala.”



                A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…


                Obi-Wan Kenobi, almost a full Jedi Knight now, is sent with Master Qui-Gon Jinn to Naboo on the orders of Chancellor Finis Valorum in an attempt to end the blockade of the planet, brought on by the greedy Trade Federation.  But when they arrive, the Neimoidian Viceroy Nute Gunray is ordered by a shadowy figure known as “Darth Sidious” to kill the Jedi, destroy the ship they came on (the ‘Radiant VII’), cut off Naboo’s communications, and invade the planet with a huge army of battle droids, hover tanks, and STAP vehicles.  The Jedi repulse the attack on themselves and stows away on two Federation landers, determined to warn the Naboo and the Republic of the Federation’s heinous acts.


                On the surface, the Jedi encounter a Gungan exile named Jar Jar Binks, who offers the two sanctuary from the invading army at his underwater home town of Otoh Gunga.  Trouble is, Gungan leader Boss Nass doesn’t like “outlanders,” hates the Naboo, and absolutely depises Jar Jar.  Qui-Gon is forced to resort to mind tricks to get themselves a “bongo” to the surface, as well as save the clumsy Gungan from being pounded to death.  The underwater journey proves even more harrowing, as they dodge various sea monsters.


                On the surface, the Federation army has swiftly overwhelmed the pacifist Naboo, herding the people into concentration camps.  At the capital city of Theed, Gunray orders the teenage Queen Amidala to sign a treaty legitimising the Federation’s rule over Naboo (as well as avoiding Republic reprisals), or watch her people be systematically exterminated.  She refuses to sign, and Gunray orders that she be taken to a camp.


                As she is herded off with Security Chief Panaka and Governor Sio Bibble, the Jedi and Jar Jar arrive, barely avoiding a trip down a waterfall.  Cutting down her captors, Qui-Gon recommends they take the Queen to Coruscant on her royal yacht to seek the aid of the Republic.  He senses something more to all this, and suspects the Federation will kill Amidala and force a hand picked ruler to sign the treaty if she stays.  Taking along a group of pilots and handmaidens, the small group boards the yacht and takes off.  The yacht dodges the huge army in orbit of Naboo.  When the shield generator is shot, the courageous acts of a single astromech droid -- R2-D2 -- enables the ship to escape capture.


                Unfortunately, the yacht’s hyperdrive has been destroyed, and the ship needs to make repairs.  The nearest likely world is a desert planet called Tatooine, home of Jabba the Hutt.  After harassing the Neimoidians at Naboo via hologram, and ordering them to kill Naboo’s Council of Elders, Sidious sends his apprentice Darth Maul to track down the Queen, kill her Jedi protectors and return her to Naboo to sign the treaty.


                The yacht lands on the outskirts of Mos Espa, and Qui-Gon goes in disguised as a farmer to find a new hyperdrive.  Along for the ride is Jar Jar, Artoo, and a young handmaiden the Queen insisted go along named Padme Naberrie.  They find their way to a junk shop owned by a Toydarian named Watto.  He has what they need, but they don’t have the hard currency he needs.  They also meet Watto’s slave, a nine-year-old boy named Anakin Skywalker.  It’s love at first sight for Anakin as he introduces himself to Padme.  A little later, he saves Jar Jar from the wrath of Sebulba the Dug and befriends the group.  He brings them to his house as a sandstorm approaches, where the heroes meet his mother Shmi, as well as a protocol droid Anakin is rebuilding to help Shmi around the house -- a prissy and harried robot named See Threepio. 


                Meanwhile at the royal yacht, the Neimoidians use a holo - transmission of Bibble (who stayed behind to interfere with their actions) to try and locate the Queen themselves.  Obi-Wan, who stayed on the ship, orders the crew not to reply to the message (which would give the Neimodians the trace they want). En route to Tatooine, Darth Maul is ambushed by Togorian pirates, whom he utterly wipes out.


                Back at Anakin’s house, the boy offers to use his own hand built Podracer at the upcoming Boonta Eve Classic Podrace (hosted by Jabba) to win the money the heroes need to repair the yacht.  Despite the great danger, no one can see any other way to get the hyperdrive.  Qui-Gon becomes more and more intrigued by this strangely gifted boy.  He is startled when Shmi reveals that Anakin has no father -- he was apparently conceived by the Force itself -- and downright shocked when a midichlorian count reveals Anakin to be THE strongest Force sensitive in existence.


                The day of the Podrace arrives, as does Darth Maul (who immediately sends probe droids into the cities). As he waits, he takes on an entire Tusken raiding party singlehanded. A Trooshti steals the battery from Anakin’s Pod, but Padme and Jar Jar gets it back and helps the Trooshti save their nest in the process.  Anakin’s chief competition is the nasty Sebulba, who sabotages Anakin’s Pod prior to race start.  Despite this, a five - hundred mile an hour rush through horrendous obstacles, pot - shooting Sandpeople, and exploding fellow Racers... despite all this, Anakin manages to win the Podrace and secure the new hyperdrive from Watto.  And thanks to a bet Qui-Gon made with Watto, the boy has also won his freedom and a chance to become a Jedi Knight.  Sadly, this means he will have to leave Shmi and Threepio behind on Tatooine.  He tearfully promises to return and free them when he becomes a Jedi.  Qui-Gon outwits a last ditch effort by Watto (at Gardulla the Hutt’s urging) to keep the boy, and has him disable the explosive slave chip inside him.


                As the heroes return to the yacht, Darth Maul finally strikes.  It’s all Qui-Gon can do just to hold him back as they take off from Tatooine.  He introduces Anakin to Obi-Wan, who is jealous and leery of the young boy.  Anakin also meets pilot Ric Olie, who helps acquaint him with flying Naboo - style ships.


                Finally, Coruscant is reached and the heroes can enjoy a brief respite.  Qui-Gon reports the apparent existence of the new Sith to the surprised twelve member Jedi Council, and then drops the bombshell about Anakin.  They agree to meet the boy and test his potential.  Although his potential in the Force is obvious, a little probing by Yoda highlights the glaring flaws in Anakin’s character...


                Elsewhere, Amidala meets with Palpatine, who informs her that the corrupt and weak Senate probably won’t be any help at all -- unless she forces the ouster of Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, Naboo’s most ardent supporter.  She won’t hear of it -- until she presents her case to the Senate, and sees first hand how bureaucracy and the Trade Federation’s influence has destroyed the once - noble democratic institution, and any chance of saving her people with it.  With Palpatine’s lies about Valorum ringing in her ears, she loudly demands Valorum be impeached at once, and a new Supreme Chancellor elected.


                While waiting for the Council to render their decision, Anakin and Jar Jar helps a young boy and his malfunctioning nanny droid return home.  A little later, the Jedi Council decides Anakin is indeed  -- not worthy for training as a Jedi.  Not only is he too old, but also he has far too much anger and fear in him.  Incensed at this, Qui-Gon defies the Council and announces he will train Anakin without their permission -- Obi-Wan is ready to become a Knight, he declares.  He believes Anakin to be the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy, the “Chosen One” who will bring “balance to the Force.”  The Council, led by Mace Windu and Yoda, calms the tense situation down by stating they will reconsider Anakin’s fate at a later time.  Right now, with Amidala resigned to returning to Naboo and sharing the fate of her people, they want Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan to go with her and protect her -- and find out just what connection, if any, the Sith has with the invasion.  As they leave, Sidious tells the Neimoidians he no longer needs her help at all -- kill her when she lands.


                But as the group returns to Naboo in the yacht, passing the sole remaining Neimoidian Battleship (a droid control ship -- the others were no longer needed), they learn Amidala has not given up.  Thanks to an off-the-cuff remark by Jar Jar, she sees a desperate last hope for her world.  She asks to meet with Boss Nass and the Gungans, now forced out of Otoh Gunga by the Federation and hiding in sacred ruins.  Nass is still unwilling to listen -- until Padme the handmaiden reveals herself to be the true Queen Amidala, with handmaiden Sache acting as her decoy.  She openly begs Nass for help, to take back what was both theirs. Nass, touched by her willingness not to belittle the Gungans, finally agrees to help them.


                Sidious, suspecting some kind of attack, sends Maul to join the Neimoidians on Naboo.  And attack is indeed what is on the Queen’s mind, but that is only a distraction.  As a now - promoted General Jar Jar and the Gungans face the battle droids on the ground, she and the Jedi will sneak back into the royal palace and free the main hangar, allowing Olie and the pilots to fly their N-1 starfighters into orbit and attack the droid control ship.  Destroy it, and the droids will be disabled.  At the same time, she intends to capture Gunray in the throne room and end this war once and for all. 


                The battle proceeds as planned, except for two complications -- Maul is waiting for them at the hangar, drawing the two Jedi off for a savage duel.  At the same time, Anakin and Artoo hide in an N-1 only to find themselves taking off for the orbital battle on autopilot.  The tide turns against the Naboo / Gungan / Jedi fighters on all fronts, with the Gungans being captured by the battle droids and Qui-Gon being brutally slain by Maul before Obi-Wan’s horrified eyes.


                Yet the tables are just as quickly turned.  Amidala manages to capture Gunray and force his surrender.  Anakin, guided by the Force without his even knowing it, flies into the droid control ship and blows up the main reactor, destroying the Battleship and cutting off the battle droids.  And Obi-Wan, fighting down his rage and relying on the Force, delivers a fatal blow and watches the two cut halves of Maul tumble down a reactor shaft.  With his dying breath, Qui-Gon asks Obi-Wan to promise that he will train Anakin. Obi-Wan agrees.


                A few days later, the new Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, Palpatine, arrives on Naboo with the Jedi Council.  Gunray and his lieutenant Rune Haako are being shipped back to Coruscant for trial, the Trade Federation’s charter has been revoked, and the taxing laws that started the whole ordeal have been repealed.  Palpatine praises Amidala’s bravery in saving their world, and tells Anakin he will watch his career “with great interest.”  Yoda informs Obi-Wan that he is hereby promoted to Jedi Knight, and -- over his own strong objections -- the Council will allow Kenobi to train Skywalker.  He urges Obi-Wan to keep a close eye on the would - be Jedi, as the future of this boy is still very clouded.  Obi-Wan promises to be careful.


                A sombre funeral is held for Qui-Gon that night, as his body is cremated.  Obi-Wan tells a forlorn Anakin of the Council’s decision.  Yoda and Mace Windu mull over the remaining questions of this mess. Why was Naboo invaded?  And was Darth Maul the Sith Master... or merely the apprentice?  Those questions must wait for another day, as the next morning a grand parade and presentation of the Orb of Peace to Boss Nass allows the Naboo to celebrate their salvation, and cheer the heroes who delivered them from evil...

(MOTION PICTURE - 20th Century Fox / Lucasfilm --George Lucas -- 19 May 1999)

(NOVELISATION - Ballantine / Del Rey Books - Terry Brooks - May 1999)

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics – Henry Gilroy -- May-October 1999)

(MANGA COMIC BOOK MINISERIES – Dark Horse Comics – Kia Asamiya -- December 1999-January 2000)

(RADIO DRAMATIZATION – Highbridge Audio --???? – 2001?)


By this era, a more advanced version of the Jedi Code has come into existence. It reads as thus:

“There is no emotion -- there is peace.

“There is no ignorance -- there is knowledge.

“There is no passion -- there is serenity.

“There is no death -- there is the Force.”

“SW RPG Jedi Academy Sourcebook” and “Star Wars Journal: Anakin Skywalker.”


“The Bounty Hunters: Aurra Sing.”

                At the request of Craddossk, head of the Bounty Hunters Guild, Aurra Sing travels to the Forest Moon of Endor to secretly meet with a blind priestess of the Order of Ffib.  She is hired to kill a Twi’lek ex - Jedi turned pirate named Reess Kairn.  And to get to him, she may have to go through two Shi’ido mercenaries masquerading as Kairn.  She’ll know the real article by his ryll - spice addicted yellow eyes. The priestess gives Sing the coordinates of three worlds -- each representing Liquid, Flame and Sky. Kairn, she promises, is on one of those worlds.


                Hoth, the (iced - up) Liquid planet.  Aurra fights through Wampas and Tauntauns to get to the first Kairn -- a Shi’ido.  Tatooine, the Flame planet.  A sniper shot to the head takes out another Shi’ido.  She stops to chat with a kid named Wuher who’s kneeling over the corpse.  Bespin, the Sky world.  A mid - air fight between Kairn on a thranta and Aurra on a STAP.  Kairn loses.  But -- he’s another Shi’ido?? Liquid... Flame... Sky... that priestess left one out.


                Endor.  The Land World.  That priestess was the real Kairn, having had his brain placed in a female body.  Now that his three decoys are dead, (s)he can seek redemption in the temples of Lorahn...  Just as she’s thinking this, Aurra sneaks up behind her and blows her head off.  

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - Tim Truman - August 1999)


Conil Barje, Camella Barje, and their son leave Corellia and proceed to Tatooine to begin a new family life.

Conjecture based upon “SW: Outlander.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


A war - clan of Tusken Raiders attacks Anchorhead.  Shortly thereafter, other clans join in - 13 clans all under one warleader.  All in all, they killed six militiamen, set fire to the armory, smashed the central vaporator-cistern and escaped with a large amount of water.

Conjecture based upon “SW: Outlander.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


“Outlander: The Exile of Sharad Hett.”

              Tatooine's natives are in a panic of gun - buying, because the Sandpeople are on the loose.  Three days earlier, the Tusken Raiders smashed into Anchorhead in a fury, wiping out everything in sight.  Even worse is their mysterious leader, a red - eyed Sandperson with a lightsaber(?!?)  He seems the fiercest of all, but when they attack a trading post at Mochot Steep, he spares a young mother he just widowed a moment before.


              On Coruscant, the Jedi think they know whom this mystery man is -- a Jedi Knight named Sharad Hett, who disappeared fifteen years ago.  The new Council member, Ki-Adi Mundi, is ordered to go to Tatooine to find Hett and either bring him back to the Jedi -- or, if he has fallen to the Dark Side, kill him. Strangely, Yoda insists that he meet with Jabba first... the very Hutt who tried to kill his daughter not long ago.  Unbeknownst to Ki, the mystery man has gained the attention of another, possibly more dangerous foe -- Force sensitive bounty hunter Aurra Sing...


                As he prepares to leave, Ki is visited by the “Dark Woman,” the nameless Jedi who brought him into the Order years ago, as well as the one who trained -- and rejected -- Sing.  To this day, she is haunted by her failure.  She warns Ki that she’s had visions of his future -- dark visions.  “Within the deserts of another’s heart, your life will be changed forever.”  Ki then leaves in a Republic Cruiser for Tatooine.


                As he arrives, Sing is watching him.  She’s surprised that they sent him, but “it doesn’t matter.”  Ki meets with Jabba, treating him with barely disguised disdain.  Jabba goes out of his way to apologize to the Jedi, offering him a skiff ride.  Of course, it’s a one - way trip into a sandstorm, with the escorts ready to kill him...


                Ki gets the upper hand on his would - be killers, but nobody bothers to drive the skiff -- which capsizes in the storm.  Ki survives -- barely -- with a broken arm.  His comlink and medipak are gone, but he does have some water.  Next stop: The Jundland Wastes.  He begins a long, lonely trek, unaware that Sing is hot on his trail.  By sunset he reaches the mountains.  He finds himself fighting womprats, tumbling down a chasm, and then facing the most dreaded creature on Tatooine -- the Krayt dragon.  He finds Sharad Hett and his Sandpeople at the top of the chasm, ready to watch him get eaten... until Ki tells Sharad that his teacher, Eeth Koth, sent him.  He then has his son A’Sharad attack and kill the Krayt dragon, thus formalizing the young man’s status as a Tusken Raider.  The two Jedi talk, and Sharad reveals that Jabba had a very good reason to keep Ki from him – he has been the one pouring weapons into the hands of the human settlers.  But he remains silent on why he’s been raiding the cities.  He takes Ki to his camp at Gafga Canyon, while Aurra slices up womp rats with her ‘saber – a means of warming up to kill both Jedi…


Over breakfast, Sharad finally opens up to what he’s been up to – why he left the Jedi in the first place, why he joined the Tuskens, and why his leading role in the Tusken attacks – namely, to provide order and control, and prevent the offensive from becoming a bloodbath.  Jabba the Hutt has stirred the Sandpeople into a foaming fury to provide a market for his outdated caches of weapons to the terrorised populace.  He is stunned when Ki tells him of the Sith’s return and Qui-Gon Jinn’s death, but he steadfastly refuses to return to Coruscant – he is a Tusken Raider now, and he belongs with his people.  Suddenly the camp is overwhelmed by a private army led by Gardulla the Hutt, whom Aurra has apparently been working for, and whom Aurra summoned when she spotted the camp… 


Aurra contents herself with wiping out a squad of Sandpeople while Gardulla's group smashes head-on into the main force. Sharad rides right into the battle, using his Force powers and leadership skills to harness the Sandpeople into a dangerous foe. From a high rock, Aurra begins playing sniper, seriously wounding A'Sharad. The Sandpeople quickly gain the advantage in the battle, and Gardulla panics. Just as Sharad is about to fillet her, the cavalry arrives in the form of Jabba and his own private army. Seems Aurra

has been playing double agent. With that taken care of, she now concentrates on why she came to Tatooine in the first place -- nailing Sharad's shoulder with a sniper shot, then running the wounded Jedi through with her 'saber. Before she can finish him off, however, Ki and A'Sharad arrive. Ki warns Aurra that while she is in the Dark Side, she's not all the way gone yet -- he remembers the girl she once was. Aurra moves to kill Sharad anyway, only to face his son. She taunts the young man, urging him to give in to his anger. Ki protests -- do that, and he'll become like her! A'Sharad is moved by his words -- moved enough for Aurra to kick him down and disappear into the dust. 


Gathered around the mortally wounded Sharad, the Jedi take stock of the situation. Thanks to Jabba, most of the Sandpeople were massacred. Gardulla has been disgraced, and Jabba continues his rise to power in the underworld. A'Sharad has nowhere to go now, and he promises to join Ki as his Padawan Learner. Sharad gives his son his own lightsaber, then passes away. Ki and A'Sharad start the long journey back to Coruscant...   

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Tim Truman - June-November 1999)


In gratitude to the Jedi for their efforts in freeing Naboo, the Gungans build the Jedi Monument -- a gorgeous building flanked by two eternal flame - orbs.

“Episode I Insider’s Guide.”


The Gungans erect a unique monument, the ‘Queen’s Monument’, built in honor of Queen Amidala.  It symbolized the peace that had been forged between the Naboo and the Gungans, which allowed them to break the Trade Federation’s hold on their world.  The center of the monument was a stone spire, atop which was set a single light representing the unified planet of Naboo.  Five small globes encircled the spire, representing Amidala’s virtues of leadership, compassion, beauty, wisdom, and strength.

“Episode I Insider’s Guide.”


“Episode I: The Gungan Frontier.”

In the wake of the battle of Naboo, the Gungan underwater cities are facing dangerous overpopulation.  As a way of cementing the relationship with the Gungans, Queen Amidala (with the help of Obi-Wan, Jar Jar, and Artoo) helps Boss Nass and the Gungans establish a colony on Naboo’s outer moon, Ohma-D’un.

(COMPUTER GAME - Lucas Learning Inc. - Numerous authors - June 1999)


(Future pirate and thief) Laerron Woern is born on the planet Elom.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


(Future spy) Mol Hedron is born on the planet Swarquen.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


Perhaps due to the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of their attack on Naboo, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine orders all battle droids and assassin droids outlawed.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 15 – 16]


Niles Ferrier (future starship thief) is born (on the planet Corellia?).

Conjecture from “SW RPG Dark Force Rising Sourcebook.”


Upon his election as Chancellor of the Republic, Palpatine already had wealth and connections enough to guarantee him unlimited power.  With support falling in line in the Senate, the Galactic Corporate Policy League threw its support behind New Order policies and gave credibility to its empty promises of restored glory and prosperity.  Through contacts with powerful businesses outside the League, many other companies endorsed Palpatine’s plans.  Payback came easily enough once Palpatine had complete control over the budgets of a galaxy.  With the enormous military buildup Palpatine planned, the most lucrative contracts could be awarded to those captains of industry who had already proven their “loyalty”.  Of course, even these incalculable sums proved too small for the greed of these mega – corporate titans.  It was then that the GCPL conceived its boldest gamble yet.  It wished to develop and expand the Corporate Sector.  The League members realized how much potential there was if these countless riches could be given their unrestricted attentions.

Conjecture based upon "SW RPG: Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook." [Page 20]


COMPNOR, the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order, is formed.  Initially little more than a social group, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine aids it covertly, building it into a major political movement to help in the transition of the Republic into the Empire. 

"SW RPG Imperial Sourcebook." 


Akanah Norand Goss of the Fallanassi is born.

"SW: Before The Storm."


-31 BSW4


“Emissaries to Malastare.”                                                                                                     *

                At the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the Dark Woman puts new Jedi apprentice A’Sharad Hett through the entrance exam from Hell – a combination lightsaber/verbal assault. Despite her best efforts, Hett holds true to the tenets of the Jedi. She urges him not to hold back, even when facing his friends. As she proves by doubling him over with a sucker punch, “Anyone can be an enemy.” Later, in private conversation with Ki, she agonizes over having created the anti-Jedi death machine Aurra Sing has become.


                The Council meets, and a new mission is discussed – Supreme Chancellor Palpatine is sending half of the Jedi Council to Malastare, where a terrorist organization called the Red Iaro are willing to begin peace talks with the people of Lannik, whom they have warred with for years. As the meeting ends, Mace Windu has the Council witness the ‘Concordance of Fealty,’ an ancient ceremony involving Mace returning the lightsaber he borrowed from Eeth Koth, and Eeth doing the same. After the meeting, Ki comes upon A’Sharad talking with fellow Jedi student Anakin Skywalker. Anakin is intrigued upon hearing where Ki is going – they still have Podracing on Malastare. Ki asks the young lad to tell him about Podracing…


                On Malastare itself, the Phoebos Memorial Run is underway, and Sebulba the Dug (in the garishly repainted pod built by Anakin) is up to his old tricks, out to restore his tarnished reputation. And taking out an assassin hired to kill him in the process. Red Iaro member Myk’chur Finux wins a lot of money from Senator Aks Moe as a result. They note that with the race going on (hyped to epic proportions by Gran corporate sponsors), the peace summit will be all but ignored until they want the press there. The Ffib priests are also in on the conspiracy between the Grans and the Red Iaro. The Jedi arrive, and Senators Baskol Yeesrim and Aimlee Teem (along with some Dug “indentured servants”) greet them. A’Sharad is awed at this site of this lush, varied world. As they move toward their quarters, Evan and Adi hang back – they sense something’s wrong. As a Red Iaro and an Ffib subpriest move in to ambush the Jedi, they are themselves ambushed by Evan and Adi. They manage to escape thanks to the incompetence of the Gran guards – or is it incompetence? Baskol and Aimlee move the Jedi into the Governor’s quarters – and right into the deathtrap to be sprung tomorrow by Senator Moe…

The rest to be detailed…

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES – Dark Horse Comics – Tim Truman – December 1999 – May 2000)


Lando Calrissian is born (on the planet Corellia?).  

Conjecture from “SW: The Hutt Gambit.”  


Aves (future smuggler and associate of Talon Karrde) is born on the planet Corellia.

Conjecture from “SW RPG Heir to the Empire Sourcebook.”


The Nalronian, F’quallix is born (future smuggler).

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations.” [Page 22]


“SW Tales: Incident at Horn Station.”                                                                                    *

                A stuttering mining-vessel captain makes an emergency landing on Horn Station. After paying the repair costs, the captain relaxes at a cantina where he meets a blond named Kirry – and an alien named Kerlo, who’s interested in a brawl. Incredibly, the timid captain outdraws the alien and stuns him. Impressed, a Rodian bystander extends an “invitation” from Lord Shoto Eyefire – a quick-draw duel to the death, tomorrow morning. Sure enough, the nervous captain faces the Shistavanen crimelord in his fortress the next day…and nails him through both legs, then yanks out a lightsaber and some stun grenades and cleans house!!


                A few hours later, the wounded crimelord is hauled aboard the “captain’s” ship. He’s been taken to face the justice of the Republic. And Kirry bids a fond goodbye to the unnamed Jedi Knight…

This could have occurred at any point in the decade prior to TPM, but is placed here as the unnamed Jedi character will be the “star” of the story immediately following:

(COMIC SHORT STORY – Dark Horse Comics – Dan Jolley – January 2000)



To be detailed…

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES – Dark Horse Comics – John Ostrander – June-September 2000)


Fynn Torve (future smuggler and associate of Talon Karrde) is born on the planet Corellia.

Conjecture from “SW RPG Heir to the Empire Sourcebook.”


“Episode I: Obi-Wan.”

To be detailed...

(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Numerous authors -???? 2000)


Borsk Fey’yla (future New Republic Senator and Chief of State) is born on the planet Kothlis, a Bothan colony world.

Conjecture from “SW RPG Dark Force Rising Sourcebook.”



To be detailed...

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES – Dark Horse Comics – Tim Truman – October 2000-January 2001)


The Outbound Flight Project, a space voyage outside the galaxy, is launched.  One of the six Jedi Masters aboard is Jorus C'Baoth.  Fifteen Republic vessels with hand - picked units are sent under the secret orders of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to destroy the Outbound Flight -- and then are themselves destroyed by twelve Chiss vessels led by then - Commander Thrawn.  Thrawn leaves only one ship intact, and interrogates Palpatine's main adviser, Kinman Doriana.  Doriana explains the situation to Thrawn.  Two weeks later, Thrawn destroys the Outbound Flight.  Palpatine apparently has genetic material of C'Baoth that is later cloned.  Thrawn’s actions do not sit well with the Chiss ruling families, and he is eventually exiled on an uninhabited planet on the edge of Imperial space. (24)


The First Clone War begins. (25)

Conjecture from “Dark Force Rising” and “Vision of the Future.”


Nejaa Halcyon, Corellian Jedi Master, is called away to fight in the Clone Wars.  Meaning that he will be away from Corellia for an indefinite amount of time, Nejaa's partnership with Rostek Horn ends.  He assures Rostek and his wife Scerra that the Clone Wars will not kill him. (26)

Conjecture based upon “I, Jedi.”


Vima-da-Boda's daughter Neema falls in with rebellious Jedi who turns the young woman to the Dark Side.  Neema ends up marrying an Ottethan warlord who mistreats her.  She attempts to harm him with the Dark Side, but is unsuccessful and is imprisoned.  Vima rushes to her aid, but finds her daughter already dead.  Momentarily insane with rage, Vima kills the warlord. Horrified by what she had done, Vima regresses and loses contact with the Force, which saves her from the Great Jedi Purge.

Conjecture from “SW RPG: Dark Empire Sourcebook.” [Page 61 – 62]


-30 BSW4


The Old Republic funds an archaeological expedition to Dagobah.  The expedition is lost, and the records themselves are lost for decades.

“The Illustrated SW Universe.”


Syal Antilles (sister of Wedge) is born to Jagged and Zena Antilles on the planet Corellia.

"X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Masquerade."


The Lant Mining Corporation closes its last mine in the Demar system, on the planet Gart.

“FlashPoint!  Brak Sector.”


The Gamorrean, Ughok Snorg, is born (future enforcer).

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations.” [Page 14]


The Devaronian, Sires Vant, is born (future loan shark).

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations.” [Page 17]


The Rodian, Malak, is born (future slaver).

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations.” [Page 18]


The Victory-class Star Destroyer is designed by Walex Blissex.

“SW RPG Sourcebook.”  It would have to have been before Thrawn was found.


Morna Faenarm, a future accountant for Incom, is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 48]


On the run from Ord Segra customs officials, Una Poot and her husband Drogue arrives at Machenry Station.  Not long after, Drogue is killed prospecting in the Dragonflower Nebula.  Una remarries some time later, to an engineer.  Una and the engineer rename the station “Silver Station.”

“SW Adventure Journal: To Fight Another Day.”


The philosophy Tyia is brought to the planet Revyia by a trader.  The Tyia holds a strong regard for life and peace, which struck a chord with the Revwien race.  It has been described as an alterate method of coming to know The Force, as the Tyia teaches that introspective reflection is the way to learn the true way of the universe.  Students learn to control their own personal Force (known as the Tyia) through meditation and ceremony.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens – Enemies and Allies.” [Page 74]


Noa crash lands his starship on the forest moon of Endor.  His co-pilot Salak leaves in search of something to power the ship, but he is captured by King Terak and his marauders soon later, and killed.

Conjecture based upon “Ewoks: The Battle for Endor.”


-29 BSW4


“Rogue Planet.”

To be detailed...

(NOVEL -- Del Rey Books – Greg Bear - Spring 2001?)


Han Solo, grandson of the 'false' King of Corellia Dalla Solo, is born on the planet Corellia.  He has three known relatives; his father Jonash Solo, aunt Tiion Sal-Solo, and her son Thracken Sal-Solo.  Due to as - yet unknown circumstances, the young Solo is orphaned, and spends his early years as a street urchin.  

From the Guide. Dalla and Jonash Solo is from "SW: The Courtship of Princess Leia", Thrackan from "SW: Assault at Selonia," and Tiion from “SW: The Paradise Snare.”


Ander Rendrake is born.  He would later become a Lieutenant in the Imperial Navy, and act as a communications officer of the Imperial Star Destroyer ‘Vendetta’.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 25]


Kerri Lessev is born on the planet Alderaan.  Her parents are diplomants, and when she is an infant, they move to Coruscant.  She would later become an Imperial Intelligence Destab Agent.  After she realizes what the Empire stands for, she begins to covertly help the Rebellion.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 28]


Morrina Reugus, a future starport traffic controller is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 74]


Par’tah (future smuggler) is born on the planet Moltok. 

"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook."


(Future murderer) Greldo Farnor, a Khil, is born on the planet Belnar.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


(Future assassin) Morteos is born on the planet Nar Bo Sholla.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


(Future Captain) Covell is born on the planet Corulag.  

"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook." 


(Future Major) Bren Derlin is born. 

This information comes from Kari Tikka, who offers up Imdb entries as backup -- based I suppose on John Ratzenberger's age at the time TESB was made.  I have nothing to contradict it, so... thanks, Kari.   


Simmin Mandel is born.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim.” [Page 38 - 39]


Putten Beatus is born.  She will be a future Customs Inspector of Mos Eisley, on the planet Tatooine.

"SW RPG Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley."


Soontir Fel is born in an agro - combine on the planet Corellia. 

"X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Making of Baron Fel."


-28 BSW4


Beyla Rus, AKA "Gentleman Pirate" is born on the planet Tibro.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


Bendoli Ballow-Reese, future member of ExGal, is born.

“SW: Vector Prime.” [Page 115]


Halla Ettyk is born on Alderaan.  She would progress in her career as a prominent criminal prosecutor.  Later in her career, she became a member of Airen Cracken’s counterintelligence staff, and rose through the ranks to become a Commander for the Alliance and, later, the New Republic.  When Tycho Celchu was brought to trial for the death of Corran Horn, Halla Ettyk was chosen as the state's prosecutor, and took the job immediately.  Her case against Celchu seemed airtight, until Corran Horn escaped from Lusankya and revealed the traitor within Rogue Squadron was not Celchu.  Halla Ettyk dropped the charges and made her apologies to Celchu. 

 "X-Wing: The Krytos Trap."


Matt Turhaya is born.

Conjecture based upon “SW Adventure Journal: Passages.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


(Future pirate and thief) Jerresk, a Quarren, is born on the planet Calamari.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


Vimran Trell is born.  He would become a Yeoman and chef of the Imperial Star Destroyer ‘Adjudicator’, but he is actually a spy for the Rebel Alliance.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 30]


Tandra Marelle, aka The Tombat – a jewel thief and semi – independent Rebel ally, is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 79]


(Future murderer and assassin) Londrah, a Defel, is born on the planet Af'El.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


-27 BSW4


Seti Ashgad the First, a political opponent of Chancellor Palpatine, is kidnapped and stranded on the prison world Nam Chorios by Palpatine's agents.  He overthrows the planet's Jedi leader, Beldorion the Hutt.  

"SW: Planet of Twilight."


Motti is born, place of birth unknown.  He would later become an Imperial Admiral. (27)



The Twi’lek, Pratari Cinn is born (future black marketeer).

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations.” [Page 10]


(Future spy and traitor) Lar Maendin is born on the planet Vastrip IV.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


(Future spy) Ten Dorne is born on the planet Sluis Van.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


(Future bounty hunter and murderer) Moxin Tark is born on the planet Bandonia.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


(Future traitor and murderer) Rodin Baem is born on the planet Hoylin.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


Fulkrehm Protial, a future information collector is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 40]


Resik, a Jillsarian, who would become a future information gatherer and safehouse operator, is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 73]


Samire Mandel is born.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim.” [Page 38 - 39]


Gallandro begins killing as a hitman.

Conjecture based upon "SW RPG: Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook." [Page 70]


Bria Tharen is born to Renn and Sera Tharen on the planet Corellia.

Conjecture from "SW: The Paradise Snare."


(Future) Captain Sarin Virgilio is born on the planet Masterra. 

"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook."


-26 BSW4


Yeorg Captison becomes a Bakuran Senator.

“SW RPG Truce at Bakura Sourcebook.”


Three year old orphan Han Solo is picked up and recruited into Garris Shrike’s pirate ‘clan.’

“SW: The Paradise Snare.”  


(Future traitor and spy) Haanen Felean is born on the planet Klatooine.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


Lord Galen Panos takes on the role of High Lord of House Reena.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Near the end of the Clone Wars, a series of Dark Jedi attack the area of space that includes the Bpfassh system and the planet Dagobah.  The last of this Dark Jedi steals smuggler Jorj Car’das’s ship and flees to Dagobah.  He attacks and is killed by Yoda, who nurses Car’das back to life and decides to live near the cave where he was killed, as his dark aura cloaked Yoda's own. 

"SW: Heir to the Empire" and “SW: Vision of the Future.”  This reportedly happened "30 - 35 years ago," but was before the end of the Clone Wars.


Reginna Bel Typolla, a Spaceport authority worker and information gatherer is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 16]


Aimi Loto, a future Rebel saboteur is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 54]


Ytavarg Aleema, a near – human (Keed) and future Rebel financier is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 77]


Daala is born. 

"SW: Planet of Twilight."


-25 BSW4


As the result of an orbital battle of the Clone Wars, the planet Honoghr is devastated by chemical poisoning.  

"SW: Dark Force Rising."


Fearing that Nejaa would not return from the Clone Wars, Rostek Horn begins to preserve the Jedi heritage for Valin Halcyon and for his future son Corran.  Rostek would later store the Jedi knowledge in the genes of flowers.

Conjecture based upon “I, Jedi.”


Bracsk (future smuggler) is born on the planet Baros.

"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook."


(Future spy, thief, and traitor) Lesle Andreya is born on the planet Neree.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


A group of Yuuzhan Vong warriors infiltrate the galaxy, landing on the obscure planet Bimmiel.  From there the warriors begin surveying the surrounding sectors for the coming invasion.  The warriors, after gathering sufficient information, left Bimmiel to return to their own galaxy, leaving behind a lone warrior, Mongei Shai, to report to them further as they journeyed home.  As the distance between the Vong craft and Bimmiel increased, the signal from Mongei Shai became progressively weaker, until it was lost altogether. Shai, who was broadcasting from inside a cave on Bimmiel, was later killed by slashrats, which are native to the planet.  His body was buried inside the cave by sandstorms that ravaged the planet over the next fifty years, until his remains were discovered along with his weapons and tools by a group of xenoarcheology students from the University of Agamar.

“The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide – Onslaught.” With thanks to Michael Zeiger


(Future pirate and thief) Safonne Pendon is born on the planet Rodia.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


Tav Breil'ya, future aide to Senator Borsk Fey'yla, is born on the planet Kothlis. 

"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook." 


Cooper Dray is born.  This future swoop racer maintained his popularity only as long as he was winning. When he decided to race just for the thrill of it, he discovered an audience on the planet Bescane who simply wanted to watch him race. He settled down there, and was eventually contacted by an Alliance operative. When Imperial agents killed the operative in front of his eyes, Cooper vowed to make the Empire pay.  He joined the Alliance as an undercover agent, using his contacts on Bescane to move contract workers off the corporate world.  It was Dray who helped the Alliance locate agent Tigress, because he had become aware of the kidnappings of workers by Imperial Forces.  During a swoop chase with Imperial forces, Dray was lost. Tigress, also known as the Lady Amber Comark, believed that he was kidnapped and cyborged as part of the Death - Hunter project.  When the Alliance agents infiltrated Jesco Comark’s base on Zeta Zero Nine, they found Dray in the midst of an intense torture session.  He was rescued by the Alliance agents.

“SW Adventure Journal #9.”


Barthalemew Windslow, a future Rebel spy is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 36]


Flindor Tekkirl, a future Rebel scout is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 59]


Dash Rendar, future smuggler and Rebel hero, is born on the planet Corellia (?)          

Speculation from "SW RPG Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook."                


-24 BSW4


Lady Valarian, a Whiphid, is born on the planet Toola.  Daughter of two gangsters, she would eventually make her way to Tatooine and make her base in the old crashed cargo hauler 'The Lucky Despot'.  She would be a rival Tatooine crime boss to Jabba the Hutt.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley.”


A part of the First Clone War, the Battle of Dreighton occurs in the Dreighton System.  The long, intense space battle in which many soldiers and Jedi died later spawned many superstitions and is avoided by many space travelers because of mysterious happenings there.  Ever since the battle strange ghostly ships and disappearing starships were reported in the area.  Spacers and casual travelers alike have dubbed it 'The Dreighton Triangle.'  Soon after the Battle of Hoth the Empire used this sector as a testing ground for a top - secret project that failed due to an intrusion on the part of the Rebel Alliance.

Conjecture based from “Rebel Assault II: The Hidden Empire.”


Blaine Hanscom is born.

“Star Wars Roleplaying Game – 2nd Edition.” [Page 8]


Han Solo begins actively pick-pocketing for Garris Shrike.

“SW: The Paradise Snare.”  


The Mon Calamarian, Shenir Rix, is born (future informant).

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations.” [Page 16]


Jan Strange is born.  She would become an undercover operative for the Alliance and act as an Imperial Intelligence agent.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 31]


Arjon F.M.P is born on the planet Ord Mantell.

"SW RPG Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters."


Even as the first Clone War ends, more wars and battles spring up across the galaxy.  Already weary from their previous battles, Nejaa Halcyon and his Caamasi Jedi friend, Y'lenic It'kla, as well as other Jedi warriors is called again to serve.  Moving from one battle to the next, the Jedi quell unrest and save billions of lives across the galaxy.  This, however, prevents them from returning home to their loved ones.  The wars continue to spring up until the end of the second Clone War.

Conjecture based upon “I, Jedi.” the “Thrawn Trilogy”, the “Hand of Thrawn” duology and the prequel trilogy.


(Future bounty hunter, thief, kidnapper and murderer) Tyrn Jiton is born on the planet Fenves.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


-23 BSW4


Lieutenant Page, son of a Senator (future New Republic commando) is born on the planet Corulag.

"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook."


In the wake of the first Clone War, the Old Republic Navy desperately needs to standardize and economize its’ starfighter branch.  Republic Sienar Systems responds with the Twin Ion Engine starfighter – the T.I.E. Fighter.  The small, fast and inexpensive short-range fighter soon becomes a fixture on Republic ships.  The T.I.E. design was based on the earlier Sith Infiltrator secretly built for Darth Maul.

“SW Adventure Journal” and “The Phantom Menace.”


Platt O’Keefe is born on the planet Brentaal.  As she grows up, she spends her afternoons at the starport, watching the freighters land and take off.

Conjecture based on “SW RPG: Platt’s Starport Guide.” [Page 6]


The Virgillian Civil War begins.

“SW RPG Truce at Bakura Sourcebook.”


The Jedi Knights destroy the Iridium space pirates, raiders who were using “power gems” to disrupt Republic convoys’ shields.  One, Laskar, goes into hiding with the last power gem.

Conjecture from “Classic Star Wars: The Power Gem.”  


(Future murderer, thief, and saboteur) Jarth Findo is born in the Corellian system.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


Tremayne begins his Jedi training under Master Kylanu.

Conjecture based upon “SW Galaxy Magazine: Dark Vendetta.” 


The former Jaster Mereel (an exiled Journeyman Protector from Concord Dawn / disgruntled Imperial stormtrooper) goes AWOL; either joins the Mandalorians or finds Mandalorian battle armour, and becomes the bounty hunter Boba Fett. (28)  

From "SW: Dark Empire I and II," as well as “SW: Tales from Jabba’s Palace” and  "SW: Tales of the Bounty Hunters."


Fionna Flannis, a future journalist and rebel operative is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 39]


Lavek Talstin, a Devaronian and future freighter captain is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 65]


Maniac, a Krish and future starship mechanic, is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 92]


Hell’s Hammers, an elite squad created from the armour units of the Old Republic, is used by President Palpatine to crush his political opposition.

“SW RPG Imperial Sourcebook.”


The Directors of the four organisations which gather and analyse intelligence for the Senate and other agencies of the Republic (Republican Security Organisation, Senate Bureau of Intelligence, Interstellar Consortium on Technology, and Special Acquisitions Branch of the Library of the Republic) meet in unprecedented negotiations in order to maintain an effective intelligence organisation for the government.  But which government?  The Directors felt the Republic to be unsalvageable.  In their opinion, the rot had gone too far, a strong central government was needed – exactly the sort of government which Palpatine and his New Order promised.  They agreed to merge their organisations.  The Ubiqtorate was born.

“SW RPG Imperial Sourcebook.”


-22 BSW4


The slaver ship run by Lobot’s father is besieged by a competing band of pirates.  Lobot’s father is killed, and the ship is scuttled.  Lobot is made a slave to the pirates.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin.”



                The Second Clone War begins, as cloning technology is stolen and used by Mandalorian warriors, under the secret orders of Darth Sideous – a.k.a. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, who sends his new Sith apprentice Aurra Sing to kill as many Jedi as possible.  Over the course of these events, Padawan Learner Anakin Skywalker meets Queen Padme Amidala for the first time in ten years. This time, it’s love at first sight for Padme as well as Anakin. The Jedi Knights use all of their resources to defeat the Mandalorians, several of whom (including Boba Fett?) escape justice. The Jedi are left badly weakened and depleted.  Mon Mothma becomes the last Senior Senator, and with Bail Organa attempts to stabilise the Republic.  Palpatine, who has managed to eliminate almost all of his political enemies, begins to corrupt Anakin Skywalker.  It becomes far easier for him to do so when Anakin leads a rescue mission to Tatooine to free his mother Shmi -- a mission that, thanks to Sing, goes catastrophically wrong and gives Anakin a murderous grudge against all Jedi. Sing is killed – but Anakin is now well on his way into the Dark Side.


            Fighting alongside future Viceroy of Alderaan Bail Prestor Organa, General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker are instrumental in the successful victory for the Old Republic in the Clone Wars.      Citing the increasingly unstable situation of the Republic, Palpatine declares himself Emperor.  The Republic is renamed the Galactic Empire, the Senate is scaled down in power, and Palpatine begins a massive build - up of the military.  He also orders that all Jedi be exterminated for a Clone Wars - related atrocity they did not commit (he did).  He also orders that all mention of the Jedi in galactic records be erased, as well as Jedi relics.  He officially renames Coruscant “Imperial Center.” At the very time he does this, Anakin Skywalker marries Queen Amidala…(29)

Conjecture from evidence from all Star Wars stories.

Note: The titles given for Episodes II and III are working titles only. The working title of Episode II is my own invention.

(MOTION PICTURE - 20th Century Fox / Lucasfilm - George Lucas - May 2002)

(NOVELISATION - Ballantine / Del Rey Books - May 2002)

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - May-October 2002)   


During his service in the Clone Wars, Nejaa Halcyon meets many famous individuals, including Jan Dodanna, Bail Organa, and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Conjecture based upon “I, Jedi.”


Jedi Master Nejaa Halcyon is killed in one of the last battles of the Clone Wars as he fights against three Dark Jedi, beside his friend Y'lenic It'kla and the great Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi.  Y'lenic delivers his things to his family, lacking only Nejaa's lightsaber, which he donated to the Galactic Museum's Jedi collection.  His wife, Scerra, remarries, (and his son is adopted by) Corellian Security officer Rostek Horn.  Nejaa's son Valin Halcyon changes his name to Hal Horn, and Rostek erases his new family's connection to the Jedi.

“I, Jedi.”


Daelar vuv Tertarrnek is born.  From the Covallon species, which has a bestial appearance, Daelar vuv Tertarnnek is a “pet” of Imperial Moff Jarnek.  In fact, Daelar vuv Tertarrnek is a deep mole and spy.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 23]


Bron Kand’lar, a Bothan, is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 51]


Sapphire, a future freelance courier and smuggler, is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 63]


Mygo Skinto, a future information collector, is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 95]


Zu and Zan Pike (later Pikkel), a future team of sister bounty hunters, are born on the planet Epicanthix. 

"Shadows of the Empire." 


Mair Koda is born on the planet Vernet.

"SW Adventure Journal, Vol. 1, Issue #15."


"The Marvel Series: Silent Drifting. (#24)" 

                General Obi-Wan Kenobi is a passenger on a pleasure cruiser to Alderaan.  Droid 68-RKO, on his way to serve Prince Bail Organa, befriends Kenobi.  A criminal named Augustus Tryll tries unsuccessfully to hire Kenobi on a venture.  As the liner nears the Merson asteroid belt, Captain Quasar asks for Kenobi's help to defend the cruiser against Merson slaver pirates.


                As he defends the ship against attack, he learns that a signal from the cruiser is guiding the pirates to them.  He has to defend Tryll from the angry passengers who think he sold them out.  He finds and destroys the signal -- a fermenter machine.  The ship goes on to Alderaan in peace.  

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Mary Jo Duffy - June 1979) 


Brahle Logris is born (future assassin).

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations.” [Page 9]


“SW Adventure Journal: Mist Encounter.”

              An alien named Mitth'raw'nuruodo (exiled by his own people) runs a group of Imperial soldiers from the Victory class Star Destroyer ‘Strikefast’ (who was chasing smuggler Booster Terrik) in circles on a backwater planet just inside the Unknown Regions, killing troops, blowing up a TIE Fighter, and using both the environment and stolen technology to make a mockery of the troops.  Impressed, Captain Voss Parck invites Thrawn to join the Republic fleet.  Emperor Palpatine (who had twice tried to bring Thrawn over to the Empire before) stifles his xenophobia to allow this talented man in and provide private Academy schooling. 

The dating on this is iffy, since it mentions both the Empire being established the week before and Vader being in existance then.  I’ve chosen to accept the earlier dating item as the more correct one.

(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Timothy Zahn - August 1995)


Kyle Katarn, future Rebel agent (and Jedi Knight), is born on the planet Sulon.

Conjecture from "Soldier for the Empire," assuming a four-year curriculum at the Academy, and that Kyle was 18 when he enlisted.  Thanks to Andy ( for pointing out that omission to me!


-21 BSW4


Bode Leobund XI takes on the position of High Lord of House Mecetti when his father is assassinated.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Isolder, future King of Hapes and father of Tenel Ka, is born on the planet Hapes. 

"SW: The Courtship of Princess Leia" and "SW RPG Cracken's Threat Dossier."


The smuggler Samuel Tomas Gillespee begins piloting his modified freighter, ‘Kern’s Pride’.

“SW: The Last Command” And “SW RPG: The Last Command Sourcebook.”


Ta'ania, illegitimate daughter of a Jedi, gives birth to a son, Gantoris on Eol Sha.

Conjecture based upon “The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 112]


Tycho Celchu is born on the planet Alderaan.

“X-Wing Rogue Squadron Handbook.”


The Qektoth Confederation is formed by a group of scientists who wanted to find new uses for unusual bio – technology.  They believe that modern technology is responsible for sapping the strength and spirit of any being it touched, and hoped to replace most items with biological equivalents.  Gradually the Qektoth Confederation turned into a militant group that hoped to gain control by preying on those beings weakened by technology.  Led by Trann Shoame, the Confederation unleashed a biochemical agent mated with a strange, biotechnology found near the Kathol Rift, on the crew of the ‘FarStar’ to test its effectiveness.

“SW RPG DarkStryder: The Kathol Outback.”


(Future suspected spy) Trell'yar is born on the planet Kothlis.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


The Outer Rim planet Bakura is colonised.

"SW: The Truce at Bakura." The planet was settled "during the final years of the Clone Wars."


Winter, childhood friend and later Rebel agent and aide to Princess Leia, is born on the planet Alderaan. 

"SW: Rebel Dawn." Winter says she's one year and a few months older than Leia.   




-20 BSW4


A virus strikes the settlers of the Outer Rim world of Minavar, just as Palpatine was taking control of the galaxy, and their calls for help went unnoticed in the turnover. The majority of the population was wiped out.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


The first detailed survey of the Tasar system is conducted by an Admiral looking for a suitable location for a hidden shipyard.  The hope was that new, untapped, rich mineral resources would be discovered.  The hope was in vain.

"SW Adventure Journal, Vol. 1, Issue #15."


Pello Scrambas is born on the planet Alderaan.  He would later serve in the homeguard of the Royal House of Alderaan, and was one of the first troopers killed when stormtroopers from the Imperial Star Destroyer ‘Devastator’ invaded the ‘Tantive IV’.

“Star Wars: Customizable Card Game - A New Hope”


Ansan Talam, is one of the first miners to arrive on the planet Tasariq.  He would mine the planet for the next twenty years.

"SW Adventure Journal, Vol. 1, Issue #15."


Moegid, a Verpine computer slicer is born in the Roche Asteroid Field.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 22]


Lobot escapes his enslavement and hides out in Cloud City on Bespin as a small - time thief – only to be arrested and convicted on that charge.  Baroness Ellisa Shallence takes pity on the starving young man and offers a work - release sentence.  Lobot accepts, and allows the Cloud City personnel to wire his head with cybernetic attachments.  He is assigned to a 15 - year indenture as Cloud City’s computer liason officer.  By the time his indenture ends, the Empire is fast limiting employment opportunities elsewhere.  Lobot decides to make Cloud City his permanent home.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin.”


The Ithorian Bersin Sekolah, a Republic scout, arrives on the planet Tasariq.  He decides to retire on the planet, spending his remaining years finding a way to restore life to the surface of the planet.

"SW Adventure Journal, Vol. 1, Issue #15."


A stray asteroid from the Duhrib Belt smashes into the planet Danoor, killing much of its native population and destroying large areas of the settlements.  Contact with Danoor is cut off for several years.

“SW RPG DarkStryder: The Kathol Outback”



                Now entirely corrupted, Anakin Skywalker renounces his former identity, breaks off ties with his (unbeknownst to him) pregnant wife Padme Amidala and renames himself Darth Vader, becoming Palpatine's Sith apprentice and put in charge of killing the Jedi.  Obi-Wan Kenobi battles him to attempt to win him back (on Horuz?), only succeeding in hideously injuring Vader by throwing him into either a lava pit or vat of molten liquid.  Encased in body armour and an artificial respiration system, Vader redoubles his evil efforts.  Unbeknownst to him, his twin children, Luke and Leia, are born.  Kenobi and Padme act to hide the children from Vader and Palpatine.  Leia is taken by Padme to Alderaan, where she is adopted by Viceroy Bail Prestor Organa and raised as his daughter.  Luke is taken by Kenobi to Tatooine (with a brief stop - over at Dagobah), where Luke is raised by Kenobi's brother Owen Lars.  Kenobi himself goes into hiding in the Jundland Wastes of Tatooine. (30)     

Evidence from all Star Wars stories. 

 (MOTION PICTURE - 20th Century Fox / Lucasfilm - George Lucas - May 2005)

(NOVELISATION - Ballantine / Del Rey Books - May 2005)

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - May 2005)


Emperor Palpatine shuts down large portions of the Holonet and nationalises the rest to prevent news of his more evil activities from spreading throughout the Galaxy.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 129]


When the Emperor overthrew the Old Republic and declared the Empire, he removed a number of nobles from power.  Instead of killing them and creating a whole new pantheon of martyrs, he made a bargain with them.  If they agreed to permanent exile, he would allow them to keep much of their wealth.  Though many chose to flee or chose death, a large number of the families accepted.  In a mass exodus of around 300,000 nobles, they were relocated to Eliad, and to other planets like it in the Minos Cluster.

"SW RPG Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters,"


The Alien Protection Zone, an area of Coruscant's Imperial City is set aside for the habitation of non-human labor during the New Order.  It was set up to appease many Old Republic Senators who felt that the New Order unfairly treated aliens.

“X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble.”


Republic Fleet Systems is formally disbanded by decree of the Senate and most of the company’s resources are absorbed by the Republic’s Navy.

“The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels.”


Lyle Lippstroot has cyber implants inserted in his brain.

“SW Adventure Journal: The Great Herdship Heist.”


The rise of Emperor Palpatine brings about the rise of “High Human Culture”: the ideology that humans were inherently superior to aliens.  While this philosophy was not supported by all humans – most found the idea of “High Human Culture” repugnant – many aliens found their rights and freedoms restricted under Imperial law and faced a high degree of prejudice that was formally encouraged by Imperial dictates.

“Star Wars Roleplaying Game – 2nd Edition.” [Page 198 - 199]


Wedge Antilles is born on Gus Treta spaceport in the Corellian system to Jagged and Xena Antilles.  Raised in the neutral Corellian System, Wedge’s youth was not disturbed by the growing unrest in the greater Empire.  He spent half of each year on a farm school in Corellia’s northern hemisphere and half on his parent’s refueling station in high orbit.  Both places taught him how to ride: on Corellia’s rolling hills, he herded naugas and nerfs from the backs of thaks and slopewings; and in space, he piloted tugs and shuttles.  It was a tough life and not suited to everybody. 

"X-Wing: Wraith Squadron."


When Senator Palpatine declared himself Emperor, he found Moff Flirry Vorru, in charge of the Corellian Sector, to be a rival of sorts.  Prince Xizor betrayed Vorru to the Emperor, but the Emperor did not slay him.  It was thought that Vorru had ransomed his life by causing his datafiles about others in the Imperial Senate and throughout the Empire to be doled out to the Emperor bit by bit.

Conjecture based upon “X-Wing: Wedge’s Gamble” [Page 88].


Ballin Dreshig is born (future slicer / data fixer).

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations.” [Page 19]


Corran Horn is born on the planet Corellia.

Conjecture.  "SW: I, Jedi." Gives the impression that Corran is of the same age as Luke and Wedge.


(Future Imperial Lieutenant) Creb is born on the planet Bettok.  He would go on to create the “Black Wing” TIE Fighter Squadron.

“SW RPG Dark Force Rising Sourcebook.”


War breaks out between sistering worlds Kuan and Bortal.  Maarek Stele is born on Kuan.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 170]


Thurlow Harris is born.  He would later become one of the many Rebel pilots killed at the Battle of Yavin.

“Rebel Assault Gamebook.”


The Republic T.I.E. Fighter is upgraded into the Imperial TIE Fighter by the renamed Sienar Fleet Systems. The revised vessel is longer - ranged, but not equipped with a hyperdrive as some military personnel wished.  Deflector shields are also eschewed as too expensive.  At roughly the same time, a much larger version of the Star Destroyer, the ‘Imperial’ - class, is designed and commissioned in part as a TIE carrier as well as a super - dreadnaught class warship. The Imperial-class Star Destroyer is designed by Lira Wessex, daughter of the Victory-class designer Walex Blissex.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


The tourism industry that surrounds Calius saj Leeloo – the City of the Glowing Crystal on the planet Berchest dries up following the Clone Wars and the birth of the Empire. Berchest has since tried to reposition itself as a major trade center by using the established trade routes left over from tourism. 

"SW: The Last Command."


Sickened of war, the government of Alderaan places all of the planet’s weaponry aboard a huge unmanned military transport labelled “Another Chance.”  The ship is sent into a perpetual state of hyperspace until such time as the Council of Elders summons it back.  Alderaan becomes a pacifist world, where peace and learning become the pastimes.

“SW RPG Sourcebook.”


A colony is established on Belsavis in the Senex Sector.

"SW: Children of the Jedi."


Outworlder City, a domed city on the planet Ergeshui is constructed to take care of off - world visitors who could not tolerate the Ergeshui land and climate.  Outworlder City is built on huge metal support pylon raising it above the soggy terrain.  The Ergesh look forward to expanding Outworlder City, to attract greater economic growth to their world.  The Ergesh themselves, however, rarely venture into the city, finding its plasticrete sidewalks, metal walkways and the like offensive.  Still, the city features an Ergesh Relations Office, staffed by 10 of the natives.

"SW RPG: Planets of the Galaxy: Volume Two."


Sate Pestage is made Grand Vizier of the Empire by Emperor Palpatine.  The Grand Vizier is Steward of the Imperial Personal Archives, and is privy to Palpatine's most secret holo - communications.  He is also put in charge of the preparation and testing of the Emperor’s meals, holder of the Imperial Seal, and scheduling of all official functions.

“SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook.” [Page 41]


Unbeknownst to anyone, Emperor Palpatine authorises the construction of the "Eye of Palpatine," an asteroid-shaped ship that is the largest of it's time, and completely automated.  The ship is built to help exterminate the Jedi.  The Jedi Knight Callista and her husband Geith board the asteroid, to find it only too able to defend itself.  Geith flies off the ‘Eye’ to get help, only to be blown to bits.  Given no choice, Callista makes a suicide run at the ‘Eye’s’ computer.  As she dies, Callista’s spirit takes over the ship to keep it from launching.  An angry Palpatine sentences the ‘Eye of Palpatine’s’ designers to the sand mines of Neelgalmon. 

"SW: Children of the Jedi."


The Empire establishes a base on the planet Pzob, a colony world of the Gamorreans, where 45 stormtroopers were to await pickup by the ‘Eye of Palpatine’.  The battlemoon never arrived, and over the years every stormtrooper except Triv Pothman was killed by internal fighting or constant skirmishes with the Gamorreans.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 235]


Although the battlemoon ‘Eye of Palpatine’ never arrives to wipe out the Jedi enclave on Belsavis, the Emperor sends a small backup force of interceptors to bomb Plawal. The attackers are wiped out by Belsavis' Y-wings, and the Jedi departed for places unknown - after erasing all knowledge of their presence from the inhabitants of the city.  After their departure, Brathflen, Galactic, and Imperial/Republic arrived to dome the valley and cultivate vine-coffee and silk.  Nubblyk the Slyte began blasting landing pads on the glaciers around this time, and the smuggling trade began in earnest.  A small force of tariff police left by the region's Imperial Governor were little use against the smugglers.

"SW: Children of the Jedi."


Imperial forces enter the Tapani Sector.  Upon arrival at Pelagon, three Imperial Star Destroyers are faced with the Pelagia Star, which withstands their firepower.  It is damaged beyond repair, but still is not damaged enough to send it crashing to Pelagon.  After the Imperials have taken control of the planet, the ship, now in a standard orbit, is rechristened Pelagia’s Moon and used as a space station, though the nobility of Pelagon still desire to one day fix the ship / station and make it the flagship of a Pelagian battle fleet once again.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


-19 BSW4


A group of anti - tax protesters on the planet Ghorman are crushed to death when an Imperial warship commanded by Captain Willhuff Tarkin lands on them at a spaceport.  Dozens are killed, hundreds more are injured.  This incident, known as “The Ghorman Massacre,” serves as the beginning of rebellion in the Empire.  When Tarkin is promoted to Admiral after the massacre, several Senators begin covertly aiding rebel uprisings.  Tarkin is an interesting individual, a kind of person who appears untouchable, both in the heat of battle and on the Senate floor.  His charisma and personal presence are capable of swaying even Darth Vader's iron resolve, saving some of his closest commanders from Vader's deadly mind - projected wrath. 

The SW Role-Playing Game and  


Rivoche Tarkin, daughter of Brigadier Gideon Tarkin (brother of Wilhuff) is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 33]


Under the rule of the Old Republic, slavery was abhorred and outlawed galaxy – wide, although it did exist and was ignored in the fringe of the Outer Rim territories.  With the rise of the Empire, and the Emperor's anti - alien stance, the laws upholding the rights of sentient beings slackened.  With the passing of Imperial Decree A-SL-4557.607.232, which legalized procurement of slaves under certain conditions, slaving guilds rose to prominence.  The once secret Guild of Zygerrian Slavers went public, and prospered under the Empire's rule.  Other slaving groups competing with the Zygerrians are the Thalassians and the Karazaks.  Members of the guild receive a "patch" of space in which to operate in return for their membership fees.  The guild guarantees that only two or three other slaver territories would overlap.  The guild structure streamlined the bureaucratic process allowing the Zygerrians to obtain Slaver Permits.  The Twi'leks of Ryloth tended to use the business - like Zygerrian guild for slaving in order to reduce the strains of slaving on their society.  The Zygerrians organize themselves into clans.  One of the most influential clans is the Pr'ollerg, leaders of the Zygerrian Slaver Syndicate.  The Zygerrian Slaver Syndicate is a loose confederation of pro - slaving bounty hunters acting as a bounty-hunting guild.  Their activities often resemble outlaw banditry.  Live acquisitions brought back to the Syndicate are often sold into slavery.  The Syndicate is ruled by the ruthless Pr'ollerg clan, dictating who hunts what acquisitions where.  Their estimated membership of 2,000 comprises mostly younger hunters who work for lesser pay.  They specialize in bounties fewer than 5,000 credits.  Most others in the business regard the Zygerrian Slaver Syndicate as a bunch of thugs, hoodlums, and murderers.  The Syndicate operates in the Outer Rim Territories, out of the world Kazarak.  Membership requires a private initiation fee (rumored to be between 2,000 - 5,000 credits).  The fee is sometimes waived for those with relatives in the organization. (31)

“SW RPG: Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim”, “SW RPG: Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters” and “SW RPG: Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations”.


Wookiees have long feuded with the reptilian Trandoshans, who inhabit another planet in the same star system.  In fact, it was a Trandoshan official who convinced the Empire to exploit the powerful species as slave labor.  Kashyyyk is placed under martial law by the Empire, and Wookiees are enslaved as laborers.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 338] and “The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons.” [Page 107]


For thousands of years, the Ailon Nova Guard was allied to the Republic and served its defense with honor.  With the coming of the Empire, the Guard’s activity was sharply curtailed and largely restricted to ceremonial duties, except on occasions when Imperial Central Command needed cannon fodder to soften up tough positions (which led to a few embarrassments when the Nova Guard overran opposition before the Imperial military could act).  The non – human Ailon were largely forced into inactive peace for a generation.  During this period, the annual Ailon Military Ceremonies became the primary focus for the Nova Guard.  The Guard honed its skills, upgraded its equipment, observed the martial traditions of other species, staged full war – games, and waited.  This turned out to be a grand strategic disaster for the Empire.  The high reproduction rate of the Ailon allowed the Nova Guard regiments to fill to capacity, and in time new regiments were created simply to train the burgeoning youth.

"SW Adventure Journal, Vol. 1, Issue #15."


When Palpatine came to power, he realized that in order for him to retain his throne he needed control over the people of the galaxy.  An expanding population, discovering and colonizing worlds, is difficult to dominate.  Colonies, far from the guiding hand of the Imperial star fleet, get dangerous ideas about freedom and self – determination.  Thus, Emperor Palpatine choked off exploration – the Imperial Survey Corps still catalogued new systems, but the emphasis was on discovering new civilizations that could be conquered and forced to join the Empire.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts.” [Page 21]


When Emperor Palpatine takes control of the galaxy, Republic News is renamed Imperial HoloVision.  Imperial HoloVision is one of the largest, most powerful news agencies in the galaxy.  The company is reorganized, given an Imperial warrant, and more or less passed back to its old management.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim.” [Page 81]


Emperor Palpatine closes the Museum of the Galactic Republic on the planet Centares.

‘Vader’s Quest.’


Greedo is born on the planet Rodia.

"SW: Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina."


Jovan Vharing is born.

"SW Adventure Journal: The Longest Fall."


Grell Panib is born (future Imperial Captain).

"SW RPG Truce At Bakura Sourcebook."


An Imperial chartered corporation, Planetary Safaris, discovers the planet Barab I.  The company goes to great lengths to hide the sentience of the native Barabels and turns the planet into a hunting world. Eventually word gets out, as a guerilla war led by Barabel hunter Shaka-ka wrecks Planetary Safari operations on their world.  A Star Destroyer investigates, and the Barabel are welcomed into the Empire.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races.” [Page 17]


Emperor Palpatine forms a secret society within the highest echelon of the Imperial elite. The Secret Order receives commands directly from the Emperor and his loyal cadre of Advisors.  Representatives from the Order appear on Imperial command ships with little or no warning, contacting prospective initiates and issuing secret missions and cryptic directives.  The dark gray - clad beings wear hoods that mask their faces, and their command is absolute.  It is believed that from the Order came the Emperor’s closest agents – his Hands and dark side initiates. (It is possible that the so-called Prophets of the Dark Side also sprang from this Order.) Indeed, high - ranking members of the Order exhibit talents in the Force with their chillingly accurate prognostications.  Some reports also have the elite of the Order being able to wield terrifying Force lightning.  Upon initiation into the Order, a member receives a purple tattoo in their inside forearm.  As they continue to advance in rank and stature, the tattoo is added to, eventually forming an elaborate variation of the circular Imperial sigil.  The Order represents absolute loyalty to Palpatine.  They are tasked with rooting out treason and keeping the power -hungry Imperial elite in line.

“TIE Fighter: Space Combat Simulator”. Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


Caamas, a peaceful and noble world loved throughout the Empire, is completely ravaged by unknown attackers.  Even Caamas's enemies condemn the savage act that all but wipes out the Caamasi race. Unknown to everyone, the attackers were Imperials under orders from Emperor Palpatine.  The Bothan race sabotaged Caamas's planetary shields to allow the butchery to take place -- a fact the Bothans spare no effort to hide in later years.  

"SW: Specter of the Past."


Caamasi Jedi Y'lenic It'kla is away from his homeworld, Caamas, when it is brutally attacked by agents of Emperor Palpatine.  Visiting friends on Alderaan, he escaped his planet's destruction.

“I, Jedi.”


Factions within the Empire work to establish Camaasi 'refugee camps' on worlds throughout the galaxy, one being the planet Alderaan.

Conjecture based upon “I, Jedi.” and the “Hand of Thrawn” duology.


Darth Vader arrives at the struggling plant of Honoghr.  He offers to aid the Noghri people.  In return for Imperial detoxification of the land, the Noghri must serve him and the Empire as commandos.  The Noghri gratefully accept.  Unbeknownst to them, the Empire uses chemically treated kholm - grass to leave Honoghr contaminated, leaving the Noghri permanent slaves of Vader.

"SW: Dark Force Rising."


Emperor Palpatine forms the Inquisitorius, used during the Great Purge to root out disloyalty and treason in the highest ranks of the Empire.  Lord Torbin is appointed as the first Grand Inquisitor.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG: Dark Empire Sourcebook”.


Taj Junak, a Jedi Knight, surrenders to the Empire so that they will not attack Mrlsst Academy to get to him.  The Empire responds to his non-violent surrender by incinerating him in front of the school.  For years afterward, rumours persist that Junak's ghost haunts the Academy. 

"X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Phantom Affair."


Varin Arabella is born into the House Barnaba.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Cmdr. Jake Farrell, an Imperial pilot who earlier flew under the Old Republic, retires from the Imperial Navy to a secret location as he realises what the Empire is really about.

“Rebel Assault Gamebook.”


Darth Vader slaughters the colonists of Talasea for harbouring a single fugitive Jedi.

“SW: X-Wing Rogue Squadron.” [Page 120]


Neena is born in the household of Bail Organa on Alderaan.  When she began to display musical talent, Organa sent her off-planet to school to master her art.  This meant she was away on the fateful day when the Empire used the Death Star to destroy Alderaan.  In shock, Neena tried to seek out her friend Leia, but without the money provided by the Organa family, Neena was stranded.  She eventually ended up on the planet Adarlon, where she thrived in its music and entertainment industry.

"SW RPG Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters."


The Emperor funds an experiment by Bobrorygmus Gog and Mammon Hoole into the nature of life.  The experiment goes horribly wrong, and Hoole and Gog barely escape before the experiment kills everyone on the planet Kiva.  Unbeknownst to Hoole, Gog knew all along about the impending genocide. Hoole leaves his homeworld of Sh’shuun and goes into exile.

"Galaxy of Fear: Army of Terror." 


-18 BSW4


Mardoc the Hutt becomes Executive Secretary of the Grand Council of Hutts.

Conjecture based upon “SW: The Hutt Gambit.”


Dewlanna, a Wookiee, is recruited into the Shrike clan as cook, along with her exiled mate Isshaddik (killed just over a year later during a run to Nar Hekka).  Meeting young Han Solo, she reveals to him his last name, which she learned from a drunk Shrike.  The young man secretly begins to educate himself, with Dewlanna’s help.  

“SW: The Paradise Snare.”  


Mara Jade is born. 



Imperial Senator Garm Bel Iblis visits a convocation at the school on Corellia that 11 year old Han Solo is attending. Solo asks Iblis several pointed questions about anti - alien bias and corruption in the Imperial Senate.  Iblis begins covertly following the boy's career from this point on.  

"SW: Dark Force Rising."  


The Eddel species are characterized by a quick wit.  During the days of the Old Republic, the unusual Eddelian trading vessels were a common sight near their home system of Fehern, in the Trax sector.  The rise of the anti - alien Galactic Empire brought a war against the Eddel, resulting in the elimination of their technology and the decimation of the species.  Today, there a few thousand Eddelians still alive, mostly serving as slaves to the human population that emigrated to their homeworld.

Conjecture based upon “The Star Wars Gamemaster Kit”. Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


A monumental idea was born, linking vast and disparate corporate interests.  Galactic Corporate Policy League members began analyzing the revenues of the existing Corporate Sector.  Probes into the surrounding regions of space showed an amazing coincidence; of the thousands of stars within and near the Corporate Sector, only eleven were known to contain intelligent species, and none of them had been contacted by the Republic.  With careful doctoring of evidence and discrete “first contact teams”, the League could distort the evidence to show no such species.  The result was an undeveloped and “uninhabited” region of space, rich with resources.  Thousands of star systems were ripe for “development”.  Baron Tagge, informal leader of the League, formulated a plan centered on changing the way the Corporate Sector was administered.  He proposed that the region of space known as the Corporate Sector be expanded to include nearly 30,000 unclaimed stars.  He proposed that a new corporation, the Corporate Sector Authority, be formed.  The Authority would be the sole owner, employer, government and military of the region.  The Authority would buy all the existing corporate facilities within the Corporate Sector, as well as shepherd the development of all future resources.  Companies that already had facilities would receive shares in exchange for turning over their property.  These companies and others could invest in the Sector by providing funds to the Authority.  The Authority would handle every major industrial venture, including exploration, extraction, refining, processing and manufacturing.  The Authority would maintain order, run the business operations, research and develop new products, and promote the sale of goods in the Sector without outside interference.  Profits from the Sector’s operations would be split proportionate to the shares amongst all the investing companies.  Aside from profits derived directly from business operations, the Authority would also supply raw materials and manufactured goods to the parent companies at greatly discounted prices.  


The companies would profit handsomely from this system.  To interest Palpatine, the proposal would provide an operations tax directly to Palpatine.  While the net would be considerably smaller than the taxes for comparable worlds within the Empire proper, the revenues would go directly to the Imperial government, rather that be split amongst sector, planetary and local governments.  Likewise, because the Authority would be responsible for maintaining order and policing the region, there would be no investment in the region by the Empire.  In Baron Tagge’s vision, the Corporate Sector would be a tremendous boon to Imperial coffers with no effort on the part of the Empire.  With his scheme developed, Baron Tagge invited all the existing Corporate Sector companies, as well as members of the League, to a week – long closed door conference on the banking world of Aargau.  There, he presented his plan.  For a week, in the splendor of the famed Dragonbird Gardens of Aargau, from dawn to late at night, they haggled and wrangled and debated.  But, at the end of the week, the Baron and his comrades had their charter.  The proposed charter further refined the Baron’s ideas.  The League proposed the creation of a special non – interference region, separate and autonomous from the surrounding Empire.  The region would be a limited free market fief.  That meant materials restrictions, often invoked during martial law in the Empire, could be ignored.  Also, there would be no content supervision over advertising and media in the Sector.


Since the region was devoid of all sapient life, there would be no first contact priorities to interfere with total economic conversion.  Here, there would be no need of economic conversion or social policy and the Authority could maintain its own control over the fief worlds.  As a special incentive, there were to be no corporate taxes or import / export fees on any products transported into or out of the Sector.  Companies would not pay taxes of any sort on materials and expenditures intended for sale or trade to the Sector Authority.  Of course, they still had to pay the usual taxes and levies on their total income and their non – Sector holdings.  As a compensation to the Empire, there would be a yearly stipend of 3% of the total gross product from the Sector.  Furthermore, all funds would be paid directly into the Imperial treasury.  Lastly, 9% of all materials and 20% of strategic rare elements would be given directly to the Empire for its military buildup.  Many well known companies such as TaggeCo., Bank of the Core, Kuat Drive Yards, Rendili StarDrive, Cybot Galactica, Corellian Engineering Corp, and various others would be among the ‘sponsors’ of the Corporate Sector Authority.

Conjecture based upon "SW RPG: Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook." [Page 20 - 23]


Serv-O-Droid, makers of labor automata, work droids and equipment goes out of business shortly after signing the Charter of the Corporate Sector Authority, and its assets and resources are split among the other droid manufacturing firms.

Conjecture based upon "SW RPG: Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook." [Page 24]


Breth Gart is born on the planet Agamar.  Gart longed to become a daring starfighter pilot, but the harsh realities of combat training proved very difficult.  A rare disease, which he contracted as a child, damaged his brain stem.  There were no outward symptoms of the damage until Gart began his training.  Problems with disorientation syndrome during simulations caused him to wash out, but he persevered, eventually earning his wings after three tries.  Gart learned to ignore the stabbing pain that the syndrome caused, and he became a capable pilot.  Aboard the star cruiser Independence, Gart was assigned to Keyan Farlander as part of Red Squadron.  They eventually transferred to the Defiance.  What was intended to be a training mission became the real thing when the Defiance was attacked by the Star Destroyer Immortal.  Gart died during the attack on the Imperial base at Kalla VII.  Gart was a soft - spoken boy with unruly jet - black hair, lazy eyes and a wide smile.  He was enthusiastic, though painfully shy around women.

“X-Wing: Space Combat Simulator Strategy Guide”.  Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


Iella Wessiri is born on Corellia.

Two years younger than Wedge.  “X-Wing: The Krytos Trap”, borrowed with thanks from James McFadden’s Chronology, whose information was via Bob Vitas' Completely Unofficial SW Encyclopedia.


Part and parcel of the Corporate Sector Charter was a specific agreement on the part of the Empire to surrender direct military control over the entire Corporate Sector to the Authority.  The Authority itself would act in the name of the Emperor to settle disputes and to maintain security.  When this clause of the charter was first brought before the Emperor’s advisors, the reaction was derisive to say the least.  To ask the Emperor to surrender control he had just wrested for himself and give it over to a private company was laughable.  None of them knew the Emperor was already aware of the proposal and had, in fact, had his Vizier suggest it to the corporate interests.  Imagine the shock when Palpatine agreed to those conditions.  Palpatine realized what an opportunity it would be to have a whole region providing unbridled revenue with no costs to maintain order.

Conjecture based upon "SW RPG: Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook." [Page 43]


Thrawn graduates from the Imperial Academy of Carida.

Conjecture from “SW: Specter of the Past,” assuming a 4 - year curriculum for Academy students.


Emperor Palpatine, firmly in power, uses his minions to act quickly and bring the annoying planet Adarlon of the Minos Cluster to heel.  A series of crackdowns and black-listings, ostensibly to curb licentiousness and obscenity in the entertainment industry, effectively destroyed free speech, and all holos became subject to Imperial censorship.  The purge was brilliantly conducted by Babel Torsch, at the time Consular-General on Adarlon.  His name is still hated and feared today.  Holos about Jedi or depicting any sort of the Empire are strictly forbidden, but are still produced and distributed on the black market.

"SW RPG Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters."


Although never used, retreats are built on Coruscant, and Bast Castle is built on Vjun, for Darth Vader.

Conjecture based upon “Dark Empire II.”


Lord Bal Jaset begins serving on Coruscant as a Court advisor.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


General Locus Geen retires.  He later serves in the complex bureaucracy of Salliche, where he cultivates innumerable contacts.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 35]


The Empire’s SAGEducation program becomes a large part of Vin Northal’s youth.  He achieves the position of local SAGroup wegsphere champion.  This achievement earns him the personal attention of the local CompForce recruiter.  However, while Vin found the CompForce recruiter’s offer attractive, he also realized that the Imperial Academy was wide open to him.  He applied and was accepted.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 5]


Padme Skywalker dies, possibly murdered by Darth Vader or Emperor Palpatine.  Upon her death, Emperor Palpatine orders all mentions of her, her planet, and her now extinct race (and thus almost all mentions of his pre-Emperor past) be erased from all galactic records and libraries. Darth Vader eagerly participates, in part to bury the last shreds of his own past.  By the time of the Galactic Civil War, nobody remembers who Luke and Leia’s mother was. (33)


-17 BSW4


Mora, the newborn Princess of M'Haeli, is the sole surviving member of the royal family after an attack on her world by the Empire.  Unbeknownst to the planet's new Imperial rulers, the child is found and raised by the H'drachi Ch'no. 

"SW: River of Chaos."


The pirate Happy GoLucky, who would become the notorious second-in-command to Black Jack, is born.

“SW Adventure Journal #3.”


Auren Yomm is born in the Umboo colony of the planet Roon, to Nilz and Bola Yomm.  She would later become romantically involved with trader Mungo Baobab following her adventures in the Roon system, and also would meet the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO.

“Droids: The Roon Games.”


Isshaddik dies on a run to Nar Hekka.

Conjecture based upon “SW: The Paradise Snare.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


A mob hired by the Empire storms the royal palace of Velmor and murders the King and Queen.  The youngest son, Anod, was an Imperial sympathiser and thus not harmed.  The older son, Prince Denid, flees Velmor with his fiance Loren and an alien protector named Jedidiah to an unnamed jungle planet.  The crash landing kills Loren and leaves Jedidiah brain damaged.  Denid sets an automatic distress beacon and learns to survive on the jungle planet.

The Marvel Series, Issue #49. 


When members of the Tetsus clan on Rodia begin refusing to join in gladiatorial hunts against their own species, Navik the Red and the Chattza clan come and begin slaughtering them.  Many of the Tetsus clan, including Neela, Nok, and the two-year-old Greedo are able to escape to a new world.

Conjecture based on “A Hunter's Fate: Greedo's Tale”. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Corellian Diktat Dupas Thomree dies.  Heir – apparent Daclif Gallamby becomes the new Diktat, though he is little more than just a figurehead for a puppet government.  Gallamby’s ascension brought Thracken Sal-Solo to a position of second-in-command.

“SW: Assault at Selonia.”  Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


Fiz Cor’gril, a Bith, sets up a starship dealership on Trevi IV.  Hiring a Verpine named Garginoolaara to repair his starships, and taking a chance on Shanna Kinn to help him sell them, Fizzi has built one of the most affordable and dependable starship dealerships in the sector.  Fizzi is known to his clients as a fair but demanding salesman, with a polite demeanor and a shrewd business mind.  He prefers to let his clients browse rather than pushing a hard - sell on them, and is glad to take them on tours himself.

“SW Adventure Journal #9.”


Tinian I’att is born, heir to the I’att Armament company.

“SW Adventure Journal: To Fight Another Day.”


Akanah Pell’s mother Talsava abandons her on Carratos.

“SW: Shield of Lies.”  


-16 BSW4


The father of Bothan Koth Melan is executed on trumped - up charges of espionage.  This ironically turns his son into an anti - Imperial spy, who delivers information to various rebel cells.

“SW: Shadows of the Empire” and “The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 191] 


(Future murderer, pirate, and slaver) Faarl the Conqueror, AKA "The Child Conqueror" is born on the planet Korlings.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


Allexia and Allandria Evlan are born.  Later in life, the two twins would become Alliance operatives, and would provide valuable intelligence concerning the Kuat system where they lived during the Galactic Civil War.

"SW RPG: Cracken’s Rebel Operatives."


As a member of the Organa family's entourage, C-3P0 attends the annual Emperor's Ball on Coruscant. There, he meets and talks with Darth Vader, mistaking him for a new type of Guard - droid.  Thanks to that mistake, he then spends the next year as a preschool teacher.  

Conjecture from "SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook."


A month previous to his death at Weerden, Imperial High Inquisitor Torbin visited the Corporate Sector on an inspection tour.  While relaxing in an opulent pool, survivors of the religious cult Church of the First Frequency attempted to kill Torbin.  Odumin, disguised as a Tynnan tourist, used his native aquatic skills to save Torbin and alert security about the would-be assassins.  For his heroism, Odumin was promoted.  Odumin was influential in cracking slaving and criminal operations in the Corporate Sector.  He is credited with single-handedly breaking the Xiochi slaver gang, and his actions caused him to become the target of the Malorm gang.  The criminal family nearly killed Odumin, so the Tynnan hired notorious gunman Gallandro to permanently solve the Malorm problem.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG: Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook”.  Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


Lord Torbin, Grand Inquisitor of the Galactic Empire, is killed by an assassin droid on the planet Weerden.  Though no replacement would be found for Torbin, the Inquisitorius continued on until the shakedown of the Imperial Civil War.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG: Dark Empire Sourcebook”.


-15 BSW4


As the Empire's true nature becomes more apparent, several splinter groups begin to rebel against the New Order.  One cell is led by Imperial Senator Garm Bel Iblis, another by fellow Clone Wars veteran Jan Dodonna, another by Senior Senator Mon Mothma.  Others, such as “Freedom’s Sons” and a freelancer named Cody Sunn-Childe, begins attacking the Imperials outright.  Sunn-Childe’s exploits inspire many, including a young Lando Calrissian.  He mysteriously vanishes after one adventure.  

Conjecture and The Marvel Series, Issue #46.  


Zorba the Hutt is arrested and sentenced to 20 years imprisonment on the prison world Kip.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 353]


Darth Vader kills the Jedi Knight Aidan Bok on the space station Nespis VIII and destroys the library of Jedi lore Bok was protecting. 

"Galaxy of Fear: Ghost of the Jedi." 


A scout from the Rego Mineral Company discovers Altor 14.  After negotiations of considerable length, the Nuiwit (the native lizard like species) agree to establish trade relations with the company for the purposes of mining the silver, gallium, and selenium ores available in territories controlled by their communities.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races.” [Page 11]


Thila, a female Sullustan, begins to make herself known as a notorious slaver, although this is fact just a cover, as she transports people to the growing dissident rebel movement.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim.” [Page 6, 10]


Vuffi Raa and his archaeologist master (The one before Lando) lands on Renatasia, a planet long cut off from the rest of the galaxy. Vuffi joins the master as representatives of the Empire.  They spend the next 700 days gradually updating Renatasian civilisation.  On the 701st day, the Imperial fleet arrives -- and the people rebel against the sudden crackdown on freedoms and rights.  The resultant "pacification" wipes out 2/3rds of the planet.  The whole "incident" is covered up, and the Fleet abandons Renatasia as hopeless.  

"SW: Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon."


After four years of self - imposed exile, Mammon Hoole asks Jabba the Hutt to erase all records of him.  He starts life again, enrolling in the Galactic Research Academy of Koann, where he becomes an anthropologist. 

"Galaxy of Fear: Army of Terror." 


Lyle Lippstroot becomes the book – keeper to the Rodian named Vop the Usurer, a loan – shark.

“SW Adventure Journal: The Great Herdship Heist.”


Asori Rogriss, daughter of Imperial Admiral Teren Rogriss, is born.

‘X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar.’ [Page 124]


Yuri Stonelaw, an idealistic farm boy, is born.

"SW Adventure Journal, Vol. 1, Issue #15."


Qwi Xux is born on the planet Omwat.

"SW: Jedi Search" and "SW Jedi Academy Sourcebook."


The Empire opened a varmigio mine on the planet Karra, but meet with no greater success than the original colonists.  The Imperial base was later destroyed by swarms of attacking insects, presumably operating under the control of the native Karrans.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


The Lan system is officially taken over by the Empire, but the Empire has not bothered with direct control.  Due to its extreme isolation, Lan Barell is now a refuge for smugglers and refugees trying to avoid the Empire's attentions.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


-14 BSW4


Bail Organa takes six – year old Leia to the Time of Meeting on Ithor, a holiday where the herd - ships of the Ithorian race gather for a brief time.   

"SW: Children of the Jedi." NOTE: This date reflects Luke and Leia's supposed birth at 20 BSW4. The date of this event (and the subsequent one with Luke) may in fact be 12 BSW4, depending on what happens with Episode III.   


Young Luke Skywalker unconsciously uses the Force for the first time, to find Aunt Beru's stitching mender - fixing screwdriver.  He later recalls Uncle Owen's reaction as "The worst yelling - at I ever got in my life."

"SW: Children of the Jedi." 


(Future) Imperial Corporal Terkuss is born on the planet Plesstil.

“SW RPG Dark Force Rising Sourcebook.”


Jost Ellan is born on the small barren world of Dodz.  His parents would later be killed by the evil Destroyer, the enforcer droid that Governor Kugg used to terrorize the citizens.  Jost lived on his own, in a cave in the barren plains of Dodz.  Jost earned a meager living repairing and selling machinery, and his cave was filled with components, spare parts, and other machinery that he used in his trade.  One of the items he found near the crystal mines of Dodz was an ancient Ranger X-One droid.  Jost used this robot to defeat Kugg’s Destroyer.  To this end, Jost was aided by C-3PO and R2-D2.  At the time of his encounter with Threepio and Artoo, Jost was about 12 years old.  He was a human male, with fair skin and blond hair.  He wore a red and gray tunic, and a red headband.

“Droids #1: ‘The Destroyer’”.

Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


Cray Mingla is born.

"SW: Children of the Jedi." Date corrected by


Vin Northal graduates as an officer in the Imperial Army at the very top of his class; in fact, he set a new goal for Academy cadets to strive for.  His name was passed on to the appropriate Imperial command authorities, and they began watching him in earnest.  Vin’s abilities earned him the right to enter training for Special Forces.  Upon graduation, he was placed under the command of one of the Empire’s best squad commanders, Crix Madine.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 5]


Alec Lamere of the House Barnaba is born.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


The future Duchess Mistal is born on the planet Dargul.

“SW RPG Jedi Academy Sourcebook.”


The Empire takes over the Dushkan League in the Koornacht Cluster.  They build a shipyard at N'Zoth and uses the Yevethans as slave labor.  

"SW: Before the Storm."


Tendra Risant, (future wife of Lando Calrissian?), is born on the planet Secorria. 

"SW: Ambush on Corellia."


Teroenza establishes the first Ylesian colony, a spice slave camp disguised as a religious retreat.  

"SW: The Paradise Snare."  He said it had been in place "nearly five years."


-13 BSW4


Tash Arranda is born on the planet Alderaan.  

"Galaxy of Fear: The Brain Spiders."


Zeth Durron is born on the planet Deyer.

“SW: Dark Apprentice.”


The Justice Action Network, or JAN for short rises to prominence on the planet Findris, led by its’ founder Earnst Kamiel.  The movement spread over much of the Colonies region of the galaxy before Kamiel’s capture.

“SW Adventure Journal #8.”


After several years of secret construction, Emperor Palpatine opens his private resort world of Byss, near the center of the galaxy.  Luring unsuspecting people (19.7 billion as of +10 ASW4) with promises of a ‘paradise,’ he begins to ruthlessly feed upon those people’s life - energies to help fuel his own Dark Side power.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook.” [Page 76 – 77]


Jem Brogan is born on the planet Ossus. 

"Dark Empire II."


-12 BSW4


Zak Arranda is born on the planet Alderaan. 

"Galaxy of Fear: The Brain Spiders." 


Fidge, a Biituian, is born.  Fidge would later befriend R2-D2 and C-3PO when they encountered the Great Heep.

“Droids: The Great Heep.”


Escaping briefly from Shrike, Han Solo meets his aunt Tiion and cousin Thracken.  After six weeks of being jerked around, Han finally forces some information on his family out of Thracken -- which amounts to next to nothing.  The vindictive young Thracken locks his cousin up for days, and then sells him right back to Shrike.  

"SW: The Paradise Snare." This happened one year before the swoop race.


Teneniel Djo, future heir to the throne of Hapes (and mother of Tenel Ka) is born on the planet Dathomir. 

"SW: The Courtship of Princess Leia."


After two years, Vin Northal’s elite abilities gain him his own command.  Soon after, he was put into Imperial stormtrooper officer training, where he also doubled as an infiltration instructor.  He graduated with his own squad command.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 5]


Malindan Gevarak is born.  He would later be wanted by the Empire as a young criminal for deliberate forgery of Imperial currency and falsification of Imperial identification credentials.  To that end, Moff Adrell of the Klibanis sector issued a Colonies – wide bounty on Gevarek for 10,000 credits.  The bounty’s specifications dictated he be taken alive, with a 2,000 credit bonus for delivery with minimal injury.  He traveled with the Wookiee Cherior.

“SW RPG: Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters.”


Leonia Tavira is born. She will later become the youngest Moff (at 16) in history. 

"SW: I, Jedi."


After getting caught cheating at cards on Jubilar, 17 - year old Han Solo is forced to participate at the Gladiatorial All-Human Free-For-All.  Boba Fett (on assignment to Jabba to kill Hallolar Voors) is in the crowd when Solo narrowly defeats three men.  Feeling cocky after his victory, Han picks a fight with Garris Shrike.  The already -injured young man is promptly beaten to the brink of death by the enraged pirate captain.  Han starts looking for a way -- any way -- out of the Shrike gang.

"SW: The Paradise Snare" and "SW: Tales of the Bounty Hunters."


The second Ylesian colony is built. 

"SW: The Paradise Snare."


-11 BSW4


Thrawn leaves a contingent of his own people, the Chiss, in a hidden fortress codenamed the ‘Hand of Thrawn’ on the planet Niraun.  The caves and tunnels beneath the fortress were lined with cortosis ore.  During the intervening time in wait of Thrawn’s return, they kept a huge assortment of weapons and warships armed and ready for his arrival.  The existence of the fortress - which had five large towers, and resembled an up - turned hand - is kept secret.

Conjecture based upon “SW: Vision of the Future.”


On her twelfth birthday, Platt O’Keefe runs away and signs on as a cabin steward aboard a Sullustan starliner.

Conjecture based on “SW RPG: Platt’s Starport Guide.” [Page 6]


Bria Tharen joins the Ylesian colony.  

"SW: The Paradise Snare."


Falynn Sandskimmer is born.

"SW: Wraith Squadron."


Vin Northal is asked to become a member of the Emperor’s personal guard.  With unswerving loyalty, he accepted.  As a member of the Emperor’s Royal Guard, he was trained, sharpened and honed into a loyal, lethal weapon capable of mass destruction.  And this was just how the Emperor used him.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 5 - 6]


Ghent, future associate of Talon Karrde (and slicer expert) is born on the planet Baroli.

"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook."


Iona Wince, a Wroonian and future cabin steward, is born.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 80]


Stuart, the son of future Governor of Dellantine - Trux Zissu is born.

“Science Adventures: Emergency in Escape Pod Four”.


A teenage Han Solo and Dengar participate in a swoop race through the crystal swamps of Agrilat (on Corellia).  Solo wins, grievously wounding Dengar in the process.  Imperial doctors wire Dengar with cybernetic parts, burning whole emotions out of Dengar’s brain by surgery, and begin training him to be an assassin.  They hold out the promise of restoring Dengar’s emotions if he serves them well.  Han goes on to win the swoop racing championship of the entire Corellian system.

"SW: The Paradise Snare" and “Tales of the Bounty Hunters: Payback -- the tale of Dengar.”


Terek Rogriss, son of Imperial Admiral Teren Rogriss, is born.  He would later join the Imperial Navy.

‘X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar.’ [Page 124]


Dev Sibwarra is born on the planet Chandrila.

“SW: The Truce at Bakura.”


Alex Winger is born to Matt and Anii Turhaya.

“SW Adventure Journal: Rendezvous with Destiny” and “A Glimmer of Hope.” 


The Qom Jha, bird like creatures of the planet Niraun, discover lightning fast tenticle creatures in the farthest reaches of the cave dwellings.

"SW: Vision of the Future."


18-year-old Soontir Fel rescues a friend from an attack by Ilir Post, the spoiled son of the Fel’s employer.  Post’s father sees to it that Soontir receives an appointment to the Imperial Academy at Carida to prevent him from testifying against his son.  While all Soontir wanted to do was pilot transports for his father’s agro – combine, the move to the Academy would change his life forever.

Conjecture based upon “SW: Rogue Squadron Handbook.” and "X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Making of Baron Fel."


The daughter of Kvarn Mandel, an aristocratic man and the chief executive of Fabritech, suddenly dissapears.  As self - assured and powerful as he appears, Kvarn is haunted by the disappearance of his daughter, Samire.  Kvarn believes that she is dead, but has a secret nagging thought that she left her family to join the Alliance and the growing seeds of rebellion.  This thought surfaces whenever Kvarn reflects on his success, which has come from selling military equipment to the Empire.  His son, Simmin, continues to search for her, but Kvarn does not support his efforts.  Kvarn and his family live in a huge mansion on Thorgeld I.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 9.”


-10 BSW4


The Imperial fleet finally stops the Lortan, an expansionist race that sent a battle fleet into twelve systems and wiped out every planet it encountered, including the Jiroch System.  This extermination of life was known as the Reslian Purge.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens – Enemies and Allies.”


Matt Turhaya enters the Imperial Naval academy at Carida.

Conjecture based upon “SW Adventure Journal: Passages.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


The Empire discovers the planet Maridun, home of the Amanin.  The Amanin react well to their first contact with offworlders, responding with curiosity and interest.  Eventually, the Empire establishes several small mining and research facilities on Maridun, with a small force of Imperial Army troopers for protection.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens – Enemies and Allies.” [Page 13]


The Empire eventually takes control of the former Republic base on the planet Borleias, adding shields, ion cannons, and TIE squadrons for its defense.  The installation's commander, General Evir Derricote, also discovered the forgotten Biotics facility and made it profitable once more, while secretly siphoning Imperial credits and resources to make his headquarters more powerful and secure than it would otherwise appear to be.

Conjecture based upon“X-Wing – Rogue Squadron.”


"SW Galaxy Magazine: Dark Vendetta."

                Sullustan Jedi Master Darrin Arkanian runs through the shadow – drenched alleys of Coruscant with his human companion, Corwin Shelvay, searching for Captain Rashh, their ticket to get off - planet.  Master Arkanian hears a voice behind him, he turns to view the person as he steps from the shadows, it is High Inquisitor Tremayne.  Tremayne meets the gaze of Corwin – he knows him.  Arkanian and Tremayne duel with their lightsabers.  Shelvay watched in horror, unable to do more than crawl back into the shadows.  He didn’t see the armoured figures skulking in the alley until they had pointed their Imperial – issue blasters at him and ordered him to remain motionless.  Tremayne had brought reinforcements.


                Tremayne orders Jedi Master Arkanian to drop his weapon, or the Troopers will kill the boy.  Arkanian complies, but is then promptly cut down by Tremayne.  High Inquisitor Tremayne gloats to himself that he has finally killed a Jedi Master.  Shelvay, distraught at his masters death, calls his fallen mentor’s weapon into his hand and attacks Tremayne.  Shelvay, during the duel, manages to sever Tremayne’s arm just below the shoulder, and slashes across his face.


                Floating in a bacta tank, Tremayne is delirious, and has a vision of himself shortly after his 15th birthday.  He dreams of the time when he was a Jedi Apprentice under Master Kylanu.  Master Kylanu tells him “that Palpatine himself is interested in weeding out the corruption that has begun to rot the Jedi ranks.  And you, Tremayne, have been chosen to help him.  Palpatine is quite convinced of your ability, your integrity and your loyalty.  You shall train under his premier agent, Darth Vader . . .”


                Tremayne, awake, studied his new facial and arm implants.  The new implants made the grotesque wounds look even more fearsome.  The medical droid revealed that Darth Vader himself had demanded the use of such unattractive prosthetics – as a sign of the Dark Lord’s displeasure over his student’s failure.  Vader rebukes Tremayne for being defeated by the boy Apprentice Shelvay, but is pleased that Arkanian was defeated.  Arkanian had been an irritation to the Emperor for too long.  Vader tells Tremayne that he is in a forgiving mood, and departs, leaving Tremayne to ponder his future, vowing not to fail his master again. (32)

(SHORT STORY – Topps Publishing – Eric Trautmann - Summer 1996)


"The Paradise Snare." 

                Nineteen-year-old Han Solo finally escapes Garris Shrike's ship the ‘Trader Luck’, but unfortunately at the cost of Dewlanna's life.  Stowing away aboard the drone ship ‘Ylesian Dream’, he passes himself off as a pilot when he reaches Ylesia, a so - called religious retreat / glitterstim spice mine run by Teroenza and Zavval the Hutt (who takes his orders from Aruk).  Under the alias Vykk Draygo, Han befriends Muuurgh, a Togorian, and Bria Tharen, a young woman working in the mines.  Practicing his piloting, Han starts hauling glitterstim spice for Teroenza, learning how to fight off pirates at the same time.  (During this, he travels to Alderaan for the first time, where he learns first hand you CAN’T sell spice on Alderaan.  He also meets Aryn Dro and Bornan Thul.) 


                Han gradually catches on to the fact that the colony is a concentration camp, handing out "Exultations" like drugs.  He manages to pull Bria from the mines, and begins to fall in love with her. Revealing the truth about the colony to Muuurgh and Bria, and rescuing Muuurgh's love Mrrov from the mines, Han escapes Ylesia, killing Zavval, stealing Teroenza’s art collection and blowing up the glitterstim factory.  They travel to Togoria for Muuurgh and Mrrov's wedding.  They continue on to Corellia and Bria's family, with Bria suffering from Exultation withdrawal.  Needless to say, the family doesn't  welcome Bria's new lover with open arms.  Then on to Coruscant, where Han begins preparations to join the Imperial Academy.


                Thanks to the Hutts, Han barely avoids arrest at the Imperial bank.  But far worse than this, Bria leaves him, unable to deal with her addiction and her love for him both.  She does leave Han a sizeable loan from her father to go on with.  Torn apart by this, Han continues on to the Academy.  Just as he's accepted and about to begin classes -- Garris Shrike catches up to him at last, seeking a bounty from the Hutts. Shrike is killed by another bounty hunter who has also come for Solo.  In a desperate fight, Han kills the bounty hunter. He officially becomes a cadet in the Imperial Navy.       

(NOVEL -- Bantam Books -- Ann Crispin -- July 1997)


Gavin Darklighter (cousin of Biggs) is born on the planet Tatooine. 

"SW: X-Wing Rogue Squadron."


A small, independent smuggling group led by a Captain Hoffner accidentally stumbles onto the ‘Katana’ fleet.  Amongst it's crew is navigator / sensor specialist Talon Karrde, who immediately recognises the find.  

"SW: Dark Force Rising." 


Haaken Baranar, a huge man who is a scout and independent free trader is mauled by a snow demon during a stop - over on the planet Toola.  He is taken to the Great Hoary Mastmot Trading Station, and while he recovers, the owner - a Wookiee named Spetbecca - is captured by bounty hunters.  Haaken is unconscious at the time, and feel that he owes the Wookiee a debt for not helping out.  Thus, Haaken remains on Toola to manage the Trading Station in the hopes that Spetbecca would return.

“SW Adventure Journal #10.”


The Empire builds a swoop-racing arena to entertain the populace on the planet Travnin, in the Minos Cluster as part of a program to raise the morale of the Imperial workers.  However, because of the flimsy materials used in its’ construction (a result of Imperial corruption), it collapsed during the opening ceremonies.  Now it is in ruins.

"SW RPG Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters."


Bynder Zebb, a Twi’lek, becomes a corporate scout for TaggeCo.

"SW RPG Special Edition Sourcebook."


Wedge Antilles’ older sister, Syal, was not a child of the world of greasy rags and hydrospanners.  In her late teens, she left home to pursue her more cosmopolitan dreams that even the wonders of Coronet City could not provide.  Wedge hadn’t spoken to her for some time, and now she was gone.  Syal went on to use her business savvy and stunning beauty to become the acclaimed holostar “Wynssa Starflare”.

"X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Masquerade." and "X-Wing Rogue Squadron Handbook".


Rendili StarDrive wins its’ last major military starship contract.

“The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels.”


“SW Adventure Journal / Tales from the Empire: The Final Exit.”

                On the planet Najiba, currently suffering through the visitation of the “Children of Najiba” (asteroid cluster), a mysterious man named Adalric Brandl demands a ship to carry him through the treacherous asteroids to the planet Trulalis system, and terrifies the unwilling populace with Force powers.  A bartender calls up a smuggler friend named Thaddeus Ross and offers him 2,000 on top of whatever Brandl pays -- “just get him off the planet!” Brandl gives him 8,000.  Ross checks on a 10-96 (what the bartender called Brandl) on the computer -- and learns Brandl is a Jedi. 


                They arrive, and a suspicious Ross questions the Jedi, who claims is on a journey of penance.  They make their way to the village of Kovit, where they meet Brandl’s master, the old actor Otias.  Twelve years have passed since Brandl fell under the Emperor’s sway, and he’s tried to struggle back to the light, but the old master has no words of forgiveness for him.


                Returning to Ross’s ship, Brandl is confronted by his teenage son Jaalib, who warns him that the villagers plot to kill him.  The ship is set upon as it lifts off, but Brandl has been using a transponder -- bringing a Star Destroyer to the planet.  The ship is hauled aboard, and Brandl is taken to Inquisitor Tremayne, while Ross receives his freedom and 10,000 credits for returning Brandl to them.  Brandl himself pays his travel fee to Ross -- then uses a thermal detonator to kill himself as Ross leaves the Star Destroyer...

Conjecture, assuming 12 years dates back to the rise of the Emperor, and given that Jedi were still in (limited) existence at this time.

(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Patricia A. Jackson - November 1994)


Senator Bail Organa points out Gilad Pellaeon to Leia at the annual Grand Alderaanian Gathering at the Royal Pavilion.  Bail tells Leia that Pellaeon is one of the Fleet’s most promising officers. 

"SW: Vision of the Future." 


Daala, a female Imperial tactician chafing under the Empire's prejudice towards women, creates a computer network alter ego to transmit her ideas and tactics through the Imperial fleet.  Her work attracts the attention of Moff Willhuff Tarkin, who meets her on Carida.  She is reassigned to Tarkin's personal staff and begins to rise in the ranks.  She also becomes Tarkin's mistress. 

"SW RPG Jedi Academy Sourcebook."


-9 BSW4


Botanist Klorr Vilia and Ithorian botanist Zorneth invent savorium, an herb that causes profound, and permanent, euphoria.  After Vilia is rendered insensible by the herb, Zorneth sets out to experiment with savorium, and finds it works on almost all aliens.  But the herb - takers -- “Smilers” -- prove too accommodating, and are used as slave labor by others.  An assistant steals some savorium and puts it on the black market, and Smilers start showing up everywhere.  He starts experimenting with savorium - laced Thookan meat to try and promote galactic peace.

“Droids: Season of Revolt.”  


A “death wave” (only the fifth recorded in Chadra-Fan history) occurs on Chad as ocean floor quakes create massive tidal waves.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races.” [Page 27]


Balass ke Rassa, son of perator Pekaelic ke Teldan, is born on the planet Adumar.

‘X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar.’


Luke Skywalker suffers from a brief case of Tatooine “dust fever.”

“SW Journal: The Fight for Justice.”


Ob Khaddar, known to be a troublemaker and a radical at Alderaan University, upon hearing of the Emperor’s intended state visit to Alderaan, conceals his dislike and successfully campaigns for permission to create a large grass painting “to honour the Emperor”.  He allowed no – one to assit him in the planting of hundreds of thousands of seeds from various flowers, etching out a portrait of the Emperor himself.  After the warm rains of spring the broad viseage of Palpatine rose from the grasses, fresh and alive – cowled but powerful, his face radiating benevolent energy, his yellow eyes filled with strength.  And so when the Emperor arrived for his state visit he took the opportunity to take his entourage out on a large sail barge to view the great portrait to commemorate him.  But Ob Khaddar had played a final trick.  On the very day the Emperor rode out to observe, accompanied by his withered advisors and his red – cloaked Imperial Guards, another set of flowers bloomed in the midst of the grass portrait.  Black lillies spread their dark petals across Palpatine’s face, making it look as if his skin had begun to fester and decay from within.  The bright flowers of his eyes withered, leaving hollow – looking sockets.  Seeing this, the Emperor was outraged and ordered the entire plain to be torched.  Stormtroopers flew over the grasses, blasting with incandescent lasers, ripping up the soil, and setting the tall grasses ablaze.  Senator Bail Organa and other representatives of Alderaan apologized profusely, though none of the Imperials could determine whether they were sincere in their shock and horror… or were secretly pleased.  Ob Khaddar himself, intelligent as well as talented, wisely disappeared before the Emperor arrived on the planet.  An Imperial death warrant has been placed on him, but numerous bounty hunters have never been able to get a clue as to his whereabouts.

Conjecture based upon “The Illustrated Star Wars Universe.”


-8 BSW4


Emperor Palpatine becomes terminally ill, as age and the effects of the Dark Side catch up with him.  But the killing of Jedi Master Ashka Boda reveals a Holocron, and a way for Palpatine to cheat death by transferring his consciousness into a clone of his former self.  Palpatine does this for the first time (on Korriban?).  The Emperor completes his Mount Tantiss storehouse on Wayland, placing the mad clone dark Jedi Joruus C’Baoth and one other Dark Jedi (whom C’Baoth kills) as guardian.  Among the hidden treasures are a working prototype for a cloaking device and scores of Spaarti cloning cylinders. (34)

Conjecture from “SW: Dark Empire” and “The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 202]


The enterprising Sullustan named Eib, sells his business Gryseium Incorporated, to Rigis Corazon, and retires.

“SW RPG: Supernova: The Mynock Conspiracy.”


All key industries on Mecetti worlds are nationalized.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


An unknown man leaves a newborn orphan within The Lost City of the Jedi, an underground city on Yavin IV.  The young Jedi Prince, Ken, is brought up entirely by droids. 

“The Lost City of the Jedi.”  


-7 BSW4


Darth Vader develops a biological weapon that accidentally gets out and infects the Falleen populace.  To protect the Empire from the virus, Darth Vader orders a bombardment of the planet. Over 200,000 Falleen die, including the entire family of Prince Xizor (except for his niece), who was away on Black Sun (a criminal syndicate) business at the time.  Xizor vows revenge against the Dark Lord. 

“Shadows of the Empire” and “Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook.” 


Tedris Bjalin graduates from the Imperial Naval Academy.

“SW: The Hutt Gambit.” and “SW: Rebel Dawn.”


Allania Jakien is born on Cloud City

“SW RPG: Movie Trilogy Sourcebook.”


“DHP Jr: Luke Skywalker’s Walkabout.”

                13 year old Luke Skywalker and his friend Windy Starkiller rides Luke’s pet baby dewback Huey out into the Jundland Wastes towards Ja-mero Ridge without their parents' permission.  Only a huge sandstorm brews up, and the terrified Huey throws and abandons them.  Luke takes off after Huey, knowing it’s the only chance to get home.  They catch up to Huey, only to have a Krayt dragon attack them.  Luke struggles to hold the dragon off, but can’t do it.  He’s forced to watch the monster devour his beloved pet.  It chases the two boys into a cave and tries to bring it crashing down on top of them... as which point Ben Kenobi appears, lulling it to sleep.  He brings the boys into the eye of the storm, using it to see them safely back home.  Luke is guilt - ridden at causing Huey’s death, but Ben tells him he has learned a “valuable lesson about responsibility.”  He brings the two boys safely home to the Lars’ moisture farm. Strangely, Owen Lars becomes enraged -- not at Luke, but at Kenobi.  He loudly orders him off the farm, never to return -- then he drags the old man off at gunpoint.  Beru is shocked at his actions -- Ben just saved Luke’s life!  Owen’s response: “So did I, Beru... so did I.”  

This story is based on dialogue in the SW IV radio program.  Luke said this happened almost four 'seasons' ago, but the comic story amends it to when Luke was 13.

(COMIC STORY - Dark Horse Comics - Phill Norwood - August 1999)


Soontir Fel graduates from the Imperial Academy of Carida.  He is assigned to the Dreadnaught ‘Abrogator’. 

"X-Wing Rogue Squadron: In the Empire's Service" and "X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Making of

Baron Fel."


Wrenga Jixton, an agent involved in the Falleen disaster, is court - martialled and sent to the spice mines of Kessel.  Eventually he escapes, and hides out on Aridus. 

"Shadow Stalker."


Kyp Durron is born on the Deyer colony of the Anoat system. 

"SW RPG Jedi Academy Sourcebook."  


Under circumstances as yet unknown, Cadet Han Solo gains a rare honour -- a Corellian Bloodstripe. 

Conjecture from “SW: The Hutt Gambit.”  


Also at the Academy, Han Solo’s friend and fellow cadet, Mako Spince, is expelled after a prank results in the destruction of the Academy’s mascot moon. Amused by the stunt, the corrupt Senator Simon Greyshade sees to it that charges against Spince are dropped.  

“SW: Dark Empire.” Information on Greyshade from “Dark Empire Sourcebook.” [Page 45 – 46]   


Belindi Kalenda is born.

“SW: Ambush at Corellia.”


Glah Ubooki discovers a crashed Imperial Research & Development vessel and, with seven brothers, salvages materials from it.  After selling it to a Rebellion trader, they decide to enter the rare item market.  The brothers, as an inside joke, all pretend to be the “real” Glah, while denying the existence of any of the other brothers or their shops.

Conjecture based on ‘Glah Ubooki’s Strange and Wondrous Imports’. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Gallofree Yards, Inc., a small starship manufacturer that tried to compete in the crowded transport and freighter markets goes bankrupt.  Despite repeated product overhauls and slick marketing, the company seldom turned a profit.  Many of the company’s remaining transports found their way into the Rebel Alliance’s fleet.

“The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels.”


-6 BSW4


Han Solo graduates from the Imperial Academy of Carida and enters the Imperial Navy.  

“SW: The Hutt Gambit.” 


Lola Hask, a student at the Imperial Academy of Carida, is expelled for grifting.  He returns to his homeworld in time to see his criminal father executed in front of the people.  Hask buys a small freighter with his father's ill - gotten money and becomes a pirate.

"X-Wing Rogue Squadron Handbook."


An Imperial ‘Carrack’ – class cruiser named the ‘Dominant’ is commissioned, and is sent to join the Imperial defense of Dufilvian and Filve.  However, it was damaged in battle against the Crimson Nova pirates near F'Dann IX, and recalled for repairs.  It was later assigned to the Filve reserve fleet before being sent to subjugate Bakura.

"SW: The Truce at Bakura." and “SW RPG: The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook”.


Moff Kentor Sarne is assigned to the Kathol sector. 

“SW RPG: The DarkStryder Campaign.”


Lord Bal Jaset begins his reign over House Melantha.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Weeks prior to Matt Turhaya’s graduation from the Imperial Academy, his wife Anii is killed in a freak accident at her job in a weapons factory. Devastated, Matt nevertheless graduates as planned, leaving his daughter Alex in the care of relatives on Janara III and getting assigned to the Star Destroyer ‘Relentless’. But after a few months of witnessing Imperial cruelty and atrocities firsthand, he deserts.

“SW Adventure Journal: Passages.” 


Incom Corp. is nationalised by the Empire.  At the time, its’ newest starfighter, the T-65 X-Wing, is in prototype stage.  A rebel group helps Incom’s entire senior staff escape the Empire, along with the blueprints and prototypes of the X-Wing.  Development of the vessel continues.

Conjecture from “SW RPG Sourcebook.” The E-Wing, shown in the “X-Wing Rogue Squadron” comic book, was not made operational for another six years, so this seems a reasonable amount of time.


Designers employed by Incom Corporation defect to the Rebel Alliance and start the company FreiTek, Inc.  The company’s first design would be the E-Wing fighter.

“The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels.”


Colonel Matthews is sent to the Corporate Sector to procure badly needed weapons and supplies for the Rebel cause.  After months of covert activity, Matthews managed to open several secret supply routes and war material steadily made its way to the Alliance.

"SW RPG Truce At Bakura Sourcebook."


Guri, a Human Replica Droid, is designed and constructed to serve as the personal aide of Prince Xizor. The droid is designed and built by an outlaw tech named Simonelle the Ingoian, with a budget of 9,000,000 credits allotted by Xizor.  The plans for Guri were based on rebel plans Simonelle somehow stole from “Project Decoy.”  The droid incorporates such parts as a highly modified AA-1 Verbobrain, high - strength polymer - covered alloy “bones,” bio-fiber “organs” that can fool any scanner, and flawless vat - grown clone skin.  Upon her completion, Guri’s first act is to murder her creator – or so she thought. Simonelle, wisely forseeing the possibility, used part of that nine - million credit budget, created a replica of himself for Guri to kill.  The real Simonelle goes into hiding. 

"SW: Shadows of the Empire." Information also from “SW RPG Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook.”  


-5 BSW4


The late Tojjevvuk’s home village is raided by Trandoshan slavers, and all the children are taken as slaves. Chewbacca, in a stunning act of bravery, attacks the slaver ship on his own – and kills every last slaver. Before they can evacuate, however, an Imperial Star Destroyer arrives. Commander Nyklas orders a TIE squadron led by Lieutenant Han Solo to capture Chewbacca’s ship. Chewie fights them off as best as he can, allowing the other Wookiees to escape. Han boards the ship and finds the wounded Chewie on the bridge. Nyklas orders Han to “skin him and bring me his hide.” Han responds: “Negative, sir. Han Solo doesn’t kick an enemy while he’s down.” Nyklas is furious at this and promises to pay them both back. Chewie is taken captive and sold into slavery.

“SW: Chewbacca.” At first glance, this would seem to be a version of Han saving Chewie that’s wildly contradictory to earlier reports. However, James Karko ( pointed out that it could be interpreted as a prequel to that legendary lost story, with Han establishing an early rapport with Chewie and setting up why he later rebelled against Nyklas.


Han Solo, now a Lieutenant in the Imperial Army, rescues a dozen Wookiee slaves -- including one called Chewbacca -- from the bounty hunter Bossk at the under-construction Imperial Hall of Heroes on Coruscant.  He defends Chewbacca against mistreatment by Imperial Commander Nyklas, and is promptly dishonourably discharged.  Chewbacca, somehow freed, believing he owes a life - debt to Solo, trails him around.  At first wary, Solo eventually comes to accept Chewbacca as a partner.  With the aid of Mako Spince, Solo eventually becomes a pirate and smuggler.   

“SW: The Hutt Gambit” and “SW: Tales of the Bounty Hunters.”    


The IG series of assassin droids is developed for use by Imperial Supervisor Gurdun.  Only the IG’s, it turns out, are made too well.  The most advanced, IG-88, suddenly gains sentience -- and in one horrific moment, murders its’ entire staff of creators.  It copies its’ mind over to three identical copies of itself and escapes the Holowan laboratories along with the less advanced IG-72.

“Tales of the Bounty Hunters: I Think, Therefore I Am -- the tale of IG-88.”  


A rebel uprising on the Devaronian system results in a massacre in the holy city of Montellian Serat, with over 700 rebels killed.  

“SW: The Hutt Gambit.” 


Irek Ismaren, son of Imperial concubine Roganda (and Emperor Palpatine?), is born.  He shows early aptitude in the Force, and Roganda trains him in the ways of the Dark Side. 

"SW: Children of the Jedi."


Prince Isolder's older brother is killed by the pirate Harravan.  The teenage Isolder goes undercover as a pirate and begins to hunt for Harravan. 

"SW: The Courtship of Princess Leia."


Wedge Antilles helps replace the fusion chamber on the starboard engine of the ‘Pulsar Skate’.

"X-Wing: Rogue Squadron."


Soontir Fel is eventually assigned to the 37th Imperial Fighter Wing, and soon took charge.  Under his leadership, the 37th became on of the Empire’s most feared units.  Soontir Fel becomes a teacher at the Prefsbelt IV academy.  Among the students he teaches in the following years are Hobbie Kilvan, Biggs Darklighter, and Tycho Celchu. 

"X-Wing Rogue Squadron: In the Empire's Service." and "X-Wing Rogue Squadron Handbook".


Shannon Voorson is born.

“SW Adventure Journal: Slaying Dragons.” Thanks to Kari Tikka for catching that!


Imperial Supervisor Gurdun arrives at the Holowan Laboratories to check out his new IG droids. He finds the lab is a shambles and the droids have all escaped. Gurdun sends out a general alert to the Imperial Navy -- the droids are ordered “dismantled on sight.”

“Tales of the Bounty Hunters: I Think, Therefore I Am -- the tale of IG-88.”


Matt Turhaya returns to Janara III to pick up his daughter Alex and begin a new life -- only to find the Imperials have completely destroyed Sreina, the town where Alex lived.  Believing his daughter dead, he drifts to Tatooine to begin work at his brother Jamie’s shop, where he loses himself in alcohol. Unbeknownest to him, his daughter Alex is in fact captured by Imperial lieutenant Chanceller…. 

“SW Adventure Journal: Passages,” “SW Adventure Journal: A Glimmer of Hope,” and “SW Adventure Journal: Turning Point.”  


“SW Adventure Journal: Turning Point.”

                Dair Haslip is more than ready for the shuttle that will take him off Garos IV and on to the Raithal Academy.  He chats with Assistant Minister of Commerce Magir Paca about many things – his late father West, Minister Tork Winger’s attempts to end the violence between Garos IV and Sundari, his grandmother Keriin’s recent sale of the family mines to the Empire (unbeknownst to him, she was forced to).  An Imperial shuttle arrives, and Senior Lieutenant Brandei steps out, ordering an immediate meeting with Winger and his wife Sali at the medical center.  There, Brandei presents them with a battered young girl they pulled from the wreckage of Sreina of Janara III.  It’s Alex Turhaya, whom Brandei offers to sell to Winger as his foster daughter.  They privately hear from a shaken lieutenant Chanceller the truth of what happened – how half the city was wiped out to capture Rebels that weren’t there.  They tearfully accept custody of young Alex.


                A few nights later, Dair and his friend Jos go out for one last hike on the old mine mountains.  Jos is conflicted by the fact that his father has joined a rebel group.  Suddenly, they’re set upon by scout troopers looking for Chanceller (who has gone AWOL).  The scouts declare the two young men spies despite their protests, and Jos is murdered – shot in the back, unarmed.  Dair is forced to attack and kill the two scout troopers.  He staggers back home, where he tearfully reveals all to Keriin.  She decides it’s time to reveal a secret to Dair – she’s a rebel.  She brings the shaken young man to meet with the local underground and tell his story.  He’s stunned to find Paca among their number.  He’s surprised when they tell him he should join the Academy after all – as a rebel working undercover in the Empire, he can do a lot of damage.  He agrees.

(SHORT STORY – West End Games – Charlene Newcomb – February 1995)


Teenage Tinian I’att discovers a Wookiee being beaten by his slavers because he tried to prevent a Kitonak from being wrested away from her child. Tinian buys the Wookiee, Wrrl, to save him from death.  

“SW Adventure Journal: To Fight Another Day.”


Arriving at Mechis III, IG-88 and his three copies hack into the Holowan Laboratories’ computers and droids, reprogramming them into serving only them.  The droids murder the labs’ human workers and begins automating construction of all Holowan products.  The products are given sentience programming based on IG-88’s, as well as secret instructions to begin preparing the galaxy for takeover by IG-88.

“Tales of the Bounty Hunters: I Think, Therefore I Am - the tale of IG-88.”  


Dash Rendar's older brother Stanton is killed in a freighter crash in Coruscant.  The freighter crashes into the Emperor's private wing of the Imperial Museum, destroying several Jedi and Sith artefacts.  A furious Palpatine orders the Rendar family stripped of everything short of their lives and banishes them from the Core Worlds.  (Their holdings are given to Prince Xizor, who "arranged" the crash.)  Cadet Dash is expelled from the Academy of Carida and banished as well. He eventually becomes a smuggler. 

"SW RPG Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook." 


After two months of searching, the Empire still has not found IG-88 or his copies.  Realizing this can’t last forever, the four droids decide on a diversionary tactic -- use their original assassin droid programming and go into the bounty hunting business, acting as one droid.  They design four identical starships -- all dubbed IG-2000 -- and goes to work.  IG-88B is the first to go bounty hunting, hired by a weapons runner on Peridon’s Folly named Grlubb to destroy a rival.  IG-88B takes the opportunity to visit Bolton Kek, one of his designers that wasn’t at the Holowan labs.  He puts a blaster bolt through Kek’s skull.  The droids continue bounty hunting, choosing to work in systems where (soon not to be) living members of the IG project live.

“Tales of the Bounty Hunters: I Think, Therefore I Am -- the tale of IG-88.”


Moff Willhuff Tarkin kidnaps several Omwati children and trains them to serve as designers and tacticians. (Failure means the destruction of not only the child, but also the child's family and home city.)  Of the ten children, only Qwi Xux survives the training. 

"SW: Jedi Search" and "SW Jedi Academy Sourcebook."


Lando Calrissian comes into possession of the ‘Millenium Falcon’ (bought in a sabacc game on Bespin), and sets off on a series of adventures that helps to build his reputation. 

Shortly before "Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu,” at the same time as the early chapters of “The Hutt Gambit.”  


In one of his earliest smuggling runs, Han Solo and the rest of the crew of a Corellian Rimrunner are captured on Skye and hunted like animals by the vindictive Majestrix, Kharys.  Of the 20 - man Corellian crew, only Han and "Laughin'" Katya M'Buele survive. 

The Marvel Series, Annual #1.


“The Hutt Gambit.” 

                Now a struggling amateur smuggler, Han Solo makes his way to Nar Shaddaa with his new friend Chewbacca, chased all the way by bounty hunters working for Teroenza.  They meet up with Mako Spince, who helps Han learn more about the smuggling business.  Five months later, Solo is starting to make a name for himself. He travels to Kessel for the first time, and comes to work for Lord Jiliac and his great -nephew Jabba.  Three months later, Han rescues one of Jiliac's ships from Drell pirates working for Aruk, a rival Hutt. At the same time, Teroenza finally hires the most dreaded bounty hunter of all -- Boba Fett -- to catch Han.  


                Two months later, Han has just met (and had a brief fling with) the magician Xaverri when Fett catches up to him.  Just when it seems Han's finished, a gambler named Lando Calrissian comes to the rescue and forces Fett off.  In return, the grateful Han helps teach Lando how to fly the ‘Millenium Falcon’.   Deciding to lay low for a while, Han tells a now - pregnant "Lady" Jiliac (Hutts are hermaphrodites) that he's leaving Nar Shaddaa.  But first he transports the Hutts to a meeting of all Hutt clans on Nal Hutta, where Aruk of the Besadii clan accuses Jiliac of raiding Ylesia.  (The real raiders are Corellian rebels led by Bria Tharen.) Jabba counter - accuses Besadii of stealing from fellow Hutts, and putting the Hutts in danger of the Emperor's wrath. 

[The rest of the book summary continues down below.] 

Brendan Tonkin, I hope you're happy now! :)

(NOVEL -- Bantam Books -- Ann Crispin -- October 1997)


“SW Tales: Routine.”                                                                                                             *

                Captaining an Imperial customs Dreadnaught named Vigilance was not how Devd Llnewe wanted his career in the Imperial Navy to go. Having a by-the-book lieutenant named Raprice helping him along isn’t helping. So he welcomes the arrival of a Corellian Corvette (the Jaina’s Folly) flown by Han Solo and Chewbacca. Han claims to be flying the ship (filled with grain, seed and trinkets) to Nadiem, a farming colony on the Rim. And an inspection proves him to be right. Llnewe lets it slide – but the next time the Folly shows up, he orders a level two inspection. Again nothing. A third trip has Llnewe alarmed and ready to tear the Corvette apart. But all he has is this gut feeling – not enough. The Folly passes on its’ way. Llnewe reviews the inspection results from all three trips, and only then does it hit him – Han and Chewie haven’t been flying the same ship on all three trips! They’re been smuggling the Corvettes themselves!!


                And on this third Jaina’s Folly, Han and Chewie are laughing their butts off. Nobody expected two ships to get across the border and into the hands of the rebel cells, let alone three. The legend continues to grow…

(COMIC SHORT STORY – Dark Horse Comics – Tony Isabella – January 2000)


"Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu."  

                Intrigued by stories of ancient treasure, Lando Calrissian sets off from Oseon 2795 for the Rafa system in the newly bought ‘Millenium Falcon’ (Note: This is before Lando became a good pilot).  No sooner does he land on Rafa IV (and buy the droid Vuffi Raa to fly the ‘Falcon’) than he is attacked and arrested by local police on trumped - up charges.  The planetary governor, Duttes Mir, in league with a Tund sorcerer named Rokur Gepta, offers Lando a choice -- death, or help them find the fabled Mindharp of Sharu, a religious artefact of rumoured great power.  Given a Key that would unlock the way to the Mindharp, Calrissian doesn't even know where to begin.  He begins hopping bars, hoping to find someone who would know the Key.  He finds one in a old Toka who calls him "Emissary."  The man, Mohs the High Singer, offers to help Lando find the Mindharp.  He leads Lando to Rafa V, where the party is attacked by Captain Jandler (the cop who attacked Calrissian at the hotel and the bar earlier) ordered to get the Key by Governor Mir.  The team defeats Jandler and finds a glass pyramid that serves as gateway to the Mindharp...    


                Four months later, Lando returns to Rafa IV -- having felt like he was only a few days away.  Giving the Mindharp to Mir, he's immediately thrown back in jail, but manages to escape as Mir, believing he'll receive absolute power, inadvertently uses the Mindharp for its true purpose -- reawakening the former civilisation of Rafa, the Sharu.  The ‘Millenium Falcon’ gets away with the last Life - crystals to be harvested from the system, and Gepta vows revenge...    

(NOVEL -- Del Rey Books -- L.Neil Smith -- July 1983)


Lando Calrissian buys a spaceship lot from a Duros with the money from the life - crystals.

"SW: The Hutt Gambit."


Lola Hask purchases the ‘Buzzer’, a Cindev series IV picket ship, formerly used by pirate Crimson Jack. Hask continues his terror spree across the galaxy.

"X-Wing Rogue Squadron Handbook."


"The Hutt Gambit (continued)." 

                Han rents a ship from Lando (calls it the ‘Bria’) and goes back to work for Jabba.  Jabba in return talks Boba Fett out of the bounty for Han.  Han meets mechanic Shug Ninx, Rik Duel, and a female smuggler named Salla Zend, whom Han falls in love with. He also adopts a street kid named Jarik.  Fed up with Aruk, Teroenza makes a deal with Jiliac to kill him by poisoned nala - tree frogs.  To the Hutt's shock, Sector Moff Sarn Shild announces that the Emperor has ordered a crackdown on Hutt activities and all illegal activities in Hutt space. Han is sent to Coruscant as a peace emissary to Shild, who says that the Hutts will not be hurt if they "cooperate," and that Nar Shaddaa will be "made an example of." Han is shocked to see Bria as Shild's apparent mistress. (She's not.)  The Hutts desperately attempt to bribe Admiral Greelanx, head of Shild's fleet.  With the battle plan purchased, Han and Mako gathers every smuggler on Nar Shaddaa to create an army to battle Shild.


                Meanwhile, Bria learns that the Emperor wants Besadii clan untouched in the coming attack -- they're providing him with useful slaves.  Shild plans to seccede that part of the Empire, use the Hutt's wealth to build his power base, and challenge the Emperor himself.  At the same time, Greelanx is ordered by the Emperor to throw the fight.  The Battle of Nar Shaddaa begins.  The smugglers put up such a ferocious fight that Greelanx forgets orders and plows into them.  After a protracted slaughter, the Hutts send in mercenary reinforcements.  With the fleet shattered, Greelanx finally orders the retreat.  As Han attends a friend's wedding, Aruk the Hutt dies. Durga, Aruk's son, takes over Besadii clan, opens talks with Black Sun and vows revenge.  Going to pay Greelanx off, Han listens from another room as Darth Vader murders the admiral, and races back to Nar Shaddaa, escaping the attacked and exploding Bria in a lifepod. Shild, not even knowing why he did the things he did, commits suicide. 

(NOVEL -- Bantam Books -- Ann Crispin -- 1997)


"Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon."  

                Rokur Gepta manages to lure Lando Calrissian into Oseon space with an anonymous message offering great gambling wins.  Gambling on the asteroid Oseon 6845 (and 2,300 credits ahead), Lando Calrissian finds himself a walking target.  However, an invitation to a sabacc tournament is an inescapable lure for Calrissian. And if he sticks around long enough, he can see the Oseon sun flare into the legendary Flamewind.  He does okay, until the ‘Falcon’ is sabotaged and he's attacked by (and forced to kill) an Oseon cop.  He isn't charged for killing the cop, but sentenced to death for carrying a gun.  As always, he's offered a deal -- to free himself, he must get two cops to Oseon 5792 to entrap and arrest a drug - using trillionnaire named Bohhuah Mutdah, thus allowing his rivals a chance at his fortune.  And survive the lethal radiation of the Flamewind in the process.  And survive Rokur Gepta's numerous attempts to kill him.  Fighting his way to Mutdah's home, Calrissian is stunned when one of the cops kills the other, and then Mutdah (who talks to the cop like he's an employee) shoots him.  And then, suddenly, Mutdah's morphs into his true form -- that of Rokur Gepta, who's set all of this up (and killed Mutdah to take his place) just to kill Lando.  The gambler barely survives Gepta's mental torture, stabs him in the eye, and makes off with twenty million of Mutdah's fortune.  On the way out, Lando and Vuffi rescue Klyn Shanga, a Renatasian with a grudge against Vuffi.     

(NOVEL -- Del Rey Books -- L.Neil Smith -- September 1983)


A truce in the extremely violent civil war between Garos IV and Sundari is hammered out by Tork Winger, Assistant Minister of Defence for Garos IV, and Tionthes Turi, a respected Sundar engineer.  Violations of the truce continued, but the Empire's intervention in the conflict brought a sudden, violent end to most resistance. Winger is made Imperial Governor.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 288]  


Many Flakax (insectoid bipeds) lands from the planet Flax, in the Ptera system are purchased by the Imperial government in order to allow the Empire access to the valuable wealth of resources beneath the planets surface.  As part of the purchase agreement, Flakax hives are now working directly for the Empire, mining these new lands in exchange for protection and support of the Imperial military.

Conjecture from “SW RPG Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races.” [Page 43]


Dair Haslip leaves for the Raithal Academy, after saying goodbye to Tork and Alex Winger.

“SW Adventure Journal: Turning Point.”


The Empire discovers (and completely subjugates) the planet of Alzoc III, turning the native Talz race into slave labor.

Conjecture from “SW RPG Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races.” [Page 85]


"Lando Calrissian and the StarCave of ThonBoka."  

                Having survived Rokur Gepta's revenge (at least for the moment), winning a fortune on Oseon, and learning how to fly the ‘Falcon’ (with Vuffi's help), Lando's life is good -- until he comes upon a starving living spaceship called Lehesu.  After being told about the Oswaft's plight, he tries to help out the besieged space - living Oswaft race in the cloud called the ThonBoka.  In return for the ‘Falcon's’ garbage (food for the Oswaft), the Oswaft will make various gems and valuables out of what materials they can't digest and give it to Lando.  But there are a few obstacles between Lando and those riches.   


                For one thing, Rokur Gepta and Klyn Shanga have teamed up, both vowing either to kill Lando and Vuffi or die trying. For two, a massive fleet stands between the Oswaft and the ‘Falcon’.  Unable to fight, run from, or run around the fleet, Lando falls back on what he knows best -- the con job.  He presents himself as a trader, and ingratiates himself to the soldiers.  Then, he sets up his own apparent death as he escapes the fleet and races into the ThonBoka. He meets with and feeds the Oswaft, but war is imminent -- "negotiations" between the Oswaft and the fleet have ended in bloodshed and the entire fleet heading into the ThonBoka.  And Gepta and Shanga, refusing to believe Lando is dead, are right on their tail.  And with them is Vuffi Raa's former owner, a spy who claimed to be an archaeologist, Osuno Whett.  Lando sets up a desperate plan: the Oswaft will jump between the ships, expel their waste, and jump out again while the fleet fires at the waste, hitting themselves instead.  Gepta arrives and expels electromagnetic torpedos onto a few of the Oswaft, announcing that he will empty tons of them upon the ThonBoka unless Calrissian fights him in a duel to the death (he personally plans to wipe out the nebula regardless of the outcome).  


                At that point, Whett loses patience and tries to kill all three of them, giving Lando the opportunity he needed to kill Gepta -- but not before Gepta apparently kills Vuffi.  Realising Whett is the true Butcher of Renatasia, Shanga sets out after him.  Suddenly, a HUGE starship arrives in the area, announcing itself to be...Vuffi Raa's father.  Vuffi is repaired, and explanations made. Vuffi is a larval starship, sent out to explore the universe and learn about it, then report back to his people.  Vuffi leaves with his father, and Lando sets out for parts unknown, the ‘Falcon’ stuffed to bursting with gems and jewels... 

(NOVEL -- Del Rey Books -- L.Neil Smith -- December 1983)


Droids: The Kalarba Adventures.” 

                The misadventures of C-3PO and R2-D2 continue, as Master Wena sells them to a junk trader, who in turn sells them to Olag Greck of the Kalarba system.  Arriving at Hosk Station, Artoo is taken hostage by IG-88 (sent to kill Greck, but caught and slated for reprogramming).  The assassin droid takes the two droids and steals a ship, only to be chased by Greck and his Corellian pilot Jace Forno.  The droids get away in a lifepod that lands on Kalarba  -- near the Pitareeze family, who hire them as baby - sitters for the mischievous young Nak.


                As they try to deal with the young tyke, they learn about the elderly Baron Pitareeze, who was a starship designer -- until Greck stole his design and put out an inferior model, then ruined Pitareeze's good name with it.  And now Greck wants his new hyperdrive unit to sell to the Empire.  Nak tries to get it to him, but ends up Greck's hostage instead. He and Threepio escape, only to crash land in one of Greck's cruisers. They stop the Baron from giving Greck what he wants.


                The family goes into the flying restaurant business, but pirates board them and take the droids (for their cooking skills) and Nak, who tries to escape and is apparently shot down (he is instead caught by Greck).  The droids learn that the "pirates" are former cooks who were put in a crystal mine thanks to another of Greck's schemes (this one to poison a Hutt).  Nak is saved, and the cooks take most of Greck's treasure.  Shortly thereafter, Threepio is damaged while going to pick up Nak from Hosk Station.  The repair makes him look like C-3PX, an assassin droid (modified by -- who else? -- Greck) who just happens to be there too.  In the resulting confusion, Greck is again put on the run.


                After a couple more adventures (one involving a form of rock life, another dealing with two preschool duty droids), the droids finds themselves at Hosk Station again -- which is about to explode and is in full evacuation.  To allow the Baron and several Ithorians to escape, the two selflessly elect to stay behind.  They meet a group of droids led by security head Zed, as well as mechanic Trillka, who was trying to correct the sabotage to Hosk's reactor -- by Greck, who is trying to steal a barge.  Artoo and Zed face off against Greck's wrecking droid while Threepio saves the reactor.  Artoo and Threepio are deputised, and sent with Zed to catch Greck...

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES -- Dark Horse Comics -- Dan Thorsland / Ryder Windham - April-September 1994)  


  -4 BSW4


Maw Installation, a secret Imperial weapons project, is constructed in the Kessel system.  Over 100 Wookies of the Nysshyyyk clan were shipped to Maw Installation when it was under construction.  Within a month, 12 of the warriors chose death rather than work under the "loving eye" of Lakky, the overseer of the slave pool, 8 repeatedly sabotaged their work until slain, and the other 4 simply opened their vac suits while in space.  The remaining Wookies stayed on in the Maw when the base was completed, and did a lot of zero - G work in constructing and assembling the mighty girders of the prototype Death Star.  This was gruelling and dangerous work, and more than 50 Wookies lost their lives before it was completed. 

“SW RPG Jedi Academy Sourcebook.” It was rumoured to be in construction in “The Hutt Gambit.”  


Miletta Sabrin is appointed to the position of Governor of the Renillis system, in the Koradin sector.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations.” [Page 31]


"Droids: Rebellion." 

                The newly deputised C-3PO and R2-D2 hunt down Olag Greck on Nar Shaddaa.  The chase ends in the accidental death of Movo Brattakin, a criminal lord who had promised to help Greck.  The droids are captured by Brattakin's lieutenant, Jace Forno, who leaves Greck in jail to rot.  Brattakin's droid B-9D7 brings repair parts for Threepio (Forno had shot off his leg) and helps them escape, even as Greck breaks out of jail. The ship B-9D7 helps the two board to return to Kalarbra is full of droids -- due to be memory wiped. Artoo escapes and steals a ship to follow the one with Threepio in it -- but is captured again by Forno and B-9D7, who stuns Forno and escapes with Artoo. 


                On the drone ship, Threepio's personality is suddenly surplanted by a program in his new silver leg.  He reveals that Brattakin intends for the droids to stop Boonda the Hutt, who is turning droids into weapons. Leading the new droid army (including Artoo and B-9), Threepio takes the ship to Boonda's moon.  Unbeknownst to them, Boonda has actually been running a legitimate business (he's trying ethics for amusement).  B-9D7 reveals there's a bomb in Threepio's new leg - and reveals that HE'S Movo Brattakin!! (At least, he's Brattakin's brain in the droid.)  He's orchestrated the infiltration so that he himself could convert the droids into weapons.  Artoo takes control of the drone ship B-9 is on and crashes it into Boonda's palace.  B-9 is killed by Forno.  Removing Threepio's new leg, the droids take off in the drone ship.  Returning to Nar Shaddaa, they leave the now - independent droids with the drone ship and join an Ithorian herd - ship.  

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Ryder Windham - April-July 1995)


Hal Horn records a holographic message for his son Corran that would reveal to him his Jedi heritage.

"SW: I, Jedi.”  Corran was 16 at the time that Hal recorded the message.


Yeorg Captison becomes Prime Minister of Bakura.

“SW RPG Truce at Bakura Sourcebook.”


"Droids: Season of Revolt." 

                The droids have finally found a peaceful job on an Ithorian herd - ship.  Aboard Master Zorneth’s ship, they find a group of Smilers, a recent phenomenon of permanently content beings, who got that way as a result of using an herb called savorium.  Zorneth is protecting the Smilers from being used as slave labor.  While bargaining on Targonin, one Smiler -- the appropriately named “Smiley” -- breaks free, only to be kidnapped before the group.  He is suddenly saved by a construction droid, and Zorneth decides to leave at once.  It’s explained that the droid became infected with “the Caretaker virus,” which compels droids to aid Smilers.


                The herd ship is attacked, and Artoo falls sick with the Caretaker virus, which drives him to follow the kidnapped Smiley and drag Threepio along.  Despite their efforts, the kidnappers get away with Smiley and the droids.  They are dragged before Dictator - Forever Craw, orders a complete brain - drain of Smiley.  A computer scan by Artoo reveals why -- “Smiley” is the botanist Klorr Vilia, who invented savorium in the first place.  Artoo and Threepio narrowly free Smiley from the brain - drain and flee -- right into the arms of attacking Revoltists, enemies of Craw.  They escape, but Smiley’s still in Craw’s hands.     Artoo makes his way back to the palace, just as Zorneth’s herd - ship attacks.  The palace’s force - field is lowered, giving the Revoltists their chance.  Craw is driven off - world, and the reunited group takes off in the herd - ship, where Zorneth reveals a surprise -- an entire forest of savorium!! 


                Another Ithorian ship shows up for the first shipment of what Zorneth hopes will bring peace to the galaxy.  Unbeknownst to them, it’s been taken over by Craw, who boards the ship with his men. Smiley sets the savorium to self - destruct, and dies in the fire.  The droids narrowly escape, while Zorneth gives Craw a bowl of savorium soup.  The droids find themselves in a lifepod, months away from the shipping lanes...

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Jan Strnad - September-December 1995) 


General Zakar is put in charge of Imperial military operations on the planet Garos IV.  Zakar's prime responsibility was the protection of vital hibridium mines on the world, as well as guarding the periodic ore transfers delivering samples to the Empire.  The hibridium was believed to be a key component in cloaking technology breakthroughs.  Zakar kidnapped and forced scientists like Dr. Carl Barzon to research the mineral.  Zakar ordered additional Imperial troops to protect his actions.  He was unaware that several key personnel in his command were resistance - sympathizers, and that resistance headquarters was located deep beneath Imperial headquarters.

"Star Wars Adventure Journal." 


“SW Adventure Journal: Passages.”

Matt Turhaya is busy drinking himself to oblivion in the Mos Eisely Cantina, wrecked by the loss of his wife and daughter.  He’s been doing this for six months, whenever he’s not helping his brother Jamie at his shop.  When he encounters the Riileb Tere Metallo at a sabacc game, he’s intrigued enough to wager the shop itself.  He doesn’t own it, so he still owes Metallo 150,000 credits.  With Jamie’s permission, Matt joins the crew of Metallo’s ship, the ‘Star Quest’, as a pilot to work off the debt.


A month later, on Kabaira, Metallo introduces Matt to a few friends of hers.  While they’re chatting, a pair of Imperials show up, looking for suspected insurgents.  Worse still, one of them was a former classmate of Matt’s from the Academy, who recognizes him.  One of Metallo’s friends, Del Hunter, turns out to be an insurgent who begs her for help.  She hides Hunter, but can’t stop the Imperials from dragging Matt away.


She won’t leave Matt behind to face the Empire’s tender mercy, and stages a jailbreak with Hunter’s help.  She not only gets Matt, but a pair of Hunter’s rebel friends as well.  One of them suddenly turns on them, trying to shoot Metallo -- but Matt takes the blaster bolt instead.  Thankfully, he’s only nicked, and the ‘Star Quest’ escapes Kabaira with Hunter and the other surviving Rebel (his son)...

(SHORT STORY -- West End Games - Charlene Newcomb - August 1995)


Jake Harthan picks up C-3PO and R2-D2 on Rudrig. 

Immediately before "The Protocol Offensive." 


"The Protocol Offensive." 

                Now working as diplomats in the Tion Hegemony, C-3PO and R2-D2 try to help establish a trade route between the Hegemony and the planet Tahlboor. Problem is, the two native races -- the Troobs and Hobors -- have been fighting for over a century. One of the Troobs (Madame Krax) likes Threepio so much, she buys him. As negotiations break down, the Hobor leader shows they have a powerful ground – to - space weapon.  And then he buys Artoo.  The negotiations move down to the surface of Tahlboor, where Larka, the Hobor leader’s daughter apparently kills the Troob leader's son (who she really was in love with).


                With genocidal war now imminent, the two droids investigate the mountain weapon.  The Hobors found this ancient weapon, which Artoo determines is really an energy tap.  Threepio uses it to inform both sides that the looming war was set up by Jake Harthan, who killed the Troob son.  Harthan is killed by the Troobs. Threepio and Artoo follow the grieving Larka off the planet as the Troobs and Hobors unite...   

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics -Brian Daley / Anthony Daniels / Ryder Windham - September 1997) 


The Empire builds a maximum - security prison on Dathomir.  Within its walls, thousands of political prisoners eked out a meager existance, people too valuable to assassinate, yet too popular to imprison in a known facility.  A short time later they are run off by the Nightsisters, the dark "witches" of Dathomir, led by the evil Gethzerion.  The prison is bombed from orbit, and Emperor Palpatine orders a patrol of at least two Star Destroyers around the planet at all times to ensure the Nightsisters’ continued exile. 

"SW: The Courtship of Princess Leia."


The planet Mon Calamari is placed under martial law by the Empire, its’ people conscripted into slave labor.  When the Calamari resists this act, an Imperial fleet moves into orbit to conquer the planet. The Calamari passively resists, and the Empire callously responds by destroying three of Calamari’s floating cities from orbit.  Enraged at this catastrophe, the Calamari turn violent and completely smashes the would - be invading fleet to rubble. This sparks a vicious war between the Empire and Calamari, which expands to involve the growing Rebellion.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races.” [Page 67] and “SW: Dark Empire.” 


“Marvel Illustrated: The Weapons Master.”

              While on a visit to Challon, Princess Leia is nearly shot by a “reporter” -- but saved by the timely intervention of one Giles Durane, a “weapons master” hired by Bail Organa to train Leia in how to handle weapons of all kinds.  Even as he begins training her, the Empire secretly hires the Assassins’ Guild to take Leia out.  Leia proves a good student, but she’s reluctant when it comes to the hand blaster.  A sneak attack forces her to speed - shoot an assassin, however.  Durane had let the assassins on his ship to provide Leia with some practice.  She finally resumes her business on Challon, only to face a Guild Master. Defeating him, she finds Giles himself is after her now -- hired by the Empire, having paid his debts to Bail Organa.  Leia is forced to draw against her own teacher -- and manages to gun him down.

Date corrected by “SW: Rebel Dawn.”

(COMIC STRIP - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - 1979)  


Growing increasingly concerned over reports of rebellion, Governor Willhuff Tarkin presents the "Tarkin Doctrine" to Emperor Palpatine, presenting suggestions for more directly putting the Empire in the military's control.  Among the provisions is the suggestion of a superweapon to be used as an anti - rebellion deterrent.  Palpatine adopts the accord, making Tarkin the first Grand Moff, and putting him in charge of what comes to be known as "Project Death Star."  

Conjecture from the SW RPG Death Star Technical Companion.  Tarkin's first name is from the SW Screen Entertainment Program.    


Kyle Katarn enrolls in the Imperial Military Academy on Carida.  

“Dark Forces: Soldier of the Empire.”  




Han Solo and Chewbacca run into a group of Zygerran slavers near Janodral Mizar.  Solo and Chewbacca free the slaves and turn command of the slave ship and the captive slavers to them.  Solo and Chewbacca scare the Zygerrians away by broadcasting a transponder code misrepresenting them as a fully armed Imperial vessel complete with 20 stormtroopers.  Among the captives were historian Arthul Hextrophon and his family.

“SW: Heir to the Empire.”


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Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan becomes the youngest member of the Imperial Senate, as well as a secret Rebel sympathiser.  Her predecessor (and adopted father), Bail Prestor Organa, assumes the role of Viceroy and First Chairman of Alderaan.  He begins working to quietly dismantle Alderaan’s pacifist tendencies. (36)  


Prince Isolder finds and catches Harravan.  The pirate is murdered in a Hapan prison before he can name his accomplices. 

"SW: The Courtship of Princess Leia."


At the age of seventeen, Wedge Antilles was looking forward to a career as an architect or a pilot, perhaps someday owning his own freighter.  But a tragedy occurred that would change his life irrevocably and send him on the path of Rebellion.  An armed freighter, the ‘Buzzzer’, came into the Corellian system, haphazardly ignoring designated flight paths and even buzzing other ships.  Wedge’s parents, Jagged and Xena, knew that the ship meant trouble, and that the ‘Buzzer’s’ pirate activities had warranted a bounty alert.  But they also knew that it would be best to give them what they wanted and hope that they left without trouble.  The station was unarmed.  Midway through refueling, however, a cadre of CorSec patrol craft responded to the pirates’ presence.  Captain Lola Hask ordered the ‘Buzzzer’ disengaged, and its exhaust ignited the fuel lines.  Wedge’s parents managed to evacuate everyone from their module and then explosively detached it from the station.  Wedge was forced to watch as his parents’ module drifted away in flames.  Jagged and Xena Antilles sacrificed their lives to save the thousands of other residents of the station.  Wedge took a modified Z-95 from a family friend, Booster Terrik, and pursued the pirates, catching up to them near Jumus.  In a blistering attack that foreshadowed his later years as an X-Wing pilot, Wedge laid apart the ‘Buzzzer’ and destroyed it with a blast to the main weapons magazine.  Captain Lola Hask survived, and horribly disfigured, bore a grudge against Antilles.  Hask escapes in a spacesuit, leaving his crew to die – at which point a space creature permanently attaches itself to Hask’s face.  With no family left to tie him to Corellia, Wedge purchased a freighter with insurance reciepts and went into business.  Since many of his connections were through famed smuggler Booster Terrik, more often than not he hauled items for the Rebel Alliance.  When the Alliance made an open call for fighter pilots in their new campaign against the Empire, Wedge signed up.

"X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Phantom Affair." The "X-Wing Rogue Squadron Handbook" fixed the date.


The planet Narg, located in the Rayter Sector, is discovered by the Empire.  It is a low – tech world on which human life evolved normally, until the planet is quickly industrialized and stripped of its natural resources by the Empire. The Empire decided that the human population was not ready for entrance into the galactic community, and placed the planet under a provisional protectorate owned by TransGalMeg Industries, which moved its corporate headquarters there.  TGM received ten years of full power over the planet’s resources in return for managing the planet for the Empire.  Because of their isolation, the humans of Narg are highly xenophobic.

“SW RPG: The Abduction of Crying Dawn Singer.”


At the Maw Installation in the Kessel sector, the Death Star is designed by Bevel Lemelisk, Ohran Keldor, Nasdra Magrody and Qwi Xux. Governor Willhuff Tarkin leaves Maw Installation with Lemelisk, Magrody and Keldor to begin construction, ordering Admiral Daala (Tarkin's lover) and Xux to come up with something even more destructive than the Death Star, within ten years.  

"SW: Jedi Search."  


The planet Fibuli is among the Trianii colony worlds that is usurped by the Corporate Sector Authority.  Intense fighting among the Trianii Rangers and the CSA resulted from the takeover.

"SW RPG: Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook." and “SW Adventure Journal”.


Tormax Ardellian, a Corellian pirate is a member of a raiding party that tries to smuggle in Alliance operatives and equipment to the planet Questal.  His expedition is exposed, and the agents and crew are imprisoned.  The Alliance operatives are killed in a public execution, and the pirates are permanently detained.  Ardellian managed to escape the initial assault, and he wanders around Gralleenya city for several weeks, trying to figure out how to rescue his companions.

“SW RPG: Game Chambers of Questal.”


“Rebel Dawn.”                                                                                                                       *                          

Han Solo flies an injured smuggler, Jadonna Veloz, and her ship the ‘Wayward Girl’ to Cloud City on Bespin.  A happy accident for Han, as it will allow him into the biggest sabacc tournament in years. He immediately signs up, and soon meets up with Lando Calrissian as well.  Han is attacked by the Barabel Shallamar, only to have all three rounded up by security.  Han and Lando is let go, while Shallamar is put on probation.  The next day, the Cloud City Sabacc Tournament begins.  Unbeknownest to Han, Bria Tharen is watching the game from afar.  Bria is helping a meeting between the various rebel cells of the galaxy, taking place under cover of the tournament.  Among the attenders of that meeting are Jennsar So-Billes, Sian Tevv, Winter, and Caamasi Jedi Ylenic It’kla.  She urges the groups to consider uniting the rebel groups into an “alliance.”  Back at the tournament, Han and Lando are the last two finalists.  Lando, currently owning a shipyard, promises Han any vessel from the yard if he wins.  Against all odds, Han wins the game and takes the ‘Millenium Falcon’.  Lando is angry at Han’s choice, but accepts it.  Meanwhile, on Nal Hutta, Durga the Hutt learns his father Aruk was poisoned. In return for a share of the Ylesian profits, Prince Xizor (head of the Black Sun criminal syndicate) promises to help Durga find – and avenge himself on – Aruk’s killer.


                Han returns to Nar Shaddaa, and gleefully tells Chewie and Jarik of his victory.  He rips the armor off a wrecked bulk cruiser, the ‘Liquidator’, and begins bolting it to the ‘Falcon’s’ hull.  He plans to install a getaway blaster to the ship’s underside, overhaul the hyperdrive, install a light blaster cannon under the nose as well as concussion missile launchers, move the quad lasers to the top and bottom of the ship (they were originally on top and on the starboard side).  He also plans to add fake smuggling compartments. Once those installments are complete, Han flies Chewie home to Kashyyyk for the first time in fifty - three years.  Chewie introduces him to his family, and he learns from Ralrracheen that Bria has joined the Corellian rebel unit.  Chewie reacquaints himself with Mallatobuck, hunting down a quillarat as an engagement offering.  She gladly accepts his proposal, and Han becomes best man at his friend’s wedding. At the reception, Han meets Dewlanna’s son Utchakkaloch.  After concluding a smuggling deal, Han prepares to take off and leave the newlyweds to their lives – but is stunned to find Chewie wanting to go with him, and Malla willing to let him go.  Seems he underestimated the power of a Wookiee lifedebt.


                Meanwhile, Durga learns of the type of poisoning used on Aruk.  Jabba is getting fed up with Jiliac’s deliberate negligence of the family business (motherhood is taking up all of her time).  Boba Fett is hunting Bria on Durga’s orders, and has discovered Mon Mothma’s role in the Rebellion in the process…

(The book summary continues below.)

(NOVEL – Bantam Books – Ann C. Crispin – March 1998)  


At Cantham House (Mon Mothma’s home on Coruscant), the three leading insurrectionists in the Republic government -- Mothma, Garm Bel-Iblis, and Bail Organa -- begin working on creating a unified rebel operation.

“SW RPG Rebel Alliance Sourcebook.”  


“The Marvel Series: Shadeshine. (Annual #2)”

              Han and Chewie arrive on the primitive world of Ventooine in search of a rare spice called sansanna.  Going alone into the town of Goyokin disguised as a local, Han finds himself in a bar brawl the minute he mentions the spice.  He’s chased right into a parade honoring Empress Chrysalla, who he saves from a hand - thrown bomb.  Needless to say, she is very grateful.  She takes him to meet the Satab, who entertains him by killing an insurgent -- merely by holding his hand (which makes the boy age to death right before Han’s eyes).  That night, he sneaks out in search of sansanna -- only to find an amorous Chrysalla.


                Several hours later... she tells him about a rock the Satab wears called the “Shadeshine” -- a rock that gives him all kinds of mental powers such as the aging handshake.  Impressed with a “test” (namely, Han vs. a big monster), the Satab decides Han will be his heir to the throne.  But before giving Han the Shadeshine, the Satab tries to have the local insurgents (who infiltrated the ceremony) arrested.  Han and Chrysalla end up running off with them.  She explains that if Han took the Shadeshine, within a year he’d be in suspended animation with all of his predecessors -- because within that time, a person’s senses become far too sensitive to anything!  When the Satab attacks, Chrysalla has no choice but to take the Shadeshine herself to save Han.  Han holds him off from the suspension chamber, and he literally explodes!!  The insurgents cheer, but Chrysalla cannot -- now afflicted with the same curse, she goes into the suspension chamber to spend eternity.  Han is given the Shadeshine, and he -- without touching it -- dumps it in the Falcon’s engines to be incinerated.  At the people’s request, he records the story of these events in a memory stone for future generations.

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - David Michelinie - November 1982)


The Empire is tipped off to Mon Mothma's Rebel ties by Boba Fett.  Mothma is branded a traitor by Emperor Palpatine, who orders her arrest.  Mothma manages to escape the Imperials, however.  When the people of Chandrila protest this unexpected accusation, Palpatine orders a general massacre of the Chandrilan population. 

"SW: Rebel Dawn." 


Over a five - month period, with the refitted ‘Millenium Falcon’ as their ship, Han Solo and Chewbacca become the kings of the smuggling business.  Becoming bored with smuggling in Hutt Space (and avoiding a marriage proposal from Salla Zend, who clings to Solo after a near - fatal accident at Kessel), Han Solo and Chewbacca travel to the Corporate Sector to make some money.  First, they have the ‘Falcon's’ hyperdrive reworked and enhanced even more by expert mechanic Doc, who they were referred to by Shug Ninx.  Later on, after a smuggling deal with Big Bunji goes bad, Han strafes Bunji’s base with the ‘Falcon’s’ weapons. 

"SW: Rebel Dawn," “SW: Han Solo at Stars’ End” and “Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook.” 


Brathlen Corp. builds a light - amplification dome over the volcanic valley of Plawel on Belsavis (based on Jedi Master Plett’s original design).

"SW: Children of the Jedi." Cray said it was "twelve or fourteen years ago", so I split the difference.


Construction begins on the first Death Star around the prison planet Despayre, under the auspices of Grand Moff Willhuff Tarkin and designer Bevel Lemelisk.  An order is placed for a second Death Star to be constructed, assuming the first is successfully operational. (37)

Conjecture from the SW Roleplaying Game's Death Star Technical Companion.


The rebel groups begin to smuggle ships and blasters to the Alignment Forces, providing what support they can in the Virgillian Civil War.  Two factions, the Free Alignment and the Aristocracy, had vied for the Virgillia system for decades.  The Aristocracy, allied with the Empire, controlled all blaster technology in Virgillian space and managed to keep the Alignment supporters confined to colony worlds and primitive technology.

“SW RPG Truce at Bakura Sourcebook.”


Grakkata the Wookie begins to pirate the space lanes of the Elrood Sector.

“SW RPG Planets Of The Galaxy: Volume Three.” [Page 26]


Saelt-Marae joins Jabba the Hutt’s entourage, posing as a trader specialising in the location and sale of religious artifacts from primitive cultures; apparently Saelt-Marae was familiar with the B’Omarr monks that roamed the lower levels of Jabba’s palace.  In reality, Saelt-Marae is a deceptive information broker.

"SW RPG Special Edition Sourcebook."


Shada D’ukal joins the Mistryl Shadow Guards of Emberlene.  The Mistryl roamed the starlanes, a sisterhood of exquisitely trained warrior women, hiring out their services and combat skills to the oppressed and powerless of the Galaxy and recieving in exchange the money vital for keeping the remnants of their devastated world alive.

"SW: Specter of the Past."


Eventually, the Ssi-ruuk reaches the periphery of human space.  Raids on the Outer Rim Territories attract the attention of Emperor Palpatine.

“SW RPG Truce at Bakura Sourcebook.”


The Outer Rim Territories were among the boldest opponents to the Emperor.  This was primarily due to their location on the extreme edge of the Old Republic – their isolation had bred in them a stubborn independence and a remarkably strong distaste for government of any kind, totalitarian government in particular.  The fact that the Empire maintained only a token military presence in the Outer Rim might have had something to do with it, as well.  Foremost among the territories in opposition was Atrivis Sector, a relatively small sector of space that included the Mantooine and Fest systems.  These systems had long histories of petty bickering among themselves, and they distrusted each other almost as much as they hated the far – away Emperor.  Resistance to the Emperor was scattered among the different systems, each group of freedom – fighters isolated from and suspicious of the others.  Despite their many weaknesses, the Resistance was an annoyance to the Imperial forces, and before long, an Imperial garrison post was established on Mantooine, where the Resistance was most active.  The Resistance group there, the self – proclaimed “Liberators”, wasted no time in attacking the under – defended post and confiscating it’s weapons and equipment.  However, instead of quickly retreating into the wilderness as an experienced force might have done, they occupied the remains of the Imperial garrison and boldly broadcast their triumph, urging all on Mantooine to join them in revolt.  Because this was the first and only Imperial presence in the system, the Liberators had thought themselves safe from Imperial retribution.  They had no knowledge of the Imperial strike fleet waiting in orbit around the nearby moons of Fest.  The Resistance group of Fest knew about the fleet, but they had no communication with the Mantooine Rebels.  There was no way to warn them . . .


Mantooine’s Liberators were decimated by the Imperial strike fleet, hunted down almost to the last man.  But the Resistance group on nearby Fest remained intact and uncompromised.  Both groups now realized the value of communication and an expanded underground network.  With this in mind, the Fest group formed its own Mantooine arm, as well as several other branches in various systems throughout Atrivis Sector.  The newly – dubbed “Atrivis Resistance Group” (or ARG) was far more efficient than it’s ill – fated predecessors.  With lines of communication firmly established, the ARG was able to keep track of Imperial movement and operations throughout the Sector.  The underground network worked feverishly to feed information to the ARG leaders, who had set up a hidden base of operations aboard a long - abandoned space station in the barren Generis system.  Striking from their hidden base, the ARG was able to harass the Imperial establishment in Atrivis Sector.  But as confidence grew within the Resistance ranks, so did concern.  The ARG leaders realized just how isolated they were from all other groups throughout the galaxy.  For all they knew, the Imperials could be mounting a major offensive against them from the very next sector.  They simply had no way of knowing what was happening outside their remote sector of space.  That was until Mon Mothma arrived . . .


Mon Mothma’s visit to Atrivis Sector began a new era for its Resistance fighters.  She proposed to link Atrivis's’ forces with countless others throughout the galaxy, integrating them into the Rebel Alliance.  The ARG’s leaders were hesitant to establish an efficient organization, and they were afraid to give control to outsiders.  But Mon Mothma was persuasive.  She pointed out the benefits to the ARG of a galaxy – wide communications net, and of the usefulness of a single galactic Resistance command as opposed to multiple uncoordinated ones.  She admitted that this entailed some loss of control on the part of the ARG, but stressed that it was necessary if they were to have any chance of success against the monolithic Empire.  She also noted that the ARG would get something in return for their loss of control.  As she proposed to make the base on Generis a key communications station linking many Outer Rim resistance units through satellite beam transmissions, the Alliance would establish a fighter outpost on Generis to protect the base.  Up until then, the ARG had had no starfighters at all.  There was some mild argument over the proposition among the ARG leaders, but it quickly became obvious that the positive points of joining the Rebel Alliance far outweighed the negative.  Yes, there would be an influx of foreign personnel, as well as new responsibilities and dangers.  But the promise of new weapons, equipment, and the added security of open communication with other Resistance groups was more than enough to convince them.  The treaty of Generis was signed shortly thereafter, binding the ARG to the Alliance for the Duration.  The ARG was in the war. 

"SW: Rebel Dawn."  Information also provided by “SW RPG: Rebel Alliance Sourcebook.” 


-2 BSW4


The Corellian Treaty; the various splinter rebel groups against the Empire are formally joined into the Alliance to Restore the Republic.  The leadership is divided between Mon Mothma of Chandrila, Bail Organa of Alderaan, and Garm Bel Iblis of Corellia.  The unified Alliance vows to “fight the battle until the Empire is destroyed or we are.”  The specifics of the organization and command of the Alliance as described in the treaty were very close to what Mon Mothma and Bail Organa had determined long ago in the Cantham House meetings.  The individual resistance groups would maintain their existing structures and have limited autonomy in the areas in which they were based; strategic command of the Alliance was strictly in Mothma’s hands.  She, with the help of the Alliance Advisory Council, had complete control over supply, recruitment and training, inter – ally communication, intelligence, and all space operations.  In essence, this meant that the Allies each had authority only over operations on their own planets; Mothma and her people had all other control.  Mothma’s decisions could not be overturned or refused by the Allies.  The Alliance was “forever binding, until the Empire is destroyed.”  Once in the Alliance, the Resistance groups could not withdraw.  The battle was fought to the death.  Once the first three Resistance groups were allied, the Alliance grew at an astonishing rate, as other groups saw how well the Allies functioned together.  The expansion was rapid but careful, the Alliance never growing too quickly or without proper discipline and organization.  They had learned from earlier mistakes.  According to the Corellian Treaty, the position of Chief of State “will be abolished when the Emperor is deposed, killed, or resigns his position of power.”  The Advisory Council will immediately assume Executive Power, and a Constitutional Convention will convene to decide the form of government of the Second Galactic Republic. (38)

Date fixed by "SW: Rebel Dawn."  Information provided by “SW RPG: Rebel Alliance Sourcebook.”  


Shortly after the signing of the Corellian Treaty, Mon Mothma decided that it was time to make clear to the galaxy the political objectives of the Rebellion.  Until this time, Imperial propagandists had been having good success portraying the Rebels as “pirates, criminals, and anarchists, intent upon overthrowing the Empire for personal gain.”  Issuing the “Declaration of Rebellion”, Mothma wanted to set the record straight for all time.  The Declaration of Rebellion was written by Mothma herself and addressed directly to the Emperor.  Millions of holo – copies of the document were made and distributed by the Alliance’s growing intelligence network.  Within days, the Declaration could be found on virtually every planet in the Empire.  Its’ effect was everything that the Alliance could have hoped for – and more.  Soon after the Declaration was distributed, several systems openly declared their allegiance to the Alliance.  This was valiant, but foolish – Mothma attempted to stop them but was too late.  Imperial response was swift and harsh, and within weeks all the “Secession Worlds” were suppressed.  However, in their few weeks of freedom, the planets were able to transfer much of their weaponry, resources and manpower off – world, into the hands of the Alliance.  The Imperial Propaganda Bureau immediately went to work to discredit the Declaration, but if anything, their wild tales of “blatant terrorism” and “anti – establishment insurgency” merely served to fuel the fire.  Many people of the galaxy had become acutely aware of, and generally sympathetic to, the Rebel Alliance, and there was nothing the Empire could do about it.

“SW RPG Rebel Alliance Sourcebook.”


The Rebel Alliance sets up its’ first High Command Base, on a small planetoid in the Chrellis system.  Chrellis base had to be abandoned, however, when the Empire moved one of its sector fleets uncomfortably close to that area – an unfortunate coincidence. They briefly move their main base to Dantooine, and then to Briggia.

“SW RPG: Rebel Alliance Sourcebook.” [Page 126]


Travia Chan is appointed as Commander – in Chief for the Atrivis Sector by Alliance High Command.  Chan is one of the original founders of the Fest Resistance Group, and then, later, the principal architect of the marriage of Fest to the Mantooine Liberators, creating the ARG and becoming its first and only military commander.  Chan is a fine theoretical strategist, able to judge the most complex and dangerous military situation coolly and without emotion.  Her enemies call her the “Icewoman”.

“SW RPG: Rebel Alliance Sourcebook.” [Page 32 - 33]


In response to the Rebel upstarts, Emperor Palpatine orders a military build – up that is unprecedented in galactic history.

“SW RPG: Imperial Sourcebook.” [Page 5]


The Desijilic Hutt clan demands a gathering of the Hutt clans on Nal Hutta, where Jabba accuses the Besadii clan of wrongdoing. His eloquent speech results in the Besadii clan being censured and fined a million credits.

“SW: Rebel Dawn.”


With the advent of the Rebellion and the disruption of normal trade and commerce in the galaxy, many smaller companies of the droid industry are driven out of business altogether, leaving Industrial Automation and Cybot Galactica to dominate the droid market.  Since both of these corporate giants are firmly in the Empire’s pocket, the Alliance has had to struggle to purchase droids in the quantity it requires.  Fortunately, when the smaller droid companies first began to go bankrupt, the Alliance was able to acquire a good deal of droid manufacturing equipment quite inexpensively – at least until the Empire banned the sale of the equipment.  Before that occurred, however, the Alliance got enough equipment to set up complete droid factories on several of its safe worlds.

“SW RPG: Rebel Alliance Sourcebook.” [Page 116]


Bria Tharen leads a Rebel attack on the Ylesian slave colonies.  A month later on Corellia, she asks her commander for permission to attempt taking over Ylesia itself. 

“SW: Rebel Dawn.”


The Incom T-65 X-Wing fighter is introduced into the Rebel Alliance fleet.  Its first major battle is an Imperial attack of a Rebel fleet at Turkana, and turns the tide of battle to the Rebels. (39) 

From the X-Wing computer game.


Shortly after the battle of Turkana, the pirate Crimson Jack captures a disabled Star Destroyer from the battlefield.  With Jabba the Hutt's financial aid, he retrofits the Star Destroyer and uses it to begin a hijacking spree. 

From the Marvel Series #12, again assuming the battle of Turkana was the "first victory."


The Scout Service is split between those loyal to the ideals of the service and those loyal to the current government.  That split leaves scars on the Service.  During the reign of Palpatine, the Scouts are primarily used to search for Rebel bases, important sources of raw materials for the war effort, and new races that could be used as warriors or slaves at the Emperor’s dark whim.  The scouts proved to be a double – edged weapon for the Emperor, because the new service was filled with members loyal to the Old Republic (and sympathetic to the Rebel Alliance) and those old spacers that didn’t really care for politics, but stove to uphold the basic tenets of the Scout Service.  For every victory Palpatine claimed with his scouts, the members cost him two battles elsewhere.  They used their freedom of movement to run information to the Rebel cells and became the information net of the Rebellion.  When it became apparent to the Emperor that he couldn’t control his exploration arm, he shut it down.  Scouting duties were then taken over by his already overtaxed Imperial fleet.  Many of the scouts left to join corporate scout services, the Rebel Alliance, or both.  The destruction of the Scout Service during the Empire caused many of the Service’s best and brightest to continue “scouting” on their own – exploring for fun and profit, and as a way to avoid “Imperial Entanglements”.  These men and women have become the core of the independent scout movement.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts.” [Page 14 - 15]


Leia Organa meets Emperor Palpatine for the first time on Coruscant.  She also meets one of his many concubines, Roganda Ismaren. (Ismaren is also an Emperor's Hand.) She will later see Ismaren again on Belsavis. 

"SW: Children of the Jedi." 


The Margengai – glide, a dance step, becomes popular.  It is made up from a series of complex patterns.

“SW: Rebel Dawn.”


Gabby is born.  He would later become survey pilot of the ‘Astroblade’.

“SW: Before the Storm.”


Ederlatth Pallopides, a remote grandniece of Emperor Palpatine, is born.

"SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook." [Page 33]


Cmdr. Jake Farrell comes out of retirement and joins the Rebel Alliance to fight the Empire.

“Rebel Assault Gamebook.”


Lady Varin Arabella ascends to head of House Barnaba.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Coming straight out of Secondary School, Corran Horn enters the Corellian Security Force Academy.  Corran continued the Horn family tradition by establishing new records in the training there.  One of the last marks that he surpassed had been set by his father Hal.

"X-Wing: Rogue Squadron."


Captain Tandra Pryl of the Imperial Star Destroyer ‘Thunderflare’ is assigned to the Elrood Sector.

“SW RPG Planets Of The Galaxy: Volume Three.” [Page 13]


The leaders of the planet Balis-Baurgh nations decided to jointly build a space station as a symbol of their global peace.  When the station's construction was secretly sabotaged by the Empire, the nations blamed each other and went to war - making the planet an easy target for the subsequent Imperial conquest.  The Empire turned the space station into a fully - automated prison, and seeded the system with sensor jammers to make navigation in the system nearly impossible. 

"Star Wars Adventure Journal."


Imperial Mining Ltd. is founded on the planet Derilyn in the Elrood Sector.  IML’s chief source of ore is the Berea system, a short jump from Derilyn and securely within the bounds of Imperial Interdicted Space.  Many Elrood citizens feel that IML is an active front for the Empire.

“SW RPG Planets Of The Galaxy: Volume Three.” [Page 22]


The pirate Booster Terrik is captured by Hal Horn, and sent to Kessel by Corellian Security. 

"X-Wing: The Bacta War."


"Han Solo at Stars' End." 

                Han and Chewie are operating in the Corporate Sector Authority, a branch of the galaxy that's extremely rich -- and extremely ruthless.  After the ‘Falcon’ is badly damaged during a arms run to Duroon, Han "pays" his employer Ploovo Two-For-One back with a de - venomed dinko, then flies to an outlaw - tech outpost to ask his old friend Doc for some repairs and modifications.  Instead, he finds Doc's daughter Jessa, who tells him Doc has disappeared.  After he helps her fight off an Authority attack of IRD's in Z-95 Headhunters, she explains what Han must do for the repairs.  As payment, Han, Chewie, and a few other people who have lost loved ones are going to look for those lost relatives -- including Doc.  The ‘Falcon’ is put in a drone barge, and Han is introduced to an ancient droid named "Bollux," who carries a smaller droid called "Blue Max" in his chest.  It is Max who will hack into the Authority computers and find the missing relatives.   


                The ‘Falcon’ travels to Orron III, where Han meets the other members of his mission: Rekkon, whose son was taken for speaking out against the government; Torm, who's lost several family members in "labor negotiations"; Atuarre, a Trianni whose husband has been lost -- and her cub Pakka, tortured by Authority Espos to the point he cannot speak.  The intelligence operation is a success, but Chewie is captured by the Authority, and Torm is revealed to be a traitor after he murders Rekkon -- but not before Rekkon tells Han where to look for Chewie.  (Han throws Torm out an airlock.) Undercover as replacement entertainers, Han and Co. infiltrate Stars' End prison, a massive fortress on Mytus VII.  But the only entertainer Vice President Hirken is interested in is Bollux -- to fight his gladiator droid, the Mark X Executioner.  Thinking fast, Han uses the match as a distraction while he rigs the prison's systems to literally blow the massive tower off the planet. Freeing the prisoners and herding them onto the ‘Falcon’, Han battles Hirken and his bodyguard Uul-Rha-Shan in space.  Shan is killed, and Hirken is shot by his own employees when he tries to plea - bargain his way to safety.  The ‘Falcon’ escapes Stars' End just before it crashes back onto Mytus VII.  They travel to Urdur to drop off the prisoners and reunite Jessa with her father.  

(NOVEL - Del Rey Books - Brian Daley - October 1979)

(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Archie Goodwin -October 1980-February 1981)


Lando Calrissian meets Bria Tharen on the ‘Queen of Empire’ starliner when he saves her from Boba Fett, who was attempting to capture her for Teroenza. Fett initially captures them both, but the Queen is attacked by a pirate ship captained by Drea Renthal. Fett’s willing to give Lando up for a shuttle from Drea, but Lando begs her to save “Han’s girlfriend” as well. She pays Fett the 100,000 bounty and he takes off. Bria continues to Nar Shaddaa to meet with Jiliac the Hutt. Her meeting with Jiliac and Jabba is a disaster – although Jabba’s willing to help her attack Ylesia, Jiliac won’t hear of it. Jabba’s more than ready to get rid of both Jiliac and her baby now…

“SW: Rebel Dawn.” 


Rayf Brogan is born on the planet Ossus. 

"Dark Empire II." 


Anja Gallandro is born on the planet Anobis.  

"SW: Young Jedi Knights -- Return to Ord Mantell."


The A-Wing starfighter, designed by Jan Dodonna and Adar Tallon, is introduced into the newborn Rebel Alliance fleet.  

"SW: Droids." and "SW RPG Sourcebook."  The X-Wing computer game indicated that the A-Wing was introduced after the X-Wing.  


"X-Wing: The Farlander Papers."  

                The city of Tondatha of the planet Agamar, in the Lahara Sector are punished by the Empire for being Rebel collaborators.  Keyan Farlander survives, his sister Kitha is badly burned and shipped off to relatives on Oorn Tchis, but his parents are tragically killed.  Three months later, Tondatha is deserted.  Keyan moves to the city of Calna Muun, and eventually joins the Resistance movement on Agamar.  Keyan is excited with the news that the co – founder of the Alliance, Mon Mothma is scheduled to visit Agamar.


                When Mon Mothma arrives, Keyan is captivated by her speech as she outlines the history of the Rebellion so far, and reveals to the Agamarians tales of oppression of the Empire.  A member of the Alliance hands Keyan a pamphlet named “A Call to Reason” – ‘to be caught with this means death . . .’ he is told.  Keyan decides to join the Rebellion, and enters the Starfighter Training Program. 


                Farlander is sent to a secret training area, and pilots ‘the maze’ to improve and hone his flying skills.  Completing that, Keyan trains in the simulators, re-creating historical missions.  General Dodonna, impressed with Farlander’s test scores, rushes him into a squadron.


                Keyan makes many friends in the Rebel Alliance, and loses some too in battle.  He proves himself as an ace pilot, and even discovers that he is Force sensitive.  He later meets Luke Skywalker before the Battle of Yavin, and when the two shake hands, they sense a power shared between them.  Keyan participates in and survives the Battle of Yavin. 

In the final missions in which the Battle of Yavin takes place, the player takes on Luke Skywalker’s role rather than Keyan Farlander’s. Farlander himself was flying the sole Y-Wing to survive the battle.

(PC VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Numerous authors - 1993) 


“X-Wing: Tour of Duty #1 – A New Ally.”                                                                                *

The Alliance desperately needs starfighter pilots, so many promising candidates are put through quick simulator training courses.  Among these individuals is Keyan Farlander.  Distinguished by nearly perfect simulator records, he is personally selected by General Dodonna to be assigned to Red Squadron, attached to the Mon Calamari Cruiser ‘Defiance’.


Alliance Intelligence, fearing a major Imperial offensive in the works, attacks an Imperial freighter convoy near the Dellalt System.  To their surprise, the captain of the Corvette escorting the convoy wishes to defect with his ship to the Alliance.  The defector, Captain Nogdra, confirms Rebel fears about the upcoming Imperial Offensive, and informs the Alliance that the Imps are using the Dellalt system as a staging area for their fleet.  Farlander is assigned a reconnaissance mission in the sector to scout out the Imperial Fleet and discover what ships it is comprised of.  Information obtained on this mission confirmed the offensive, code named Operation Strike Fear, the purpose of which was to suppress the Rebellion and spread fear of the Emperor’s power.  The Imperial Star Destroyer ‘Invincible’ is leading the Imperial Fleet and the whole Operation Strike Fear Campaign.


Rebel intelligence discovers that Operation Strike Fear’s first goal is to destroy the major Rebel base at Briggia, and High Command decides to abandon the base.  During the evacuation, the ‘Invincible’ arrives, but due to the efforts of Red Squadron, and Farlander in particular, the Rebel Fleet escapes with no serious casualties. Red Squadron then rendezvous with the Fleet and is assigned to protect the transfer of wounded from the evacuation of Briggia to the Medical Frigate ‘Redemption’.  Farlander’s efforts are again enough to keep several squadrons of TIEs at bay during the transfer of personnel.  Due to his heroic efforts, Farlander is awarded the Kalidor Crescent, a high honor.  The Rebels establish a new major base on Yavin IV.


Meanwhile, the ‘Invincible’ fleet destroys the Rebel Outpost of Orion IV.  Alliance Intelligence discovers that Operation Strike Fear’s next target will be the Alliance outpost at Rudrig, but that the Imperial Fleet is awaiting supplies and reinforcements before it strikes.  In an attempt to disrupt Operation Strike Fear even temporarily, Red and Blue Squadrons destroy an Imperial Resupply Convoy.


The Rebels are losing R2 units at an alarming rate, so Red Squadron is sent to capture an Imperial freighter full of them.  However, as it turns out, the R2’s had been tampered with by the Empire, and it had been intended that the Rebels take them all along.  The astromechs take control of several X-wings, so Farlander and a couple of other Reds are sent out in Y-wings to disable the X-wings, so the R2s can be replaced.  Due to a communications error, the other Y-wings hyperspace out of the system when the job is half done, leaving Farlander to protect the X-wings and shuttles bearing new R2 units from wave after wave of TIEs.


The Alliance wants the Sullustans to support them, but the Sullustans are stubbornly refusing to see what the Empire is doing, so when a bunch of Sullustan officials are captured by Stormtroopers working on Operation Strike Fear and sent off to Coruscant, High Command sees an opportunity.  They send Farlander out in a Y-wing to disable the transports holding the Sullustan officials, and then to protect them from the TIE escort while the Sullustans are rescued.  The mission proceeds as planned, and the officials are returned to Sullust.  Alliance High Command opens diplomatic relations with the Sullustans. Alliance and Sullustan ambassadors agree to meet along with a diplomatic envoy and several escort ships in a secret system, but somehow the ‘Invincible’ gets word of this and arrives to disrupt the engagement. However, thanks to Red Squadron’s A-wings and the expert piloting of several Corellian Corvettes, the ‘Invincible’ was driven off without capturing or killing the Ambassadors.  However, it turns out that the attack is just a ploy, to divert the Rebels and Sullustans while the Imperials kidnap the Sullustan leader off of Sullust.  They hope to blackmail the Sullustans into helping the Empire.  However, Farlander is able to rescue the Sullustan leader, and he is promoted to the rank of Captain.  Now, with the Sullustans and Alliance working together, they come up with an idea to end Operation Strike Fear.  To kill a serpent, you cut off the head.  They want to destroy the ‘Invincible’.  The Alliance kidnaps some technicians from Cygnus Corporation to modify the security codes on a Lambda shuttle, and then they go out and capture a freighter hauling a bunch of nuclear weapons for the Empire.  The shuttle arrives at the ‘Invincible’ bearing ‘supplies,’ and departs, leaving a warhead counting down. The ‘Invincible’ is destroyed, Operation Strike Fear is effectively defeated, and Farlander has received another metal, the Corellian Cross.

My thanks to for writing this excellent summary!

(PC VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Numerous authors - 1993) 


"Han Solo's Revenge."  

                After a smuggling run to Kamar goes bad (our heroes accidentally create a new religion), Han and Chewie make a fast escape to Lur. They undertake a wealthy charter from a man named Zlarb -- which they learn too late (ie. at gunpoint) is a slaving run.  After narrowly defeating the slavers (Zlarb himself is killed by the slaves) and freeing the Lurrian slaves, Han sets out to take the 10,000 credit payment for his services in revenge.  They find clues that take them to Bonadan, to take the payment Zlarb was going to. They find instead an Authority auditor named Fiolla and a repo man (er, rodent) named Spray.  Fiolla's discovered disturbing signs of a conspiracy between the slavers and the Corporate Sector.  She pays out Han's debt to Spray so he can take her to Ammuud, where the conspirators seem to be located.  As Chewie and Skip go on ahead of them on the Falcon, Han and Fiolla take the pleasure ship Lady of Mindor, that gets attacked by the slavers to take the two. They barely escape the slavers -- led by Fiolla's own assistant, Magg, who was working with Zlarb. Reaching Ammuud, they convince the Mor Glayyd (who's also on the slaver's trail) to help them when they show Zlarb was responsible for his father's recent murder.  The slavers have set up a duel between Glayyd and Gallandro, THE best gunman in the galaxy.  Only now Han will be fighting in Glayyd's place -- until Gallandro gallantly apologises. 


                The reunited group are jumped by slaver ships as they take off, and taken aboard a Victory - class Star Destroyer. Gallandro is aboard, and he recognises "Spray" as Odumin, territorial manager of the Authority.  Odumin has been using Solo to make the slavers vulnerable and easy to catch.  Han's reward for his aid: Arrest and trial. Han refuses to play it that way, and blasts out with Odumin, Fiolla and Gallandro as hostages.  Taking his hard earned money from the purser's vault, Han leaves the hostages and heads back out into space... 

(NOVEL - Del Rey Books - Brian Daley - December 1979) 


“Three Cheers For Kneesa!: An Ewok Adventure.”

To be detailed...

(Random House – Jane E. Gerver - 1984)

“The Ewoks' Hang Gliding Adventure.”

To be detailed...

(Random House – Judy Herbstman – 1984)


“How the Ewoks saved the Trees: An old Ewok Legend.”

To be detailed...

(Random House – James Howe – 1984)


The Adventures of Teebo: A Tale of Magic and Suspense.”

To be detailed...

(Random House – Joe Johnston – 1984)


“The Baby Ewoks' Picnic Surprise.”

To be detailed...

(Random House – Melinda Luke – 1984)


“Wicket Finds a Way: An Ewok Adventure.”

To be detailed...

(Random House – Melinda Luke – 1984)


“Ewoks: The Marvel Star Series -The Rainbow Bridge.”

To be detailed...

(Comic – Marvel Comic’s Star Comics – David Manak – 1985)


“Ewoks: The Marvel Star Series --  Rites of Power.”

To be detailed...

(Comic – Marvel Comic’s Star Comics – David Manak – 1985)


“Ewoks: The Marvel Star Series -- Flight to Danger.”

To be detailed...

(Comic – Marvel Comic’s Star Comics – David Manak – 1985)


“Ewoks: The Marvel Star Series – Valley of Evil.”

To be detailed...

(Comic – Marvel Comic’s Star Comics – David Manak – 1985)


“Ewoks: The Marvel Star Series – The Terrible Machine.”

To be detailed...

(Comic – Marvel Comic’s Star Comics – David Manak – 1985)


“Ewoks: The Marvel Star Series – The Ice Demon.”

To be detailed...

(Comic – Marvel Comic’s Star Comics – David Manak – 1985)


“Ewoks: The Marvel Star Series – The Perilous Laughing Spell.”

To be detailed...

(Comic – Marvel Comic’s Star Comics – David Manak – 1985)


“Ewoks: The Marvel Star Series – Eye of the Kreegon.”

To be detailed...

(Comic – Marvel Comic’s Star Comics – David Manak – 1985)


“Ewoks: The Marvel Star Series – The Underwater Kingdom.”

To be detailed...

(Comic – Marvel Comic’s Star Comics – David Manak – 1985)


"Ewoks: The Cries of the Trees." 

The evil witch Morag forces the pixie – like Firefolk to torch the forest.  The Ewoks must save their soul trees.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Paul Dini -- 1985)


"Ewoks: The Haunted Village." 

Morag conspires with the evil and stinky Duloks to steal the berry harvest from the Ewoks.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Paul Dini -- 1985)


"Ewoks: Rampage of the Phlogs." 

A family of giant Phlogs is tricked by Morag into thinking that the Ewoks stole their baby phlogling.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Paul Dini -- 1985)


"Ewoks: To Save Deej." 

When Wicket’s father Deej becomes deathly ill, the Ewoks must search all over Endor for the ingredients to a curing potion.  An elf – like Gupin uses magic to save them from a dragon – like frosch.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Bob Carrau -- 1985)


"Ewoks: The Traveling Jindas." 

Latara takes off to play flute with the Jinda’s wandering minstrel show.  She is captured by Duloks who torture her by forcing her to babysit their young.  Logray’s Magic Seed turns into a big octopus and saves the day.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Bob Carrau -- 1985)


"Ewoks: The Tree of Light." 

Ewok warriors journey to replenish the all important Tree of Light, while the Duloks race to cut it down.  Young Princess and Wicket, who weren’t supposed to go, help thwart the Duloks.  Replenished Tree of Light has “genesis” effect on Endor.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Bob Carrau -- 1985)


"Ewoks: The Curse of the Jindas." 

The Jindas are haunted by a curse from the evil rock wizard.  Wicket finds a magic stone that appeases the wizard, and the curse is lifted.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Bob Carrau -- 1985)


"Ewoks: The Land of the Gupins." 

Wicket and friends help their Gupin pal steal back the sacred key, that opens the magic box, that starts the renewal ceremony, that energizes the Gupin’s magic powers and frees them from the evil grass trekkers.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Bob Carrau -- 1985)


"Ewoks: Sunstar vs. Shadowstone." 

Morag steals the sacred Ewok Sunstar and slaps it on her Shadowstone.  She immediately turns into a huge lava monster.  The Ewok wizard Logray comes to save everyone and retrieve the Sunstar, which is now permanently affixed to the Shadowstone and can be used for good or evil.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Paul Dini -- 1985)


"Ewoks: The Traveling Jindas." 

Wicket finds an old Ewok battle wagon and fixes it up like a hot rod.  The girl Ewoks bring snacks.  The Duloks steal the battle wagon and there is a lot of high speed action as Wicket and his sweetheart Kneesaa kick Dulock butt to get it back.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Paul Dini -- 1985)


"Ewoks: The Three Lessons." 

Kneesaa must find ingredients for a potion that destroys the huge venus flytrap stranglethorn vines she accidentally created, which are now terrorizing the village.  She learns important lessons.  The loveable Trome triplets provide comic relief.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Bob Carrau -- 1985)


"Ewoks: Blue Harvest." 

Dulok shaman accidentally pours love potion on giant Phlog named Hoona.  Hoona falls in love with Wicket and helps him free the village from the stinky Duloks who are trying to steal the harvest.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Paul Dini / Sam Wilson -- 1985)


"Ewoks: Asha." 

Asha is the wild red - haired feral Ewok nicknamed "the red ghost."  She rides a korrina and protests the forest creatures from evil.  It turns out she is the long lost older sister of Kneeesaa who was separated from her when their mother died saving them from an evil creature.  Asha battles the Duloks.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Paul Dini -- 1985)


"Ewoks: The Crystal Cloak." 

Kneesaa seeks the Crystal Cloak to repair a jewel.  They must steal it from the evil Gracca, who lives on the floating mountain, and whose touch turns everything to crystal.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Paul Dini -- 1986)


"Ewoks: The Wish Plant." 

The Ewoks tease Kneesaa because she is a terrible gardener.  The Leaf Queen magically appears and tells her to take care of a special plant.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Bob Carrau -- 1986)


"Ewoks: Home is Where the Shrieks Are." 

Wicket and Teebo run away from home and live in a part of the forest haunted by the "shrieks".  They are scared, until they discover the shrieks are actually a fat three - eyed hermit named Larry.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Bob Carrau -- 1986)


"Ewoks: Princess Latara." 

Queen Slugga of the frog-like Gorphs is looking for a princess for her son.  Latara, pretending to be princess for a day is captured by the Gorphs.  The Ewoks must help her escape their long - tounged antics.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Paul Dini -- 1986)


"Ewoks: The Raich." 

Wicket accidentally awakens the evil Raich monster who was captured by magic.  The Ewoks must seek out the two-headed Gonster for help in subduing the Raich.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Michael Reave -- 1986)


"Ewoks: The Totem Monster." 

The Totem Master gives the Ewoks a totem pole that turns into evil creatures at night and steals from the village.  Wicket uses a mirror to defeat him.  The moral is don't take weird stuff from strangers.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Bob Carrau -- 1986)


"Ewoks: A Gift for Shodu." 

Looking for a gift for his mom Shodu, Wicket steals jewels from a forbidden temple that are actually dragon's eggs.  Lots of mother-son bonding.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Paul Dini -- 1986)


"Ewoks: Night of the Stranger." 

Through a dimensional rip in the sky comes the evil stranger, in yet another ill-fated attempt to steal the Sunstar and deliver Endor to evil.  Teebo and Wicket send him hurtling back to his own dimension.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Paul Dini -- 1986)


"Ewoks: Gone with the Mimphs." 

Tiny Mimph creatures capture Wicket and display him King Kong - style.  The ferocious hanadak comes and attackes everyone.  Wicket defeats the hanadak and the mimphs are grateful.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Linda Woolverton -- 1986)


"Ewoks: The First Apprentice." 

Zarrak, an Ewok who was Logray's first apprentice and another chump who wants the Sunstar, tries to capture Teebo.  Teebo gets a magic trick to work at the last moment and defeats Zarrack.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Paul Dini -- 1986)


"Ewoks: Hard Sell." 

The Ewoks try to help Mooth the storekeeper by trading his stuff while he is ill.  It turns out the whole forest is to broke for commerce.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Michael Reaves -- 1986)


"Ewoks: A Warrior and a Lurdo." 

Wicket and Latara bet on whether Wicket can turn anyone into a warrior in one day.  Wicket tries to train Teebo, but Teebo keep messing up.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Michael Dubil -- 1986)


"Ewoks: The Season Scepter." 

The Snow King, caught in the thrall of an evil mistress, refuses to turn over the season scepter to his brother the Sun King.  Endor becomes an ice cube until the crafty Ewoks can right this meteorological wrong.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Bob Carrau -- 1986)


"Ewoks: Prow Beaten." 

The Duloks end up with the sacred fish carving that is the center of the Ewok fishing festival.  Wicket and company go on a rampage, destroying King Gorneesh's new boat in an attempt to get it back.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Bob Carrau -- 1986)


"Ewoks: Baga’s Rival." 

Baga, the Ewok's light hearted beast of burden, is shown up by a magical unicorn named Silky.  Sinister Silky is actually attempting to win the Ewoks over and steal the Sunstar.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Bob Linda Woolverton -- 1986)


"Ewoks: Horville’s Hut of Horrors." 

At the carnival, Wicket takes all the woklings (baby Ewoks) to Horville's Hut of Horrors instead of the Tumble Bunny Show.  The woklings all have bad dreams and Wicket is punished by having to be a tumble bunny.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Paul Dini -- 1986)


"Ewoks: Horville’s Hut of Horrors." 

Latara's greedy desire for a new flute irks King Elbo, who enslaves her.  Latara must renounce material riches to escape.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Bob Carrau -- 1986)


"Ewoks: Just my Luck." 

A bad luck sprite ruins Wicket's performance at a warrior test.  Wicket resigns himself to cleaning stables until his pals can convince him to try again.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Michael Dubil -- 1986)


"Ewoks: Bringing up Norky." 

Spoiled brat Norky comes to visit the Ewoks.  He gets into all sorts of mischief and blames it on Wicket and company until everyone realizes is all Norky needs is a friend.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Bob Carrau -- 1986)


"Ewoks: Battle for the Sunstar." 

The evil Dr. Raegar comes to Endor aboard an Imperial Star Destroyer to steal the Sunstar and become master of the universe.  The Ewoks team up with a renegade robot to sneak aboard the Star Destroyer and battle Raegar and Stormtroopers to get it back.  In the end Raegar gets his just deserts from the Emperor, who he has betrayed.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Paul Dini -- 1986)


"Ewoks: Party Ewok." 

Kneesaa throws a party that is crashed by party animals -- Hell's Angel - type creatures who ride living motorcycles called Vrooms.  When the chaos subsides Kneesaa shares her acorn collection with Prince Delby.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Bob Carrau -- 1986)


"Ewoks: Malani the Warrior." 

Two Slavic elephant creatures named Bothel and Trud try to steal the Sunstar so that they can turn the whole moon into mud to play in.  Little Malani tries to prove she's a warrior to impress Wicket.

 (ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Bob Carrau -- 1986)


The Empire conducts a campaign against the Icarii of Vestar.  The Imperials suffer heavy casualties, as the Icarii are capable of regeneration.  Colonel Abal Karda finally captures the female leader Selestrine, who vows a costly victory, and that Karda will “die in torment.”  Karda uses a bio - weapon to kill off the Icarii and decapitates Selestrine, but suffers lasting mental scars from the incident.

“Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire.”


After their adventures in the Corporate Sector, Han and Chewie travel to the Tion Hegemony. 

Between “Han Solo’s Revenge” and “Han Solo and the Lost Legacy.”  


Lumpawarrump, son of Chewbacca and Mallatobuck, is born on the planet Kashyyyk. 

"SW: Rebel Dawn."  


-1 BSW4


Vanden Willard becomes personal assistant to the Organa royal family of Alderaan.  He would later become a sector headquarters Commander in the Alliance, serving at the Suolriep base.  Willard also became one of the leaders of the Alliance forces that fought in the Battle of Yavin, serving under General Dodonna.  He later became one of the New Republic's foremost military advisors, along with Dodonna, Pashna Starkiller, and Adar Tallon.  This group of elder statesmen became known as the Gray Cadre.

“A New Hope”, “SW RPG: Dark Empire Sourcebook” and “Essential Guide to Characters.”


“Han Solo and the Lost Legacy.” 

                In the Tion Hegemony, Han Solo and Chewbacca find themselves working for an egotistical stunt pilot named Grigmin.  The offer of a job sends the heroes running (after showing Grigmin up) to Brigia, where they have to end up destabilising the planetary government when they're nearly arrested for ferrying educational materials (as well as a counterfeit machine).  Next stop is Rudrig, where Han's old pal Badure introduces him to Hasti, who hires him to help find The Queen of Ranroon, treasure ship of Xim the Despot.  Her sister Lanni was killed when she spotted a clue to the Queen's location.  Also joining them is Skynx, a Ruurian professor who wants some adventure before he has to metamorphose into a chroma -wing. 


                They head to Dallalt to find the Queen's log recorder, in competition with Tion mine owners. After several adventures, they come upon a hollow mountain and a primitive native group called Survivors (descendants of Xim's people) who want to sacrifice them.  Escaping them, they beat down Xim's war robots -- but now Gallandro is here. If he gets a full share of the treasure, he'll let bygones be bygones.  He joins the group, as they continue the search. 


                When they finally find the treasure vaults, Gallandro turns on them. Despite the fastest draw of Solo's life, Gallandro gets the first shot off -- but he is fried by the vault's automatic defence systems.  The vault is opened, and the group cheers their victory.  The obsolete treasure, while useful to Hasti, Badure, and Skynx, proves worthless to Solo and Chewie, who leaves Bollux and Blue Max with the group and decides to undertake a Kessel run for Jabba the Hutt. 

(NOVEL - Del Rey Books - Brian Daley - September 1980) 


The Ssi-Ruuvi attacks the Chandrilan colony world of G’rho, and brainwash young Dev Sibwarra into being their spokesman.

“SW RPG Truce at Bakura Sourcebook.”


Mako Spince’s luck runs out after he has a bloody run – in with the Na-Qoit bandits in the Ottega system, and is permanently crippled.  No longer able to make the Kessel Run, and knowing his funds weren’t long for this universe, he takes a job as a Traffic Controller on Nar Shaddaa.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook.” [Page 45]


Tem Chesco finally arrives on Tatooine.

Conjecture based upon “SW Galaxy Magazine: Tales From Mos Eisley” [Spring 1995]


Halla Ettyk last prosecutes a case.

"X-Wing: The Krytos Trap."


The anthropologist Mammon Hoole goes to Tatooine on a survey mission.  He uses his shape-shifting abilities to infiltrate local groups, from Tusken Raiders to moisture farmers.  He learns much, such as that the B’omarr palace that is currently home to Jabba the Hutt was once home to another scoundrel, Alkhara for 34 years at some time in centuries past.  After his survey is complete, Hoole desperately wants to get off of the planet and awaits the next transport away from Tatooine.

“The Illustrated Star Wars Universe:  Tatooine Entry”. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


The Imperial cargo ship Misanthrope, captained by Kevrem Bebo, crashes into the planet D’vouran, which has suddenly appeared about one light - year from a busy spacelane.  While Bebo, his friend Lonni, and 18 others survive the crash, all but he and Lonni soon vanish, eaten by the planet, it seems.  The Imperial bureaucracy deems the crash Bebo’s fault and orders his arrest, but the Enzeen of D’vouran give him sanctuary on the world.

Conjecture based on “Galaxy of Fear:  Eaten Alive”. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Lando Calrissian and Niles Ferrier are involved in a smuggling run to the planet Phraetiss that goes terribly wrong. Both escape with their lives, however.

“SW: Dark Force Rising.”


"This Crumb for Hire." 

                Upon their return from Corporate space, Jabba invites Han and Chewie to see him on Kwenn Station.  After a little run - in with the hot - headed servant Bidlo Kwerve, Han and Jabba conduct a spice / money transfer.  When Jabba leaves, it's with a stowaway -- Salacious B. Crumb, a Kowakian monkey -lizard on the run from an angry droid. Jabba finds the little critter in his soup bowl and is ready to roast him -- until Crumb gets soup all over Kwerve and Bib Fortuna.  In return for his life, Crumb is hired to keep Jabba amused. 

(COMIC SHORT STORY - Dark Horse Comics - Ryder Windham - August 1996)


Portcellus, famed chef extraordinaire, is captured and made cook of Jabba the Hutt.  Porcellus once worked for the Moff of the Varvenna Sector - the Imperial Governor of Bryexx, Yndis Mylore.  During his tenure, Porcellus even cooked meals for the Emperor himself.

“SW: Tales of Jabba’s Palace.”


Having been completely unable to find the murderer of his father on his own, Durga the Hutt finally gives in and joins Black Sun full time. Xizor demands full information on Nal Hutta’s defense systems in return for his help. Durga reluctantly agrees. A week later, Xizor provides the name: Jiliac.

“SW: Rebel Dawn.”


Greeata and Sy Snootles join the Evar Orbus Band.

“SW RPG: Special Edition Sourcebook”. With thanks to discussions from the ‘Star Wars Fanboy Association’


Grell Panib enters into Imperial service.

"SW RPG Truce At Bakura Sourcebook."


Colonel Abal Karda, colonel of the Imperial “Lightning Battalion,” murders his superior officer (General Nim) and four bodyguards and goes AWOL.  He is declared an “Enemy of the Empire” and sentenced to death.

One month before “Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire.”


"The Marvel Series: Crucible. (#17)" 

                On the eve of Biggs Darklighter's entrance into the Academy, Luke Skywalker and his friends throw him a going-away party at Beggar's Canyon. Luke and Biggs race in the canyon in skyhoppers for old times' sake.  Suddenly, a landspeeder crashes near them. Inside is a militia scout warning about an invasion by the Tusken Raiders (angry over the pollution of one of their sacred wells by a supply caravan).  The Raiders attack the party at the canyon.  Biggs is badly wounded, and Luke rushes through the near-impossible Diablo Cut in his skyhopper through attacking Sandpeople to get him to his farm and medical aid.  Luke comes to the realisation that he'll never be content just being a moisture farmer... 

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - November 1978) 


"Boba Fett: Salvage."

                While en route to Coruscant, Boba Fett comes upon the ‘Mingula’, a derelict freighter carrying Volpau, the late third cousin of Emperor Palpatine, as well as the crew's killer -- Ubuugan fleshborers.  Fett loses one bounty and barely gets away himself.  He's forced to destroy the freighter, but intends to sell Volpau's amulet to make up the difference. 

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - John Wagner - December 1997)


Droopy McCool joins the Max Rebo band.  The band also has an advertisement for an engagment at the Kanzwick  Amphitheatre.

“Tales From Jabba’s Palace” and “SW RPG: Galaxy Guide 7”. With thanks to discussions from the ‘Star Wars Fanboy Association’.


Biggs Darklighter leaves Tatooine for the Imperial Academy on Carida. 

"A New Hope." 


Nil Spaar, a member of the Yevethan underground, begins moving members of his group in high-ranking positions at the Imperial shipyard at N'Zoth. 

"SW: Before the Storm." 


“Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire.”                                                                                              

                At the monastery of Maryx Minor, a man with a chest begs for sanctuary from Boba Fett...  Darth Vader orders Boba Fett to meet him.  He assigns Fett to find Abal Karda for 12,000 credits -- and bring him the casket in Karda’s possession.  Fett agrees and heads for Vestar, even as Vader sends assassins to kill Fett after he succeeds...


             Fett interrogates the crew of a freighter, and forces out of them that they dropped Karda off at Starstation 12.  With Vader’s men hot on his tail, he finds Karda had a facial tattoo done on himself, apparently using the Icarii Queen’s hair jewels as payment.  He also corners one of the would - be hitmen and finds out about Vader’s plot against him.  The search continues on to Tatooine, then to Maryx Minor, where a crazed Karda threatens the local priesthood while the casket’s contents -- the living, disembodied head of Queen Selestrine of the Icarii -- vows revenge and death is coming for him...


             Fett arrives at Maryx Minor, slaughters the bounty hunters, and approaches the monastery with Vader himself hot on his trail.  Flinging Karda into a lava pit, Fett then has a little talk with Selestrine.  Not only is the jewels in her hair worth a fortune, but she can foretell the future -- a valuable property for whoever has her.  It was for this that Karda kept her head alive, and went rogue when the other Imperials found out.  Fett is very interested in keeping her, to say the least.


            At that moment, Vader arrives.  Fett greets him with a thrown thermal detonator.  An all - out brawl erupts, with Fett giving as good as he gets.  Throwing Celestrine’s head toward a lava pit, Fett takes the opportunity to escape as Vader saves the head.  Vader stalks back to his ship with the head, having the monastery bombed out of existence.  Selestrine manages to talk Vader into killing her, leaving her future-telling powers to no one, least of all the Emperor.  Fett, meanwhile, has gotten away with quite a few of the Queen’s hair jewels...   

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - John Wagner - January-April 1999)


While transferring protesters from Sulon to the uninhabited world of Ruusan, Morgan Katarn unintentionally stumbles upon the Valley of the Jedi.  He sends word to the Jedi Master Rahn, and arranges for a message and a lightsaber to be given to his son Kyle when the time is right.  Rahn (a former student of Yoda) refuses to learn the coordinates, and decides to prepare a team to investigate with Morgan leading them.  Unbeknownst to any, Morgan engraves a map to the Valley on his workshop's roof.  When Morgan is killed months later, the search is abandoned.

"SW: Dark Forces -- Rebel Agent."


Gaeriel Captison is elected a senator of Bakura. She spends the next five years at the Bakur Senatorial Academy, then does post-graduate work on Coruscant. 

"SW: The Truce at Bakura." 


Jiliac the Hutt (Jabba's uncle / aunt) is killed by a vengeful Durga.  (Jiliac had arranged the death of Durga's father / mother Aruk.) Jabba (after personally crushing Jiliac’s newborn to death) takes over the Desijilic clan. Durga asks Xizor for military help to seize Ylesia before Teroenza (who already murdered his lieutenant Kibbick) can break off from the Hutts completely.  Jabba contacts Bria Tharen and promises his help in the Rebels attacking Ylesia.

"SW: Rebel Dawn." 


"Droids: The White Witch." 

C-3PO and R2-D2 find new masters, Thall Joben and Jord Dusat on the planet Ingo.  When Jord is kidnaped by the gangsters Tig Fromm and Vlix, the Droids, Thall, and the mysterious Kea board Thall's hot rod landspeeder, the White Witch, to go rescue him.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Peter Saunder -- 1985)


"Droids: Escape into Terror." 

Thall, Jord, the Dorids, and the rebel Kea sneak into the gangster Sise Fromm's base.  C-3PO tries martial arts: hilarity ensues.  R2-D2 squirts weird goo on attack droid, enabling the crew to steal Fromm's secret weapon, the Trigon 1.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Peter Saunder -- 1985)


"Droids: The Trigon . . . Unleashed." 

The furious Fromms attempt to retrieve the Trigon 1 by kidnapping everyone.  The Droids escape, and program the Trigon 1 to fly back to the Fromm hideout, which it does, blowing itself up along with the Fromm's base.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Peter Saunder and Richard Beban -- 1985)


"Droids: A Race to the Finish." 

The Fromms are so frustrated they accidentally hyperspace backwards.  Boba Fett, who owes Sise Fromm a favor, is enlisted to get the Droids and their Rebel friends.  Boba Fett attempts to assassinate Thall during a speeder race but is thwarted by the Fromm's meddling.  Fett is mad as he promises to deliver the Fromms to Jabba the Hutt.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Peter Saunder and Steven Wright -- 1985)


The Max Rebo Band is seen by C-3PO and R2-D2 on Tyne's Horky.

“Droids”. With thanks to discussions from the ‘Star Wars Fanboy Association’.


"Droids: The Lost Prince." 

The Droids have become waiters, which means lots of slapstick with food.  Their new owner Jann and his pal Jessica discover a hypnotized prince: Mon Julpa.  An evil miner kidnaps them, but his base is a volcano which everyone must escape before it blows up.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Peter Saunder -- 1985)


"Droids: The New King." 

Jann, Jessica, and the Droids go to Mon Julpa's home planet and fight the evil pirates of Tarnooga, who all talk like Long John Silver.  IG-88 makes an appearance, but is subdued as the Droids help Mon Julpa recapture his throne.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Peter Saunder -- 1985)


"Droids: The Pirates of Tarnooga." 

Jann and the Droids fly to the pirates' home planet Tarnooga in A-Wings.  They infiltrate his base and foil his attempts to attack Mon Julpa with an Imperial Demolisher.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Peter Saunder -- 1985)


"Droids: The Revenge of Kybo Ren." 

Mon Julpa makes a peace treaty with rival Lord Koda.  Head pirate Kybo Ren kidnaps Lord Koda's daughter in an attempt to ruin the peace.  But Koda and Julpa work together to save the Princess and defeat Kybo Ren.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Peter Saunder -- 1985)


"Droids: Coby and the Starhunters." 

Jann and the Droids take young Coby to the space academy where Coby's cat is stolen.  Coby chases the cat to the planet of poachers who have enslaved a bunch of weird bird creatures.  Jann comes at the last moment and frees the creatures.  There is much rejoicing.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Joe Johnston and Peter Saunder -- 1985)


"Droids: The Great Heep." 

The Great Heep, a huge droid, keeps R2-D2 in its “harem” before the astromech droid is rescued by C-3PO and his human companions.  The Great Heep is used by the Empire to mine fuel ore on the planet Biitu.  The Great Heep’s body is made up of various droid parts and tubing, with one side filled with visible pistons that bounced up and down.  Grinder blades filled its huge mouth and two humans were always busy shoveling fuel into its massive boilers.  Tiny robots lived on its hull like mechanical parasites, and it got its energy by devouring R2 units.

(ANIMATED TV SPECIAL– Nelvana Inc. – Ben Burtt – 1986)


"Droids: The Tail of the Roon Comet." 

The Droids now belong to Mungo Baobob.  C-3PO "moon-walks" to a bar room jukebox, then Artoo cranks up the volume to stun stormtroopers while the good guys escape.  Mungo eludes Admiral Screed to journey to the Roon system in search of Roon stones.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Ben Burtt and Michael Reaves -- 1985)


"Droids: The Roon Games." 

Mungo and the Droids have crash - landed on the planet Roon, where Governor Koong has vowed to destroy the revolutionaries.  Mungo and the natives Auren Yomm and her father Nilz Yomm defeat Koong's minions in the Roon games.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Gordon Kent and Peter Saunder -- 1985)


"Droids: Across the Roon Sea." 

Mungo finds a priceless cache of Roon stones but it is attacked at sea by Koong's henchman, the evil lizard like Gaff.  Mungo must throw the stones overboard and use Silly Putty - type material to prevent our heroes from being sucked into a whirlpool.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Sharman Di Vono -- 1985)


"Droids: The Frozen Citadel." 

Koong uses germ warfare against the advice of Screed.  The Yomms must find an antidote for their mom. Koong's base turns out to be Roon stone central, but it's all swallowed up in an ice explosion as the Droids and Mungo get the antidote and foil Koong again.

(ANIMATED SERIES -- Nelvana Inc. / ABC-TV – Sharman Di Vono -- 1985)


“X-Wing: Tour of Duty #2 – The Great Search.”                                                                      *

Operation Shadow Hand defeated, High Command has heard rumors of an even worse project, an Imperial Weapon which could destroy the Alliance.  Hoping to confirm these rumors, Alliance officials want to rescue POWs.  They send Farlander to rescue several prisoners that had escaped from the dreaded Stars’ End prison facility, and from those prisoners they learned of a shipment of Wookiee slaves from Kashyyyk to work on the new Imperial project.  Farlander succeeds in rescuing the Wookiees.  High Command has noticed, however, that many of the Imperial Operations in this sector are guarded by the Imperial Star Destroyer ‘Intrepid’, so they are putting together a plan to take it out.


Meanwhile, Alliance Intelligence learns of an Imperial weapons convoy near Orron III.  They send a flight group of Y-wing bombers led by Keyan Farlander to destroy it.  Farlander succeeds, but due to bad leadership loses all his wingmen.  As punishment, his next several missions are to be solo.  First he is sent out in a Y-wing to capture a freighter full of Imperial Comm Satellites, a task at which he succeeds admirably.  Farlander learns that he is Force - sensitive and has the potential to become a Jedi, but he isn’t comfortable with that, so he ignores it, and carries on with his life as a pilot.  His next mission is to rendezvous with the freighter he had just helped to capture, and protect it while it waits for the Cruiser ‘Maximus’ to show up.  He keeps it safe until the ‘Maximus’ arrives, and then goes above and beyond the call of duty, keeping waves of TIEs away from the whole convoy until they can escape to hyperspace.  Now that the captured Comm Sats have been delivered to the Alliance and tampered with, they are deployed near Coruscant, in the Cron Drift of Asteroids, to monitor Imperial traffic and hopefully let the Alliance know what the Empire’s up to.


Soon after that, an X-wing carrying vital information from the Comm Sats is ambushed and disabled, but Farlander and several others from Red Squadron are able to hold off the Imperials while a shuttle retrieves the X-wing and its pilot, Biggs Darklighter.  The information he has is that the Imperial Star Destroyer ‘Intrepid’s’ hyperdrive has malfunctioned, and while it is being replaced, it can’t go anywhere.  Red Squadron was scrambled, and hypered in to take out the freighters carrying the replacement hyperdrive and other supplies.  They then take out the ‘Intrepid’s’ Corvette escort and fighter screen and after a half hour of refueling for their ships, go after the ‘Intrepid’ itself, managing to destroy it.


Next, Farlander is assigned to protect Leia’s ship, ‘Tantive IV’, while it is passing through the Toprawa system.  It is attacked by the ‘Devastator’, but thanks to Farlander manages to escape to hyperspace.

My thanks to for writing this excellent summary!

(PC VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Numerous authors - 1993) 


For the first time in a decade, Bria Tharen faces Han Solo to ask for his help.  Burned by her betrayal, Han at first wants nothing to do with her or the Alliance.  But after reconsidering, he agrees to help, and to ask his friends to help as well.

“SW: Rebel Dawn.”


The Star Destroyer ‘Hydra’ is assigned to Maw Installation.  First Mate (and future captain) Sten Thannas leaves an Outer Rim assignment to serve there.

“SW RPG Jedi Academy Sourcebook.”


Ackbar, a Mon Calamarian slave of Governor Tarkin, defects to the Alliance and provides early information on the Death Star. 

From the SW Roleplaying Game and X-Wing.  


Albert (AL-BRT-34-X3) recently celebrated his bicentennial of faithful service to his creators.  He planned a big party and invited all of the University dons and administrators.  Three people came.  Discouraged and hurt, Albert descended into a prime sulk, and began to search for more meaning in his existance.  While in the throes of his depression, he intercepted a misrouted electronic message announcing a covert gathering of campus Rebel sympathizers.  Intrigued, Albert activated the intercom in the dorm room in which the conspirators were meeting, and listened to the discussions.  For several weeks he monitored the group, becoming more and more interesting in their crusade, more entranced by their sense of purpose.  When they spoke of evils committed by the Empire, Albert sought confirmation by initiating his own quiet research projects.  By infiltrating Imperial computer systems, he was able to confirm most of their worst fears.  While snooping around in Imperial systems, he discovered that one of the conspirators was an Imperial agent, and that the group was about to be arrested.  Albert made the decision to throw his lot in with the Rebels in a nanosecond.  He warned the cell leaders that there was a traitor in their midst, and helped the group escape off – planet.  From that moment onward, the Alliance had had a powerful ally on Essels.  Albert has infiltrated nearly every computer system on the planet, both civilian and military, public and private, and sweeps them regularly for information of interest to the Alliance.  He keeps an electronic eye on the current cell members at the University, and helps them obtain resources they need to perform their duties.  Albert is accessible from most information terminals around the planet, but his processing units are located in the basement of the University computer center.  He has no external components such as limbs or remotes, though he can control the security devices on campus (most of which are alarms and cameras) and may be able to command the resources of other computer systems from time to time.  Most of Albert’s co – workers, even the techs that service him, are not aware that his capabilities are far beyond that of a typical university computer system, and Albert himself has “lost” most of the records suggesting otherwise.  Today, fewer than 25 BRT’s are known to remain functional.  The Emperor and his governors keep them on a tight leash.  They have been cut out of the command chain in every case, and serve primarily as economic advisors and glorified date file clerks.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 52 - 53]


Durga the Hutt hires Boba Fett to murder Teroenza for 300,000 credits.  He wants Teroenza’s horn as proof, and he wants Fett to wait until he is within five hours of Ylesia – and to do it in such a way that the other t’landa Til won’t know of it for hours.

“SW: Rebel Dawn.”


Thurland Hack meets Rookie One while training at Mos Eisley.  They later became good friends over the course of the next year.

“Rebel Assault Gamebook.”


Joh Yowza joins the Max Rebo Band on Nar Shaddaa.

With thanks to discussions from the ‘Star Wars Fanboy Association’


Rebel pilot Merrick Simms, after a victory near Dantooine, is promoted to the rank of Captain.  He would later become the leader of Blue Squadron at the Battle of Yavin.

“Rebel Assault Gamebook.”


"Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire." 

                The Rebel base of Sulon is attacked by the Star Destroyer Vengeance, under the command of Captain Thrawn. Kyle Katarn’s father Morgan is murdered by Lord Jerec.  Katarn is told shortly after graduation that Rebels were responsible, but soon learns otherwise from Rebel Jan Ors, and decides to leave the Imperial Army and begin work as a Rebel sympathiser / freelance agent. (40) 

(GRAPHIC NOVEL - Dark Horse Comics - William C. Dietz - April 1997)

(AUDIO DRAMA - Highbridge Audio - Tom Whitman - April 1997)


At around the same time, Biggs Darklighter graduates from the Academy early (The Empire accelerated their courses) and joins the ‘Rand Ecliptic’.  He mutinies and joins the Rebel Alliance, becoming part of an X-Wing squadron.  His teacher, Soontir Fel, is transferred to the 181st Fighter Wing, an unkempt TIE unit, in disgrace.  Fel requested the opportunity to shape up the pilots of the “One-Eighty-Worst”. 

Biggs made it sound like he was about to join in the missing scenes of SWIV, but “Rogue Squadron #1/2” made it clear he had been a Rebel for some time. Fel's fate is from "X-Wing Rogue Squadron: In the Empire's Service." 


Now a seemingly invincible smuggler chief, Jorj Car’das suddenly vanishes.  Talon Karrde takes over the organisation.  His health failing, Car’das confronts Yoda on Dagobah, demanding more.  Yoda tosses away Car’das beckon call and blaster, and berates him on how he squandered his gift of life.

“SW: Vision of the Future.”


Year 0


January 22, Year 0

Jatz musician Fitz Roi is deported from Rimma after he shoots up several historical artefacts in the Crystal Room in the Teirra Parko where he was staying on his concert tour.  Roi’s fans riot after the deporting, causing millions of dollars of damage to downtown Recardeon.

“SW Adventure Journal.” These and other calendar dated events come from “Galaxywide Newsnets.”


The Death Star is completed in orbit over the prison world Despayre in the Horuz system.  Tarkin’s first act with the partially operational station is to destroy Despayre.



February 13, Year 0

A small insurrection of Rebels within the local military on Gerrard IV is brutally crushed by the Empire. Two Star Destroyers, the ‘Adjudicator’ and the ‘Relentless’ blockade the planet.  The planet’s governor and senator are sent to Coruscant to explain their failure to the Emperor.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


"SW Adventure Journal: Breaking Free."

The smuggler Dannen Lifehold is only one job away from completely paying off his debts and owning his ship, the ‘Lifeline’, lock stock and barrel.  Landing at Dohu VII, he finds only a challenge at a local cantina -- a Silika named Ketna Anwa, who demands he compete in a drinking contest with him. Dannen wins.  He’s en route to his job when he’s suddenly snatched up by bandits.  He’s saved just in time by Ketna’s brother Klin.  But now Dannen’s cargo has been stolen, as well as his winnings from the contest. And to add insult to injury, the crimelord (Linkaas) he owes money to is the very same one who sent the bandits after him!!  Now what?


He surprisingly finds himself a new mechanic, working on his ship as he arrives -- a Tinnell named Purr.  They take off for Evas, and Dannen has it out with Linkaas on subspace.  Linkaas denies it all, and says Dannen now owes him 25,334 credits.  Or Dannen can give him Purr as a slave.  Dannen refuses, fights off Linkaas’s fighters, and takes off for Alderaan...

(SHORT STORY -- West End Games - Dave Marron - February 1994)


Luther De’Ono, future member of ExGal, is born.

“SW: Vector Prime.” [Page 115]


"SW Adventure Journal: Ringers."

               On Stassia, Imperial investigator Zeck Tambell is assigned to investigate a young guy named Reye Sedaya who’s a little too lucky at betting on “ringers” tournaments.  He and partner Valon Rizz run into trouble in the form of crime madame Aalia Duu-lang, who seems to be working with Sedaya.  Zeck learns Aalia offered Sedaya a job, but couldn’t figure out what Sedaya was doing either.  It literally seems to be just great luck.  Zeck realizes it could be more than luck -- Sedaya could be Force-sensitive.  Either way, Aalia’s using him to get into the business of fraud.  After a race proves her criminal acts, they finally arrest Aalia after four years of hunting, but Sedaya’s gotten away...

(SHORT STORY -- West End Games - Laurie Burns - May 1995)


Imperial officer Davin Felth, on a training exercise on the new AT-AT Walker (created by Colonel Maximillian Veers), discovers the walker's fatal flaw -- it can be defeated by attacking the legs. Veers "rewards" Felth by banishing him to stormtrooper duty on Tatooine. (42) 

"SW: Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina."


“SW Adventure Journal: Bungo n’ Rusti get Carry-out.”

                All Sullustan merchant Bungo Bung can think of is food, as his ship (“The Chubby Gundark”) buzzes an Star Destroyer and lands on Sullust.  He and his droid Rusti order a Bantha Breakfast Biscuit (with extra blue sauce) from Biscuit Baron (a TaggeCo restaurant).  They get a great idea -- why not sell several Breakfast Biscuits to backwater worlds!  They take off with several crates, but get snagged by the Star Destroyer.  An angry Captain Wankle seizes the food to feed the crew and leaves them one crate.  They sell it to the Outer Rim world Gastrula, and start a trading run -- until two weeks later, when a creature spawned from the biscuit and the planet’s air consumes the planet…


                They’re not aware of this event. Until one crate bursts open to reveal -- the Breakfast Bantha Monster!!  All appears lost for the unlucky duo -- until Bungo discovers that blue sauce causes the monster to revert back to food!  Bungo slyly sells the contaminated crate -- minus the blue sauce -- to that nasty ol’ Captain Wankle and his Star Destroyer...

(COMIC STRIP - West End Games - Jim Anderson - November 1996)


The enterprising crime cartel of Lud Chud builds a small, isolated landing station called “smuggler’s strip” in one of the mountain valleys of the planet Elrood.

“SW RPG Planets Of The Galaxy: Volume Three.” [Page 37]


As an "experiment," 17 - year old Mara Jade goes on a secret mission during a gala dinner to break into Grand Moff Tarkin's safe (The Emperor suspects him of... ambition).  She passes the training exercise with flying colours and is the appointed "The Emperor's Hand," a Force - sensitive agent who is neither totally dark or light.  She will be but the first of many.

"Mara Jade: By the Emperor's Hand," Issue #0.


Reezen joins the Imperial Navy.  He would eventually become a Corporal.

“SW: The Courtship of Princess Leia.”


Kuat Drive Yards is under contract to the government of Alderaan to provide a fleet of ostensibly peaceful "scout" ships.  When the planet is later destroyed, the high - power weapons systems and other parts are recycled into Imperial warships.

"SW: The Mandalorian Armour."


“SW Adventure Journal / Tales from the Empire: Tinian on Trial.”

                I’att Armaments of Druckenwell has come up with the one thing the Empire needs most: blaster-proof stormtrooper armour.  But Moff Eisen Kerioth wants a live test -- and 17 – year old Tinian I’att, the company heiress, is chosen.  Against all odds, Tinian survives the test.  Kerioth promptly seals the factory off and announces he’s taking the whole staff -- as prisoners -- to Doldur to churn out this armour for the Empire, as he takes all the credit himself.  When the company founders -- Tinian’s grandparents -- protest, he murders them in front of her.


                Tinian, the Wookiee bodyguard Wrrl, and Daye Azur-Jamin attempt to escape; only Tinian makes it out, and is forced to pose as a torch singer to escape notice.  The Force - sensitive Daye rigs the factory to blow, and disappears to join the Rebellion.  Tinian, believing everyone she knew dead, takes off from Druckenwell, vowing to hurt the Empire every way possible...

(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Kathy Tyers - November 1994)     


The planet Gaulus, site of a Rebel Base, is compromised by a MerenData 3PO espionage droid, obtained from Jawa traders.  It had served as a translater between the Gaulians and the Rebels.  As a result of this discovery, the base on Gaulus had to be evacuated.  The Empire brutally subjugated the base, sending Garrison Company 125a under the command of Commander Harles.  Many young men and women in the base were killed.  The base's medical suite, living areas, command center and life support areas were littered with dead Rebels.  The Rebels did manage to destroy their computer records however.  Upon inspecting the ruins of the base, Commander Harles discovered a young, 16-year-old survivor setting explosives on the base's main generator.  Rather than capture her, Harles, who was sick of the death and destruction, aided her.  Harles defected to the Rebellion, helping the young girl and her injured mother escape.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG: The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook”. Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


Brahle Logris murders his father.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations.” [Page 10]


“SW Tales: Extinction.”                                                                                                         *

                Darth Vader is summoned to the Imperial throne room of Coruscant, where the Emperor reveals that one of the last surviving Jedi has been found – the Dark Woman.  He is told by Mara Jade that she discovered the Jedi’s location via a felon attempting to escape custody.  The Woman is hiding on Cophrigin V on the Outer Rim.  The two argue over who should kill her, until Palpatine makes it clear that it’s Vader’s duty to drive the Jedi to extinction.  Vader quickly flies to Cophrigin in a shuttle, and then travels alone into the jungle.  He finds the old woman tending to an endangered species of plant.  She banters with Vader, hinting that even he could yet return from the Dark Side – then, even as he raises his weapon to strike, calling him a coward…


                The battle is long, fierce, and brutal. But for Vader, the outcome is never in doubt – and soon the Dark Woman is buried under the trunk of a huge tree and sliced apart by his lightsaber. But even as her spirit passes on into the Force, she whispers “I see within you the power to release yourself from the Dark Side.” Vader rages: “NO!! I seek no release! Anakin no longer exists!” And as he walks away, he punctuates that by stomping the rare plant to mush under his black heel…

(COMIC SHORT STORY – Dark Horse Comics – Ron Marz – September 1999 – January 2000)


“Tales from the New Republic: Interlude at Darknell.”                                                             *

                Senator Garm Bel Iblis prepares to give a speech at the Treitamma Political Center on Anchoron that’s going to rip the lid off what Emperor Palpatine really intends to do with the galaxy. But he is called away from the center by an urgent letter from a Rebel named Aach. He is told that “Tarkin’s project” has been located. A “courier” with some inside info on the project will be in Darknell in three days. Bail Organa wants Bel Iblis to get this data tape. As they discuss this, the Political Center is blown to bits by a thermal detonator – taking Bel Iblis’ entire family with it. The Senator is traumatized, but Aach forces him to his senses – he was the bomb’s real target, and he’d better get out of sight if he doesn’t want to join his wife and children in death. Bel Iblis has always opposed the Emperor and his policies, but now….now it’s personal. He takes Aach’s offered ship and leaves Anchoron for Darknell…..


                Meanwhile, at a tapcafe on Darknell, a thief named Moranda Savich steals the datapack from the “courier.” And on Coruscant, Imperial Intelligence head Armand Isard sends his daughter Ysanne to get the datapack at all costs…. 


                Corsec officer Hal Horn arrives on Darknell searching for the infamous pickpocket Savich. Ysanne Isard arrives as well. Hal shakes down a junk dealer named Seb Arkos for info on Savich’s location. At the same time, Isard arrives. She passes herself off to Horn as “Katya Glase of Darknell Internal Security.” They both come upon Savich in the street. Isard’s partner Trabler moves to kill her, but Horn uses the Force to deflect the blaster bolt. Bel Iblis manages to drag the wounded Savich off in the confusion. Now certain “Katya” isn’t who she appears to be, Hal nevertheless continues the hunt with her. Moranda is treated by Garm, but asks for a way offworld before she gives up the datapack. He agrees, and she tells him she hid it in Isard’s rental speeder. Isard tries to have Hal killed, but he turns the tables – he’ll still help her, but he wants no more trouble. She adds one stipulation to that – a choke collar. They decide to resume their search at a nearby bar that stocks Moranda’s favorite drink. “Having been shot the way she was, she’ll be wanting some fortification.”


                The trip there reveals that somebody’s helping Moranda. Isard decides to hack into Darknell’s computers to track her down. Horn advises against it – the locals, particularly one Colonel Nyroska, would object to the Empire riding roughshod over them. Isard couldn’t care less. Moranda calls Nyroska herself, lets him know what’s happening, then offers to give him the datapack for a million credits. Observing Isard and Horn at the ClearSkyes boutique, Bel Iblis spots the choke collar on Horn’s neck. Moranda’s gotten to like Horn over the years, and agrees with Bel Iblis that he shouldn’t be sacrificed by Isard. She calls Isard by comlink and sets up an auction between her and Nyroska for the datapack at a warehouse north of town. Isard pulls some strings to send Nyroska’s men out of the way. Horn himself calls Nyroska at the same time, telling him that the lifter’s at ClearSkyes. In disguise, Moranda approaches Horn and disarms the collar. Nyroska arrives, and Horn, Moranda and Bel Iblis finger Isard as the datapack thief!! As he drags Isard off, Bel Iblis gets the datapack from her speeder and heads for the Alliance with it.


                On Coruscant, Armand harangues his daughter for her failure. Ysanne smugly informs him that the Emperor has read her report – the full report of what happened on Darknell. She declares her father a Rebel and a traitor – blowing up the Political Center to ensure Bel Iblis joined the Rebellion, as well as sending her on a suicide mission to Darknell to both get rid of her and ensure the Rebels got the tape about the Death Star. She has the Imperial Royal Guard drag her father off to certain death, and takes over his position at the head of Imperial Intelligence…

(SHORT STORY – West End Games/Bantam Books – Timothy Zahn & Michael A. Stackpole – December 1999)


"Rebel Dawn. (continued)" 

                Han Solo is hired by Bria Tharen to help with a Rebel raid on the slave colony of Ylesia, in return for a share of the profits.  Several of Han’s friends, both old (Muuurgh, Mrrov, Jalus Nebl) and new (Lando, Jarik, Chewie, Salla) join in the attack.  After a decade apart, Han and Bria’s romance explodes back into life with a vengeance.  Even the old transport Han grew up on, the ‘Trader’s Luck’ (now known as the ‘Liberator’) is part of the assault force.  Unbenkownest to Han, Bria is contacted in the middle of the night by Rebel commander Pianat Torbul.  She is told the Alliance has learned of some new weapon “that could crush the entire Rebel Alliance in one or two engagements.”  Her orders regarding Ylesia have been slightly changed…


                Durga’s (and Black Sun’s) assault force and the Rebel (and Jabba’s) assault force crashes head - on into each other on the battlefield of Ylesia.  Jalus Nebl and Jarik are killed, but the t’landa Til are killed. Han and the smugglers go to get their share of the wealth – only to see Bria and the other Rebels turn their guns on them.  Bria has doublecrossed them all – except for Han, whom she does give a share of the money.  Thanks to that, all of Han’s friends – especially Lando -- are convinced he was in on it all along. The Rebels take everything and leave the smugglers high and dry.  As they leave, Han and Bria go on alone into the Treasure Room – to find Teroenza waiting for them.  They are saved by the timely shot of Boba Fett, who rips Teroenza’s horn off his corpse.  Then, the final, most brutal betrayal of all: Bria takes even Han’s share of the treasure and takes off, leaving Han and Chewie with nothing.  Han’s had it – he’s never letting a woman get close to him (or vice versa) ever again, he vows.  And the Rebel Alliance can go to hell for all he cares.  The only thing the ‘Falcon’ carries when it takes off are a group of Corellian children whose slave parents forgot them.


                The ‘Falcon’ is not even halfway to Corellia when Jabba the Hutt calls, telling Han to drop everything and do a Kessel Run now.  He’s worked everything out between him and Moruth Doole, everything’s already paid for.  12 hours later, the ‘Falcon’ lifts off from Kessel with the holds stuffed to the gills with glitterstim spice -- only to be immediately pursued by a pair of Imperial customs ships.  The ‘Falcon’ never flies faster than it does this day, only three more Imperial ships are waiting for the ‘Falcon’ at the edge of the system.  It’s a setup, and Han knows it.  He has no choice but to dump all the spice out into space, and then submit to Imperial boarders.  Once they are told of the children, the Imperials provide armed escort all the way to Corellia, ensuring Han can’t go back for the spice.  Han and Chewie are hailed as heroes when they arrive.  Several long hours later, they race back to the scene of the crime – and again, the Imperials are waiting for them.  They’ve already taken the spice themselves.  Han pulls off the greatest escape of his life, managing to fly through the dangerous field of Kessel black holes in not only 12 standard timeparts, but less than 12 parsecs as well.


                A week later, he finally contacts Jabba.  He’s told in no uncertain terms: Pay Jabba off in 10 days, or start running.  Thanks to the Ylesian fiasco, Han has no friends anymore to help him – Lando responds to his plea with a fist to the jaw and the words “Don’t EVER come near me again!!!”  And then the most crushing blow of all – Boba Fett informs him that Bria Tharen died on Toprawa.  Unbeknownest to either, she was killed in the process of transmitting the plans of the Death Star to the Corellian Corvette ‘Tantive IV’. Fett had promised her if she died, he’d find a way to inform her father.  Han does so.  His friends gone, the love of his life dead, his boss ready to hire bounty hunters to kill him – for Han Solo, things can’t seem to get any worse…

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Ann Crispin - March 1998) 


“Marvel Illustrated: The Way of the Wookiee.”

              Han and Chewie flies to the planet Formos while en route to a Kessel Run.  After some Imperial harassment, they meet Jabba’s contact N’mrith at Zord’s Atmosphere Baths.  He warns him that the local Imperial commander, Quirt, is trying to fill his quota of prisoners to work in Kessel’s spice mines.  One of those prisoners, Chewie learns, is Hronk -- an old rival from Kashyyyk.  That night, without Han knowing, Chewie breaks into an Imperial prison ship and frees Hronk.  He puts the Wookiee in the secret compartments against Han’s wishes.  They’re forced to blast off with stormtroopers right behind them before they can argue the matter.  But a Star Destroyer’s waiting for them in orbit -- N’mrith sold them out. Chewbacca is forced into desperate measures -- namely, disguising Hronk to look like him and hiding in the compartments himself.  The ‘Falcon’ is boarded, but Quirt never guesses the subterfuge.  They land at the nearest spaceport and gets Hronk passage back to Kashyyyk.  Unfortunately, they had to dump their spice at Formos to avoid capture...


(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - 1979)  


Greedo meets Han Solo for the first time on Nar Shaddaa, when the young Rodian tries to steal a pair of power couplings from the ‘Millenium Falcon’. Shortly thereafter, information about Rebels Greedo leaked to the Imperials leads to an all - out bloodbath on Nar Shaddaa that kills Greedo's family and his entire tribe. He escapes to Tatooine to become a bounty hunter.  

"SW: Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina."


Activity along the Perlemian Trade Route is severely curtailed by Lord Tion's blockade of Ralltiir.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


The Gyrica system is the site of Imperial control for surrounding space.  The Alliance attack Imperial forces Milvayne to shut down Imperial control in Gyrica.  This attack causes great controversy in the Alliance ranks, causing a split between leaders Mon Mothma and Senator Garm Bel Iblis.  Supporting the attack is one of the last acts of Rebellion Bail Organa will contribute.

“SW RPG: The Last Command Sourcebook”. Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


March 3, Year 0

On a consular mission to the planet Ralltiir, Princess Leia Organa discovers the planet under Imperial occupation, with the entire high council executed and people being herded into concentration camps.  This causes Leia to become an active Rebel member and she urges her father Bail to do the same.  Shortly thereafter, Lord Tion, a member of the Death Star construction crew, is inadvertently killed by Leia, forcing Leia and her father's direct involvement in the Galactic Civil War. (41) 

The SW Radio Drama. Calendar date from “SW Adventure Journal.”


“Tales from the Mos Eisely Cantina: We Don’t Do Weddings -- the Band’s Tale.”

                It’s just another day playing for Jabba the Hutt at his palace.  But “Fiery” Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes soon get an offer they can’t refuse: A reprogrammed assassin droid named E522 brings a message from Lady Valerian -- an invitation to play at her wedding, to be held at the ‘Lucky Despot’ casino / hotel.  D’an can’t resist the temptation to gamble, and so they set up on stage.  Jabba is enraged and orders the band killed for skipping out on him.  It’s a wild reception as the band simultaneous plays and watches out for an attack.  One of Jabba’s toughs offers Valerian’s new husband D’Wopp a prime hunt -- the bounty for Han Solo.  D’Wopp’s ready to do it -- even against his new bride’s wishes.  A fight breaks, which soon turns into a free-for-all when stormtroopers jump in.  D’Wopp is killed, and the band is saved from the same by a bartender named Wuher, who offers them a job at Chalmun’s Cantina...

(SHORT STORY - Bantam Books - Kathy Tyers - August 1995)


Luke Skywalker gets into a skyhopper race against Fixer at Beggar's Canyon.  Luke barely wins by threading his T16 Skyhopper through "The Stone Needle," damaging it in the process.  Uncle Owen grounds Luke for the rest of the season. 

The SW Radio Drama. 


Kyle Katarn, an independent bounty hunter hired by the Rebel Alliance, steals the Death Star plans from an Imperial vault on Danuta with the aid of Rebel agent Jan Ors.   As the plans (engineering schematics) are forwarded to the Alliance, a strike team on Toprawa (led by Bria Tharen) intercepts a second set of plans bound for the Imperial vaults (the second set contains everything else about the Death Star).  Before they can get it to the Alliance, however, the Toprawa system is put under Imperial restriction. 

The "Dark Forces" CD-ROM computer game, “Dark Forces: Soldier of the Empire,” and the SW IV Radio Drama. 


The Max Rebo Band is seen playing on Danuta, as part of their Outer Rim tour.

“Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire”. With thanks to discussions from the ‘Star Wars Fanboy Association’.


As punishment for their complicity in the Rebellion, the population of the planet Toprawa saw its’ world reduced to a pre – industrial state where banthas were the swiftest form of travel and fire was the highest level of energy production available to the native people.  Imperial forces lived in gleaming citadels that remained lit like beacons throughout the night, becoming visible monuments to what the people of Toprawa had lost through their perfidy.

“SW: X-Wing Rogue Squadron” [Page 350].


As part of Project Skyhook, Princess Leia Organa (aboard the Corellian Corvette ‘Tantive IV’) and Captain Colton Raymus Antilles pick up the Death Star plans from the Rebel spies (including Bria Tharen, killed in the battle) on Toprawa when the latter transmits the data to the vessel.  The ship is confronted by the Imperial Star Destroyer Devastator (commanded by Darth Vader), and manages to escape.  Under orders from Bail Organa, Leia sets course for Tatooine to enlist Obi-Wan Kenobi in the war.  Thanks to the droid U-3P0, forcibly reprogrammed by Imperial agents into an unwitting spy, Vader is able to track the Princess to Tatooine. (43) 

The SW IV radio program and "SW: Rebel Dawn."


"X-Wing Rogue Squadron #1/2." 

Shortly after visiting Luke Skywalker on Tatooine, Biggs Darklighter and his squadron buddies intercept a shipment of R2 units on Commenor and transport them to Yavin base in time for a battle...

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - Michael A. Stackpole - February 1997)


"Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina: Drawing the Maps of Peace." 

Tatooine farmer Ariq Joanson makes his first gift of water to Tusken Raiders.  The next day, Ariq starts imagining boundaries on a map of his farm.  Ariq goes to a Jawa fortress to propose his plan.  He Spends the night bargaining with Jawa chief Wimateeka.  Ariq brings his neighbor Eyvind to a vaporator to show him how he gives water to Tusken Raiders.  Ariq meets Eyvind's fiance Ariela, who tells him to invite the Jawas to their wedding.  Ariq's neighbors meet at his farm.  They oppose to his offering water to Sand People.  They fell it brings them closer to their farms.  Ariq attends the wedding of Eyvind and Ariela.  Many Jawa’s attend the wedding.  Sand People attack the party, and kidnap Ariela.  Ariq brings along Wimateeka to translate for him to the Sand People.  Ariq presents his idea for a map and boundries for the different races of the area to the Sand People.  After the plan is presented, all is well, until Imperial Stormtroopers begins shooting the Sand People, who aren’t even adults yet.  The Imperials ask Ariq to travel to Mos Eisley to make a deposition of the incident.  Ariq felt that the Sand People would think that they had been betrayed, and would kill innocent farmers in revenge.  His hopes of making peace with the Jawa’s and Sand People had been ruined.  His maps, his dreams, his successful negotiations meant nothing to the Empire.  Ariq decides to join the Rebellion.

(NOVEL - Bantam Books – M. Shayne Bell - August 1995)


Feltipern Trevagg, a Gotal tax collector, "feels" Obi-Wan Kenobi somewhere in the Mos Eisley marketplace.

"SW: Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina."


The Second battle of Ord Biniir occurs.  This struggle was actually two battles, both of which took place during the in the weeks leading up to the Battle of Yavin.  The Alliance's Y-Wings managed to defeat the 223rd Imperial Fighter Group and take the planet Ord Biniir from Imperial control.  Shortly afterward, on the very day of the Battle of Yavin, the 181st Imperial Fighter Wing managed to destroy the Alliance forces over Ord Biniir and retake the planet – the 181st’s first victory as a reformed unit for the Empire.

“X-Wing: The Making of Baron Fel.”




March 5 - 10, Year 0



                A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away….


The Corellian Corvette ‘Tantive IV’, with Princess Leia Organa aboard, is attacked and boarded over the planet Tatooine by the Imperial Star Destroyer ‘Devastator’.  With capture imminent, Leia leaves the tape containing the Death Star’s blueprints in the memory banks of Artoo-Detoo, only with a holographic message for Artoo to present to General Obi-Wan Kenobi, who lives on the planet below. Artoo, with Threepio in tow, takes an escape pod down to the planet’s surface as Leia is taken captive by Vader.  The ‘Tantive IV’ is destroyed, its’ crew all killed, and Vader takes Leia with him to the Death Star.


Far below, the battle was witnessed by moisture farmer Luke Skywalker, who hurriedly tells his friends at Tosche Station, only to have them miss the whole thing.  One of his friends, recently returned from the Imperial Academy of Carida, is Biggs Darklighter.  He tells Luke about his plans to join the Rebel Alliance, and asks Luke to come along.  He refuses, caring too much for Uncle Owen Lars and Aunt Beru Weth - Lars to abandon them.  Biggs leaves the planet to rejoin the Alliance.


Meanwhile, the bickering Threepio and Artoo have gone their separate ways.  But they both get taken prisoner by the junk - scavenging Jawas, who travel to the Lars farm after noticing a signal flare.  The Lars are in desperate need of new droids, and Threepio and R5-D4 seem just what they need.  Only R5, after being told the situation by Artoo, blows his own motivator to allow Artoo to be bought instead.  Luke cleans up the droids in the garage, where Artoo shows him a fragment of the holo - message -- just enough to get him intrigued, and to remove the restraining bolt the Jawas put on him.  As soon as he leaves for dinner, Artoo takes off for the Jundland Wastes.


Luke explains the situation to Owen and Beru at dinner.  The over - protective Owen orders Luke to forget about the whole thing and get Artoo’s memory erased.  He also refuses to let Luke go to the Academy as promised, telling him he wants him around the farm for “one more season.”  Beru chides him for holding Luke back -- there’s too much of his father in him.  “That’s what I’m afraid of.”  Meanwhile, in the night, the Jawa sandcrawler is attacked by a group of stormtroopers...


Luke discovers Artoo’s disappearance, but has to wait for morning to go after him in his landspeeder with Threepio.  Just as they find him, they are set upon by Sandpeople -- at which point Obi-Wan Kenobi appears, scaring them off.  He takes the group to his cliff side hut, where he gives Luke Anakin’s old lightsaber and gives him a slightly edited version of his father’s past.  After Artoo plays the whole message, Obi-Wan asks Luke to accompany him to Alderaan, where he will train him in the ways of the Jedi.  Luke, still worried about his uncle and aunt, refuses.  But he finds the choice taken out of his hands when they discover the smoking remains of the sandcrawler.  Realizing too late the danger they’re in, Luke rushes back to the farm -- to find smoking ruins and the charred skeletons of Owen and Beru.  When he returns to Kenobi, he agrees to go with him.


Meanwhile, Vader has arrived at the nearly - completed Death Star.  At a meeting of the Imperial heads there, Grand Moff Willhuff Tarkin announces that Emperor Palpatine has (under the pretext of Rebel insurgance) disbanded the Senate forever, putting COMPNOR in charge of the overall government, and Imperial governors in direct control of their territories.  “The last remnants of the Old Republic have been swept away.”  An intergalactic reign of terror is about to begin, just as soon as they learn the location of the main Rebel base.  Vader sets about doing this by drugging Leia and using hypnotic suggestion, including conjuring up mental pain, to force it out of her.  Despite his best efforts, she won’t break and tell them the location.


Kenobi and Skywalker (with the droids in tow) arives at Mos Eisley, where they hope to find transport to Alderaan.  One bar brawl later, they find it in the form of Corellian smuggler Han Solo, who agrees to take them there for 17,000 credits.  He desperately needs the money, as shown when the Rodian bounty hunter Greedo informs him of Jabba placing a huge price on his head.  When the impulsive punk tries to shoot Han, Han dodges and shoots him from under the table.  He then has to reassure the Hutt that he will repay the huge debt incurred by dumping his Kessel Run spice, that all he needs is a little more time.  Kenobi sells Luke’s speeder (with a little mind trick persuasion) for 2,000, and joins Solo and the Wookiee co-pilot Chewbacca at Docking Bay 94.  The Empire is on to them now, and a stormtrooper squad attacks as they board the ‘Millenium Falcon’.  Dodging orbiting Star Destroyers, the ‘Falcon’ escapes into hyperspace.


Fed up with Leia’s stubbornness, Tarkin takes the now fully - operational Death Star to Alderaan, threatening to blow it to cinders if she doesn’t tell them the location of the base.  With no other choice, she tells the location -- Dantooine.  Tarkin then smugly vaporizes her home world anyway, to provide a threatening example to the rest of the galaxy of the Empire’s power.  After scouts report Dantooine to be abandoned, he orders that she be executed.


After a trip of three and a half hours (during which Kenobi gives Luke the beginnings of Jedi training), the ‘Falcon’ arrives at Alderaan -- what’s left of it.  They are soon tractored into the Death Star, where Vader senses a strange, familiar presence nearby...


The heroes sneak their way into the station.  Kenobi leaves the group behind, to take out the tractor beam holding them there.  Just after he leaves, Artoo (having hacked into the main computer) reports Leia’s presence.  Luke and Han disguise themselves as stormtroopers (after Luke tells Han how rich the Princess is), and with Chewbacca sneaks into the detention area.  After shooting up the place, they free Leia and jumps down a garbage chute.  They fight their way back to the ‘Falcon’, facing a Dianoga, a trash compactor, an open chasm, and a ton of stormtroopers along the way.


Obi-Wan shuts off the tractor beam and makes his way back himself -- only to find Darth Vader between him and the ‘Falcon’.  A fierce lightsaber duel ensues.  But when Kenobi sees Luke, Han and Leia about to make a break for the ship, he willingly lays down his life, letting Vader chop him in half before Luke’s devastated eyes to allow the escape.  The ‘Falcon’ fights off some TIEs and hyperjumps toward the Rebel base -- which is just what Vader wanted.  A homing device is on the smuggler ship, which will lead the Death Star to the Rebel base and secure the Sith’s ultimate victory over the Jedi, the Republic, and the galaxy all in one day...


When the ‘Falcon’ arrives at Yavin IV, Princess Leia decides it is time for the Rebels to make a stand.  Using the plans in Artoo’s memory, they locate a weakness in the design -- a small thermal exhaust port.  A direct proton torpedo shot down the shaft will blow up the main reactor and the station.  But to do that, some 30 Rebel starfighters will have to face the best the Empire has to offer.  And they only have 30 minutes to make the shot before the Death Star blows up Yavin IV.


Han Solo, thinking the attack a lost cause, takes his reward money and takes off.  Luke volunteers to join the Red X-Wing squadron, where he is re-acquainted with Biggs.  The attack begins, and the X-Wings and Y-Wings hold their own.  But they are soon overwhelmed when Vader appears in his prototype TIE Advanced and begins shooting down every ship that nears the exhaust port.  Soon, only Luke, Biggs, and Wedge Antilles are left. Wedge is damaged and knocked out of the fight, and Biggs is killed outright. Vader blows Artoo to bits, and prepares to finish this strangely strong in the Force pilot when --


-- Han Solo swoops in with the ‘Falcon’, shooting Vader off Luke’s back.  His conscience finally got the better of him, it seems.  With less than a minute to go, Luke (using only the Force to guide him) nails the shot down the exhaust port.  He, Han, Wedge, and Y-Wing pilot Keyan Farlander get clear as the Death Star turns into a mini - supernova.  Vader also gets clear and flies back toward the Empire.


Back at Yavin, Artoo is repaired, and Luke and Han receive medals and a standing ovation from the Rebel Alliance.  A bold new day has dawned.  A new hope has arisen for the galaxy...


“They were in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Naturally they became heroes.”

Leia Organa of Alderaan, Senator    

(MOTION PICTURE - 20th Century Fox / Lucasfilm - George Lucas - 25 May 1977)

(NOVELISATION - Ballantine / Del Rey Books - Alan Dean Foster - December 1976)

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Marvel Comics Inc.  - Roy Thomas - July-December 1977)

(RADIO DRAMATISATION - Highbridge Audio - Brian Daley - 1981)                     

(MANGA COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Hisao Tamaki - 1997)

Date locked by the SW Adventure Journal’s Galaxywide Newsnets.                                          


“X-Wing: Tour of Duty #3 – The Gathering Storm.”                                                                    *

Many of the Alliance’s veteran pilots are really beginning to feel uneasy, as the Alliance is losing recruits at an alarming rate in this war. Morale should be up among the pilots due to their recent victories, but many of them are depressed because news has gotten out that Tantive IV, with Princess Leia aboard, has been destroyed. The next few days are to be very busy for Captain Keyan Farlander and other starfighter pilots. With Leia gone, and the Death Star plans with her, the Alliance starts stockpiling illicit arms and supplies for the upcoming battles. The starfighter pilots are sometimes assigned several boring escort missions a day. At the same time, the Alliance has to severely increase its efforts in the search for the location of the Death Star. This means harrowing missions are at an all-time high, and morale is at an all time low.


After several days worth of unfruitful search-and-destroy missions against high-profile Imperial Bases, as well as the capture of some of their ships believed to be housing officers who might know about the Death Star, the Imperials decide to turn up the ante. They start by sending the Imperial Star Destroyer Immortal in an attack on an Alliance weapons stockpile, but the ship is repelled by Capt. Farlander and his squad before it can succeed. Next, the Immortal is sent after the heart of the fleet itself – the Mon Calamari cruiser Independence. The Defiance and her starfighters jump in, and hold off the Immortal long enough for the damaged Independence to jump into hyperspace, and then they flee the battle themselves – there’s been a fleet-wide recall to the Yavin system. Red, Gold, and Blue starfighter squadrons off the Defiance are assigned to the Yavin’s fourth moon as soon as they arrive, while the Defiance and Independence join the fleet elsewhere in the system. High Command is sure that the Death Star attack will be coming within the next couple days, and so there are no missions for the pilots in that time. None of the pilots were really able to get any rest, though. During that time, Farlander introduces himself to Luke Skywalker, who has just arrived, and tells him of his exploits and his connection to the Force.


And then the Death Star arrives. Luke is assigned Farlander’s X-wing, while Farlander himself is assigned to a pilotless Y-wing. Luke fires the shot that destroyed the Death Star, and both fly out alive. Farlander, thanks to his conversation with Luke, decides to accept the Force and allow himself to learn about it so that he doesn’t stray to the Dark Side accidentally…

My thanks to for writing this summary!

(COMPUTER GAME – Lucasarts Inc. – Lawrence Holland – 1993)


"Rebel Assault." 

At the hidden Anchorhead base on Tatooine, rebel recruit Rookie One begins his flight training.  As he leaves, he bids his friend, Lt. Thurland Hack farewell.  He leaves base, his first test navigating Beggar's Canyon.  Proving his skill, he follows Green Leader through he rocky canyon, then shows his gunnery skills by taking out targeting remotes.  Rookie One moves on to training in an A-Wing, taking him through an asteroid field, and the crystal canyons of the planet Kolaador.  Along the way, he impresses the likes of Cmdr. Jake Farrell, as well as making a friend in Cmdr. Ru Murleen.  His training complete, Rookie One is assigned to a X-Wing squadron.


Meanwhile, in space over Tatooine, Princess Leia's Corellian Corvette is captured by forces under the command of Darth Vader.  During the battle an escape pod is jettisoned, carrying R2-D2 and C-3PO.  Knowing that the plans to the new Death Star are onboard the escape pod, Vader commands his forces to secure the planet, and to regain the stolen plans.  While on Tatooine, the Imperials discover Anchorhead base, and prepare to attack.


Back at Kolaador, a distress call comes in from Anchorhead base, interrupting Rookie One's drink.  He, Ru Murleen, and the rest of his squadron race to Tatooine to save the discovered base.  Once they arrive in system, they are cut off from approaching the planet by an Imperial Star Destroyer.  Having no choice, they engage the Destroyer.  After taking out, it's bridge shields, Rookie One destroys the ship's bridge with a pair of proton torpedoes.


The rebel X-Wings arrive at Anchorhead base just as it is destroyed by three TIE Fighters, killing Hack.  Rookie One and his squadron get revenge, by destroying the TIEs in a chase through Beggar's Canyon.  Joined by Blue Squadron, Rookie One destroys ground troops and vehicles subduing Mos Eisley. With three TIEs on their tail, they flee Tatooine, into a nearby asteroid field.  After evading the TIEs, the Rebels escape to Gamma Base.


In search of the rebels that foiled his operation on Tatooine, Darth Vader sends out probe droids in hopes of finding Gamma Base.  While on patrol around Gamma Base, on an ice planet much resembling Hoth, Rookie One is send to check out something on Gamma Base's long - range scanners.  In his snowspeeder, Rookie One encounters Imperial probe droids.  He is ordered to destroy the threat, and follows the probes into an ice cave but he is too late.  Imperial AT-AT walkers attack Gamma Base, and Rookie One is called back to help destroy the new threat.  With a snowspeeder squadron, Rookie One destroys a walker while the rebels evacuate the base.


On his way back to help evacuate the base, Rookie One's snowspeeder loses power and goes down.  Lacking time, the rebels are forced to leave Rookie One behind.  Stranded, Rookie One returns to base, only to see it overrun by Imperial snowtroopers.  Battling past the troopers, he makes his way through the base to his waiting X-Wing fighter.  Leaving the planet behind, he joins the rest of his squadron and a Rebel transport in orbit, under siege from TIEs.  Using dazzling flying techniques, Rookie One and his squad protect the transport until it escapes to hyperspace.  The X-Wings follow the transport to Yavin base, to meet up with the rest of the Rebel forces.


Once again having the rebels elude him, Darth Vader heads for the Death Star with Princess Leia as his prisoner.  After Princess Leia's great escape from the Death Star, thanks to Luke and Co., as well as the death of Obi-Wan Kenobi and the destruction of Alderaan, the rebels prepare for the approaching battle with the Empire's superweapon, the Death Star.  Leaving the Great Temple, Rookie One, in his X-Wing braves a riverbed course, resembling the Death Star trench.


All too soon, the Death Star enters the system, and Blue Squadron, including Rookie One, under the command of Captain Merrick Simms, regroups with the rebel attack force and heads for the approaching station.  Nearing the station, the rebel fighters, pick through a screen of TIE Fighters and head for the Death Star's surface.  Rookie One and Ru Murleen take out a large gun emplacement next to the Death Star trench, letting the fighters enter it unchallenged.  The fighter squadrons begin their attack run, racing down the narrow trench.


Darth Vader and two Imperial pilots in TIE Fighters destroy many of the rebel ships, leaving a few fighters from Red and Blue Squadrons to destroy the Death Star.  Blue 4, Rookie Thurlow Harris is killed and Ru Murleen is forced to pull out, her fighter damaged.  Both Red and Blue Leaders take a shot at the exhaust port, but both are unsuccessful.  Rookie One and Cmdr. Farrell pull out having done all they could.  Wedge Antilles and Keyan Farlander provide cover while Han Solo and Chewbacca clear the way for Luke Skywalker as he fires the shot that takes out the Death Star.  Returning to Yavin base, the victorious rebels are launched into a huge celebration, and Rookie One along with his fellow pilots receive medals for their victory over the evil Empire. (44)

(COMPUTER VIDEO GAME - LucasArts Co. - Vincent Lee – 1993)


“SW Tales: Skippy, the Jedi Droid.”                                                                                             *             

                What no one knew – no one could know – about R5-D4 (aka “Skippy”) was that his lubricants were filled with midichlorians, giving him power over the Force.  He discovers this power when he is serving drinks at Jabba’s, only to have a bounty hunter knock him over.  He uses the Force without even realizing it to save his drink from spilling.  He begins practicing his skills nightly, then uses a mind trick to escape Jabba’s and wander out into the desert.  Eventually picked up by the Jawas and put up for sale at the Lars’ farm, the droid senses the potential within Luke Skywalker, and receives a dark vision of the future if he is in fact bought.  Told of Artoo’s mission earlier, Skippy blows his own motivator and sacrifices its’ life to allow destiny to proceed…

This story isn’t canon (and wasn’t meant to be, either), but is included here for the sake of completeness.

(COMIC SHORT STORY – Dark Horse Comics Inc. – Peter David – October 1999) 


After the Battle of Yavin, Ru Murleen is assigned to the planet Imdaar to monitor Imperial activity.

Conjecture based from “Rebel Assault II: The Hidden Empire.”


Caamasi Jedi Y'lenic It'kla is killed on Alderaan when it is destroyed by the Death Star.  At the time, he was living in the large Caamasi refugee camp located there, hiding from Emperor Palpatine's Jedi hunters.

“I, Jedi.”


The Max Rebo Band arrives on Tatooine, Evar Orbus is killed by the Modal Nodes, Jabba hires band for lifetime contract.

“Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina”. With thanks to discussions from the ‘Star Wars Fanboy Association’.


Rystall joins the Max Rebo band on Tatooine.

“SW RPG: Special Edition Sourcebook”. With thanks to discussions from the ‘Star Wars Fanboy Association’.


“Tales from the Mos Eisely Cantina: Hammertong -- the Tale of the ‘Tonnika Sisters.’”

            On the planet Gorno, Mistryl assassins Shada D’ukal and Manda D’ulin are hired by Dr. Kellering of the Imperial Prime University as security for a project he’s on -- Project “Hammertong.”  But Imperial stormtroopers attack the Mistryl security force and Manda is killed.  Furious at the double - cross, Shada steals the Laronar strike cruiser with the Hammertong aboard.  With Manda’s sister Karoly, Shada flies the ship to Tatooine.  They travel into Mos Eisely to hire a freighter pilot, and ends up in Chalmun’s Cantina in the guise of the infamous con artist Tonnika Sisters.  They witness the historic events in the cantina, only to find themselves arrested by the stormtroopers when they arrive.  It seems the real Tonnika Sisters raised some hell in Mos Eisely only a few hours before, and now Shada and Karoly are taking the fall.  But with the help of a guy named Riij, the two are able to race back to the Strike Cruiser and grab a segment from the Hammertong.  Riij is stunned at what this thing is -- a piece of the superlaser for the Death Star II!  Riij reveals himself to be part of the Rebel Alliance, and takes a droid with a complete readout of the Hammertong as the Mistryl assassins get away...

(SHORT STORY - Bantam Books - Timothy Zahn - August 1995)


“Tales from the Mos Eisely Cantina.”

                A lot happened at the Mos Eisely Cantina that fateful day when Ben Kenobi and Luke Skywalker walked in. For starters, Greedo is set up to be killed by his mentor Warhog Goa (if he hadn’t, a pair of Rodian bounty hunters would have killed him anyway).  The killing of Greedo by Han Solo proves an unexpected benefit for Wuher, as he learns (with the help of a drink - mixing droid named C2-R4 who latches onto the droid - hating bartender) that ground - up Greedo makes a great drink for Jabba!  Muftak the Talz learns about his true heritage, then helps his Chadra-Fan friend Kabe loot Jabba the Hutt’s townhouse.  Momaw Nadon gets his revenge on Lieutenant Alima, the man who forced him to leave his home of Ithor -- then, haunted by his act, he takes genetic samples of Alima’s corpse to create twin clones. Feltipern Trevagg falls in love with a H’nemthe he calls “Nightlily”, only to find out the hard way that love hurts.  The Devaronian spy Kardue’sai’Malloc -- “Labria” -- risks Jabba’s wrath to arrange for his favorite band to play at the cantina.  Furious at the murder of his brothers, a Jawa buys a blaster power pack from a Ranat -- only to learn when drawing on a stormtrooper that the pack was empty.  A stormtrooper named Davin Felth has a really bad day -- that finally culminates with him blowing his superior’s head off and deciding to become a Rebel spy.  The Anzati assassin Dannik Jerriko finds the perfect “soup” -- Han Solo’s luck -- ripped out from his grasp by fate.  The spacer BoShek is inspired by Ben Kenobi -- and that later saves him from Imperial justice.  And a Shistavanen named Sivrak meets a Lamproid named Dice -- and is put on a collision course with destiny...

(SHORT STORY COLLECTION - Bantam Books - Various Authors - August 1995)


“Tales from Mos Eisley: Light Duty.”

A Rebel named Garve meets with fellow Rebel Colonel Phlik in Chalmun’s Cantina.  He tells Phlik about a mission he went on for the Empire to Jellyfish Cove.  He was hired to go there and work at the local Imperial station, only to be told not to go out at night or into the fog.  He soon learned that the fog brought with it strange creature that could appear as female humans, but then become life-sucking semi-solid creatures that would kill any humanoid near for sustenance.  When he witnessed some new arrivals get attacked, he realized that the planet was a penal colony.  He managed to kill the Imperial guards on the base, steal their pay, and escape in one of the Imperial prison ships, bringing with him a load of former Imperial prisoners, ready and willing to join the Rebel cause under Phlik’s command.

(COMIC SHORT STORY – Dark Horse Comics – Bruce Jones – March 1996)


“Tales from Mos Eisley: Mostly Automatic.”

In Chalmun’s Cantina, Tem Chesko and Bezzem sit and share a drink and stories.  Tem tells Bezzem of how it took him 71 years to reach Tatooine from Cirus II.  He had been on a mission for a mining company when his ship’s drives were damaged.  After spending several years alone, thinking of his lover, Maia, and going semi-insane and , he found a service droid (MILL-247-EE, which he called “Millie”), and finally had a companion.  As time when by, he tell Bezzem, he and Millie became close and she seemed to even love him, at least as much as a droid can.  When he turned 86 and was about to die, she saved his life by giving her power core to him as an artificial heart.  Shocked, Bezzem can only watch as Tem opens his jacket to reveal Millie’s power core in the center of his chest.

(COMIC SHORT STORY – Dark Horse Comics – Bruce Jones – March 1996)


“Tales from Mos Eisley: Heggs’ Tale.”

Leaving Chalmun’s Cantina for some peace and quiet, Sam Heggs discovers Jeet Travis, a bounty hunter, drinking Vascheah Rye, which Heggs offers to trade grumph eggs for.  When Jeet refuses to believe that any human could survive to steal a grumph egg, Hegg shows one to him and tells him how he came by the eggs.  A short while earlier, he had been on a frozen planet and discovered the eggs.  After consulting a guidbook, he learned that grumphs hibernate in winter, which meant he was safe until a thaw.  He then saw an entire area that was thawed, lush jungle.  He saw a young man being attacked by a grumph, and soon realized (by dumb luck, basically) that he was witnessing a portal in time (yes, the only known time travel tale in Star Wars history).  He ran back into the frozen “present” and detroyed every egg he could find until the grumph chasing the young man vanished, and the portal in time closed.  Heggs realized, based on the young man’s knapsack that he was witnessing a younger version of himself battling the grumph, and by saving the young man, he believes he saved himself.  When Jeet points out that it makes absolutely no sense for destroying an egg in the present could cause a beast in the past to never be born, Heggs simply replies “Beats me,” and downs the last of Jeet’s rye. (82)

(COMIC SHORT STORY – Dark Horse Comics – Bruce Jones – March 1996)


"Marvel Illustrated: The Day After the Death Star."

              Luke takes a walk around Yavin base at night, still reeling from the events of recent days.  He decides to take a joyride in his X-Wing with Artoo.  As they enter orbit, they’re suddenly jumped by a TIE Fighter that somehow escaped the Death Star’s explosion.  The pilot proves to be very good, and Luke forgot to energize his turbolasers!  He’s forced to try blowing him up by collision -- which sends both ships crashing into the Yavin jungle.  The pilot’s out first, with a blaster -- and Luke hasn’t got one.  The young man is forced to hide in the jungles, jumping the pilot from behind when he gets the chance and try to get the blaster out of his hands.  It’s a back and forth fight, but Luke finally gets the upper hand… and can’t find it in him to kill the young man inside the pilot suit.  Artoo leads the heroes to Luke, who leaves the pilot behind in the jungles...

(COMIC STRIP - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - November 1981)


An unknown TIE fighter pilot is shot down and crashes down on Yavin IV, killing both the pilot and innocent bystander, Dr’uun Unnh, a Rebel naturalist who was not a part of the Battle of Yavin itself.

Conjecture based on “The Illustrated Star Wars Universe:  Tatooine Entry”. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Imperial TIE fighter Pilot Qorl (CE3K-1977) crashes on Yavin IV during the Battle of Yavin.  He will spend the next 20 years there as a castaway.

“SW: Young Jedi Knights -- Heirs to the Force.” Although neither that book, “The Illustrated Star Wars Universe” or “The Day After the Death Star” ever explicitly links the unnamed pilot of either story with Qorl, it’s a logical assumption that they are all, in fact, the same man. 


“SW Adventure Journal: Changing the Odds.”

                Dannen Lifehold is sent from Alderaan by his friend Krell to Rafft to deliver a new bacta tank and some medical supplies to a Rebel cell.  His mechanic Purr is very intrigued by what Dannen tells her of this “Rebellion.”  On the forest world, Dannen asks about what the Rebellion’s doing here.  He’s told by commando Tawn Porew that the Empire wants to set up a base here for some unknown reason.  If they’re discovered, they’ve had it – they have no ships.  He finds himself harassed by base commander Brion Peck – and it quickly turns to accusation when a homing beacon is found in the unloaded bacta tank.  But base mechanic Colin tells Peck that Dannen couldn’t have done it – the original seals are still on the tank! They’re suddenly told by another Rebel that the Empire’s here – in force.  They have an hour at best. Dannen decides, because “it’s the right thing to do,” to take the Rebels off Rafft in the ‘Lifeline’.  They find themselves facing an Star Destroyer that takes out the ‘Lifeline’s’ hyperdrive with its’ first shot.  Racing against the tractor beam, Purr pulls off the repair job of a lifetime, and the ‘Lifeline’ hyperjumps to Vondarc.  When they arrive there four days later, the group is stunned to learn of Alderaan’s destruction. Krell – Dannen’s friend – was on Alderaan.  Dannen decides then and there to join the Alliance full - time as a transport pilot.  Purr, of course, comes along for the ride…

(SHORT STORY – West End Games – Dave Marron – August 1994)


Former Imperial pilot Lieutenant Tarn Mison joins the Rebel Alliance.

“Decipher Star Wars Customizable Card Game – Special Edition Pack.”


Alderaan Royal Engineers, secretly part of of the Royal House of Alderaan’s rearmament program, ceases operations after the destruction of Alderaan.

“The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels.”


The Adarians are able to remain neutral during the Galactic Civil War by signing a non-aggression treaty with the Empire, providing the Empire with unlimited raw materials in return for their neutrality.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens -- Enemies and Allies.” [Page 9]


Affric is appointed as High Lord of the Sarin Sector, in the Outer Rim.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim. ”


Galactic Recreational Equipment Inc. is one of the many business concerns of wealthy entrepreneur Meysen Kayson. It has 13,387 retail outlets Empire - wide as of shortly after the Battle of Yavin.

 "The Greel Wood Haven." SWAJ #6. Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


After the destruction of Alderaan, Tycho Celchu leaves Imperial service and defects to the Rebellion.

"X-Wing: Rogue Squadron."


After the destruction of Alderaan, the renowned Alderaanian poet Hari Seldone, who was off - world at the time of Alderaan’s destruction, writes the article “Requiem for Alderaan” as a “chronicle of a murdered world.”

“The Illustrated Star Wars Universe:  Alderaan Entry”. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Ander Rendrake contacts Han Solo, who went to the Imperial Academy during the same time, for a way to defect to the Rebel Alliance.  Solo asks him to stay in the Imperial Navy and serve the Rebellion from within.  After much consideration, he consented.  Ander uses his communications access to feed data to Alliance operatives whenever he can, and he knows how to keep his actions hidden.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 25]


"SW Galaxy Magazine: Priority X."

                     Hart – and Parn Gorra – Fiolla of Lorrd (known as Fiolla of Lorrd for short), Corporate Sector Authority Auditor General had just exited hyperspace when she receives a Priority X message from the Office of the Prex.  She delves into the body of the message, finding to her shock that the Prex’s informants have discovered that the Rebels had just destroyed the Empire’s Death Star battle station near the Yavin star system.  And because the Corporate Sector Authority had an Imperial charter, anything that affected the Empire affected the CSA as well.


                     The message indicated that one rumour placed the fleeing band of insurgants in the Abo Dreth system, which was within Corporate Sector borders.  The Prex wanted her to verify that information – immediately.  After taking a sleep from exhaustion from being awake for 30 hours,  Fiolla awakes to a start by her male prisoner Crell from Commex.  She lands her ship, the ‘Tydia Rish’ on Abo Dreth, a large brown world dotted with hundreds of silver lakes.  Fiolla sees an object through her macrobinoculars about three kilometers away, gleaming in the light of the system’s yellow sun.  “It’s a Corellian StarRunner”, came a woman’s voice from behind her.  Fiolla spun around, the human woman before her wore standard spacer’s clothing and a breath mask – and had a sporting blaster trained on Fiolla.


                After bargaining her ship for her life, Fiolla discovers that the mysterious woman is actually after her.  Fiolla believes that the woman’s boss is Erdin Giblo of Commex, where Fiolla had just infiltrated one of his corporate headquarters not three hours ago.  “Hardly.  I report to the head of the super – corp that owns Commex,” replies the woman.  Fiolla starts to wonder how this woman would have known about her last assignment.  There were only two people who had access to that information – the Prex himself, Chils Meplin and his assistant.  She looked into the woman’s eyes.  “Akeeli Somerce”.  “Very good, my ex – Auditor General.  The Prex has decided that you and your friend know too much.”  Fiolla discovers that the rumour about the Rebels is obviously fictitious.  “Wait!” Fiolla says, stalling.  “I don’t understand.  What does the Prex have to do with Commex leaking top – level CSA data to the Empire?”  Suddenly, Crel, somehow getting out of his binders, hands Fiolla her blaster and Crel and Akeeli both shoot each other.  Crel lays dying, and Fiolla notices an ID card fall from his jacket – he is an Auditor General.  Finally the circumstances started to fall into place, forming a twisted plot of sabotage and treason – and now attempted assassination.  Naven Crel had gone undercover to ferret out a traitor against the CSA, and his investigation had lead him to Commex, which was in turn controlled by the Prex, the second most powerful man in the Corporate Sector.  Crel, tells Fiolla in his last dying words to “Get . . . Meplin”

(SHORT STORY – Topps Publishing – George R. Strayton - August 1997)


“SW Adventure Journal: Spare Parts.”

                Jabba the Hutt’s Nimbanese clerk has some bad news for Jabba -- Opun “The Black Hole” Mcgrrr, a Corellian guest at Jabba’s townhouse, has stolen accounting droid CZ-3.  The Snivvian bounty hunter Takeel is sent out to reclaim the droid.  What they don’t know was that the droid was stolen from Mcgrrr by Squib mechanic Mace Windu (named after the Jedi Master?) and his Jawa partner Aguilae, and then sold.  And they’ve just NOW noticed Jabba’s name on the restraining bolt they removed from it... Lhojugg (the aforementioned clerk) discovers that the droid’s disappearance was due to someone who used Jabba’s pass codes!  And that droid has top-secret information in it!  Those revelations earn Lhojugg a visit with the Rancor.


                Mace and Aguilae track the droid to a Jawa sandcrawler, but the Jawas are more interested in holding them prisoner while they’re en route to the annual Jawa swap.  CZ-3 had wandered away from the sandcrawler earlier, and got picked up by Mcgrrr’s operative.  Suddenly, the sandcrawler (which had visited the Lars farm yesterday) is jumped by Imperial stormtroopers.  Mace and Aguilae barely make it out in time before the sandcrawler is gutted and the Jawas killed.  Meanwhile, CZ-3 escapes from Mcgrrr’s operative, at the very speeder lot where Luke Skywalker just sold his speeder for 2,000 credits. Mace and Aguilae return to Mos Eisley, with the damaged R5 nearly sold to the Lars and a Gonk power droid.  They come upon Takeel, CZ-5, and the Mcgrrr operative.  Takeel’s brother destroys the droid and holds the Jenet at gunpoint.  He’s got lots of evidence of Mcgrrr stealing from Jabba -- from CZ-5 itself. It was a sting operation.  Mace and Aguilae salvage what they can of CZ-5, repairing the R5 with it. (45)

(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Pablo Hidalgo - November 1996)   


Anobis, a planet located near Ord Mantell enters into a period of civil war.  There are two main groups of native humans: those that live and work in the mountain mines, and those who live and work in the lowland plains. The miners depend heavily on trade in order to survive, and value their relationship with the Empire.  The farmers, however, are self-sufficient, and resent the controls imposed by Imperial law.  At the height of the Galactic Civil War, the farmers want to join the Alliance, but the miners fear the loss of their trade.  The intense civil war would last for nearly 25 years before Han Solo met with the leaders of both groups.

“Young Jedi Knights: Return to Ord Mantell.”


Jabba the Hutt sends assassins to kill Moruth Doole on Kessel for his part in Han Solo’s failed delivery. Doole. Doole begs and pleads, and finally is let go -- but with one eye plucked out. He gets himself a droid eye replacement.

“SW: Jedi Search.” [Page 55]


Cubber Daine’s (who would later be a mechanic at Echo Base on Hoth and mechanic for the future Wraith Squadron) daughter is born.

"X-Wing: Wraith Squadron."


Hamo Blastwell, one of Keyan Farlander’s fellow pilots and a good friend of his, becomes a spy and infiltrates the Imperial Navy to investigate new advances in Imperial weaponry.

“TIE Fighter.”


Han Solo returns his reward money for rescuing Leia Organa to the Rebel Alliance.

Conjecture based on ‘The Rebel Thief’.


“Star Wars Missions: Assault on Yavin Four.”

                The day after the Battle of Yavin, the Rebels on Yavin IV are celebrating.  Near the planet Delrakkin, Imperial Admiral Termo's Star Destroyer sits, while they await a message from Grand Moff Tarkin.  Concerned that Tarkin has not contacted them, Termo dispatches a Carrack cruiser with three attached TIE fighters and a group of stormtroopers led by Captain Skeezer to the Yavin system to find out what happened to Tarkin.  At the Rebel base, R2-D2 wonders why there was a huge amount of non - medical area bacta on the Death Star.  The Imperials arrive and find no Death Star and head for Yavin IV to seek answers.  On Yavin IV, the Rebels detect the ship, and Han Solo disobeys orders and takes the ‘Millennium Falcon’ to take out the cruiser. 


                He succeeds in taking out the TIEs and shooting the Carrack down, but the Rebels must send people out to stop them from sending a distress signal and to capture the leader.  A lone Rebel heads into the jungle and takes out several stormtroopers and the distress beacon, taking one's armour, but being discovered as a fake.  The Rebel hides in a nearby temple, where battle droids await.  After defeating a battle droid, the Rebel discovers the droid Q-7N, who helps the Rebel defeat the next stormtroopers.  The Rebel manages to capture Captain Skeezer and take him in for questioning.  In the ensuing interrogation, carried out by Solo, it is learned that the extra bacta on the Death Star was contaminated for some dire purpose.  Leia thinks she knows what that purpose was, and she races off to find General Dodonna...

All the “Star Wars Missions” summaries were given to me (with my deepest thanks!) by Nathan Butler’s Timeline.

(CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE - Scholastic Books - Ryder Windham - 1997)      


“Star Wars Missions: Escape from Thyferra.”

                The Rebels on Yavin IV realize that the contaminated bacta the Death Star carried must have been created on Thyferra, and they head there to investigate.  Aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer ‘Liquidator’, Admiral Termo follows instructions left on a data tape by Grand Moff Tarkin and contacts Emperor Palpatine.  Palpatine informs him that the Death Star has been destroyed, though it must be kept secret.  On Thyferra, the Rebels plan to meet with Voralla Morbo, a Rebel sympathizer, but are captured by stormtroopers who had been tipped off that the landing pad they were using was frequented by Rebel ships.  One of the Rebels escapes.  Along with Q-7N, the Rebel manages to make it through the streets, past several Imperial encounters and one encounter with some slavers, and finally makes it to a warehouse, only to find Plurra, an enslaved Vratix making bacta.  With the Vratix's help, the Rebel makes it to the prison area and frees the other Rebels, who follow Q-7N to the ‘Millennium Falcon’.  Shortly after their escape from the cells, they head for Morbo's Place.  Morbo tells them that a modified Carrack cruiser (the one that Captain Skeezer crashed on Yavin IV) came just a short while before to pick up a load of alazhi, one of the two components in making bacta.  The destination of the shipment was Delrakkin...

(CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE - Scholastic Books - Ryder Windham - 1997)      


“Star Wars Missions: Attack on Delrakkin.”

                Aboard the Star Destroyer ‘Liquidator’, Admiral Termo speaks via hologram with Emperor Palpatine.  He is confused as to why the Emperor mentions his earlier mission to plant alazhi, one of the two components of bacta, on Delrakkin.  All becomes clear when he plays Tarkin's second data tape and learns that he is to attack Delrakkin City, pretending to be Rebel forces.  On Thyferra, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, and the rest of the Rebels who discovered the plot of the contaminated bacta leave for Delrakkin.  Upon entering Delrakkin space, the ‘Millennium Falcon’ is confronted by two full squadrons of X-wings flown by Imperial pilots.  They pretend to crash the ‘Falcon’ to make repairs, but one of them has to go after the X-wings.  That Rebel takes a Y-wing they had carried to Thyferra after the X-wings, with Q-7N in the cockpit as well.  In a subsequent encounter with the X-wings, the Y-wing is shot down.  The Rebel moves through the Delrakkin wilderness, meeting Untrilla and Gwann, two Delrakkin natives.  They inform the Rebel that a short while ago they planted a field of alazhi brought to them by a Rebel named Skeezer.  The Rebel tells them that Skeezer is actually an Imperial, and the two natives head for the ‘Falcon’ while the Rebel manages to get an Imperial pilot's uniform and trick a fellow Imperial pilot into leading him (in the real pilot's X-wing) back to the ‘Liquidator’. 


                Once the Rebel's X-wing is in the Star Destroyer's docking bay, the Rebel fires on a fuel tank, throwing the bay into confusion.  The Rebel makes it to a lift and tells security that Rebels have invaded the ship.  The Rebel makes it to Termo's quarters and steals the first two (of three) data tapes left for Termo by Tarkin.  The Rebel then escapes in an X-wing.  Reunited, the Rebels view the data tapes and discover the Imperial plot.  The Empire has been working on a device to restrict hyperspace escape and were planning to use Delrakkin as a testing area, since it is on the end of an old hyperspace trade route.  Unfortunately, the citizens of Delrakkin City (all Imperials, not natives) cannot be trusted with keeping the operation a secret, so they must be eliminated.  The bacta was to be delivered to the city to kill off the citizens, but Skeezer's mission to destroy it as Rebel forces was Tarkin's contingency plan. At the end of the second tape, Tarkin orders Termo to the Yavin system to search for the Death Star and anything else in the area.  The Rebels realize the base on Yavin IV could be in danger, and heads back there at once...

(CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE - Scholastic Books - Ryder Windham - 1997)


“Star Wars Missions: Destroy the Liquidator.”

                In the Yavin system, the ‘Liquidator’ approaches Yavin's moons.  Admiral Termo orders probes sent to Yavin XIII and Yavin IV, while they proceed to Yavin VIII.  In each case, they are searching for Rebels who could have destroyed the Death Star.  Entering the system in the ‘Millennium Falcon’, Luke Skywalker and company sees the probe heading for Yavin IV and races after it.  They destroy it to keep the base's location a secret, planning to send a fake "all clear" transmission.  At about the same time, Imperial Captain Skeezer escapes from his cell on Yavin IV and makes his escape in his modified Carrack cruiser, which the Rebels have just finished repairing for installation into the Rebel fleet. When the ‘Falcon’ reaches Yavin IV, the Rebels are informed of Skeezer's escape and one of them (the same one who attacked the ‘Liquidator’ at Delrakkin) takes an X-wing and Q-7N to stop the Carrack cruiser from informing the ‘Liquidator’ of the Rebel presence on Yavin IV.  The Rebel tracks Skeezer and destroys his transmitter array before bringing him down on Yavin VIII.  No sooner does the Rebel see Skeezer go down than an assault commences from a garrison the ‘Liquidator’ left on the planet.  After destroying most of the garrison, the Rebel is caught in a tractor beam and taken aboard the ‘Liquidator’ once again.  The Rebel is confronted by Admiral Termo and stormtroopers, but Q-7N fires the X-wings's lasers, scattering the troopers and allowing the Rebel to escape.  The Rebel makes it to a weapon storage area and takes a detonator, which the Rebel then places on the ship's solar ionization reactor.  The Rebel is then stopped by Termo, but they need the Rebel alive to deactivate the detaonator.  The Rebel and Q-7N distract the Imperials and escape in an escape pod as the detonator explodes, causing a chain reaction that destroys the ‘Liquidator’.  From the pod, the Rebel sends a distress signal to the Rebels in the system.  The pod lands on Yavin VIII, and the Rebel must battle Captain Skeezer, finally putting the man down.  The ‘Millennium Falcon’ soon arrives to recover the Rebel and Q-7N, and they all return to Yavin IV to celebrate their victory.

(CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE - Scholastic Books - Ryder Windham - 1997)


General Dodonna assigns everyone at Yavin base a mission: Find the damaged TIE Advanced of Darth Vader, which is confirmed to have survived the Battle of Yavin. He very much wants to increase the Rebellion’s victory by capturing or killing Vader before he reaches the Empire again. For nearly a month, during their various missions, the Rebel heroes keep their eyes and ears open for any sign of where Vader went.

Nearly a month before “Scoundrel’s Luck.”


“The Marvel Series: The Stenax Shuffle. (#70)”

              The Rebel base on Stenos hasn’t contacted in the Alliance in five days, and the heroes of Yavin are sent to check it out.  At the abandoned hide - out, they meet some old friends of Han -- smuggler Rik Duel and his two partners, the Rodian Chihdo and the overly amorous Zeltron Dani.  They were left at the base to find something that could supposedly be “vital to the Rebellion” -- an ancient artifact lost centuries ago, a statue of the Stenax god Vol.  The native Stenax were cursed from ever going into their ancient temples, let alone flying again, until the statue was found.


              Two days of digging later, the statue is found.  The Duel Gang double - crosses the Rebels by taking the statue and siccing stormtroopers on them, intending to hand the statue over to Imperial Governor Matrin.  But the Stenax have learned of the statue’s discovery, and they take to the skies to pull the stormtroopers off.  Han tells them where “Vol” has gone.  As Matrim is about to reward Duel with a bolt between the eyes, the Stenax attacks.  The ‘Falcon’ flies away, but Duel vows he’ll get revenge...

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Mary Jo Duffy - April 1983)


The Rebels arrange for a special ceremony honoring Chewbacca on Kashyyyk. Luke and Leia become acquainted with his family during the ceremony. (46)


“SW Adventure Journal: To Fight Another Day.”

               Three weeks after losing everything that ever mattered to her, Tinian I’att arrives at Silver Station for some much - needed repairs to the ship she’s on, the ‘Quandary’.  At the same time, she’ll deliver what technology she took from Druckenwell to Una Poot, a Rebel in charge of the station.  Problem is, there’s a bomb threat on the station -- Ranat mercenaries trained by the Empire, seeking revenge for Poot refusing to allow them to pilfer food.  Tinian meets with Poot, offering the technology in return for sending word of Wrrl’s death to Kashyyyk.  She agrees, giving Tinian’s news to Chenlambic, a Wookiee bounty hunter.  A little later, Tinian discovers the Ranat saboteurs at work.


                At the same time, unbeknownest to her, the supposedly dead Daye arrives at Silver for medical attention.  Tinian escapes Silver with Chenlambic as an Imperial attack begins on the station.  Only partially healed, Daye escapes as well with Una and the body armor given her by Tinian...

(SHORT STORY -- West End Games - Kathy Tyers - May 1995)


“SW Tales: Stop that Jawa!”                                                                                                  *

                At Chalmun’s Cantina, Sy Snootles rages at Max Rebo for putting her and the rest of his band into permanent slavery to Jabba the Hutt – for free food, no less! But when they leave the cantina, they find a worse problem – their van, filled with their instruments, has been stolen! A nearby wino tells them some Jawas made off with it. Sy, Max and Droopy McCool races after them in Sy’s hoverbuggy, with a masked person Sy believes to be one of Jabba’s bounty hunters after them – the same person who overheard Sy’s earlier complaints. They meet the Jawas, only to have Sy anger them with her curses. Just as all seems lost, the “bounty hunter” shows up and scares the Jawas away. The Jawas do leave the van and instruments behind as well. The masked “hunter” then takes his mask off to reveal himself as a harmonica player who wants to join the band…

(COMIC SHORT STORY – Dark Horse Comics – Dave Cooper – January 2000)


“SW Adventure Journal / Tales from the Empire: A Certain Point of View.”

The luxury liner ‘Kuari Princess’ makes a routine stop at Mantooine.  While there, navigator Celia Durasha meets up with an old boyfriend -- now Imperial lieutenant Adion Lang.  They talk about Celia’s family -- her brother Raine’s assignment to Ralltiir, her father Reise’s refusal to allow her in the Imperial army.  Meanwhile, the Princess’s security chief, Kaileel, is acting increasingly strange, having heard some bad news at Mantooine.  As the ship sets off for Endoran, Captain Stenn Glidrick delivers some bad news for Celia -- Raine’s been killed by Rebels at Raltiir. Kaileel tries to console her -- only to make her realize that he himself is a Rebel.  At that point, the news of Alderaan’s destruction reaches them.  Adion swoops in and arrests Kaileel, thanking Celia for helping him to the criminal.  The young woman is completely conflicted, not knowing who to side with.  She finally decides to help Kaileel escape, only to run into Adion again.  Kaileel chooses to let Adion shoot him.  Adion starts to arrest Celia for treason, but “Crimson” slashes Adion’s arm and escapes in a transport.

(SHORT STORY -- West End Games - Charlene Newcomb - November 1995)  


After three years of devastating battles, the Trianii Rangers and the Corporate Sector Authority sign an armistice treaty.

"SW RPG: Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook." and “SW Adventure Journal”.


"SW Pizazz magazine serial / Star Wars #0: The Keeper’s World." 

                A week after the Battle of Yavin, Luke and Leia travel towards the Rebel base of Akuria to insure against a sudden Imperial counter - attack on Yavin.  But thanks to Artoo (not properly repaired after the Battle of Yavin), the ship flies wildly off course.  After a near - miss with an Imperial fleet, Luke and Leia encounter four android children who can control the elements, and a computerised "Keeper" on a formerly war - torn world who helps them escape the Imperials.  

(COMIC STRIP - Marvel Comics Inc. - Roy Thomas - October 1977-April 1978)


An eyewitness to the destruction of his homeworld (he was working on a nearby satellite station at the time), Alderaanian General Carlist Rieekan joins the Alliance.

"SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook." 


"Pizazz Magazine serial: The Kingdom of Ice."  

                Luke and Leia arrive on Akuria Two, to meet with Colonel Odan and his resistance group of Snow Demons.  But unbeknownst to them, he's been replaced with an Imperial imposter who runs Odan's massive battle fortress.  The real Odan is able to warn the Rebels, and the imposter is defeated. 

(COMIC STRIP - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - May-December 1978)


“SW Adventure Journal: Chessa’s Doom.”

              20-year-old ship’s mechanic Dirk Harkness and his girlfriend, first mate Chessa Dohhenty of the freighter ‘Colder’s Watch’, are jumped by stormtroopers during a cargo unloading on Kelada.  Chessa is killed, and Dirk finds himself on the run.  He finds himself in a bar, looking at his ruined face in a mirror. Some Rebel friends of Chessa’s show up, and bring him into the Alliance.

(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Peter Schweighofer - February 1994) 


“SW Adventure Journal: Big Quince.”                                                                                   *

Aboard the immense slave ship 'Quincey's Girl', the infamous slaver Quintik Kahr (aka “Big Quince”) orders his Twi'lek slave, Tru'eb Cholakk, to pick a slave girl for a meeting with Moff Antoll Jellrek.  Tru'eb goes down to the slave pen and chooses Oakie. Tru'eb leads Oakie (aka Platt Okeefe, sold into slavery for failing to clear a debt with a crimelord) to Big Quince's cabin to wash up.  While the slave bathed, the Twi'lek examines several metal crates filled with the blue-white spice ryll, also for Jellrek.  Soon after Oakie gets dressed, they began to discuss plans of escape.  The slave girl places a bottle of Gruvian Tovash from Quince's bar inside of the crate.


Oakie and the crates of ryll are taken to the docking bay as the boarding ramp of the newly arrived Imperial shuttle began to lower.  Moff Jellrek emerged from the shuttle to expect his tribute.  As Jellrek opens the crate with the bottle of Gruvian, the alcohol spills on the ryll. The spice reacts violently and appears to explode.  During the commotion, both Oakie and Tru'eb run to the Moff's shuttle and takes off.  They enter hyperspace before the Star Destroyer in orbit could intercept.

Summary written (with my personal thanks) by Taran Xavier. 

(SHORT STORY – West End Games – Peter Schweighofer - May 1994)


“The Marvel Series: Rage in the Red Nebula. (#50)”

             As a favor to Leia, Han and Chewie drop off a couple of spies only to be chased by two Star Destroyers.  They flee to Terminus, a trading world.  The two are jumped and spirited off in a bulk -freighter to the infamous Red Nebula, an area outside the galaxy.  They and several other prisoners will be used by an alien called Klysk to steal a pair of extremely valuable ruby jewels.  Han pilots the freighter past an asteroid shower to the unnamed world, where more of Klysk’s people are discovered in a temple with the jewels.  They explain the jewels are used to protect their world from the asteroids, and Klysk (an exile) wishes to destroy them by taking the jewels.  Klysk takes the jewels from Han and takes off, flying with the jewels into the nearby sun in order to cause a supernova -- only Han switched the jewels for rocks beforehand.  In return for the safe return of the jewels (one of which killed a criminal mysteriously), Han and Chewie are provided transport back to Terminus.

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - August 1981)


Princess Leia rewards Han for his efforts in the previous mission with 20,000 credits. But he still needs 205,000 more to pay off Jabba. With General Dodonna having called off the search for Vader, and Luke helping search for a new base world, Han suggests taking Leia along on a gambling vacation to Ord Mantell…

Prior to “Scoundrel’s Luck.”


“SW Solitaire Adventure: Scoundrel’s Luck.”

Just when he needed her most, Lady Luck has run out on Han Solo. His attempts to build the 20,000 from Leia into enough to pay off Jabba has backfired in the casinos of Ord Mantell. Giving up after he’s down to 6,500, Han’s suddenly pulled aside by a droid sent from an “Alfreda Goot.” Goot wants Han to race her to Tatooine – and to make sure he does, she’s taken Leia hostage!! Han chases the droid all the way to the planetary environmental control facility, where it ends up getting smashed to bits by machinery – but not before giving Han a clue as to a person who outfitted Goot’s ship, Cabet Lom. The Twi’lek takes 2,500 from Han, then provides a description of Goot (wears a mask and wig) and of her ship. Han and Chewie take off for Tatooine. Taking a shortcut through the Mon Torri system, Han comes upon the SD Eradicator attacking a Corvette. Han moves to help, figuring “any enemy of the Empire is a friend of mine.” He’s surprised to find Imperial markings on the Corvette. He takes out some TIEs and a spacetrooper shuttle and boards the Corvette, to find a group of deserters led by one Captain Sodarra. They insist on taking along with them a large crate. With that aboard, the Falcon is chased by the Eradicator (commanded by Governor-General Vellam) into the atmosphere of Mon Torri. The freighter crash-lands into an icy valley…


The Falcon is hidden under the snow, as a recon patrol closes in. Han and the deserters work together to take them out, then Han receives a message from Goot. Surprisingly, she offers repair parts for the ship – “I want to beat the Falcon to Mos Eisley, not to destroy it.” As they repair the ship, Sodarra explains that the “cargo” is a prototype compact cloaking device. Han begins to wonder about Alfreda’s identity – and he’s starting to get a very bad feeling he’s having a joke played on him. Is Leia Alfreda Goot? At any rate, the Falcon is soon back on its’ way, chased through a comet by the Eradicator. They manage to lose the SD, and another message from Goot comes in. Han calls her bluff, declaring her to be Leia. She only laughs and says “Mos Eisely, Solo.” Sodarra tries to talk Han into dropping his group and the cargo off at Shador, insisting the Falcon won’t be able to use the cloaking device itself. Han insists on trying it anyway, and opens the crate – only to find it’s not a cloaking device at all. It’s the shattered hulk of a TIE Advanced. And inside is the comatose body of Darth Vader. Sodarra explains (at gunpoint) that Vellam (whose space includes the Yavin system) is envious of Vader’s ties to the Emperor and wants to take him out. Chewie tells Han that he can rig a bomb to Vader’s fighter. Knowing that, Han agrees to take Sodarra to Shador.


They arrive at Shador, learning as they do that someone left open the comm. to provide a tracking signal for the Eradicator. Sodarra takes Han with him to meet an agent of Vader’s. They are met by mercenaries who have already killed the agent, Taslo. A furious brawl and chase later, the Falcon zooms off Shador. Han’s ready to blow Vader up, but Sodarra has an ace up his sleeve: Goot, he reveals, is a bounty hunter Vader’s been known to hire. If he dies – Leia dies. The race is a setup to lead Han into a deathtrap. After throwing the traitor in Sodarra’s camp out in an escape pod, the Falcon continues on to Tatooine. Han sends Sodarra to do recon at the Dockside Cafe, holding the bomb as a threat over his head. Sodarra tells him by comlink that Alfreda’s men are there, but she’s running late. Han comes on in and waits for her. Alfreda comes in, keeping Leia on a leash. Han brings in Sodarra and his men, and a brawl ensues. Han guns Goot down (she turns out to be a Togorian) and frees Leia. The smuggler has no choice but to honor his word – for their help in freeing Leia, Han gives them the crate with Vader inside and lets them go. He vows never to tell Leia what he had to do to save her. Sodarra then tries to ambush Han, and Han shoots him too. The Falcon flies off Tatooine and back to the Alliance…

(ADVENTURE GAME - West End Games – Troy Denning - 1990)


“SW Missions: Darth Vader’s Return.”                                                                                    *

Darth Vader arrives on Coruscant aboard a Carrack cruiser.  He goes to see Emperor Palpatine and witnesses the Emperor undergoing bacta treatment on his latest clone body.  Palpatine communicates with him telepathically and asks what happened to the Death Star to determine how truthful Vader will be.  Palpatine informs him that Grand Moff Tarkin’s third holotape just might hold information that could bring one of Tarkin’s last plans to fruition and an end to the Rebellion.   In the Unknown Regions, Captain Termo and Officer Tix, after floating about in their escape pod, finally begin descending toward an unknown planet with alien technology. Upon landing, Tix utilizes an alien communications array to send a distress call to the Empire.  Palpatine sends Vader with a compliment of Imperials to investigate and bring back the holotape, not knowing that Termo and Tix have been captured by strange seeker-like droids (yes, like Q-7N).  The Imperials arrive in a Carrack cruiser but are attacked by a droid-ship sent by the droids on the surface.  The Carrack is incapacitated, but the Imperials (except one) manage to get out in their TIE fighters and head for the surface.  One Imperial manages to find the entrance to an underground, abandoned alien base, and makes it through the base, frees Termo and Tix, and escapes.  Vader questions Termo and Tix, and retrieves the holotape before using the Dark Side of the Force to choke Termo to death for insubordination.  Three TIE pilots will remain behind to destroy the alien base, as the others return to Coruscant with the holotape.  Unbeknownst to the Imperials, though, the other droids have sent out a distress call to their long-lost companion, Q-7N, who tells the Rebels on Yavin IV of his homeworld’s plight.  The Rebels prepare to investigate immediately….

(CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE - Scholastic Books - Ryder Windham - 1999)


“SW Missions: Rogue Squadron to the Rescue.”

Darth Vader, Captain Mordak, and Officer Tix arrive back on Coruscant.  Vader takes the last of Grand Moff Tarkin’s holotapes to the Emperor and they play it.  In it, Tarkin outlines his plans for gravity well-projecting vehicles to enhance the Imperial fleet (read: plans for Interdictor cruisers).  Vader is told to head on to Fondor and oversee the construction of the Executor, while Mordak is placed in charge of the gravity well project.  A group of Imperials will steal a freighter on Space Station Kwenn and then rendezvous with Mordak on Bonadan, so that they can have a civilian-looking ship to use in their experimentation.  The Rebels (Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, C-3PO, R2-D2, Q-7N, Han Solo, and Chewbacca) arrive on Q-7N’s homeworld, only to find that the Imperials have left.  They leave aboard the Millennium Falcon and find a message drone, which bears a message from Wedge Antilles.  Imperials are trying to steal a freighter on Space Station Kwenn and have locked up the crew.  The Rebels race to the station to help.  On Space Station Kwenn, Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu, and Wes Janson spy on the Imperials.  They are discovered and scatter.  One of the Rogues finds the stolen ship’s crew, including Captain Kar Lamoran.  The Rogue tells Lamoran and her crew to go find the other Rogues and tell them that he’s going to try to retake the ship, but when the Rogue reaches the ship, he finds that Lamoran has only sent her crew to do so, and has followed him.  Lamoran tells the Rogue that she might be needed to help deal with her testy ASP-7 droid on the ship.  The Rogue races aboard the ship and disables the entire Imperial crew.  The ship has lifted off under control of the ship’s R5 droid, though, so the Rogue must go to the cockpit to stop it.  The Millennium Falcon arrives and contacts the Rogue.  After disablin the ASP-7, the Rebels all meet in docking bay 238.  The Imperials have revealed that the ship was bound for Bonadan, and that Darth Vader is somehow involved.  On Coruscant, Vader leaves for Fondor and Mordak leaves for Bonadan.  On Space Station Kwenn, the Rebels decide that they should impersonate the Imperial crew and continue to Bonadan to flush out the Imperial plot . . .

(CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE - Scholastic Books - Ryder Windham - 1999)


“SW Missions: Bounty on Bonadan.”                                                                                      *

After storing the Millennium Falcon (with Chewbacca, R2-D2, and Q-7N aboard) in a stoage area of Kar Lamoran’s Corellian Action VI freighter, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, C-3PO, and Kar land on Bonadan, where, only a short while before, Officer Tix and General Mordak had arrived in civillian clothes to meet their Imperial contact.  The Rebels (disguised as the freighter’s Imperial crew) meet Tix, Mordak, and the contact, only to have the contact (Frap Radicon) recognize Leia.  In the commotion that follows, Han manages to slip a Luxan Penetrator weapon onto Frap, who is arrested for carrying the weapon, while the Rebels escape.  Tix and Mordak contact Darth Vader, who sends a bounty hunter on a mission to free Frap from the custody of the Corporate Sector Authority security police compound he has been taken to.  The hunter manages to free Frap with a minimum of trouble (mostly just beating on security personnel) and delivers him back to the other Imperials in time for them to take the freighter and leave for the Unknown Regions, where they intend to set up their hyperspace project on Q-7N’s homeworld.  In a nearby cantina, the Rebels gasp as the ship lifts off without them, with the Falcon, Chewie, R2-D2, and Q-7N still aboard.  R2-D2 jacks into the ship’s systems and discovers their destination. The destination is transmitted to C-3PO and the chase is on . . . Now, all the Rebels need is a ship . . .

(CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE - Scholastic Books - Ryder Windham - 1999)


"SW Kids: The Rebel Thief."

At the Rebel base on Yavin IV, Han Solo is frustrated that the reward money he returned to the Alliance is being used to fix ships other than the ‘Millennium Falcon’.  When he overhears C-3PO, R2-D2, and Q-7N talking about the treasure of an ancient fortress, Han and Chewbacca take off for the fortress.  Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker learn of Han’s actions and Leia prepares to arrest him for the theft of the treasure.  At the fortress, Han and Chewie arrive and defeat a four - armed guardian droid left by the pirates who stashed the treasure.  As Leia, Luke, and the droids arrive at the fortress to catch Han, he and Chewie escape in the ‘Falcon’ and head for Dennogra to meet Sprool the Trader.  On the planet, Han must kill a bounty hunter in self defense and then meets with Sprool.  He trades one of the two boxes of the treasure of the fortress to Sprool for 500,000 credits, and tells Sprool to take the other box to Jabba the Hutt, in an attempt to get Jabba to call off the bounty on Han’s head.  They leave for Yavin IV, where, unbeknownst to them, Leia is preparing to arrest them on sight.  Upon arrival, Han and Chewie are met by Rebel guards, but reveal that the 500,000 credits is for the Alliance, so that they have the money necessary to get a head -start on rebuilding the Rebel fleet, starting with a new squadron of X-wings.  Leia is impressed and speechless, and Luke thinks Han did it just to impress Leia and make him look bad for not helping. On Tatooine, Sprool delivers the treasure box to Jabba, who receives it graciously, but refuses to call off the bounty on Han.

(COMIC STRIP - Scholastic Inc. - Mike W. Barr - 1998)

Information provided by James McFadden's Chronology, via his "top - secret source."       


"SW Kids: X-Wing Marks the Spot."

                While Chewie and Threepio stay at Yavin base, Luke, Han, Leia and Artoo travel to the top-secret Incom factory with what little money the base has left to buy new X-Wings to replace those lost at the Battle of Yavin.  Incom head Vors Voorhorian has sent a message to them indicating his location.  But when they arrive at the coordinates, they find a self-destructing message beacon, offering used transports from “Gears” Gilhooey.  An Imperial attack sends the Falcon racing to Gilhooey’s place, where Han discovers that “Gears” is really Voorhorian.  But as Luke and Han unloads the treasure, Artoo bleeps out a startling discovery -- the X-Wings are fakes.


             Han and Luke tear into Vors and Leia’s meeting with the news, only to learn that the real X-Wings are waiting in space. At that moment, TIEs attack. Luke takes on the TIEs singlehanded with his ‘saber to allow the others to escape. They take off to meet a derelict freighter carrying the X-Wings, but are again jumped by TIEs. As Han holds them off, Luke and Leia use the X-Wings to power the freighter’s shields. The TIEs are tricked into crashing into the shields, and the ‘Falcon’ tractors the freighter and X-Wings to Yavin base.

(COMIC STRIP - Scholastic Inc. - Mike W. Barr - December 1998-March 1999)


“SW Kids: Imperial Spy.”

The X-Wings are off - loaded to Yavin base, making the Rebels there a match for the Empire again.  Suddenly a Corellian Corvette tears into orbit, claiming to be a transport from Alderaan!  At the same time, the base’s navcharts and base files are broken into.  The spy who went through the files contacts Vader, suggesting a surprise strike force...


Leia speaks to the Alderaan refugees, and discovers one of them to be Darlen, an old childhood friend of hers.  After speaking to her, she abruptly accuses Han of being the spy who broke into the Rebel computers!!  Han fights his way through the Rebels and Luke, taking off in the Falcon with Chewie.  But it’s all an act to flush out the real spy.  In orbit, Han picks up a transmission by the mystery Imperial agent. Luke and Leia track the signal -- to find Darlen is the spy?!?


              Q-7N indicates the spy is not in fact Leia’s friends, but he is nearby -- or rather, an autobeacon left by him is.  The ‘Falcon’ strafes the observation tower the real spy is on, but he escapes.  Darlen reveals that he married Tolok, a fellow Alderaanian, and kept it secret.  Leia orders an immediate evacuation of the base.  Luke has an idea -- use with the Force with the autobeacon to ferret out the spy.  It works, as Lieutenant Rogor is revealed to be the traitor.  He takes off in an old X-Wing, only to crash in the swamps some distance away.  The Rebel fleet takes off from Yavin, as Darlen reveals to Leia she is pregnant.  And Rogor is left on Yavin to face the tender mercies of Vader...

(COMIC STRIP - Scholastic Inc. - Mike W. Barr - April - July 1999)


The Rebel Alliance eventually returns to Yavin, knowing the Empire won’t soon be returning to attack, as they wouldn’t be expecting the Rebels back there. Even so, finding a new permanent base becomes a priority for them.

Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


“Star Wars Missions: The Hunt for Han Solo.”

        On Faldos, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, C-3PO and R2-D2 are attacked by bounty hunters looking to cash in on the Imperial and / or Hutt reward(s) for Han Solo.  In their escape, Han discovers Grubba the Hutt, Jabba the Hutt’s nephew, being held by kidnappers.  He takes Grubba with him as the Rebels escape, hoping to turn him over to Jabba as an act of good faith.  On Tatooine, Prefect Eugene Talmont has hired Dengar, Eron Stonefield, and Udin (all bounty hunters) to capture Han Solo when he arrives (as expected) to pay off Jabba.  Talmont is in it to get himself a better post, but the bounty hunters are simply in it for the payoff (with the added bonus of revenge for Dengar).  The hunters head for the Jundland Wastes and await sign of the ‘Millennium Falcon’ heading to Jabba’s palace.  They think that they hear and see the ship heading that direction and one of the hunters’ heads out in a dewback to make sure.  The hunter eventually tracks the ship to what appears to be a B’omarr outpost.  Inside, the hunter encounters Brain Spiders and meets the disembodied brain of K’vin, who informs her that the B’omarr monks are a splinter group from their real religion, the Most Perfect Order of K’vin.  K’vin asks the hunter to kill him, which should lead to greater “enlightenment,” The hunter escapes that encounter.  The hunter finds the Falcon under guard by Jabba’s goons, but sneaks aboard and kidnaps Grubba.  The hunter cannot get to Solo himself, but Grubba just might work as bait to bring Solo to the hunters.  The hunter escapes, nearly being killed by krayt dragons.  The Rebels escape to go after Grubba and escape Jabba’s wrath, while the bounty hunters take Grubba to Udin’s homeworld, Kubindi, where they will lay in wait of Solo.

(CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE - Scholastic Books - Ryder Windham - 1998)


“Star Wars Missions: The Search for Grubba the Hutt.”

On Tatooine, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, R2-D2 and C-3PO discover that Grubba the Hutt has been taken to Kubindi, to the Silver Forest of Dreams, ruled by Queen Zabin.  The Rebels head for Kubindi.  Also heading for Kubindi is Punishing One, carrying Dengar, Eron Stonefield, Udin, and the captive Grubba.  Grubba is winning sabacc hands with the hunters left and right, winning percentages of the price Jabba will pay for his safe return or the Solo bounty.  The hunters arrive on Kubindi and go into hiding with Udin’s hive, while the Rebels also arrive and are guided by Bizzin Uz to the Silver Forest of Dreams.  In several speeders, they head out, only to be attacked by various insect - like creatues bred on Kubindi.  One Rebel (in a speeder with C-3PO) is separated from the group.  The Rebel is forced to slow down due to terrain and getting their bearings.  Suddenly, a flying creature picks the Rebel up and carries the Rebel to its “nest.”  The Rebel escapes and climbs down the incredibly tall tree, but only makes it half way, to a cave, or sorts, in the tree.  The Rebel makes it through the “cave” to another side entrance and yells to C-3PO, who tells the Rebel that there is a spider - web below that can break the Rebel’s fall if the Rebel needs to jump to make it down safely.  The Rebel does so and they take off after the others, only to find the speeder’s abandoned, Bizzin Uz dying in a spider - web, and the others captured by Queen Zabin’s hive.  The Rebel makes it through part of the hive, but is caught in the detention area.  The Rebel is taken to Queen Zabin and Zabin offers to let the Rebels go free if the Rebel can make a wonderful dinner dish from the Kubindi foods nearby.  The Rebel manages to pull off this rather odd request, and they are allowed to go free.  The bounty hunters have already taken Grubba from Kubindi however, so they leave free, but without their original goal fulfilled.  As the Rebels try to figure out where to go next, the bounty hunters head for Ithor and the herdship Tafanda Bay.  The ship’s commander, General Olan Dewes, owes Udin a favor, and Udin intends to collect with sanctuary.  The chase continues….

(CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE - Scholastic Books – Dave Wolverton - 1998)


“Star Wars Missions: Ithorian Invasion.”

Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, C-3PO, R2-D2, and Momaw Nadon arrive on Ithor on a mission to return Nadon to the planet and to find Grubba the Hutt.  They pretend to be bringing Imperial Master Torturer Vengnar Heiff to the Tafanda Bay, but soon learn that the Imperials were actually expecting him.  The Rebels land and make their way to the Oracle, a Force-sensitive Ithorian, who confirms that Grubba is aboard the herdship.  Momaw Nadon and one Rebel make their way aboard the Tafanda Bay, encountering Imperials and Ithorians serving them.  One such Ithorian is Boma Inondo, former student of Nadon, whom they are forced to kill.  The Rebel and the Ithorians begin a revolt against the Imperials.  The Ithorians win the day, with the Rebel killing Sir Heiff and finding Grubba, although the bounty hunters escape.  At about the same time, a Rebel fleet enters the system and drives off the Imperials in orbit.  Reunited, the Rebels decide to return Grubba to Jabba on neutral territory and head for Togoria.

(CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE - Scholastic Books – Dave Wolverton - 1998)


“SW Role Playing Game: Tatooine Manhunt.”

                While patrolling the Outer Rim, the Star Destroyer ‘Relentless’ comes upon a pirate named Quist. When Captain Parlan orders him killed, Quist bargains for his life with a nice little nugget of information -- the whereabouts of the believed - dead Republic tactician Adar Tallon (Father of the Old Republic Navy, who shapes modern Imperial tactics).  Parlan puts a bounty out on Tallon (exceeding 50 million credits), while allowing Quist to rejoin his friend -- and to act if the hunters fail. Parlan also hires Jodo Kast, a Boba Fett wannabe in Mandalorian armor, to take Tallon out before he can join the Rebellion. An undercover Rebel operative on the Relentless, Dana, contacts a Rebel unit at a space station orbiting the planet Kwenn, where the Relentless is being repaired. Just as she reaches them, she’s killed by bounty hunters. As the Imperials declare martial law, the Rebels find a datapad outlining the situation on Dana’s corpse. The Rebels rush off the station in the Mon Calamari freighter Alabak’s Gold and races to Tatooine, the Relentless pursuing them the whole way.


                The Rebels land at Docking Bay 94 at Mos Eisley, only to meet a hardcase customs officer who hassles them. They explore the city, noting all the bounty hunters who have arrived to capture or kill Tallon. At one point, they hear about the murder of Heff, one of the oldest citizens on Tatooine. They learn he was killed the same way Dana was killed – a poisoned dart in the neck. They retire to Chalmun’s Cantina, where they meet Labria the Devaronian. He tells them that an Ithorian named Slag Flats can tell them where Tallon is, and he leads them to her water silo base. Inside is a very dead Flats. Another poison dart, and a note: “Arno’s next.” The Rebels are suddenly trapped in the flooding silo by bounty hunters. They fight their way out and begin searching for Arno, the only remaining “Oldster” – and the only one who may know where Tallon is. They receive a message from him to meet at Chalmun’s. Waiting for them instead is an ambush arranged by Labria. During the fight, one of the Rebels is nearly killed by a poison dart – one fired by Jodo Kast. The Rebels chase the hunters all the way to Jabba the Hutt’s townhouse, then the local militia intervenes and blocks their way. Frustrated, they return to the wrecked cantina – and this time, Arno is there waiting for them.


                He leads them into the Jundland Wastes, a few hours behind Kast and the rest of the hunters. Along the way, they pass a scavenging effort attacked by krayt dragons. Then an abandoned manor, then a religious retreat attacked by more hunters (this group led by Zardra, who had teamed with Kast and Puggles Trodd). The next day brings the Rebels to a smashed moisture farm and a traumatized girl named Reen, who tearfully reveals that IG-72 destroyed her farm and killed her father. Arno takes her back to the religious retreat and gives the Rebels directions to their final destination, Fort Tusken. They find most of the hunters dead along the way – Tallon suspected the Empire was after him, and has proven no easy target. A bantha stampede and Sandpeople attack further slows them down, but they finally make their way to Tallon’s besieged camp. As they try to convince Tallon of their good intentions, Quist reveals himself to be a traitor as he brings in the surviving hunters and takes Tallon’s wife hostage. The Rebels fight the hunters to the death (Kast and Quist escapes, and Tallon’s wife is freed) and takes Tallon with them to Mos Eisely as the Relentless arrives. They find the town in uproar and the local Prefect waiting for them at Docking Bay 94 with a platoon of stormtroopers. Suddenly IG-72 shows up, mowing down the Prefect and troopers to get at the Rebels itself. After defeating the droid (which self-destructs, damaging the Gold), they rush off Tatooine to find the Relentless and TIE Interceptors waiting for them. After a desperate chase, the Rebels escape and deliver Tallon to the Alliance. Darth Vader executes Captain Parlan for his bungling…

(ADVENTURE GAME - West End Games - Bill Slavicsek and Daniel Greenberg - 1988)


“Star Wars Missions: Togorian Trap.”

The Rebels arrive on Togoria and head for Caross to meet with the local governmental head, the Margrave - sister.  The bounty hunters follow them to Togoria in Dengar’s ‘Punishing One’, but the ship is damaged in a scuffle with the Rebels and they must eject.  The ship survives, but is in need of repairs.  One of the bounty hunters meets Fassool and his Togorian war band and allies with them to retrieve Grubba, pretending that Han Solo and the other Rebels are kidnappers.  They make their way to Caross and the bounty hunter makes it aboard the ‘Millennium Falcon’, subduing the Rebels.  Once in space to meet with an Imperial ship to collect the bounties on the Rebels, one of the bounty hunters, Eron Stonefield, has second thoughts, but it is too late to change course.  The hunters are paid and the Imperial vessel speeds away.  It is only upon returning to Jabba the Hutt’s palace to return Grubba that they learn that the ship was actually a Rebel transport.  The Rebels are safely with the Alliance again.  Eron can’t help but feel relieved.

(CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE - Scholastic Books – Dave Wolverton - 1998)


“Star Wars Missions: Revolt of the Battle Droids.”

The Victory - class Star Destroyer ‘Decimator’ arrives in the Kleeva system at Boonda the Hutt's Moon, under the command of Admiral Groot and Captain Plevin.  They are there to pick up droids from Boonda (who is actually a legitimate businessman these days).  Before they can, though, the droids on Boonda’s Moon revolt, led by 12-4C-41 (Wuntoo Forcee Forwun).  The droids had already killed Olag Greck, and nearly succeed in killing Boonda.  Once the droids make their way aboard the ‘Decimator’, pretending to be filling the original droid order, they run amok, taking over the ship.  The Imperials, including a soldier assigned to Groot and Plevin for their protection, escape to the moon where they meet Boonda and learn of the revolt.  They destroy Boonda’s factory, but not before Forwun and the other droids can take a storage compartment aboard the ‘Decimator’, filled with battle - ready ASP droids.  The droids are ready to take on living lifeforms, but before they can do this, they must take over Vactooine as a production facility.  Even before that, Forwun has business to conduct on Tatooine.  They set course, and the ‘Decimator’ leaves the Kleeva system under its new commanding officer, 12-4C-41.

(CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE - Scholastic Books - Ryder Windham - 1998)


“Star Wars Missions: Showdown in Mos Eisley.”

The Victory - class Star Destroyer ‘Decimator’, now under the command of 12-4C-41, diverts from course to Ventooine to make a stop on Tatooine.  Forwun wishes to seek out the evil droid EV-9D9 and destroy her at Jabba’s palace.  They will set down on Tatooine and go to Mos Eisley to determine the location of the palace.  On Tatooine, in the former home of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jabba’s swoop gang, including Big Gizz, Spiker, and Twitch, are rummaging through the hut for anything of value.  They must return to Jabba’s palace soon, but head for Mos Eisley (more specifically Chalmun’s Cantina) for a quick pick-me-up.  Soon after their arrival and meeting with several other roughians, they are set upon by Forwun and his minions, who are in search of Jabba’s palace.  Fearing that the droids mean to harm their rather tempermental employer, the bikers attempt to escape to warn Jabba.  Forwun heads for the palace on a swoop and Twitch and another biker soon follow in a speeder.  They stop Forwun, but the other biker (not Twitch) is pulled aboard the droids’ drone barge along with a now-one-armed Forwun.  The biker manages to warn the palace of the incoming barge and then escape.  The droids’ plot is foiled, but the truth — that they were after EV-9D9, not Jabba — isn’t as glorifying as defending Jabba from assassination, so they lie and tell Jabba that the droids were after him.  Jabba calls off the bounty hunters seeking Han Solo (for the moment).  They have a new target: 12-4C-41 and his droids.

(CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE - Scholastic Books - Ryder Windham - 1999)


“Star Wars Missions: Bounty Hunters vs. Battle Droids.”

On Tatooine, one of the K4 droids defeated by Jabba’s swoop bikers is taken to EV-9D9 for “questioning.”  In space, the K4’s commander, 12-4C-41, orders the Decimator to Vactooine.  On Zio Snaffkin, IG-88 arrives seeking Han Solo.  Word has it that Solo came there recently to see Sprool the Trader.  IG-88 soon finds that Boba Fett is also there.  Shortly after the two speak with each other, Dengar and Bossk also arrive on the planet.  As they exchange testosterone, a message droid arrives and informs them all that Jabba the Hutt has suspended the hunt for Solo and that they should pursue the droids who attacked Jabba’s territory and bring back the droid barge intact.  The hunters race to their ships and prepare to leave Zio Snaffkin.  One bounty hunter manages to disable the other hunters’ ships and makes it to Vactooine.  The hunter is then confronted by TIE bombers from the Decimator and is eventually tractor beamed into the Victory Star Destroyer’s docking bay, where the hunter utilizes his ship’s escape pod to ram through droids in the hangar.  The hunter is captured and taken to a holding cell, from which he escapes after blasting the head off of K-2PQ, close “friend” of Forwun.  The hunter makes it to the drone barge and sets its course for Jabba’s Palace on Tatooine before escaping in his own vessel.  Upon arrival on Tatooine, the hunter fights off Zuckuss and 4-LOM (who want the barge for its bounty) before finally delivering the barge to Jabba.

(CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE - Scholastic Books)    


“Star Wars Missions: The Vactooine Disaster.”

On Tatooine, Jabba the Hutt learns that the barge that carried droids that attacked his people is (or was) owned by Boonda the Hutt.  On Boonda’s Moon, Boonda, Imperial Captain Plevin, and Admiral Groot set up a communicator.  The Imperials are about to leave the system in a Lambda-class shuttle when Jabba calls Boonda and informs him that his droids are in the Vactooine system.  Boonda tells Groot and Plevin and is taken with them to Vactooine, though Boonda makes sure to be near an escape pod so he can get away from the Imperials at his first opportunity.  On Vactooine, 12-4C-41 and his droids have taken over the mining operation and enslaved the miners.  Forwun is then met by Olag Greck, who is very much alive.  He uses a voice command to override Forwun’s programming and retakes control over the plan he set in motion—the takeover of Vactooine’s mining operation.  Near Vactooine, the Millennium Falcon, followed by Rogue Squadron, emerges from hyperspace en route to Vactooine to check on the shipment of materials that never arrived on Yavin IV, only to be fired upon by the Lambda flown by Groot and Plevin.  The Imperials’ surprise presence enables them to catch all but one of the Rebel ships by surprise and immobilize them, but the remaining Rebel attacks the shuttle.  An escape pod is launched from the shuttle, and the pod, the damaged shuttle, and the Rebel in the Rebel’s damaged ship, all head for Vactooine surface.  On the surface, the Rebel finds the pod and Boonda the Hutt, who the Rebel teams up with to stop the droids on the planet.  They come upon the Imperials and destroy their message beacon.  After incapacitating the Imperials and tying them to a tree, the Rebel and Boonda head for the mining operation.  They are attacked by a probe droid and a wounded Boonda leads pursuit away as the Rebel descends a cliff to the mining area.  After several mishaps, the Rebel comes upon a man that is believed to be a miner, only to find that it is Olag Greck.  The Rebel is saved as Boonda re-enters the scene in their vehicle, but the vehicle stalls and they are still in hot water.  Forwun appears and the truth is revealed to him.  Forwun issues an order (via a special transmitter) which pacifies the droids coming to defend Greck, as the Rebel and Boonda subdue Olag Greck and his Gamorrean guard, Xob.  The droids have been stopped.  The Rebels then reunite.  The miners give the Decimator to the Rebel Alliance and it appears that Boonda the Hutt is the newest member of the Rebel Alliance.

(CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE - Scholastic Books)    


“SW Adventure Journal: Explosive Developments.”

                Jai Raventhorn, an outlaw, is out to kill Moff Jellrek before he can kill her.  At Jellrek’s estate on Romar, where she slips some charges in his Chariot speeder.  With the clock ticking, she eludes the scout troopers, steals a speeder bike and escapes.  Jellrek again manages to survive (a lot of people are trying to kill him).  She makes her way to her ship, the ‘Doomsayer’, where she is jumped by the bounty hunter Beylyssa.  She’s lucky to get away with only a scar on her face, as she takes off, leaving the canyon behind her to explode from a thermal detonator…

(SHORT STORY – West End Games – Peter Schweighofer – August 1994)  


"The Ewok Adventure: Caravan of Courage."

                The Towani family has crash - landed on Endor, and Jeremitt and Catrine are on a desperate search for their missing children, Mace and Cindel.  Ironically, the Ewok Deej Warwick is looking for his children too.  Once he finds them, they stumble upon the wrecked Towani ship - and Cindel, trapped in a cabinet.  Mace jumps them, but is subdued.  The two children are led (Cindel freely, Mace on a spit) to the Warwick home.  Wicket (Deej's youngest son) takes an instant liking to Cindel, giving the sick child some medicine.  She in turn helps Wicket learn how to talk their language.  Mace and the Ewoks find his father's life -monitor on a creature the Ewoks hunt.  He is led to Logray, who divines that their parents are being held captive by a giant monster named Gorax, who lives in a part of Endor no Ewok has ever returned from.  The Ewoks nevertheless gather a huge caravan and sets out for Gorax's land.  Along the way they meet up with a tiny wistie named Izrina who joins them, as does a lumberjack Ewok named Chukha.  They use various magical objects of Logray’s to make their way into the Gorax’s castle.  They free the caged parents only to run from the monstrous Gorax, who murders Chukha.  Catarine shoots the Gorax, sending it falling down a chasm -- but it pulls itself up, reaching for Cindel.  Mace buries Chukha’s axe in the Gorax’s skull.  The reunited family returns to the village with the Ewoks as Izrina returns to her family.

 (TV MOVIE - MGM / UA - George Lucas / Bob Carrau - 1984)


“SW Solitaire Adventure: Jedi’s Honour.”

After the Battle of Yavin, the Alliance needed a secure site to base their operations.  Luke's Skywalkers dual mission: to search for a world the Empire has overlooked, and to observe local systems along the way. But in the Sil'Lume Asteroid Belt, the search takes on a personal twist -- a local agitator taken prisoner by the Empire is reputed to be the son of a Jedi Knight!  Should Luke pursue the rumor, or is his mission for the Alliance paramount?

(ADVENTURE GAME - West End Games – Troy Denning - 1990)


After having stuck around and helped the Rebels for nearly four weeks, Han Solo and Chewbacca leave Yavin for Tatooine to pay off Jabba the Hutt.  Just before they can jump to hyperspace, the ‘Falcon’ is jumped and boarded by a modified Star Destroyer under the command of space pirate Crimson Jack.  The pirate gang steals all of the treasure Princess Leia gave Han and takes off.  Now unable to pay Jabba off, Han and Chewie go into hiding on the obscure world of Aduba-3. 

The Marvel Series, issue #7.


"The Marvel Series: Han Solo and the 'Sprites' of Aduba-3. (#7 - 10)" 

                Hiding out on Aduba-3, Han and Chewie help out an insectile preacher trying to bury a cyborg pilot on "Spacer's Hill" -- a move opposed by bigoted spacers.  Afterwards, they enjoy a drink at the local cantina -- until a peasant shows up and offers them a job.  After a fun bar brawl, they learn what the job is -- to protect a poor village from an outlaw band of "Cloud Riders" led by one Serji-X Arrogantus.  Taking pity on them, Han assembles a gang of his own -- a group of down-on-their luck spacers (including a nut called Don-Wan Kihotay, who thinks he's a Jedi) he dubs "Sprites."  Serji's gang shows up, offering more money to stay out of it.  But Han won't turn his back on those needy people, and heads for the village with the Sprites.  They help the village learn to defend themselves against an attack by Serji, but an old villager claims it's not necessary -- he can conjure up a monster to protect the village.  When Serji attacks, the Sprites prove effective -- but when the old man's monster shows up, the battle gets even worse.  Serji's gang attack it first -- and fall along with the old man.  As the monster turns its attention on the village, the Sprites move in.  Don-Wan attacks it with his lightsaber and with Han's help destroys the monster.  Picking up their pay, Han and Chewie leave Aduba.  (47)   

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Roy Thomas / Donald F. Glut - January-April 1978)


Luke Skywalker sets out with Threepio and Artoo in a Corellian Corvette to find the Rebels a new base. 

Between the "Aduba-3" and "Drexel" stories of the Marvel Series.


"Classic Star Wars -- The Early Adventures: Tatooine Sojourn. (#4)"

             Luke Skywalker's recon mission is interrupted when he is sent to Tatooine to investigate a transport capsule crash.  He meets a woman named Anduvil at the Mos Eisley Cantina, who tells him the real reason he's there -- to crack an intelligence operation the Empire is running on Rebel bases.  The transport capsules carry Bledsoe's disease to the bases, wiping them out.  The Jawas are already spreading the disease, and the stormtroopers are checking them out, checking their eyes.  Luke is accidentally infected, and his eyes become star charts -- means the Empire uses to locate the bases (which is just what they manipulated the disease to do in the first place).  They fight their way out of the Imperial base of Tatooine and escape to safety, where Luke is cured. 

 (COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Russ Manning - 1979)


Luke continues his mission, but crashes on the planet Drexel.  Leia sets off in a smaller Corellian vessel to save him. 

 Between the "Aduba-3" and "Drexel" stories of the Marvel Series.


"The Marvel Series: Crimson Jack and the Dragon Lords of Drexel. (#11 - 15)"

                Han decides it'd be better to stick with Luke and Leia than go hiding from planet to planet.  On his way back to Yavin, he is again picked up by Crimson Jack -- who this time also has Leia.  Between the two of them (and a very convincing first kiss), they convince Jack that there is a Rebel treasure on Drexel.  On that watery world, Luke is picked up by a group of "Skimmers" who are being harassed by people called "Dragon Lords," former members of that group who rebelled and learned to control giant sea serpents. When the Skimmers disable Crimson Jack's ship the way they disabled Luke's, Han, Leia and Chewie escape in the Falcon.  They splash-land right in the middle of a full-scale attack by the Dragon Lords. Mistakenly believing he killed Han, Chewie attacks Luke.  Han is in fact dragged away by the Dragon Lords, who reveal that the "dragons" are sentient.  Han makes his way back to Luke, who has learned that the Skimmers are former space scavengers.  Together, they help the Dragon Lords defeat the evil Skimmers.  But an angry Crimson Jack still waits for them in orbit.  When the attack comes, the ‘Falcon’ is beat up, but Han has an advantage - he wiped Jack's navicomputer.  A swap turns into a spacewalk / duel between Han and Jack.  Jolli, a bloodthirsty woman Jack abandoned in the battle, crashes her Y-Wing into Jack's Star Destroyer, crippling it.  Han uses the distraction to kill Jack, and the ‘Falcon’ heads back for Yavin... 

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - May-September 1978)


Major Soontir Fel meets actress Wynssa Starflare -- who is really Syal Antilles, Wedge's sister.  Wynssa is forced to divulge the secret that could destroy his life: her true name was Syal Antilles, and her brother Wedge was a Rebel Hero.  But Fel was in love, and the pair are soon married. 

"X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Making of Baron Fel."


April 22, Year 0

Darth Vader sends a report about the destruction of the Death Star to Emperor Palpatine.  Palpatine orders Vader's right hand cut off in punishment, declares martial law throughout the galaxy and orders the Yavin system blockaded.  He then tortures Bevel Lemelisk to death, brings him back to life in a new clone body, and orders him to build an even larger and more powerful Death Star.  He also announces to the galaxy that Alderaan was destroyed "in a meteor shower," and Tarkin was killed in a shuttle accident at the Tallaan shipyards. (48)  


A short time later, Palpatine amends the report of Alderaan’s destruction to indicate that superweapons the Alderaanians were developing destroyed the planet from the inside out.  In response, the Rebel Alliance releases to the Holonet video footage (provided by Carlist Rieekan) from an outer system satellite of the Death Star destroying Alderaan. Caught red - handed, Palpatine responds that Alderaan was developing bio - weapons and had to be destroyed before it wiped out several star systems.  He invites the traumatized survivors of Alderaan to settle on Byss at his expense.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


"Ewoks: The Battle for Endor." 

                 On the forest moon of Endor, the Towani family (Jeremitt, Catrine, Mace, and Cindel) prepare to leave.  Repairs are nearing completion on their crashed star cruiser.  As Jeremitt works on the ship, the Ewok village is attacked by a group of marauders led by Terak and his witch - like sorceress (a Nightsister who escaped from Dathomir, according to earlier Imperial survey by Pfilbee Jhorn) Charal.  Many Ewoks are killed, along with Catrine and Mace.  Terak confronts Jeremitt at the ship wanting "the power," the power cell for the star cruiser.  Terak takes the cell and kills Jeremitt.  Cindel escapes while Ewoks are gathered up to be taken back to the marauder's castle.  Cindel's escape is short - lived, though, as she is captured by Charal and placed in a prisoner carriage, where she is reunited with Wicket W. Warrick.  With the other Ewoks' help, the two escape from the carriage, pursued by a few marauders.  They hide out in a cave in a nearby mountain.  Wicket builds a hang glider for them to escape from the only other cave opening.  A dragonlike creature in the cave is disturbed by their activities and attacks them, taking Cindel as it flies from the cave mouth.  Wicket follows with the glider and saves her, though they both crash back to the forest below.  They hide again in a hollow tree and awaken the next morning to meet Teek, a speedy creature also native to the forest moon. 


Learning that they need food, Teek takes Wicket and Cindel to the home of Noa, a human man who has also been stranded there.  When he arrives home to find Wicket and Cindel in his house, uninvited (at least not by him), he is angered and throws them out.  Teek sneaks them some food, using his incredible speed, which Noa allows, since he really isn't the hard - ass he'd appeared to be.  When Wicket and Cindel try to start a fire for warmth (which, uncontrolled, could burn down a lot more than just a few trees), Noa invites them in, using that as an excuse.  That night, Cindel has a dream that the marauders have come for her.  She awakens with a start, and once again, Noa shows his fatherly nature in calming her.  At the marauders' castle, Charal tries to use her magic to draw "the power" from the energy cell, to no avail.  She is ordered by Terak to find Cindel, for she must know how to use "the power."  Noa returns home later in the day with a surprise -- a new bed for Wicket and Cindel.  They return the favor with a surprise of their own -- enough of a type of flower to make a pie.  He allows them to stay another night. 


When Noa leaves the next day, they follow him and discover where he goes each day.  Noa has a starship of his own, which he is repairing.  It appears that he and his friend Salak crashed on the planet years before.  The crash destroyed the crystal for their power drive, and Salak went to find another, never to return.  Now, Noa has the ship repaired as best he can.  All he needs is a power drive crystal -- an energy cell like the one Telak captured from the Towanis.  That evening, Cindel tells Noa of her family and their adventures thus far on Endor.  As Noa, Wicket, and Teek sleep the next morning, Cindel is awakened by the sound of a woman singing a song her mother used to sing to her.  She follows the voice to find a beautiful woman.  Wicket finds that she is gone and he and the others race to Cindel, but arrive too late.  The woman transforms into Charal, who takes Cindel prisoner. 


Cindel is taken before Terak and ordered to activate "the power," but when she cannot, she and Charal are both imprisoned with the Ewoks.  Noa, Wicket, and Teek make their way to the castle to free Cindel and the other Ewoks.  In the cells, Charal tells Cindel that it was Noa's friend Salak (now lying dead, as a skeleton, in the cellblock) who spoke of "the power" to be found in the energy cells.  Terak killed him for not turning over that power.  Outside, the trio of unlikely heroes sneak into the castle.  They make their way to the cellblock and free Cindel and the other Ewoks.  A marauder sounds an alarm bell, and the marauders head for the cellblock, even as Noa blasts a hole in the wall to escape through.  As they are escaping, Cindel mentions the fate of Salak, prompting Noa to take the energy cell with them.  Terak frees Charal to help him find the ship Noa is repairing.  The marauders trace them back to the ship, where Wicket leads the Ewoks in defense of the ship and Noa tries to get the ship up and running using the energy cell from the Towani family's spacecraft. 


The Ewoks put up a valiant effort, but are being beaten until Noa gets the ship running and they use the ship's laser cannons to fend off the marauders.  When Cindel goes to save Wicket, though, she is captured by Terak, even as the other marauders retreat.  Terak and Noa meet.  Cindel is released, but Noa and Terak will fight for the energy cell.  Noa is nearly killed, until Wicket hits the ring he is wearing from a string around his neck with a rock from his sling.  The ring is the one that allowed Charal to change forms.  He took it from her to keep her in raven form so she could track the group without betraying him.  Now it proves his downfall, as its power burns him to a crisp.  Charal swoops down and reclaims the ring.  Shortly thereafter, goodbyes are said and then Noa and Cindel leave the forest moon of Endor aboard Noa's starship.    

Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.

(TV MOVIE - MGM / UA - George Lucas / Ken Wheat / Jim Wheat -1985)


Boba Fett is hired by Jabba the Hutt to bring in Han Solo dead or alive. (The reward is double if he's alive -- Jabba means to make an example out of Solo.)  A general price is laid on Solo's head for other bounty hunters. Jabba also sends a few full-time enforcers out to find Solo. One of them, a Nimbanel accountant named Mosep, was given full authority to act in Jabba’s name. Letting it go to his head, Mosep has taken to calling himself “Jabba the Hut,” with one ‘t’ missing to distinguish himself from his boss. (49) 


"The Bounty Hunter Wars: The Mandalorian Armour." 

                The capture of one Nil Posondum by Bossk and (newest member of the Bounty Hunters’ Guild) Zuckuss is ruined when Boba Fett beats them to it.  When he delivers Posondum to an intermediary named Ku’dar Mu’bat, he is given a surprise job offer by Mu’bat, one that involves joining the Guild -- and then destroying it from within.  One that, unbeknownst to Fett, is being arranged from behind the scenes by Prince Xizor.  Fett makes his way to the Guild’s station, fooling Bossk and Zuckuss into attacking a bomb-laden decoy ship.  While Bossk’s father, Cradossk (head of the Guild) and the older hunters welcome him to the Guild with open arms, Bossk and the younger bounty hunters do not -- which is just what Xizor is counting on.


                With the Guild smashed along age lines, he explains to the Emperor and Vader, the younger hunters will get tougher, more adaptable, afraid of nothing -- perfect tools for the Emperor to turn loose on his enemies.  With an old friend -- a cyborged creature named D’harhan -- Fett assembles a team of hunters to go after a huge bounty named Oph Nar Dinnid.  Dealing with the Shell Hutts who have him, the hunters uncover treachery from the Hutts, one of whom has already killed Dinnid.  That Hutt is killed, as is D’harhan.  And apparently, so is Bossk.  Which Cradossk had hoped for.  And that’s just the start of a large purge he is planning.  Until Bossk appears from out of nowhere, very much alive, and tears his father apart.  The bounty hunters of the galaxy are now at each other’s throats...   

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - K.W. Jeter - June 1998)


"Classic Star Wars: The Bounty Hunter of Ord Mantell. (#1 - 2)" 

                Luke and Leia intensify their efforts to find a new base, but on a jungle planet they find only an Imperial training center.  Picked up by Han, they travel to Ord Mantell for ship repairs.  Han is recognised by the cyborg bounty hunter Skorr and his assistant Gribbet, who kidnap Luke and Leia and hold them for the ransom of Han's surrender.  The pirates narrowly manage to pull off a rescue, only to be chased by both Imperials and bounty hunters.  Luke realises his lightsaber has a tracking device on it, and dump the tracker into a lifepod.  The angry Imperials arrest Skorr when the ‘Falcon’ escapes. 

(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Archie Goodwin - 1980)


Admiral Thrawn learns of the existence of Myrkr and the Ysalamiri on it. 

"SW: Heir to the Empire."


"The Marvel Series: The Long Hunt / A Duel of Eagles. (Annual #1)" 

                As the ‘Falcon’ is resupplied on Tirahnn, Luke and Leia enjoy a well-earned rest.  But the local tyrant, Kharys the Majestrix of Skye, has other plans for them -- namely, setting them up on a pick-pocketing rap and executing them on the spot.  On the ‘Falcon’ afterwards, Han and an old smuggler friend named Katya M'Buele recognises the danger Kharys poses when told of her.  But even as Han begins to talk to another acquaintance (one Laskar) of the threat, M'Buele is murdered on the ‘Falcon’ by a vapour -like Force - using assassin.  When Han returns, he rushes the Falcon out of Tirahnn as fast as it will go, determined to face the vixen on her own turf of Skye.  Which is exactly what she wants.  Overwhelmed by TIE's, the ‘Falcon’ is crippled.  Han has barely enough time to get a sick Luke, Leia and the droids into a lifepod before the ship is boarded.  The group is captured instantly and forced to stand trial for being "walkers."  However, the S'kytri are not the Majestrix's group - and they seem to remember the name Skywalker and the lightsaber Luke holds.  When Luke announces his intention to free Han from Kharys, they agree to help. 


                Han and Chewie are freed by Leia, and Luke faces a chilling mid - air lightsaber duel against Kharys herself.  Battling her psychic attack, Luke manages to kill the Majestrix.  The S'kytri reveal that Luke's coming was foretold.  During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and one other pupil saved Skye from destruction.  In return, they swore eternal loyalty to them -- which Vader (who claimed to be the "other pupil") later twisted to take over the world for the Empire.  But now Skye is free -- thanks to Anakin's son.    

This has been reprinted in Dark Horse's "Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago."

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Chris Claremont - May 1979)


An annoyed Imperial scout, Sergeant Pfilbee Jhorn is sent to Endor on a survey mission because the previous survey team had returned little useful information.  After seeing everything from Ewoks to the Gorax, the team of nine Imperials is captured by the marauders led by Terak and tortured.  Finally, they escape and three of the original nine manage to get off the planet with their pick-up ship.  Jhorn files his decidedly harshly - worded report and is soon transferred to a solar focusing mirror above Coruscant (and then a stint in the deserts of Tatooine) for his insubordinate tone.

“The Illustrated Star Wars Universe:  Endor Entry”. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Wuta is the first Ewok to notice the Imperial presence on Endor.

“Decipher Star Wars Customizable Card Game – Endor Pack.”


An Imperial mining operation draws immense amounts of raw material from the crust and mantle of the planet Eloggi to construct the second Death Star.  The planet Eloggi circles the same sun as the gas giant Endor.  It is the world closest to the forest moon.

“SW RPG: Dark Force Rising Sourcebook.” Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


Pollux Hax, former chief of the Emperor’s propaganda dissemination section, submits a report to the public about the planet Coruscant AKA Imperial Center.  It is rife with the kind of fact twisting and politicking that was his stock-in-trade while working for Palpatine, so it bears very little academic weight.

“The Illustrated Star Wars Universe:  [Imperial Center] Coruscant Entry”. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Operation Blue Harvest was the code-name of an Imperial operation that occurred after the Battle of Yavin.  So secretive was it that even Imperial technicians were left in the dark on components that they worked on.  They often speculated on what the project could be since it required huge amounts of money and manpower.

“SW RPG: The Star Wars Campaign Pack”.  Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.

This was a brief passage in the Campaign Pack. No indication was given as to what Operation Blue Harvest was, but the second Death Star seems a possibility. Blue Harvest was the "red herring" production name for US filming of Return of the Jedi.


"The Marvel Series: The Wheel. (#18-23)" 

                While meditating in the Force, Luke is knocked out by the terrifying presence of a powerful evil -- Vader, searching for him.  Leaving hyperspace midway to Yavin to get him medical help, the ‘Falcon’ is jumped by TIE Advanced’s.  Running from them, the heroes come upon a smashed Tagge Industries ship.  A dying Rebel survivor says it was destroyed by the Empire, made to look like a Rebel raid.  Evading a light cruiser commanded by Commander Strom, the Falcon reaches the enormous casino space station called "The Wheel." Strom (who arranged the Tagge raid) bullies his way aboard despite the protests of Administrator (and Senator) Simon Greyshade.  When he learns Leia is among the Rebels though, the corrupt Greyshade changes his tune and captures Han and Leia personally.  Chewie ends up in a bar brawl and is taken for use in "The Big Game."  In return for Leia, Greyshade will help Strom with his plan. 


                Desperate to come up with enough money to get them all out, Han becomes a gladiator in The Big Game himself.  Even as Strom begins scaring the customers with staged Rebel raids, Greyshade arranges for Han and Chewie to fight each other to the death.  Either they kill each other in the final round -- or they both die.  Both Luke (who forces himself with Ben's help to face his fears of Vader, breaking free of his coma) and Leia manage to escape their captivity, as Greyshade secretly raids Strom's ship for the Wheel revenue taken from the Tagge ship.  Elsewhere, on Ultaar, Vader hears first word of Captain Valance's search for the "boy with two droids."  When he also hears word that the unknown Force-user is on the Wheel, he races out for there.  Greyshade faces Luke and Leia, and makes them a deal -- if Leia joins him on his yacht with Strom's treasure, he'll let Han and Chewie live.  Before she can decide, Chewie seemingly murders Han.  Han is actually wearing a blast shield he found on a dead gladiator.  Stumbling onto what Greyshade is doing, Strom declares the Wheel under martial law and orders Greyshade and the Rebels killed on sight.  Just then, Vader arrives. 


                Greyshade's Master - Com droid helps Artoo show the Wheel customers the truth about Strom's scheme.  The furious customers riot, and Strom and Greyshade kill each other.  The heroes manage a difficult escape under Vader's nose, with Luke literally shocking Vader with his rage - filled power in the Force.  The group splits up, with Luke, Leia and the droids going one way, Han and Chewie another.  

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - December 1978-May 1979)


With the ‘Falcon’ damaged in the recent incident with the Wheel, Han and Chewie divert to Orleon, an old hideaway of theirs -- but are cornered by Mosep (aka “Jabba the Hut”), who left a tracking beacon there. The two smugglers find themselves besieged.  

Between issues #24 and #28 of the Marvel Series.


"The Marvel Series: Siege at Yavin. (#25 - 26)" 

                TIE Fighter squadrons begin pounding Yavin base.  But no Star Destroyers are anywhere in sight. How can the Rebels defend themselves?  On the mid-system trading world Centares, Luke and Leia ditch Greyshade's yacht and buys a Corellian gunship to take them back to Yavin.  They witness a Tagge mining explorer taking off for the Gordian Reach -- where Yavin is.  The whole sector is supposedly blockaded due to a huge spice strike the Tagges are on to.  But there's no spice anywhere in the sector.  The Empire doesn't want the galaxy to know the Death Star's been destroyed, Leia reasons.  Hence, the system is bottled up until the Empire can come up with something comparable to the Death Star to rout them with.  


                Inside the Tagge ship, Baron Tagge himself plots revenge against Vader for blinding him years ago by defeating him in a lightsaber duel. As the ship enters the system, he orders mines laid.  Luke barely steers the gunship through the minefield via the Force, and follows the Tagge ship to the giant Yavin's atmosphere.  There, Tagge transfers TIE's to a hidden base inside the gas giant.  Fighting their way to the Rebel base, Luke and Leia informs General Dodonna of the danger.  Luke examines a crashed TIE for the means to enter the base, but is jumped. He defeats the pilot, but Artoo is badly damaged.  Nevertheless, Luke uses the repaired TIE to enter the Tagge base. He blasts the giant turbine-powered base to cinders, then with the Force struggles out of the gas atmosphere.  Baron Tagge's ship limps out a little later, with Tagge vowing revenge on Luke too.  

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - July-August 1979)


"The Marvel Series: Whatever happened to Jabba the Hut? (#28)" 

                On the planet Orleon, Han and Chewie are in the middle of very difficult 'negotiations' with an irate “Jabba.”  He wants Han and Chewie dead -- but not bad enough to destroy the ‘Falcon’ in the bargain.  Han discovers stone mites on the planet -- a biological weapon developed in the Clone Wars.  And Mosep caves them in a cavern full of them. Han takes off through the cavern, cooking the little bugs in the process.  He finds Mosep's ship being eaten up by mites, and graciously allows the Nimbanel on the ‘Falcon’.  In return, “Jabba” lifts the price on Solo's head -- for now. (50)    

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - October 1979)


"The Marvel Series: The Hunter. (#16)" 

                Captain Valance, a cyborg bounty hunter, is raiding a medical center on Telos 4 when he comes upon the senile Don Wan Kihotay, who mentions his adventures with Han Solo on Aduba.  Although interested in Solo too, the droid - hating ex - Imperial cyborg is more interested in the droid-loving boy who (according to a recent file stolen from the Empire) blew up the Death Star.  Weeks later, Valance travels to Aduba and nearly kills the surviving Sprites before he discovers he mistook Jimm "The Starkiller Kid" for Luke.  He leaves the battered outlaws, vowing to continue his search…   

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - October 1978)


Han diverts the Falcon to Ord Mantell to finish repairs.  There, bounty hunter Czethros (and his Rybet henchman Briff) captures Chewie and demands Han's surrender as ransom.  Han lures stormtroopers to the bounty hunters and frees Chewie.  Czethros is sent to Kessel, and Han, Mosep and Chewie continue on to Tatooine.  

Conjecture from The Marvel Series #31 and "SW: Young Jedi Knights - Return to Ord Mantell." 


"The Marvel Series: Return of the Hunter. (#27)" 

                Captain Valance is on a bounty - hunting and droid - smashing rampage.  He thinks he finally has a line on Luke, and waits for him on a Rebel shipping route.  Luke, meanwhile, is blockade - running with Threepio in the gunship against a Star Destroyer.  They make their way to Junction, a galactic trading post, in search of repair parts for Artoo.  An Imperial spy is fatally stopped from reporting Luke's presence to Vader by Valance, who faces off against the young farmer.  Luke repels the attack and reveals the hunter's cyborg nature.  When Threepio puts himself between Valance and Luke, however, the hunter is stunned by the show of compassion between droid and human -- stunned enough to let them go.   

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - September 1979)


"The Marvel Series: A Princess Alone. (#30)" 

                Princess Leia tries to bolster rebellion on the regimented Imperial factory world of Metalorn by contacting Arn Horada, a professor who had taught her galactic history.  Unfortunately, her visit coincides with a visit by Baron Tagge, sent to inspect each of his projects as punishment from a doubtful Emperor. She fights her way through a group of stormtroopers alone, finds Horada and lets him know that she's alive and not killed in Alderaan's destruction, barely evades Baron Tagge and escapes Metalorn, leaving behind a mutinous population.   

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - December 1979)


"The Marvel Series: Dark Encounter. (#29)" 

                Vader finally tortures out of a prisoner the name of someone who MAY know who the Death Star's destroyer was -- a pilot named Tyler Lucian, who panicked and fled Yavin before the great battle.   Thing is, Valance has also learned of this pilot, and knows where he is too.  Both rivals race to the volcanic planet of Centares, home of the former resort Rubyflame Lake.  Vader stops him just short of killing Lucian, and the two fight it out.  The battle goes back and forth, but finally Vader gets the advantage. Yet still the wounded Valance holds Vader back.  He says he believes "the boy" will one day be more powerful than (and thus able to defeat) Vader, and any delay -- ANY delay -- in Vader's search gives him more time to prepare for that destiny.  Vader throws Valance into the lava lake, only to see Lucian (who heard Valance's words) bravely jump into the lake himself.  Frustrated, Vader continues his search.   

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - November 1979)


"The Marvel Series: The Omega Frost. (#31 - 34)" 

                Luke and the droids are sent to Tatooine to hire smugglers from Mos Eisley to help run the blockade.  He learns that his old friends Fixer and Camie have married and are working at the old Lars farm, now owned (with a lot of other farms) by TaggeCo.  En route to Mos Eisley, Luke comes upon a frozen bantha (in the middle of the desert?!?) that is subsequently destroyed by stormtroopers.  At Chalmun's, Luke runs into Han and Chewie again, only to run from stormtroopers (Fixer reported him to the Imps, and just barely warns him in time).  Luke's landspeeder is damaged and stops in the middle of the Jundland Wastes.  They crawl their way to Luke's ship -- stripped by Jawas.  They hitch a ride, but the stormtroopers attack the sandcrawler.  Fighting them off, they see two giant vaporator-like objects -- that suddenly deep-freezes the desert area between them. 


                The objects are part of the "Omega Frost" project, conceived by Baron Orman Tagge and his brother Silas "as the club with which we beat Darth Vader from the Emperor's favour."  (Tagge's other brother is Ulric, who left the Death Star before its destruction.)  Luke and Co. make it to the Falcon, and follow Tagge's ship to Junction, where Tagge intends to use Omega Frost to seal off the Rebel supply line there.  Luke tries to sneak into Ulric's Star Destroyer, but is captured.  Han rushes to Yavin to warn Leia. Luke faces Orman in lightsaber battle, chopping off his cyber - vision and escaping in a TIE.  But Silas thought ahead, and the TIE is already crippled.  The ‘Falcon’ leads a ragtag Rebel fleet toward Junction, unaware that the Omega Frost was not really meant for freezing the planet -- but for freezing them.  Luke ejects from the TIE, and uses a jetpack and his lightsaber to blow up one of the Omega generators, thus disabling it.  The Rebel fleet destroys Tagge’s ship, and the ‘Falcon’ picks Luke up.   

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - January-April 1980)


                                                                    May, 0 ASW4


"Classic Star Wars: Darth Vader Strikes. (#2-4)"

                Darth Vader has come up with a plan to deal with the Rebels once and for all -- something "bigger and better." He outlines his plan at the space - yards of Fondor, to his admiral's consternation.  One, Admiral Griff, sends a message to the Rebels of Yavin alerting them to the danger.  Increasingly jealous of how close Han and Leia are getting, Luke volunteers to go on the spy mission to Fondor.  He and the droids travel to Fondor, to see the new project for themselves: a Super Star Destroyer.  Vader, meanwhile, thanks Griff for his acting.  Vader, with Griff's help, is planning to betray not only the Rebel spy but also the fellow admirals who resent him. 


                Joining the work crew, Luke meets Tanith Shire, a tug operator who takes an instant liking to Luke.  Griff arranges an opportunity for Luke to damage the new ship.  Meeting with the admirals in the steam tubes of the compound, Luke narrowly avoids the trap when he senses Vader.  At the same time, Vader senses Luke.  Luke manages to get out of the death trap with Tanith's help. 

(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Archie Goodwin - 1980)


The Empire opens up a new hyperlane between Fondor and Gandeal for cargo traffic, in order to meet the supply needs caused by the construction of the Super Star Destroyer ‘Executor’ at the Fondor yards.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


“SW Role Playing Game: Starfall.”

                Over three decades after creating the Victory-class Star Destroyer, Walex Blissex is a full-fledged member of the Rebel Alliance. But Imperial Governor Denn Wessex sends word to Walex that his daughter Lira – Denn’s wife – is dying. A ship is waiting at Kwenn Space Station to bring him to her side. Over the objections of the Rebel command, Blissex decides to go. The Alliance sends a small Rebel unit to accompany him, smelling a trap. Sure enough, the group is arrested and thrown in the brig the second they arrive on the VSD Subjugator. All seems lost as the ship leaves Kwenn – until suddenly it’s attacked! In the brig, the prisoners are rocked around as the ship takes massive damage. They take the opportunity to bust out, saving Blissex from a torture droid. A hazardous climb down a disabled lift shaft later, they find themselves in engineering. They find the ship has been set to self-destruct. Coming around, Blissex leads them to the power core – he can move up the time of destruction, blowing up the Imperials while still giving them time to escape. But they find a heavy cannon and some stormtroopers between them and the core – and the voice of Captain Kolaff taunts them as the Imperials attack.


                Finally fighting their way to the power core, they learn that the attacker of the Subjugator was a Rebel fleet – and they’ll be coming back to finish the job right at the moment the VSD will explode, taking them all with it!! But as Blissex and one of the Rebels works on the computer, they find a failsafe has been put into the destruct system to prevent tampering. Blissex is stunned – “the only other being in the galaxy possessing the knowledge and the ability to perform such a feat is…my daughter…” Suddenly, a ton of stormtroopers tear in. In desperation, Blissex modifies the core into a repulsor field, jumping off the chasm with the Rebels to land safely at a door. Fighting through a power cell storm. Taking refuge in a maintenance shaft, they find another computer terminal that coughs up more information. Kolaff is having an escape shuttle readied. The group heads immediately for the hangar bay. They pick up a protocol droid along the way, T-3PO. They travel through the shattered underside of the VSD, facing a zero-g battle with stormtroopers. They finally reach the hangar bay, but they’re one level up from the one they want. They head down, to find an AT-ST waiting for them – driven by Kolaff. He actually allows them to board another AT-ST to provide a fair fight. After a tough duel, the Rebels’ walker blows up Kolaff’s.


                They reach the right hangar bay with five minutes to spare. They race to the control tower to warn the Alliance fleet – and there is Lira, waiting for them. They warn the fleet and chases Lira off, then takes the shuttle and escapes. The VSD explodes, and the Rebel fleet (Operation “Starfall”) brings them in. They are promoted by General Dodonna himself. Blissex designs some “toys” to help the Rebel group in the future…

(ADVENTURE  GAME - West End Games - Rob Jenkins / Michael Stern - 1989)


Imperial Moff Bandor is placed in control of the planet Questal in an attempt to quell the population there.  A ruggedly - handsome man with a muscular physique, Bandor worked his was up the ladder through bootlicking and treachery.  He aspired to be Emperor Palpatine’s right - hand man, and it irked him that he couldn’t control the Force.  He served faithfully, and gladly assumed control of Questal.  There were several factions, all of which were fighting over claims of the mineral ardanium.  The Emperor wanted to control the mining of ardanium, in an effort to bolster the construction of Super - class Star Destroyers, and Bandor was given control of the planet.  He ruled with an iron fist, and installed several of the major criminals in positions of power.  At the same time, Bandor was experimenting with the potential use of hurlothrumbic generators as weapons to use against the Alliance.  The generator induced fear when activated, and this was translated by the locals as Bandor’s use of the Dark Side. Bandor did nothing to dispute this, as it added to his power.

“SW RPG: Game Chambers of Questal.”


"Classic Star Wars: The Serpent Masters. (#4 - 6)"

                Escaping from Fondor in an automated drone ship, Tanith reveals she's arranged for the ship to crash -- she's also a ship thief.  They crash land on a swampy planet.  Meanwhile, Han and Leia travel to a conference on the neutral world of Kabal.  Luke, Tanith and the droids are picked up by Serpent Masters -- riders of large dragon - like creatures -- and are taken to the Great Well to confront Tyrann, Supreme Master.  Tyrann orders Luke's execution to Tanith's shock. She talks him into something else; exiling Luke to the slave level at the bottom of the Well.  Tanith's father is down there, awaiting his daughter's efforts to buy his freedom.  Luke plans an escape, learning how to fly a Serpent -- trying to, at least. Making his way to where Threepio and Artoo are about to be dismantled, and learns the Masters are using certain sound waves to control the Serpents.  Artoo begins using signals himself to allow Luke to control one.  When Luke chops off Tyrann's control medallion, Tyrann leaps to his death after it.  Shire's people are freed and given a new transmitter.   

(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Archie Goodwin - 1980)


"Classic Star Wars: Deadly Reunion. (#6 - 7)"

                Luke and Tanith travel to Kabal to meet with Han and Leia.  But the Empire is also on the way to attack -- if you're not with them, you're against them.  When the heroes arrive, the planet is in full panic and evacuation. Tanith leaves Luke with one last kiss, and Luke goes on to rejoin his friends.  Moments later, TIE Bombers start to hit the planet.  The Falcon takes off, but is chased by the bombers.  With the nav computer damaged, the Falcon picks up a homing beacon on an Alliance frequency, which leads them to a graveyard of derelict ships.  A "ghost" taunts them, saying he's led them to their doom.  They try to blast out, but the Falcon is caught in the gravitational pull of the dwarf star the ships orbit.  Luke and Han set out in spacesuits to confront their attacker.  They find him in an Imperial transport -- a dying man named Doctor Arrakkus, former head of an Imperial weapons complex, and victim of a failed experiment. Snatching him, Han takes the detonator Arrakkus was going to use to blow up the graveyard.  He uses the explosion to boost the ‘Falcon’ out of the danger zone. 

(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Archie Goodwin - 1981)


"Classic Star Wars: Traitor's Gambit. (#7 - 8)"

                As the Empire's harassment of Yavin worsens from blockade to attack, General Dodonna orders a general alert, informing Rebel ships to stay clear of the system.  The heroes decide to take Luke's information on the Super Star Destroyer to Aquaris, where an underwater Rebel sympathiser base lies.  The group is led by one Commander Silver Fyre -- a name Han recognises as a mercenary and star pirate leader who once hijacked a spice shipment from him.  Realising Leia will want solid proof Fyre is not on their side, Han speaks loudly about the droids' information when he knows he's being listened to.  The following morning, Fyre leads the group on a hunting party, where she intends to set up a phoney rescue to prove she's on the level -- only it becomes a real rescue when the group is set upon by a giant squid. It turns out that while Fyre is not a traitor, her second-in-command Kraaken is. Leia surprises him with the droids -- she's suspected a traitor since Kabal.  Han stops him before he can escape, and Fyre's Freeholders become full - time Rebels. 

(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Archie Goodwin - 1981)


"Classic Star Wars: The Night Beast. (#8 - 9)"

                The Rebels launch an attack on the Imperial fleet around Yavin to relieve the pressure on the beleaguered base.  During the fight, a TIE Bomber crashes into a Massassi temple -- unintentionally awakening one of Exar Kun's creations, a giant beast.  The beast attacks a base watching post during the victory party, which Vrad Dodonna (Jan's son) accuses Chewbacca of.  The Wookiee is in fact fighting the monster, which heads into the main hangar and starts wrecking fighters -- until sunrise, when it vanishes. Realising the creature stirs the Force, Luke uses it to lure the creature out of hiding and onto a Rebel supply ship, which the creature takes out of the system.  Luke notes that this was pure luck, and he needs more help in learning how to use the Force.  

(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Archie Goodwin - 1981)


"Classic Star Wars -- The Early Adventures: The Second Kessel Run. (#6)"

                Back on Jabba's good side, Han makes a Kessel Run which is interrupted by the presence of a massive ionic ring ship whose inventor is being used at gunpoint by the Empire to ruin Rebel planet's climates -- or his daughter will be killed.  Luke and Han rescue both and destroy the ship.  


(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Russ Manning - 1979)


"Classic Star Wars -- Devilworlds: Tiltony Throws a Shape." 

                Crash landing on a barren world and chased by Imperials, Princess Leia meets a most unusual other-dimensional fellow named Tiltony, who along with Horliss, Danda Sine, and Splendid Ap (among others) believe they have established time and space, and who have ideas for the shapes called Leia and the stormtroopers...  

(COMIC STRIP - Marvel Comics Inc. - Alan Moore -1981)


“Vader’s Quest.”

              At long, long last, Darth Vader learns the name of the Death Star’s destroyer on Centares.  The name is forced from a Rebel captured by a bounty hunter gang.  The name: “Skywalker.”  Vader orders the hunters killed, but one -- a small cripple named Mala, wearing a droid harness -- manages to escape.


On Yavin IV, Luke finds himself the object of wrath from a Rebel pilot named Jal Te Gniev, jealous over Luke’s victory against the Death Star (flying his own X-Wing -- Jal had the measles).  A false alarm sends the drunk Jal scurrying into his X-Wing -- and into a violent crash.  When the Rebels offer him a transfer to a recruiting post, Jal takes it and storms off.


              Once on Dubrava, he drinks himself silly and mouths off loudly about Skywalker, humiliating people who dare ask to join the Rebellion.  But when he mouths off to the wrong woman, he brings a massive Imperial raid down on the planet, and a bloodbath that finally wakes the boorish pilot up.  He takes off in a Headhunter.  On Coruscant, Vader finally faces the Emperor in person for the first time since the Death Star’s destruction.  Evasive about “the pilot,” Vader is distracted by the crash of a nearby intruder (Mala), and then told of Luke’s location and takes off.


                Meanwhile on Jazbina, Luke is told that the local ruler’s daughter has been kidnapped, and he is shown a holo of her.  He agrees to help.  But when he enters the abandoned mine where she’s being held with media-droid 3DV0 in tow, he learns the daughter is with them willingly, hoping to force her father to switch his affilation from Empire to Rebel -- at which point the ruler, Prepredenko, fires a tranquilizer dart into Luke via 3DV0 (who was unaware he even had such a weapon hidden on him).  Luke is taken prisoner. Jal and Vader arrive at Jazbina simultaneously, and Jal has to outrun Vader’s shuttle to the surface.  3DV0 receives a message to Prepredenko from Vader -- but angry at how it was forcefully misused, it misinforms him that Luke is to be killed before Vader arrives.  The daughter, Syayna, agrees to personally kill Luke (she only stuns him).  When Prepredenko gleefully reports Luke’s death to Vader, the Dark Lord isn’t happy... to put it mildly...


Two days pass.  A holo message from a horribly beaten and jailed Prepredenko reaches Syayna, who has Luke out in the wilderness.  Stormtroopers discover 3DV0 recording the message and blasts it to bits -- but not before the message goes out all over the world.  Syayna leads Luke and her followers back to town, to try to get Luke offworld.  They run first into Jal, and then into a waiting ambush by Vader.  The enraged local populace attack Vader’s group, giving Jal a chance to take off in his X-Wing, sacrificing his life to blow up the orbiting Interdictor.  Vader, realizing even he can’t win against an entire planet single-handed, decides to leave Jabinza without Skywalker.


                 Meanwhile on Coruscant, the Emperor has also learned of Luke Skywalker’s existence, thanks to Mala.  Surprisingly, all she wants in return are a new ship and spare parts to build some droid friends.  Even more surprisingly, the Emperor agrees.  He decides to pretend he doesn’t know of Luke, stringing Vader along until he can find a way to turn the situation to his advantage...

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES -- Dark Horse Comics - Darko Macan - February-May 1999)


With the Empire proving increasingly incapable of dealing with the Rebel guerrilla units or with their hit-and-fade tactics, Emperor Palpatine demands the Empire develop their own guerrilla units. The Imperial Storm Commandos, as they come to be known, begin training on Carida under the command of Colonel Crix Madine. Selected from the finest stormtroopers, the Storm Commandos are experts at guerilla warfare.  They have a reputation for ferocity that few other units can hope to even approach.  They will be commonly used in anti – Rebel operations, siege – breaking “extractions” and in Base Delta Zero operations against “hard” targets.

“SW Adventure Journal” and “SW RPG Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim.” [Page 29 - 30]


"The Marvel Series: Dark Lord's Gambit. (#35 - 37)" 

           Darth Vader orders an immediate meeting with General (now Baron) Ulric Tagge, the Yavin blockade's commander.  He forces out of Ulric the truth of what happened during the Omega Frost incident.  Angered that the Tagge's withheld Luke's name from him, Vader reveals that he has Orman and Silas alive and comatose in stasis tubes.  He'll revive them and bring the entire family before the Emperor if Ulric doesn't work with him...


                Luke rescues a woman from Imperial attack on the outskirts of the Yavin system.  The woman, one Sister Domina, is on a diplomatic mission from the planet Monastery.  The "Sacred Circle" she is part of wishes to hear from both sides of the Galactic Civil War before deciding which to help.  Vader will be the Empire's representative -- which makes Luke determined to go as the Alliance's representative.  Luke and Domina travel to Monastery, with the Falcon shadowing them.  Luke and Vader come face to face for the first time, and the droids have to hold the young man back.  Domina begins to woo him, while planning her revenge against him for killing her brother -- Orman Tagge.  Elsewhere, the Falcon is captured by Ulric Tagge's Star Destroyer.  To their surprise, Leia isn't in the secret compartments.  She's secretly in the false bottoms of those compartments, and she sneaks a message to Luke.  As she begins a rescue, Baron Tagge is unintentionally sprung from his stasis cell and sneaks onto the escaping ‘Falcon’... 


                But the message doesn't mention Domina's betrayal, and that's exactly what catches Luke off-guard.  She announces that the Sacred Circle (corrupted by Vader's Dark Side powers) has chosen the Empire, and the "diplomatic meeting" will now be a duel between Luke and Vader to the death.  Luke doesn't need to be asked twice, but Domina makes her own change to the plan -- they will fight at sundown in the Crystal Valley.  She's hoping to kill Vader as well as Luke.  The two find themselves in a death trap. As the ‘Falcon’ makes its' way down, Luke orders them via Artoo to stay away -- Vader is his.  Meanwhile, Tagge makes his way to Vader, who coldly reveals how he has corrupted the one good member of the Tagge family. And he'll kill Tagge -- but first...


                Luke and Vader finally meet and start fighting. He realises that it's NOT Vader -- it's a disguised

Baron Tagge -- but he has no other choice than to kill him.  And from a distance, Vader gloats.  Not only has he gotten revenge on Tagge, he has tested Luke -- and he's nowhere near strong enough to beat him.  Luke makes his way to his friends. Domina lets them go, but promises Luke will one day pay in blood for her brother's death. 


           “Jabba the Hut” learns Han Solo has destroyed Crimson Jack and his ship.  Furious that Solo destroyed a ship that the real Jabba the Hutt funded, Mosep (on behalf of his master) orders the bounty on Solo's head reinstated and increased.  Shortly thereafter, a bounty hunter is killed by Solo, but not before revealing to Solo the reinstatement of the bounty.  Han decides to stick with the Rebels. (51)

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - May-July 1980)


"Marvel Illustrated: World of Fire."

                A non - military Alliance archaeological dig on the planet Alashan has been attacked, the staff all killed. And soon, without even seeing it, two scouts sent to investigate are killed as well...


                Luke, Leia, the droids, and Mici Shanbadar are raiding the Imperial shipyard of Foundry in an attempt to steal the Empire’s new armored scout ship ‘Staraker’.  Successful in the theft, they start back to Yavin IV -- but General Dodonna contacts them and diverts them to Alashan to investigate the loss of the investigators.  Just as they reach the planet, a massive TIE attack smashes down on them.  They fight off the TIEs, only to face a cruiser -- which is itself blown up from the planet below?!?  The ‘Staraker’ is hit next and crashes into the volcanic world.  Luke guides it down with the Force -- but Mici is critically injured, and the ‘Staraker’ is buried in cooling lava...

(COMIC STRIP - Marvel Comics Inc. - Chris Claremont - October 1982)


"Marvel Illustrated: The Word for World is Death."

                With Mici’s condition stabilized, Luke cuts through to the surface with his lightsaber.  An Imperial platoon is waiting for him.  The ambitious Ensign Lopaki sees the capture of these infamous Rebels as an opportunity.  But Major Grau offers the heroes a truce in the interest of defeating their common foe -- the one who shot them both down.  As the search begins, Luke finds himself saving Grau from a blaster bolt, thus earning the major’s trust and his lightsaber back.


                Meanwhile, a beam of some kind frees the ‘Staraker’ from its’ rocky tomb.  A terrified Artoo temporarily shuts down Mici’s life signs (she’s in bio-stasis).  A creature of some sort enters, looking for survivors.  It leaves when it finds none.  The Rebels / Imperials find the abandoned dig, as well as records describing a huge underground city below.  As they descend into the dig caverns, an enraged Lopaki prepares to kill Luke, Leia and Grau...

(COMIC STRIP - Marvel Comics Inc. - Chris Claremont - October 1982)


"Marvel Illustrated: The Guardian of Forever."

                The group reaches the underground city.  The heiroglyphics on the walls seems somehow familiar to Leia -- but before she can figure out how, the creature attacks the group.  A rockslide cuts them off from the surface, and the group is forcibly split up in the attack -- the Imperials one way, Luke and Leia another. The two Rebels find a control room, and Leia finally figures out what the heiroglyphs mean -- this city has incredible technology far beyond what the Empire has, and that creature is the city’s guardian. Unbeknownest to them, Lopaki has found them as well and is more than ready to kill them...


                The creature breaks off the attack on Grau’s group, sensing the people in the control room.  Grau warns them via comlink.  Just as Lopaki takes his shot at Luke and Leia, the creature appears and kills him. Grau and his group arrives and attacks.  The shots mostly miss the creature, but it’s hurt anyway -- the shots are hitting the control room panels.  They increase their attack on the panels, driving the creature nuts. And then Luke cuts it in half with his ‘saber.  The group leaves Alashan in the repaired ‘Staraker’.  Grau and Sergeant Anarine are offered to join up with the Alliance, but they opt to return to the Empire instead.

(COMIC STRIP - Marvel Comics Inc. - Chris Claremont - October 1982)


"Classic Star Wars -- The Early Adventures: Gambler's World. (#1 - 3)"

                Luke, Leia, Threepio and Artoo travel to Vorzyd 5, a casino world that's funnelling money from the people of the galaxy into the Emperor's pocket.  The Rebels plan to work with a high official to stop the cash flow.  But when Luke and Leia are jumped by stormtroopers, the droids have to try to save them and two other Rebels from the shadowy "Blackhole," while at the same time avoiding a group of droid-thieving Freelies.  Following the rescue, Luke meets with the official -- Vorzyd's President.  The Freelies kidnap Leia and Artoo for ransom in the meantime, and a rescue attempt is interrupted by Blackhole.  The Freelies and Imperials duke it out, allowing the Rebels to escape.  

(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Russ Manning - March 1979)


"The Marvel Series: Riders in the Void. (#38)" 

                Luke and Leia, on board a spice tanker filled with medical supplies) is being attacked by TIE’s. Just as they jump to hyperspace, a lucky shot disables most of their systems.  The hyperdrive itself is damaged, throwing the tanker clear out of the galaxy.  An organic spaceship appears from out of nowhere and swallows the ship whole.  The two finds themselves as pawns in some sick game the ship’s computer is playing... until it realises that they’re not programmed but real.  And then the playing turns deadly.  After the two narrowly avoid getting sucked out of the ship, the computer is ready to talk to them.  It is revealed that the ship is the sole survivor of a great war.  The last surviving crewmember fused his mind to the computer, becoming the ship itself.  The great ship returns them to the last point they were at before -- right in front of a Star Destroyer, which starts smashing the alien ship.  Badly wounded, the ship puts out antimatter pods that wipe out the Star Destroyer.  It then repairs the tanker, sends Luke and Leia on their way, and disappears back into the void...

This was reprinted in Dark Horse's "Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago." 

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - August 1980)


"Classic Star Wars -- The Early Adventures: Princess Leia, Imperial Servant. (#5)"

                On the run from the Empire, Leia is forced down over the megonite - mining labor colony of Phelarion, run by the vindictive widow of Grand Moff Tarkin.  "Lerna" is forced to work as a servant girl for an upcoming diplomatic party, and she learns of miners who plan to escape with some valuable megonite (an explosive). She manages to send out a distress call which Vader intercepts.  The party is interrupted when the stolen megonite goes critical.  Leia and the miners are rescued by Han Solo, while Lady Tarkin is held personally responsible for her escape by Vader. 

(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Russ Manning - 1979)


"Classic Star Wars -- The Early Adventures: Bring Me the Children. (#7)"

                While delivering pre - Empire era books to Harix, Luke is stunned to watch an Imperial raid go right past him to attack the school of Myoris, where the children are all kidnapped.  Luke rescues one child (Myoris's son).  Vader intends to use the threat of executing the children and teacher as a trap for the Rebels.  Luke and company use drone ships transmitting false sensor signals to distract the Empire while rushing down to Harix to rescue the children, taking them with them into space.  Vader decides it's time to give his personal attention to Skywalker... 

(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Russ Manning - 1979)


Han Solo meets his old friend Drub McKumb for the last time before the Time of Meeting incident on Ithor. 

"SW: Children of the Jedi." 


"Classic Star Wars -- The Early Adventures: As Long as We Live. (#8)"

                On the neutral industrial world of Arda-2, Luke and Leia try to convince the business heads of how the Empire is using their T6 diodems to target Rebel ships.  One Mag Doum, however, is a traitor who kidnaps Leia. Leia is taken to a hideout by Kiros, Doum's partner (who is heavily in debt to him), only to be rescued by his son Zon.  Doum takes to space and summons Vader.  In the subsequent battle of Ardans and Rebels vs. Empire, both father and son give their lives to cripple Vader's ship.   

(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Russ Manning - 1979)


Following the Battle of Yavin, Naval Command experiences an exaggerated but understandable case of phobia concerning Rebel starfighters.  One group of senior Admirals, led by the vocal Admiral Drez, argues that the Death Star's destruction was due to the lack of anti-starfighter screening vessels.  Drez states that "until an anti-starfighter screening vessel is brought into service, every capital ship in the fleet is in imminent danger."  Naval Command authorises the construction of Kuat Drive Yard's Lancer class frigate - but only a limited number to serve as test vessels.'

“SW RPG Imperial Sourcebook.”


Culling together the best starfighter pilots in the Rebel Alliance, Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles form “Rogue Squadron.”  Their first official action is repelling a TIE Bomber raid at Mos Eisely.

“SW: Rogue Squadron” video game.


Luke Skywalker meets Boba Fett for the first time when the latter saves Luke's life after a crash in the Panna system.  (Luke had been following the ‘Millenium Falcon’, which crashed there.)  Fett later turns out to be working for Vader in an attempt to capture Skywalker. (52)  


"Classic Star Wars -- The Early Adventures: The Frozen World of Ota. (#9)"

                While chasing a TIE fighter, Luke Skywalker crashes on Ota.  Just as he is jumped by Boba Fett, they are both captured by native Snogars and taken to an ice city, where the two are ordered to repair their machinery.  Luke and Fett fight their way out. Meanwhile, Han tracks Luke, only to meet the Snogars himself.  Fett meets with Solo, saying Solo is just "side money" this trip -- he's hunting Mole, a spy who turned against the Empire.  He smashes the Snogar's remaining machinery and catches Mole.  Magnetising Fett to a wall, the Rebels leave Ota.    

(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Russ Manning - 1980)


"River of Chaos.”                                                                                                                            

                An Imperial attack on a Rebel cell on Aguarl 3 is successful, though only one TIE Bomber pilot makes it back -- a horribly wounded pilot named Ranulf...  A few weeks later, on the world of M’Haeli, the aging Ch’no sees a vision of the future -- and Imperial attack.  Elsewhere, a healed Ranulf -- son of Admiral Trommer -- sent to M’Haeli to act as aide to military governor Grigor.  Grigor is already moving to attack Rebel cells on the planet, searching for the rumored heir to the M’Haeli royal family.  The youth are inflamed to the point of revolt, and Princess Leia is sent to locate the possibly Force - sensitive Ch’no.


                At a tool shop, Mora (Ch’no’s adopted daughter) is hired to convert swoops into military craft. Grigor sends Ranulf to infiltrate the Rebels through her -- then sends a squad of stormtroopers to kill him under the pretext of being a Rebel.  Mora and Leia save him and bring him to the local base.  More troopers are sent in speeder bikes to take them out, but they manage to shoot them off.  Mora and Ranulf are sent to a cave near the base, where Mora helps take care of him.  They find he has a prosthetic leg as a result of the Aguarl attack.  Ch’no joins them after the H’Drachi elders -- disturbed at their children’s actions -- blame Ch’no and decide to give him to Grigor.  Ch’no leads the Rebels to a secret Dragite crystal mine.  Mora and Ranulf go undercover, to find slave labor and pirates being used by Grigor to play the Empire against the Rebels.  Ranulf runs off to arrest Grigor, only to walk right into his trap.  A Rebel who followed him returns to base with word that Trommer’s a spy.  The base begins evacuation, as Mora plans an attack on the mine -- and one Rebel plans to betray her.


                Ranulf is tortured by Grigor, who orders a massive attack on all H’Drachi.  He brings in the bounty hunter Glott to find Mora, dead or alive.  Ranulf escapes from the prison and is led to the mine -- but too late to save Mora from capture by Glott.  Grigor discovers Mora is the lost heir, and decides to cement his power over M’Haeli by marrying her.  Ranulf reveals the truth about himself to the Rebels, and helps them break Mora out.  Glott pursues them, killing the Rebel who betrayed Mora in the first place, and is killed by Ranulf.  The H’Drachi Elders vow to help the Rebels.


                A final attack between Grigor’s forces and the Rebels ends in Grigor’s death and Rebel victory. Ranulf’s father comes to thank his son for Grigor’s defeat -- and Mora’s capture.  Realizing just where his loyalties lie, Ranulf takes Mora and leaves the Imperials for good, joining the Rebellion.  The Rebels finally leave the planet as a price is put on Ranulf’s head. 

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - Louise Simenson - June-September 1995)


"The Star Wars Holiday Special." 

                Han Solo and Chewbacca are en route to Kashyyyk to join Chewie's family for the Life Day holiday. But the Empire, suspecting their plans, establishes a blockade and curfew around Kashyyyk in hopes of capturing any Rebels.  They also begin searching from treehouse to treehouse in search of any Rebels, while harassing Wookiees in general.  With the aid of a Rebel - sympathizer / trader named Saundan, Han and Chewie are able to rout the Imperial searchers and join Malla, Lumpy and Itchy. Luke, Leia, and Threepio also make their way to Kashyyyk to join the festivities. (53)

(TELEVISION SPECIAL - 20th Century Fox -Warren/Vilanch/Proft/Ripps/Welch -17 Nov 1978)


"Classic Star Wars -- the Early Adventures: The Kashyyyk Depths." 

              Han and Chewie find their Life Day festivities rudely interrupted, as the local Elder declares the lower levels of Kashyyyk too dangerous -- meaning the Wookiees can’t gather the Orga roots needed for their ceremonies.  Han, Chewie, Threepio and Artoo volunteer to go down there themselves to get the roots.  As they travel to the seventh layer of the jungles, they learn why it’s dangerous -- Imperial troops are employing a slash-and-burn policy to take the roots for themselves.  Only the sentient plants fight back, killing the troops and all but one of the New Worlds scientists with them.  The one survivor, Gyla Petro, joins the Rebels as they gather up some older roots to take the surface.  On the way back, Han is captured by another Imperial force and taken to Kashyyyk’s lowest, most dangerous level.  He is rescued and reunited with his friends, but lingering doubts remain about Gyla’s loyalties afterwards...

(COMIC STRIP - LA Times - Russ Manning - 1979)


"The Wookiee Storybook." 

                While his famous dad is visiting, young Lumpy descends into the lethal lower levels of Kashyyyk to gather Wasaki berries in an attempt to impress Chewie. 

Thanks to Joe ( for that information!


                                                              July, 0 ASW4


"Classic Star Wars -- The Early Adventures: The Constancia Affair."

                A telepathic representative of the planet Constancia named Gamine contacts the Alliance, asking for protection and relocation for her people, whom the Empire seek to enslave for their psychic abilities.  When Luke and Gamine are attacked en route, Han and Chewie (along with Gyla Petro) race to their rescue.  They pick up Threepio and Artoo in mid-space (jettisoned from Luke’s exploding cruiser), and are led by them to a base hidden in Constancia’s icy asteroid ring.  Luke and Gamine greet them.  Han, along with planetary defense soldier Sharlee, sneak aboard a TIE Bomber in battle armor and seize it, using it as a ruse to help the Falcon (with Luke and Gamine aboard) to reach Constancia safely.  Gamine then tells her people of the Alliance’s offer of help. The heroes are honored with a celebration and statues.

(COMIC STRIP - LA Times - Russ Manning - August-October 1979)

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - Russ Manning - October 1998)


“Science Adventures: Emergency in Escape Pod Four.”

             Threepio and Artoo are assigned to see Governor Trux Zissu, his 12 - year old son Stuart, and science research droid 4BX to Dellantine to ensure Zissu takes power there.  But when their ship is jumped by a Star Destroyer, and Zissu captured, the droids and boy find themselves in an out-of-control escape pod, carreening into an asteroid field...

(CHILDREN’S BOOK - Scholastic Books - Jude Watson and K.D. Burkett - February 1999)


“Science Adventures: Journey across Planet X.”

              The pod crash - lands on a mystery planet in the Dellantine system, where the seasons change seemingly hourly.  With only 48 hours to find help before the Rebels evacuate Dellantine, the group sets out for the nearest city, fighting the rapidly changing elements as best they can...

(CHILDREN’S BOOK - Scholastic Books - Jude Watson and K.D. Burkett - February 1999)


“Star Wars 3-D: Loose Ends. (#1)”

              Luke has Han take him back to Tatooine to see that his uncle and aunt’s farm is given to a new owner.  Guided by the Force (and against Han’s wishes), he finds that new owner at Chalmun’s Cantina -- an alien spice smuggler named Throgg, who formerly was a farmer until the Empire destroyed his place. Throgg at first rejects the offer, inadvertantly sparking a bar brawl.  As Luke, Han, Chewie and Threepio barely outrun first brawlers, then stormtroopers, then thieving Jawas, Throgg reconsiders and takes the farm as his own. (54) 

(COMIC BOOK - Blackthorne Publishing - Len Wein - 1987)


The Mon Calamari formally join the Rebel Alliance.

"Classic Star Wars."


Admiral Griff reports to Vader that the blockade has failed, and recommends a full attack on Yavin.  Vader says he will do so only when the Super Star Destroyer is ready -- and "certain other events" are in motion...

"Classic Star Wars."


"Classic Star Wars: The Return of Ben Kenobi. (#10 - 11)"

                A report comes in from Aridus: Ben Kenobi is alive and living there!  Luke immediately goes (with an unintentionally stowaway Threepio) to check it out.  This "Kenobi" is in fact an actor hired by Vader to trap Skywalker.  "Ben" leads Luke towards an Iron Tower that is using ultrasonic frequencies to cripple the natives -- a Tower where Vader is waiting for them.  Increasingly conflicted by Luke's admiration and trust in him, the fake Ben finally turns against Vader, sacrificing himself and blowing up the Iron Tower to allow Luke to escape.  Vader is seemingly killed, but is in fact rescued by... 

(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Archie Goodwin - 1981)


July 10, Year 0

Senator Canna Omanda, Mon Mothma's replacement as Chandrilan senator, is arrested, tortured into a “confession” of various crimes, and executed for treason.  A protégé of Mothma's, Omanda was known for her fiery rhetoric and abrasive opinions of the New Order.  Her outspoken personality caused her to be arrested for treason shortly after the disbanding of the Senate.  According to official Imperial news channels (which more than a few galactic citizens see as little more than propaganda) the Emperor "personally asked her to return to Coruscant for a short interview with High Inquisitor Halmere" to clear her name.  No less than three Star Destroyers were dispatched to Chandrila to accompany the former Senator.  She was scheduled for execution during that year's Fete Week.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


“Shadow Stalker.” 

                Wrenga Jixton (a former combat trainer at the Imperial Academy who saved Darth Vader's life at Aridus) is hired by Vader to assassinate the defecting governor Lexhannen Torlock on Corulag, framing the Rebels in the process.  He takes a robot barge to Corulag and makes his way to the apparently evacuating governor -- only a group of “Rebels” with Black Sun tattoos attack first. Jix single-handedly kills them all -- to discover the evacuation pod contains the governor’s daughter, Frija. He finds the stormtroopers were deliberately lax in security, trying to ensure she was killed.  Jix calls Vader and fills him in.  He then visits Admiral Droon, a friend of Torlock’s.  He finds the governor a prisoner in Droon’s palace -- or rather, a droid replica of Torlock.  It seems Droon and the real Frija (Yup, the one he saved was an HRD too) are in cahoots to seize power in Corulag.  Both Jix and Torlock are thrown into a catacombs, where they fight off a dragon slug and return to the palace.  Jix kills the real Frija before she can shoot him, reunites the droid father and daughter, and brings Droon in front of Vader on Coruscant.  He helps the droid pair to safety in a shuttle as Vader slices Droon apart.

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - Ryder Windham -September 1997)


At around the same time, Borsk Fey'lya joins the Rebel Alliance, putting his entire Bothan spynet at the Alliance's disposal.

"SW: Dark Force Rising."


“SW Role Playing Game: Strike Force Shantipole.”

              Commander Ackbar works with the technologically adept Verpine race at the Roche asteroid system on Project Shantipole -- a Research & Development program to develop better starfighters to battle the Imperial war machine, especially the lethally effective Nebulon-B Frigate.  This project has reached a successful height with the introduction of the high -armored, lethally armed B-Wing starfighter.  Imperial district governor Bane Nothos has been aware of the project and was ordered by the Emperor to shut it down, but he bides his time waiting for development of the B-Wing to be completed before he takes action.  He slips a Quarren spy named Salin Glek into the Shantipole team.  When Glek reports Ackbar is about to send the B-Wing prototypes off for manufacturing, Nothos moves in with a strike force. A group of Rebels arrives just prior to this in the Out Runner, ordered by Mon Mothma to escort Ackbar and the B-Wing prototypes to the Pothor system. After fighting off some TIEs, the Out Runner arrives at Roche base just as Nothos’s strike force surrounds the asteroid belt. Glek does his best to get rid of the Rebel arrivals, ordering them to hand over Mon Mothma’s holodisk and go home. Thankfully, Lieutenant Pollard brings the Rebel group to Ackbar. After viewing the holodisk, they learn that Glek has stolen their ship and joined Nothos’ task force. At that moment, Nothos strikes full force. Ackbar races to to pull the B-Wing configuration files from the computer even as stormtroopers board the base. The Rebels struggle to hold the stormtroopers back as Ackbar does this. Pollard sacrifices himself as Ackbar and the Rebels take a lifeboat and flees the base.


                A Verpine transport picks up the lifeboat. They learn that Nothos has blockaded the entire asteroid belt, determined to hunt them down. He has also sent an ultimatum to the Verpine – submit to the Empire or die. The Verpine loudly refuse, deciding to actively join the Rebellion. Ackbar’s not leaving without those B-Wing prototypes – but they’re now in the captured Shantipole Research Station. They have only nine days at best before the Empire finds them, so Ackbar sends the Rebels to sneak into Shantipole, grab the B-Wings, and rig the base to explode. Suskafoo, a Verpine who befriended the Rebels, volunteers to join them to grab additional datafiles from the base. Taking asteroid hoppers, the Rebels dodge a probe droid and an asteroid storm to reach Shantipole. Flying in via a secret passage, the Rebels fight off a space slug to reach the base interior. Sneaking around, they manage to get the files, ready some bombs and free some Verpine who assure them the B-Wings are in working order. Reaching the main hangar bay, the Rebels find Glek has loaded the B-Wings into a cargo shuttle. He manages to take off despite the Rebels’ best efforts. They flee in a stolen ship as the research station blows. Pursuing Glek, they manage to disable the shuttle and take the B-Wings. Ackbar orders the fleet of Rebel survivors through the blockade at full speed, only to run into Nothos’s Nebulon-B. The B-Wings get their first real combat test as they go up against the Frigate. They disable Nothos’s flagship, then escapes with the rest of the Rebel fleet to freedom. For the successful development of the B-Wing, Mon Mothma promotes Ackbar to the rank of Admiral…

(ROLE PLAYING GAME - West End Games - Ken Rolston / Steve Gilbert - 1988)


"Classic Star Wars: The Power Gem. (#11 - 12)"

                Frantically searching for a way to fight the Super Star Destroyer, the Rebels hit upon a weapon used in the Republic days: Iridium power gems, used by pirates to attack Republic spice convoys.  Han is asked to find some.  He and Chewie travel to Junkport Station and ask about any possible gems, wary about bounty hunters.  They find their way to a planet filled with competition, all wanting the power gem.  Raskar, former pirate and owner of the last power gem, will hand it to the winner of a combat tournament in his arena.  Chewie is slated to fight, but Han comes up with a better way -- put Chewie in an impromptu fight with the leading contender while Han goes and gets the gem.  He finds the gem's losing power... 

(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Archie Goodwin - 1981)


"Classic Star Wars: Iceworld. (#12 - 13)"

                Harassed by Imperial ships on his way back to Yavin, Luke is forced down onto the icy planet of Hoth, where he is picked up by a girl on a tauntaun named Frija.  She takes him and Threepio to her father, a former Imperial governor.  The governor tries to kill Luke, but Frija protects him -- seemingly to be killed by her father.  Luke attacks and kills the governor -- who is really a droid?!  And for that matter, so is the dying Frija, who explains that she and "Father" were built to decoy the Empire while the real Frija and her father escaped.  Luke contacts Yavin, saying Hoth could serve as a new base…   

(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Archie Goodwin - 1981)


"Classic Star Wars: Revenge of the Jedi. (#13 - 14)"

                At Fondor, Darth Vader's Super Star Destroyer is finally ready.  Vader christens the ship "Executor" by vaporising a Rebel outpost on Laakteen.  With evacuation now an imminent necessity, Han and Leia pick up Luke on Hoth en route to ask the Mon Calamari for help in creating a diversion while Yavin is evacuated.  They find only debris at the rendezvous point.  An investigation shows Admiral Ackbar and his group jumped ship before it exploded, landing on the planet Daluuj.  They find an Imperial training outpost on the same world, and a giant monster that drags the ‘Falcon’ underwater.  While Ackbar's men fight the monster and raise the ‘Falcon’, Luke and co. fight off the Imperials.  Ackbar comes up with the idea of luring the Imperials to the lake, where the sea worms attack those ships and let the Falcon go.  The group heads for Yavin.  

(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Archie Goodwin - 1981)


At the same time, the Emperor reveals to Ysanne Isard the existence of a sister ship of the Super Star Destroyer class, the ‘Lusankya’, buried under the surface of Coruscant. The ‘Lusankya’ was built at Kuat Drive Yards under the name ‘Executor’ (leading to a later report that the infamous Super Star Destroyer had been built there).  She begins using it as a concentration camp.

“X-Wing: Isard’s Revenge.”


"Classic Star Wars: Doom Mission. (#14 - 15)"

                The ‘Executor’ starts for Yavin, fighting its’ way through the Rebel ships.  As the ‘Falcon’ arrives at one of the battle aftermaths, they see a scout ship racing away.  Continuing on to Yavin, they find a grieving Dodonna -- Vrad is believed lost.  Suddenly Vrad's ship arrives, badly damaged.  Luke is suspicious -- that's the same ship, and it wasn't damaged then.  Luke and Vrad are selected for a near-suicide mission -- using the almost-out-of-energy power gem against the ‘Executor’.  When Luke voices his suspicions, Vrad and he take it outside for a brawl.  During the fight, Vrad lets it slip that he fled the battle.  Nevertheless, they head out together on the mission.  Vrad lands on a barren planetoid, and announces he intends to bargain with the Empire for the gem, and strands Luke.  Vader turns on his course toward the planetoid to take Skywalker.  Vrad takes off, with Vader in pursuit.  Han shows up, expecting that Vrad would do this, and picks Luke up.  With Vader trying to pull the ship in, Vrad suddenly turns and attacks.  His suicidal ram weakens the ‘Executor's’ shields enough for the ‘Falcon’ to damage it. 

(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Archie Goodwin - 1982)


"Classic Star Wars: Race For Survival. (#15 - 17)"

                Yavin IV is in full evacuation.  Vader calls Griff, telling him to hold the Rebels off until he can get there.  Griff happily orders a first strike.  Meanwhile, a burned-out and tearful General Dodonna promotes Luke to Lieutenant Commander.  The last transport takes off, but Dodonna is not on it.  He is in the base, waiting for the Imperials.  He blows up the base and the attackers, seemingly dying in the process.  (In reality, he is found and captured.)  Vader decides to hang back and let Griff handle the situation.  The Mon Calamari begins striking at the Imperial blockade.  Griff sees through the deception, and moves to intercept the fleet.  Leia sends Han out to find an alternative escape corridor. He finds one in an unstable star with many solar flares.  As Griff pursues the fleet, Vader prepares to meet the escaping Rebels and crush them himself.  The ‘Falcon’ moves ahead of the fleet so that Luke can use the Force to guide them through the dangerous area.  Vader is about to meet them at the other side -- when Griff suddenly crashes into him, trying to beat the Rebels himself.  All three of Griff's ships are destroyed, the ‘Executor’ only weakened.  The Rebel fleet hyperjumps to the new base -- Hoth.  

(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Archie Goodwin - 1982)


“SW Kids: Death Star Pirates.”                                                                                              *

                Our heroes set course for Hoth – Han, Leia, Chewie and Threepio in the ‘Falcon’, Luke in his X-Wing.  But on their way out of the Yavin system, the ‘Falcon’ is set upon by red - painted TIE fighters hiding in the Death Star wreckage.  Han figures it out immediately – they’re being attacked by Redkihl Rokk, master pirate and scavenger.  The ‘Falcon’ is tractored to Rokk’s ship.  Luke attacks the pirate ship, only to be smashed by a fusillade of turbolasers.  His X-Wing crashes into an open hangar, and Rokk’s men start to cut their way into the Falcon. Small attack droids scurry into the ship, and the Falcon crew find themselves helpless to stop them without damaging the ship. Meanwhile, Luke and Artoo crawls out of the damaged X-Wing and Redkihl sends his men after him. Back at the Falcon, the droids begin to make off with a cargo load of explosives – which gives Han an idea…


Luke is intercepted on en route to the pirate bridge by Redkihl’s men. He makes short work of them and continues on. But Threepio gets to him first, carrying a holographic message from Han – he has a detonator remote that he’ll use to blow up all the explosives (and both ships) if Redkihl doesn’t surrender. The pirate calls Han’s bluff, just as Luke arrives. The young man is felled by a fusillade of blaster bolts…

To be continued…

(COMIC STRIP – Scholastic Books – Henry Gilroy / Mike W. Barr – September 1999 – March 2000)


“X-Wing: Tour of Duty #4: Imperial Pursuit.”                                                                          *

Keyan Farlander is assigned to escort the convoy of Corvettes, carrying personnel, and freighters, carrying food, as they flee Yavin.  All the Corvettes make it to the rendezvous, but a Gunboat Ambush completely destroys the food freighters.  Ordnance and Supply Command decide that the Alliance’s food stores are dangerously low, but before anything can be done, the Imperials start attacking like mad, wanting revenge after Yavin.


Farlander helps repel the initial wave of Imperials, saving the Alliance Cruiser ‘Maximus’ in the process, and his next assignment is to protect the Nebulon B Frigate ‘Anvil’ as it receives vital supplies from smugglers.  The ‘Anvil’ however is badly damaged by an Imperial Raid, and so Farlander has to provide starfighter cover while it is evacuated and then destroy it, to make sure it doesn’t fall into Imperial hands.


The Alliance, meanwhile, has started a food - gathering campaign, and Farlander’s next few missions are devoted to food.  He spends several weeks just guarding food convoys, freighters and containers, but finally he is given a more challenging mission for a man of his piloting ability.  He kills two birds with one stone, ambushing an Imperial Convoy from a minefield, destroying most of the ships, but disabling and capturing several transports full of food.


Overlord Ghorin, ruler of the Greater Plooriod Cluster, agrees to sell food to the Alliance.  In preparation for the transfer of food, Farlander is assigned first to recon the rendezvous area, making sure it’s free of mines, and then to attack an Imperial comm sat area to divert the Empire while the cargo transfer takes place.  However even though Ghorin claims he is a rebel sympathizer, the Alliance doesn’t trust him, a mistrust which is well founded – the grain he has supplied is poisoned, and would have caused widespread illness if it had gone undetected.  Fortunately, Intelligence discovers a food supply at an Imperial Storage Facility, and Farlander leads the attack and then protects the freighter ‘Sarsuma’ as it snatches the food.


Now that the Alliance has some food in its stores, they decide to retaliate against Ghorin. Farlander leads an attack meant to capture several of Ghorin’s Y-wings, as well as one of his Corvettes carrying a large sum of money from payments for his grain.  Now that they have Ghorin’s Y-wings, the Alliance decides to use them to discredit him in the Empire’s eyes.  Using his Y-wings, supplemented by several other Rebel fighters and ships, the Rebels attack and destroy an Imperial food storage area in the Hollan D1 sector, and then do the same to a convoy of Corvettes carrying food for the Empire.  Finally, the Alliance disables a shipment of freighters carrying Ghorin’s grain to the Empire, and replaces it with Ghorin’s tainted grain, which he had sold to them, to make it look as if he was deliberately shipping tainted grain to the Empire.  In response to this affront, Darth Vader takes care of Ghorin himself by crushing his neck.


Now that the Alliance is back on its feet in terms of food, they have another increasing concern. They are seeing more and more of the new TIE Advanced, or “brights” in pilot jargon, and realize that they are outmatched.  The rebels need to capture some for study, so Farlander is chose to lead a raid on an Imperial Research & Development facility and clear the starfighter defenses while the freighter ‘Ashtani’ docks with one of the fighter sheds and picks up some brights.


After that it is back to ‘normal’ missions again for Captain Farlander, regular escort and patrol duty, for a little while at least.  Then High Command learns of an opportunity.  Imperial Frigate ‘Red Wind’ is undergoing repairs near Plooriod IV, and is stationary for the duration.  However, the Imperials have set up a small protective minefield around it.  Farlander is charged with the task of clearing the mines so that several Alliance Corvettes can destroy the Red Wind.  During the attack, the Alliance learns of an until now secret Imperial Research facility, and start a campaign to destroy it.


First, they steal several gunboats, which will later be used as part of a “Trojan Horse” maneuver, from an Imperial depot, and then they destroy the depot.  Using the Gunboats, the Rebels lead an assault on the base, which is working with a prototype Corvette sporting new and advanced shields, which would make it a much more formidable foe in battle.  They succeed in capturing the Corvette, which they name ‘Ram’s Head’.  The ‘Ram’s Head’ is to be sent on a suicide mission – since it has such upgraded shields, it will be used to ram through the bridge towers of a row of docked Imperial Star Destroyers.  It succeeds at this mass starship decapitation, although it is subsequently destroyed.

My thanks to for writing this excellent summary!

(PC VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Numerous authors - 1993) 


“X-Wing: Tour of Duty #5 – B-Wing.”                                                                                           *                                                                                          

The Alliance’s new starfighter, the B-wing, is nearing completion, but after the recent foul - up caused by an Imperial spy, the Alliance is taking no chances.  Several pilots from Red and Gold squadrons, including Captain Keyan Farlander, have been assigned to patrol the area.  However, due to an Imperial patrol, the rebels are forced to evacuate the area.  With the help of a Corvette on loan from the Habassa, all of the new B-wings make it safely out of the system, and are delivered to their mothership, the Calamari Cruiser ‘Maria’.


Farlander is told that he will be one of the first pilots to fly one of the new B-wings in active combat, so he spends some time in the simulators, and then he is given his first B-wing mission.  It seems that the Empire is trying to duplicate the Super Shield technology with which they equipped the ‘Ram’s Head’, but the Alliance isn’t going to give them the chance.  A strike force of B-wings led by Farlander is sent to destroy the Imperial Research & Development facility, and their unprecedented success gives the B-wings a good reputation.  The Habassa, meanwhile, are leaning towards an alliance with the Alliance, but they are a little nervous about possible retaliation by the Empire if they do ally.  They are convinced to sign a formal declaration of allegiance to the Rebellion, though, after Farlander rescues several Habassa POWs and slaves from the Empire.


While the Alliance and the Habassa work out trade agreements, Farlander and Red Squadron are assigned a more important task – the Empire has started a large - scale campaign to locate the Rebel fleet. High Command has decided that it is imperative they do not succeed until the Alliance has had time to relocate to a new base and get their act together again.  They go on several missions to destroy shipments of older model probe droids, as well as several small Imperial Patrol Squadrons.  Due to the success of the B-wing in battle, the Alliance has started manufacturing more of them, so after intercepting an Imperial ambush on a Habassa convoy, Red Squadron is tasked with protecting a delivery of new B-wings to the cruiser ‘Cathleen’.


Intelligence learns that the Empire is now taking their attempts to locate the Rebels more seriously, and that they have put together a task force led by Imperial Star Destroyer ‘Relentless’.  In a series of hit-and-run missions and ambushes, the Rebels manage to destroy most of the ships under ‘Relentless’ command.  Finally, several squadrons of B-wings are sent in under their primary role of heavy strike fighters to destroy the ‘Relentless’ and its cargo of new Probe Droids from Mechis III.  News comes to the fleet that a world has been selected for the Alliance’s new base – the ice planet Hoth.  In an effort to minimize the chances that the Empire will stumble upon the Rebel fleet on its way to Hoth, many of the Alliance’s starfighter squadrons are sent out on a series of simultaneous strikes against Imperial facilities and ships.  The fleet makes it to Hoth undetected and sets up a new base, and for his extraordinary efforts Keyan Farlander is promoted to the rank of General.

My thanks to for writing this summary!

(COMPUTER GAME – Lucasarts Inc. – Lawrence Holland – 1993)


“Galaxy of Fear: Eaten Alive.” 

                Two young Alderaanean children, Tash and Zak Arranda, and "Uncle Hoole" -- a Shi'ido archeologist -- head to the planet D'vouran, a planet that has popped up from out of nowhere. But they pop out of hyperspace and crash into D'vouran fifteen minutes early  -- the planet seems to have moved!  The group arranges for repairs with the native Enzeen, and Hoole leaves the children in charge of an Enzeen named Chood while he conducts "research."  At least he starts to -- a Hutt named Smada (who seems to know more about Hoole than the children do) wants to hire him as an assassin.  He won't take no for an answer -- until Luke, Han, and Leia butt in.


                A wild man named Bebo (captain of the cargo ship that found D'vouran) predicts doom to all in earshot.  When the Arrandas look him up on the Holonet, they find they're being tracked by the Empire. Two of Smada's Ganks try to kill the children -- but suddenly vanish.  Nobody believes their story, and think they were dreaming. Just as Smada kidnaps Zak, Bebo stops another attack by Smada, then sends Tash down a hole in the ground...  Where they end up in an underground Imperial lab.  He explains that after his ship crashed, the entire crew disappeared one by one until he was the only one left.  Just as he sends Tash off with a crystal device, one of Smada's Ganks kills him.


                She is intercepted by the Enzeen, who seem to be feeding off the ground.  She uses the Force to cause a quake and escape -- into the deserted village and Smada's waiting men.  They break free, using the crystal device to block blaster shots.  And something else seems to be after them, even as night falls too early.  Something that eats Smada's men.  That something being D'vouran itself.


                The Enzeen take them back to the lab, to be eaten. Hoole jumps in, and helps them get out (Smada gets eaten).  The ‘Falcon’ helps them in their narrow escape.  But the planet itself starts to pursue the Falcon, keeping it from hyperspace.  Just as they slingshot around the planet, it devours itself.  Or so they think.  It actually hypers out to a new location, luring another unsuspecting ship in.  And unbeknownest to them all, this is but part of Project Starscream, a secret Imperial project to incite terror in the galaxy...

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Books - John Whitman - February 1997)


“Galaxy of Fear: City of the Dead." 

                Somewhere in space, the scientist in charge of Project Starscream becomes aware of D’vouran’s failure -- and the fact that Hoole was involved.  He contacts the one in charge of part two of Starscream -- Dr. Evazan -- and warns him that Hoole may be coming for him next...


                The ‘Millenium Falcon’ drops the Arrandas off on the nearest inhabited planet, Necropolis, to buy a new ship.  They find themselves talking to living mummies, who welcome them.  They run right into the bounty hunter Boba Fett, who’s angry that he killed a bounty -- only to have to kill him again a week later. He’s looking for Dr. Evazan.  One Necropolitan, Pylum, claims that the dead are walking in response to an ancient curse, that the old traditions of Necropolis have been defiled.


                Zak gets lured by local children into a trip to the graveyard, where he’s caught by living corpses and brought to Evazan.  Just as he’s about to be converted into a zombie, Fett shows up and kills Evazan.  As usual, nobody believes Zak’s story about the walking dead.  Pylum wants the boy killed, but the people refuse to punish him for mere ignorance of the laws.  Zak shuts himself up in a hotel room.


                Tash overhears Hoole and Fett discussing a “proposal.”  They then go to a starship yard and look over a former smuggling ship -- where Zak runs into the dead Dr. Evazan!  But yet again, he’s gone when the grown-ups show up, and Zak looks like the kid who cried “Wampa” once again.  Desperate, he asks Pylum for help and then gets lured back to the cemetary and Evazan.  Meanwhile, Tash follows Fett to find out his connection to Hoole.  Fett catches her and wants to know about Evazan’s apparent resurrection.


                Evazan explains to Zak that he’s developed a reanimation serum that can turn tons of corpses into the perfect soldiers.  The other ingredient are the local boneworms who suck out bone marrow, thus kicking in the serum.  He injects him with a diluted paralyzer, and then the serum.  The next Zak knows, everyone thinks he’s dead and he’s buried alive... 


                Tash and Hoole can’t understand why Zak apparently poisoned himself.  They decide to check out his story after all, and dig up Evazan’s grave while their droid DeeVee goes to finish purchase of the smuggling ship -- which turns out to be Evazan’s old ship, the ‘Shroud’.  DeeVee checks the computer records, and finds proof of everything Zak said...


                Tash and Hoole come upon the zombies -- and then an angry mob of Necropolitans who seize them.  Pylum is revealed to be Evazan’s assistant, who reveals Zak’s true fate to a horrified Tash and Hoole -- the boneworms are on him by now...  Or were about to be, until DeeVee dug him up.  They rush to their family’s rescue, along with Fett.  The zombies are all killed, and the experiment materials destroyed.  As for Hoole’s proposal for Fett...  “Only a fool would take that job.”  The Arrandas take the ‘Shroud’ and leave Necropolis...

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Books - John Whitman - February 1997)


11-year old Alex Winger first begins flying aircraft.

“SW Adventure Journal: Mission to Zila.”


"Galaxy of Fear: Planet Plague." 

                The Emperor himself warns the scientist in charge of Project Starscream to make sure Hoole and those brats don’t interfere in part three of the project...  On the ‘Shroud’, Tash is dealing with zits for the first time, Hoole and Deevee are finding coded information on Starscream in the ‘Shroud’s’ computers, and Zak is getting sicker and sicker.  A call to Forceflow (Tash’s Holonet penpal) gets cut off.  They decide to rush Zak to the nearest Imperial medical facility, on Gobindi.


                After a near miss with five Star Destroyers (what are they doing there?), the ‘Shroud’ reaches Gobindi, just as Tash receives -- too late -- a message from Forceflow:  “Whatever you do, stay away from Gobindi!”  As if that weren’t bad enough, Hoole decides he wants to do research on the ruins there.  The doctors at the Imperial Biological Welfare Department say Zak has the flu.  Shortly thereafter, Tash and DeeVee run into a living blob that attacks them -- until Wedge Antilles pulls it off them.  Wedge reveals that Gobindi has been blockaded due to pirate trouble.  He also reveals that in the last few weeks, no one has come out of the hospital alive.  She rushes back -- to find Zak gone.  He’s been put in a bacta tank to fight off the flu.  Deciding to run ‘Starscream’ through the hospital’s computer, Tash finds the hospital’s REAL name: Imperial Biological Weapons Division.  She can’t get in trust with Forceflow since the Empire blocked all Holonet transmissions to Gobindi.  And since it was Hoole’s idea to put Zak in that place, she doesn’t think she can trust him anymore.  She can trust Wedge, who reveals his Rebel ties to her.  Another blob jumps them, and they learn that the blobs are disease carriers that communicate viruses by touch.  Tash herself is getting sick, due to a “flu shot” she and Hoole received.  And a moving brown lump on her arm is growing.


                Zak is let out of the bacta tank and taken back to the ‘Shroud’ by DeeVee -- where they find slime trails.  Thinking a blob got Tash, they start searching for her.  But she has in fact found the Starscream lab in the IBWD, and finds the “blobs” are in fact mutated people -- mutated by the virus Zak now has.  She also finds that the doctor who Hoole knew was an imposter -- the real one is locked up.  He says that he’d learned about the virus from Gobindi history, found it sealed up in ruins, and recommended a permanent quarantine -- only to have the Empire move in and take it.  Then the scientist behind Project Starscream appears.  He’s a Shi’ido like Hoole, but is completely evil.  He’s made the virus even deadlier, and intends to spread it through the whole planet -- as a test.  With the virus beginning its’ work on her, she tries to break out through the vents.  She’s becoming a blob -- until she uses the Force within her to repel the virus.  She frees a captured Hoole and finds Zak and Wedge.  Together, the group (along with the freed Doctor Kavafi) find a cure for the virus.

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Books - John Whitman - April 1997)


September 11, Year 0

In the wake of Bail Organa's death and the Battle of Yavin, Senator Garm Bel Iblis breaks off from the Rebel Alliance and begins his own private war against the Empire.  He fears that should the Rebels prove triumphant, Mon Mothma will declare herself Empress and establish a second Empire.  

"SW: Dark Force Rising." Calendar date provided by “SW Adventure Journal.”    


“SW Adventure Journal: The Great Herdship Heist.”

                Lyle Lippstroot awakes, book – keeper to the Rodian loanshark Vop.  He puts on his cyber implant to his head, but realizes soon after that someone has downloaded a virus.  It wipes his neural pathways, killing him.


                Guttu the Hutt hires a gang of thieves, including Kels, a human female, Dawson, a Tynnan, Sonax, a Sluissi, and their boss, a human male named Cecil Noone.  Noone meets with Guttu, and Guttu informs him that the murder of the book – keeper of Vop was orchestrated by Vop’s rival Ritinki the Bimm.  Guttu tells Noone that Ritinki and Vop are going to meet on the Ithorian herdship ‘Song of the Clouds’ for an exchange – a sealed lockbox.  Guttu wants that box.  Kels asks what is in the box, Guttu has “no idea, if it inspires this degree of back stabbing in two of my competitors, I want it!”


                The gang make their way onto the herdship, conning their way in as part of the kitchen staff.  Each member of the gang plays their part.  Noone and Kels serve the guests, while Sonax hacks into the mainframe computer.  Noone watches as the duplicate of the book – keeper arranged by Ritinki, joins Vop’s entourage.  The gang realize their mistake, the duplicate has already gotten hold of the lockbox, and most likely already aboard Ritinki’s ship.


                Dawson, the Tynnan, attempts to board Ritinki’s ship, the ‘Asaari Wind’ in a last attempt to rescue the box.  Back at the dinner, it is in chaos, as fire and attackers plague the gang’s plans.  Vop is shot in the back by a blaster bolt.  The gang has stumbled into a mob hit, which they suspect coming from either Durga or Jabba himself.


                Dawson makes it into the ‘Asaari Wind’ and crashes it into the herdship, landing in the stateroom where the guests are.  The rest of the gang make it into the ship, and they escape.  Noone, now in possession of the lockbox, opens it, revealing a gun inside.  It is a Hapan Gun of Command.  The gang realize the value of the gun, and decide not to hand it over to Guttu, and sell it themselves to the highest bidder.  They also decide to keep their new ship, the ‘Asaari Wind’, and they jump to hyperspace.

(SHORT STORY -- West End Games – Daniel Wallace - November 1997)


October 9, Year 0

The disbanded House of Dentaal passes a resolution declaring the Imperial charter and the power of Imperial governor Taliff illegal.  The resolution is quickly ratified by the Dentaal independence party, and by the next morning the federal workers’ union goes on strike.

“SW Adventure Journal.”  


October 28, Year 0

On the eve of a New Year, Dentaal declares independence from the Galactic Empire, ousting Governor Taliff’s regime.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


“SW Adventure Journal: Only Droids Serve the Maker.”                                                       *

                Daye Azur-Jamin leads a Rebel group trying to run weapons to natives on Monor II.  But his group is picked up by the Imperials, who plan to wipe out the native Sunesis.  They are brought before Administrator Brago, who strips the replacement droid parts off the cyborged Daye and throws him in the brig.  Nearby on Monor II, Tinian I’att and Chenlambec captures a Sunesis priest - prince named Agapos IX, who heals the wound he inflicted on the Wookiee, then insists he be killed.  The now half - crazed Tinian stuns him, then leaves evidence indicating he was killed.  Daye is broken out by Sunesis Rebels, who he discovers have a healing power that’s related to the Force.  They seem to worship the psuedo - deity the droids invoke – “The Maker.”  He tries the Force on himself, and finds his one blinded eye suddenly able to see again!  He is looking forward to meeting the Sunesis’s spiritual leader – Agapos.  He soon learns of the native leader’s death, however.  The natives find the bounty hunter ship and attacks it.  Daye figures out the deception – that Tinian’s with the Rebels – and tells the natives.  They let the ship go, then they follow them.  Tinian’s ship was damaged in the fight, and they are forced to come out of hyperspace early to repair the life - support systems.  They continue on to Tekra Point, with Daye and the Sunesis (who they think are Imperials) chasing them every step of the way.


                Daye meets with Agapos at last, clearing up the misunderstanding.  The native, who has learned of Tinian’s history, asks Daye why he continues to deceive her into thinking he’s dead.  Daye is astonished to learn how unstable Tinian has become since he last saw her.  Agapos gives Daye some pointers in Force healing, and asks him to join the Sunesis way to heal his spirit as well as his body.  Daye begs Agapos to stay in hiding and to take him as a disciple.  And the Sunesis priest - prince finally agrees, on one condition – sooner or later, Daye must confront Tinian…   

(SHORT STORY – West End Games – Kathy Tyers - May 1996)


+1 ASW4


January 2, +1 ASW4

The planet Bakura is taken over by the Empire to absorb and control the planet's repulsorlift production facilities. 

"SW: The Truce at Bakura."


With Yavin IV now evacuated, the Rebels relocate to the planet Thila as the Alliance Corps of Engineers (led by Major Kem Monnon) gets to work rebuilding the base on Hoth into something more suitable for the Alliance. 

The SW Roleplaying Game.


January 21, +1 ASW4

“SW Adventure Journal: The Spira Regatta.”

A supply of medical and military supplies to a Rebel cell has been cut off.  They try to get around it by sending a supply via the watery resort world of Spira, only to have their shipment dunked in the ocean next to an ancient wrecked spacecraft.  Now, undercover as vacationing tourists, the Rebels have to get the shipment out of hiding in the wreck, right in the middle of an annual boat race that passes right beside the wreck.  And at the same time, they have to avoid Regenald Snopps III, a stuffy aristocrat with Imperial friends who wants to explore the underwater relic...

(GAME ADVENTURE -- West End Games - Paul Sudlow - February 1994)  


February 12, +1 ASW4

Shortly after giving the Alliance first word on the Dark Trooper project, Crix Madine is ordered to plant Candorian plague on the world of Dentaal. Reaching his breaking point, Madine commandeers a shuttle filled with Imperial information.  He doesn't tell his pro - Imperial fiancee Karreio about his defection.  He is captured en route to the Rebels by Darth Vader and General Mohc. (56)  

"Dark Forces" and "SW: Darksaber." 


"Dark Forces." 

                In orbit over the Rebel base of Talay, General Rom Mohc unveils to Vader a new army of robotic super - stormtroopers, called “Dark Troopers.” Deploying them results in the complete destruction of Tak base only a few moments later...  Mon Mothma summons Kyle Katarn and sends him to Talay to find out what happened.  With Jan Ors in tow, Katarn discovers a robotic arm from a Dark Trooper at the base. From that, they track down Imperial weapons engineer Moff Rebus on Anoat, who boasts of how destructive the Dark Troopers truly are.


                The two decide to shut down the Dark Troopers at their source, starting with the supplies of phrik metal on Fest, followed by the destruction of the Gromas mines.  Realizing Katarn and Ors have inside information, Mohc hires Boba Fett to protect the project and sends the captured Madine to the Imperial detention facility on Orinackra.  Katarn frees Madine and sends him to the Alliance, where he becomes an active general there.


                Katarn meanwhile continues his efforts.  Planting a tracking device at Raamses Hed leads him to a robotics construction facility on Anteevy that he blows to bits.  He discovers a supply line between Mohc and Jabba the Hutt on Nar Shaddaa, is briefly captured by Jabba’s ship yet escapes, then infiltrates Imperial City on Coruscant and steals the location of Mohc’s ship (the Arc Hammer) from the intelligence computers, fighting Boba Fett and knocking him out.


                After hijacking a smuggler ship at the fuel station of Ergo, Katarn travels to the Executor, where he stows away on a cargo ferry to the Arc Hammer.  He rigs the Hammer to blow, but first has to fight Mohc, in Dark Trooper armor, to the death.  He kills Mohc and escapes as the Arc Hammer and the Dark Troopers explode.  Katarn receives a medal from Mon Mothma in a private ceremony later.  

The dating here is due to the presence of the Executor.   

(PC VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Numerous writers - 1995)


February 17, +1 ASW4

While refuelling his ship on Taanab, Lando Calrissian (on a bet) single-handedly repels an attack on the planet by Norulackian pirates.  As a result, he gains a measure of renown for his tactical skill. And resulting from the bet, he gains the deed to a Clendoran brewery from free-trader Gathal Danager.  

SW VI. Details are from the Guide. Originally dated 10 BSW4, but date fixed by SW Adventure Journal # 15.


Crix Madine is pursued to Corellia by the Imperials, determined to stop him from joining the Rebel Alliance.  He calls for a meeting between him and the Rebels at Corellia's capitol, Coronet.  Thanks to the efforts of Rogue Squadron (and the ‘Millenium Falcon’), Madine narrowly survives a bombing raid to escape Corellia and reach the Alliance. (57)


Rogue Squadron escorts a supply convoy off the planet Barkhesh, then aids in the rescue of the crew of the downed Rebel freighter Nonnah from Chorax.

“SW: Rogue Squadron 3-D.”


February 23, +1 ASW4

The Empire goes ahead with its’ planting of Candorian plague on Dentaal.  The planet is quarantined, as the disease wipes out over 10 billion people within 48 hours.  Two weeks later, there is no life left on Dentaal at all.  The Empire, of course, blames the plague on the Rebels.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


"Rogue Squadron 3-D."

            While liberating Gerrard V from Imperial harassment, the Rogues capture Imperial ace Kasan Moor, who surprises them by asking to defect in return for helping shut down Moff Kohl Seerdon. After several missions in which the Rogues damage Seerdon's operations and his attempts to monopolize bacta production, Luke Skywalker takes on Seerdon himself in the skies over Thyferra and destroys him.

(PC/N64 VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Numerous Authors - December 1998)


"Galaxy of Fear: The Nightmare Machine." 

                Out of the six parts of Project Starscream, only three are left. The furious Shi’ido scientist decides he’ll try number four out on Hoole and those pesky kids...  Hoole, meanwhile, has taken the Arrandas to the Galactic Research Academy of Koann, then vanished without a word.  The two decide to dig up info on Hoole in the Academy computers, and find out what connection -- if any -- he has with the Empire.  Before they get anywhere, Hoole returns, intending to take them to Hologram Fun World.  He also finally reveals the scientist’s name: Borborygmous Gog.


                En route, new information from Forceflow reveals that four years of Hoole’s life is missing from records.  When they land, Hoole leaves the kids to enjoy the amusement park.  They run into Lando Calrissian, who is considering buying co-ownership in the park.  He asks to tour the park with the kids, to see their reactions to the place.  He shows Zak how to play sabacc while bluffing Dengar into a loss.


                At the park, they find a new attraction: The Nightmare Machine.  Zak sneaks in -- and runs into Gog himself.  Gog is using the attraction to torment any kids who come in by using some kind of creature. When he alerts Lando and Baron Danna Fajji of the danger, Fajii blows it off -- and shows them an holo-based fear-fest.  It telepathically reads a person’s worst fears, then throws it in their faces in holo-form. But that’s not the only problem.  The Hall of Reflection seems to turn Zak into a monster -- it’s fake too, but then everyone in Hologram Fun World seems to vanish -- fake visitors to drum up business.  Then a Rancor -- a REAL one -- tears through the park and eats Lando, and the kids end up in a lake and eaten by a Whaladon -- they make their way out only to be attacked by a workshop -- Hoole finds them and leads them to Fajii -- who’s really Gog.  Hoole and Gog have been working together the whole time!!


                One nightmare after another... the kids figure it out.  They’re still in the Nightmare Machine.  The creature they saw is what’s really causing the illusions.  Once they know that, they realize that to beat it, they have to face their worst fear -- losing each other.  Once they’ve done that, they reawaken to find the creature sucking on their brains.  They break loose with Lando’s help, only to run into a legion of stormtroopers and a very angry Gog.  They’re loaded onto a shuttle -- where Hoole, disguised as a stormtrooper, knocks out the other Imps and frees the group.  Lando heads off to look at a Tibanna gas mine on Bespin, while Hoole takes the Shroud and the kids away from Hologram Fun World.  He still won’t answer questions, except to say that Gog is farther along than he thought, and they are in extreme danger...

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Books - John Whitman - June 1997)


March 5, +1 ASW4

The Eyttyrmin Pirates of the Khuiumin system are wiped out in an attack by the Empire.  8,000 pirates started the battle, 272 emerged from it.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


On Bespin, Lando inadvertently wins the Tibanna gas mine Cloud City from its previous owner, Baron Dominic Raynor.  

"The Empire Strikes Back."  "Galaxy of Fear: The Nightmare Machine" fixed the date. An upcoming issue of SW Tales, “Lady Luck,” will detail this event.


The Imperials begin to hollow out portions of the ‘Garrison Moon’ of Kessel to make room for a huge multi - level internal hanger and the enormous generators and transmitters that create the energy shield which would surround Kessel and block unauthorised access to the planet.

“SW RPG Jedi Academy Sourcebook.”


The Zethusian plains on Kamori are shaken by tremendous groundquakes, which cause serious damage to the cities of Jandal, Hyra and Kimora City.  Hypermedia Galactic News Service is first on the scene, providing details of the disaster from Tandaro, Kamori.

"Star Wars Adventure Journal." 


April 21, +1 ASW4

The Empire nationalizes all droid companies in the Mid - Rim, seizing all manner of assassin droids for their use.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


Grell Panib begins to serve under Commander Pter Thanas.

"SW RPG Truce At Bakura Sourcebook."


"Galaxy of Fear: Ghost of the Jedi." 

                Darth Vader is breathing down Gog’s neck.  He’s ordered an assassin to kill the Arrandas and is now working to “fix” Project Starscream... 


              The ‘Shroud’ is being chased across the galaxy by the Empire. Hoole, desperate to get away from the Imperial dragnet, takes the ‘Shroud’ to Tatooine and the palace of Jabba the Hutt.  He puts himself in Jabba’s debt in return for a way to contact the Rebels.  Jabba can’t help him there, but he HAS heard of something going on in the Auril system -- and Jedi seem to be involved... Hoole doesn’t trust it, and asks Tash to talk to Forceflow.  The penpal replies that it’s time they met face to face, and provides coordinates -- at the Auril system.


                They nearly run into an abandoned space station -- the Nespis VIII station, supposedly haunted by a Jedi ghost.  But it is where Forceflow told them to meet him, and they dock and meet a man who answers to the name.  He thinks there’s a Jedi library here.  And if they find it, it will help them greatly against Vader and Gog.  They also meet Dannik Jerriko and several treasure hunters -- who are getting killed off one by one.


                Tash finds the library, but can’t get in -- something is protecting the library, apparently the Jedi ghost.  The kids also find cryogenically stored bodies in a hidden area.  It becomes evident Dannik is the one who’s killing the hunters -- but he claims he’s doing it to protect the children from a bounty hunter. Forceflow pushes Tash into going into the library alone, to face the ghost...  Aidan Bok, who explains that Gog used the “curse” story to capture people.  He’s searching for a Force-sensitive, just like Tash.  She excitely returns and reports this to Forceflow...  who morphs into Borborygmous Gog.  But he is -- always has been -- Forceflow.


                Tash and Aidan join forces (in both senses of the word) to defeat (and apparently kill) Gog and free Hoole, Zak, and the other prisoners.  Aidan gives Tash some words of encouragement, then becomes one with the Force.  Vader arrives long after they’re gone, and sees for himself the defeat of Gog and part five of Starscream.  After he’s gone, though, Gog shows signs of life...

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Books - John Whitman - August 1997)


Kyp Durron's parents, who spoke out against some of Emperor Palpatine's more extreme policies, are arrested and sent to the spice mines of Kessel with Kyp.  His older brother Zeth is brainwashed and taken to the Imperial Academy of Carida for "re - education" as a stormtrooper.  Durron's parents die in the mines a year later. 

"SW RPG Jedi Academy Sourcebook."


Rebel Alliance General Airen Cracken fabricates an identity for his son that allows Pash to enter the Imperial Naval Academy.  Pash learns the skill of flying by fooling around with old Z-95 Headhunter simulators, and his father’s connections led him to opportunities of other simulators and real starfighters.

Conjecture based upon “X-Wing: Wedge’s Gamble” [page 13].


Roganda Ismaren has Death Star designer Nasdra Magrody kidnapped and held prisoner on the planet Belsavis, doped up with anti-depressants. There, she forces him to implant her young son Irek with a converter that will allow the Force - sensitive boy to be able to manipulate machines and computers with the Force.

“SW: Children of the Jedi.”


"Galaxy of Fear: Army of Terror." 

                With Gog dead, Darth Vader personally takes over Starscream’s headquarters...  The Arrandas, meanwhile, are on the run.  Star Destroyers are everywhere.  Hoole has decided to end this mess once and for all, and sets course for Starscream headquarters on Kiva, a barren world where a scienist named Mammon had destroyed all life.  As they are starting down, an ion cannon disables the ‘Shroud’, which smashes into the ground beyond repair.  Tash and Zak get sucked into a “shadow” area where ghosts are screaming “MAMMON!!” at them.  Hoole and DeeVee just barely pull them out.  They reach Gog’s headquarters, and a birth chamber that opens to reveal...  an ordinary baby.


                At that moment, Luke, Leia, Han and Chewie walk in with a group of Rebel troops.  They were planning to destroy Starscream themselves.  They regroup at the Rebel ships, where one soldier suddenly vanishes -- leaving behind his clothes and gear.  And the child -- Eppon, he calls himself -- is suddenly larger.  Vader and his troops arrive, and the Arrandas are rushed to the ships with Eppon.  But before they get there, the shadow wraiths attack again.  They finally reveal why: Hoole is Mammon... the man who killed them all.


                Then three more solders vanish... and Eppon gets even bigger, with odd bruises starting to show up on him.  Hoole vanishes, but that doesn’t stop the shadows from attacking the children again.  Hoole returns, and finally tells the whole story about his past.  The shadows vow to execute him, and throws the children out.  At that point, the Imperials break off from the Rebels and make a beeline for the children, and they’re caught -- by Borborygmous Gog.  He reveals that they have stolen his ultimate weapon -- the now teenage “Eppon.”  He turns Eppon loose on the Imperials, as he mutates into a monstrous form. Vader takes the kids away, interrogates them, and locks them up.  Of course, they sneak out and fly the Falcon to where Hools is about to be killed.  They race the angry wraiths to Gog’s lab, where all find themselves in a battle with the seemingly unstoppable Eppon, a creature that combines all the worst elements of the previous experiments.  Tash tries to talk Eppon into attacking Gog, but Gog remote-control kills him first -- he’s learned from his mistakes.  The wraiths arrive, and DeeVee risks its life to play an old tape of Gog plotting with the Emperor.  Finally convinced Hoole is innocent, the wraiths attack and kill Gog.  The Rebels make it out of the lab and off Kiva -- with the Arrandas -- before Vader and the Imperials can reach them.   

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Books - John Whitman - October 1997)


Voren Na’al, an assistant historian for the Alliance, travels to Tatooine to begin research on an account of the events leading to the Battle of Yavin.  During his research, he comes upon the droid R5-D4, being sold by Jawas in Mos Eisely.  He buys R5 and “Gonk” the power droid.  The two droids fill him in on many of the early events of Artoo and Threepio’s adventures, as well as the Jawa massacre by the stormtroopers. Na’al sells the power droid to a moisture farmer, and R5 goes to the assistant administrator of the Imperial prefect of Tatooine where it eagerly becomes an Alliance spy droid.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope.”


"Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds -- Rust Never Sleeps."

                Threepio and Artoo are sent to Ronyards, a droid scrap heap, to convince the few remaining functional droids to help stop the Empire from mining metals from droid corpses.  They find instead a rare thing -- a droid religious cult.  The droids pooh-pooh their notions of a "planet of the living god" -- until a Star Destroyer shows up to do some mining... 

(COMIC STRIP - Marvel Comics Inc. - Alan Moore - 1981)


"Galaxy of Fear: The Brain Spiders." 

                The Arrandas try to hide out at Koda Space Station -- that is, until Tash has a near - miss with an infamous criminal named Karkas, a man who’s killed 91 people.  Hoole rushes the kids off the station, deciding their only chance at anonymity is to return to the palace of Jabba the Hutt.  They’re met at Mos Eisley spaceport by stormtroopers, demanding the location of Karkas -- who apparently followed them to Tatooine.  They’re let loose and they rush to Jabba’s.  Hoole asks him, as a favour, to erase Imperial records of the group.  In return for that, Jabba asks Hoole to put his archaeologist skills to work at translating a B’omarr scroll he stole from the monks in his palace.  A young monk named Beidlo shows the Arrandas to their quarters.  Later, Jabba confesses that he can’t do it -- Imperial records have become impossible to hack since the Death Star fiasco.  Hoole decides to work on the scroll anyway.  Tash becomes more and more fascinated at B’omarr customs, as Zak discovers Karkas has come to Jabba for sanctuary.


              Beidlo discovers that far more brains are being transferred into B’omarr spider - bodies than usual, and urges Zak to get his family out.  A short time later though, Beidlo has seemingly forgotten all about his fears.  As Hoole decides to leave after all, Jabba presents the Imperials with Karkas’s carcass (no pun intended).  Tash is getting stranger and stranger, not like herself at all.  So strange, in fact, that she escapes the palace to Mos Eisley and apparently kills an Imperial.  Tash finally learns the truth when a brain spider writes in sand -- “I’m Tash!”  Karkas’s brain is in Tash’s body!!  And Beidlo’s brain is in another spider.  It seems Jabba is arranging for innocent people to get brain - swapped with criminals on the run.  And it looks like Karkas will soon be moved from Tash’s body to Hoole’s...


              Zak and Hoole fights back, and find themselves helped by the B’omarrs.  The monks are unhappy at what Jabba’s been up to.  Hoole returns the scroll to them in return for Tash’s brain being returned to her body.  Beidlo can’t go back, but then he doesn’t want to.  And so the Arrandas again fly out into space...

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Books - John Whitman - December 1997)


May 16, +1 ASW4

The private vault of Moff Jerjerrod of the Quanta Sector is raided by the infamous Tombat, and most of the Moff’s private art collection is stolen.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


"Galaxy of Fear: The Swarm." 

                The ‘Shroud’ travels to the garden planet of S’krrr, a planet the Empire is planning to establish a base on -- an act that would ruin the beautiful world and its’ culture.  They are met by an insectoid S’krrr called Vroon.  He asks them to move the ship farther away for ecological reasons, but that proves impossible -- thanks to Zak monkeying around with the engines, the ship is crippled.  He later finds himself attacked by a flying creature called a shreev that he’s forced to kill -- only to discover later that it was a pest - eating creature.  Legend has it that if even one dies before its’ time, the garden’s delicate ecological balance will be totally destroyed...


               Soon there’s a pest of another kind in the Garden -- namely, Captain Thrawn.  But he’s not here to destroy the Garden -- art lover that he is, he’s here merely as a tourist.  But he’s not pleased when one of his men turns up eaten by pests.  He orders the Garden sealed. And more and more of the pests -- drog beetles -- are turning up everywhere.  Thrawn orders one of the S’krrr, Sh’shak, arrested for the Imperial officer’s death.  But that soon proves unnecessary when another dead officer turns up.  Zak is going nuts with guilt -- the garden’s being destroyed, and people killed, because of him!!!  He tearfully confesses to killing the shreev.


             Thrawn scoffs at the notion that one careless boy could be responsible for all this.  He frees Sh’shak and confronts Vroon.  The insane Vroon wildly claims that the drog beetles are the S’krrr’s ancestors -- and that he’s learned to communicate with them!  He escapes into the garden.  Drog beetles attack, and Hoole is separated from the group as Thrawn leads Sh’shak and the kids into his shuttle.  He finds it’s been crippled too.  The beetles pour in through the air vents, and the group races outside.  Hoole has shape - shifted into a shreev and roused other shreevs to hunt the beetles.  They return to Vroon’s workship only to find his corpse.  Hoole and Sh’shak try to hold the beetles off by communicating as Vroon did, while the kids and Thrawn each try to repair their ships.  The kids get the ‘Shroud’ repaired and picks Hoole and Sh’shak up.  They drop Sh’shak off in a bug - free section of the planet as airships are sent to capture the beetles.  But as the Arrandas take off from S’krrr, two drog beetles move to the engine room to lay eggs...

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Books - John Whitman - January 1998)


12 - year old Ghent, already working as a slicer for Talon Karrde, cracks the top secret Imperial code ILKO in two months -- something that took a full Rebel Alliance team a month.

“SW Encyclopedia.”


“The Maverick Moon.”                                                                                                                *

            Luke Skywalker is put into training at the New Academy of Space Pilots with a group of young pilots called the “Planetary Pioneers.”  They are being prepared to fly groups of people to uninhabited worlds out of the Empire’s reach, and to help them establish Rebel colonies.  Princess Leia stops by the Academy to visit Luke and inspect the colony work underway.  Suddenly an emergency erupts – a nearby moon has been blasted out of its’ orbit by unknown means.  Covered in a magnetic field, it is on a collision course with the Academy.  With no time to evacuate, Luke volunteers to fly with the Pioneers in old starfighters in an attempt to destroy the moon with zukonium rays developed for the colonies’ energy systems.  The other fighters can’t make it through the magnetic field – but with the Force, Luke (with Artoo) can.  Luke blows up the moon with the zukonium rays, again using the Force to escape the explosion.  He receives a hero’s welcome – and another medal from Leia – when he returns.

My thanks to Jill Usrey for providing the text this summary was based on.

(CHILDREN’S BOOK – Random House Inc. – Author unknown – 1979)


Vin Northal’s team of commando’s makes a fatal error while on a mission, and destroys a children’s orphanage, believing it to be a Rebel base.  Horrified by what he has done, and learning of other similar incidents that are covered up, Vin defects to the Alliance.  On his next mission, he allows himself to be captured, and to their astonishment, requests political asylum.  General Crix Madine personally vouches for him.

“SW RPG Cracken’s Rebel Operatives.” [Page 6]


May 23, +1 ASW4

JAN founder Earnst Kamiel is captured by the Empire on Elrood.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


May 27, +1 ASW4

COMPNOR places new tariffs on luxury agri - exports from the Bormea Sector, almost single - handedly wrecking Chandrila’s economy.  It is strongly hinted that Chandrila might be freed from the tariff if they improve relations with the Empire.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


May 30, +1 ASW4

After months of negotiating, Bakura finally agrees to semi - control by the Empire. While the Bakuran constitution will be subordinate to the Imperial charter, Bakura will be allowed to keep its’ existing government.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


"SW Adventure Journal: Command Decision."

                Admiral Thrawn and the Star Destroyer ‘Admonitor’ is sent out into the Unknown Regions on a scouting mission.  On their fifteenth planetary study, they are encounter a small kingdom called the Ebruchi.  Posing as colonists, Thrawn invites the ruler, Creysis, aboard, asking for information about nearby habitable worlds.  When the barbarians steal an assault shuttle and TIE Fighter, Captain Niriz and General Haravel plot a mutiny.  But Thrawn has simply been faking Creysis out, putting things into position.  The stolen TIE was dumbed down technology wise, and the assault shuttle suddenly starts spewing out stormtroopers.  The Ebruchi ships are destroyed and Creysis captured.  Thrawn tracks the pirates to their base and blasts them to atoms. 

(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Timothy Zahn - November 1996)


"SW Adventure Journal: No Disintegrations, Please."

                After being caught slicing into Jabba the Hutt's files, Rivo Xarran fled to his brother General Gaege's garrison on Vryssa.  Boba Fett comes and slaughters the entire garrison just to get to Rivo.  Rivo barely escapes and makes a deal with Fett -- let him go, and he'll make it appear he died so Fett can collect his bounty, then go into hiding. Fett lets him go, but promises one day he'll come for him... 

(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Paul Danner - August 1997) 


June 3, +1 ASW4

Princess Leia Organa releases a holovid in which she accuses the Empire of committing genocide on Dentaal, using the example of Alderaan as proof of the Empire’s evil intents and denying that Alderaan had anything to do with Dentaal’s destruction (as the Empire was hinting).

“SW Adventure Journal.”


"Galaxy of Fear: Spore." 

                The ‘Shroud’ stops off for supplies at the ‘Tefanda Bay’, a city - ship orbiting Ithor.  The Arrandas meet a female Ithorian High Priest named Fandomar (wife of Momaw Nadon, Tatooine's "Hammerhead"). They get everything they need except the rare mineral ethromite.  Fandomar takes them to a nearby asteroid mining colony.  The miners agree to give Hoole ethromite if he'll help them solve a little mystery: a mysterious cavern tomb left there long ago by Ithorians.  When they open the tomb, a sudden cave-in seals them off from the others.  Tash takes a dangerous shaft to try to find help -- and runs into the Dark Lord Jerec, who stakes a claim on the asteroid.  But the tomb is now empty -- and one man is dead. 


                The asteroid goes unstable and prepares to explode.  Fandomar accidentally forces the rescue ship to crash on Ithor, then starts wailing that everyone is doomed -- "Spore," a parasitic monster of pure evil that can infect others to make them like itself, is free again.  With Zak infected, Tash and Fandomar watch in horror as Jerec offers Spore the entire Imperial army and navy to infect, to serve as Jerec's private army against the Emperor.  Tash and Fandomar sneak aboard Jerec's shuttle, and go from there to the Star Destroyer Vengeance.  Tash uses the Force to defeat Zak and Hoole and get them off the Star Destroyer, luring the cruiser into the asteroid field, where a group of space slugs destroy it and Spore (Jerec escapes, of course). 

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Books - John Whitman - April 1998)


June 7, +1 ASW4

The Empire slaughters a peaceful demonstration in the city of Amma on Bacrana, placing the entire planet under martial law.  The local troops refuse to fire on their own people, so Moff Raimer sends in AT-AT’s to attack the populace.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


“The Bounty Hunter Wars: Slave Ship.”                                                                                        

                Two emissaries from the split Bounty Hunter’s Guild -- the True Guild and the Guild Reform Committee -- go to Kud’ar Mu’bat, demanding to know which side of the conflict Mu’bat will take.  Mu’bat shrewdly plays both sides, saying separately that he is with them.  And elsewhere, Prince Xizor begins the next phase of his plan...


                Boba Fett and Bossk meet on Gholondreiene-B to discuss teaming up to capture Trhin Voss’on’t, a renegade Imperial stormtrooper who stole a Star Destroyer -- AND the Imperial Strategic Insertion team codes -- and joined the Alliance.  They will do it by making it look like Bossk killed Fett and Zuckuss and is joining Voss’on’t.  The plan backfires.  Voss’on’t gets the drop on them, and uses a device to cause a massive earthquake.  They catch him, but they get badly hurt doing it.


                What they don’t know was that Voss’on’t was working on Emperor Palpatine’s direct orders.  The bounty was all it took for all the bounty hunters of the galaxy to give up on any kind of Guild and start slaughtering each other.  Xizor (as he revealed to Mu’bat) plans to dispose of Fett himself.  But then Xizor is met by Balancesheet, one of Mu’bat’s ancillary systems that has declared independance.  It says it wants to work with Xizor... 


                Bossk attempts to kill Fett for his role in the Guild’s destruction, but Fett and Zuckuss (who wasn’t really dead) turn the tables -- then Fett turns the tables on both, and they barely make it out of Slave I alive in an escape pod.  Fett takes Voss’on’t to Mu’bat’s web, unaware that Xizor has a lethal reception planned for him...

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - K.W. Jeter - October 1998)


"The Bounty Hunter Wars: Hard Merchandise."

Xizor waits near Kud’ar Mub’at for Fett on his flagship, the ‘Vendetta’.  As he waits, he silently plans to kill Mub’at and put Balancesheet in its’ place.  On the ‘Slave I’, the captured Trhin Voss’on’t mocks Fett, telling him he’s flying into a trap.  He offers Fett a deal -- give him control of the ship, and they’ll both get out alive.  Fett refuses and takes the badly damaged ship out of hyperspace...


Xizor’s attack cripples the ‘Slave I’, and Fett is forced to drag an uncooperative Voss’on’t with him into the sealed cockpit.  Xizor gloats as the ship slowly tries to limp away.  His smile vanishes when Fett puts himself between Xizor and Mu’bat.  Fire now, and the web - like intelligence will be the one hit.  But that soon becomes moot, as Fett plows his ship straight into Mu’bat’s web.  Mu’bat is horribly wounded, but says he won’t pay Fett -- it’s not his bounty to pay out.  It’s Xizor’s, Fett realizes.  And the Falleen would rather kill than pay.  Mu’bat also reveals Xizor was behind the Guild’s breakup.


When Xizor arrives, Fett grabs him from behind and puts a blaster to his head.  Xizor says he has changed his mind (thanks to Balancesheet) about killing Fett, but he does want to kill Mu’bat now.  He reveals Balancesheet’s treachery and pays Fett the bounty.  The ‘Slave I’ crawls away as Xizor and his men kills Mu’bat and dismantles the web.  Balancesheet leaves Fett one nasty surprise -- he’s taken half the bounty himself to pay his debts.  Fett promises he’ll get back at Balancesheet someday...

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - K.W. Jeter - July 1999)


"Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds -- The Pandora Effect."

                Leaving the planet Attahox with a hold full of phosovane salts and an pirate ship on their tails, Han, Chewie, and Leia find themselves sucked into a pocket dimension occupied by five very evil people... 

(COMIC STRIP - Marvel Comics Inc. - Alan Moore - 1981)


June 14, +1 ASW4

After three years of fighting, an armistice is announced between the Corporate Sector Authority and the Triianii colonies.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


“SW Role Playing Game: Battle for the Golden Sun.”

A navigational accident has led the Empire to the mysterious and legendary water world of Sedri.  Rebel spy networks carry troubling tales back to Alliance High Command, rumor that Sedri holds the secret of the Golden Sun, a secret that could give the Empire the power to crush the Rebellion once and for all!  An Alliance dignitary, young and impetuous, disappeared while checking into these disturbing rumors.  Now a special team of Rebel agents volunteer to undertake a desperate mission.  Guided by a half - sane Mon Calamari, they must make their way to Sedri, locate the missing dignitary, avoid Imperial entanglements, and solve the mystery of the Golden Sun.  If the rumors prove even partially true, then this band of Rebels is all that stands between the Empire and total control of the Galaxy . . . The strange gravity waves are in fact caused by the Golden Sun, a Force - sensitive commune of polyps.  A Rebel group infiltrates and defeats the garrison.  This is the beginning of the “Rebel Sea Commandos” who will later play a major role in the Battle of Calamari.

(ADVENTURE GAME - West End Games – Douglas Kaufman - 1988)


“SW Role Playing Game: Black Ice.”

               A group of Alliance Counterintelligence Specialists have infiltrated an Imperial tech outpost on the swampy planet Lotide to procure information about Imperial fleet replenishment. With the briefcase-shaped QT-7 helping them, they receive some coded info. Before they can decode it, however, a technician discovers them! Some quick talking saves them from that mess, but they still have to decode the info. They sneak around the facility to find the code-breaker. They deal with the senile Dr. Benkin, forced to tour the facility with another scientist, and forced to answer “a few routine questions” for Captain Hawra. Finally, they make their way into Lieutenant Pora’s office and find the code key – just in time for their cover to be blown sky high! A furious chase ensues through a minefield and electric fences. They steal some speeder bikes and make it clear.


              They make their way back to Alliance Sector HQ on Fangol and report to Major Lawra Mers. After giving QT-7 a day to go through the decoded info, Mers assigns the group a new mission – a replenishment fleet is stopping at Refrax for maintenance. But to attack the fleet, the Rebels first need fuel. To get it, the group is going to take a stolen Spiral-class assault ship (another team will take a second) and board Black Ice, the replenishment fleet’s huge fuel container ship. The group must take it over and get it to the Alliance.


              The two assault ships are loaded in a freighter and launched toward the Ice. As the Rebels launch an attack around the ship, the two Spirals smash through the Ice’s shields and burrows into its’ hull. The two teams fight their way into the engine pods and coaxes the Ice into hyperspace. Suddenly the ship itself attacks, using repair droids and shorting QT-7 out. Spy droids attack, life-support malfunctions, sensors fail. What’s going on? Turns out Chief Engineer Skolos is trying to retake the ship. A showdown results in the maintenance section. Skolos fights to the death, and the other team is killed in the process. The Ice arrives at the Rebel base – just before a repaired QT-7 discovers a homing beacon aboard leading the Empire straight to them!!


              It’ll take a week to evacuate Sector HQ – the Rebels don’t have that long. The Counterintelligence group is put into action again, holding the Imps off in starfighters as the base hastily packs up. After five hard days of battle, the Rebels finally leave their base – just in time for a torpedo sphere, a huge Death Star-based battle station, to enter the system. Mers comes up with a suicide mission – fly the Ice straight into the sphere. The Rebel group volunteers, and Mers and QT-7 joins them. The Ice flies right into the huge station –


Miraculously, the section of the Ice the Rebels were on survived the explosion. The torpedo sphere was completely destroyed. The group is rescued and returns to the Rebel fleet.

(ADVENTURE GAME - West End Games - Bill Slavicsek and Paul Murphy - 1990)


“SW Role Playing Game: Crisis on Cloud City.”

Chilling murder and intrigue abound as Rebel agents become detectives to solve a deadly mystery on the floating metropolis of Cloud City.  It started as a routine escort mission.  Famed Alliance engineer Walex Blissex was contacted by an old friend who had made a startling scientific breakthrough.  But when the Rebel escort team arrives on Cloud City to meet this mysterious scientist, things begin to go wrong.  Dead wrong.  Mystery leads to murder.  Murder leads to deadly confrontations with killer droids and Imperial agents.  And the Rebels wind up entangled in webs of deception, deceit -- and death!  The fate of the city in the clouds and everyone aboard depends on the Rebels and their ability to unravel their mystery before the knots pull tight!

(ADVENTURE GAME - West End Games – Christopher Kubasik - 1989)


June 26, +1 ASW4

Raw materials in the Mid - Rim begin drying up as Moff Jerjerrod (under the pretext of Imperial Energy Systems) diverts increasing galactic resources to the under - construction Death Star II at Endor.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


“SW Role Playing Game: The Game Chambers of Questal.”                                                 *

                A Rebel soldier, Tiree, has disappeared on the planet Questal. He went there without orders, without even consulting Alliance High Command. Why? Because his sister had sent him a distress call to find her missing husband, Rogan. On that planet, the evil Moff Bandor rules with more of an iron fist than usual – and Rebels disappear from there all the time. The Alliance has therefore written him off. But his friends won’t – they go to Questal after him. They arrive as the planet prepares a gala celebration – Bandor’s birthday. The people have been told to celebrate for an entire week – or else! The Rebels find themselves pitted against a rampaging trompa from the Lauskner’s Arcadium, where they spot Rogan. They then head to a seedy bar named Shilley’s. After talking to the owner, the Rebels pick up a signal from Tiree’s pendant – which is around the next of a swoop gang leader. A chase later, they are led to Tiree’s X-Wing and his droid R2-D0.


                Deo shows some holoimages – Shilley, another woman they saw at the rampage with Rogan, Tiree in the middle of a group. Returning to Shilley’s, they resume their talk with her. She invites them to the gala at Turf Boss Mosh Pelkan’s mansion. That night, they mingle among the underworld and Imperial guests. Pelkan treats the attendees to some gladiator games. The Rebels are suddenly thrown into the arena as part of the games!! They’re helped out by another Rebel agent who happened to be the party, Lanni Peggann. She leads them to her sanctuary, where they find that mystery woman. She introduces herself as Tyerle, Tiree’s sister. She begs the Rebels to find Tiree…


                The only place to look for him now is in Moff Bandor’s palace. Infiltrating the carnival, the Rebels sneak in. In Bandor’s office, they find a message to the Emperor – something about a “Hurlothrumbic Generator.” Continuing on into the brig, they find a captured pirate gang who talks of Bandor’s “powers” and how Tiree was taken to Bandor – and never seen again. The Imperials catch on to them, and they are carefully chased and herded into…


                A carefully constructed labyrinth, with the Generator at its’ center. Bandor gloats over speakers as he hunts them, the Chambers themselves will try to kill them – the most dangerous game. They win, they may – or may not escape. They lose, they die. They start through the Chambers, facing various threats along the way. As they go, the Rebels find themselves gripped more and more by irrational terror. They realize the Generator itself is causing it – that’s what it does. At the end of the maze is Bandor. They manage to rip off the helmet protecting him from the Generator’s effects. Terrified out of his mind, Bandor activates a self-destruct on the Generator, then blows his brains out. Managing to find Tiree huddled in a cranny, they manage to shut off the Generator’s fear-transmitter, then gets away as it explodes. Tiree is returned to his sister, Rogan also returns, and the Alliance praises the Rebel unit while apologizing that they didn’t consider Bandor such as a threat as he was… 

(GAME ADVENTURE – West End Games – Robert Kern – 1990)



“SW Role Playing Game: The Isis Coordinates.”

An Imperial Survey Corps vessel emerges from hyperspace above an uncharted planet.  The survey team begins its sensor - sweeps.  The life - forms indicator crackles to life.  Habitations are scanned . . . a  spaceport . . . power generators . . . landspeeders . . . an X-wing fighter . . . Rebels!  The survey team has stumbled upon a densely - populated Alliance factory world.  If they live to reach an Imperial base and  report their findings, hundreds of thousands of lives are at peril, and the Alliance will lose over 30 percent of its starfighter manufacturing capacity.  Only two things stand between the Imperials and their base --  half a galaxy of hyperspace, and a small band of Rebel heroes!  An Imperial scout ship, the ‘Wanderer’, crashlands on the crystalline world of Isis, where Bail Organa once stationed a starfighter building facility.  When the facility is discovered, the ‘Wanderer’s’ crew (led by a Captain Pilia Tonth) tries to make it back to the Empire to report the base’s existence and have it destroyed. They hijack an Alliance gunship and rushes to Bespin.  When Alliance agents attack them there, the Imperials run toward a Naval base on Miser.  Only Captain Tonth survives, and she is killed by the Alliance agents before she can reveal Isis’s secret.

(ADVENTURE GAME - West End Games – Christopher Kubasik - 1990)


“SW Role Playing Game: Mission to Lianna.”

While en route to the Keldrath Sector, an Alliance group is ordered to stop by Lianna, home of Sienar Flight Systems (home of the infamous TIE family of starfighters) to drop off a data disk for Rebel operative Jenna Lars. Unbeknownest to them, an Imperial test near the planet has gone wrong – and a specially modified probe droid has vanished…


                The Rebels arrive to find the planet covered with Imperial warships. They briefly spot the probe droid before it completely disappears again. They realize how it’s doing that – a cloaking shield!! Once they land, they head immediately to Orman’s Sky Palace and the meeting with Jenna. Once the probe droid is mentioned, Jenna insists that the Rebels follow her orders – go to the Imperial hotel, meet another Alliance operative, and bring her up to date. They check in at the 76’th floor and meet with Terri Karl, the operative. She slips them some weapons (weapons are forbidden on Lianna), and tells them that the Empire is working on a cloaking shield project – Project NOVA. Imperial Advisor Rodan Verpalion is coming in tonight to oversee the project’s completion. The Rebels will sneak into Santhe/Sienar during the welcoming party to steal the blueprints. She sends them to yet another contact at Glaggerick’s Tavern, where “Astenn” asks the Rebels, not to steal the plans, but to copy them and then rewrite the plans to make it unuseable.


The Rebels infiltrate Santhe/Sienar headquarters, making their way to Lady Valles Santhe’s private office and hacking the plans. They learn along the way that Lady Santhe has been working with Liann pirates – and with the Alliance. They also learn that the completed NOVA prototype will be tested in three days. Terri picks them up as they escape the building, then takes them to the reception for Verpalion the next night. The Rebels find themselves desperately trying to avoid detection in plain sight. Making their way out into the streets, rushing back to their ship, only to be jumped by Orman’s thugs. Fighting them off, they take off and try to outrun the Imperial ships, and manage to escape into hyperspace. They learn afterwards that the plans were laced with a protective virus that erased the blueprints. The NOVA Project has been seriously set back…

(ADVENTURE GAME - West End Games – Joanne E. Wyrick - 1992)


“SW Role Playing Game: Otherspace.”

Beyond realspace, past the time - bending corridors of hyperspace, another galaxy waits to be discovered. When a problem develops with the hyperdrive engine of an Alliance prisoner transport, members of both the Rebellion and the Empire are deposited into a strange, unexplored dimension between hyperlanes and realspace.  Here abandoned ships from all over known space float beside those of unknown origin.  These desolate craft orbit a giant vessel, drawn to it like moths to a flame -- or a spider's web.  Within the dark interior of the giant ship, the war between Rebel and Imperial finds new battlegrounds and new weapons with which to destroy each other.  But they also find something else, something that just may find them first.  It wants to escape Otherspace, to reach realspace.  And when it does, the galaxy will die!

(ADVENTURE GAME - West End Games - Bill Slavicsek - 1989)


EL-434 was an assassin droid serving the Empire shortly after the Battle of Yavin.  Little is known about EL-434 since the droid has been very efficient in eliminating all records and witnesses.  Alliance Intelligence postulates that it was built in Junquers system, and that the droid has been active for many years.  One of his missions was to infiltrate a Rebel base and kill everyone inside.  The Rebels, prepared for the attack, managed to subdue the droid. Over - riding its self - destruct program, EL-434 postulated that the Rebels would transport it to an important Rebel base or safe world.  Sure enough, EL-434 was soon aboard a prison ship, the ‘Celestial’, en route to a safeworld.  A hyperdrive malfunction, however, plunged the ship into otherspace.   EL-434 found itself aboard the Charon vessel ‘Desolate’, where it fought Charon constructs, Charon warriors and Rebel agents within the Hall of Contests in the alien ship.  EL-434’s current status is unknown.  El-434 is made from a cerillium composite, giving it a dark sheen. His motor - ball forms a base for his crustacean - like upper body.  All of EL-434’s critical systems are well armored.  The droid is armed with built - in blaster cannons, concussion missile launcher, a motor - ball, electrophotoreceptor, infrared scanner, com - signal detector, motion sensor, chemical sensor, and auditory membranes.  EL-434 is 1.5 meters tall.

“SW RPG: Otherspace” Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


“SW Role Playing Game: Otherspace II.”

Death stalks the galaxy.  The dread Charon, destroyers of worlds, killers of galaxies, have found their way into realspace.  If they are not stopped -- and soon -- the Rebels' galaxy, too, will die.  In a remote, little -traveled corner of the galaxy, the Alliance safe - world of Stronghold floats serenely against the bloody backdrop of Rebellion and Empire.  Here, families of Alliance warriors hide, safe from Imperial attack.  But something has gone wrong on the safe - world.  Terribly wrong.  There has been no contact with Stronghold for weeks.  No comm reports, no ship traffic.  Nothing.  It is as though the entire planet has vanished.  Six Alliance personnel race to Stronghold to find out what has happened to the planet -- and to their friends and loved ones hiding there.  Six Rebels -- against the Invasion!

(ADVENTURE GAME - West End Games – Douglas Kaufman - 1989)


“SW Role Playing Game: Planet of the Mists.”

'I told you -- the star charts say there's nothing in this nebula.  It's just a big cloud of gas.  There's no risk.' Suddenly, the stars shift -- and right in front of you is a planet!  'Well, that nothing just blasted the hull, and we're going down . . . somewhere.'  The Rebels must take cover in the swamps of Marca, where they discover a mysterious alien race named the Sekct.  Not only must the Rebels escape, but they must save the Sekct from extinction.  And the only way to do that is to penetrate the hidden Imperial hyperbaride plant and disable it, despite the Imperial swamp troopers, mercenary security forces, and Tyne, managing director of the plant, feared by all because of his strange abilities . . .

(ADVENTURE GAME - West End Games – Nigel Findley - 1992)


“SW Role Playing Game: Riders of the Maelstrom.”

A Rebel unit is running for their lives on the jungle planet Aris, with stormtroopers right on their heels. They find themselves running into a transport barge, disguising themselves as Anomids. The barge takes them to the Calamari luxury liner Kuari Princess, where they check in as the Anomids they stole their disguises from. The Princess sets off for the beautiful “Maelstrom” nebula. Just after the launch, a strange-looking protocol droid named DM/C3 approaches the Rebels. It recognizes them as Rebels and leaves them a message that Imperial forces are on the ship. They also learn the engineering area has been sealed off, and spots an elite unit of stormtroopers. That night, the troopers search the ship for Rebels during a gala ball. The real Rebels take the opportunity to check out Engineering…


                They find two Moffs, Torpin and Vanko, have set up quarters on the engineering deck. Slicing into their computers, they learn that pirates in these sectors are sucking out the Moff’s profits, and they’re supplying false reports to the Emperor. They’re here to plan an offensive against the pirates hiding in the Maelstrom, without getting Palpatine’s notice. Suddenly, the group is jumped by an overwhelming amount of stormtroopers and are captured. As they are about to face a torture droid, the Princess is suddenly jumped by the “Riders of the Maelstrom” – the pirates!! The pirates quickly board and conquer the ship. As the Rebels escape engineering, they notice the pirates hauling machinery that way. DM/C3 tells them what the machinery’s about – they’re locking the Princess on a collision course with the mining station Oasis. The group splits up, with half stealing a shuttle and going to warn Oasis, the others doing what they can to retake the liner. The Rebels on Oasis (which doubles as a Rebel safe house) quickly send every X-Wing they have, as the ones on the Princess fight their way to the bridge. The pirates fight viciously, determined to guard the Princess until the crash is unavoidable.  On the bridge, DM/C3 lies in pieces, and the only surviving pirate is Captain Targrim. He finally makes a run for the hangar bay, giving the Rebels only minutes to turn the ship around. At the last second, they manage to steer the Princess away from Oasis. The two Moffs have been captured, and Targrim is on the run, though he vows revenge…

(ADVENTURE GAME - West End Games – Ray Winninger - 1989)


“SW Role Playing Game: Scavenger Hunt.”

                The Rebel intelligence base on Dankayo is pounded to dust by the Star Destroyer’s ‘Avenger’, ‘Devastator’ and ‘Relentless’.  After the battle, the Ugor salvage ship ‘Thrifty’ arrives to pick up any junk left over.  Another ship, the ‘Captain’s Pride’, battles the ‘Thrifty’ for salvage rights.  The Ugors luck out and find the “Holy of Holies” -- a gravity well generator.  A little later, the Imperial transport ‘Elusive’ arrives and discovers several apparently worthless datacards -- which turn out to be anything but.  It’s a list of Alliance agents and their locations.  The Rebels try to get the cards back, but the ‘Elusive’ escapes into hyperspace.  The Rebels then goes after the Ugor’s gravity well generator -- which Jabba the Hutt and the Squibs (the Ugor’s rivals) are also after.  They track the Ugors to the Paradise System Junkyard (where they find a large chunk of the Death Star, including a spare cape of Vader’s and Obi-Wan Kenobi’s lightsaber), and steals the GWG.  They successfully use it to snag the ‘Elusive’ and retake the tapes.

(ADVENTURE GAME - West End Games - Brad Freeman - 1989)


July 17, +1 ASW4

The Empire sends a fleet to Nar Shaddaa, searching the Corellian Sector.  Cynabar’s Infonet is forced to shut down as a result.  No explanation is given, to the Hutts or anyone else.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


“SW Role Playing Game: Supernova.”

The inhabitants of the Demphon system face a threat far greater than that of the Empire: their sun is about to go supernova, destroying all life on the worlds around it.  A band of determined Rebels must act to save those the Empire deems unfit to live while solving the dark mysteries of Demphon.  Encounter the bizarre Ssithers and the monstrous lagoon; struggle to survive the virus code - named 'Mynock'; battle your way into the heart of Imperial security to rescue Rebel prisoners.

(ADVENTURE GAME - West End Games – Numerous Authors - 1993)


August 3, +1 ASW4

Emperor Palpatine appoints Gerald Weizel the new governor of Chandrila.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


August 7, + 1 ASW4

The Empire lifts transport tariffs on Gladiator walkers, thus causing an explosion in gladiator-walker combat popularity throughout the galaxy.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


“SW Role Playing Game: Death in the Undercity.”                                                                    *

                A mysterious spate of accidents in the underwater mines of Calamari has driven construction of the all-important Calamari Cruisers of the Alliance to a near-halt. Even worse, the two native races (the Calamari and the Quarren) are at each other’s throats about the whole mess. A group of Rebels are recruited to go undercover (studying Quarren mining techniques) and investigate. No sooner do they start down on an automated shuttle than it goes out of control, driven by a sabotaged computer into nearly crashing into the city of Morjanssik. The Rebels barely manage to take control enough to crash the shuttle into the sea. After being rescued, the Rebels are brought before the highest-ranking Alliance official, a Calamari named Kalbrac. He explains the situation – the paranoid Quarren refuse to allow an investigation, as they fear looking incompetent. The Rebels then have dinner with the Chief Manager of Morjanssik, a Quarren named Moren Chonk. They manage to persuade him to let them tour the mines, but his assistant Kelmut Wolg is wildly suspicious of them.


                After the dinner, the Rebels are approached by a Quarren named Walif Merv, who lures them to The Long Drink cantina for a chance to mingle with the locals. After an hour of chats, drinks and games, the Rebels are suddenly jumped by a gang of Quarren thugs. After the gang is subdued, they confess they were paid by a Quarren named Logor, who just left the bar. The Rebels pursue in speeder bikes and capture Logor, who claims he himself was hired by a Mon Calamari. The next morning, Kalbrac takes the Rebels on the mining tour. On the bathysphere on the way down, the Quarren miners accompanying them start acting strangely, affilicted by poison gas. The delirious Quarren attack the Rebels, who are forced to knock them out and take over the bathysphere for the rest of the trip down. Once they arrive at the mines, however, they are jumped and arrested for the murder of Moren Chonk!!


                Locked in the brig, the Rebels are downcast – with his pathological hatred of Outworlders, they haven’t a prayer of convincing Wolg of their innocence. Kalbrac’s convinced it was a frame job, but can’t prove it. After he leaves, a Calamari shows up, murders the guards, and tosses the murder weapon into the Rebels’ hands! “Talk your way out of this one, Rebel scum!” A Quarren lynch mob is more than ready to finish the Rebels off, but just in the nick of time Walif Merv appears again and gets them out. Incensed at the attempts to shame the Quarren, he has switched sides. He suspects the masterminds are a group of strange-sounding Calamari deepminers. Fighting their way to the deepminer docks, the Rebels confront the strange Calamari – who open fire with blasters and take off in a deepwater ship. Examining some of the dead deepminers, they find them to be humans disguised as Calamari – Imperial destabilizers, determined to smash the alliance between the Rebels, the Calamari, and the Quarren for good! The Rebels chase the deepwater into an underwater trench, all the way to the deepest level of the mine. Fighting and chasing all through the mining complex, they find the Imperials turning on a mining laser, determined to wipe out the whole mine and ignite a Calamari/Quarren civil war. Attacking the tank the laser is encased in, the Rebels wage a desperate last battle and wipes out the Imperial group. Astonished at how they were duped, the Quarren pledge full support to the Rebel Alliance. Wolg turns himself in, confessing that he was with the Imperials. And the Rebel group heads on to a new adventure, with a new member – a cheerful, blockheaded Q-4 borer droid…

(GAME ADVENTURE – West End Games – Michael Nystul – 1990)   


Kir Kanos and Carnor Jax are trained on the planet Yinchorr to be Royal Guards for the Emperor.  

Conjecture from "Crimson Empire."


“SW Role Playing Game: The Abduction of Crying Dawn Singer.”                                           *

                The looming alliance between the Rebellion and the avian Shashay race is in danger – a group of thugs disguised as Rebels have made off with Crying Dawn Singer, the most popular entertainer of the Rayter Sector. And the local Imperials are going all out to support the frame job. A Rebel squad is hastily recruited to investigate. There was a Rebel agent in Singer’s entourage, and the group (on the Worthless Fool) tracks him to the planet Najarka. In orbit, they detect an abandoned Imperial base – but that’s also where the agent’s transponder is signaling. They find the base to a biological research center, which contains the horribly tortured corpses of Singer’s entourage. Suddenly, an SD (the Impending Doom) roars into orbit and reactivates the base. After recovering the agent (a droid), they learn that a pirate named Yearo Seville – the same man on the “Rebel” ransom transmission – was the kidnapper. The local animal life proves as deadly to the stormtroopers as the Rebels, and the heroes soon take off, fighting off a Gamma-class shuttle and some TIEs as they go. They take the droid’s advice and head for Laim, even as the Shashay begin to break ties with the Alliance begin negotiating with Moff Nile Owen.


                Arriving at Laim, they find an Imperial relay station and a broadcast ship that is sending the “ransom demands” and other anti-Rebel propaganda to the Shashay. The broadcast ship makes a capture and boarding extremely difficult, but they manage. They find unreleased transmissions that seem to indicate an industrialist named Braig Farool (and his brother Nak, assistant to Moff Owen) is planning to double-cross the Moff and “rescue” Singer themselves for political gain. They learn Singer is being held at Farool’s headquarters on Narg. Unbeknownest to them, Owen has learned of this and killed Nak. The Rebels land at Grig starport, where they run into a load of red tape from TransGalMeg Industries (Farool’s company). They make their way to the headquarters, even as Moff Owen arrives in orbit. Fighting their way up to Farool’s suite, they find the industrialist has snapped. He wants them to take him and Singer off the planet. When they refuse, he uses Singer as a hostage. The Rebels shoot Farool and frees Singer from his cage.


                The Rebels and Singer fight their way through Owen’s stormtroopers and into the Worthless Fool. Owen sends TIEs after them, trying to disable the ship and take Singer alive. They fight their way clear into hyperspace and triumphantly returns Singer to Shashay.

(GAME ADVENTURE – West End Games – Chuck Truett – 1992)


Lyric of the Melody race is born on the planet Yavin VIII.

“Junior Jedi Knights: Lyric’s World.”


“SW Adventure Journal: The Quality of Mercy.”

En route to a cargo drop at the Rebel base of Tiragga II, a Rebel supply group is startled to find the planet infected with Direllian Plague.  They rush to the nearby planet Kirtania to grab the Shiarha Root needed to save the lives of everyone at the base.  But when they get there, they find the Empire’s moved in, slashing and burning the rain forest the root is in.  Even worse, they’re hunting a local doctor who specializes in treating Direllian Plague.  What follows is a dangerous hunt through the rain forest, followed by helping the doctor (T’Jaleq Kith’Araquia) and a native tribe attack the Empire’s deforestation group...

(GAME ADVENTURE -- West End Games - Nicky Rea - February 1994)   


“SW Adventure Journal: Regina Cayli.”

A smuggler named Roark Garnet is forced down on the planet New Bakstre, and his co-pilot Hawk Carrow is wounded and taken aboard the Imperial attack transport ‘Regina Cayli’.  Armed only with his blaster and courage, Roark sneaks aboard to get his friend out...

(SOLITARE ADVENTURE - West End Games - Ken Rolston - February 1994)


August 27, + 1 ASW4

The Mid-Rim shortage caused by the Death Star II’s construction causes a crisis in the Rettna system as Jante and Freda miners begin attacking each other.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


“SW Adventure Journal: Stranded.”

A Rebel band is sent to escort the diplomat Dr. Elth Nardah and his assistant Karvinna Raen to negotiate a treaty between the natives of the planet Karra and the Alliance.  But when an Imperial shuttle crash-lands near the village, and the Rebels take the lone survivor (Imperial governor Darryn Edalm) prisoner, the fierce Karrans overreact horribly, assuming the Rebels are in fact Imperials.  They beat Dr. Nardah to death, and the Rebels barely escape with Karvinna and Darryn.  Their ship has been crippled by billions of tiny insects, so that means a dangerous three - day hike to the nearest Imperial base.  Along the way, they discover a strange alien ship and an abandoned village of unknown type.  They learn the insects were responsible for destroying the alien ship’s crew.  When they arrive at the base, they find besieged by Karrans and insects.  They just barely escape, stealing a ship from the base’s warehouse.

(GAME ADVENTURE - West End Games - Chuck Truett - February 1994)


“SW Adventure Journal: You’re in the Army Now.”

“SW Adventure Journal: The Way of the Yrashu.”

“SW Adventure Journal: The Prophecy.”

“SW Adventure Journal: A World of Conquer.”

To be detailed...


“SW Adventure Journal: When the Domino Falls.”

                Socorran smuggler Kaine Paulsen prepares for a dangerous job – sending supplies to an outpost on Thrugii, a mining colony that has proven extremely inimical to life.  Even worse, the sector authorities have that planet completely embargoed.  Despite the warnings of his old friend Karl Ancher, he resolves to make the trip with his son Drake.  At Ancher’s advice, Drake goes to see about helping a refugee Wookiee on the run calm down.  Drake talks to a man named Seth, who explains that the Wookiee, Nikaede, is being transported to Mos Eisely to hide.  Suddenly stormtroopers barge in, out to arrest the three.  Seth protests – he was in the process of selling the Wookiee!  Then Ancher steps into it, spinning a yarn about the boy losing his mother and buying the Wookiee as a companion.  They all get herded down to Imperial customs as Kaine takes off.  There, the group is met by Colonel Veesle and a platoon of stormtroopers.  Veesle instantly recognizes Ancher for the outlaw he is and throws the whole lot behind bars.  They find a friend of Ancher’s, Tait Ransom, also behind bars.  They manage to break out and steal a gunship.  A little later, Drake overhears Ransom telling Ancher that he’d found Kaine’s ship – in lots of pieces.  Ransom gives Drake 1,000 credits and wishes him luck, then leaves.  Drake decides there is something he has to do. Nikeade tags along, swearing a life debt to Drake.  He travels to a dormant volcano where his father hid a freighter called the ‘Steadfast’.  He’s surprised to find Ancher’s most prized possession, a modified blaster, waiting for him in the ship.  The 17 - year old pirate decides his first job will be to finish what his father started – getting supplies to Thrugii…

(SHORT STORY – West End Games – Patricia A. Jackson – August 1994)


“SW Adventure Journal: The Void Terror.”

            Lady Selnia Harbright of Salliche is sent to Droecil to help the local Rebel cell divert medical supplies from an Imperial depot.  The theft is interrupted by stormtroopers, and Harbright is forced to escape on the freighter ‘Dorian Discus’ with the cargo.  Captain Garnet decides to take a short cut through Keller’s Void, which proves a good shortcut – until the hyperdrive cuts out halfway through, leaving the ship in an asteroid field.  There aren’t supposed to be asteroids here – why are there?  Selnia goes to the gun turret and shoots off some asteroids that are in the way.  She spots a black - scaled mysterious figure outside the ship, fiddling with a black box he’s attached to the hull!  She shoots at the creature, which scurries into the ship via the aft airlock.  She rushes back there and stuns it, revealing a man in a disguised spacesuit.  The hyperdrive has been tampered with by this man.  Two more men in suits appear outside the ship.  The ship makes a run for it as a pirate ship jumps into view.  The ‘Dorian Discus’ makes an escape and successfully delivers its’ supplies.

(SOLITARE ADVENTURE – West End Games – Peter Schweighofer – August 1994)  


“SW Adventure Journal: Enemies for Life.”

                A freighter is forced out of hyperspace near the gas giant Tinn VI, which has an unusually strong magnetic field.  The crippled ship lands on the fourth moon at Echnos City, a technologically oriented city -dome.  The Rebel crew sets out to find Polydex-9 to repair the ship.  They also notice ads for something called “The Blastboat 2000” – possibly a way to some easy money.  They find their way to a mercenary’s convention, where they are startled to find their faces and names on wanted posters.  The group is chased all the way to the Blastboat 2000 event at the Echnos Exhibition Dome.  The group enrols in the repulsorlift race / demolition derby, and find themselves in a hazardous game indeed.  They win, only to find themselves on the run again from the bounty hunters.  They are ambushed, but then saved by a smuggler named Daxtorn Lethos, who offers Polydex-9 in return for a favour.  He is in fact a clever bounty hunter who traps the heroes in his shuttle and sends it on a suicide course.  The Rebels just barely make their way back in one piece, repairs their ship, then goes after Lethos’s own ship (the Gorgon).  Lethos escapes, vowing himself an enemy of the Rebels for life…

(GAME ADVENTURE – West End Games – Stephen Luminati – November 1994)


September 15-17, + 1 ASW4

The infamous thief “Tombat” sacks the Elshandruu Pica resort hotel Margath’s, making off with over six million credits worth of gems. Astonishingly, the gems are returned to their original location just a couple of days later, as threats of an Imperial investigation began to circulate.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


“SW Adventure Journal: Loyalties.”

            A group of Rebels are ambushed and captured by the Star Destroyer ‘Devastator’.  The heroes find themselves locked up in the detention center.  After the interrogation, one Rebel finds a small earphone in his food.  The Rebel overhears a voice saying the main reactor will fail soon, the locks will deactivate, and the ship will be without power for nine minutes.  Sure enough the reactor does fail, and the Rebels stage a jailbreak.  Escaping in their ship, they find an extra entry in the ship’s log – a mystery Imperial who tells them to warn Admiral Chel Dorat on Jerrilek that he is about to be arrested for treason.  The Rebels rush to Jerrilek, to find Dorat at his daughter’s home.  They find he has gone with “historians” wishing to “interview” him.  They’re on his seaskimmer, heading straight for the spaceport.  A desperate water chase ensues, and Dorat is freed – until his own daughter, Preela, turns against the Rebels and tries to capture her own father.  The Rebels fight her off and blast off with Dorat aboard, fighting off Imperial ships and hyperjumping to safety.

(GAME ADVENTURE – West End Games – James L. Cambias – November 1994)


“SW Adventure Journal: A Bad Winter.”

                Drake Paulsen travels to Tatooine after hearing that a friend of his father’s is in trouble.  Waiting out a dust storm, he finds his ship surrounded by Sandpeople.  One of the “raiders” is Tait Ransom, who carries in the “friend” – Toob Ancher, who is on the verge of death thanks to Jabba the Hutt.  Toob tells him to set course for Redcap, where he claims “the biggest spice shipment you or any smuggler has ever seen” is there.  He reveals that Drake’s late father was one of the Black Bha’lir, an infamous pirate group. He seems to be slowly going insane – and Drake learns why when he finds another friend, Fahs Oxsor, on Redcap.  Ancher is suffering from “Bitter Winter,” an intense mental illness.  He’s in the last stages of the disease, and the best thing Drake can do for him now is to take him out himself.  Ancher heads out for the spice shipment he swears is in Tyma Canyon, with Drake along for the ride.  Ancher is growing crazier and crazier, and finally steals a Headhunter and goes head-to-head with an Imperial Star Galleon.  Drake is forced to join with the Imperials to fight Toob.  The Imperial captain, Calder, gives Drake an option – kill Ancher or he will.  Drake solemnly blows Ancher out of the stars.  The Imperials let Drake go on his way, and he returns to Redcap to mourn.  He decides it’s time to try a Kessel spice run himself…

(SHORT STORY – West End Games – Patricia A. Jackson – February 1995)


“SW Adventure Journal: The Cure.”

Six months ago, a mysterious plague smashed through the planet Sedesia.  Now the Empire claims they have ended the plague.  The Rebels doubt it, and send a team out to investigate.  Fighting their way past a blockade, the Rebels meet their contact, rancher Sybegh Abya.  Astonishingly, the reports seem true -- the Empire hasn’t cured the plague, but are giving the locals antiviral booster shots every week.  Sneaking into a lab, the Rebels do finally find the truth -- the Empire invented the plague as a bioweapon, and is using the antiviral drug to ensure the people’s eternal loyalty.  Stealing the plague cure from the lab, the Rebels reach the local Sedesian authorities with both it and the true story.  Once word gets out, Sedesia turns from loyal to Rebel very quickly.

(SHORT STORY - West End Games - James L. Cambias - May 1995)


EV-9D9 becomes security chief droid at Cloud City, and secretly begins sadistically torturing and dismembering droids.  By the time acting security chief Sarl Random discovers the butchery, over a quarter of Cloud City’s droids have been destroyed.  Within ten minutes of being found out, she plants explosive charges on Cloud City’s repulsorlifts.  The city nearly crashes into Bespin before the backups can be activated.  The droid sends an escort shuttle out on automatic as a diversion, then hijacks the Mining Guild Cutter ‘Iopene Princess’ and escapes Bespin.

“Tales of Jabba’s Palace: A Bad Feeling -- the tale of EV-9D9.”


“SW Adventure Journal: Finder’s Fee.”

A Rebel team has managed to steal Imperial data on a sector fleet, but need a transport, decrypter, and medical attention.  They find all three at Kelada Starport, in the form of Twi’lek Loh’khar -- “The Finder.”  And in return, all he wants is a copy of the datapad...

(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Peter Schweighofer - May 1995)


October 5, + 1 ASW4

Earnst Kamiel, founder of the Justice Action Network, is executed by Imperial firing squad.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


“SW Adventure Journal -- A Taste of Adventure: Rebel Escape.”

A group of civilians in a bar are witness to Boba Fett taking out yet another bounty.  He mentions that he’s looking for one other person, a female -- who the civilians spot not long after.  They follow the woman, saving her from a gang of street - toughs with the bounty hunter Zardra’s help.  The woman, Mari, is a courier for the Rebellion, who begs them to help her.  They do so, fighting against both Fett and Zardra to get this woman and her information to the Alliance.

(GAME OUTLINE - West End Games - Tony Russo - August 1995)


“SW Adventure Journal -- A Taste of Adventure: The Battle for Gap Nine.”

A Rebel group is assigned to blow up an Imperial ore-processing plant on the backwater world of Gap Nine.  Forced away by stormtroopers, they come upon an old reptilian in some ruins, who says that the base’s commander, one Colonel Traft, has been stealing artifacts from his temple.  Now they not only have to blow up the plant, but save the artifacts in the process...

(GAME OUTLINE - West End Games - Tony Russo - August 1995)


“SW Adventure Journal -- A Taste of Adventure: Silent Fury.” 

Professor Jonas Durns, his daughter Keya, a scout named Sig Coven, and some others hunt for a long - lost treasure, onboard a derelict pirate ship called ‘Kragg’s’ Fury...

(GAME OUTLINE - West End Games - Tony Russo - August 1995)  


August 11, + 1 ASW4

                The identity of the infamous newsnet operator “Cynabar” is revealed to be none other than Platt Okeefe.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


"Classic Star Wars -- Devilworlds: Dark Lord's Conscience." 

                Accepting a challenge from the planet Cheelit, Darth Vader shows Lady Dhol how to play Firepath, why at the same time dealing with an assassination attempt from the Guild of Vindicators...  

(COMIC STRIP - Marvel Comics Inc. - Alan Moore - 1981)


“Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures – Planet of Kadril.”                                               

                The Rebel heroes are sent to Kadril, home to a peaceful race of amphibians who are developing communication crystals superior to current comlink technology.  But even as they arrive and meet with Lord Lon Prador, Darth Vader is doing some dealing of his own in the orbiting zero - gravity laboratory. He has had Kadrillian scientist Dal Quirz growing a natural element of Kadril called kunda stones in tanks. The stones are to be used as filters for the stormtroopers, filters against their newest weapon – Pacifog, an aerosol that brings out the worst traits in any intelligent being.  For the Kadrillians, their worst flaw is gullibility.  He leaves as the Rebels arrive to tour the facility.  They find a brainwashed Quirz, who denies the Empire was there.  They are then introduced to Quirz’s assistant Rodno, who tries – and spectacularly fails – to demonstrate his “vibrocrystal.”  During all this, Vader sends an invasion force to Kadril to conduct a field test of Pacifog.  He orders the brainwashed Kadrillians to mine every kunda stone on the planet (heck, Kadril is nothing but kunda stones) and haul them aboard his ships. The heaviest concentrations of the stones are in “nociv” territory – where a group of nontechnological, hot - tempered Kadrillians live.  Luke and Han travel to Nociv territory with Rodno, whose fiancé Deerna is living amongst the nocivs.  Leia meanwhile tries to shut down the relay satellite that is transmitting Vader’s orders across the planet.


                The Nocivs ambush the Rebels when they land, only to be jumped by the Pacifog - bearing stormtroopers.  The Nociv leader, Mdel, takes a massive – and fatal -- dose of Pacifog.  Luke and Han discover what the kunda stones are about – the Nocivs weaved them into camocowls that protected them during the attack.  The heroes tag along as the Nocivs carry Mdel to a group of burial mounds for his funeral.  Rodno pleads with Deerna to go back with him, but she won’t abandon her peaceful new way of life.  Leia manages to shut down the transmitter, only to be captured with Quirz.  The stormtroopers hit Chewie with Pacifog, only to learn that a Wookiee’s worst trait is sneezing!  Chewie smashes the troopers up.  Leia discovers that Rodno’s vibrocrystal smashes up the troopers’ kunda filters.  Vader sends reinforcements to trap the Rebels and Nocivs in the burial caves.  Wearing camocowls, Luke and Han joins the fight against the Empire.  Hundreds of Kadrillians are killed before Leia can fly down with the vibrocrystal.  With the filters destroyed, the troopers swell up horribly and die.  Rodno is wounded saving Deerna from the troopers, which moves her enough to promise to return to the city and marry him as she promised.

This has been called “The Worst Star Wars Comic EVER,” and rightly so.  It’s not surprising that Archie Goodwin had his name taken off this tale.  How could something like this HAPPEN?!?

(COMIC STRIP – L.A. Times – Archie Goodwin [as Russ Helm] – August-October 1980)  


“SW Adventure Journal: Uhl Eharl Khoeng.”

                Rebel Captain – and Jedi wannabe – Fable Astin is sent with the Harrier infiltration team to Nysza III to destroy an Imperial communications bunker before it can be completed.  The task is completed – but at the cost of technical officer Arecelis Acosta.  Even worse, his killer was a Dark Jedi named Vialco who easily humiliated her.  Disgusted with herself, she accepts an invitation by co - pilot Deke Holman to check out a stage play called “For the Want of an Empire.”  She finds the lead actor in that play, Jaalib Brandl,  strangely intriguing – and strong in the Force.  She meets with him after the play.  That night, she has a horrible nightmare that leaves her awake with a burned hand – the Dark Side is eating away at her. Terrified at what may happen to her – especially if Vialco finds her again – she seeks out Jaalib.  She trails him to Trulalis, where she finds him rehearsing the play “Uhl Eharl Khoeng” with his father, former Imperial Inquisitor Adalric Brandl.  Jaalib won’t help her, but Adalric will.  Tutoring her in the ways of the Jedi – both light and dark.  Jaalib slowly warms up to her, and takes her on a hike in the Khoehng Mountains.  As she is truly starting to progress, Vialco arrives.  After a difficult duel, the Dark Jedi lies at her feet, ready for the deathblow.  Adalric tricks her into delivering that deathblow, then declares her ready to join the Dark Jedi.  She has no way out – her ship’s been blown up.  But she does have one last chance at salvation – Jaalib.


                He leads her into the mountains, to where Deke’s ship is waiting for her.  With a final kiss, he bundles her off in the ship.  As it takes off, he turns to face his father, who almost kills him… then stomps off in disgust.  Jaalib rasps out the infamous line from “Uhl Eharl Khoenhg” – “Long… live… the king!”

(SHORT STORY – West End Games – Patricia A. Jackson – November 1995)


“SW Adventure Journal: Combat Moon.”                                                                               *

            For centuries, the human Rabaanites and the insectoid S’krrr of the Ishanna system have settled their differences by a one-on-one battle between two of their best warriors on a desolate moon – the Combat Moon.  Mika Streev is the human slated next for a fight, which settles on a Rabaanite orbital platform destroyed in a shuttle accident.  Sh’shak represents the S’krrr.  Unknown to either, the Empire is about to jump into the battle in the form of General Klime.  Klime plans to capture the two fighters in hopes in igniting open battle between the humans and S’krrr, thus providing an opening for the Empire to seize total and unquestioned control of the system.  As he prepares to leave for Combat Moon, Mika learns his lover Leda Kyss is joining the Rebels.  She hints that it may have been the Empire, not the S’krrr, who destroyed the platform.  Mika arrives on Combat Moon to find the stormtroopers waiting for him – and a “friend,” Andos Delvaren, who helps the troopers catch him.  They plan to kill Mika and make it look like the S’krrr killed him.  Then they’ll do the same with the S’krrr, and presto – war.  Mika kills the troopers, sends Andos running, then tries to save the S’krrr warrior out to kill him even as Leda pleads for the Rebels to save Mika.  Sh’shak has also discovered the Imperial treachery, but has also been captured by the Empire and badly wounded.  Mika fights the troopers off him, then Leda joins them and sends a signal to the Rebels.  The Imperials counterattack in force, and Leda is killed.  A Rebel pilot arrives in an X-Wing, shooting up the troops.  He takes the two surviving fighters with him, and orders the immediate evacuation of the nearby Rebel outpost.  Klime takes the opportunity he’s waited for to send in the Imperial garrison. Unfortunately, he says all this in full hearing of a Rebel listening device.  A grief - stricken Mika and Sh’shak vow to work together to destroy Klime and drive the Empire out of the system…

(SHORT STORY – West End Games – John Whitman – February 1996)  


“SW Adventure Journal: Lumrunners.”                                                                                  *

            The Corellian PB-950 ‘Lumrunner’ is detained at Gallisport and inspected by Imperial Captain Alijah Orr.  The smuggler crew, under the command of Captain Shamus Falconi, waits nervously as the inspection begins – there are hidden weapons among the cargo.  Unsatisfied with the negative result of the search, Orr orders in a scanning crew.  All they find is lum (an alcoholic beverage) and Corellian wine.  He forces a Wookiee crewmember to drink some of the wine as a test for poison.  Again, no contraband is found, although several stormtroopers got their armor dyed blue in the process.  Furious, he orders them out of the system in an hour.  He then learns the next ship in is Platt Okeefe’s ‘Last Chance’.  Falconi then meets with Captain of the Port Renea Luies and thanks him for hiding the contraband…

(GAME OUTLINE – West End Games – John Beyer and Wayne Humfleet – February 1996)


“SW Adventure Journal / Tales from the Empire: Do No Harm.”

A sickly Rebel politician named Gebnerret Vibrion has been taken captured and is being interrogated at Selnesh.  A team is assembled to get him out, dead or alive, before he cracks.  Doctor Auren Leith is selected for the team, and is told to kill Vibrion quickly if he can’t be gotten out -- an order that goes against her medical oath.  Thankfully, Vibrion isn’t in that bad a shape when the team finds him, and they start to get him out.  But an ambush forces Leith to shoot a trooper.  They make it out and Leith gets a medal, but the guilt will haunt her forever...

(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Erin Endom – May 1996)


“SW Adventure Journal: The Capture of Imperial Hazard.”                                                   *

                Madame Sayer Mon Neela, one of the earliest opponents of Emperor Palpatine, is being hunted down on Horob.  But she refuses to leave – the local base needs her help, and the Empire is bearing down on this world.  The Rebels insist on dragging this stubborn woman off the planet, but she hijacks her own escape ship and turns it out – she’s determined to face the coming Victory Star Destroyer ‘Imperial Hazard’ head - on and buy the Rebel troops on Horob enough time to evacuate.  She’s tired of running – she won’t make a mockery of the sacrifices of those who have died.  She stuns the Imperials by demanding they surrender their ship – they are her prisoners.  Laughing at this Rebel’s audacity, they tractor her aboard.  Captain Sergus Lanox brings Neela to a private dinner for “negotiations.”  She threatens to use her wired ship to blow up the Victory Star Destroyer if they don’t surrender.  Wondering if she’s bluffing, Lanox cautiously agrees.  Neela orders troops from Horob to come and pick up the Victory Star Destroyer’s crew.  She reveals that she has a prototype sensor chip that recorded most of the Imperial ship’s security codes.  Only the prototype works too well, sending the ‘Hazard’s’ computers into overload and sending the Victory Star Destroyer plummeting toward Horob.  Astonished, admiring – and attracted – to this woman’s cunning, Lenox actually helps Neela escape.  She blasts away as the Victory Star Destroyer stops dead in low orbit.  Neela is praised for saving Horob and given a citation.  Incredibly, Lanox also survived and was given the Medal of Imperial Honor as well…

(SHORT STORY – West End Games – Nora Mayers – May 1996)


“Tales from the New Republic: Day of the Sepulchral Night.”                                                 *

A pair of honeymooning bounty hunters, Diergu-Rea Durnes’rd and his wife Solum’ke, have come to Zelos II for a little fun. After several days of gambling, the two Weequay rent a sail barge and head out into the Great Zelosian sea in search of an ancient treasure hidden within an underwater mountain called Zelosian’s Chine. This hunt happens to coincide with an eclipse of Zelos’s sun – “The Day of the Sepulchral Night,” which scares the natives to death but lowers the tide enough for the treasure to be found. The rented Quohog sail barge comes upon a wrecked boat and a pair of water-logged survivors they pick up. The treasure is found, but the Quohog and the Corellian survivors (who turn out to have been working with them all along) takes most of the crystal treasure and strands the Weequays on the mountain as the eclipse ends and the tide rises…

(SHORT STORY – West End Games – Jean Rabe – December 1999)


October 22, + 1 ASW4

The Empire assigns the infamous inspector Zanza Gata to hunt the “Tombat” down.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


"Galaxy of Fear: The Doomsday Ship." 

                En route to Dantooine to hide, the Arrandas book passage on the ‘Star of Empire’.  Tash stumbles upon an article about the Jedi, one the Emperor missed destroying.  Zak is tricked by a computer technician named Malik into shutting down all power on the ship.  Captain Hajj hurriedly turns it back on, then explains that Malik is a relative of some high-up Imperial official who arranged this assignment.  Tash and Zak run into Dash Rendar.  Just Zak is getting friendly with SIM (the artificial intelligence that runs the ship), the order is given to abandon ship.  In the confusion, a bald scarred man throws the children in a storage closet.  By the time they get out, everyone on the ship is gone.  And the ship doesn't explode. But all systems are out -- the ship is being sabotaged.  


                Dash Rendar appears again -- he stayed behind on purpose.  Attacked by ship's droids, they are rescued by Captain Hajj and a few of his officers.  SIM tells Zak that it thinks Dash is the saboteur.  And as the crew gets picked off one by one by various mishaps, Zak accuses Dash openly.  But when Captain Hajj and the last crewman are killed with Dash in full view, it hits them -- it's Malik.  SIM insists that they get to the control room.  When Zak gets there and starts getting SIM back on line, Malik appears with a blaster.  A very afraid Malik.  A Malik who says SIM is the real villain, a computer infiltration program that can turn any ship into a weapon.  And when Dash stuns him and Zak finishes the activation, it turns out Malik is right.  Hoole appears and helps the group fight their way through the ship.  It becomes clear that SIM is taunting them, treating their troubles like a game.  So they simply stop playing.  And SIM gets careless, opening the docking bay door just enough for Hoole to rush through and blast the doors off in the Shroud.  Dash cripples the Star of Empire and contacts the Rebel Alliance to pick it up.  And unbeknownst to anyone, SIM downloads itself onto a space station... 

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Books - John Whitman - June 1998)


“SW Role Playing Game: Domain of Evil.”                                                                            *

                Almost out of food and water, chased and shot down by the Taloron Hunter Crutag, a small Rebel unit crash-lands on the Outer Rim world of Trinta, a hellish swampy world. Digging themselves out of their smashed ship before it sinks, the Rebels begin foraging for food. They have to deal with the hostile swamp life all around them, as well as keep an eye out for Crutag. As night descends, they encounter a phantom-like species thought to be made extinct by the Empire – the Dradan. They lead the Rebels to an oasis in the middle of the ship….which fades along with the Dradan, leaving the Rebels lost. Finally making their way back to the ship, they find it has mysteriously vanished…


                The Rebels make camp. The next morning, they overhear the sound of Crutag’s hunters being attacked and killed by…. something. They also come upon a half-buried scout ship that has laid in the swamp for at least twenty years. Suddenly, a rancor appears and attacks! The Rebels flee through the swamp, but it easily catches up and eats some of them. The surviving Rebels are forced to fight it, and defeats it…only it fades into nothingness, leaving the Rebels it “ate.”


                An unnatural darkness envelops the swamp. A Force sensitive in the Rebel group is overwhelmed by a wave of dark energy, based in the north. They head that way, facing down several illusory threats, such as skinwings, carnivorous plants, the ghosts of Dark Jedi, a swamp beast, and even the living dead. They come upon a cave, where they are jumped by an illusion of Boba Fett. Once that’s defeated, they take refuge in the cave as a storm hits. It seems someone has lived in here in the past. The items indicate it was Halagad Ventor, a Jedi Knight of the Old Republic who was presumed killed in the Great Purge by Darth Vader.


                They continue on their trek the next day, only to run into an ambush by Crutag. Escaping from that, a savage storm sweeps over the heroes, followed by another illusion – this one of Obi-Wan Kenobi, who declares them doomed. Moving through increasingly hazardous conditions, the Rebels approach an island steeped in the Dark Side of the Force. And on that island is a twisted black tree over a cave. They enter, facing a series of twelve tests – illusions that tempt them to give in to anger and hatred. They manage to resist giving in, and find themselves before a figure in a dark hoos: Halagad Ventor, who was scarred mentally by Vader all those years ago, tortured into betraying his fellow Jedi, and now enveloped by the Dark Side. He urges them to kill him, thus taking his place in this dark side nexus. He very much wants to die. But the Rebels instead try to draw him back to the Light. He learns the Jedi are not all dead, and that he need not feel guilt anymore. Freed of the Dark Side, Halagad is killed by the dark power in the cave and becomes one with the Force. The Rebels suddenly find themselves next to their ship. Cannibalizing Crutag’s ship for parts and supplies, the Rebels leave this dark world…

(GAME ADVENTURE – West End Games – Jim Bambra – 1991)


“SW Role Playing Game: Black Sands of Socorro.”

To be detailed...


+2 ASW4


January 1, + 2 ASW4

The New Year Fete Week is launched in Coruscant – the first in eight years Emperor Palpatine does not attend.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


January 4, + 2 ASW4

Open war erupts in the Rettna system between Jante and Freda.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


“Masters of Teras-Kasi.” 

                Darth Vader hires master assassin Arden Lyn to capture Skywalker and kill his fellow Rebels. Learning of the plan, Luke and his friends learn the Teras-Kasi martial art, and defeat Lyn.   

(SONY PLAYSTATION VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Numerous - 1997)


Talon Karrde survives an intricate assassination scheme by one of the lieutenants in Jorj Car’das former smuggling organisation.

"SW: Vision of the Future."


"SW Adventure Journal/Tales from the Empire: Side Trip." 

                Darth Vader and Vice Admiral Thrawn concoct a scheme to depose Black Sun lieutenant Zekka Thyne from Corellia--a plan that ultimately involves Thrawn disguising himself as Boba Fett's chief rival Jodo Kast, and the aid of Corellian Security officers (and father and son) Hal and Corran Horn.  In return for Thrawn's aid, Vader gives him the service of his Noghri warriors. 

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Michael Stackpole / Timothy Zahn - 1997)


Rutralli Optor, the leader of a team of hijackers, commandeers the passenger liner ‘Telgordo's Pride’ in the Trax sector.  Optor was unusually belligerent and perceptive for a Mon Calamari.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG: The Star Wars Gamemaster Kit”.  Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


"Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina: Doctor Death." 

                Dr. Evazan talks with the Aqualish Senator of Ando in his castle, admiring a gelatinous creature called a Meduza, when suddenly, three attackers burst through the windows.  ‘Rover’, the name given to the Meduza by Evazan, kills one of the attackers with its tentacles.  Ponda Baba steps from the shadows and slays the remaining attackers with his blaster.


                Dr. Evazan goes on to explain to the Senator that he has formed an uneasy alliance with Ponda Baba after he got his arm cut off by an old man with a Jedi lightsaber (Obi-Wan Kenobi), and until they can raise enough credits for a bionic replacement, Ponda Baba acts as his bodyguard.  Dr. Evazan has been contracted by the Andoan government to undertake research for them.


                Outside, a human named Gurion listens to the conversation through a comlink on one of the dead bounty hunters.  The Senator and Dr. Evazan head down into the laboratory.  There are many aliens embalmed in vats.  Dr. Evazan describes to the Senator his reasoning behind his research, that in the end, the mind, not the body, is the key.  Dr. Evazan reveals that he is working on a method to transform consciousness from one body to another to achieve ‘immortality’.


                Gurion approaches the castle.  Dr. Evazan tells Ponda Baba to let him in, he will make the perfect specimen they need.  A beam stuns Gurion into unconsciousness.  Ponda Baba is angry, as he wants to be the first to get the transfer, as he wants a body with a good arm.  Dr. Evazan objects, as he says he has got his specimen, but they both look at the Aqualish Senator – Ponda Baba will have his body after all!


                Dr. Evazan performs the procedure on Baba and the Senator.  Dr. Evazan approaches the other body, but discovers that it is a holo – shroud, and the real Gurion approaches and pulls a blaster on him.  It is revealed that Evazan slaughtered seven of Gurion’s family members, and Gurion is after revenge.  ‘Rover’ attacks Gurion, and he falls over a cliff to his death.  Ponda Baba approaches Dr. Evazan.  “Ponda . . . the transfer, didn’t it work?”  Evazan heard an unfamiliar voice in reply.  It was the voice of the Senator, the procedure had worked backwards.


                Because the Senator’s life is now ruined, he decides to kill them both by a thermal detonator.  Evazan calls ‘Rover’ to help him.  High above, Gurion’s friends see an explosion, and they head off, believing that Gurion has achieved his goal of revenge.  Back on the ground, in the rubble, Dr. Evazan appears out of the gelatinous form of ‘Rover’, and vows next time to get his procedure right . . . (58)

(NOVEL - Bantam Books – Kenneth C. Flint - 1995)


January 29 – February 3, + 2 ASW4

The island of Grande Hyet on Esseles is bombed by the Rebel terrorist “Faceless” group. 146 people are killed. The Faceless puts on a transmission over President Ralle’s pleas for calm, accusing the Esseles government of anti-alien bias. Alarmed residents flee the planet, and President Ralle makes a show of reaching an accord with the Guild of Offworlder Skilled Laborers.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


“SW Adventure Journal: Droid Trouble.”

                His dreams of becoming a Senator thwarted by the Emperor, Bothan ambassadorial aide Tereb Ab’Lon had decided to join the Rebel Alliance.  He quietly drops Imperial Navy operation plans into his astromech droid R2-Z1 (aka “Fweep”)’s memory banks.  Two years later, he’s in a shuttle on the run from the Empire.  He heads for a Rebel cell in the Tao-Grant system, nursing his crippled shuttle there as best he can.  It proves hopeless – his sublight drive was totally destroyed.  The shuttle suddenly lurches out of hyperspace too early, badly injuring Ab’Lon, and crashes into Tatooine.


                Detective for hire Nim Bola has just taken out two bounty hunters who were after an Ithorian hanging around Chalmun’s Cantina.  He tosses the bodies down the Sarlacc’s throat.  He spots the shuttle crash and comes to help.  He pulls Ab’Lon and Fweep out of the wreckage.  He begs Bola to take Fweep to the Alliance.  Bola responds by throwing Ab’Lon into the Sarlacc and taking the droid to find out how much the Empire wants for it…

(SHORT STORY – West End Games – Chuck Sperati – August 1994)


“SW Adventure Journal: A Deal Gone Sour.”                                                                         *

                A Rebel astromech droid is being held hostage on Tatooine for 50,000 credits.  The Rebels go to meet their contact in Mos Eisely, a Sullustan named Rai-Kalei.  At Chalmun’s Cantina, the Rebels spot a detective for hire (one Nim Bola) getting dragged away by stormtroopers.  He’s the one who had the droid. To get him, the Rebels have to deal with his Twi’lek partner Tavri.  They pay him, and Tavri tells them they have to help him rescue Bola before he’ll give them the droid.  They help him break Bola out, and then are told to meet the droid, Fweep, at Bola’s office.  They also find an Imperial listening device.  They outrun the inevitable ambush and races to Rai-Kalei’s ship.  They take off with Rai-Kalei, only to be attacked by a Dreadnaught and TIEs.  Escaping that, the droid is given to the Alliance and the Rebels are commissioned in to Alliance Intelligence.

(GAME ADVENTURE – West End Games – Chuck Sperati – November 1994)


"Galaxy of Fear: Clones."

                Unaware that Darth Vader is investigating an abandoned Jedi fortress nearby, the Arrandas are in hiding on the planet Dantooine.  Tash is having a problem with one of the native Dantari, Maga, who she thinks is trying to kill them.  And she’s also having a problem with the growing temptation to use the Dark Side.  She and Zak come upon the Jedi ruins, and decide to look for any Jedi relics to help Tash learn about the Force.  She finds a group of Rebels who seem... well... not too bright.  They’re trying to get their spaceship (actually a flimsy model) working on behest of their leader.  Tash is shocked to come upon a double of herself -- an evil double who nearly kills her.  She rushes back to the Dantari camp to find it in pieces -- and Maga loudly accusing her and the Rebels of destroying it and taking his people prisoner. She finds out who the Rebel’s leader is -- Vader?!?  It seems to be -- but he also seems fake.  But it doesn’t matter, he wants the ‘Shroud’, and captures Hoole and Zak. Tash continues to search within the ruins and finds out what’s happening -- the evil double, Vader, the Rebels -- they’re all clones.  Clones that are being grown in one helluva hurry.


                An entire army of clones -- now including clones of Hoole and Zak -- are after her.  When she is caught, “Vader” reveals that he intends to build a clone race of soldiers and slaves.  All he needs now is the Shroud to get off the planet.  Maga interferes long enough for the real Vader to arrive.  Vader faces off against his doppelganger, giving the Arrandas the chance to escape.  With the Dantari freed, the Arrandas rush off - world.  Vader rounds up all the clones, planning to perhaps improve the cloning machines and present them to the Emperor... 

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Books - John Whitman - July 1998)


February 21, + 2 ASW4

Taxes rise throughout the Outer Rim, with “Rebel attacks” given as the excuse. The money goes to Imperial weapons projects such as the Super Star Destroyers and the Death Star II. 

“SW Adventure Journal.”


"X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter." 

In desperate need of good pilots, the Rebel Alliance goes about recruiting all the pilots they can find.  Once recruited, the pilots are drilled over and over, put through countless sims against each other or the Alliance's combat computers before they actually see battle against the Navy of the evil Galactic Empire.

(COMPUTER GAME - LucasArts Entertainment Co. - Lawrence Holland - June 1997)


“X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter: Balance of Power -- Task Force Vengeance.”                                   *                                                                                            

                The Empire chases the Rebel Alliance into the Outer Rim, where they seek sanctuary among the Airam traders.  Admiral Wooyou Senn pursues them with a task force led by the Super Star Destroyer ‘Vengeance’, under orders to wipe the Rebels out – and the Airam if necessary.  He begins with a roundup of Rebels at the Blair cluster, using the vicious one - two punch of the Star Destroyer ‘Rage’ and Interdictor ‘Compellor’.  Aiding them on these attacks is Avenger Squadron, under the command of E.C. “Easy” Nerwal.  When some Airam attack the capture-in-progress, they themselves become prisoners of war.  The task force retaliates by seizing an Airam supply platform at Goff for their use.


                The ‘Rage’ / ‘Compellor’ tag team goes on to smash a Rebel envoy at Rocrin, followed by fending off an assault from the B-Wing Phoenix Squadron.  An anti - warhead system is soon installed on the ‘Compellor’.  When the Rebels build a component yard in the Mobetta system, the Imperials move in and capture it, seizing all its’ valuable intelligence data.  They then again punish the Airam by using a resupply convoy as bait to nab some pirates at the Klaatu system, then destroying an Airam asteroid base.  The TIE Interceptors are traded in for Assault Gunboats and TIE Advanceds at Essebra, then a Rebel base at Hinda is smashed along with a Frigate and two Strike Cruisers.


                A pro - Imperial Airam named Ilay joins the Imperials at Aiqin 4, providing coordinates for a Rebel - Airam supply transfer.  One transport from either side is captured.  In return, Admiral Senn promises her a governorship in the future Imperial - run sector.  Imperial Special Ops decides on a fiendish gambit – smuggle booby-trapped warheads to the Airam and Rebels that will explode in their faces when fired.  As this plan is implemented, the Airam - Rebels attack the ‘Compellor’ at Swellen.  They fail to capture or destroy the ship.  A short time later, the ‘Rage’ is attacked at Bes as it receives new warheads… only the sabotaged warheads destroy the Rebels instead, taking out one Dreadnaught and three starfighter squadrons.  They again attack the ‘Rage’, but get beaten back.


                The Imperials locate the main Rebel shipyard at the Nocto system.  After a brief reconnaissance and destruction of static defenses, the shipyard is completely destroyed.  A last - minute kamikaze attack on the ‘Vengeance’ by Rogue Squadron and other ships is stopped cold.  The victorious Avenger and Talon squadrons are honored by Emperor Palpatine on Coruscant.

(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - 1997)   


“X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter: Balance of Power - Spreading the Rebellion.”

                The Rebel Alliance has been chased into the Outer Rim.  The freedom fighters decide to establish a strong presence here, make some friends, and hopefully build a shipyard.  They begin trying to woo the Airam Traders, a potentially powerful force not known for working together.  But the Rebels are pursued by an Imperial task force, led by Admiral Senn aboard the Super Star Destroyer ‘Vengeance’.  They strike back by wiping out an Imperial envoy near Mylok with Rogue Squadron.  The wounded from that are transferred to the Rebel space station at Gelgelar, fighting off more Imperials along the way.  B-Wings are brought into the fray, as Gelgelar base is hurriedly evacuated and supplies from there are saved.  A-Wings do a recon on Sarn’s forces, blowing up warheads meant for the war effort.


                The Rebels begin working to deplete Senn’s forces, drawing two Star Destroyer’s into a deadly ambush at the Goff system.  The Interdictor ‘Compellor’ is tracked to a shipyard, where it is captured and the shipyard and a Victory Star Destroyer are taken out.  The Airam clan leader Tamaron offers to help hide the Interdictor, and it is taken to the Airam factory near Mobetta.  The Imperials are held off long enough for the Interdictor’s gravity well to be transferred to the Strike Cruiser ‘Peregrine’, which is then used to intercept and annihilate Imperial reinforcements near Derilyn.  The Imperials finally catch up to the ‘Compellor’ -- which literally blows up in their faces.  Furious, they attack the Airam factory at Mobetta, but it is successfully evacuated.


                The Airam trades warheads to the Rebels at the Kuras Drift.  As the Imperials work to destroy Rebel probes, Tamaron suggests capturing a rival clan leader named Ilay -- a woman working with the Empire.  One of Tamaron’s spies infiltrates Ilay’s clan, giving the Rebels the information they need to capture her.  She reveals a convoy of conscripted Airam is being transferred to the ‘Vengeance’ along with warheads.  A small fleet captures the conscripts and blows up the warheads, leaving the Super Star Destroyer vunerable.  As it attacks the new shipyard, a final starfighter attack led by Rogue Squadron takes out the ‘Vengeance’.  The shipyard goes into full operation, and Mon Mothma awards the victorious Rebel heroes.

(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - 1997)   


The Corncordat of Peace is signed on the war-torn world of Shiva IV.

The Marvel Series, Issue #53.


March 26, + 2 ASW4

Cynabar’s Infonet goes back online.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


"Jabba the Hutt: The Gaar Suppoon Hit." 

                Jabba the Hutt travels to the planet of Gaar Suppoon to conduct business -- namely, the trade of a male and female Tromonid in return for a Pontak hypergland, as well as Dr. Pontak himself. The male Tromonid turns out to be sterile, but that’s all right -- Dr. Pontak is himself defective (Jabba removed his brain). When Jabba offers to trade for the brain, Suppoon threatens Jabba’s life. Jabba throws the Tromonid at Suppoon, poisoning him. For the antidote, Jabba wants the brain, the Tromonid, the hypergland, AND ten korgs of spice. He gets it. When Jabba mentions a bomb he has planted in the place, Suppoon calls his bluff and tells him to explode it. He does, referring to him as “Sonopo Bomoor” -- which Suppoon’s bodyguard recognizes as the man who murdered his family in a massacre on Bonaka Nueno. The bodyguard murders Gaar, and Jabba hands him control of Gaar’s criminal syndicate.  Jabba flies off, much richer... 

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics -Jim Woodring - April 1995)


"Jabba the Hutt: The Hunger of Princess Nampi." 

                En route to Tatooine, Jabba’s ship comes upon a Nuffin freighter. But the boarding attempt backfires badly on the Hutt -- he and his group are ambushed and brought before Princess Nampi of Orooturoo, an obsessively hungry creature who wants Jabba’s treasure. The Hutt is taken to the larder, where his lieutenant Scuppa tries to force him to reveal the treasure hold’s lock code. Failing in that, he charms the Princess -- who likes him so much she eats him. Still hungry, she brings Jabba in. Jabba outthinks the Princess, counter-boards her ship, and detonates a bomb he had in Scuppa -- which promptly blows the Princess to bits. Jabba seizes her treasure...

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics -Jim Woodring - June 1995)


"Jabba the Hutt: The Dynasty Trap." 

                Having taken all of Princess Nampi’s treasure, Jabba throws her entire crew out the airlock and flies to Cabrool Nuum’s base to sell her ship. He finds the newly widowed Cabrool arguing with his two kids, Rusk and Norba. When he offers Jabba the job of killing his rival Vu Chusker and Jabba refuses, the ungrateful host locks him up and prepares to execute him. But Rusk approaches Jabba in secret and allows the Hutt a way to kill his father. (He’s only mildly surprised that the guards help him.) Rusk takes over his dad’s business -- and then makes Jabba the same job offer, and pays Jabba with the same disrespect when he refuses.  And then Norba approaches him, with yet another assassination proposal -- Rusk being the target.  After Jabba sits on him, he finds himself right back in that dungeon.  And Norba demands that this time he kill Chusker. So he eats her.  And then he goes and kills Chusker just for the hell of it.

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics -Jim Woodring - August 1995)


"Jabba the Hutt: Betrayal." 

                Home again, home again... and Bib Fortuna, Jabba's right hand man, has his eye on Jabba's home of Tatooine, his fortune, and his secrets. He has six assassins ready and waiting. But two visiting friends of Jabba presents a little setback -- which Bib fixes by dropping a blaster near them. Next stop for the, the Sarlacc.  While Jabba sleeps, the assassins find an unexpected hangup -- one of the “friends” is a droid shell carrying several Freckers who are more than ready to usurp the lynching.  Bib needs Jabba alive to torture out his secrets, so he has no choice but to shoot the Freckers off him.  In the process, all six assassins get killed. Bib vows to torture the remaining friend before the Sarlacc trip, and then wearily accepts the Hutt’s gratitude. (59)  

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics -Jim Woodring - February 1996)


April 3, + 2 ASW4

The Rebel Alliance conducts a surprise attack on the Imperial Army-Navy Ordinance Center on Onderon, completely crippling Imperial resupply efforts in the Airon sector.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


A Rebel base on Nentan is discovered by the Empire.  Barely two months old, the base begins a hasty evacuation – but it is filled to bursting with civilians looking for passage to Rebel safeworlds.  As General Carlist Rieekan continues the evacuation, Captain Bren Derlin sneaks past the invading Imperials’ enemy lines and captures an Imperial transport which he uses to evacuate the remaining Rebels and civilians right under the Imperials’ noses.  Derlin is promoted to Major as a result, and assigned to the then-under-construction Hoth base with Rieekan.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 5: The Empire Strikes Back.”


April 11, + 2 ASW4

The Empire cracks down even harder on the Kessel system, making Kessel Runs almost impossible. Glitterstim prices go through the roof as Cynabar’s Infonet alerts all smugglers to stay away from Kessel for the time being.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


Emperor Palpatine places Grand Vizier Sate Pestage in charge of the day-to-day running of the Empire, as he becomes more and more involved in Dark Side studies.  He begins writing “The Book of Anger,” the first of a several hundred - volume “Dark Side Compendium.”

“SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook.” [Page 37 – 38, 41, 64 – 65]


April 19, + 2 ASW4

Thanks to the raw materials shortage in the Outer Rim, 100 aging Victory - class Star Destroyers that have been languishing in Kuat Drive Yards for two years are refitted with a cheap hull plating called havod.  This reddish armor makes all the Victory Star Destroyer’s appear pink, infuriating the crews of those ships.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


Dengar is hired by the people of Aruza to kill COMPNOR General Sinick Kritkeen.  The bounty hunter listens in from afar as Kritkeen listens to the pleas of a poor farmer named Abano, whose daughter Manaroo is about to have her brain surgically altered to make her into a vicious Imperial servant tomorrow.  Kriteen scares Abano off, and orders his troops to kill him and his wife after they witness the results of Manaroo’s surgery.  Dengar shows himself and murders Kritkeen.  Then he has a look at this Manaroo, and tells her to leave the planet tonight.  There’s no ship that’s allowed to leave Aruza, and she begs Dengar to take her with him.  He takes her with him in the ‘Punishing One’ and drops her off at a backwater world, then continues his hunt for Solo.

“Tales of the Bounty Hunters: Payback - the tale of Dengar.”


"Splinter of the Mind's Eye." 

                En route to Circarpous IV to convince the people there to join the Rebellion, both Leia's Y-Wing and Luke's X-Wing suffer sudden system failures, and they crash on Circarpous V (aka Mimban).  Luke, Leia, and the two droids find their way to a labor-mining colony on the planet.  Going undercover as a miner and his servant girl, the two meet Halla, a failed Jedi who sees right through their deception.  In return for helping them off the planet, Halla wants them to help her find the Kaiburr Crystal, a gem that can amplify and clarify the power of the Force.  The two end up captured by Imperial Supervisor Grammel, who brings the two to Vader's attention.  Halla and two Yuzzem prisoners (Hin and Kee) help them escape, and they start after the crystal.


                After many adventures, they find the temple of Pomojema -- and Vader, who kills Hin and Kee and brutally wounds Leia.  Luke and Vader battle, and Luke (with a little help from Ben Kenobi’s spirit) manages to cut off Vader's right arm and repulse his Force lightning attack.  Vader falls down a deep chasm, and Luke heals Leia with the crystal.  Halla is given the crystal for safekeeping, and the heroes head to Circarpous IV. Receiving an artificial arm, Vader redoubles his efforts to find Skywalker... (60)   

(NOVEL - Del Rey Books - Alan Dean Foster -February 1978)

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Terry Austin - December 1995 - June 1996)


May 3, + 2 BSW4

An Alderaan refugee camp on Maldra IV is incinerated by an Imperial task force led by Captain “Butcher of Baummu” Briera.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


June 20, + 2 BSW4

The JAN bombs an underwater monorail on Albrae-Don as retaliation for Earnst Kamiel’s execution. 4,000 people are nearly killed as a result.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


June 26, + 2 BSW4

The Corellian Merchants Guild is expelled from the Corporate Sector.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


August 14. + 2 BSW4

Jatz musician Fitz Roi comes out of retirement and produces the album Tymin’ Downband.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


September 2, + 2 BSW4

The starliner ‘Calabar Queen’ explodes as it approaches Cadomai.  The JAN claims responsibility.  Several Moffs and governors are killed in the disaster.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


September 13, + 2 BSW4

Admiral Thrawn returns to Coruscant after several years in the Unknown Regions.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


The Rebel Alliance begins talks with the Twi’lek race on Ryloth to join them. The Emperor learns of this, but won’t risk destroying Ryloth – one of the chief sources of slave labor to the Empire. Palpatine tries to destroy the would - be alliance by disuniting the Twi’lek clans and causing civil unrest.

Six months before “SW Adventure Journal: Idol Intentions.”


September 21, + 2 BSW4

“Tombat” strikes again, filching the art collection of the Whiphid business tycoon Baron Galrowk.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


The Empire ends a small war between Kuan and Bordali, taking prisoners from both sides and making them slaves.

“TIE Fighter.”


October 19, + 2 BSW4

Darth Vader is assigned to Admiral Ozzel’s Death Squadron, which leaves Coruscant on a six - month mission to find Rebels. Vader himself requested the assignment, as he is increasingly obsessed with finding Luke Skywalker – especially before the Emperor does.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


“SW Adventure Journal: Small Favors.”                                                                                      *

                At Kuat Drive Yards, Darth Vader meets with ISB Central Commander Sollaine and assigns him a mission: identify a deep - cover Rebel spy in the Imperial ranks and deliver him -- alive -- to Vader.  Back at the Rebel fleet, General Airen Cracken calls veteran thief Cryle Cavv and orders him to find and rescue the same spy – Rivoche Tarkin, niece of the late Grand Moff Willhuff Tarkin.  Her name won’t protect her from a very public – and painful – execution if he fails.  He’ll be partnered with a huge Velabri named Quillin Arkell.  The thief tells Cracken he’ll request a small favor in return – if he succeeds.


                Cavv and Arkell set out for Corulag.  Meanwhile, on the Star Destroyer ‘Devastator’, Sollaine learns of Rivoche’s treachery.  He murders the ‘Devastator’s’ captain when he refuses to go to Corulag at maximum speed and seizes control of the ship.  Forget Vader – he plans to deliver Rivoche to the Emperor himself.  And in return for his prize, he plans to take command of the Executor itself…


                When Cavv and Arkell arrive at Corulag, they find a huge fleet in orbit of the planet.  It’s an engagment party that Vader himself is attending.  Rivoche is apparently getting married to Vastin Caglio, son of Moff Jamson Caglio.  The ‘Devastator’ tears its’ way into orbit shortly thereafter, with Sollaine bullying and shooting his way to the surface in a shuttle as the Star Destroyer picks a fight and takes off.


                Now undercover as partygoers, the two Rebels make their way to Rivoche.  But Sollaine is waiting for them just outside her quarters, with a squadron of Storm Commandos.  Cavv throws a thermite bomb into the group and drags Rivoche and Arkell out of the palace.  They rush to the nearest available landing site, which is the roof of the Royal Galaxy Hotel.  Sollaine did survive the blast and quickly hires 40 mercenaries to get to the roof and help him catch Rivoche.  Cavv, Rivoche and Arkell discovers the trap just in time and avoids the roof.  Cavv calls in another favor and gets a Beylyssa lookalike named Finn Varatha.  With that backup, they decide to rush the roof and take on all forty hunters.  As they take them all (and Sollaine runs off), Cavv’s ship the ‘G Cat’ (piloted by R2-RC) arrives.  They are chased by the entire orbital fleet – and then the ‘Devastator’ returns.  Thankfully, the timely arrival of the ‘Executor’ gives Cavv the chance he needed to escape.  Vader personally executes Sollaine for his blunders, and Cavv retains Arkell and Varatha for use in a Special Ops Group of his devising…

(SHORT STORY – West End Games – Paul Danner – February 1997)  


October 23, + 2 BSW4

After secretly being in existence for over two years, the Super Star Destroyer ‘Executor’ is officially unveiled to the galaxy at Kuat Drive Yards.  Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader, Admiral Thrawn and Grand Admiral Tigellinus are present at the ceremony.  Three other Super Star Destroyer’s are reported to be in construction, to enter service in 16 months.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


                                                                         +3 ASW4


January 1, + 3 ASW4

New Year Fete Week is celebrated on Coruscant – the second year in a row Emperor Palpatine does not attend.  Neither does Darth Vader, Admiral Thrawn, or Grand Admiral Tigellinus.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


January 9, + 3 ASW4

Free - traders all over the Outer Rim begin to be boarded and searched by Death Squadron.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


“SW Adventure Journal: Crimson Bounty.”

                Celia “Crimson” Durasha and smuggler friend Kaj Nedmak are in trouble after double - crossing Bwahl the Hutt by taking a gun shipment from him, supposedly to send to Tammuz-An -- but instead diverting to Ord Mantell and selling the guns to pay off a debt to Rass M’Guy.  Rass just considers it interest -- and gives them two weeks to pay off the real debt.  They take off, only to get shot back down by Bwahl’s bounty hunters.  Crimson leaves the smashed freighter, Kaj already taken -- or killed.  She encounters a female smuggler named Thune, who offers to help her find Kaj.  They find their way to Ord Simres, where Crimson is duped into helping Thune capture a Rebel gunrunner named Treytis Prash. Thune’s a bounty hunter who’s already got Kaj and now has Crimson and Prash both. Kaj will go to Bwahl -- Crimson and Prash into the Empire’s hands.  The tables are turned however, and despite Kaj apparently being killed, Crimson and Prash take off in a Y-Wing, only to be pounded all the way up by Thune. Surprisingly, Thune’s protocol droid, sickened at Thune’s murderous behaviour, helps Kaj defeat her and save the others.  The two smugglers decide to start gunrunning for the Rebels.

(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Charlene Newcomb and Rich Handley - August 1997)   


“SW Adventure Journal: Crimson Jailbreak.”

                Crimson Durasha lands on Byblos on a smuggling mission, only to be jumped and dragged to jail by stormtroopers.  Her droid, Uthre, is forced to come to her rescue.  He follows them to Imperial customs, where he watches her being interrogated.  He picks a fight with a nearby Rodian, catching the Imperials’ attention with the fight.  The distraction is just what Crimson needed to make her escape attempt.  Uthre manages to trick the starport computer into lifting its’ impound status, and Crimson and Uthre fly off to freedom…

(SOLITARE ADVENTURE – West End Games – Peter Schweighofer – February 1995)


Darth Vader and Imperial Supervisor Gurdun visits Mechis III, where the Arakyd Viper probe droid is being developed.  Vader senses something’s not quite right at the facility -- for one thing, he can’t find a living soul around -- but he shrugs it off.  IG-88, watching from afar, is captivated at the sight of Vader -- organic and robotic blended together perfectly.  IG-88 reprograms the new Vipers to spy for him as well as Vader, reporting on what they see.

“Tales of the Bounty Hunters: I Think, Therefore I Am -- the tale of IG-88.”


After 20 months of construction, the Alliance Corps of Engineers declares Hoth base operational.  The Rebel Alliance begins moving the bulk of its supplies to Hoth.

"Behind the Magic" and "SW Adventure Journal #3."


February 12, + 2 ASW4

“Tombat” strikes a Brentaal banquet attended by his pursuers, more to humiliate them than to steal anything.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


March 31, + 2 ASW4

A smuggler enclave on Syvris is wiped out by Death Squadron, believing there to be Rebels at the hidden base.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


"Classic Star Wars: The Paradise Detour. (#17 - 18)"

                While the fleet arrives at Hoth, the ‘Falcon’ is lost due to a busted nav computer.  The ‘Falcon’ lands on a tropical world to make repairs.  Han is jumpy -- every world they've been on, something happens.  And something does happen -- Luke sees Tanith Shire.  But it isn't her -- it's a woman named S'ybll, who leads him to the ruins that's her home.  Alongside is empty stormtrooper armour and a smashed shuttle. When Luke rebuffs her advances, she disappears -- and the Night Beast appears, attacking him.  Then a vision of Ben Kenobi, telling him to go help S'ybll.  S'ybll takes him to her bedroom, where he finds his stolen comlink.  S'ybll reveals her true form -- an old mind witch who wants to drain his life.  Luke proves too strong for her, and he breaks free.  She conjures up an image of Vader to stop Luke's escape.  Luke uses the Force to see through her illusions, and she drains the last of her own energies trying to stop him. The ‘Falcon’ travels to Hoth.  

(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Archie Goodwin - 1982)


"Classic Star Wars: A New Beginning. (#18 - 19)"

                Just as Han and Luke arrive, another ship appears over Hoth, having trailed them.  The ‘Falcon’ takes off again to lead the ship away from Hoth, only to be shot at and tractored aboard.  The captain of the ship sends a message to Jabba the Hutt, saying he has Solo.  As the captain haggles with Jabba, Jabba sends Boba Fett out to find Hoth.  Han comes out of the ‘Falcon’ and confronts the captain -- Raskar.  Han lies and says he'll give him the reward from Leia -- on Ord Mantell.  Raskar thinks the reward is really on Hoth, and demands to be taken there. 

(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Archie Goodwin - 1983)


"Galaxy of Fear: The Hunger."

                Darth Vader summons Boba Fett to the Executor and puts him on the Arranda’s trail.  They’re already being hunted by nearly every bounty hunter in the galaxy.  After a near miss at Nar Shaddaa, the trio rushes to Koaan to find a planet no Imperial has been to.  Boba Fett has already snuck in to the ‘Shroud’ and attacks them.  They jump out in a lifepod.  Once at the Galactic Research Academy, no sooner do they find a suitable world -- Dagobah -- then Platt Okeefe and her gang barges in, fighting stormtroopers, and drags them along to the same world, Fett hot on their trail.


                They land to find an abandoned settlement, the result of the first failed expedition to Dagobah. They find several starving humans, who claim to be the original explorers’ children.  Platt’s ship begins sinking into the swamp, so they’re stuck for the time being.  And one by one, Platt’s men start getting eaten by... something...


                Zak discovers an “imp” that the children are terrified of.  It’s Yoda, who offers to teach Tash some things about the Force.  He also finds the Slave I nearby.  A little later, he finds the Children are gorging themselves.  And the clues point to the “food” being Platt’s smuggler gang.  Discovered by the Children, he’s thrown into a cage -- where Fett has already been thrown.  They break out together and find Tash and Yoda.  The Children attack, and Zak and Fett both fall into the dark side cave...


                There, a vision shows the Children just how horrible their acts have been.  Disgusted at themselves, they slink off, and Fett and Zak rejoin the others.  Zak has realized that he is Force-sensitive too.  Fett is chased off by Platt and her gang.  Yoda had let Zak alone to face this crisis and defeat it himself.  He promises the two children will grow in the Force together.  But it is not his place to train them -- “another student comes.  Await him, I must.”  The ‘Second Chance’ takes off from Dagobah with the Children.  Hoole is planning to take them to the Rebels, and offer his services.  The children agree to come as well.  And as for Fett, Vader has another assignment for him: Track down the ‘Millenium Falcon’...   

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Books - John Whitman - October 1998)


"Classic Star Wars: Showdown. (#19 - 20)"

                Han pilots the ‘Falcon’ (with Raskar aboard) down into a ravine on Hoth's equator.  He deliberately crash-lands the Falcon into a cavern. Raskar sends his gang in to dig for the treasure.  They manage to find lumni spice, the rarest spice of all -- as well as a fire-breathing dragon-slug Han and Luke save Raskar from.  They return to Raskar's ship, only to find a ton of bounty hunters (including Dengar, Bossk, Zuckuss, and Skorr), all eager to take Solo off Raskar's hands.  They fly off to Ord Mantell, to find the Executor waiting in orbit.  Fett is dealing with Vader, promising him Skywalker in return for Solo and the reward for both.  Leaving Raskar locked in the cargo hold of his own ship, the bounty hunters take the Falcon and the prisoners down to an abandoned moisture plant on Ord Mantell.  Skorr takes the news of Vader and Fett's teaming badly, and tries to kill Solo.  Luke takes the opportunity to pull his lightsaber (that Skorr's carrying) to his hand via the Force and slices them out, allowing them to flee into the desert. They double-back toward the Falcon, to find Skorr waiting for them with blaster in hand.  Han jumps him, and Skorr ends up getting shot himself.  Raskar shoots off the bounty hunters in his ship long enough to let the Falcon escape.  

(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Archie Goodwin - 1983)


"Classic Star Wars: The Final Trap. (#20)"

                En route to Hoth, the ‘Falcon’ picks up an Alliance distress call on Verdanth.  Despite their misgivings, they check it out. Artoo and Threepio are already there, under fire from a probot.  Vader gets into a cybernetic virtual cockpit, which controls the droid and gives Vader a chance to attack Luke through the Force, to try to pull the new base's location from his mind.  Han rescues Luke, who is now REALLY worried about his lack of training.  As the heroes return to Hoth, Vader orders the launching of probe droids...     

(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Archie Goodwin - 1983)


After finally getting the Rebel base on Hoth up and running, Major Kem Monnon writes a summary of the process the Rebels used to turn the frozen world into a suitable base.  At about the same time, employees of Durga the Hutt’s Orko SkyMine Corporation submit a report outlining the mining opportunities to be had in Hoth’s asteroid belt, but also mentions an incident when two mining droids mined each other, thus destroying themselves.  The employee is soon executed, or so we are to believe.

“The Illustrated Star Wars Universe:  Hoth Entry”. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Councilman Po Ruddle Lingsnot of the Exex on Bespin writes a glowing report of life on Bespin to attract visitors.  He describes much about the general workings of Cloud City and the history of the planet.  Most ironically, he mentions that Bespin’s neutrality in the Galactic Civil War is working out well . . .

“The Illustrated Star Wars Universe:  Bespin Entry”. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


“SW Role Playing Game: Graveyard of Alderaan.”

A Rebel group is enjoying a vacation on the Ithorian herd ship Bazaar – until a terrified man runs into them, pursued by an assassin droid out to kill him. Despite their best efforts, the droid, XS3, manages to fatally wound the man, Hanos Darr and escape. In his dying gasps, the miner Darr scratches a message in the dirt --  “Kamiroz.” The Rebels begin searching the herd ship for him, only to find him mortally wounded by assassins as well. But before he loses consciousness, he relates a message meant for Princess Leia Organa and the Rebellion; the Royal Palace of Alderaan has been discovered fully intact within the asteroid ruins of that planet, now known as “The Graveyard.” It is possible that within the sealed palace may be Bail Organa and the rest of the royal family – alive!!!


                As the Rebels arrive at what’s left of Alderaan, a large ship suddenly appears from out of nowhere, which they very nearly hit. It’s an Alderaanian War Frigate from the time of the Clone Wars. And it jumps into hyperspace before they can do anything. They continue on to Mining Outpost 11 to confirm Kamiroz’s story. The miners there (all Imperial agents) harass and test the miners, trying to determine if they are the Heroes of Yavin. Imperial Security Bureau agent Dal Rogos, unaware of the miners’ identities, tries to capture the Rebels himself. In the outpost’s computer, they find confirmation that Bail Organa is alive – and a message to Darth Vader to bring in the fleet, as Skywalker and his friends are here! The Rebels race off the outpost and into the Graveyard. They fly to an asteroid that has apparently been converted to a base…


                No sooner do they enter than stormtroopers jump them and the entrance to the asteroid is sealed off. A holoimage of Vader appears, meant for Luke, Han and Leia. It appears all of this was just another of Vader’s traps for them. The Rebels are locked in until he arrives. They run deeper into the asteroid, into what appears to be the Royal Palace (or at least part of it). They encounter “ghosts” (or rather, holoimages of ghosts) intended to psychologically torture the heroes of Yavin. Then they find an old man named Orinn Tathis, who was a member of Alderaan’s Council of Elders. He intends to help Leia and the Rebellion by revealing Alderaan’s “greatest gift – and its greatest shame.” It seems the Frigate they’ve been seeing, the Another Chance, is filled to the brim with all the weapons Alderaan gave up decades ago. It’s been in hyperspace all that time, awaiting a summons home in times of war – a summons that never came. He leads them to a hidden hangar which contains a Skipray Blastboat -- an escape vessel for the Royal Family. They fight through TIEs as Tathis works on a “last-hope” homing beacon to bring the Chance to them. It arrives, and they board it as the Imperial fleet shows up and sets up a blockade around the system…


The Rebels race against time to gain control of the ship, fighting past its’ automatic defenses at the same time. As they gain control, the Falcon arrives, as does Vader’s shuttle. The Chance plows into the Imperial blockade, convincing the Heroes of Yavin to beat a hasty retreat. The Chance follows it into hyperspace, joining the Rebellion with all the armaments of Alderaan with them. The Alliance has just gained a badly-needed advantage in the war…

 (ADVENTURE GAME - West End Games - Bill Slavicsek - 1991)


M-3PO (AKA Emtrey) is assigned to Lieutenant Losca, in the Quartermaster Corps, based at the planet Hoth.  Losca was having to work hard to try to build up stores after the losses at Derra IV and she wasn’t having much luck.  At that point in time, the defeat made things look bad for the Rebellion, so resources began to dry up.  Lieutenant Losca was getting killed at negotiations and wasn’t getting the job done to her or Alliance Command’s satisfaction.  She wanted to create a database that would allow her to function like a commodities trader, but computer resources were limited and tied up coordinating things like defenses.  Apparently the Alliance leadership wasn’t too high on the idea of becoming a commodities exchange, so they forbade her from doing anything that ambitious and urged her to keep doing what she was doing.  The Hoth base was supposed to be a top secret, and the opinion that setting it up as some sort of market – place would have led to it’s discovery.  Lieutenant Losca appeared to think that without some sort of trade, the Rebellion would run out of supplies.  The base would remain hidden, but be out of everything that made it possible to rebel.  In desperation she had some techs cobble Emtrey together out of spare parts.  She sliced some commodities brokering code together and burned it into some chips that were implanted into Emtrey.  The brokering chips gave him a second personality that operates without the normal 3PO personality being aware that it exists.  The scrounger can be brought to the fore by asking it to scrounge something, or telling it to ‘shut up’.  When the latter technique is used, the droid becomes a simple data terminal that gives access to all its data.

Conjecture based upon “X-Wing: Wedge’s Gamble” [page 21 - 22].


"SW Galaxy Magazine: Double Cross on Ord Mantell."

                A black vessel descends through the polluted atmosphere of Ord Mantell, a lone figure disembarks after the Corellian transport lands.  Many locals flee when the catch a glimpse of the solitary person, a Nalrithian bounty hunter named Cypher Bos.  Cypher has come to speak to a Chadra-Fan named Baajik, a secret double agent for either the Rebels or the Hutts, whichever side serves his immediate needs.


                A robed figure watches Cypher Bos walk down the street to the ‘Drunken Bantha’, the only place worth travelling this far for.  The robed figure, a Rebel, is shocked to see his own agent sell him out to Cypher Bos.  The Rebels hood falls away to reveal that he too, is a Nalrithian, the same insectoid species as Cypher Bos.  Nalrithians, who share a mental link between eggmates, allows them to think and act at a limited range no more than a dozen meters.  Phoedris Bos, the Rebel, has managed to suppress his thought link until realization strikes to the fact that he is being sold out, and one powerful thought of “No1” reverberates across the Drunken Bantha.


                Cypher detects his egg – brother, and pursues him, eventually killing him.  Cypher Bos takes the place of his egg – brother, and infiltrates the Rebellion.  Baajik, the Chadra-Fan returns to the Rebel base, and notices something awry due to his heightened senses, and confronts Cypher, but Cypher shoots him down.

(SHORT STORY – Topps Publishing – Mike Mikaelian - Fall 1995)


"Rebel Mission to Ord Mantell."

                Luke and Han participates in an X-Wing flyby of a jungle world to fool the Imperials into thinking the Rebels want a jungle world for their next base -- hence avoiding planets like Hoth.  When they return, Leia has a new assignment for them; Hoth is in desperate need of cold - weather supplies.  To get them, Leia intends to access one of the Organa family's off - world holdings on Ord Mantell.  She'll use her private codes with Artoo's help to get the money flown out, and Luke and Threepio will fly it away.  Han will protect her, as will the insect - like Arithian Rebel agent Phoedris Bos.


             Unbeknowest to them, Phoedris's bounty hunter brother Cypher has murdered Phoedris, taken his place and is trying to capture Han for Jabba.  As Artoo and Leia begin setting up the flight, Phoedris pulls a blaster on them.  The money's on the ship, but now they can't send the signal to release the ship's landing gear, leaving Luke and Threepio at the stormtroopers' mercy.  Han overpowers and shoot Cypher.  They race for the ‘Falcon’, as Luke chops the landing gear free with his 'saber and takes off himself.  With Imperial troop ships fast following, the heroes resort to a "flying catch" -- Luke, Threepio and the crate of money jumping off the freighter and into the ‘Falcon's’ open cargo hatch.  The group returns to Hoth with the funds. (61)  

(RECORD STORY - Buena Vista Records - Brain Daley - 1983)


Dengar plays a game of cards with a Rebel woman at a bar on Toola.  He tries to convince her to take him in as a Rebel, mentioning his vendetta against the COMPNOR redesign program.  (It’s really just a front to get him near enough to Han Solo to kill him.)  He manages to convince her, and is told to go to Hoth. 

“Tales of the Bounty Hunters: Payback - the tale of Dengar.”


Admiral Hiram Drayson and Joi Eicroth, a scientist, begin a romantic relationship that they keep secret.

"SW: Tyrant’s Test."


Booster Terrik is released from the Kessel prison complex after his five-year jail term is completed.

"X-Wing: The Bacta War."


With now 7-year-old Irek already well schooled in the Dark Side, Roganda Ismaren begins training him in the use of his converter, teaching him how to control machines with the Force.  He is also given a accelerated learning course, bringing him up to university level in just a few years.

“SW: Children of the Jedi.”


Shira Elan Colla Brie, an Imperial Intelligence operative, infiltrates the Rebel Alliance.  The Empire’s defeat at the Battle of Yavin, in which the first Death Star was destroyed, was a harrowing blow.  Afterward, a plan was put into action to insure that the Rebel Alliance would never gain the upper hand again.  By providing Shira with a carefully fabricated history, Darth Vader arranges for her to infiltrate the Rebellion as a pilot.  The city of Chinshassa on Shalyvane was resistant to Imperial rule.  The entire city was razed to remind its inhabitants to fear the Empire, and to provide Shira with a credible background. Shira had little trouble joining the Rebellion after the Battle of Hoth.  The Rebels were desperate for pilots, and she proved to be an exceptional one.  Months pass, and no one ever suspects her true agenda...

“SW Galaxy Magazine: Lumiya – Dark Star of the Empire.”


“Star Wars Missions: Prisoner of the Nikto Pirates.”

In need of special parts to set up a shield generator for the new Rebel base on Hoth, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2 head for a meeting with the Skrilling trader, Dilrath.  During the meeting, which yields little in the way of necessary parts except for an insulated power converter, C-3PO discovers B-1D4, a fellow protocol droid (though this one is female).  C-3PO seems smitten by B-1D4 after linking with her and transferring some programming, and practically begs the Rebels to purchase her.  They agree, and they all leave for Dweem in the Millennium Falcon, where an abandoned outpost may yield more supplies.  The hyperdrive is inoperative, though, so they must find a way to replace a damaged part.  As they lie relatively dead in space, they are noticed by a Nikto pirate vessel (the M’hendosat) captained by Kassihm, who hopes to retrieve the bounty on Solo.  The Falcon is pulled aboard the Nikto vessel and boarded, but everyone hides in Han’s smuggling compartments, except one Rebel, who decides to take a peek outside.  As a result of that Rebel’s actions, the others end up being discovered, stunned, and taken prisoner.  The lovesick (for B-1D4) R2-D2 and C-3PO persuade the Rebel that B-1D4 may be of help in freeing the other Rebels and salvaging the part for the Falcon from the Nikto ship’s storage or engineering area.  B-1D4 jacks into the ship’s computer, who follows her every whim like a lovesick fool, while the Rebel gets the necessary part and frees the other Rebels.  They all escape, but the ship itself tries to stop them, not wanting to let its beloved B-1D4 leave.  The ensuing escape causes the destruction of the Nikto ship, but not before Kassihm is able to escape in an escape pod, which also brings along the obsessive computer personality of the destroyed ship.  Back at Dilrath’s trading vessel, Grand Moff For-Atese (an IG-88 assassin droid with advanced personality programming, who heads up a division of Imperial Redesign—a mysterious area of Imperial military operations that subjugates or eradicates populations and species) arrives looking for B-1D4.  She is the “Heart of Steel,” a droid programmed to override the programs of other droids via a virus, which makes her a formidable weapon.  She escaped from Imperial Redesign and they want her back.  For-Atese is informed of Solo’s capture by the Nikto vessel and heads in that direction.  Aboard the Millennium Falcon, Luke has checked B-1D4’s records and discovered B-1D4’s abilities and that C-3PO and R2-D2 are affected.  They decide that she must be shut down and taken to Rebel Intelligence.  Before they can do that, though, B-1D4 jacks into the Falcon’s computer and asks for a tiny favor . . .

(CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE - Scholastic Books – Dave Wolverton -- 1999)     


“Star Wars Missions: The Monsters of Dweem.”

B-1D4 diverts the Millennium Falcon from its course to Dweem and instead points them toward Coruscant, her former home.  The Rebels aboard can do nothing to stop it. Elsewhere, Grand Moff For-Atese, aboard his state ship, the Zaker Besar, discovers the remains of the M’hendosat, but no trace of the Millennium Falcon.  They pull aboard Kassihm’s escape pod, and he is brought before Imperial interrogator Burra Stone, along with the Skrilling trader, Dilrath.  The Imperials discover that the Rebels’ last heading was toward Dweem, so they head to Dweem, a frozen - over planet that could possibly be where the Rebels needed insulated shield generator parts for (though they are needed for Hoth instead).  An Imperial team is sent down in AT-STs.  One Imperial becomes lost within an abandoned Old Republic fortress, bristling with Dweemons and Old Republic sentry droids, Iron Knights. The Imperial makes it through after battling Dweemons and a riddle - asking monster, and the Imperials realize that they are simply in an abandoned Old Republic base, not a current Rebel base.  They return to the Zaker Besar.  For-Atese determines that B-1D4 must have diverted the Rebels elsewhere and realizes that the only logical place she would run to hide would be Coruscant.

(CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE - Scholastic Books – Dave Wolverton -- 1999)     


“Star Wars Missions: Voyage to the Underworld.”

The Millennium Falcon, under B-1D4’s control, arrives on Coruscant.  Knowing they must escape the planet, the Imperial capital world, the Rebels aboard determine that they should head for Coruscant’s lower levels to find the legendary Phelon, a Columi who owes Han Solo a favor, and is also rumored to be a criminal, a Rebel sympathizer, and an Imperial stooge all in one.  Before they leave, they cleanse the recent memories of R2-D2 and C-3PO to free them of B-1D4’s influence, but R2-D2 jacks into the Falcon’s computers and is re-infected.  Chewbacca, R2-D2, and C-3PO accompany one Rebel as they flee into the lower levels.  The others head out as well, leaving B-1D4 deactivated on the Falcon, which is docked under a false registry (which required Han entering the password “Organa,” which Han says is in honor of Bail Organa, but is, of course, actually due to his growing love for Leia).  After various encounters with underworld denizens, the Rebel, Chewie, and the droids finally make it to Phelon’s hideout, where they learn that, through dummy companies, he has been “advising” (read:  bullshitting) Imperial construction companies (i.e. being an Imperial stooge), skimming a fortune from those transactions (i.e. being a criminal), and using that fortune to help fund Rebel activities (i.e. being a Rebel sympathizer).  He uses the virus within R2-D2 to convince every computer on Coruscant, temporarily, that the Millennium Falcon is actually the Felon Melon and free to go.  The computers are also make to assist the Rebels in their escape, no matter what.  The rest of the Rebels arrive, and the group sets off for the Falcon and off of Coruscant.  They are not unnoticed in their departure, however, as the harbormaster contacts Darth Vader of their departure.  The Rebels head for the nearby Rebel base on Cheeyoom Matee, where they are greeted warmly . . . and then betrayed by the base commander, who turns them over to the Imperials.  They are to be sent to the Imperial prison on Merakai immediately . . .

(CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE - Scholastic Books – Dave Wolverton -- 1999)     


“Star Wars Missions: Imperial Jailbreak.”

        Aboard the ‘Zaker Besar’, Kassihm knows that Grand Moff For-Atese will soon run out of uses for him and kill him, or have Burra Stone kill him.  With the capture of the Rebels and B-1D4 and their subsequent shipment to Merakai for imprisonment, though he sees a way out of it.  For-Atese does not wish his involvement in Imperial Redesign or the Heart of Steel project known, which means that he cannot simply call the prison on Merakai and order B-1D4 turned over to him.  The only hope of keeping his involvement a secret is for a small team, including Kassihm, For-Atese, Burra Stone, and several Imperial agents, to attempt a jailbreak of the Merakai prison.  Kassihm is promised his life and the ship they are taking (the Optitron) when the mission is over in return for his aid, though he has no doubts that For-Atese will kill him before he can ever benefit from the bargain.  The team takes the Optitron from the Zaker Besar to Merakai, where they set down and head for the prison.  After battle with swamp creatures, Khil guards, and droid guards, a part of the group makes it to the detention control center and stages a full jailbreak to cover the intended jailbreak — that of B-1D4, the Heart of Steel.  As a result, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and company are also freed.  The Rebels and Imperials make it out of the prison and while the Rebels end up hiding in the nearby woods, the Imperials are able to take the Optitron and escape.  Shortly before their rendezvous with the Zaker Besar, Kassihm convinces Burra Stone to go back into stasis, and then takes a droid disrupter and uses it on B-1D4, the ship’s torturer droid, and Grand Moff For-Atese.  Kassihm then takes the Optitron back to Merakai and picks up the Rebels who were left behind.  He tells them that he wishes to join the Rebel Alliance, as he has seen the Empire’s cruel agents first - hand.  He will gladly stay in a cell when they get to Hoth if necessary, but after he is officially part of the Alliance, he will remain a pirate, but only raid Imperial vessels and sell the materials for next-to-nothing to the Rebel Alliance.  Thus Kassihm becomes the newest Rebel recruit.

(CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE - Scholastic Books – Dave Wolverton -- 1999)     


May - July +3 ASW4


Lieutenant Commander Luke Skywalker is promoted again to Commander of Rogue Squadron after Squadron Commander Narra and an entire contingent of starfighter pilots are killed in a failed shipment of supplies from Derra IV to Hoth.  The fighter squadron that kills them is the 181st, led by Soontir Fel, following a plan laid out by Admiral Thrawn. 

The Empire radio program and "X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Making of Baron Fel." 


Mara Jade makes a brief visit to Belsavis.  She’s curious about a project of some kind the Empire failed to accomplish, as well as the salvage trade that’s been going on there.  She doesn’t turn up anything.

“SW: Children of the Jedi.”


Deen Voorson is hired to adapt the airspeeders on Hoth to the extreme cold.  He later describes it as “the most difficult job I’ve ever done.”

“SW Adventure Journal: Slaying Dragons.”



                A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away….


The Rebel Alliance is in hiding on the icy planet of Hoth.  The Empire is searching the galaxy system by system, sending probe droids to various worlds.  Luke Skywalker witnesses the landing of one, but is suddenly attacked by a Wampa Ice Monster before he can investigate.  Luke is strung up in the Wampa’s cave to serve as dinner.  He cuts his way free and chops an arm off the Wampa, but the gravely injured man finds himself in a night blizzard, hopelessly far away from the base.


Han Solo, meanwhile, is planning to leave the Alliance in order to pay off Jabba the Hutt and finally get the bounty hunters off his back.  Fighting his conflicted feelings for Princess Leia, Han sets out on tauntaun to find Luke.


Freezing to death out in the blizzard, Luke sees an apparition -- the supposedly dead Obi-Wan Kenobi, who tells him that he must go to the swamp planet of Dagobah to be trained as a Jedi by Yoda, “the Jedi Master who instructed me.”  As the vision fades, Han appears. Before he can get Luke to safety, his tauntaun dies from exposure.  All Han can do is build a shelter, give Luke first aid, and hope for the best...


The next morning, the Echo Station snowspeeders find the duo and bring them back to base.  Luke is healed in a bacta tank, albeit permanently scarred.  Hoth base soon finds itself attacked by several Wampas, whom they keep penned up in a cell.  Han and Chewie investigate signs of a spy outside the base, only to encounter the probe droid.  Han destroys it, but it’s already sent its’ findings...


The Imperial Death Squadron, under the command of Darth Vader, receives the probe information and heads to Hoth at top speed.  The Rebels face a gruelling evacuation and ground battle, with AT-ATs pounding the base and swatting down snowspeeders. In all, sixteen Rebel transports are destroyed. Despite all this, the heroes all make it off Hoth, with Luke and Artoo going to Dagobah; Han, Leia and Chewie flying off in the ‘Falcon’; and the rest of the Alliance flying to a rendezvous point on the Galactic Rim.


Vader, who has become murderously obsessed with finding and capturing Skywalker at any cost, lets the other Rebels go and doggedly pursues the ‘Falcon’ with his entire fleet (led by the ‘Executor’) into an asteroid belt.  The ‘Falcon’, its’ hyperdrive disabled by improper repairs earlier, hides in an asteroid cave, only to be chased out again by mynocks and a huge space slug.  Han desperately attacks a Star Destroyer head on, attaching the ‘Falcon’ to it to make it seem it got away.  After a while, the Destroyers break off the search and head off.  The ‘Falcon’ detaches and makes for the nearest settlement, the tibanna gas colony Cloud City on Bespin -- owned by a former friend of Han’s, Lando Calrissian.  However, Vader has become so desperate as to hire bounty hunters to find the ‘Falcon’ -- and the best of them all, Boba Fett, is following the limping ‘Falcon’ straight to Cloud City.  Emperor Palpatine reveals to Vader via holo transmission that he knows of Luke’s existence and wants him killed -- the boy could conceivably become powerful enough to overthrow them both.  Vader protests, offering to turn Luke to the Dark Side instead. Palpatine allows it, planning himself to have Luke replace Vader if necessary...


Meanwhile, Luke crash-lands his X-Wing on Dagobah, where he soon encounters Yoda.  The old Master plays foxy with the boy, pretending to be a senile loon to gauge the boy’s manner.  He finds to his dismay that Luke is too impatient, impulsive and quick to anger -- in other words, just like Anakin before him.  With Ben’s urging, though, Yoda reluctantly begins training the young man in the ways of the Force. He puts emphasis on Luke confronting his flaws and overcoming them, as graphically illustrated by a vision inside a cave tainted with the Dark Side -- a duel with a phantom - like Vader, only to reveal Luke’s face under the mask.  Yoda later raises Luke’s X-Wing from the lake bottom to show the true power of the Force.


                Two months pass.   


Nearly at the end of its resources, the ‘Falcon’ finally finds sanctuary at Cloud City, as Lando welcomes the tired group with open arms.  Han and Leia have slowly been growing romantic over the course of the chase.  However, Threepio soon sees something he shouldn’t, and gets promptly blown to bits by the stormtrooper corporal Drazin...


On Dagobah, Luke begins to be haunted by visions of the immediate future -- visions of Han and Leia in agonizing pain.  Yoda warns him that if he quits his training prematurely to go rescue them, “you will have sacrificed all for which they fought and suffered.”


At Cloud City, the trap is sprung.  Lando delivers the group to Vader on a silver platter.  Vader promptly puts Han through a gruelling torture session, promising to give the smuggler to Fett when Skywalker arrives.  He begins reneging on an earlier deal with Calrissian, putting the ex - conman’s city and people in increasing danger...


Luke finally can’t take it anymore.  He vows to rescue his friends from Vader’s clutches, in spite of Ben and Yoda’s urgent warnings.  Realizing he will face Vader in battle without any help, he takes off. Ben despairs -- if Luke dies, the last chance at redemption for the Jedi and the galaxy dies with him.  But Yoda surprises him with the words: “There is another.”


Vader decides to trap Luke by encasing him in a block of carbonite, and tests the process by turning Han into a metal slab before Leia and Chewie’s horrified eyes.  He gives the slab to Fett to deliver, “with my compliments,” to Jabba.  He places an Imperial garrison in charge of Cloud City and takes the other Rebels to go with him to the Emperor -- in direct contradiction of his deal with Lando.  Finally realizing he’s been duped, Lando turns the tables and frees the heroes to go after Fett.  But the stormtroopers slow them down just enough for the bounty hunter to make a clean getaway in his ship, the ‘Slave I’.  Lando orders Cloud City’s population to evacuate immediately, and the heroes rush off to the ‘Falcon’.


Meanwhile, Luke arrives and is led into the carbon freezing chamber and the waiting Vader.  A fast and furious duel ensues.  Vader pulls out every stop, but Luke manages to survive and keep fighting. Increasingly furious and frustrated, Vader traps Luke at the end of a gantry, chopping off the Jedi -wannabe’s right hand off and sending it and his lightsaber tumbling down an endless reactor shaft.


Then he drops the ultimate bombshell: Darth Vader, murderer of the Jedi, is in fact Anakin Skywalker -- Luke’s father.


Devastated by what he realizes is the truth, Luke opts to commit suicide rather than join Vader in the Dark Side.  A long fall later, he is dangling from a vane on the city’s underside.  Ben can no longer help him.  Without even knowing why, he screams out to Leia for help through the Force.  Incredibly, she hears his call and turns the Falcon around, picking him up and racing into space.


Waiting for them is the ‘Executor’ and Vader.  He’d had the Falcon’s repaired hyperdrive disabled, so only a tractor beam separates him from total victory.  At the last second, Artoo Detoo enables the hyperdrive, letting the ‘Falcon’ snatch escape from the jaws of capture.


The heroes arrive at the Rebel fleet, now massed at the rim.  Luke is fitted with a robotic hand to replace his lost one.  Lando, now with nowhere to go, agrees to join the Rebellion.  He is assigned with Chewie to finding Han Solo and saving him from Fett and Jabba, if that’s possible.  He swears to Leia he will bring Han back to her, any way he can.  The ‘Falcon’ flies away toward Tatooine, as the battered Luke and Leia watch... (62)

(MOTION PICTURE - 20th Century Fox / Lucasfilm - Lucas/Brackett/Kasdan - 21 May 1980)

(NOVELISATION - Ballantine / Del Rey Books - Donald Glut - May 1980)

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - Aug 1980 - Jan 1981)

(RADIO DRAMATISATION - Highbridge Audio - Brian Daley - 1983)

(MANGA COMIC BOOK MINISERIES – Dark Horse Comics – Toshiki Kudo – 1999)


Areta Bell, a red - haired woman, and native of the planet Corellia, is a member of the Alliance's Navy.  She captains the transport ship ‘Dutyfree’ during the evacuation of Echo Base, in the midst of the Battle of Hoth.  After rising through the ranks, she was given the rank of Admiral by the New Republic, and commanded the Victory-II class Star Destroyer ‘Swift Liberty’.

‘X-Wing: Isard’s Revenge.’


“Tales of the Bounty Hunters: The Prize Pelt - the tale of Bossk.”

                On the ‘Executor’, Bossk is introduced to the Wookiee bounty hunter Chenlambec and his human apprentice Tinian I’att.  The two promise the Trandoshan inside information on where Han and Chewie are heading for the Lomabu system.  Problem is, they don’t know exactly where that is.  After some haggling, Bossk agrees to try it and bring them along.  What he doesn’t know is Chenlambec is on a mission for Kashyyyk -- not only to help Chewie escape, but humiliate and shame this infamous Wookiee - killer.  They take off in Bossk’s brand new ship, the ‘Hound’s Tooth’, the two hunters having brought aboard some huge crates.  They try hacking into the ‘Hound’s Tooth’ computer with the help of a mini - droid named Flirt -- only they’re on a mattress rigged with hidden syrings of sedatives.  Bossk takes the opportunity to drain their weapons, then sets course for their first stop -- a Wookiee outpost in the Aida system.


                Three and a half days later, they wake up as the ship arrives at the outpost.  Chenlambec learns from a transmission that Wookiees are being held prisoner at Lomabu (the coordinates are provided) as a trap for the Rebels.  The ‘Hound’s Tooth’ heads for there.  With Flirt’s help, Tinian makes her way into the cargo bay for some recon work.  After Chen does his own spy work, it’s decided to pit Bossk against Imperial Governor Io Desnand of Lomabu.  They arrive, where Bossk picks up what appears to be the ‘Falcon’.  Tinian and Chen are sent out on the scout ship ‘Nashtah Pup’ to find Solo’s likely avenues of escape.  Once launched, Tinian contacts Desnand and warns her that Bossk is coming to scalp the prisoners. Chen calls the prisoners themselves, then lands the ‘Pup’ and races to the prison camp, helping to stage a firefight.  They return to the ‘Hound’ bearing two freshly dead Wookiee corpses.  Bossk cheerfully skins the corpses, then plans to attack the prison and doublecross his “partners.”  He tricks them into flying the ‘Pup’, rigged with gas that’ll cripple them and a weapon that’ll torch the whole place.  They barely discover the deception in time and fires the weapon at the sun.  The Wookiee slaves revolt at the camp, Flirt manages to take control of the ‘Tooth’, and the two hunters return to find Bossk locked up in his own meat locker. They proudly deliver Bossk to Desnand.  They then take the ‘Tooth’, carrying the freed Wookiees to Aida while Bossk finds himself a short distance away from being skinned himself...

(SHORT STORY - Bantam Books - Kathy Tyers - December 1996)


During the hunt for the ‘Millenium Falcon’, IG-88 took the opportunity to hack into the ‘Executor’s’ computer and download its’ entire databank.  From that, it learns about the under - construction Death Star II at Endor.  IG-88 returns to Mechis III, and with his three clones hatches a plan to take the station over.  It constructs a duplicate of the Death Star II’s computer core, as well as robotic copies of stormtroopers.  Two months later, IG-88B is sent to Bespin to capture Solo -- only to run into a trap set by Boba Fett. Electrocuted, the droid is given by Fett to the Ugnaughts for scrap.

“Tales of the Bounty Hunters: I Think, Therefore I Am -- the tale of IG-88.”


Dengar flew right into the Battle of Hoth and was picked up by the Imperial fleet.  Vader meets with him, allowing him to live only on the condition that he finds and catches the ‘Falcon’. (This meeting is what inspired Vader to call the other bounty hunters later.)  He chases after Fett when he picks up Solo’s trail, but his ship is disabled by a bomb Fett placed inside the ‘Punishing One’.  He limps to Bespin, where he runs into Manaroo (working as a dancer in Cloud City).  It seems she’s been looking for Han Solo herself, as a way to repay Dengar for saving her.  The two find themselves growing quite close.  Suddenly, Lando Calrissian gives his evacuation order, and Dengar and Manaroo fight through stormtroopers to reach the repaired ‘Punishing One’.  They head toward Tatooine.  They grow still closer on the journey, and Manaroo uses an Attanni to allow Dengar to feel emotions again -- her emotions.  Love.  Remorse.  Conscience.  They change course and head to Aruza, where Dengar gets her parents off the planet and out of the Empire’s grip.

“Tales of the Bounty Hunters: Payback - the tale of Dengar.”


“Tales of the Bounty Hunters: Of Possible Futures - the tale of Zuckuss and 4-LOM.”

                Toryn Farr is the last Rebel to escape Echo Base, flying out on the Gallofree transport ‘Bright Hope’ with hundreds of wounded (including her sister Samoc).  At which point Zuckuss and 4-LOM arrive with their ship ‘Mist Hunter’ at the battle, having been hired by Vader (they need the money to get Zuckuss cloned lungs).  The two bounty hunters chase the ‘Bright Hope’ and disable it, then joins the rendezvous outside the asteroid belt.  Zuckuss guesses the Rebels will be heading outside of the galaxy, while his droid 4-LOM decides to try using intuition itself.  They want to infiltrate the Rebellion -- and the best way to do that, they decide, would be to get the ‘Bright Hope’s’ survivors to them.  On that ruined ship, Toryn struggles with which 18 of the 108 survivors will try to reach Hoth via escape pod.  The pods make it, and Farr waits aboard for the inevitable Imperial attack.  The ‘Mist Hunter’ gets there first.  Zuckuss will only take 26 Rebels, the ones with the highest price on their heads; Farr wants to take them all.  Furious, 4-LOM takes Farr and a few Rebels hostage.  But Zuckuss talks their way out of trouble and picks up 90 to take to Darlyn Boda.  In return for their help, 2-1B offers Zuckuss a chance to regenerate his lungs, healing his old injury.  After stopping at Darlyn Boda (where 4-LOM buys a jewel that could help heal Zuckuss), they make their way to the Rebel rendezvous at the galactic rim.  4-LOM decides, to stop the Empire coming after them, to take Luke and Leia prisoner.  Zuckuss, to his surprise, refuses to go along.  They later attend Toryn Farr’s promotion to commander.  Over the next few days, the ‘Mist Hunter’ is refitted, as the two bounty hunters become full - time Rebels.  Zuckuss is now fully healed, and 4-LOM does seem to be getting better at intuition...

(SHORT STORY - West End Games - M. Shayne Bell - December 1996)


Alliance operatives are sent to the Inner Rim and Expansion Region, to search for tibanna gas deposits on gas giant planets in the Lequabis, K'taktaxka, Poviduze, and Kelavine systems and the Shasfath Cluster. 

“SW Adventure Journal.”


Imperial Intelligence roots out treachery within Galactic Electronics, a member of the Corporate Sector Authority. Members of the corporation were covertly selling mag pulse technology to the Rebel Alliance. This led to an Imperial punitive strike against a Galactic Electronics research platform.

“TIE Fighter: Space Combat Simulator.”


“The Agony of Tarkin” is written and produced by the Imperial Opera Company.

‘Mara Jade: By the Emperor’s Hand.’


"SW Galaxy Magazine: Hunting the Hunters." 

                     The young Bothan Bie Breil’lya watches a vid message from a hooded Twi’lek.  In the middle of the recording, Bie hears the unmistakeable clicking sound of a safety being removed from a blaster by a armoured figure half hidden in the shadows.  “You are Bie Breil’lya, of the clan Alya.”  Bie raised his hands, his fur rippling staccato – fashion to show his panic.  “I can double the bounty you’ve been promised.  My family’s wealthy.  I’ll give you anything to let me go!”  “Indeed you will” Blue energy enveloped the Bothan.


                     Bie awoke from unconsiousness to discover that he had been propped up in a chair, his hands restrained by wristbinders.  Bie looked upon his attacker, dressed in the armour of an Imperial Stormtrooper, except his helmet had been removed, revealing a horribly scarred face.  Bie is taken aboard a ship where he discovers that the bounty hunter has given him to a Bimm.  Bie is being used as bait, so other bounty hunters will come after Nariss Siv Loqesh, the mysterious bounty hunter in the stormtrooper uniform.  Nariss has a deep hatred for other hunters.  Some time later, Nariss turns down Darth Vader’s request to hunt Han Solo and Leia Organa.  He disappears soon after that.

(SHORT STORY – Topps Publishing – Bill Smith - Winter 1996)


"SW Galaxy Magazine: The Emperor’s Trophy." 

                Darth Vader arrives at the Emperor’s fortress of Mount Tantiss, showing new fear in the impending audience of his master after the failure with his encounter with Luke Skywalker.  The Dark Lord has been summoned to Wayland – far from the prying eyes of the Core Worlds – to present the trophy of his battle with young Skywalker.  Two Noghri, Kovrekhar and his clan – brother Ghazak had located the trophy and helped Vader recover it.  While the Dark Lord rushed back to his Super Star Destroyer to await the young Jedi’s capture, the Noghri combed the depths of Cloud City for what had once belonged to Skywalker.  The Noghri honour guard discovered it with a horde of Ugnaughts in one of the mining facilities deeper smelting cores.  The crude beasts were going to discard the flesh and melt the shaft of metal into scrap.  Vader had ‘discouraged’ them from doing so and took possession of the items himself.


                     Vader marches into a waiting turbolift, holding the transport box.  The Emperor commands the following Noghri to leave their presence as Vader kneels before his master.  Vader and the Emperor discuss Luke Skywalker and his growing powers.  Vader hands the box to a Royal Guard, who places it in the Emperor’s waiting grasp.  Palpatine opens it, revealing a hand and a Jedi’s lightsaber.  Both are Luke’s.  “These will have a place of honour in my personal collection” the Emperor muses, entranced by the intricacies of the dead flesh and the well worn lightsaber.  The Emperor dismisses Vader.  In addition to overseeing the Emperor’s new construction project, Vader has pressing matters to take up with a powerful – and potentially dangerous – Falleen prince named Xizor.  There will be plenty of time later to deal with Luke Skywalker . . . (63)

(SHORT STORY – Topps Publishing – Peter Schweighofer - May 1997)


After Darth Vader executes Captain Lorth Needa for his incompetence during the Battle of Hoth, most of the family members on the Needa side vanish, except for Virar Needa, a one-generation removed cousin of Lorth.  Virar remained alive and had been allowed to continue in service to the Empire.

“X-Wing: Wedge’s Gamble” [Page 321].


“X-Wing Alliance: Prologue – Family Business / Joining the Rebellion.”                                *                                                                                                       

                The Azzameen family, a group of free traders, has been doing business with the Rebel Alliance in addition to normal trading.  This gets them into trouble when they deliver a load of cargo just in time for the Battle of Hoth.  The YT-2000 vessel ‘Otana’ is damaged, and heads to a space station run by Antan Azzameen.  Fearful of the Empire, he refuses to help his brother Tomaas.  The ‘Otana’ limps back to the family station.  At the station, the youngest of Tomaas’ four children, “Ace,” is given his first real mission as a family pilot.  He flies with his sister, Aeron, to pick up fuel cells and coolant to repair the ‘Otana’. Aeron’s preoccupied – her boyfriend Olin Garn has joined the Rebellion as a starfighter pilot.  When the Viraxo (a rival trading family) attacks Harlequin station (where the supplies are), Ace and Aeron fight them off.


                Impressed by this, Ace’s brother Emon takes him out for some gunnery practice.  Ace takes the turret of the YT-1300 ‘Sabra’.  He does so well that Emon takes him for some drinks at Dunari’s Casino. But again those pesky Viraxo are there, and security ships shoo off the two brothers.  When Ace returns home, he learns Aeron accidentally erased the cargo records database.  They head out to re - inventory their supplies, only to find that same Viraxo ship trying to plant a container of spice among their goods.  Fed up, the Azzameen children sneak into a Viraxo base and hide the spice among their cargo for the Imperials to find, blowing up a few fighters in the process.  Tomaas is upset at these events, but goes on with his plan to deliver bacta to the Rebels.  The black market supplier tries to double-cross the family, but they are soon “convinced” to give up the bacta.  Garn escorts the family to a space hospital where the wounded from Hoth are being treated.  Suddenly, an Imperial attack force smashes into the hospital.  The Rebels instantly come to the only possible conclusion – the Azzameens betrayed them!  The family protests otherwise, but it’s too late to talk – the Imperials blow the hospital to bits, taking Tomaas and eldest son Galin with it.  The rest of the family barely makes it out alive.  The Empire declares the entire family traitors, and orders their arrest.  All their property will be seized and given to the Viraxo.


                The family decides to flee to the Outer Rim.  Antan and Emon goes to another base to grab supplies, Aeron and Ace do the same to grab weapons.  The Empire is waiting for both parties, along with the Viraxo – the ones truly behind the Azzameen’s ruin.  The Imperials seize the family station, blowing up the supplies and capturing Antan.  Now only Ace, Aeron and Emon are left, and they decide they have nowhere else to go – whether they trust them or not, the Rebel Alliance is their only option.  They join the Rebel fleet at the Outer Rim.  Garn speaks on Ace’s behalf, and he is accepted as a fighter pilot.  He is trained flying a dangerous “salvage yard” of rings and floating debris, followed by a couple of low - risk attacks on Imperial targets.  He excels, and is inducted into Red Squadron (assigned to the Calamari Cruiser Defiance)…

(COMPUTER GAME – Lucasarts Inc. – Lawrence Holland – March 1999)


Arriving in Tatooine orbit, Boba Fett's ship ‘Slave I’ is attacked by IG-88C and IG-88D's ships, twin versions of the IG-2000.  Fett destroys the ships, but his own ship is crippled.  Fett diverts to the Imperial enclave of Gall to repair his ship, and sets out to collect several small bounties to finance the repairs. Incredibly, one of the IG-88’s (IG-88C?) survives and makes it to Ord Mantell. 

"Tales of the Bounty Hunters" and "Shadows of the Empire."


Steven ‘Mak’ Makintay becomes commander of an X-Wing Starfighter group known as Green Squadron.

"Devastator of Worlds" Dark Empire #2 and "Firepower" Star Wars Adventure Journal #8. Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


Attacking an Imperial convoy transporting the Death Star II's computer core to Endor, the original IG-88 downloads himself into the core, secretly planning to use the Death Star to create an endless army of IG clones to take over the galaxy. 

"SW: Tales of the Bounty Hunters -- I Think, Therefore I Am. - the tale of IG-88."


"The Marvel Series: Death Probe. (#45)"  

                The Alliance is scattered after Hoth.  A lone Corellian gunship is attacked by an larger, more armoured version of the Imperial probe droid, which single-handedly slaughters the whole crew and takes control of the ship.  The probe was created by Admiral Damon Krell, who is monitoring Probe 13-K’s performance.  Luke is out on X-Wing patrol, slowly testing out his new hand and mulling over Vader’s revelation.  Did Ben really lie to him?  The gunship roars by, and blasts the X-Wing apart.  Luke survives the explosion with the Force, as does Artoo.  Using the droid’s magnetising legs to propel themselves to the gunship, Luke cuts a way in with a lightsaber to find the ship’s repair droids all out to kill him.  Artoo figures out that something has overridden the ship’s computer.  They find the probe, and learn that it has rigged the ship’s reactor to blow -- and steered it towards the Rebel fleet.  Luke tries to distract the probe by revealing his identity to it -- but the plan backfires when the probe simply stuns him.  It does, however, steer away from the fleet and rush towards Vader’s location to give the young man to him.  Luke comes to and damages several ship circuits, then bails out in a lifepod with Artoo.  The gunship makes its way to Krell’s ship, the probe overloaded between Krell’s orders and Vader’s.  Reactor still overloading, the gunship takes Krell’s Star Destroyer with it.  Luke and Artoo are picked up by the fleet. (64)

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - March 1981)


"The Marvel Series: The Dreams of Cody Sunn-Childe. (#46)"  

                Lando and Chewie are en route to Tatooine when their hyperspace blows -- and blasts them into an extra-dimensional void with a space city on a giant chunk of rock.  Crash-landing in a jungle area just outside the city, they are attacked by a reptilian monster -- which gets picked off mentally by a legend from the distant past -- an alien hero and early rebel (who Lando admired as a boy) named Cody Sunn-Childe.  Cody leads them to the city, and offers to let them stay as long as they don’t cause trouble.


                Meanwhile, a small Imperial fleet led by the female Captain Plikk discovers the tear in space... Cody explains that he tired of fighting, and as he discovered a growing psychic power within himself, he used it to create the extra - dimensional area from his dreams as a sanctuary.  Lando is disgusted at what he sees as cowardice from his idol, and decides to leave.  Cody reluctantly repairs the Falcon and agrees to let him leave.  At that moment, Plikk’s fleet attacks.  Lando agrees to defend the city, and tells Cody he no longer has a choice -- fight or die.  He starts to unleash his inner demons in solid form to attack the Star Destroyer’s -- then discovers to his horror that he is enjoying the violence again.  Realising that “unless tested by adversity, an example has no meaning,” he lets the fleet wipe him and his city out.  With the fleet’s energy drained, a grief-stricken Lando leaves them in the closing dimensional rift to rot.   

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Wally Lombego - April 1981)


General Maximillian Veers is the Empire’s latest military hero, after the Battle of Hoth.  Returning from a short leave, his son Zev is treated like a hero as well.  By the side of his father, Zev went to endless celebrations and heard countless speeches about the glory of the Empire and how the Alliance was immoral and doomed to defeat.  After Zev returned from the glamour and ceremony, he learned what the Empire really stood for.  During a routine police action, Zev was assigned to bodyguard the battalion commander while he interrogated prisoners.  Intending to harden the young man to the sight of torture, the commander, Ivo Laibach, showed off his ISB training.  Zev was horrified as the Rebel, an old man, was beaten mercilessly and tortured.  Even the other two “CompFarcers”, boys younger than he, started turning green.  Luckily for Zev, while the commander man – handled the local librarian, the real Rebels showed up.  Laibach, idiot as he was, went outside “to take care of the nonsense” and got wounded by the Rebels for his trouble.  It would be funny if it weren’t all so horrible.  Zev came to a decision: he couldn’t just let the old man die.  So he untied the librarian and used a medpac on him – just as the librarian’s daughter, the Rebel squad leader, came to the rescue.  Initially she was distrustfull of Zev, but she was won over by her father’s sincerity.  Zev was still taken as a prisoner, but not treated much like one.  In the years since, Zev becomes a full – fledged Rebel.

"SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook." [Page 22 – 23]


"The Marvel Series: Droid World. (#47)" 

                Luke Skywalker makes a rendezvous in the Gunship with a Rebel Corvette, where he is shown a new model Imperial probot that caused trouble at a base on Xeron.  Threepio and Artoo are asked to create a schematic of the droid, but the fussy two botch it up and end up melting the droid's innards.  Determined to fulfil their mission, Luke takes them and the probot to Kligson's World -- aka "Droid World," a large space station built by the cyborg Captain Kligson and inhabited solely by droids.  In return for the droid itself, Threepio and Artoo will get a copy of the schematics.  But when the droids get there, Kligson decides the "cheapjack" probot isn't worth the trouble, and commands his lieutenant ZX3 (a stormtrooper-esque droid designed by Tagge Co., and rejected by the Empire) to remove Threepio and Artoo's restraining bolts.  When the two droids protest, Kligson demands to see them personally.  On the way there, Artoo sneaks away and follows ZX3 to a hangar -- which contains a nearly intact probot.  Only a few parts from the damaged one are needed to make it operational -- and give ZX3 the edge it needs to take over Droid World.  Artoo warns Threepio and Kligson, but too late -- ZX3 blasts Kligson and chases the droids.  But it was a duplicate of Kligson it had blasted -- the cyborg was on to it.  And he has already programmed the probot to take ZX3's forces out.  Saddened by the destruction, Kligson gives the droids the schematics, and then moves Droid World out into the Unknown Regions.

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - May 1981)


“TIE Fighter – The Stele Chronicles.”                                                                                           *

Maarek Stele, an ex-swoop racer from the planet Kuan, is now a technician who has been working in Repairs on the Imperial Star Destroyer ‘Vengeance’ for the past month.  On a routine TIE Fighter maintenance check, Stele shows great affinity for piloting a starfighter, and is given a handbook on the basic functions of Imperial starfighters, as well as permission to use the starfighter simulators.  He applies to the Imperial Navy, and due to his excellent simulator scores, is accepted.  Also, Admiral Mordon, in command of the ‘Vengeance’, notices certain qualities that he admires in Stele, and takes him as a confidante.  Over time, they get to know each other, and they learn each other backgrounds.  Mordon was a pilot who wanted to explore, and Stele’s motivation for joining the Empire is to find his father, who had gone missing in a war between Kuan and Bordal in Stele’s youth.


Eventually, Admiral Mordon warns Stele that there is now a greater threat to the Empire than the Rebellion – that there is treachery in the air.  He also advises Stele to approach the mysterious hooded envoys of the Emperor, members of his Secret Order, before missions for additional instructions.  Soon afterwards, Mordon is killed under strange circumstances, and Stele is finding himself grilled for any information he can give about his former superior officer.  He does, but later, a secret message is forwarded to him from the dead Mordon, warning him again about treachery in the Empire, and warning him to keep his eyes open.

My thanks to for writing this summary!

(COMPUTER GAME – Lucasarts Inc. – Lawrence Holland – 1995)


“TIE Fighter – Tour of Duty #1: The Aftermath of Hoth.”                                                            *

Before he had died, Admiral Mordon had promised to get Stele out of danger, and he did.  Stele is assigned to the remote Imperial Platform D-34, guarding a major trade route in the Javin sector.  He has been flying daily patrols and inspecting vessels detained by customs, but it has all been very boring.  Now, however, this platform being so close to Hoth, things are looking to get a little more exciting.


One day, as he is inspecting a group of freighters, Stele discovers one is carrying Rebels, probably fugitives from Hoth.  Stele patrols the area as a stormtrooper transport disables the ship and captures the Rebels.  Major Thorbo, commanding officer on D-34, and Admiral Flanken, commander of the Imperial Star Destroyer ‘Hammer’, interrogate the prisoners, and learn that the Rebels are planning an attack on D-34.  Before the battle, Stele is approached by a member of the Secret Order, who tells him that if he follows the secret orders given him, he will not only be serving the Emperor directly, but will be given a great reward.  The pilots of D-34 and the ‘Hammer’ succeed in holding off the Rebel attack.


Stele is transferred to the Nebulon-B Frigate ‘Fogger’, where he makes some new friends.  Soon enough, the Imperials are able to trace the origin of the weapons used in the attack on D-34, and the ‘Fogger’ is dispatched to destroy the Mugaari contraband depot.  However, it seems that as the ‘Fogger’ was attacking the Rebel depot, the Rebels were staging a second assault on D-34, and have taken it.  The ‘Fogger’ returns to D-34 supplemented by several smaller ships, and they smash the Rebels’ forces and retake the Platform.  It is discovered that the second attack on D-34 was staged from Calamari Light Cruiser ‘Lulsla’, in the Bruanii sector.  Stele is ordered to lead a flight of Cygnus Star Wing Assault Gunboats in a strike against the ‘Lulsla’, and to destroy it.  He succeeds at this task and also at capturing the escaping shuttle carrying the Rebel officers, a mission assigned him by the Secret Order.


Meanwhile, prominent Admiral Harkov has a secret meeting with Mon Mothma, offering to defect to the Rebellion with his significant fleet, as long as the price is right…

My thanks to for writing this summary!

(COMPUTER GAME – Lucasarts Inc. – Lawrence Holland – 1995)


"The Marvel Series: The Third Law. (#48)" 

                Leia, along with Rebel finance minister Viscount Tardi, travels to the banking world of Aargau to finance the purchase of a new X-Wing squadron.  This banking world is strict in keeping precious metals in, weapons and defrauders out.  Diplomatic immunity is the rule -- which Leia throws in Darth Vader's face when he appears.  Vader says he's there on a diplomatic mission (yeah, right) -- which Leia interprets to mean stopping the X-Wing deal by killing Tardi.  A battle of wits ensues between Leia and Vader, with Leia cunningly stopping Vader's subtle attempts at Tardi's life via three Assassin's Guild members.  Finally, a fed up Vader throws subtlety to the wind and chops Tardi in half himself with his lightsaber.  And Leia's final trick is revealed -- Tardi is a human replica droid.  The real Tardi died a month ago.  And Threepio and Artoo have recorded the whole thing and are giving it to the Aargau authorities as she speaks. She'd presented the Crown Jewels of Alderaan as collateral on the deal, but to keep it from being discredited by Tardi being found out, the droid had to be "killed" by Vader.  But Vader gets the last laugh.  Let her have the X-Wings -- he reveals his REAL mission to a stunned Leia, and walks away with the stolen Crown Jewels in hand...

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Larry Hama - June 1981)


Encouraged by recent victories over the Rebellion, Emperor Palpatine commissions the largest Star Destroyer class ever -- larger than even the Super Star Destroyer.  The first of these "Eclipse" class Star Destroyers is designated as his personal flagship.  Construction is halted upon his death a year later, but completed upon his return.  A less powerful variant of the Eclipse - class is created named the “Sovereign” - class (it still overwhelms the original Super Star Destroyer).  The Emperor envisions a fleet of these vessels.  The first of the line, still under construction, is the Sovereign.  Other potential ships in the line include the ‘Autarch’, ‘Despot’ and ‘Heresiarch’.

"SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook." [Page 87 – 89] 


"The Marvel Series: The Last Jedi. (#49)" 

                Luke, Leia, and the droids take a modified Y-Wing in response to a rescue signal from Prince Denid of Velmor, who had had to flee his world twenty years ago to avoid an Imperial-bought mob who had killed his parents.  Travelling to a jungle planet, they face a creature that can instantly heal itself -- until hit by a magnetic polarisation ray by Denid.  He introduces them to Jedidiah, a brain damaged alien who has protected him.  Jedidiah was once invited to become a Jedi, but refused -- a decision that has haunted him to this day.  Luke is far from impressed with him.  They take the prince and his protector back to Velmor, where they interrupt Regent Zelor’s coronation.  Denid is confirmed to be the real thing, and a dyed-blond Leia passes herself off as “Loren,” Denid’s late fiance from Alderaan (hence, no records). “How convenient,” thinks the Imperial diplomat Captain Traal.  At a banquet held in his honour, Denid announces that “Loren” will marry him and become queen.  Traal (working with Zelor) comes on to Luke (who’s disguised as bounty hunter Korl Marcus), trying to hire him to kill Denid and “Loren” tomorrow at the ceremonial games.  Luke pretends to play along.  Returning to his room, he’s stunned to discover that Leia may actually be considering Denid’s proposal...  The next day at the ceremonial games, Luke brings Leia up to speed -- and coldly “congratulates” her.


                Meanwhile, Threepio regretfully learns from a medical droid that Jedidiah’s delusional state cannot be corrected.  When Luke tries to corner Traal, the whole group is shot at by Zelor, who wants the throne with no hassles or allies.  Luke drops his cover and leads Zelor on a hunt in the jungle, while summoning Jedidiah via the Force.  He defeats Zelor, just as Traal aims at him -- and Jedidiah leaps before the blaster and is killed.  Luke knocks her out as well.  Leia tells Denid that her place is with the Rebels, and refuses his proposal.  Luke arranges for a noble outer space funeral service for the “Jedi” he formerly scorned.

This was reprinted in Dark Horse's "Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago."

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Mike W. Barr - July 1981)


“TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #2 – The Sepan Civil War.”                                                              *

Shortly after the destruction of ‘Lulsla’, Stele is transferred from the ‘Fogger’ to Victory Star Destroyer ‘Protector’, commanded by Admiral Harkov.  The ‘Protector’ is sent to the Sepan Sector, to quell a civil war between two races living there, the Ripoblus and the Dimok.  Their first assignment is to come to the aid of a Ripoblus convoy under attack from the Dimok.  Stele’s orders are to leave several of the Dimok alive, though, to report to their superiors on the might of the Empire.  Stele notices something strange aboard ‘Protector’ – morale is extraordinarily low and security is higher than he’s ever seen it before; but he doesn’t have time to dwell on these things before his next mission.  It seems that in retaliation for the Dimok attack on the convoy, the Ripoblus are launching a strike on a Dimok installation. Stele and his fellow pilots are to hold off the Ripoblus forces, demonstrating that the Empire doesn’t favor either side in the civil war, and to make sure that the Dimok installation is not destroyed.  A group of Ripoblus scientists wants out of the war, and they ask asylum from the Empire.  Stele is assigned to escort their stolen shuttles to the ‘Protector’ and protect them from attacking Ripoblus forces that don’t want to lose the scientists.


Harkov holds a secret meeting with a Dimok representative, telling him that he won’t supply weapons to the Dimok until he is paid in full.  Meanwhile, Imperial Intelligence has discovered that someone is supplying the Dimok and the Ripoblus with Imperial weapons, and Stele is given the task of leading a mission to capture Ripoblus and Dimok leaders during a meeting between the two.  Protector’ is scheduled to receive a shipment of the new TIE Advanced Fighters, and Stele is ordered to patrol the area and keep an eye out for Ripoblus and Dimok forces.  Stele and his squad hold off attacking forces, and during the battle he inspects an Imperial shuttle and finds a Rebel aboard, a Rebel who is escorted straight to Harkov’s room.  A member of the Secret Order approaches Stele and lets him know that it is suspected Harkov is planning to defect to the Alliance, and has been selling weapons to both sides of the Sepan War. Soon afterward, Harkov officially declares the Sepan war at an end, and informs both races that the Empire will not stand any further hostilities.  Meanwhile, far away, Darth Vader learns of Harkov’s illicit ties from another envoy of the Emperor, and demands evidence so that Harkov can be dealt with…

My thanks to for writing this summary!

(COMPUTER GAME – Lucasarts Inc. – Lawrence Holland – 1995)  


“X-Wing Alliance – Chapter 1: Clearing the Way.”                                                                     *                                                                  

            Ace Azzameen’s first mission for the Alliance is to hit Imperial supply convoys in the hope it will force the Empire to draw resources off the intense search for Hoth’s survivors.  After successfully doing this, Ace learns from Emon that his brother Antan is still alive, but being held prisoner in a Viraxo base. The two raid the base together and gets Antan out safely.  Ace then rejoins the Alliance and does some recon on an Imperial task force, destroying the probe droids that they launch.  He learns that Admiral Garreth Holtz is leading the search for Rebels.


                A Rebel informant learns that prisoners from Hoth are being shipped to labor camps.  Ace and the Rebels get them out, getting offered free drinks in return.  Aeron calls Ace, asking him to pick up a probot she discovered floating damaged out in space.  After a harrowing chase by pirates, Ace gets the probot to her.  He then rejoins the Rebels as they attack a repair crew meant for Holtz’s damaged flagship, the Star Destroyer ‘Corruptor’.  Following hard on the heels of that is an attack on several Imperial relay stations, meant to mask the real assault on Sensor Array IOS 24.  With the array gone, the Rebels slip through the “hole” in the Imperial sensor net and flees to the Outer Rim.  Admiral Holtz is ordered back to Coruscant in disgrace, limping on a damaged hyperdrive all the way.  Ace is awarded the Medal of Merit and transferred to the Calamari Cruiser ‘Liberty’.

(COMPUTER GAME – Lucasarts Inc. – Lawrence Holland – March 1999)


Imperial Lieutenant Virar Needa begins service on Orbital Solar Energy Transfer Satellite 2711 over the planet Coruscant.

“X-Wing: Wedge’s Gamble” [Page 321].


“SW Adventure Journal: Idol Intentions.”                                                                               *     

                Drake Paulsen and his Wookiee partner Nikaede are enjoying a sumptuous meal at Feyodor’s Tavern on Omman, on the occasion of the Moon Festival.  He’s just starting to enjoy his vacation when a woman named Padjia Anjeri comes and asks him to take a job for her.  She offers 30,000 credits in return for Drake taking her and a pair of passengers offworld immediately.  Drake won’t jump in blind, and demands an explanation.  She reveals a small crystalline statue – an ancient Twi’lek head she saved from being sold on the black market.  She’s an anthropology student who wants to take the statue back to a museum on Ryloth – and avoid those who stole the statue in the first place.  Drake finally accepts the job, only to find stormtroopers killing Padjia’s “passengers.”  They’re sent on a chase through the capital city, with the troopers clearly out to kill the lot of them.  They run across a lightsaber - wielder – another of the passengers named Colonel Tyneir Renz.  They make their way to a smuggler hideout and Drake’s waiting ship, the ‘Steadfast’.  Drake and Padjia are growing quite romantic, and he learns that Renz is a Jedi – and Padjia’s father.  He takes the group off Omman towards Derora, a moon in the Birjis system.  She also reveals that the “idol” is the crystallized ashes of a Jedi hero from 4,000 years ago.  The Rebels are trying to forge an alliance with the Twi’leks, and the idol is the key to pulling it off.  At the Rebel base on Derora, the idol is presented to the Nercathi clan.  General Cracken offers Drake a job, but the smuggler refuses, says goodbye to Padjia, and heads off for other jobs…

(SHORT STORY – West End Games – Patricia A. Jackson – February 1997)   


“TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #3 – Battle on the Frontier.”                                                             *

Vice Admiral Thrawn, commander of the Star Destroyer ‘Stalwart’, has been given yet another task far below his capabilities.  He is to crush the pirate activity in the Pakuuni system, to safen the trade routes in that area.  His plan is first to demolish the pirates, and then set up an Imperial presence in the system to keep the surviving pirates from reestablishing themselves.


Meanwhile, in order to get their agent away from Harkov, the Secret Order has had Stele transferred to the Frigate ‘Ludwick’, led by Commander Buckeye, and part of the small force under Thrawn’s command.  They are to be part of the initial force sent in to scatter the pirates.  Their first assignment is to destroy a significant pirate staging area.  In TIE Bombers, Stele and his fellow pilots take out several pirate Corvettes, as well as many containers worth of the pirates’ supplies.


Now that the pirates have been driven out of the area, the ‘Ludwick’ is ordered to hold the position secure while a convoy hypers in with supplies to begin construction of the new Imperial base in the sector. The station is constructed quickly, and named NL-1.  The Rebels, not realizing how firmly in control the Empire is in the Pakuuni system, stage an attack on NL-1, which is repelled by Stele and his wingmen.


Shortly after the Rebel attack, Thrawn decides upon a surprise inspection of his new base.  All of the station’s Fighters and Interceptors are undergoing repairs and maintenance, however, so his only escort is Stele and two wingmen flying TIE Bombers.  The Rebels attack again during the inspection, and fortunately Stele is able to hold them off – barely.  Thrawn approves of NL-1’s effectiveness, and he starts escorting in support troops and ships with the ‘Stalwart’.

My thanks to for writing this summary!

(COMPUTER GAME – Lucasarts Inc. – Lawrence Holland – 1995)


"The Marvel Series: The Crimson Forever. (#50)" 

                In the midst of a TIE Fighter beatdown, Lando and Chewie in the ‘Falcon’ are saved by the arrival of Leia’s Corellian Corvette.  She asks them to abandon the search for Han -- for the time being -- because Luke has contracted a lethal illness.  This Imperial - made plague, the “Crimson Forever,” was accidentally responsible for the death of an entire Star Destroyer crew.  When Luke and a boarding party discovered the Star Destroyer, they were also infected.  Luke is the only one still alive -- barely.  His eyes have turned crimson, and soon his skin will as well -- and then he dies.  The heroes arrive at the temporary base on Golrath, where Chewie is asked about a red gem found on the Star Destroyer -- a gem responsible for the disease.  He is asked about an earlier adventure with Han concerning red gems.


           With Luke’s condition worsening fast, the Rebels take off for the Red Nebula -- only to find a damaged Tagge Mining Explorer standing between them and the Nebula.  The crew’s dead of Crimson, but IG-88 is there, and it leads them to... Domina Tagge.  She’s the cause of this whole mess, having stolen the jewels only to have the Star Destroyer attack and take one.  She orders Bossk, Zuckuss and Dengar to take their spacesuits to allow them to escape.  Lando bluffs, saying his suit malfunctioned and he has the plague. The panic allows the heroes an escape through the airlock.  As the ‘Falcon’ starts to leave them to their fate, Domina plays her trump card -- she knows how to cure Luke.


           The heroes take Domina and the bounty hunters to the derelict Star Destroyer.  There, the two living gems are reunited, negating the Crimson Forever.  The Imperials are all dead and can’t be saved.  But Luke hung on, and is thus cured.  After sending the Star Destroyer out of the galaxy, Leia tips off the bounty hunters about Domina’s anti - Imperial crimes, earning her a trip to prison and the hunters some money.

This was reprinted in Dark Horse's "Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago."

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - August 1981)


“SW Adventure Journal: Firepower.”

            An attempted smash-and-grab of an Imperial cargo carrier goes terribly wrong, and the remains of an X-Wing squadron flies back to Karatha empty-handed.  The squadron leader, Stevan “Mak” Makintay is burning with rage over the defeat, one pilot killed.  He’s going nuts over how the Empire’s winning everywhere lately – and his day doesn’t get any better when a tech named Merinda suggests finding an expert to build replacement parts for X-Wings rather than going to steal them.  He has just such an expert in mind - his ex - girlfriend, Ketrian Altronel, the reason his father stripped him of his noble title and sent him to a penal colony for a year.  On Hargeeva, Ketrian is in the process of presenting now - Imperial Governor Makintay a new version of a mineral called ostrine.  He likes what he sees, and declares it all top secret. Ketrian is escorted back to her hotel, where she meets with Mak.  She doesn’t want to listen at first, but Mak manages to persuade her to.  But he can’t persuade her to help.  It soon becomes academic when the Imperials attack the hotel and captures them both, as well as a friend of hers named Alikka Nolan.  She wakes up in a prison hospital, furious at Mak for getting her into this mess.  She learns from Major Niall Pedrin just how ruthless the Empire can be – they’re torturing and drugging Mak, trying to get the location of the Rebels from him.  He plans to ship her to Coruscant tomorrow with her osirine to continue research. She begs Pedrin to let her talk to Mak, to try to find the base’s location herself.  In return, they’ll let Alikka go.  He agrees.


                Mak doesn’t give her the location, and coldly tells her Alikka was tortured to death in front of him.  The Imperial transport they’re on is suddenly jumped by pirates, and the Imperials jump ship – leaving them stranded.  They find themselves at a pirate enclave, with Ketrian growing sick from a slow -acting poison administered earlier by Pedrin.  The two find their way to the Rebels, where Ketrian is cured. Now the two former lovers are lovers again – and Ketrian’s alloy can now be used to improve the firepower of X-Wings…

(SHORT STORY – West End Games – Carolyn Golledge – November 1995)


“SW Adventure Journal: Desperate Measures.”                                                                     *

            Mak” Makintay watches helplessly as his beloved Ketrian Altronel slowly succumbs to the poison within her. Nothing Rebel medics have done seem to help her. Vowing not to let the woman he loves die, Mak decides to hunt down the man who poisoned her – Major Pedrin. Commander Biros Baran refuses to let him go. He slugs Baran and takes off anyway. He returns to Hargeeva, where he learns Pedrin has been demoted and is being shipped out tomorrow.  He decides on Plan B – kidnap Pedrin from his apartment that night. He stuns the Major and finds a woman he was beating named Thera Capens. He takes her and the stunned Pedrin back to his ship and takes off. Mak almost tortures Pedrin himself to get the antidote out of him, then puts a blaster to Pedrin’s head. Pedrin swears up and down that Trypanid (which the Rebels already gave Ketrian) should have fixed the poison – something else must be wrong with her. Mak decides on Plan C – instead of going to the Rebel base, send an interrogation team out into space to deal with Pedrin. (Which is just as well – Pedrin has a tracking device planted in his body.) Thera suddenly realizes this, and Mak cuts the transponder out of Pedrin and throws it out the airlock. Then he promises Thera a chance to give Pedrin his own medicine. Pedrin begs Mak to keep her away from him – he’ll personally cure Ketrian if he takes Pedrin back to the Rebel base. Mak takes him to the base infirmary. He’s sickened to find a Hargeevan nurse about to inject more poison into Ketrian – that’s why she’s dying!! Pedrin takes advantage of the situation, jabbing a scapel into Mak’s back, grabbing his blaster and taking him and the nurse (Griek) hostage. Greik throws herself at Pedrin as the Rebels run in, taking the fatal blaster bolt meant for Ketrian. Mak is bandaged up, and Ketrian is finally cured. She uses blackmail to save Mak from court-martial, and the couple prepares for a bright future together…

(SHORT STORY – West End Games – Carolyn Golledge – May 1996)


Dengar steals an Imperial prison barge with the Rebels’ help, and uses it to get a hundred thousand Aruzans (including Manaroo’s family) out of the Empire’s hands and into safety.

“Tales of the Bounty Hunters: Payback - the tale of Dengar.”


"The Marvel Series: The Tarkin. (#51 - 52)" 

                Dying X-Wing pilot Maraba Tev rushes to the Rebel fleet with some shocking news.  He dies from internal injuries before he gets there, but the nearest Frigate snags, disables, and tows aboard the X-Wing to find the corpse and a message canister.  The Rebel heroes are hastily assembled -- Leia and Threepio from scouting out a potential Rebel base (only to get nearly killed by gundarks), Luke from the same (only to nearly get killed by a AT-ST), and finally Lando and Chewie (just about to snag someone who might know where Fett was before getting distracted by the call long enough for him to get away). General Rieekan reveals their mission: the Empire has constructed a stripped - down version of the Death Star’s superlaser near the planet Hockaleg, dubbed “The Tarkin.”  No starfighter attack will succeed -- they have to go in undercover and sabotage it.  Everyone’s invited except for Lando, who no one really trusts yet.  While they board, Vader (who recently sent a captain walking out an airlock for missing Luke earlier) realises Luke is aboard the ‘Tarkin’ as well, and orders all security pulled from the reactor system. Unbeknownst to him, several Imperial officers who have gotten sick and tired of Vader killing them off indiscriminately have banded together to kill Vader.  And as Vader orders troops to cover escape routes, they decide the time has come to act.


                Meanwhile, Lando gets out of the ‘Falcon’s’ secret compartment, determined to prove his worth and earn the Rebels’ trust.  While Threepio and Artoo (accidentally, of course) destroy the Tarkin’s tractor beam generator, Leia starts mowing down stormtroopers, and Luke walks toward the reactor -- and the waiting Vader...  Just then, the officers make their move, opening an airlock right behind Vader.  It takes everything Vader has to pull himself back in, and Luke everything he has just to stay where he is. Leia finds herself at the mechanism to activate the superlaser, and reverses its polarity.  The group reassembles and steals a ship, as Lando smooth - talks the troopers off the ‘Falcon’ and takes off, shooting TIE’s off the heroes’ ship and taking them aboard.  Vader’s had it.  He sets off in his own Advanced TIE, determined to take the Falcon any way he can.  As he pounds the ship, Luke jettisons the Falcon’s water supply, pelting -- and disabling -- Vader’s TIE with ice boulders.  The Tarkin’s crew aims the superlaser, hoping to take out the ‘Falcon’ and Vader both.  The sabotaged ‘Tarkin’ explodes.  The ‘Falcon’ gets away, and Vader is picked up by Imperials later.    

This was reprinted in Dark Horse's "Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago."

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - David Michelinie - September-October 1981)


Oola is captured on Ryloth by Bib Fortuna and sold into slavery as a dancer of Jabba the Hutt. 

"Tales from Jabba's Palace" and "SW RPG Trilogy Special Edition Sourcebook."  Oola met Luke Skywalker during his Tatooine 'vacation' in "Shadows of the Empire" four months later.


“TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #4 – Conflict at Mylok IV.”                                                               *

Stele is transferred yet again, to another frigate – the ‘Shamus’ this time, under the command of esteemed Admiral Zaarin.  At around this time Stele is really beginning to gain a reputation among the other pilots – for being transferred often completely randomly, and for going off seemingly on his own initiative and turning up rebels and weapons and other such.


Admiral Zaarin has been negotiating with the Habeen for new starfighter hyperspace systems that they have been developing, but the Habeen’s allies, the Nharwaak, don’t think the technology should be supplied to the Empire.  The Habeen send a convoy to rendezvous with ‘Shamus’ containing prototype hyperdrives for the new TIE Advanced, and Stele and his wingmen are given the task of destroying any Nharwaak attack on the convoy, which they do.


The Nharwaak, in return, decide to supply the Rebellion with those same prototype hyperdrives. Zaarin, through his Habeen contacts, learns this, and decides that it is time to take care of the Nharwaak. Stele and his squadron are assigned several TIE Bombers and given orders to destroy the Nharwaak base at Mylok IV.  Stele succeeds in the attack, destroying the hyperdrive technology before it can be delivered to the Rebels.  The Nharwaak stage an immediate reprisal, and launch an attack on the Habeen Research & Development base.  He is given the task of destroying the attacking Nharwaak Y-wings before they can destroy the Habeen base.


Admiral Zaarin arranges a formal rendezvous with the Habeen at Mylock IV for the following day.  There, he and the Habeen leaders are to formalize their technology deal.  The Habeen will be granted full Imperial citizenship, and Zaarin hopes to gain favor with the Emperor for gaining the hyperdrive technology.  Intelligence discovers that the Nharwaak are still dealing with the Rebels, and task Zaarin with ending that deal once and for all.  Zaarin follows the Nharwaak convoy to their rendezvous with the rebel Frigate ‘Xerxes’, and destroys all ships in the convoy, as well as the Rebel frigate.  Meanwhile, Stele has been examining his priorities, and he finds that he doesn’t hate the Rebels, and finds no joy in killing them. Now it’s just duty.

My thanks to for writing this summary!

(COMPUTER GAME – Lucasarts Inc. – Lawrence Holland – 1995)


A stripped-down and slightly more economical version of the TIE Advanced enters Imperial service. This version’s solar wings is a cross between Vader’s and the TIE Interceptor’s.

“TIE Fighter.”


“TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #5 – Battle for Honor.”                                                                      *

The Emperor’s Secret Order is closing in on Harkov, and they want an agent, namely Stele, on the scene, so he is transferred back to the ‘Protector’.  Meanwhile, Harkov’s defection is rapidly drawing closer, and he gets word from one of his advisors that Stele may be a spy, so he orders an accident arranged.  An envoy of the Emperor approaches Stele and tells him to keep his eyes open, and that if things get sticky, to call for reinforcements; they will be standing by.


Stele is ordered on a training mission with two rookies to destroy a small minefield, showing the rookies how it’s done.  However, one look at his wingmen tells him that these are no rookies, and he knows this is when the bantha poodoo is going to hit the ventilation system.  When they open fire on him during the mission, he calls for reinforcements as advised, and the modified Frigate ‘Osprey’ jumps into system to pick him up, and launches several fighters to clear the way for him.


Now that the Empire has evidence that Admiral Harkov is up to no good, they can start actively attacking him.  After the betrayal, however, Stele wants nothing more to do with this assignment, until a member of the Secret Order lets him know that it was Harkov who murdered Admiral Mordon.  The ‘Osprey’, along with Stele, start out by destroying a Rebel base that they suspect has been supplying Harkov with materiel.  Next, they attack a supply convoy rendezvousing with the ‘Protector’, and discover in the assault that Harkov is no longer on board his flagship.  They trace his location to Rebel station DS-3, which they subsequently attack, flushing Harkov out.  Not only does the Empire capture Harkov, but they have also gained a new deep space station.


Darth Vader personally leads Harkov’s interrogation, but the defector dies before disclosing the location of his fleet.  Stele is promoted from Captain to Major in the Imperial Navy.

My thanks to for writing this summary!

(COMPUTER GAME – Lucasarts Inc. – Lawrence Holland – 1995)


When a delegation of Partolds visit Jabba, his protocol droid mistranslates the envoy’s compliment into a vulgar insult.  The envoy is fed to the Rancor.  The next day, when the upset delegation refuses to pay any tithes to Jabba, and the mistranslation is discovered, the droid is slowly disintegrated over ten shifts, all the while protesting that it was reprogrammed by a palace guard.

“Tales of Jabba’s Palace: A Bad Feeling -- the tale of EV-9D9.”


“The Marvel Series: The Alderaan Factor. (#86)”

              Princess Leia is sent on a diplomatic mission to Yinchorr, only to be double-crossed by the Yinchorri.  Their ruling council is being held hostage by Governor Wessel in return for her.  But when the shuttle arrives at Yinchorr, Wessel orders the shuttle shot down.  Leia only has enough time to activate a signal beacon given her by Luke before the crash.  When she comes around, she finds one of the TIE pilots who had been shot down pulling her out.  Even more shocking, he’s from Alderaan, and blames her for that planet’s destruction.  Fending off beasts and rough terrain, the stormtrooper drags Leia towards Wessel, even as her arguments begin to sink in...


                  When they arrive, Wessel has the Council executed in front of her.  This sight of cruelty is finally too much for the unnamed stormtrooper, and he helps Leia get free from Wessel’s clutches just as the Falcon arrives.  Just as they start to escape, the Alderaanian stormtrooper is shot and killed.  And all a grief-stricken Leia is left with is the trooper’s necklace, containing a piece of her vaporized homeworld... (65)

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Randy Stradley - August 1984)


"The Marvel Series: The Last Gift from Alderaan / A Stranger Among Us. (#53-54)" 

                Princess Leia is sent out to Shiva IV, a uninhabited planet in the middle of nowhere that’s strangely getting a lot of Imperial traffic.  Just as her starship approaches, it is smashed by a minefield.  Leia locks herself in a shuttle and launches out to save the ship.  The shuttle crash-lands, and Leia is found a few days later by a group of semi-savage warlords from the Calian Confederacy, who beat several outcasts off her.  She can’t understand their language, but she learns the leader’s name -- Aron.  They travel in hovercraft to the city of K’avor, which recently lost contact with them.  They find the city in smoking ruins.  Leia recognises the effect - an antimatter bomb -- and uses sign language to warn Aron and the warriors away.  Six weeks pass.  Aron recognises in wild tales that he destroyed K’avor a potential revolution.  He’s married, but thinking more and more of Leia.  Leia finds herself more and more torn -- she’s hasn’t been this happy in a long time, and living like royalty is bringing back all her buried memories and sorrow for Alderaan.   


                An Imperial attack carries off Leia and Aron.  They are brought before General Sk’ar of the Outcasts, who have allied with the Empire.  And Delois, one of Aron’s most trusted aides, is with them. They explain that another antimatter bomb is meant for Aron’s capital of Illyruaqum. In the aftermath, the Empire will take over and use the survivors as troops.  The two break out and rush back to the city, just as the antimatter bomb begins to fall.  They fight the bomb and the Imperial reinforcements -- just as Luke and the Rebels arrive.  A badly wounded Leia, struggling to stay awake, manages to defuse the bomb. General Sk’ar starts to escape, easily besting Lando en route, but is killed by Chewbacca.  Over the following week, Sk’ar’s base is destroyed and Delois and his co-conspirators are captured.  Another grand celebration is thrown -- just as a Star Destroyer arrives overhead.  The Falcon rushes out and takes on the Star Destroyer single-handed.  Luke uses the Force to guide the Falcon safely around a black hole that swallows the pursuing Star Destroyer.  Luke, realising how much she has come to love Shiva IV, gently offers to leave Leia there, officially listed as “missing,” in hopes of her finding the peace and happiness she so desperately wants. But Leia vows to play her role as a Rebel to finish.  

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Chris Claremont - November-December 1981)


One of the many probe droids sent to search for the hidden main Rebel base (which was just attacked on Hoth) discovers a Rebel base on Taul in the Gunthar system and destroyed by Rebels of the world’s small outpost before it could send its report.  When no word is received from the probe droid, the Dominator is sent to check out what has happened.  The result is a major ground battle between Imperial and Rebel ground forces in the swamps of Taul.

Conjecture based on ‘Uninvited Guests’. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


“X-Wing Alliance: Chapter 2 – Secret Weapons of the Empire.”                                            *                                            

                Ace Azzameen is transferred to the CRS ‘Liberty’, which is investigating a strange rash of attacks on civilian and Rebel cargo ships in the Vilonis Sector.  En route to the ‘Liberty’, Ace and another pilot are drawn off by a distress call.  They find a cargo convoy being cut to shreds by a strange new variety of TIE, flanked by an escort cruiser.  Ace and the pilot beat off the attack and joins the ‘Liberty’, where Ace receives the Kalidor Crescent for his bravery.  The Rebels move out to capture some TIE prototypes for reverse engineering.  They manage to capture two distinct brands of prototypes and an ETR.  Ace is then summoned by Antan to join Emon in an attempt on K’Arymn Viraxo’s life as he heads toward a resort in the Destreg II system.  It turns out to be a setup, as the Viraxo yacht is found to be empty and bounty hunters ambush the two brothers. They manage to escape.


                The Rebels learn that the TIEs are unmanned, remote controlled by the ETRs.  Intelligence uncovers a production facility that commandos raid (with Ace and the pilots covering).  They raid the computer core and then destroy the facility.  They find the project, led by a Director Lenzer, is an attempt to create fully automated droid TIEs – TIEs incapable of fatigue or error, and totally loyal to the Emperor. After fending off an ambush on the ‘Liberty’ by these new TIEs, the pilots attack Lenzer’s facility and destroy it as well as a Master Control ship built for the project.  Lenzer flees, and is believed killed.  But the project is not completely lost – Admiral Zaarin does manage to capture the facility’s computer core, almost intact…

(COMPUTER GAME – Lucasarts Inc. – Lawrence Holland – March 1999) 


"The Marvel Series: Plif. (#55)" 

                The Rebels have at long last found their “Salvation” -- a new base world called Arbra.  They’ve also found a race of incessantly cute pink-furred, long-eared bunny rabbits called Hoojibs.  The fleet is awaiting word in orbit, as Lando sets out for Cloud City to see if there’s something he can do to free it from the Imperials.  That night, their base is suddenly drained of power by the Hoojibs, who seem to feed off it.  They reveal they are sentient, communicating by telepathy.  The spokes - Hoojib, Plif, explains that they needed the energy, because a flying green creature called a Slivilith has taken up residence in the crystal -filled cave they usually get energy from.  The Rebels and Hoojibs team up to impale the Slivilith on the crystals in the cave.  The giant cave is the perfect location for the new base -- but the Hoojibs don’t like the idea of the Rebels moving into their home.  The dispirited Rebels decide to leave -- until Plif invites them to stay as “guests... indefinitely.”  Within a few days, the Rebel Alliance starts to move in. Meanwhile, Lando arrives at Cloud City -- to find it completely deserted...

And to think I typed that with a straight face... ;D

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - David Michelinie - January 1982)


"The Marvel Series: Coffin in the Clouds. (#56 - 57)" 

                Finally returning to Cloud City, Lando finds the gas mine seemingly deserted.  A check of the city computer reveals an evacuation, due to “some dire emergency.”  He’s suddenly jumped by a malfunctioning Lobot, hell-bent on killing him. Meanwhile, an Imperial bomb squad arrives to locate several explosives placed throughout the city by the Ugnaughts.


                Meanwhile, the Rebel base on Arbra is being quickly completed.  Luke, and a new pilot named Shira Brie head out to Bespin to check on Lando -- who at that moment is being chased across Cloud City by stormtroopers.  He sends a few into the carbon-freezing pit just as the first bomb explodes.  He then discovers and makes a truce with Imperial captain Treece, his replacement as Cloud City’s governor. From him, he learns there are 10 other Ugnaught bombs in the city.  He manages to get Lobot under control, repairs his cyber-circuitry, and asks him to deactivate the bombs.  He does. At which point Treece literally throws Lando out of Cloud City -- and falling toward Bespin...  But Lobot won’t let his friend down, and jumps after him with a jetpack.  He slows Lando down enough that they land on Bespin’s swampy surface intact.  He is found by Ugnaughts, who take him to their capitol and their leader, King Ozz, who tells him that Treece had turned Cloud City into a slave camp for his own profit.


                The Ugnaughts, Lando, and Lobot return to Cloud City to find the Imperials in a firefight with Luke and Shira.  Treece shoots Lobot in the head before he can reactivate the explosives, but an angry Luke uses the Force to detonate them himself.  The Imperials take off in a panic.  Luke reveals that he only blew the primers, and that the city is safe.  Lobot is repaired and made temporary governor, while Lando sends Treece’s money to Vader’s account on Aargau.  The Rebels take off. (66)

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - David Michelinie - February-March 1982)


"The Marvel Series: Sundown. (#58 - 59)" 

                Luke and Lando take off from Arbra on a mission while the Rebels consider a desperate ploy -- hiding the fleet in Arbra’s sun.  With the aid of a Kertsbhrg generator, the fleet is put in hiding just in time as Imperial fighters fly by the system. Artoo discovers the generator is malfunctioning -- just as Leia and the others leave.  The two droids undergo a dangerous spacewalk to connect the generator to a cruiser to boost the shields.


                Luke and Lando arrive at the spaceship / market of Bazarre, to be met by Orion Ferret, head of the station. He’s got the four TIE’s they’ve wanted on Patch-4, a disposal planet.  They take a small shuttle out there, but find the TIEs guarded by a huge snake-like critter...


                They’re saved by a group of intergalactic hoboes, who explain that Ferret owns “Ceasar.”  They help them knock out the monster.  Then the Rebels return to face Ferret on Bazarre.  After harassing him and telling him they gave the hoboes the means to control Ceasar, they return to Arbra with the TIEs.   

This was reprinted in Dark Horse's "Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago."

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - David Michelinie - April-May 1982)


"The Marvel Series: Shira's Story. (#60 - 63)" 

                With the TIEs captured from Ferret, Luke and Shira Brie are able to smash an Imperial outpost, as well as gain info about a secret armada the Empire is assembling.  Shira asks to return to her home of Shalyvane for a while.  Leia refuses, but Luke -- who has fallen completely in love with the spunky pilot -- insists on taking her himself.  At an ancient ruin in the ruined town of Chinshassa, Shira performs what seems a religious ritual -- one that’s interrupted by the same group of barbarians that destroyed that town and Shira’s family.  She explains her life story -- how the barbarians were in league with Imperials who destroyed the town due to feared insurrection.  The ritual she was performing was in memory of her family and that tragedy.  Shira almost singlehandedly fights her way past the barbarians and gets Luke off Shalyvane.


When they return, Shira is honored with the Burdine Cluster and a promotion to Captain.  Now it’s time to infiltrate the armada, currently en route to Coruscant with a Teezl -- an organic communicator, last of its kind. Luke, Shira, and Rogue Squadron fly into the armada with the stolen TIEs, and starts hitting ship after ship.  The armada’s commander, Admiral Giel, tries to use the Teezl against the Rebel TIEs, but Luke switches to the Force and, after shooting a TIE out of the way, cripples Giel’s ship, killing the Teezl. But when he gets back to Arbra, the Rebels confront him with shocking news: Shira Brie is dead.  And Luke was the one who killed her.


Luke protests -- the Force told him he was shooting an enemy!  But the evidence is irrefutable. And -- except for his friends -- the Rebels have all turned against him.  He vows to get to the bottom of this. Lando helps when he “accidentally” leaves the ‘Falcon’s’ door open, with the keys in the ignition (so to speak).  Chewie does insist on going along, though.  He flies to Shalyvane, hoping for a clue of some kind. He runs right back into those angry barbarians.  He meets with an old barbarian, who tells him that there never were humans in Chinshassa -- that it was his people the Empire bombed out of town.  Confused, Luke uses the Force to win a shell game, thus winning the barbarians’ favor.  He’s accompanied back to the site of Shira’s ritual, where he finds a transmitter (?!?) And when he activates it, he’s greeted by... Vader.


Vader coldly informs Luke that his girlfriend was in fact his agent, assigned to either kill Luke (which she didn’t) or ruin his credibility (which she did).  He says Luke has nowhere to go now but to him. Furious, Luke floors it toward the Imperial data vault on Krake’s planet, to get hard proof of Shira’s treachery.  So does Vader.  Luke resorts to subtlety to sneak into the vault, using blackmail to get the file on Shira.  He and Chewie take off, blowing up the data vault and escaping right under Vader’s nose.  He’s cleared of all wrongdoing and reinstated in the Alliance.


While elsewhere, Vader watches Shira slowly recover from her injuries in a bacta tank...

Parts of this was reprinted in Dark Horse's "Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago."

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - David Michelinie - June-September 1982)


Shira is returned to Coruscant.  There, the Emperor’s scientists use their most advanced cybernetics to save her.  Soon after her recovery, Lord Vader begins to train her in the ways of the Dark Side, hoping (in the event Luke dies) to have an apprentice when he deposes the Emperor.   Shira boldly embraces the dark path Vader lays before her, and begins a new life.  From that moment on, Shira Brie ceases to exist.  She becomes Lumiya, Dark Lady of the Sith.

“SW Galaxy Magazine: Lumiya – Dark Star of the Empire.”


“TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #6 – Arms Race.”                                                                             *

Harkov having been brought to justice, Major Stele is transferred to Admiral Zaarin’s starfighter Research & Development facility, the leading advanced starfighter facility in the Empire.  Currently, he is working on upgrading TIE Advanced fighters with new hyperdrives from the Habeen, as well as wrapping up construction of a new type of starfighter, one of which he is especially proud – the TIE Defender.  Stele gets to know Zaarin over the course of a few weeks, and even though the man is extremely friendly, there is something about his demeanor that makes Stele uncomfortable.


As the first prototype Defenders come out of production, they are to be shipped to another facility before making the final journey to Coruscant for Emperor Palpatine’s approval.  Stele is tasked with escorting them to the hyper point, which is fortunate, because before they get there the prototypes are attacked by a squadron of Rebel fighters.  Once they reach their destination, the Defenders are to be loaded onto escort carrier ‘Hininbirg’ for the final leg of their journey.


When word reaches Darth Vader of the breach in security concerning the Defender project he suspects something is wrong, because Admiral Zaarin is known for being a very cautious commander. Meanwhile, Stele is approached by Major Trace, another agent of the Secret Order, who after having him swear to secrecy, reveals to Stele that he is actually Hamo Blastwell, a Rebel spy. Stele is upset over this, for he has been questioning his own loyalty to the Empire, whose morals and ethics seem to him at times quite wrong.


Soon afterward, Admiral Zaarin receives a communique from Imperial Intelligence saying that Galactic Electronics in the Corporate Sector has been selling new technologies to the Rebels, and he is ordered to destroy their facilities, capture their technologies, and take prisoner their staff.  Zaarin goes out in his Imperial Star Destroyer ‘Glory’, and succeeds on all fronts.  One of the prisoners who turns up is Stele’s father, who it seems has been a slave of the Empire since the Bordali / Kuan war was ended nearly a year ago, but Stele doesn’t have the power to do anything about that.

My thanks to for writing this summary!

(COMPUTER GAME – Lucasarts Inc. – Lawrence Holland – 1995)


“TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #7 – Treachery at Ottega.”                                                                *

Due to his excellent record, Stele is transferred to Imperial Star Destroyer ‘Garret’, a ship under Darth Vader’s direct command, to be placed in an elite starfighter unit.  He starts training in the brand new TIE Defenders.  After a little while, Intelligence locates the remains of Harkov’s fleet.  An Imperial fleet jumps in with the Interdictor ‘Harpax’, and in a prolonged battle destroy most of ‘Protector’s’ escort, including the Frigate ‘Akaga’.  After the starfighter threat and most of the capital ships have been eliminated, ‘Garret’ herself is brought into the fray to deal with ‘Protector’.  Protector’ is destroyed.


Meanwhile, Hamo escaped for Zaarin’s facility with plans for the TIE Defender.  Stele is brought to the bridge of the ‘Garret’, where he meets Darth Vader himself!  Vader asks him for everything he knows about Admiral Zaarin, and reveals to him that it is suspected Zaarin may be trying to overthrow the Emperor.  Vader assembles a group of five of his best pilots, and the six of them take of in Defenders to punch through Zaarin’s lines and rendezvous with the ‘Osprey’, and from there travel to Coruscant to warn the Emperor.


When they arrive at the ‘Osprey’, they find that somehow the Emperor has already been abducted, and is being transferred to Zaarin’s ‘Glory’.  Vader, Stele, and his flight group manage to rescue the Emperor, and Zaarin escapes with his fleet.  Stele by this point seriously doubts the Empire’s methods, and he wants out, but in return for Stele’s father’s life and freedom, Stele promises continued loyalty to the Empire.  Major Maarek Stele is personally and publicly honored and awarded by Darth Vader, in attendance of the Emperor, the highest possible honor for a defender of the Empire.

My thanks to for writing this summary!

(COMPUTER GAME – Lucasarts Inc. – Lawrence Holland – 1995)


"The Marvel Series: Golrath Never Forgets. (#65 - 66)" 

                In the aftermath of the Shira Brie disaster, a new emergency has popped up -- a rock paperweight a Rebel took from the former base on Golrath is discovered to be able to record and playback images of things that happened around it.  Since the whole planet of Golrath is made up of that type of rock, that means the whole base is one big spy that can tell the Empire a lot -- up to and including Arbra’s location! The Rebels race to Golrath, but an Imperial squad has already beaten them there, led by now Lieutenant Mils Giel.  Leia sneaks into the base as the X-Wings keep the TIEs busy above. But Giel is waiting for her in the reactor room.  Surprisingly, he wants to help her blow the base -- just so she can die with it!  She manages to escape anyway, as does Giel.  The base explodes, and everyone jumps to hyperspace -- except for Luke, whose hyperdrive was crippled by a lucky shot from Giel...


Luke rushes to the nearby world of Beheboth, hiding out from the TIEs.  Bartering for groceries at the outpost of Garrotine, he learns there’s no water to be sold -- and then he’s jumped by locals who think he’s a “Brigand.”  He’s saved from a lynching by a woman named Dariel Anglethorn, who explains that Beheboth’s moisture farms have been getting hit by the Brigands.  She hires Luke as a guard.  Only that night, someone drugs the drinking water... and the next morning, the farm is a shambles and Dariel is gone. Luke trails her to the Brigand hideout, only to be taken and brought before their leader, Gideon Longspar. They learn that the poisoned water was in a fact a life - form of mist called the Tirrith.  They’re not too happy about how the Brigands are forcing them to do their dirty work, so they help Luke and Dariel escape. In return, Luke frees the rest of the Tirrith from their tank cage.  Blowing up the hideout’s water tanks, the heroes return to Dariel’s farm, where the Tirrith seeds the clouds and brings rain to the arid world.  Luke repairs his ship and returns to Arbra.  

Parts of this were reprinted in Dark Horse's "Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago."

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - David Michelinie - November-December 1982)


“X-Wing Alliance: Chapter 3 – Over the Fence.”                                                                     *

                The Alliance begins receiving transmissions on an old Rebel frequency deep in Imperial space. The transmissions provide the location of a Bothan slave convoy.  Ace Azzameen and the Rebel pilots move in and rescues the convoy.  Ace is then drawn off by Aeron to attack a Viraxo convoy ferrying warheads to the Imperials.  As a way of “killing two mynocks with one stone,” they then turn around and hand the warheads to the Rebels. Black Sun starships jump in, but are beaten off.  It seems the Viraxo have been trying to court Black Sun’s favor.


                Another mystery call comes in, this time supplying the location of an Imperial research facility in the Kuat system.  The Rebels discover it to be a reactor research base of some kind, which they blow up. Increasingly curious about their mystery benefactor, the Rebels send Ace to do some recon on an Imperial comm relay in hopes of finding where the signals are coming from.  A Corvette moves in and boards the relay station, taking the computer logs.  They trace the signal to one Commander Zaletta, who announces his wish to defect.  While preparations are made for that, Anton sends Ace and Aeron back to the relay station to plant a bug that will give them inside info on Viraxo actions.  Despite the interference of some zero-g stormtroopers, they plant the bug successfully.


                Ace receives the Bothan Friendship Award in recognition of his efforts in freeing the slave convoy.  He then helps Commander Kupalo meet with Zaletta and bring him safely to the ‘Redemption’. But a sudden ambush by an Imperial Star Destroyer and Interdictor tag team raises doubts about Zaletta’s true loyalties, and he is thrown in the brig. Suddenly Kupalo takes Zaletta’s shuttle and escapes, blowing up the ‘Redemption’s’ hangar and a few X-Wings – he’s the traitor!  Ace leads the chase and captures him.  It seems he was brainwashed after Hoth into a double agent.  Now he’s a brain - damaged shell.  Ace wins the Mantooine medallion and Zaletta is freed, but the damage is done…

(COMPUTER GAME – Lucasarts Inc. – Lawrence Holland – March 1999)


+4 ASW4


The Resinem Entertainment complex on the planet Borcorash is damaged by debris from an explosion that levels a rival gambling hall down the street.  Over time, the damage to Resinem’s west wall was said to be rather attractive, the random bits of damage weaving themselves into intriguing visual patterns, particularly in the shifting glow of a Borcorash sunset.

"SW: Specter of the Past."


While meditating in the Force, Emperor Palpatine learns of the Ssi-Ruuk.  Contacting them, Palpatine promises them prisoners for entechment (in which the person's life - force is transferred to Ssi-Ruuk ships) in return for Ssi-Ruuvi technology.  He arranges cover stories as the Ssi-Ruuk start gobbling up colony worlds. 

"SW: The Truce at Bakura." 


"The Marvel Series: Serphidian Eyes. (#64)" 

              Imperial activity is building up in the Belial system, so Luke and two pilots are sent to convince the tyrannical King S’Shah of Serphidi to allow the Alliance to keep informants there.  Only S’Shah disagrees -- one of the pilots is killed, and the other, Cinda Tarheel, is taken captive to serve as S’Shah’s dinner.  Escaping from the King’s soldiers, Luke meets up with an aging Serp named Elglih, who hopes to depose the evil King via a jousting tournament.  Luke volunteers to enter the joust in Elglih’s place.  He defeats S’Shah, forced to kill him when he resorts to treachery. Elglih is crowned king of Serphidi, and Luke and Cinda returns to Arbra.

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - David Michelinie - October 1982)


"The Marvel Series: Shadeshine. (Annual #2, continued)" 

                Luke, Lando and C-3PO, investigating rumours of a great power source on the primitive planet of Ventooine, discovers a gold statue of Han in the ruins of an old temple.  The local priest, Vetter Piin, explains that Han once saved them from the dreaded “Shadeshine” -- the same item Luke and Lando came to find.  He uses the statue’s memory stone to have Han recount his adventure for them.  Learning about the room of suspension minerals, the heroes trap the pursuing stormtroopers in the stasis room.

This was reprinted in Dark Horse's "Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago."

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - David Michelinie - November 1982)


"The Marvel Series: The Apprentice.” (Annual #3)"

              Vader is sent by the Emperor to Belderone to crush a Rebel uprising on the third world, Kuthlis. Far below on Belderone, a pair of boys, Flint and Barney, is checking out a landing ship that Flint can “feel” is different from the others.  That ship is the ‘Falcon’, with the Rebel heroes aboard. Flint recognizes the ‘saber Luke’s holding -- his late father was a Jedi Knight.  Of course, Luke denies that he’s a Jedi when asked by Flint.  The boy brings the heroes to meet his mom before heading off to work.  An informant tells the local Imperial officer, General Andrid, of the Rebels’ presence.  He sees no need to inform Vader -- he’ll take care of it himself.  At dinner, Luke’s friends note his two admirers.  He’s uncomfortable with the hero worship.  They’re jumped by Imperials, but they fight them down.


               One of Vader’s spies informs him of Andred’s treachery.  He kills Andred on the spot, and orders Kuthlis be attacked at once. Luke and Chewie races there to warn the Rebel base.  Flint and Barney leads Leia and Lando to a work force outside town  -- and to a group of AT-ATs meant for Kuthlis.  They rush back to town, with the boys desperate to warn the people of the war about to come down over their heads. But the reckless Flint ends up crashing his speeder, apparently killing Barney.  The AT-ATs smash through town, blowing it to bits even as Luke, Leia and Lando capture two and help the Kuthlis X-Wings and landspeeders destroy the rest.  Flint wakes up to find his mother dead and his town in ruins.  The boy is completely shattered, enraged, vowing revenge on everyone over his mother’s corpse.


And at this point, Vader appears before him.  He remembers full well when he was in Flint’s place, and he offers him a chance to get his revenge.  At first, he will have to be a stormtrooper, but eventually Vader will train him in the Dark Side as his second apprentice, giving him power and prestige. Flint accepts.  The Rebels have won, but are saddened by the cost.  Barney is still alive, and asks to join the Rebellion.  He admits that all Flint ever really wanted was power, and now -- they are aware he went with Vader -- now he has it...

This was reprinted in Dark Horse's "Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago."

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Mary Jo Duffy - 1983)


"The Marvel Series: The Darker. (#67)" 

              Exciting news has come to Arbra -- possibly the key to finally finding Han Solo. But as the Rebels gather, Artoo is distracted by a call for help from a dark side cave. Thinking about it, the droid decides his friends will tell him to stop hearing things. He decides “What the heck” and goes into the cave alone. At the meeting, Leia explains that one of three bounty hunters -- Bossk, IG-88, and Dengar -- one of them was working with Fett, but cut out of the reward for Solo. That one might be bitter enough to tell them where Fett is, and they’re going after them.


           As the meeting continues, Plif and the Hoojibs tell Threepio of Artoo’s rash move. They explain that a great evil exists in that cave, one they’ve been careful not to bother. Asking Chewie to come along, Threepio and the Hoojibs go after Artoo. They find a forcefield before them, which they fight through -- to discover old ruins.....and the remains of Artoo. They are confronted by a being in red cloak and hood, calling himself “The Darker.” The Hoojibs try to get help, as the Darker -- a being created from the evil energy of the people who had lived here -- explains that he gave off the call for help, because he wants to escape and “reward” those now spacebound people. He begins manipulating their emotions, turning the Hoojibs into quivering wrecks and Chewie into a raging madman. Threepio runs into the ruins, eventually finding a book of the Arbrans’ last days on the planet -- and learning the Darker lied to them. He hastily puts Artoo back together. The insane Chewie grabs the droids, but falters when Threepio speaks of Han. Chewie and the Hoojibs both attack the Darker, overwhelming him. The city starts to collapse, and they run out and escape.   

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - David Michelinie - January 1983)


"The Marvel Series: The Search Begins. (#68 - 72)" 

                This is it -- the chance to finally get Han back.  Leia and Threepio sets out for Mandalore, supposed homeworld of Boba Fett, where Dengar was last spotted.  En route to the capitol of Kedalbe, they find a slaver caravan that’s suddenly attacked by a familiar Mandalorian warrior.  She jumps in against the slavers, then confronts “Fett” -- who reveals himself to be Fenn Shysa, a Mandalorian Supercommando and acquaintance of Fett during the Clone Wars.  He and fellow warrior Tobbi Dala has been fighting slavers on this world and captured Dengar -- only now Dala’s being held captive by the Imperials.  Shysa intends to trade Dengar for Dala, and there’s little Leia can do about it... except to knock Shysa out and free Dengar.  But no sooner does that happen then the Imperials jump in, taking them all prisoner.


              They are taken to a slaver port carved out of a giant animal skeleton.  Fenn turns the tables on the Imperials, asking Leia to help him free Dala in return for Dengar.  She agrees, and Shysa signals to his fellow underground fighters to attack the city and free the slaves.  Dala is fatally wounded in the escape attempt, but he still manages to blow up the entire city as the others escape.  However, it all turns out to be for naught as far as Leia’s concerned -- Dengar knows nothing.


              For Luke and Lando, the trails for both IG-88(C?) and Bossk both lead to Stenos.  Starting their search at the local bar, they come upon a disgruntled enemy of Lando’s -- a fat guy named Captain Drebble who offers 10,000 to whoever captures him.  One bar brawl later, they’re on the run.  Getting separated in the chase, Luke comes upon some unwelcome old friends of his own -- namely, Rik Duel and Dani.  Duel’s willing to let bygones be bygones and help Luke out.  They find Lando, who’s spotted Bossk with a familiar looking carbonite slab.  They follow, only to find the victim in the slab is Chihdo, and IG-88 and Bossk have them surrounded...


              Rik and Dani counterattacks, but only Luke and Rik are able to escape the trap.  Rik seems to have had a change of heart after learning what happened to Han and Chihdo, and promises to help free them. IG and Bossk, meanwhile, delivers Lando and Dani to Drebble.  The fat merchant intends to freeze them in carbonite himself.  Luke and Rik jumps in as Dani is about to be frozen first.  Chewie and Artoo joins in the rescue, as do the Stenaxes.  IG and Bossk have escaped, but at least the heroes are getting away with their lives -- and with a certain hot-blooded Zeltron stowaway...

Parts of this were reprinted in Dark Horse's "Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago."

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - David Michelinie / Mary Jo Duffy  - February-June 1983)


“TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #8 – Strategic Warfare.”                                                                    *

In an attempt to hamper the Empire’s TIE Advanced production, Admiral Zaarin launches an attack against the inadequately defended Sienar Fleet Systems main starfighter production facilities in the Omar Sector.  Major Stele, now leading the Empire’s most elite fighter group, Alpha Squad, is sent out with a flight of TIE Defenders to cover the evacuation of Imperial personnel from the facilities, and, if possible, to save the facilities themselves.  All the personnel are successfully evacuated, but the factories themselves are destroyed, as is Zaarin’s Frigate ‘Raptor’.  The Empire is forced to mount a large - scale defensive campaign in the Omar sector, because as Zaarin had been the head of Imperial Starfighter Research and Development, he has inside knowledge of the locations and defenses of starfighter manufacturing plants.  Zaarin’s forces are on the run as well, but they need supplies if they are to stand up to the Empire.  They are looting TIE Advanced hi - tech centers all over the Omar sector.


Stele and Alpha Squad are tasked with pushing back Zaarin’s forces from factory ZA-13, a starfighter hyperdrive manufacturing plant which Zaarin has taken over, and, if possible, to disable some of Zaarin’s ships for analysis.  Stele manages to rid the area of Zaarin’s vessels, but the plant’s personnel are gone.  However, the Emperor has demanded further production of TIE Advanced fighters as a high priority, so the Empire restaffs ZA-13, as it is one of the few remaining manufacturing plants in the sector.  It is decided that since the main starfighter facilities have been destroyed, ZA-13 will be upgraded and expanded to support full starfighter production rather than being limited to hyperdrives.  The Rebels ambush the convoy carrying in the expensive supplies, but Alpha Squad destroys them to a ship.  A pair of Nebulon-Bs are brought in as a permanent defensive force for ZA-13.


Analysis of the Rebel Ambush shows that they were using new Magnetic Pulse warheads, which temporarily shut down laser and ion cannon systems.  Intelligence discovers the Rebel Mag Pulse warhead facilities, and Vice Admiral Thrawn is put in charge of the operation to capture those facilities.  Thrawn, with the assistance of Alpha Squad, takes over the plant, only to discover that while they were doing so, Zaarin had launched yet another raid on ZA-13, destroying the factory and one of the Frigates stationed there, but before Thrawn can respond to the situation, Zaarin gets the jump on him, sending in a task force complete with the Interdictor Cruiser ‘Grappler’ to crush Thrawn.  Stele leads Alpha Squad to take out some of Zaarin’s fighters, and then to take out the ‘Grappler’ in their Defenders, while Thrawn in his Victory Star Destroyer ‘Sceltor’ takes on the rest of the task force.  In the fray, the ‘Grappler’ is destroyed, as are the Mag Pulse facilities.  Most of Zaarin’s force is wiped up, and the ‘Sceltor’, though damaged, heads towards Coruscant to report.


All the SFS production plants in the sector destroyed, Zaarin retreats to the Outer Rim to plan the next stage of his campaign against the Empire.  Meanwhile, Emperor Palpatine puts Thrawn in charge of the hunt for Zaarin, and places Colonel Stele and his Alpha Squad under Thrawn’s command.

(COMPUTER GAME – Lucasarts Inc. – Lawrence Holland – 1993)


“TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #9: TIE Defender Technology.”                                                      *

Former Admiral Zaarin, hoping to maintain a technological advantage over the Empire, is stripping the Research & Development Facility where he first created the TIE Defender.  He hopes that by removing the Empire’s advanced starfighter production capabilities, the Rebellion will become more of a threat to the Empire, getting the Empire off of his back for a while.  Admiral Thrawn, however, has no intention of letting Zaarin get away with this, and sends Maarek Stele’s Alpha Squad to destroy Zaarin’s forces in the system.  To fend off further attacks on the Research & Development Facility, the Empire leaves Imperial Star Destroyer ‘Adarga’.


Zaarin really needs Defenders, though, so he launches another, bigger, raid, to take out ‘Adarga’ and capture the station, but Alpha Squad, using the advanced fighters Zaarin created, eventually drive off the attacking forces, although the ‘Adarga’ is destroyed and the station left virtually defenseless.  Zaarin gets really frustrated, and drops his plans to take control of his former base, intending now merely to destroy.  Thrawn, having studied the art Zaarin likes, realizes that this will be Zaarin's plan of action, so he evacuates the facilities, and loads the 3 remaining Defender prototypes onto three separate Corvettes, which will after traveling a circuitous route through hyperspace, give them to Thrawn, who will, in turn, hide them from Zaarin.


Or at least that’s the plan.  However, the Corvettes, coming out of hyperspace, are ambushed by Rneeki Pirates and disabled.  The pirates start to board the Corvettes when Stele takes one of the Defender prototypes and drives the pirates off.  None of the prototypes are taken, but the pirates on the way out do manage to take some of the engineers and technicians who had built the Defenders captive.  Just as things are getting under way again, the Rebels send a small force, having been tipped off by the Pirates as to the location of the Imperials.


The Convoy of Defender bearing Corvettes escapes, successfully rendezvousing with Thrawn.  At the Emperor’s command, Thrawn personally oversees the transfer of the prototypes to Coruscant.  Realizing that TIE Defender’s secrets may have gotten out, and that Zaarin also has TIE Defenders, the Emperor assigns Thrawn to start working on a new fighter to counter the Defender.


Meanwhile, Thrawn has been analyzing Zaarin’s strategy, and seeing that Zaarin’s biggest weakness is his dependence on advanced technologies, predicts that Zaarin will be stripped of his technological advantage and crushed by the new fighter currently in production.  Meanwhile, pirates manage to steal one of the Defender prototypes, greatly angering the Emperor, who only spares Stele’s life because good pilots are in such high demand.

(COMPUTER GAME – Lucasarts Inc. – Lawrence Holland – 1993)


“TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #10 -- New Threats.”                                                                      *

The Rneeki pirates are ransoming the Defender technicians to the highest bidder, which turns out to be the Empire.  But the Imperials are sore about losing the technicians, and have some revenge planned. Once the transaction is complete, Interdictor ‘Red Claw’ jumps into the system, allowing Alpha Squad to destroy the pirates once the ransom has been recovered.  This is all accomplished, but during the fray, some Nami pirates who were working with the Rneeki knock out the ‘Red Claw’s’ hyperdrive.  It is discovered that the pirates who managed to capture the TIE Defender prototype are those same Nami pirates, led by Ali Tarrak.  Some of her men are captured by the Imperials, and it is hoped by Intelligence that their interrogation will lead to the location of the Nami base.  Tarrak attempts a rescue of her men before the ‘Red Claw’s’ hyperdrive is replaced, but it is a failure.  It is discovered during the ‘questioning’ of the Nami that the pirates have been holding negotiations with Zaarin for supplies.


Corvettes from Chemeti Squadron are scheduled to deliver the ‘Red Claw’s’ hyperdrive and pick up the technicians and the ransom, but Zaarin gets word of this, and sends one of his Corvettes with false markings.  The Corvette picks up the technician before and escapes before it is discovered that it isn’t really an Imperial Corvette, and soon afterward the real Chemeti Corvettes arrive and replace the damaged hyperdrive.  Intelligence soon discovers that Tarrak has a source of Defenders, and is planning to sell them to the Rebels.  The Emperor and Admiral Thrawn are concerned about such a potent fighter falling into enemy hands, but Thrawn’s plans are beginning to come to fruition.  He has successfully upgraded several gunboats to a new design, which he calls the Missile Boat, which he believes even Defenders will be no match for.  The Missile Boat is primarily a missile platform the size of a starfighter carrying two bays of forty missiles each.  It also has a new engines system known as the SLAM drive, which essentially draws power from the laser cannon and effectively doubles the top speed of the fighter for short periods.  The Emperor promises Thrawn great rewards if his plans concerning Zaarin and the Missile Boats work.


Thrawn learns of a shipment of Defenders about to be sold to the Rebels, and sends Alpha Squad in Missile Boats to lead an attack culminating in the capture of the Strike Cruiser holding the Defenders. Prisoners taken from the Cruiser provide the location of Tarrak’s TIE Defender manufacturing facilities. Before this information can be utilized, the Rebels launch a massive attack to steal back the Defenders that were going to be sold to them.  Instead of running, Thrawn decides to make a stand, to prove the potency of the Missile Boat.  Alpha Squad is well into the process of decimating the Rebel Fleet before the Rebels decide to retreat.  Soon afterward, Thrawn himself leads an attack on Tarrak’s plant.  Rebels intercede in the attack, led by their flagship ‘Independence’.  Stele becomes a legend and earns himself a promotion when he almost single - handedly destroys ‘Independence’.  The Rebel task force, and the Defender facilities, are destroyed, and Thrawn captures Ali Tarrak.  Thrawn returns to Coruscant with Tarrak, and due to his excellent work and tactics, is promoted to Grand Admiral in a small ceremony.  Emperor’s Hand Mara Jade is present at the ceremony.  Thrawn sees some of himself in Tarrak, and gives her the opportunity to work for the Empire, which she accepts.  With the Nami pirates effectively out of the way, Thrawn again goes after Zaarin.

(COMPUTER GAME – Lucasarts Inc. – Lawrence Holland – 1993)


Grodin Tierce is selected to serve the Emperor as one of the elite Royal Guards.

"SW: Specter of the Past."


“TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #11: The Hunt for Zaarin.”                                                              *

Thrawn learns of a large convoy heading towards Zaarin’s space.  Zaarin is planning on heading into the Unknown Regions, where he will amass a new force with which to attack the Emperor.  Alpha Squad is sent to destroy all military ships in the convoy, and to help capture any cargo carrying vessels. Due to his new legendary status, Stele is being handpicked by the new Grand Admiral Thrawn for all of the most difficult missions.  Thrawn has a task force waiting on hand in case Zaarin decides to intercede with Alpha Squad’s attack personally.  All he sends, however, is a frigate, which is destroyed.  Thrawn judges that Zaarin’s constant loss of ships must really be starting to strain him about now, and decides to keep the pressure up.


It is learned from prisoners taken on the convoy attack that Zaarin is planning on staging a huge ambush on Thrawn's force, and Thrawn decides to send a task force led by Captain Kuuztin and including Alpha Squad to ruin it.  In an act of idiocy, Kuuztin loses his Star Destroyer and his life, so Stele leads the Imperial force out of there.  After that disaster, Thrawn decides on a new tactic to get to Zaarin.  He decides to lure Zaarin into a trap with a new Missile Boat as the bait, but it’s not a tempting enough target, and all Zaarin sends is a small task force with no important ships.  Thrawn decides to make the target even more tempting, and makes sure that it’s leaked that a shipment of New Missile boats will be going by Zaarin’s space soon.  Zaarin sends a large force after this new target, and sends his interdictor cruiser to keep Thrawn’s flagship, Imperial Star Destroyer ‘Grey Wolf’, at bay for a little while.  By the time the interdictor is destroyed, Thrawn’s plan is far behind schedule, and he is in danger of actually losing the Missile Boats to Zaarin.  He follows the plan as well as he can, however, and does prevent Zaarin from acquiring any samples of the Missile Boat, but Zaarin takes significantly fewer losses than Thrawn had originally planned.


Zaarin’s next move is to attack the research site of the Vorknkx Project, a top - secret project that only he, Palpatine, Thrawn and a few others had known about.  The purpose of the Vorknkx Project is to create a cloaking device usable by smaller ships, which would require much less power than the models currently available.  The project is nearing completion, and the Empire hopes to employ the new technology soon on a starfighter.  (This being the backstory for the Rebel Assault II starfighters) Thrawn, however, has more immediate uses in mind for this cloaking technology.  But first the site must be evacuated.  Grey Wolf’, an attendance of smaller vessels, and Alpha Squad show up to fight off Zaarin, and then to lead the evacuation.  All the base’s personnel are evacuated successfully, as is the Vorknkx Ship itself, a Corellian Corvette with a prototype model of the cloaking device installed.

(COMPUTER GAME – Lucasarts Inc. – Lawrence Holland – 1993)


"Rebel Assault, Chapter II: The Hidden Empire." 

Aboard the Super Star Destroyer ‘Terror’, an Imperial mouse droid winds through wide corridors. The droid observes a meeting between Admiral Sarn and one of his subordinates.  Sarn tells his underling that he wants no slip - ups this time, and the coming demonstration of his work must proceed flawlessly. Dismissing the officer, he enters the Super Star Destroyer's bridge.  Darth Vader, awaiting the demonstration, tells Sarn to proceed.  Nearby in space, a Rebel patrol prepares to head back to base.  An uneasy Ensign Till urges Commander Jenn to hurry up.  The Commander chides Till for being superstitious, telling him that shouldn't be afraid of the Dreighton Triangle.  Suddenly, Jenn's stabilizer is blown off her X-Wing.  Unable to control her ship, she collides with Till's X-Wing, destroying them both. The lone X-Wing tries to contact Rebel control, but is quickly silenced by a laser cannon blast that seemingly comes out of nowhere.  Vader, watching these events from his vantage point, is less than satisfied with Sarn's demonstration.  He barks at the Admiral that he will not be satisfied until he has the full power under his command to wipe out the Rebel Alliance.  Brooding, he turns back to the open viewport to stare into the blackness of space…


Three days later in the same sector, Commander Kirby and Rookie One intercept a garbled distress call from the Corellian cargo vessel Corellia Star, which is seemingly under attack by invisible forces. Through the static, the captain tries to tell the Rebel pilots of a secret plot by Darth Vader to destroy the Rebel Alliance.  Unable to make out the message, the Rebels watch helplessly as the captain is cut down by blaster fire from Imperial troops boarding his ship.  As the transmission violently ends, Imperial TIE fighters emerge from the nearby planet Dreighton.  Rookie One and Kirby lock their B-Wing's s-foils in attack position and prepare for the oncoming TIEs.  After fighting their way through a swarm of TIE's, Rookie One and the Commander take up orbit around Dreighton.  Rookie One picks up a signal originating from the planet, and suggests to Kirby that they should check it out, since it could be from the Corellia Star. Suddenly, laser cannon blasts score a direct hit across Rookie One's B-Wing.  As his ship plunges and loses orbit and heads toward Dreighton's surface, Kirby's B-Wing is quickly destroyed by the unseen enemy. Rookie One ejects from his B-Wing before he slams into the ground, his cockpit striking the surface and skidding to a halt on the sandy desert wastes.  Shortly thereafter, Rookie One takes a datapad with the signal's coordinates on it, and sets out to find what he believes is the Corellia Star.  He finds himself in an Imperial base, heavily defended by stormtroopers.  Shooting his way through the base, Rookie One finds the base's docking bay and the Star.  The Imperials see him, only to be blasted by Rookie One.  The Rebel pilot commandeers the vessel, but is prevented from escaping by closing bay doors.  Choosing an alternate, although more precarious route, Rookie One flies the Star through the mining tunnels adjacent to the base's hangar.  Escaping to the surface, the Star jumps to hyperspace, leaving the Imperials far behind it.


Back at Dreighton, Darth Vader's flagship Terror arrives.  In his meditation chamber, Darth Vader meets with Admiral Sarn.  Sarn notifies Vader that in twelve hours, a strike force will be poised at Imdaar Alpha to wipe out the Rebellion.  Vader commands Sarn to make way to Imdaar Alpha… and victory.


Meanwhile, a briefing takes place at the Rebel fleet.  After analyzing the Corellia Star's logs, Admiral Ackbar presents the doomed cargo captain's message.  The captain has information that is vital to the Alliance, detailing a plan by Darth Vader to destroy the Alliance with a new weapon.  He goes on to say that he has discovered a huge mining facility in the Belt of Arah, near the Dreighton Nebula.  Admiral Ackbar deploys a strike force to find the facility and disable its production capabilities.  Rookie One, Ina Rece, and Captain Merrick arrive at the asteroid belt, and successfully navigate the field, even though it is littered with dirillium mines.  After getting through the outer defenses, they go head-to-head with a squadron of Imperial TIE Interceptors.  With the last TIE on his tail, Rookie One is assisted by Rece, who quickly picks off the TIE. Ahead, Merrick spots the ore processing facility, built into a huge asteroid. Infiltrating the facility through the cargo corridor, the Rebel X-Wings shoot out shield generators on access tunnels, and fly straight to the facility's core.  Dodging stray asteroids and laser cannon blasts, the X-Wings fly through the hollowed - out asteroid that facility is built around.  Shooting out the shields on the processor's reactor, the Rebels cause the place to go critical, escaping just before the whole place explodes. With a victory chalked up, the Rebels prepare to jump into hyperspace when the secret weapon strikes. Coming out of nowhere, two TIE's of a new type destroy both Rece and Merrick.  Narrowly evading the TIEs' lasers, Rookie One escapes into hyperspace. Back at the Rebel fleet, Rookie One's flight data is analyzed by Admiral Ackbar and fleet officials.  In a briefing with the pilots, they conclude that the TIEs are modified V38 assault fighters; fighters modified to evade sensors and scanners, rendering them totally invisible.


The myths about the Dreighton Triangle were a perfect cover for the testing of the fighters. Ackbar goes on to tell the pilots that for weeks Intelligence has reported high levels of Imperial activity around the planet Imdaar and its moon.  Also, they think that the Terror is currently en route to Imdaar, where it will likely deploy a wing of the 'Phantom' TIEs.  Ackbar says that a lone pilot, is to get past Imdaar's defenses, land on the planet, meet up with an agent stationed there, board the Terror, and bring back one of the 'Phantom' TIEs for study.  Rookie One, who already volunteered for the mission, reports to Ops.  Due to the importance of the mission, Rookie One is trained by Admiral Krane to fly TIEs.  By running a canyon course successfully, Rookie One is ready for his mission.  He reports back to base and gets his Y-Wing prepped for departure…


On approach to Imdaar in Y-Wings, Rookie One, Krane, and Darnell Reggs are attacked by TIE Interceptors.  After finishing off the TIEs, Reggs and Krane leave, giving a lone Rookie One a better chance of getting through Imdaar's security shields.  Krane tells Rookie One that he will meet him at the rendevous point after the mission.  Rookie One's craft plunges into hyperspace, heading towards Imdaar. Emerging from hyperspace, Rookie One flies into a mine field.  Navigating past the mine field and security shields, Rookie One arrives at Imdaar.  Rookie One lands on Imdaar's surface, and meets his contact, Ru Murleen!  After catching up on events, the two fly through the creature - filled swamps on speeder bikes to reach the Imperial landing platform.  As they arrive they view an Imperial supply shuttle landing on the platform.  Rookie One doesn't know how to proceed, but Murleen has a plan…  After knocking out the two troopers, Rookie One and Ru don their armor and commandeer their shuttle.  They move it into orbit above Imdaar, to find nothing.  Expecting to board the Terror at these coordinates, Ru Murleen turns on the comm unit and broadcasts a message, telling the Super Star Destroyer that they wish to board.  After requesting security clearance, the Terror de-cloaks before their eyes.  They land the shuttle in a docking bay, and, in stormtrooper garb, leave the shuttle.  Walking towards the hangar, the two undercover Rebels are intercepted by a curious Imperial officer.  Having been asked questions they cannot answer, they evade the officer.  The officer initiates a full - scale intruder alert.  Chased by stormtroopers, Rookie One and Ru Murleen hide in a maintenance corridor between levels.  Discovered again by stormtroopers, they shoot their way to a maintenance lift, which takes them to the hangar bay.  Once there, they sneak aboard a V38 and get it flying.  Alerted by two Imperials that Rookie One and Ru Murleen nearly ran over with their V38, the Imperials try to destroy the captured TIE before it escapes the Super Star Destroyer's hangar bay.


The Rebel V38 manages to escape into the Terror's network of service corridors, where it flies into the ship's reactor.  Rookie One shoots out the shielding on the reactor and causes a chain reaction throughout the ship.  The V38 escapes the Super Star Destroyer through an exhaust vent, and flies out into space.  Suddenly, cloaked V38s appear in front of them.  The enemy V38s, which only appear to fire their weapons, try to destroy Rookie One and Ru Murleen.  Unable to keep the enemy TIEs off their back any longer, Ru Murleen is finally able to engage their ship cloaking device.  Back on the doomed Terror, Vader gets an update from Admiral Sarn.  He tells Vader that the Super Star Destroyer is unable to disengage from space dock.  Sarn, failing Vader for the last time, is soon collapsed on the ship's deck dead.


Vader's TIE zooms away from the Terror as it explodes, revealing a huge facility attached to Imdaar's moon, Imdaar Alpha.  In their TIE, Rookie One and Ru Murleen realize the whole facility must be filled with the dreaded V38s.  Knowing that the single ship they have will make no difference if those V38s aren't destroyed, Ru Murleen turns their TIE around, straight for the huge facility.  Entering the facility through a hole created by the destruction of the Terror, they fly through access tubes, until they reach the facility's hangar.  The hangar, brimming with V38s, provide quite an obstacle course for their TIE.  Juking all over, the Rebels navigate through the crowded hangars, to the center of the facility.  The V38 flies dangerously close to a huge laser beam reactor which powers the facility.  Evading security guns, Rookie One shoots out the focusing receptacle for the laser, causing it to cut through the outside hull of the facility. The laser beam, knocked clear of its focus, traces a fiery line across the facility's hull.  Ru flies the TIE out through the hole in the hull, just as the laser beam hits the facility's power cells, blowing apart the facility. Imdaar Alpha which the facility was built on is consumed by the huge explosion.


Arriving back at Rebel Headquarters, Rookie One and Ru Murleen set the last surviving V38 down on the landing pad.  Admiral Krane and other Rebel pilots come out to greet them.  For his bravery, Rookie One receives a medal, and shares a kiss with Ru.  With its new weapon the Rebel Alliance can finally end the war with the Empire.  Elsewhere, out in the cold reaches of space, Darth Vader speaks with Emperor over a secure Holonet channel.  The Emperor scoffs at Vader's defeat.  Vader however has one more ace up his sleeve.  He flips a switch on his control panel activate some kind of remote device.  Vader's TIE disappears into hyperspace…  Back at Rebel headquarters, Rookie One and Ru Murleen pack up their stormtrooper gear in the docking bay.  Behind them, their some computer activity in their captured TIE. Talking about how they will be able to defeat the Empire, they are unaware of what is happening. Suddenly, the experimental TIE blows up on the landing pad, the result of Darth Vader's device.  Rookie One and Ru Murleen can only look at each other, completely bewildered…

(PC VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. – Vincent Lee - 1996)


Emperor Palpatine orders Vader to abandon the search for Skywalker to commence negotiations with Prince Xizor for shipping to the "Endor project."  Xizor meanwhile begins to craft a plot to kill Luke Skywalker and frame Vader for the murder, thus forcing him out of Palpatine's favour --and Xizor into Vader's place at the Emperor's right hand. 

"Shadows of the Empire" comic book #1.


Hired by Lando Calrissian to help find Han, Dash Rendar fights IG-88(C?) at Ord Mantell, then tracks down Boba Fett on Gall. 

"Shadows of the Empire" novel and video game.  


“X-Wing Alliance: Chapter 4 – The Bothan Connection.”                                                       *

            Emon has gone on a vendetta against the Viraxo.  Aeron has to ask Ace to help her steal a load of Viraxo cargo and ship it to Alliance forces.  Black Sun once again interferes, but the cargo is picked up. Ace drops Aeron off at her request at Vergesso Base.  Commander Zeletta reveals a convoy meant for some HUGE Imperial construction project is going through the Eidoloni system.  Ace and Olin does some recon, and finds the convoy stuffed to the gills with raw materials, shipped by Xizor Transport Systems.  When Ace returns from that, he is horrified to learn that Vergesso Base is being attacked -- by none other than Darth Vader himself.  He races against overwhelming odds and rescues Aeron and a few of her friends from the base.  It seems Vergesso Base was owned by Ororo Transportation, which has been moving in on Tenlass syndicate – a Black Sun company.  Once again, Vader has been doing Xizor’s work for him…

(the game summary continues below.) 


"SW Galaxy Magazine: Assignment Decoy." 

                     Vossuk, a Quarren information broker has a bounty on his head for 5,000 credits, posted by Perit, a rival information broker.  Vossuk has information regarding the sighting of Boba Fett and Slave I on Gall.  If Solo could somehow be rescued, the Rebels (or Jabba or even the Empire) would pay a magnificent fee.  It is all a planned diversion and decoy orchestrated by Boba Fett . . .   


                It had been a long few days.  Vossuk sat silently in the unpadded chair.  The room was dark, but Vossuk preferred  the shadows.  They were comforting.  Someone entered the room – a human with yellow hair.  He was rather short and plump.  He silently dropped a small sack and a datadisk on the table.  As he turned to leave, he grunted “My boss told me to give this to you.”  Vossuk softly hummed as he opened the sack and counted the markers.  Eight, nine . . . 10,000 credits.  He then slotted the datadisk into his holoprojector / reader.  The hologram showed Boba Fett’s armoured helmet.  A mechanical voice rang through the reader’s speaker grill.  “You did your job well.  The diversion worked.  I will overlook the bounty on you for one year.  Get your affairs in order . . . Perit is a dangerous enemy.”

(SHORT STORY – Topps Publishing – Bill Smith - Spring 1996)


Danni Quee, future Belkadan colonist, is born.

“SW: Vector Prime.” Borrowed with thanks from James McFadden’s Chronology.


"Shadows of the Empire." 

                The Rebels learn of Boba Fett's location on Gall and begin an attack.  During the fight, one of the X-Wing R2 units (tampered with by a Black Sun operative, who kills herself rather than be captured) takes control of its' ship and tries to kill Luke.  Dash Rendar (in the ‘Outrider’) abandons the ‘Falcon’ just before it reaches the spaceport, and the ship is badly damaged trying to fight their way through a virtual wall of TIE Fighters -- only to see Boba Fett get away again with the frozen Solo. 


                As Skywalker returns to Tatooine and Ben Kenobi's home to build a new lightsaber and continue sharpening his Jedi skills, Princess Leia decides to infiltrate Black Sun's intelligence network to find out who is trying to kill Luke.  She hires Dash Rendar to protect Luke, even as Xizor gives a sizeable amount of money to Jabba to kill him.  Rendar, for his part, protects Skywalker from an attack by Jabba the Hutt's swoop gang (with a little unofficial help from Jix, hired by Vader to make sure the Hutt didn't kill Luke).  A message droid lands at Kenobi's residence, meant for Leia.  The Bothan spy Koth Melan has information about a secret project that Leia must see immediately.  Luke and Dash go in her place, and attacks a lone freighter that carries the information (the freighter was alone over Vader's objections, and the location was given to the Bothans by Xizor).  Despite Dash's best efforts, several Bothan pilots are killed by the freighter. They take the data tapes to Kothlis, where they hope to decode them.  Instead they are jumped, Melan is killed, and Luke is captured by Barabel bounty hunters. 


                Meanwhile, Boba Fett fights off an attack by Bossk, Zuckuss and 4-LOM for Solo. (The latter two are working for the Alliance to get Solo.) Leia contacts Greedo's uncle Avaro, who in turn introduces her to Guri -- Xizor's human replica droid and right-hand woman.  Dressing herself as the Ubese bounty hunter Boussh, she and Chewie travel to Coruscant to meet with Xizor.  The Falleen tries to seduce Leia...  As Vader travels to Kothlis to collect Skywalker, Luke uses his newly-sharpened Jedi skills to escape with Lando.  When Vader arrives, he learns from the hunters of Xizor's treachery.  The heroes travel to Coruscant to find Leia.  They have to travel through Coruscant's sewers to reach Xizor's palace.  As they rescue Leia and rig Xizor's palace to blow, the droids fly the Falcon to pick them up.  Luke is challenged to a fight by Guri.  Putting all of his trust in the Force for the first time, he defeats her. She gets away in a paraglider as the palace explodes. 


                As the ‘Falcon’ and ‘Outrider’ begin to escape, Xizor (now in his orbital skyhook) orders an all-out attack.  Vader -- and then Rogue Squadron -- joins the fray, which ends with Vader destroying Xizor in the skyhook.  In the explosion, the ‘Outrider’ is apparently destroyed.  (In fact, Rendar faked his death in the final battle, changed his identity to avoid Black Sun's wrath, and retired.) Luke and company prepares for their next move: the rescue of Han Solo...

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Steve Perry - May 1996)

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES  - Dark Horse Comics - John Wagner - June-October 1996) 


The GuardStar is an Imperial Patrol Frigate that was patrolling the planet Tatooine some time between the Battle of Hoth and the Battle of Endor. When Boba Fett returned to Tatooine with the carbon - frozen form of Han Solo, the GuardStar attempted to stop the Slave I for questioning. Fett transmitted a personal priority clearance from Darth Vader, and the GuardStar promptly allowed Fett to land.

“Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi.” Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


“TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #12: Prelude to Endor.”                                                                 *

After the Emperor ‘loses’ the information about the new Death Star to the Bothans, he decides that he needs to put up a big show to make sure the Rebels believe that he doesn’t want them to have it.  He decides to give the job to Maarek Stele, one of his best pilots and most trusted servants.  Several Rebels and Bothans are taken prisoner and are being held aboard the Dreadnaught ‘Dargon’, to be delivered to ‘Garret’ for interrogation by Vader.  After they are delivered Stele is told that the Bothans have stolen some top - secret information from an Imperial freighter, and it needs to be recovered.  To find the whereabouts of this information, Stele leads an operation to capture several Bothan ships so that their crews can be questioned.  He learns that the information has been taken to the Bothan colony world of Kothlis for analysis.  In retribution for plotting against the Empire, Stele is ordered to lead an attack on Kothlis.  Stele doesn’t have any pressing duty for a little while afterwards, but soon enough Vader learns that the Rebel Fleet is collecting at Sullust.  Soon afterward the Emperor leaves aboard his personal ship and heads to Endor to prepare for the final destruction of the Rebellion.

(COMPUTER GAME – Lucasarts Inc. – Lawrence Holland – 1993)


“X-Wing Alliance: Chapter 4 – The Bothan Connection. (continued)”                                     *

                Ace Azzameen is asked to join Luke Skywalker and Dash Render in the capture of the freighter ‘Suprosa’ – a capture that tragically ends in the death of several Bothan pilots.  However, the secret project’s computer is captured and sent to Kothlis – only to have Melan’s safehouse attacked by bounty hunters and Melan killed.  The Bothan survivors rush the computer to the ‘Kothlis II’ base – which comes under attack from the ‘Executor’.  Ace fights off the attacking starfighters as Borsk Fey’yla shows up (late) to help.  The plans are transferred to the Corvette ‘Razor’ – which is quickly disabled and boarded by the Star Destroyer ‘Avenger’.  In desperation, the crew fires the computer off in an escape pod, which (with Ace’s help) is intercepted by Admiral Ackbar on the ‘Independence’.  Ace is awarded the Corellian Cross for his efforts.  The computer is quickly decoded, and the secret project revealed – a new, larger, even more powerful Death Star…

(COMPUTER GAME – Lucasarts Inc. – Lawrence Holland – March 1999)


Boba Fett manages to fight through a slew of other bounty hunters and delivers Han Solo's frozen body to Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine.  Jabba pays him 250,000 credits and invites him to stay at his palace, to capture a live Krayt dragon for the Hutt's pet Rancor to fight. 

The "Shadows of the Empire" comic book miniseries and "Tales of Jabba's Palace." 


“SW Adventure Journal: Out of the Cradle.”

To be detailed...


“SW Adventure Journal: Starter’s Tale.”

                Starter, a smuggler, has gotten some valuable information out of Jabba the Hutt’s databanks, and rushes into the Anoat system with it, trying desperately to get to the Rebel base at Renforra.  When he lands at Cloud City, however, he finds a ton of bounty hunters waiting for him.  He bluffs, passing off a ration pack as a “photon detonator.”  He kills most of the bounty hunters, but is captured by Boba Fett and brought before Vader.  He shoots the controls to the meditation chamber of the ‘Executor’, sealing Vader in as he steals a shuttle (the Tydirium) and escapes to the Alliance…

Given the later evidence, it is obvious that Starter was lying his butt off to his friends (as shown in the framing story).

(SHORT STORY – West End Games – Peter Schweighofer – November 1994) 


“SW Adventure Journal: Wind Raiders of Taloraan.”                                                            *

                A Rebel group is assigned to Ordnance and Supply, but aren’t doing too well. They are soon reassigned again – with Bespin in Imperial hands, new tibanna gas supplies must be found. They are sent in a junkyard-worthy ship to go prospecting gas giants. Eventually, they reach the planet Taloraan, where their ship is crippled in a storm. They are saved by blimp-like creatures carrying humanoids in gondolas. They take the Rebels and let their ship fall forever out of reach. The leader of the humanoids (Denfrandi) is called Laspevar, and he welcomes the Rebels into his tribe. He mentions that another spaceship came by a few months ago, but that man was killed by the Wind Raiders (who have his ship). Just then the Wind Raiders – humans on ray-shaped flying creatures – attack. After the Raiders are fought off, the Rebels are taken to the main Denfrandi tribe. The Rebels convince the Denfrandi that the Raiders will never leave them alone – they must go on the offensive. They have to prove themselves in an initiation rite to convince the tribe – by catching and taming a young sleft-chuff (flying creature). They do, and they lead the Denfrandi in an assault on the Wind Raiders, defeating them handily. The Rebels take the scout ship stationed there, and finds a tibanna gas deposit nearby…

(GAME ADVENTURE – West End Games – James L. Cambias – February 1995)


“SW Adventure Journal / Tales from the Empire: Slaying Dragons.”

Shannon Voorson, a nine-year-old at Kuat Freight Port, receives a visitor -- her cousin Deen, visiting the family of techs.  But her family doesn’t share Deen’s Rebel views, or Shannon’s -- so she slips away to join him as he and a Rebel unit prepares to steal a power generator.  But the attempt fails, and the young girl finds herself on the run with her cousin, never to see her family again...

(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Angela Philips - 1995) 


“SW Adventure Journal: Death-Hunter.”                                                                                *

                Disturbed over reports of a project called “Death - Hunter,” and increased Imperial activity in the Jaemus system supposedly connected to that project, General Crix Madine sends a group of Rebels to investigate.  Beginning their investigation at the Jaemus dockyards, they are met by a droid named R2-B4 – who was sent by the mysterious double agent “Tigress.”  It leads them to the docks of Renikco – an Imperial intelligence branch.  They study the droid vessels there which are being modified.  They are discovered and have to shoot their way offworld.  Once they do, another holorecording of Tigress (within R2-B4) tells them to go investigate a series of kidnappings of young, fit men on Bescane.  They are led to a contact named Cooper Dray – who is kidnapped before their eyes and taken to Moff Jesco Comark.  Tigress reveals herself – Lady Amber Comark, the Moff’s daughter.  She reveals that the kidnapped men are being taken into a area of space beyond the Outer Rim – the Wastes.  To get there, they’ll need salvager credentials.  They go looking for a forger named “Lucky” Ordomire.  As the Rebels meet with him, they are jumped by a cyborg – a hunter / killer, the product of Project Death - Hunter.  Amber is effortlessly captured by Death - Hunter.  The Rebels pursue Death - Hunter’s shuttle into the wastes, to an ice world named Zeta 09.  The Imperials capture them and take them to their underwater base, where Moff Comark decides to convert them into Death - Hunters.  Amber leads a prisoner revolt, and the united group blasts out of the base, smashing it with concussion missiles and heading for the Alliance…

(GAME ADVENTURE – West End Games – Tony Russo – February 1996)


“SW Adventure Journal: The Longest Fall.”

                The Star Destroyer ‘Interrogator’ travels into the Nharqis’I Nebula in search of Force - sensitive individuals.  But this story is about 23 year old Captain Jovan Vharing, and his thoughts and memories in the minute before Imperial High Inquisitor Tremayne executes him, just for being among the (also - dead) staff of (a very dead) Captain Nolaan, who had been asleep when the crew attacked a suspected Rebel cell, only to kill several prominent Imperial citizens, including a high-ranking Kuat Drive Yards engineer.  Vharing enters Tremayne’s interrogation room and faces his fate...

(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Patricia A. Jackson - November 1996)


“X-Wing Alliance: Chapter 5 – Mustering the Fleet.”

                The Rebel Alliance is hurriedly mustering their entire starship force for what will be the fight of their lives.  Unfortunately, the Empire has smashed their main supply base.  With the help of a now -promoted General Lando Calrissian, a smuggler coalition is put together to supply and arm the fleet for the coming battle.  The leader of this coalition, Dunari (of Dunari’s Casino fame, and a close friend of the Azzameens) meets with the Rebels in deep space.  Imperials and pirates attempt to interfere, but Ace Azzameen’s flying once again defeats their efforts.  Dunari reveals that the disgraced Admiral Holtz is leading the Imperials in the local sector as punishment for Hoth.


                Dunari’s allies, the Hurrim, ask for help in hitting a civilian cargo convoy as part of the Rebel -smuggler arrangement.  The Rebels and Hurrim fly to the Nezni system, where the capture goes well – until the bloodthirsty Hurrim suddenly begin massacring the civilians.  The Rebels are forced to attack their “allies,” and the Hurrim are chased off.  But the damage is done.  Although the cargo is captured, the image of the Rebellion has been badly tarnished by the Hurrim’s actions.  Dunari expels the Hurrim from the coalition, but now he himself is under suspicion.


                Back at the ‘Liberty’, Aeron informs Ace that Emon has been arrested by the Imperials and is being held at Quesna Base.  Dunari offers to help, and together, the group gets Emon out.  Emon was tortured by the Imperials, and Dunari graciously agrees to set him up in the Casino while he recovers. Dunari puts out bounties on the Hurrim, and Ace puts in a good word for him with the Rebels.  The family is starting to get paranoid – it seems the Imperials, Viraxo, and other pirates know what they’re doing before they do.  What’s going on??


                The Hurrim reveals Dunari’s Rebel ties to the Empire, and the response is an all - out assault on the space casino.  Ace and Rebels cover the evacuation, and Ace gets a Bronze Cluster on his Kalidor Crescent as a result.  The Hurrim begin attacking cargo convoys everywhere, posing as Rebels.  They also manage to capture some of Dunari’s staff, whom the Rebels quickly free.  After that, Ace and Emon flies to an Imperial scrap yard to recover the family data core in an attempt to find the traitor in their midst.  Once again, they’re jumped by raiders.  After they escape with the core, Ace gets an honorary membership in the Bothan Spynet. 


                The rest of Dunari’s men are rescued from the main Hurrim asteroid base, which is then destroyed. Hurrim leader Golov Nakhym is captured, and Admiral Holtz (on the Star Destroyer ‘Corruptor’) is killed. Ackbar gives the Admiral of the Fleet commendation to Ace.

(COMPUTER GAME – Lucasarts Inc. – Lawrence Holland – March 1999)


The Bothans begin to grind the Froffli light - machinery industry to dust.

"SW: Specter of the Past."


Imperial Corporal Avarik serves as a scout trooper with the Imperial garrison on the forest moon of Endor, during the construction of the second Death Star.  Something of a loose cannon, Avarik is known as a brawler and streetfighter.  He is given the assignment of monitoring yuzzum activity around the shield generator site.

“Decipher Star Wars Customizable Card Game – Endor Pack.”


"The Marvel Series: The Search for Argo and Vanis. (#73 - 77, 80)" 

                Luke and Leia set out after Yom Argo and Tay Vanis, two Rebel spies sent to confirm the Bothan data about the second Death Star -- who disappeared.  Along for the ride is new Rebel recruit Dani and the droids.  They learn Argo fatally crash landed on Lahsbane, home of the all-too-cute kitten - like Lahsbees, and Argo’s tapes are being kept in a nearby city that the Lahsbees are forbidding them from entering.  Leia is morose that their attempt to find and save Han was curtailed by this mission, and she’s getting fed up with the selfish Dani.  Problem is, she needs the former smuggler’s help to get the tapes out.  The two girls set off by balloon for the city, with a shocked Luke following by air glider.  Poor Lando is left behind to deal with a Hukh -- a giant, muscle - bound monster that a Lahsbee becomes when it reaches puberty.  (This is why the city is sealed off.)  Leia and Dani finds a ton of Hukhs in town, but makes it out with the tapes -- with Luke’s help.  Dani blows the Rebels off, escaping with a ton of riches and trinkets she stole from the city.


              Now to find Tay Vanis.  The trail leads to the water world of Iskalon, where Lando’s merman friend Mone leads them to the underwater city of Pavilion.  They learn from Mone’s father, Primor, that the Empire has dealt genocidally with every planet in the system when they learned of Argo and Vanis’s presence here.  Vanis’s droid has been taken to the nearby Imperial fortress on the now - devastated world of Gamandar.  Lando and Chewie volunteers to go, as do the droids.  Meanwhile, Primor teaches Luke and Leia about deep - sea diving.  They find Mone’s wife Kendle has been attacked and left in an air enviroment to die, as the ‘Falcon’ dodges a missile fired from Gamandar to Iskalon.  The explosion sets off a monstrous tidal wave...


                  Pavilion is completely destroyed by the tidal wave.  Luke and Leia barely make it to the surface, to find the city in ruins and almost everyone -- including Primor -- dead.  One of the surviving natives, Kiro, reveals that a revived Kendle brought the Empire’s wrath down upon Iskallon by revealing the Rebels’ presence to the Empire, and that includes Lando’s mission -- meaning his group (minus Artoo) is now being held captive on Gamandar.  Kendle declares the Rebels the cause of this holocaust, and sends all the survivors after Luke, Leia and Kiro.  As Imperial Admiral Tower gleefully informs the prisoners of Kendle’s betrayal, a spy droid informs Vader on the ‘Executor’ that Luke is on Iskalon, probably dead. Vader orders Tower executed on the spot.  Meanwhile, Artoo works undercover to free Lando and his group.  The Falcon rushes back to Iskalon and saves Luke, Leia and Kiro, taking out Kendle and her mob. Mone takes over what’s left of the natives and heads to the depths, vowing never to return until the Empire is gone.


               The weary Rebels return to Arbra, where they learn that incredibly, another Rebel may know what Argo and Vanis were after -- Han Solo!!!  They all know there’s no chance Han could have learned of this secret, but the chance to search for him again is too good to pass up.  Lando and Chewie resumes the search for Han, Luke and Leia (with Plif in tow) continues searching for Vanis at a diplomatic banquet at Kabray. Luke finds himself the target of every female Zeltron in sight, and Leia finds herself doing a torch singer act.  Luke finds a taped message from Vanis, and learns a governor is about to be poisoned.  Leia proves to be a little too good at her act, as one of the watching Lahsbees “Hukhs” out.  Luke uses the distraction to stop the poisoning, while poor Leia is forced to soothe the rampaging Hukh with her singing.


              The message brings them to an Imperial supply base.  They find a female droid named LE-914 -- “Ellie,” who leads them to the former governing castle of the unnamed world.  En route, they find Vanis’s crashed X-Wing, and a message revealing that Ellie is his droid, she has the tapes and will destroy them if she doesn’t hear from him in two days, and... she’s just run off.  They chase to her to a detention cell, where a holo recording of Vader is waiting for them.  It turns out he’s had Vanis prisoner here for weeks, keeping them all busy on a wild goose chase.  As reward for making it to this point, he gives them what’s in the cell -- a hopelessly brain-damaged Vanis.  Ellie gives them the tapes, then blows herself to kingdom come with Vanis.  Crushed at this horrible chain of events, the Rebels blow the castle to bits as a monument, and returns to the Alliance with the tapes that confirm the Bothans’ discovery -- a new Imperial superweapon...

Parts of this were reprinted in Dark Horse's "Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago."

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Mary Jo Duffy / David Michelinie - June 1983 - February 1984)


An entire First Sun company (The First Sun Mobile Regiment was, at its height, one of the largest, most powerful mercenary units in known galactic history.  This was achieved by the patronage of the Empire, architects of the largest military in galactic history.  First Sun was wholly an Imperial tool.) is executed by Moff Nile Owen of the Rayter sector for violating interrogation protocol.  Afterward, First Sun began to distance itself from the Empire.

"SW Adventure Journal, Vol. 1, Issue #15."


“The Marvel Series: The Big Con. (#79)”

              Lando and Chewie shows up at Arcan IV, with Lando disguised as “Captain Drebble.”  He offers to help a gang with a project they’re planning -- namely, the theft of two statues -- in return for information on Han.  They learn Fett has finally delivered Han to Jabba, only to find themselves chased by the gang right into the mid - town traffic.  Incredibly, the chase leads into the inadvertant discovery of one of the statues the gang was looking for.  With the gang fighting each other over it, Lando and Chewie race back to the ‘Falcon’ (with the other statue in Lando’s grip) and blasts off for Tatooine and a long overdue rescue...

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Mary Jo Duffy - January 1984)


“The Bounty Hunters: Scoundrel’s Wages.”

                ...but when asked by the Alliance, Lando volunteers to go to the Third Moon of Blimph to open diplomatic channels with an old friend -- Quaffug the Hutt, whom Lando gambled out of a fortune at the Rafa system years ago.  Quaffug hasn’t forgotten or forgiven.  He has Lando cuffed and sentenced to run the Duff-Jikab -- a dangerous hunt where Lando is chased through hazardous territory by Dengar, 4-LOM and Bossk.  The chase begins, with a spy droid watching his every move.  Incredibly, he makes his way into the territory of a people even Quaffug is afraid of -- the Jokhalli, a primitive tribal race that Lando is delighted to find is fond of gambling.  He wins his freedom fair and square, and then learns how Quaffug has been exploiting them.  He talks them into helping him round up the bounty hunters and returning to confront Quaffug.  With the Hutt’s trade strangehold now broken, and the Alliance dealing with the Jokhalli, it seems Quaffug’s goose is cooked -- until Lando gets an idea and bets his life and ship in a one-on-one battle with a Jokhalli named Utrop to save Quaffug’s life.  He wins, and demands a reward from Quaffug -- a letter of recommendation for him into the Hutt Guardsman’s Guild, “no questions asked.” With this, he finally has the opening he needs to rescue Han...

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - Mark Schultz - September 1999)


Lando Calrissian arrives at Tatooine and infiltrates Jabba the Hutt's palace on Tatooine.  He is disguised as a skiff guard named Tamtel Skreej.   

SW VI Radio Drama. 


With the Bothan data about the second Death Star confirmed, Mon Mothma calls for the massing of all Rebel forces into a massive armada.  At Sian Tevv's insistence, the fleet begins to gather near Sullust.

"Return of the Jedi" and "SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook."


The Rebel Alliance holds a deep - space military summit in the Delfii system to plan their assault on the second Death Star.

“The Stele Chronicles.”


“X-Wing Alliance: Chapter 6 – The Darkest Hour.”

                There are now almost no neutral parties left in the Galactic Civil War. Whether for the Empire or for the Rebel Alliance, everyone in the galaxy has been forced to take a side.


In an attempt to get more detailed info about the second Death Star, Bothan leader Borsk Fey’yla meets with the Rebel Alliance to plan an attempt to sneak Bothan spies into the Endor construction crew. Along the way, the Bothan ship is jumped by bandits.  Ace and the Rebel pilots beat them off, taking one prisoner who claims the bandits were working for – the Sullustans?!?


                It seems the Sullustans have an old grudge against the Bothans – the Bothans had once learned about an impending Imperial attack on Sullust, but refused to either warn them or come to their aid.  The Rebels begin pursuing the bandits to prove the Sullustans’ innocence – or guilt – before it tears the Alliance apart.  This was the last thing they needed at this point. Aeron and Ace goes after a bandit freighter, which they board to try to find the bandits’ main base.  They hack the main computer, and that course leads them right into – the Imperial weapons testing range near Carida.  Swearing over their bad luck, they race back to a nearby station, whose flight records are hacked.  They find the bandits’ home to be… the old Azzameen home base!!!


                Horrified at this discovery, the family begs the Alliance to help them recapture (NOT destroy) the base.  The Rebels agree – the base is too close to the massing armada.  As the attack begins, Antan is seen leaving the base (?!?) along with Sullustans (?!?!?).  The boarding commandos find a bomb on the base that Aeron quickly disarms.  It seems the traitor is one of the family itself…


                The Bothans at Endor are discovered by the Empire and chased across the galaxy.  Despite the Rebels’ best efforts, a few of the Bothans are killed by the Imperials before they can rejoin the Rebels.  The Sullustans refused to help the Bothans, increasing tensions to dangerous levels.  The Bothans reveal the existence of an energy shield around the Death Star, as well as a shuttle called “Tydirium” that could be of help – IF it can be captured.  The Rebels go to Zhar to steal the ‘Tydirium’.  Flying in the ‘Otana’, Ace sneaks a commando team into the station to capture the shuttle.  With the aid of Rogue Squadron, the captured ‘Tydirium’ and the ‘Otana’ both return to the Alliance.  (As they arrive, so does the Millenium Falcon, back from its’ rescue mission at Tatooine.) A Sullustan shuttle also returns to the Rebels with the captured bandit leader, who confesses they were hired by the Empire to set up the Sullustans.  Ace helps the final arrivals reach the armada, and is awarded the Star of Alderaan.


                Antan gathers the family at the reborn Azzameen home base to explain his actions.  He claims that Tomaas and Galin weren’t killed, but taken to Kessel.  If he helped the Empire, they would be freed.  The family takes off for Kessel, where Ace and Aeron dock at a nearby station to find the exact whereabouts of their missing kin.  They can’t find them anywhere on the records.  Antan urges them to keep trying. Suddenly a Star Destroyer leaps in, declaring the entire family – except Antan, whom they thank for his help – under arrest for treason.  Antan has sold his entire family out to the Empire!!!  Against overwhelming odds, Ace, Aeron and Emon manages to wriggle their way out of the Imperial deathtrap and return to the Fleet. With the final preparations for the Battle of Endor underway, General Calrissian asks Ace to fly with him in the Millenium Falcon, manning a gun turret while Lando and Nien Nunb pilots. Ace accepts…

Thanks to James McFadden for helping to solidly place the events of this tour of duty!

(COMPUTER GAME – Lucasarts Inc. – Lawrence Holland – March 1999)


Corran Horn and Iella Wessiri investigate a case dubbed as the ‘doubletaker case’.  The case involved a series of burglaries where things had been stolen from houses, but there were no signs of forced entry.  All of the security systems were manufactured by different companies, and installed and monitored by different agencies.  The key to cracking the case was that the ROMs used in the security systems all came from the same manufacturer.  An employee has sliced the code that got burned into the chips so when a particular password was used on the locks, the system would spit out the correct password.  On the second try the thief would enter the correct code, get in, and rob the place.

“X-Wing: Wedge’s Gamble” [Page 4]. This could have occurred between any time when Corran and Iella were in CorSec together.


“TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #13: The Emperor’s Will.”                                                              *

The Emperor, in his C-3 Passenger Liner ‘Excalibur’, has been attacked by Zaarin’s forces on his way to Endor; luckily, Maarek Stele is his personal escort and manages to keep ‘Excalibur’ intact until reinforcements from Thrawn can arrive and take control of the situation.  Thrawn gives the Emperor a more substantial escort, and Stele once again enters Thrawn's service and is put back in command of Alpha Squad.  Intelligence discovers that one of Zaarin’s men, Commander Din, plans to defect to the Rebels, and to prove to them his good intentions, he is going to inform them that the Death Star is indeed operational, and also present them with a gift – a Missile Boat which Din had somehow managed to secure while Stele was working directly under the Emperor.  Stele leads a task force to capture or destroy Din before he can go through with this, but the meeting takes place early and the Rebels get the information and the Missile Boat.  Din, however, pays for his treachery.


Fortunately, the information is deemed too important by the captain of the Calamari Cruiser to risk sending to the fleet via normal channels, so when he receives this information, he blows out an engine in his hurry to get back to the fleet, and Stele leads an attack destroying the Cruiser carrying the information. However, Zaarin, interfering with Imperial plans as usual, escapes with the Missile Boat.  As the Emperor waits at Endor to finish off the Rebels, so too does he order Thrawn to finish off Zaarin once and for all; the former admiral is causing far more trouble than he’s worth.  Thrawn’s first order of business is to find and destroy the stolen Missile Boat before Zaarin learns its secrets, which he does, so Zaarin starts attacking the Empire’s few Missile Boat manufacturing facilities.  The Emperor orders the few remaining Missile Boats put into protective storage, to be used again someday when he deems it safe and necessary.


Zaarin’s own spies and operatives discover the new location of the Vorknkx Project, hidden inside some remote asteroid field.  Thrawn, however, has anticipated this move, and hidden a homing beacon on the Vorknkx ship, and has deleted several key files from the ships logs…  Stele is ordered to put up a little fight so that Zaarin doesn’t get suspicious, but to allow his men to escape with the Vorknkx ship.  Thrawn, following the homing beacon’s signal, brings his entire task force to bear on Zaarin, who has settled in in the Unknown Regions.  He destroys Zaarin’s fleet, but Zaarin himself takes off in the Vorknkx ship, and engages the cloaking device.  He then escapes into hyperspace… only to be killed moments later when the hyperdrive engines explode.  Thrawn had learned about the instability caused in the hyperspace engines when the cloak was engaged, and had deleted those files from the ship’s logs, knowing Zaarin would try just such a thing.


And Grand Admiral Thrawn’s fleet sets off to await word of the Emperor’s final victory at Endor…

(COMPUTER GAME – Lucasarts Inc. – Lawrence Holland – 1993)


Grodin Tierce is rotated from the Royal Guard to a regular stormtrooper unit to keep him fighting trim.

"SW: Specter of the Past."


Corporal Janse, a sharpshooter from Ukio, joins the Alliance.  Janse is a former BlasTech employee who evaluated new weapon designs, and also served as a scout on hunting expeditions.

“Decipher Star Wars Customizable Card Game – Endor Pack.”


Emperor Palpatine sends his personal assassin, Mara Jade, to kill Luke Skywalker upon his arrival on Tatooine.  She infiltrates Jabba's palace as a dancer named Arica.   

"SW: Heir to the Empire."


The Ssi-Ruuk, a reptilian race, attacks the planet Bakura at the edge of the galaxy.  The Bakuran governor sends a distress call via message drone to the Emperor, but it is not intercepted until after the Battle of Endor.  

"SW: The Truce at Bakura."


Kuat Systems Engineering, a short-lived subsidiary of Kuat Drive Yards is sold to a group of investors thought to be Imperial loyalists.  Only years later was it revealed that the buyers were Vaathkree merchants with strong Rebel sympathies.  The new Kuat Systems Engineering would be a pro New Republic company, although it’s Vaathkree owners demanded top prices.

“The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels.”


Dengar finally makes it to Tatooine, and visits Jabba’s palace to see the frozen Han Solo for himself.  While he’s at it, one of Jabba’s minions snatches up Manaroo at the Mos Eisely Cantina, intending to sell her to Jabba as a slave girl.  Dengar promises Jabba that Han will escape, and asks to stay on so that he can catch Han when the escape attempt is made -- in return for twice what Boba Fett was paid.  Jabba agrees, on one condition -- if Solo does get away, Dengar will spend a year scrubbing the palace toilets.  When Dengar returns to Mos Eisely and learns about Manaroo’s disappearence, he deduces what happened and decides to kill the Hutt.  Within three days, he provides a disgruntled Quarren henchman named Tessek a bomb.  Jabba catches on fast and assigns Fett to watch Dengar.

“Tales of the Bounty Hunters: Payback - the tale of Dengar.”


STAR WARS, EPISODE VI: RETURN OF THE JEDI                                                                              

                A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away….


Darth Vader arrives at the Forest Moon of Endor, site of the under construction Death Star II.  He orders Grand Moff Jerjerrod to hurry up completion of the huge battle station.  Emperor Palpatine himself is coming to oversee the completion, and he is “not as forgiving as I am.”


On Tatooine, Threepio and Artoo arrives at the desert palace of Jabba the Hutt, where they deliver a message from Luke Skywalker to Jabba.  Luke offers a bargain in return for Han’s freedom -- and as a token of his goodwill, he offers the two droids to Jabba as servants.  Threepio (unaware of what Luke has planned) is stunned by this, but Jabba is merely amused -- he takes the droids and refuses the bargain, unwilling to give up his favourite wall decoration.  Artoo is assigned to serve drinks at the Hutt’s Sail Barge, while Threepio is placed into position as Jabba’s translator droid -- a post that no droid has survived.


The following day, the Ubese bounty hunter Boushh arrives, with Chewbacca in chains.  Jabba offers the hunter a low price, and Boushh responds by threatening to blow the palace up with a thermal detonator. Amused, Jabba gives him a higher reward and invites him to join the party he’s been throwing.  That night, however, Boushh sneaks over to Solo’s slab and thaws him out, revealing himself -- or rather, herself -- to be Princess Leia.  At which point Jabba reveals himself and his party.  Having been tipped off by the dancing girl Arica -- Emperor’s Hand Mara Jade working undercover to kill Luke -- he has the hibernation - blinded Han thrown in the dungeons with Chewie, and Leia forced into slavery as one of his dancing girls.  That night, Boba Fett visits Han in the dungeon, and Lando -- disguised as skiff guard Tamtel Skreej -- reassures a chained and metal - bikini clad Leia.


The next morning, Luke himself arrives.  All clad in black and using his Jedi powers to full effect, Luke tricks Bib Fortuna into bringing him before Jabba.  He orders that his friends all be freed, or Jabba will suffer.  Jabba laughs off the threat and sends Luke careening into the Rancor Pit.  Luke shockingly kills the Rancor through sheer cleverness.  Enraged, Jabba orders Luke, Han, and Chewie fed to the Sarlacc at the Great Pit of Carkoon, where they will “slowly be digested over a thousand years.”  Mara tries to join the execution party to kill Skywalker -- but Jabba will have none of it.  Luke seems unconcerned, promising Jabba this will be “the last mistake you ever make.”


Later that day, the execution is set to go at the Pit.  Luke turns the tables, gaining his own hand -built lightsaber from Artoo (who had it hidden within his dome).  A brutal battle ensues.  Leia manages to use her own chain to garrotte Jabba to death.  Boba Fett, who’d suspected trouble all along, attacks Luke and Han.  But by a sheer freak accident, Han ignites Fett’s jetpack -- sending the startled bounty hunter careening headfirst into the Sail Barge, then straight down the Sarlacc’s throat.  Luke blows up the Sail Barge with Leia’s help and takes off back to the ‘Falcon’, the Rebel heroes all reunited at last.  They use a little “Corellian Overdrive” to escape the orbiting Imperial blockade by sending the surviving friends of Jabba scurrying off the planet in panic.  Han (now with his sight restored) and the others head back to the Rebellion, but Luke (with Artoo) takes off for Dagobah to keep the promise he made to Yoda and complete his training.


At the Death Star, the Emperor arrives.  Vader wants to resume the search for Luke, but Palpatine asks Vader to be patient -- “Young Skywalker” will soon be coming to them...


On Dagobah, Yoda is nearly 900 years old now... and at death’s door.  He tells Luke that he needs no more training, that only one thing stands between him and full Jedi Knighthood now -- a battle to the death with Vader.  Luke confronts him with Vader’s revelation.  Busted, Yoda admits Vader is Anakin. With his dying gasps, he warns Luke not to underestimate the Emperor -- and reveals that “there... is... another... s-sky... walker...”


Outside, the ghost of Ben reveals to Luke what truly happened to Anakin, how he fell to the Dark Side.  He explains that the other Skywalker is Luke’s twin sister, separated at birth and raised anonymously.  Luke realizes what, deep down, he’s known all along -- Leia is his sister.  Kenobi warns Luke to keep her true identity secret, and to prepare for what he has to face.  Like it or not, for the galaxy’s sake, he must fight -- and kill -- his own father.


Near the planet Sullust, the entire Rebel Alliance has assembled into a monstrous armada.  The Alliance leader, Mon Mothma, soon reveals why; specifically, that the Emperor is on the uncompleted Death Star -- and thus vulnerable to a massive attack that could end the entire war.  Han, having finally given up being a loner and totally in love with Leia, has joined the Alliance officially and been made a General.  General Crix Madine reveals that a commando team led by Han, Leia, and Luke will infiltrate the ground installation on Endor (via a stolen shuttle) that is projecting a huge force field around the Death Star.  Once they’ve blown it up, a now – also – promoted General Lando Calrissian and Admiral Ackbar will lead the fleet right down the station’s throat, blowing it sky - high.


The stolen shuttle ‘Tyderium’ makes it to Endor, but not before Vader senses Luke is aboard. Palpatine tells him to go down to Endor and await his son.


On Endor, the team runs into trouble -- first from scout troopers, then later from the native primitives who live in the forest... the Ewoks.  With the aid of Threepio (whom the Ewoks at first mistake for a god, then later listens to the history of the Alliance from him), the Ewoks are swayed into joining the Rebels.  They’ve been preparing to hit the Imperials for some time now, and they’re willing to make the attack tomorrow before the fleet arrives.


As they plan, Luke is weighed down by his imminent destiny.  He quietly informs Leia of his and her mutual parentage, because he’s about to leave to confront Vader and he doesn’t expect to come back. He then travels to the Imperial ground base, giving himself up to Vader.  He begs Vader to come with him -- he senses that some part of Anakin is still in there somewhere, that Vader does in fact hold some love for his son (or he’d have killed him by now), and Vader could still, even after all he’s done, return to the Light Side.  Vader can’t will himself to do so, thinking it’s too late for him to come back, and brings Luke with him to the Death Star.


The morning of the attack dawns.  The Rebel commando team, with the Ewoks in tow, breaks into the installation as the fleet hyper - jumps toward Endor.  In the Death Star throne room, Vader presents Luke to Emperor Palpatine.  Luke vows that he won’t turn to the Dark Side and promises that soon both he and Palpatine will be dead.


                At which point, Palpatine’s deathtrap is sprung.


The commando team is captured by a legion of stormtroopers who were waiting in hiding for them.  As the fleet jumps into the Endor system, Interdictors seal it off from further hyper - travel, as the entire Imperial fleet (led by the ‘Executor’) smashes head - on into the fleet.  The Death Star, proven to be operational after all, begins to blow up Rebel warships one by one.  All at once, it seems, the Emperor is on the verge of complete victory over everything.  And there’s nothing Luke can do, of any kind -- nothing he can do, that is, without falling into the Dark Side.  And Vader indeed seems ready to fight him to the death.


The Ewoks, rallying around Threepio and Artoo, jumps the Imperial battalion with various low -tech weapons.  The Imperials were completely unprepared for this guerilla war against these teddy – bear -like beings on their own turf, and find themselves beaten down.  Han, Leia and the others force their way back into the installation and manage to destroy it.  The shield around the Death Star goes down -- and Jerjerrod, on Palpatine’s order, begins to turn the Death Star toward Endor to destroy it. Lando, Wedge and the Rogues rush into the station’s unfinished superstructure to destroy the station before it manages to accomplish this holocaust. Unbeknownest to anyone, IG-88 (inside the Death Star computer core) decides to begin unleashing his own takeover of the galaxy in moments. A dying Rebel’s suicide dive into the Executor’s bridge sends it crashing into the station’s side.


In the Death Star’s throne room, Vader has dug out of Luke’s mind the secret about Leia.  He gloats, saying that if Luke won’t turn, maybe she will.  In an insane rage, Luke beats Vader to a pulp, severing his own (mechanical) right hand and ready to deliver the deathblow.  Palpatine is ecstatic -- the son, like the father, is about to fall to the Dark Side.  Luke realizes this himself... and fights down his evil instincts.  He throws his ‘saber aside, refusing to kill Vader.  “I am a Jedi, like my father before me.”  Disappointed, Palpatine begins to electrocute the unprepared Luke with Force lightning.  Vader, stunned by Luke’s show of mercy and unable to watch his own son be murdered in front of him, attacks Palpatine himself.  Mortally wounded by the Force lightning, he flings Palpatine down a reactor shaft and watches him explode into a fireball of evil energy.  Slowly dying, he has Luke remove his mask, so that he can see his son one time with his own eyes.  As his life ebbs away, Vader -- Anakin -- asks Luke to tell Leia that he was right about his father still having some good inside him.


Inside the Death Star’s superstructure, both Lando and Wedge manages to disable the superlaser and then destroy the main reactor.  Racing against the growing destruction, the two heroes (along with Luke in a shuttle) manages to escape as the station shatters into a million pieces.  Battered and demoralised by their leader’s death, the Imperial fleet flees into space, even as the Rebels manage to capture two Star Destroyers (the ‘Adjucator’ and ‘Accuser’).  The Rebels lost 20% percent of their forces, but the Imperials lost much more.


That night, Luke consigns his father’s body to the Force in a bonfire as X-Wings shoot off fireworks in the sky about him.  He is gratified to see Anakin’s spirit join with Obi-Wan’s and Yoda’s.  A huge party breaks out, not only on Endor but on every planet in the galaxy as word of the Emperor’s death spreads.  At the Ewok village, the heroes are all reunited to celebrate their glorious victory.  The Galactic Civil War is over.  The Dark Side’s hold over the galaxy has been broken forever, and both the Jedi and the Republic are on the verge of resurrection... (67)   

(MOTION PICTURE-20th Century Fox/Lucasfilm-George Lucas/Lawrence Kasdan-25 May 1983)

(NOVELISATION - Ballantine / Del Rey Books - James Kahn - May 1983)

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - May-August 1983)

(RADIO DRAMATISATION - Highbridge Audio - Brian Daley - October 1996)

(MANGA COMIC BOOK MINISERIES – Dark Horse Comics – Shinichi Hiromoto – 1999)


Following the death of Emperor Palpatine in the Battle of Endor, the Royal Imperial Guard made a change to their robes. A hem of black was added to the bottom of their robes, indicating that they were mourning the death of Palpatine.

“SW: Crimson Empire.”


“Tales from Jabba’s Palace.”

                At the time of Jabba the Hutt’s death, he had no less than fifteen plots against him cooking.  The Anzati assassin Dannik Jerriko was planning to kill him for denying him Han Solo’s “soup”.  Bib Fortuna wanted to send his greased body down the Sarlacc chute.  He suspected his cook was trying to poison him (he wasn’t -- it was the kitchen boy, hired by the Whiphid J’Quille, himself working for Lady Valerian). Ree-Yees and Tessek each had bombs.


                One by one, as Luke Skywalker’s rescue plan comes into operation, these various plots crash into each other, cancelling each other out.  Dannik Jerriko kills the Weequay Ak-Buz, then the kitchen boy Phlegmin.  Bubo eats Ree-Yees’ detonator.  Two B’omarr monks are killed (by J’Quille and Tessek respectively).  And as the Gamorrean guard Gartogg bumbles around this mystery, Luke Skywalker has his faceoff with Jabba.  Realizing Jabba can’t be talked out of trying to kill Skywalker, Ephant Mon leaves the palace, while Jabba throws Portcellus in the dungeon for later execution and makes sure a dehydrating Tessek accompanies him on the Sail Barge....

(SHORT STORY COLLECTION - Bantam Books - Various Authors - January 1996)


Dengar prepared to hide as Jabba readied the execution of Skywalker -- but another use of the Attanni revealed the true depths of Manaroo’s love for him.  He vows to get her out of there any way he can.  That night, Fett comes up to him and offers him a drink.  He offers Dengar a partnership on a “big job.”  Dengar is skeptical, but agrees.  Dengar realizes too late that the drink was drugged -- Jabba intends to send him to “The Teeth of Tatooine”....


He wakes up chained down in a canyon.  As the hours pass, a huge sandstorm comes down upon him, with flying rocks and sand eating away at him like teeth.  He sees the X-Wing and ‘Millenium Falcon’ roar overhead, and desperately tries to free himself.  He does, and staggers through the storm, still wearing Manaroo’s Attanni -- and, incredibly, she appears in a landspeeder.  She danced so well that she survived one more day -- and after Jabba’s death, a guard freed her.  She asks Dengar to marry her.  He accepts.  He spends the next week and a half in the hospital recovering, then takes Manaroo with him to the Great Pit of Carkoon to find salvagable junk...

“Tales of the Bounty Hunters: Payback - the tale of Dengar.”


A Rebel commando unit destroys an Imperial comm station on Endor during the Battle, thus preventing the summoning of any Imperial reinforcements.

“SW RPG Truce at Bakura Sourcebook.”


Gilad Pellaeon takes command of the Imperial Star Destroyer ‘Chimaera’ after its’ former captain is killed during the Battle of Endor.

“SW RPG Heir To The Empire Sourcebook.”


Paploo replaces Logray as medicine man.  Wicket Warwick is named lead warrior of the Ewok tribe.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 180]


A large - scale celebration breaks out in a plaza on Coruscant (among several worlds) upon news of the Emperor’s death (transmitted via Holonet from Rebel Castin Donn).  Ysanne Isard orders troops into the plaza, where a massacre of over a hundred thousand people occur.  Sate Pestage takes command of the Empire, with a Council established to maintain commerce.

“Return of the Jedi: Special Edition,” “SW: Wraith Squadron,” and “Mara Jade: By the Emperor’s Hand.”


The Emperor's palace -- that endless, gorgeous maze of crystal roofs, hanging gardens, pyramids of green and blue marble shining with gold . . . summer quarters, winter quarters, treasuries, pavilions, music rooms, prisons, halls . . . grace – and – favour residences for concubines, ministers, and trained assassins -- had been shelled hard and partially looted already, Rebel partisans having killed whichever members of the Court they could catch.  These included, not only the President of the Bureau of Punishments and the head of the Emperor's School of Torturers, but the court clothing designer and any number of minor and completely innocent servants of all ages, species, species and sexes whose names had never been reported.

"SW: Children of the Jedi." [page 178]


The planet Aargau fortifies itself behind planetary shields and perimeter warships.

“SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook.”


The Interdictor Cruiser ‘Aggregator’, part of High Admiral Teradoc’s fleet, is leased to Ysanne Isard.

“X-Wing: The Bacta War.”


Imperial Moff Riit Jandi takes control of Elshandruu Pica.

“X-Wing: The Bacta War.”


Grodin Tierce learns of the Emperor’s death while at Magagran, in the Outer Rim, helping to break up a Rebel cell.

"SW: Specter of the Past."


At the time of the Emperor’s death, the Imperial Star Destroyer ‘Invidious’ is part of a task force commanded by High Admiral Teradoc.

"SW: I, Jedi."


Bowman Gavin earns the ‘new sun’ insignia of the B-Wing pilots after surviving the Battle of Endor.  He would later become a New Republic Colonel.

“SW: Tyrant’s Test”. Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


When the Emperor died at Endor, a Dark Jedi was so overwhelmed by his master's agony that he crashed his ship (rumoured to be carrying a functional cloaking device) into the planet Kaal's ocean.  The crash created a tidal wave, which wiped out the Unis Islands resorts in the north - west and damaged several other areas.  Kaal was an Imperial resort world until the Empire abandoned it soon after the Battle of Endor, at which point the world was taken over by the local crimelord Tirgee Benyalle.  Realizing that the Empire had never exploited the rich agricultural potential of Kaal, Benyalle purchased ten huge repulsorlift harvesters (including the ‘Sea Sprite’), which travel over the planet's oceans extracting and processing massive quantities of foodstuffs.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


Alliance captain Junas Turner and the Ewok warrior Grael are imprisoned on the Balis-Baurgh station until they manage to escape.

"Star Wars Adventure Journal."


The Sif’krie and the Frezhlix begin a feud that would last the next fifteen years.

"SW: Specter of the Past.”


Admiral Gaen Drommel is commander on one of the Empire’s precious few Super Star Destroyers.  His ship, the ‘Guardian’, is on station near the Imperial capital of Coruscant during the Battle of Endor.  With word of the defeat of the Imperial fleet and the death of the Emperor, Drommel fled Coruscant to his home region, hoping to use his fleet to consolidate power into a personal empire. 

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.” [Page 7]


When the Empire withdrew from the planet Biivren after the Battle of Endor, they scuttle several key factories and contaminated the world's water supply.  Some enterprising free - traders have been profiting by selling pure drinking water to the planet's inhabitants.

"Star Wars Adventure Journal."


Located in the Core Worlds, the Broest system contains one of the eighteen farming planets administered by the Salliche Ag Corporation.  After the Battle of Endor, workers in the Yulant, Ruan, and Broest systems revolted against the Imperially - controlled Salliche Ag by burning fields and destroying hydroponics facilities.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


Located in the Outer Rim, the Corva sector contains the Triitus, H'ken, Delari, Jaresh, Galaanus, and Jandoon systems.  After the Battle of Endor, the sector was ruled by various Imperial warlords.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


After the Rebels claim victory at Endor, Kane Griggs quits his job in the Botor Income Ministry, and joins the Rebels as a recruit.

"SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook." [Page 24]


After the Empire collapses, the Corporate Sector Authority closes its borders and internal power struggles explode into open conflict.

Conjecture based upon "Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology." [Page xvi]


“Mara Jade: By the Emperor’s Hand.”

                Her mission to kill Luke Skywalker at Tatooine a failure, Mara Jade is sent on another mission: To assassinate Deque, a Jeodu on Svivren who wants to revive Black Sun.  She takes a Headhunter and lightsaber out to Svivren.  She reports to General Touno, and orders him to aid her in the killing.  But the raid turns into a bloodbath for the Imperials.  Not that it matters, as Mara makes her way to Deque’s hideout -- only to find... something else.  A room full of trigger - happy Black Nebula members.  Mara slaughters them, hacking and slashing her way to Dequc, chopping his head off.  Making her way back to her Headhunter, she reports her success to Palpatine.  He orders her back to Coruscant, to take some time off and “enjoy yourself.”  She tries her best, but can’t seem to loosen up and have fun.  She does some checking, sees that Black Nebula isn’t even slowed down, and realises -- she’d killed an imposter.  Since Intelligence Director Isard sealed all Black Sun files, she steals the real medallion of Xizor from Palpatine’s museum and begins the job of tracking the real Deque down -- And which point Emperor Palpatine dies, screaming his last command to her -- “YOU WILL KILL LUKE SKYWALKER!!!”  Mara is stunned for several moments.  Just as she comes out of it, she is captured by Ysanne Isard, who orders her thrown in prison and executed as a traitor.


                But later she reconsiders, and decides to recruit her.  She uses an officer named Ivak to try to lure Mara to her side.  Mara plays along -- just until Ivak can lead her to a computer terminal.  At which point she locks down the whole Imperial Palace, sneaks into Isard’s office and makes off with her stuff, then flies off for Phorliss under Isard’s nose, on the brink of a new life.  A lousy life.


                She finds herself a job as a cantina waitress, under the alias “Chiara Lorn.”  Two weeks pass without incident.  But then a group of professional thugs show up to shake bartender Gorb Drig down. They’re from Black Nebula.  She’s beaten down, Drig is killed, and she’s given a message to tell the other local merchants -- “This is what happens when Lord Deque is not paid his proper tribute.”  Enraged, she seizes her lightsaber and massacres the group.  She takes the cantina money, planning to hide... no, NOT to hide... to get revenge on Deque!!


                She prepares herself and tracks Deque to the Bubble-Cliffs of Qiaxx.  Posing as a baroness, she wins big at the local casino.  It earns her a trip to the penthouse where “Lord Allic” accuses her of cheating.  She talks her way into a hearing with Deque, but doesn’t wait for it -- she goes undercover for a little recon.  The next day, while being brought in, she sets off a little booby trap from the night before to sneak her lightsaber in.  But when she’s brought in, she sees the one man who still knows her true identity -- Captain Strok, her liason on Svivren.  She quickly knocks him out, claiming he’s an Imperial spy, and continues on to meet Deque.  She asks for and gets a tour of Deque’s palace, allowing her to map out her strategy.  She has to deal with Strok again, forcing her to start her attack early.  She steals a bust of Xizor that Deque owns, modifies it, then gives herself up, telling just enough of the truth to satisfy them.  As soon as Deque gets the statue in his hands, Mara remote activates the lightsaber inside, skewering his head.  An easy getaway follows.  She leaves Deque’s yacht (crammed with Black Nebula info) at the spaceport for the Imperials to find, and sets off to find a new life... again...

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Timothy Zahn / Michael A. Stackpole - August 1998 - January 1999)


After the death of Palpatine, the planet Gargon became an Imperial stronghold.  Grand Admiral Grunger began to set himself up as heir to the Empire, complete with a fleet of 30 Star Destroyers.

"The Glove of Darth Vader."


Imperial General Arnothian fancies himself as a warlord, having broken away from the Empire.  He maintains a TIE Defender production facility on an unspecified world.

‘X-Wing: Isard’s Revenge.’


The Empire abandons its base on Ord Mirit, and shifts the garrison from there all the way over to Corellia to help hold the shipyards there.

“SW: X-Wing Rogue Squadron” [Page 296].


"The Truce at Bakura." 

                The day following the Battle of Endor, Wedge Antilles intercepts an Imperial drone ship at Endor with a message meant for Emperor Palpatine: a distress call from the Imperial outpost of Bakura, under attack from an alien race called the Ssi-Ruuk.  Recovering slowly from the injuries inflicted by Palpatine, Luke decides not to go with Han, Leia, and a task force; until a visit by the spirit of Ben Kenobi tells him that if he doesn't go, all the Rebels have fought for will be lost.  After fighting off an initial attack by the Ssi-Ruuk, the Rebels land on Bakura, where Luke meets Senator Gaeriel Captison, a Force-sensitive who thinks of the Force in a different way, a way known as the "Cosmic Balance" -- but is as attracted to Luke as Luke is to her.  


                As Leia negotiates a truce -- as well as deal with the fact that Vader was her father -- the Ssi-Ruuk, through their Chandrilan messenger Dev Sibwarra, makes an offer to the Imperial Governor Wilek Nereus; give them Luke and they will depart.  Nereus sets a trap that lands Luke (infected with parasites) into the Ssi-Ruuk's hands and Leia behind bars.  Luke turns the tables and breaks through Dev's brainwashing, joining forces with him to sabotage the Ssi-Ruuk fleet.  The Empire breaks the truce and begins attacking Rebel forces.  Purging himself of the parasites, Luke escapes with the fatally wounded Dev, as a revolution unseats the Empire from Bakura and the Rebels capture a Ssi-Ruuk ship and force the others to retreat.  Nereus is killed, and Bakura becomes an ally of the Alliance. 

 (NOVEL - Bantam Books - Kathy Tyers – January 1994)  


The whole “Bakura Incident” is classified by the Alliance.

“SW RPG Truce at Bakura Sourcebook.”


Brahle Logirs is convicted of the murder of a Sector Ranger on Gandalla.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations.” [Page 10]


Escaping the destruction of Jabba's Sail Barge in his private skiff, Bib Fortuna returns to the Hutt's palace to take it over.  Instead, he finds the palace taken over by its’ original owners, the B’Omarr monks.  And then he finds his brain in a spider - monk's body.  The Quarren Tessek, the Whiphid J’Quille and the spy Bubo (among others) suffer the same fate. 

"SW: Tales from Jabba's Palace."


Malakili frees Portcellus the cook from Jabba’s dungeon, and the two loots enough from Jabba’s treasury to open the Crystal Moon restaurant in Mos Eisely.

"SW: Tales from Jabba's Palace."


Having been deprived of the “soup” of the Rebel heroes, Dannik Jerriko goes on a killing rampage in Jabba’s former palace.  He eventually leaves the palace, continuing his bloodbath, and becomes a top price bounty.

"SW: Tales from Jabba's Palace."


After the death of the Emperor, MandalMotors, a company with a rich legacy of exceptional starships and an outstanding reputation for it’s military designs, installs a new pro New Republic executive board and the company develops into a valuable military supplier for New Republic worlds.

“The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels.”


Retreating Imperial soldiers are forced to abandon many of their posts in the Outer Rim, including Alzoc III.

“The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons.”


Post – Endor, First Sun found itself a lean, veteran mercenary force with a galaxy of new customers as the Empire fractured.  The regiment currently wanders from contract to contract, working for Imperial, corporate, or system – state employers as fortune dictates.

"SW Adventure Journal, Vol. 1, Issue #15."


Moff Eyrgen, an Imperial warlord, battles with Moff Prentoich over control of the Wornall sector after the death of Emperor Palpatine.

"SW Adventure Journal #2."


"The Marvel Series: Jawas of Doom. (#81)" 

                Han Solo is having a hard time adjusting to resuming life a year after carbonite imprisonment.  For example, he’s flat broke.  He decides to fly to Tatooine to get some money he’d had stashed there.  Leia and Artoo tags along.  Meanwhile, at the Pit of Carkoon, Boba Fett jetpacks his way out of the Sarlacc. Scavenging Jawas pick him up.  Han finds to his disgust that his account was “frozen” along with him, and the computer won’t unfreeze it.  Artoo could -- but Jawas have just snatched him up!  It seems that Jabba was trying to force the Jawas out of business, making the little critters mean and ornery as hell.  And as Han and Leia take off after the sandcrawler, Artoo finds an amnesiac Fett among the junk.  A fight breaks out between the Rebels and Jawas, as Sandpeople join in and the sandcrawler is knocked toward the Sarlacc.  Fett helps Han get Artoo out as the Jawas abandon ship -- then suddenly regains his memory and tries to kill Han.  Han jumps off the Sandcrawler just as it tips over into the waiting Sarlacc.  The tired Rebels start back toward Mos Eisley...

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Mary Jo Duffy - February 1984)


“The Jabba Tape.”                                                                                                                          

                Jabba’s greedy relatives (except for the still - imprisoned Zorba) descend on the Hutt’s palace on Tatooine to seize his fortune.  But Big Gizz and Spiker, two of Jabba’s swoop gang, have a line on a hidden ship filled with art treasures Jabba owned, hidden on Glass Mountain.  Gorga (Jabba’s nephew) discovers this for himself, and takes off after the treasure himself.  Gizz and Spiker get past Gorga’s men and seizes the ship, the “Spirit of Jabba,” ignoring the words of the watchman: “It is unwise to anger Master Jabba -- even after death!”  They take off, with Gorga in hot pursuit.


                At which point a security tape comes on, based on Jabba’s personality.  The ship is immobilized, and “Jabba” starts sucking the air out of the ship.  With Gorga attacking, Gizz and Spiker forces the watchman to deactivate the code, only to be chased down towards Mos Eisely.  Furious and desperate to escape, they unload the precious cargo of funeral urns -- right on Gorga’s head.  They crash land some distance away from Mos Eisely, but decide to keep on keeping on...

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - John Wagner - December 1998)


“SW Tales: Mara Jade – A Night on the Town.”

                Mara Jade lands in a “pit” called Kintoni, a Rebel - held small town.  She hopes a couple of weeks here will get Isard and her goons off her trail.  She’s surprised to spot General Crix Madine in street clothes, leaving a Rebel shuttle.  She hears mention of “Governor Barkdale” – a man she remembered as a very popular up-and-comer in the Imperial court. Madine must be out to capture Barkdale – but Mara would rather kill him.


                She sneaks into the Rebel headquarters, where she eavesdrops on Madine and a surrendered Barkdale haggling over the location of his sector forces.  She sneaks around and hacks into the base computer.  She learns the ‘Executor’ had stopped by sometime in the past.  She makes her way into Barkdale’s “quarters” – to find Madine waiting for her with a blaster.  A fierce brawl ensues, with Madine proving himself a surprisingly good fighter.  She does get him on the ground, and Madine waits for the inevitable deathblow.  But that’s not what Mara has in mind.  She offers a deal…


                Mara sneaks out of the base with Barkdale in tow.  They make their way to Barkdale’s home, where he reveals to her a huge treasure that he claims he looted from the sector treasury.  Mara knows full well he’s lying – she’s spotted items of art among the treasure that was supposedly destroyed in Rebel attacks over the years.  He’s been siphoning off the treasury for the past decade.  She executes Barkdale for “treasonous embezzlement.”  She contacts Madine and gives him the location of the treasure, then takes off for yet another world…

(COMIC SHORT STORY – Dark Horse Comics – Timothy Zahn – September 1999)  


While a desperate battle raged above the forest moon of Endor, Lumiya had begun the final test of all Jedi.  Travelling to the far reaches of the galaxy, she uncovered an ancient Sith tome that spoke of a weapon forged of “biting metal and stinging light”.  That served the basis for her lightwhip, a more difficult weapon to use than a lightsaber.

“SW Galaxy Magazine: Lumiya – Dark Star of the Empire.”


On Cilpar, Moff Boren Tascl is about to turn his facilities over to the Alliance -- then abruptly does an about face and starts attacking the Rebels.  

Shortly before "The Rebel Opposition." 


The Rebel Alliance is temporarily renamed The Alliance of Free Worlds, and a declaration is transmitted to that effect.

“SW RPG Truce at Bakura Sourcebook.”


"The Bounty Hunter Wars: The Mandalorian Armour. (continued)" 

                Searching for salvage in the remains of Jabba’s Sail Barge with his fiance Manaroo, Dengar comes upon the smashed, burned -- but still alive -- Boba Fett.  The bounty hunter had used his suit and jet pack to literally blast himself through the Sarlacc, killing it in the process.  Elsewhere, Kuat (owner of Kuat Drive Yards) receives word of Jabba’s death.  That night, at Dengar’s hideout, a woman named Neelah (a former dancer at Jabba’s) pays a visit to the comatose Fett, being treated by two liberated medical droids.  Dengar catches her and worms some information out of her.  She found Fett first, and arranged for Dengar to find and treat him.  This slave girl is apparently an aristocrat who was mind-wiped and brought to Jabba’s palace by Fett.  That, and the only other name she remembers is  “Nil Posondum.” 


                Shortly after Fett awakes, the hideout is bombed by Kuat, who wants to make sure Fett is dead.  The three make their way out, fighting past a regenerated Sarlacc.  Fett slowly recovers, cobbling together a new set of Mandalorian armour.  Dengar sends a message to Kuat: “Boba Fett is alive.”  Bossk arrives at Tatooine to take the ‘Slave I’ for himself.  He finds a smashed spy droid belonging to Kuat, as well as a recording the droid once made of Luke discovering his aunt and uncle’s remains.  And evidence that a Falleen male -- Xizor? -- had seen the recording.  And then he finds the message to Kuat -- and faints.  He wakes up and gets to his ship when Fett and Co. (fighting past another pair of hunters) reach the ship.  He remote detonates the bombs he left, and watches the ‘Slave I’ explode...

 (NOVEL - Bantam Books - K.W. Jeter - June 1998)


“The Bounty Hunter Wars: Slave Ship. (continued)”                                                                      

                ...or so he thought.  Fett had discovered the explosives and sent them up in a cargo module.  Then he snuck a bomb into both the ‘Hound’s Tooth’ and its’ escape pod -- both of which are dummies, but Bossk doesn’t know that until he’s already on his way back down to Tatooine in the pod.  Fett leaves the ‘Slave I’ for the Rebels to take and takes off in the ‘Hound’s Tooth’ with Dengar and Neela.


                Meanwhile, Kuat arranges to buy the ‘Slave I’ off of the Rebels, and travels to meet with the Kuhlvult clan, his relatives who want him to answer for his actions involving the Empire and Black Sun.  He turns the tables on their attempt to have him killed and reveals treachery among them, showing that one of the Elders has been dead for a year and disguised to look alive.  He takes as a new chief of security Kodir, and reveals that “Neelah” is in fact Kateel of Kuhlvult.  He had also manufactured evidence to make it look like Xizor had Luke’s aunt and uncle killed -- of course, it turned out to be unnecessary...

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - K.W. Jeter - October 1998)


When the Alliance first confiscated the ‘Slave I’, no one really had any idea what to do with it.  For one thing, there was a lockout code on the auto - pilot computer.  Rebel staff had been able to get inside the ship and access the computers, but they couldn’t fire up the engines.  They ended it up towing it to the Alliance’s storage base on Grakouine.  Given time, they could eventually crack the codes and the ship would be theirs.  Then what to do with it?  The Alliance, flush with new legitimacy, had no need for a bounty hunter’s ship.  Skywalker, Organa, even Solo wanted nothing to do with it.  Bad memories they said.  Calrissian nearly had Voren Na’al sold on the idea of renting it out to carnivals before Admiral Ackbar nixed the idea.  It sat untouched on Grakouine for months.  With other pressing matters, it was quietly forgotten.

“SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook.” [Page 100]


“The Bounty Hunter Wars: Hard Merchandise. (continued)”

                In a bar, Zuckuss and 4-LOM look back on past events while waiting for a bounty to arrive -- a professional gambler named Drawmas Sma’Da, whose bets about the Empire / Alliance’s fights were a little too accurate.  Meanwhile, Bossk stalks around Mos Eisley, the laughing stock of the planet due to his failed efforts against Fett.


                Neelah is getting increasingly fed up with Fett’s mysterious act.  She’d love to kill him -- but then she’d never learn her true name and her past.  Disgusted, she goes back to the cargo hold to hang with Dengar, who fills her in some more on events of the past.  At that point, the ‘Hound’s Tooth’ arrives at the floating graveyard of Ku’dar Mu’bat.  Neelah wants to know only one thing -- what’s this whole mess got to do with her?  Fett explains: Some time before Mu’bat’s death, he came upon the derelict ship of one Ree Duptom, a bounty hunter despised as scum even by his peers.  He also found Duptom’s corpse (killed from radiation) and a shocking discovery -- evidence that Prince Xizor, not Darth Vader, was responsible for the murder of Owen and Beru Lars.  He immediately suspects it faked.  But by who?  Anyway, he also found a young woman in the ship’s holding cell, suffering from a memory wipe -- Neelah.  He took her to Jabba’s, while looking for a former partner of Duptom’s.  While Leia was delivering Chewbacca to Jabba, Fett forced out of that partner that Dumptom had taken two jobs before he died.  They were both for the same client -- Mu’bat.  That’s why Fett’s come to Mu’bat’s grave -- to revive him and find out what those jobs were.


                Kodir of Kuhlvult kills her predecessor, the man she had hired to turn his job over to her. Elsewhere, a freed Sma’Da is asked to offer bets on a certain bounty hunter.  At KDY Shipyards, Kuat of Kuat has to deal with a Rebel squadron sent to keep the Empire from calling up reinforcement ships after Endor.


                Fett slowly resurrects Mu’bat, while Neelah’s memory begins to return bit by bit.  Doing some digging of her own, she looks up Nil Posondum -- and suddenly remembers all of her past, including her real name -- Kateel of Kuhvult.  Mu’bat explains that Posondum was merely a “bagman” for another client -- but in his dead state, he no longer remembers who it was.  Fett starts to torture it out of Mu’bat, when the web is suddenly attacked.  It’s Balancesheet, who apologizes when he learns who it is.  He offers to help Fett on his quest, and reveals that it’s Kuat of Kuat who’s behind all this mess.  He very much wants the faked evidence before Fett can find it, and he wants Fett dead.  The evidence is with Bossk on Tatooine (he took it off Slave I before he ejected).  Trouble is, every bounty hunter in the galaxy is after Fett now -- he’ll never make it to Tatooine alive, let alone before Bossk sells the evidence.  To pull it off, he needs a hunt saboteur -- and he gets one in the form of N’dru Suhlak.  Kodir informs Kuat of the rendezvous, and he orders her to kill them both.  The group diverts the attacking ship enough for Fett and Suhlak to get away.


                Kuat says farewell to his employees as Fett reaches Tatooine, fighting his way past the so - called “new and better” bounty hunter Osss-10.  Bossk can’t help but gloat when Fett meets him at the cantina. Fett puts a blaster before him.  Tell him where the evidence is, he says, or die.  Bossk tells him to shoot -- he doesn’t care anymore.  To his utter shock, Fett pays him a huge sum of money.  Bossk gives him the location.  Fett meets up with Neelah and Dengar again at the Oranessan system.  The Hound’s Tooth has been disabled by a KDY coded pulse, and a KDY cruiser comes up to them.  It’s Kodir.  She snatches away the evidence and Neelah.  As Fett repairs the ship, Kodir has a little talk with Neelah.  Without revealing anything, she says that both she and Kuat will be in for a little surprise.  Kuat is beginning to suspect just that himself...


                Kodir meets with the Rebel squadron, where she presents the faked evidence and reveals Kuat was behind it.  If Luke had learned of it, she explains, the cost to his morale -- and the Alliance -- would have been considerable.  Kuat is an enemy of the Rebellion.  They agree to take Kuat out and give Kodir command of KDY.  Neelah reveals to Kodir that she knows her true identity as Kateel -- Kodir’s sister.  The two sisters fight, with Kateel gaining the upper hand.  At that point, Kuat Drive Yards starts to self -destruct, taking the docked Imperial ships with it.  Kuat has decided to destroy the shipyard and himself rather than let anyone else have it.


                Fett arrives as the Rebels try to fly the ships out of danger.  He won’t let Kuat die without giving him answers, and he flies into the maelstrom.  He finds Kuat on the bridge of the largest Star Destroyer in the dock.  They rehash the whole conspiracy, and Fett reveals what Kodir’s been up to.  With that, he takes the Star Destroyer out as Kuat settles into the dockyards to die.  And as a result, by Fett breaking the chain of explosives, some 80% of KDY was saved.  In return for the ‘Hound’s Tooth’ and her silence, Fett gives Kateel the Star Destroyer.  He’ll sell the fabricated evidence to one of the wannabe heirs to Black Sun. Dengar reunites with Manaroo, who gleefully tells him that she bet every penny they had with Sma’Da that he would survive his little adventure with Fett -- and he did!  Even better than that, word of the Rebels’ victory at Endor has gotten out.  A new life awaits Dengar and his future wife...

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - K.W. Jeter - July 1999)


A new bounty hunter by the name of Andov Syn appears in crime circles.  Syn hunts other bounty hunters who have bounties posted on them by criminals and corporations.  Syn avoids working for both the Empire and the New Republic, instead hunting on his own.  Syn wears battle armour that conceals his identity.  Andov Syn is really Nariss Siv Loqesh, who disappeared a year and a half ago after turning down Darth Vader’s request to hunt Han Solo and Leia Organa.

“SW Galaxy Magazine: Hunting the Hunters.”


"The Marvel Series: Diplomacy. (#82)" 

                Luke has discovered that Ewoks make fun sparring partners – especially a dozen to one.  Lando and Admiral Ackbar interrupts the training session to inform Luke of a new assignment: Travel to certain worlds to convince the leaders there to come join the council that will establish the next form of galactic government.  Plif the Hoojib insists on coming along (riding Luke’s shoulder like a parrot).  Their first stop: Iskalon, where Luke is stunned to find a Corellian ship floating atop the shattered ruins of the former town of Pavillion.  The surprise turns to disgust when it turns out to be the Rik Duel Gang.  It seems they’re doing salvage on the wrecked world, and Iskalon’s sister planet of Gamandar is next on their list.  He berates the pirates on their callous greed – but is interrupted by a giant sea monster called a chiaki.  It proves only the advance force for a group of Iskaloni attackers.  It takes all of Luke’s Jedi skill to fight them off him and the Gang, until one of the attackers – Luke’s old friend Kiro – stops the fight.  Luke explains the situation, but the new leader – Mone, son of Primor – wants nothing to do with the Alliance’s plans, and neither does anyone else.  It’s become every life form for themselves since the Empire destroyed Pavillion.  Luke reluctantly agrees, and orders the Gang off the planet.  But as he’s about to go, Kiro suddenly faces him in a old traditional watersuit – he wants to see the universe, and learn what he can. Luke gladly takes his friend along and flies off Pavillion…

 (COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Mary Jo Duffy - April 1984)


“The Marvel Series: The Hero. (#85)”                                                                                       *

                In a bar on the “Hunter’s World” of Keyorin, Captain Drebble rants and raves to IG-88C and Bossk about how Lando Calrissian has messed up his life.  Meanwhile on Endor, Chewie is getting increasingly moody – because, Han reasons, he hasn’t seen his family in quite a long while.  Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar call a huge meeting, where they recruit more volunteers to go as emissaries to gather more delegates for the upcoming constitutional convention.  They then announce that Drebble will be awarded as a hero of the Alliance, for his part in recent events (a part actually played by Lando in disguise). Lando is… stunned, to say the least.  Han volunteers to take the emissary run that starts at Keyorin – and (by coincidence) passes through Kashyyyk.  Lando tags along in his new ship, the ‘Cobra’.  Han’s only somewhat successful in recruiting the “boss.”  Spending some time in that bar later, the heroes spot Bossk, IG-88, and Drebble.  As a chase ensues, the gang who Lando swindled on Arcan IV joins in.  Both grudge -carrying groups crash into each other at the ‘Falcon’, and Drebble walks off with Lando while the gang takes Han and Chewie.  They want the “dancing goddess” statue Lando kept.  Han tells them Drebble has it.  Meanwhile, Drebble has stumbled upon Mon Mothma’s recorded announcment of his medal.  Amazed at the idea of being a “hero,” Drebble suddenly finds himself surrounded by the gang.  Han and Chewie break out of captivity and start a firefight at the ‘Falcon’ that ends when Stenaxes help capture the gang. Lando gives Drebble his commendation – the statue.

(COMIC BOOK – Marvel Comics Inc. – Mary Jo Duffy – July 1984)  


After the fall of the Empire at Endor, Galaxy 9 (a galactic media conglomerate) begins an ambitious investigative report on corruption in the Pentastar Patrol Academy.

Conjecture based upon “SWAJ #4 ‘Enemies for Life’ Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


“The Marvel Series: Still Active After All These Years… (#87)”                                                *                                                     

Luke, Plif and Kiro arrives on Shawken, with the Duel Gang in tow (Luke wants to keep them from causing trouble).  They meet with planetary leader Santor, who offers the Duel Gang something to do while he and Luke talk – a tour of some recently uncovered catacombs.  They jump at the chance, hoping to loot some treasure.  Kiro, disgusted by the Gang’s behavior, goes to the catacombs as well.  The four find themselves trapped in a chamber, as the catacombs begin to pulse with energy.  Dani begins to freak out – she’s claustrophobic.  News reaches the diplomatic talks, and Luke rushes to the rescue.  They discover that the group has accidentally uncovered an ancient weapon created by a nihilistic ancestor of the Shawkenese – specifically, a device that can explode the planet, detonating every planet within range by the shockwave, and growing the shockwave’s power with each explosion until the whole universe is wiped out.  Plif gets the Gang out by gorging himself on the ruins’ energy.  Luke and Kiro go deeper into the ruins to shut the device off.  Finding themselves in front of a lake, Kiro sheds his water - suit to let Luke wear it on the swim – then seizes the Jedi’s lightsaber and plunges in alone.  He disables the weapon with the lightsaber, almost getting killed in the process.  Luke pulls him out in time.

(COMIC BOOK – Marvel Comics Inc. – Mary Jo Duffy – September 1984)


In the wake of the Battle of Endor, a Rebel scholar takes the time to compile an article on the travels of Dr’uun Unnh, a naturalist who was one of the first Rebels on Yavin 4.  Due to the rising interest in the events in the battle against the first Death Star, the author hopes that this article will allow Dr’uun to be remembered fondly in the new wave of interest.  The author describes Dr’uun’s travels and obervations of Yavin 4, all the way up until a crashing TIE fighter killed Dr’uun during the Battle of Yavin.

“The Illustrated Star Wars Universe:  Yavin 4 Entry”. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


“The Marvel Series: Figurehead. (#88)”                                                                                       *

                Mon Mothma and Princess Leia undertake an emissary trip to Herdessa.  They are welcomed by the ruling guild, but not by the people – one of whom throws mud in Leia’s face.  The government puts a masked cyborg woman named Lumiya in charge of Leia and Mothma’s protection.  The guild bends over backwards to please the two Rebels, even offering them a night of fun with some Zeltrons – at which point Mothma is stunned to learn that Leia is (thanks to Dani) extremely prejudiced against Zeltrons.  Frustrated, Leia takes a walk with the droids, musing that she’s gotten so used to the fast and rough ways of the Rebellion -- maybe she just doesn’t have what it takes to be a diplomat anymore.  She finds Lumiya beating the crap out of the young girl (Suzu) who threw mud earlier.  The girl claims the government to be an aristocracy that represses or kills the rest of the people.  Leia tries to stop Lumiya’s brutal actions, only to have the cyborg try to kill her.  Leia escapes and, with Suzu, finds her way to the local resistance movement.  Suzu scoffs at Leia’s offer of help – how could a “figurehead” help them?  Leia then helps the rebels fight when government troops led by Lumiya attack.  The princess runs off as the rebels are overwhelmed, trying to get help and warn Mon Mothma.  She finds the middle class too terrified of the guild to help, and soon learns why when she spots Mon Mothma being herded off at gunpoint by – stormtroopers.  It seems the Guild’s in league with the battered Empire.  Lumiya herds Mothma and the prisoners together, and announces by megaphone she will execute them one at a time if Leia isn’t given up. Leia finally attacks head - on, blowing up one of Lumiya’s power packs.  Against huge odds, she frees the other rebels to fight as well.  Swayed by Leia’s actions and Mothma’s words, the ordinary people finally rise in revolt.  The Guild (who turn out to be slavers as well) are overthrown and Herdessa joins the Alliance of Free Worlds.  But nearby, a damaged-but-still-alive Lumiya watches and plans revenge…

(COMIC BOOK – Marvel Comics Inc. – Mary Jo Duffy – October 1984)


Moff Gronn becomes Imperial governor of the Allied Tion.  The Moff knew that much of his influence stemmed from his sector containing Lianna, home of Sienar Fleet Systems, developer of the TIE starfighters.  The head of Sienar, Lady Santhe made it clear that Lianna would continue to supply TIE fighters provided that it was left to its own devices, and to that end, Gronn was kept well paid to prevent any military invasion.

“SW RPG: Dark Empire Sourcebook”. Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


"The Marvel Series: The Choice. (#90)"                                                                                                 *      

                The heroes – Luke, Kiro and the Duel Gang on one ship, Leia and Mon Mothma on the other -- are finally reunited on Endor.  Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar worry over evidence that the Empire still exists in force in some areas of the galaxy, while Leia and Luke head off somewhere private to talk.  Leia finds herself torn between being the military leader she was and the diplomat and ambassador she is now. Luke agrees that they have to be very cautious what they do in the future – their father didn’t set out to become Vader, after all.  They also agree that no one should know about Vader being their father – at least, for the foreseeable future.  They then visit Kiro, who is recuperating in a Rebel sickbay.  Luke wonders if Kiro somehow destroyed the doomsday device on Shawken with the Force.  Kiro is certain it was, and asks Luke to train him in the ways of the Jedi.  Certain he’s not ready to teach anyone, Luke refuses – and Kiro goes ballistic, lashing out at him.


                Meanwhile, all the planetary representatives sent from the worlds of the galaxy gather for the New Republic Constitutional Convention.  Luke and Leia muse over the fact that Endor is now a planet filled with soldiers – soldiers with “no discipline, no enemies, and no war.”  Sure enough, some Rebel soldiers pick a fight with the Duel Gang.  Luke is forced to enter the fight on the Gang’s side, but spares the hot -tempered soldiers, as Kiro tells them they should not turn on each other.  He in turn asks Luke to be more open - minded in the future.  Back at the Convention, the Alliance Council is forced to make a painful decision – due to their absence at the Convention, Luke, Han, Leia, Lando and their friends have forfeited any role in the establishment of the New Republic…

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Mary Jo Duffy – November 1984)


"The Marvel Series: Wookiee World. (#91)"                                                                           *

            Han, Chewie and Lando arrive on Kashyyyk.  Lando can’t help but sense that something’s wrong here – and they soon learn how wrong when a skinny albino guy deliberately gets in their way, barring them from Chewie’s home.  With the skinny albino is Vargi, Chewie’s brother-in-law.  The skinny albino leads them to Chewie’s home, and introduces himself as “Knife” (at least, that’s what it means in the Wookiee tongue). They’re surprised to find no one home.  Han begins to sense a problem, too – he doesn’t recognize Knife’s species, and Vargi and Chewie don’t seem to like each other.  Finally, Lumpy arrives – held at gunpoint by three Wookiees! Knife and Vargi prove to be with them, and they announce that the Kashyyyk slave trade is about to be reactivated.  But surprisingly, Knife says he isn’t with the Empire.  He also reveals Malla is his hostage too.  He has the group cuffed, and plans to parade the great Rebel hero through the streets on his way to the transport to demoralize the people.  Han and Lando pick their locks, and Han picks Chewie’s at the transport – but he’s caught before he can.  Vargi begins brutally beating his brother-in-law, and a furious Han attacks the Wookiee slaver.  Seeing Han getting pounded to a pulp is too much for Chewie to take, and he attacks Vargi.  Lando shows up with Chewie’s family freed, and he shoots off Knife’s attempt to kill Chewie.  Knife runs off and steals the ‘Cobra’ as the Wookiees celebrate their refound freedom…

This was reprinted in “Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago…”

(COMIC BOOK – Marvel Comics Inc. – Mary Jo Duffy – December 1984)


Admiral Zsinj breaks ties with the Imperial Ruling Council on Coruscant, intent on personal power. He consolidates his power base by sending “representatives” of certain worlds to the Galactic Constitutional Convention. They paint a picture of space free from the Imperials, but wishing to remain independent. At the same time, Zsinj plunders and conquers those same worlds. He declares himself a warlord.

“SW RPG: Cracken’s Threat Dossier.”


"The Marvel Series: Seoul Searching. (#84)"                                                                          *

                Han and Chewie continue their diplomatic mission without Lando, recruiting the leaders of Zhotta III. Relaxing afterwards with a card game, Han finds himself playing against a strange middle-aged man who’s wagering with…. a chunk of glass? He soon raises the stakes by offering a starmap – to Seoul V, an ancient civilization destroyed by interstellar war eons ago. The man explains that years ago, as a member of the Imperial Exploratory Division, he stumbled upon the planet, where he purloined the crystal chunk (which can boost any energy source, including mental energy) from a cache of them. He wagers all this against the Falcon. Han plays it and wins. Furious, the old man tries to blast Han for cheating, but Han and Chewie make off with the map and the crystal. Soon the Falcon is flying to Seoul V, where Han learns from scanners that the supposedly destroyed world has humans living on it. Uneasy, he travels alone into a nearby city. Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, the “humans” – an Imperial landing force – are plundering the ruins. Captain Drezzel, their leader, sends a “pet” named Sssssk to deal with the two ex-pirates. Sssssk, a cat-like figure with mental powers, attacks Han at the site of a female statue Han finds strangely familiar. Han fights off the Imperial attack and finds his way into the ruins’ underground. He finds a pair of archaeologists the Imperials are holding hostage – the Trandoshan Dr. Xathan and his human assistant Fem Nu-Ar. It seems the Imperials learned of Seoul V and its’ energy-enhancing crystals through them, and now they want the crystals for weapons development. Han frees them, and learns from Xathan that the crystal he has is the key crystal to control the others. Drezzel pulls his troops back and has Sssssk use his mental attack on Han. The pirate turns the tables by using the crystal to boost his own mental ability…. hence beating Sssssk at his own game. Weakened, Han places the crystal with the others, bringing them to full power. As they begin to overload, Han rushes the two scientists to the Falcon and takes off, outrunning TIEs as the planet explodes.

 (COMIC BOOK – Marvel Comics Inc. – Roy Richardson – June 1984)


"The Marvel Series: The Dream. (#92)"                                                                                  *

            Luke is haunted by nightmares of Vader. Threepio wakes him up and leads him to another meeting of the Rebel leaders. Admiral Ackbar notes the recent missions of Luke, Han and Leia, and makes it clear that the Alliance needs to keep their forces in top order to combat these new mystery threats. After the meeting, Luke opens up to Leia about the nightmares. He soldiers on, training Rebel fighters. Some begin to ask him – when will he start training Jedi? Luke realizes that may have been what Ackbar was talking about – “but I can’t do it.” The potential for abuse of the Force is just too great. He’s later awakened from another nightmare (which ends as they all do – with Vader starting to remove his mask) by the arrival of a small spaceship that evades the Rebel starfighters. The pilot, Prince Denin of Naldar, asks for the Rebels’ help in freeing his world from some regrouped Imperials. He also states he is Force sensitive and asks for training as a Jedi. The rude, pushy prince doesn’t get any help from either Luke or Ackbar. Despite her own dislike for the boy, Leia decides on an alternate plan – her and the other Rebel friends will go in the Falcon to help him.


                Again in the nightmare, Luke is visited by the spirits of Obi-Wan and Yoda, who tell him that this nightmare is “a chance to right a great wrong.” Anakin’s spirit then joins them, telling Luke that while he is redeemed, there are other Dark Lords out there. And since he cannot return to “undo the evil I did,” only Luke can. The Rebels (now joined by Barney, a Rebel cadet who they once met on Belderone) land on Naldar, which they find a devastated wasteland. They are soon shot down by Imperials. Leia and the droids set out to find repair parts. But Artoo, plugged into a computer, discovers shocking information – Denin was killed two years ago. And at that moment, Luke, Lando and “Denin” are in an Imperial crossfire. The stormtroopers suddenly make way for a man in black armor. The new Dark Lord of the Sith. Flint.


                Luke orders Lando and Denin back to the Falcon, as he faces Flint one-on-one. Leia confronts Denin – who reveals that she is really Princess Vila, Denin’s sister.  They race to Luke’s rescue, even as a now-insane Flint berates Luke about how he didn’t train him when he had the chance. Barney faces his old friend, and forces him to confront the Dark Side, telling Flint to kill him first. Flint can’t bring himself to do it. A stormtrooper hears from an unseen master that “Lord Flint has betrayed us.” He moves to kill the Dark Lord, but Vila steps in and takes the fatal blaster bolt instead. Moved by the sudden sacrifice, Flint lets the heroes live and leaves…

(COMIC BOOK – Marvel Comics Inc. – Mary Jo Duffy – February 1985)


"The Marvel Series: Catspaw. (#93)"                                                                                      *

On a diplomatic mission at Saijo, Luke, Han and Leia are startled to see an X-Wing being pursued by a trio of Y-Wings. They rush into the Falcon and shoots the Y-Wings down, then rescued the crashed X-Wing pilot. The cat-like pilot, Minka, tells them that the Empire destroyed the asteroid base in the Cantros system she was at – and the Imperials there are wiping out all the Rebels. She isn’t even aware of the Emperor’s death until Leia tells her – but the Imperials there are supposedly answering to Palpatine himself! “Who have we been fighting?” They fly with Minka back to Cantros, where they are promptly shot down into a ravine. Luke floats Leia and Minka out of the ravine with the Force, but he and Han are ambushed by natives immediately thereafter. They are dragged off to a cave base to be tortured. They find one of the Rebels, Durne, has split the Rebels forces into two factions, playing each side off against the other. Luke is forced to stop Durne from killing the heroes as Leia and Minka arrive. Durne is arrested and the Rebel factions rejoined, but Luke is uneasy. Who was Durne working for? “What’s going on in this galaxy?”

(COMIC BOOK – Marvel Comics Inc. – Mary Jo Duffy – March 1985)


"The Marvel Series: Small Wars. (#94)"                                                                                  *

                Threepio’s translating efforts have resulted in a crazy situation – the Ewoks have declared war on the Lahsbees! What no one knows is that the romantic entanglement that ignited this war (specifically, the rumor that one Lahsbee “compromised” Princess Kamida) was planted by an insectile aide of Admiral Ackbar called Hiros. He is planning for this to be the flashpoint that allows “the Hiromi to achieve our glorious destiny.” Han thinks the idea of these walking kitty-cats taking on the Ewoks is hilarious, but no one else is laughing – they know full well what happens when a Lahsbee “Hukhs” out. Lando works out a solution by letting the Lahsbee delegate and Tippet (Kamida’s jealous boyfriend) fight it out one-on-one. The Lahsbee takes Han’s blaster from him and starts shooting at everything – ironically, hitting the bomb Hiros was rigging to kill the Rebel leaders. As the furious Ewoks gang up on him, the Lahsbee indeed Hukhs out – and goes after a fleeing Hiros. But at least the Lahsbees and Ewoks are friendly again, working together to catch that Hukh….

(COMIC BOOK – Marvel Comics Inc. – Mary Jo Duffy – April 1985)


"The Marvel Series: No Zeltrons! (#95)"                                                                                  *

            Lumiya, the cyborg from Herdessa, is on the hunt for Princess Leia. And she has one of Knife’s species with her…


                On Endor, Leia is forced to confront her bigotry against Zeltrons head-on as Admiral Ackbar assigns a group of Zeltron males to work for her. Ackbar then assigns the heroes of Endor to meet with discontents on Kabray who are telling the Alliance that they (meaning the Alliance) are not ready to govern the galaxy. Luke, meanwhile, is going with Kiro and Dani to investigate the disappearance of a scouting party on Kinooine. Scouting out themselves, Kiro and Dani are suddenly pummeled by a whip that cuts like a lightsaber…


                On Kabray, the Zeltron boys are going all-out for Leia – doing her hair, rubbing her back and shoulders, even salvaging a messed-up dress. But the dress proves irrelevant when the “discontents” prove to be prisoners of Knife and his people. The heroes are locked up, but the Zeltron boys prove to be the key to escaping – one of them climbs on the others, positions himself on the roof, then jumps Knife when he comes in to gloat. The Rebels free the “discontents” and captures the albinos. Needless to say, Leia’s thinking a lot more highly of Zeltrons now….


                Back on Kinooine, Luke faces off against the owner of the “lightwhip” – Lumiya. And she beats him to a bloody pulp…

(COMIC BOOK – Marvel Comics Inc. – Mary Jo Duffy – May 1985)


"The Marvel Series: Duel with a Dark Lady. (#96)"

"The Marvel Series: Escape. (#97)"

To be detailed…

 (COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Mary Jo Duffy - June -July 1985)


"The Marvel Series: The Vandelhelm Mission. (#98)"

                At the starship yards of Fondor, Han Solo meets up with Lando and Nien Nunb.  Lando gives Han and Nien a mission to see two kids (royal heirs) to the metalworks of Vandelhelm in hopes they will help the Alliance restock the shipyards with precious metals.  Han is already feeling useless, so he welcomes the fight he gets when the Falcon enters the system.  Seems Guildmaster Orrk (and Imperial Admiral Mordur) don't want the kids back.  And when Han tries to escort several drone ships filled with metal, the two make their move to kill Solo and the children.  But Han's sneaky pirate skills (and a last-minute rescue by Lando) stops the two cold and saves the metals for the Alliance.  So Han feels much better about himself... :)  

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - August 1985)

This was reprinted by Dark Horse in 1996, and was reprinted again in Dark Horse's "Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago."


"The Marvel Series: Touch of the Goddess. (#99)"

"The Marvel Series: The Nagai Invasion. (#100-107)"

 (COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Mary Jo Duffy - September 1985-December 1986)

All to be detailed.




The formal Declaration of the New Republic is drafted and signed on Endor.  The signatories are Mon Mothma (Chandrila), Princess Leia (Alderaan), Borsk Fey'yla (Kothlis), Sian Tevv (Sullust), Admiral Ackbar (Mon Calamari), Verrinnefra B’thog Indriummsegh (Elom), Kerrithrarr (Kashyyyk), Doman Beruss (Corellia) and other representatives. Mon Mothma reverses the earlier ruling barring Leia from participating to allow the refugees of Alderaan a role in the new government.  

Evidence from SW RPG and various novels.


Arhul Hextrophon, executive secretary and master historian of the Rebel Alliance, compiles the ‘Official History of the Rebellion, Volume One’ – detailing the heroes and conflicts of the Galactic Civil War.  Hextrophon began the project as a series of daily diaries surrounding his duties as Mon Mothma's secretary. The Official History includes interviews with Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia Organa, Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2, and Bail Organa.

“SW RPG: The Star Wars Sourcebook”.  Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


The Galactic Court, the highest – ranking judicial court in the galaxy, is formed by the New Republic.

“SW: Planet of Twilight.”


New Republic Admiral Graf is promoted to head of Fleet Intelligence.

“SW: Tyrant’s Test.”


Xenovet, a bio - engineering corporation based near Munto, on the planet Commenor, primarily created to manufacture veterinary medicines for exotic species that catered to the needs of many Imperial leaders who liked to keep exotic pets as status symbols, begin to work on breeding programs which would restore endangered species to their native worlds as the Empire crumbled in the wake of the Battle of Endor.  However, as the New Republic struggled to rebuild worlds for sentient species, Xenovet's activites took a back - seat and the corporation eventually went out of business.

‘X-Wing: Iron Fist.’


The New Republic scout service is founded shortly after the formal declaration of the New Republic.  Mon Mothma ordered the creation of the new service, despite strong opposition from some of the New Republic’s Provisional Council, who felt that the new government would be best served pouring its resources into rebuilding systems that had been decimated under the rule of Palpatine.  Mothma, instead, declared that the service was to go into the Unknown Regions and Wild Space and make contact with worlds that had been lost in the confusion of the war and the horror of Palpatine’s rule.  She hoped that scouts would be able to contact worlds that would join with the Republic, giving the new government powerful and reliable allies.  At the very least, the scouts would open up new systems to colonization, giving species that were enslaved and transported away from their destroyed homeworlds by the Empire the opportunity to make a better life on new worlds.  While each individual scout has his or her own reasons for venturing into the unknown, the service itself expects its scouts to abide by the service’s guidelines and to accept, if not embrace, its mission statement.  The Core Post is the official headquarters for the Scouts and is located at the New Republic capital world of Coruscant.  The scout headquarters is located near the spaceport of Imperial city, away from most of the other government buildings.  Associate Councilor Miwa Oyev, in charge of exploration, has her offices at scout headquarters.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts.” [Page 5 – 6, 48]


The Pentastar Alignment, a group of worlds in the Outer Rim, is forged into a protective federation by Grand Moff Ardus Kaine, the successor to Grand Moff Tarkin.  He saw the Empire’s defeat as an opportunity to form a new Empire under his rule.  He called a meeting, dubbed the Pentastar Talks, aboard his Super Star Destroyer ‘Reaper’ with Imperial officials and representatives from two large private corporations.  The resulting Alignment encompassed hundreds of planets, including the Velcar Free Commerce Zone.  After the Emperor's death at Endor, the inhabitants of Entralla staged a civil uprising, intending to leave the Empire and join the Alliance.  The newly - formed Pentastar Alignment, however, immediately placed the Entrallan Senate under house arrest and installed a puppet regime.  New Republic Colonel Andrephan Stormcaller tried to persuade the Republic Navy to liberate Entralla, his home planet.  When the New Republic declined to help, as it had done little to oppose the Pentastar Alignment since it’s formation, Stormcaller resigned his military position and formed the Red Moons, an elite mercenary group that often fights the Pentastar Alignment.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 227] and “SW Adventure Journal.”


Very soon after the Battle of Endor, Drommel and a group of three Imperial Star Destroyers launched a short but devastating campaign against Rebel safe worlds and bases.  Reports indicate that he learned of these bases from Captain Dor Reder.  These attacks were devastating distractions to the newly founded Republic.  During the last battle of Drommel’s campaign, the Battle of Tantive V, two of the three Imperial – class Star Destroyers were destroyed, while the third, the ‘Wolf’s Claw’, was captured by Alliance forces.  It has since been incorporated into the New Republic fleet.  During this battle, Drommel managed to escape with the ‘Guardian’, though the ship was heavily damaged before it managed to make the jump to light speed.  Admiral Drommel is a fearsome and intimidating individual.  He commands the kind of respect that many charismatic despots seem to enjoy – his soldiers fear him, but would also follow him to their graves.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.” [Page 7]


Dengar and Manaroo get married, with Boba Fett as best man.

“Tales of the Bounty Hunters: Payback -- the tale of Dengar.”


After the death of Emperor Palpatine, Seinar Fleet Systems and Cygnus Spaceworks continued production of the Sentinel Class Landing Craft, and both companies sold them to a number of private concerns, including front companies for the New Republic.  The ships would become quite popular within two years.

Conjecture based upon "The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels." [Page 78]


Barab I is liberated from its’ Imperial overseers, but the continual hostility caused continual headaches for the New Republic.  Furious over a broken shipbuilding contract, the Barabels nearly go to war with the Verpine.  The Barabel even arranged to sell freeze – dried Verpine body parts to the insect – eating Kubaz.  The crisis was averted without undue bloodshed, but no diplomat can predict what the ferocious Barabal will do next.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 171] and “The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons.” [Page 35]


By the time of Emperor Palpatine’s death, the Ailon Nova Guard had a huge, well – trained, dedicated – if largely inexperienced – military.  Central Command was racist enough to keep the Ailon out of the majority of the post – Endor war, and when it became clear to the Ailon Marshallate that the Empire was losing, they swore allegiance to the New Republic.  The resulting campaign wiped the Imperial forces from a score of worlds.  Whole regiments gained first battle – honors, and the abundant units shook out their less qualified troopers and officers.  After assisting in the removal of Imperial troops from the Inner Rim region, the Nova Guard petitioned to aid efforts to liberate the Mid – Rim.  The resulting influx of Nova Guard troops to the Mid  - Rim liberation campaigns may finalize the long war over the area.  These troops make up blooded regiments, tempered and fierce.  The Nova Guard is likely at an all – time high, in terms of both quality and quantity.

"SW Adventure Journal, Vol. 1, Issue #15."


Located in the Expansion Region, the Boeus sector was formerly Imperial territory under the command of Imperial Governor Darvon Jewett.  Jewett made overtures to the New Republic after Imperial forces withdrew from his sector soon after the Battle of Endor, and managed to keep trade and communications flowing throughout his region.

"Star Wars Adventure Journal."


Moff Tragg Brathis forms the Grand Imperial Union, an affiliation of former Imperial Moffs and their followers.

“SW: Tyrant’s Test.”


Seven Star Destroyers mysteriously appear in Chandrilan space and enforce a strict blockade – nothing was permitted in or out.  Grand Vizier Sate Pestage, at the Empire’s Helm, alarmed at the string of Imperial defeats, had apparently decided to hold Chandrila hostage in case the Rebels threatened Coruscant.

“The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons.” [Page 59]


“The Marvel Series: I’ll See You in the Throne Room. (#89)”                                                 *

                With the Empire badly weakened, worlds all over the galaxy are throwing off the yoke of their local oppressors. Luke Skywalker helps lead the fight on one such world, Solay. Luke fights alongside the revolt’s leader, an old man named Raggold who has been fighting for 50 years to free his world from tyranny. But tragically, he is shot and killed at the very moment of his victory – right on the steps of the royal palace. In his dying breath, Raggold reveals that a traitor killed him. Luke, who is accompanied by a blond named Mary, carries Raggold’s body into the palace and places it on the throne. He is torn between his desire for justice – and for revenge. Mary – who reminds him strongly of Leia – keeps reining him in. As days pass, the people of Solay celebrate loudly, and Luke and Mary become involved. Suddenly an Imperial fleet slams into orbit, beginning an orbital bombardment. Before his eyes, Mary is blown apart by one such salvo.


                Morale is at rock bottom. Luke, determined to find the traitor who caused Raggold and now Mary’s death, finds his ‘saber being pickpocketed by a young boy named Scamp. Scamp, after being yelled at, reveals the revolution here on Solay was all a sham – set up by an Imperial governor to do his dirty work for him. He leads Luke to a brothel where a greedy Rebel is having fun. Luke roughs him up while Scamp takes the man’s cash. The Rebel knows little more than Luke does about the traitor. Luke then heads to the spaceport to face the deposed king Blackart. Luke beats him to a pulp, but he doesn’t know who it is either – in fact, he’d love to find and kill the traitor himself. Luke realizes he’s giving way to obsession to avenge Mary’s death…that he’s getting dangerously close to the Dark Side. He then follows Scamp to his home, where he gives his stolen loot to his family. He then leads Luke to a bar and a creature named Braxas, who offers videotape of Raggold’s murder in return for Luke facing a deadly test with a cup and a scorpion, and then flying him off Solay and away from the Empire. Struggling to regain his faith in the Force, Luke passes the test and receives the tape.


                Luke is shocked to learn that Raggold’s murderer…. is Raggold. He committed suicide out of guilt for his betrayal of his people to the Empire. Haunted by all that has happened here, Luke takes Braxas and leaves Solay far behind….

(COMIC BOOK – Marvel Comics Inc. – Ann Nocenti – November 1984)


“X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Rebel Opposition (#1 - 4).” 

                On what was supposed to be a "milk run" escorting a food convoy from Cilpar to Mrlsst, the Rogue Squadron is jumped by TIE's.  Wes Janson is shot down during the fighting, and Tycho Celchu follows him down to rescue him while the Squadron moves on to base.  It turns out the convoy never showed up --somebody tipped off the Empire.  Wedge decides it's imperative to get in contact with the planet's underground, led by a woman named "Targeter."


                Before they can, however, they're held up by a group that says the Rebels and "Imps" are working together on Cilpar.  Both are subsequently attacked by the Empire.   In a cave, Tycho and the wounded Wes meet "Targeter" -- who is in fact Winter.  Disguising himself as an Imperial, Tycho infiltrates the Imperial ranks on Cilpar.  Put in a TIE Interceptor, he is shot down by Rogue Squadron, but rescued by the Imperials.  At the same time, Winter and Janson is captured. Vance Rego (A underground member) brings word to Rogue Squadron (he wrongly thinks Winter is Leia) that Princess Leia has been captured.  The Squadron splits up, both to rescue "Leia" and hit the Imperial base.  Tycho joins the Squadron in his TIE, and Rego is revealed as an Imperial spy.  Winter is rescued and Tascl captured.  With a revolution underway, the Rebels opt to leave Cilpar, with Elscol Loro as the Squadron's newest member. 

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - Michael A. Stackpole - October 1995-January 1996)


“X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Phantom Affair (#5 - 8).” 

                The squadron is sent to Mrlsst Academy to bid on a cloaking system that can cloak starfighters. Wedge meets Myra Terrik again, and the Squadron learns of AEA- Anti-Endor Association, a fanatical (and violent) Imperial sect that claims the Battle of Endor never happened, as well as rumours that the ghost of a Jedi haunts the campus.  But the Empire also sends a bidder: Loka Hask, murderer of Antilles’ parents.  When the Imperials and AEA attempt to frame Rogue Squadron for stealing the system, Antilles is arrested -- only to be freed by the ghost of the Jedi Junak, who says he has destroyed the datacards of the Phantom project. 


                The rest of the Squadron goes underground in the trees.  It is revealed the cloaking system was a hoax, intended to milk the Empire for money.  The Empire attacks the planet out of revenge, and the Rogues counterattack.  The Ghost Jedi is revealed to be a holo projection made by Professor Falken.  It turns out that the Academy does have one weapon -- a portable planet-slicer, which the Rogues use on the Imperial Interdictor Hask is on.   

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - Michael A. Stackpole - February -May 1996)


“Tales from the New Republic: Gathering Shadows.”                                                                *

In an Imperial prison cell, mercenary Dirk Harkness and NR Infiltrator Jai Raventhorn are wasting away, their brains scrambled by a mind probe. Nearby, Platt Okeefe and Tru’eb plan a rescue attempt, traveling into the northern mountains of Zelos to find the Imperial garrison Harkness had been investigating – and the remains of the novice Rebel group that had been doing the same. They are startled by an attack from a Sullustan Rebel – that had been dead for a week. It seems the corpse has been animated by several parasitic worms sending artifical signals to the corpse’s body. Sneaking their way into the valley base, they help free Jai and Dirk and captures a major into the bargain. Platt rushes them to Wroona in the Last Chance as Dirk suggests to Jai that she give up the New Republic and become a mercenary…

(SHORT STORY – West End Games / Bantam Books – Kathy Burdette – December 1999)  


“X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Battleground Tatooine (#9 - 12).” 

                The squadron assists Winter in an underground operation on Tatooine.  While the others go undercover to investigate the gang wars following the death of Jabba, Wedge visits Huff Darklighter, Biggs' father, to commemorate the anniversary of his death.  The gathering is interrupted by raiders -- which Winter staged to get her hands on a data disk Darklighter had.  A group of Rodians get to it first, however, and give the disk to Firith Olan, a Twi'lek who plans to replace Jabba as the sector crime-lord.  It turns out that Darklighter got the disk from one Lirin Banolt, an Imperial who was building a base on Tatooine.  The disk leads to a massive weapons cache that will secure Olan's grip on the black market -- and the governorship of Tatooine --if he gets it.  Also included in the cache is the Eidolon, a TIE-carrying strike cruiser that supposedly vanished on it's maiden voyage.  


                Olan is already on the move in the Eidolon, torturing the now B’Omarr monk form of Bib Fortuna for information.  When an Imperial squadron tears into Tatooine space, however, Olan wisely decides to escape to Ryloth.  Both Imperials and Rebels follow him there, negotiating with the powerful Olan Clan for his release into their custody.  The head of the clan decides to pit Wedge and Winter against two Imperial Special Forces in a holo-race -- a race they lose when Wedge goes back to help Winter.  But Olan is snatched by Imperial captain Marl Semtin before anyone can claim him.  The furious Special Ops man, Sixtus Quin, joins the Rogues to deal out revenge on his captain.  They return to Tatooine, hot on Semtin and Olan's heels. 


                The two arrive at Eidolon Base, built by Sate Pestage as a private retreat (he killed Banolt once it was finished) and now run by Olan at Semkin's offer (he was going to kill him if he said no).  The Rogues attack, helped by the Special Ops forces.  Olan escapes, and Semkin is killed by Quin.  The Rogues give the weapons of Eidolon Base to the legitimate government of Tatooine, as Winter and Tycho Celchu grow more romantic and Elscol becomes leader of a Rebel attack squad.  Back at Jabba's palace, Bib Fortuna finally dishes out some revenge, dumping Olan's brain in a B’Omarr body and putting his own brain into Olan's body... 

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - Michael A. Stackpole - June-September 1996)


Mineral rites of the planet Eloggi are awarded to an enterprising Sullustan company.

“SW RPG: Dark Force Rising Sourcebook.” Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


"X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Apple Jacks Special." 

                The planet Tandankin is taken over by the Empire, but Rogue Squadron comes along to free them. To stop a massive group of TIE's from taking off, Wedge has to destroy one of Tandadankin's oldest monuments, which royally p.o's the people -- until Luke explains what kind of person Wedge is... 

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - Ryder Windham -1996)


“The Marvel Series: Sweetheart Contract. (#83)”                                                                   *   

                Lando is hired by an old “acquaintance,” Queen Sarna of Drogheda. He is ambushed on arrival by “revolutionaries,” but Sarna’s sister Danu helps fight them off. Commander Harlech of the Royal Guard flies the two to the royal palace, when Sarna explains the situation: Pro-Imperial spies are trying to depose her from the throne, then use Drogheda’s resources to help resurrect the fallen Empire. She wants Lando (war hero that he is) to lead the fight against the revolutionaries. “And the rewards will be…ample…” After Lando goes to his quarters to rest, Danu mocks her sister’s “performance.” Sarna warns Danu not to get involved with Lando, or get in the way.


                The next day, Lando leads an attack force on the Mount Meru mine, which the revolutionaries have taken over. Sneaking in through the back door, Lando finds water tanks that he prepares to blow – only the revolutionaries get the drop on him. The water tanks get blown, and everybody gets washed out of the cave – at which point Harlech promptly mows the revolutionaries down – and almost kills Lando too when he protests. Furious, Lando drags a prisoner back to the palace – only to watch Harlech gun him down before he can start talking. Now certain he’s on the wrong side in this war, Lando storms off to a bar, where he overhears that the revolutionaries are advocating democracy. He confronts Sarna about this, and tells her he quits. Sarna then calls in Harlech and his guards to kill him. Lando fights his way out, only to be yanked into another room by Danu…who reveals herself to be a revolutionary. She blows up the palace munitions, then leads Lando out as the other revolutionaries take the opportunity to storm the palace. Realizing he’ll never make it out alive, Lando returns to the palace and takes Sarna hostage. Harlech doesn’t care, and tells Lando to kill her – he wants to be king. At which point the revolutionaries take the throne room and stuns the bloodthirsty guard. Danu pays Lando some money to take Sarna with him and get offworld. He takes off, but Sarna tries to sweet-talk him into a deal…

(COMIC BOOK – Marvel Comics Inc. – Linda Grant – May 1984)


“SW Adventure Journal: Black Curs Blues – Storms over Moorja.”                                        *

A small band of Rebel sympathizer / mercenaries, the Black Curs, have infiltrated the Core Worlds and have gotten some valuable info on the Empire’s plans and status.  Problem is, they’re being chased from one end of the galaxy to the other by Imperial Advisor Bregius Golthan.  The chase leads to Moorja, where General Airen Cracken sends a Rebel team to get the Curs to safety.  They arrive to find Golthan’s forces fighting a rogue Imperial faction led by Warlord Prentioch.  They overhear a distress call – the ‘Last Chance’, Platt Okeefe’s ship (Platt is one of the Curs) is going down… right into an ion storm that will making finding them near impossible.  The Star Destroyer’s send drop ships into the storm as the Rebels race down.  A brawl between two opposing AT-AT groups begins – and the Curs are right in the crossfire.  Platt tells the Rebels that the Curs’ leader, Dirk Harkness, took off with the valuable intelligence data to find a hidden Y-Wing.  They track Harkness into the hazardous Crumbling Lands, where they find him cornered by three huge bruwoses. Fighting them off, the Rebels help the reunited Curs escape in the Y-Wing and repaired ‘Last Chance’, and Harkness delivers the Curs’ data find to Cracken.

(GAME ADVENTURE – West End Games – Peter Schweighofer – November 1995)   


“SW Adventure Journal: Black Curs Blues – Crystal Intrigue.”                                               *

                Luke Skywalker is invited to make diplomatic contact with a mining colony called Canyon, but is too busy to do so – he invites another group of Rebels to represent him instead.  Platt Okeefe is already there and will help out.  The Rebels notice the wrecked hulk of a Victory Star Destroyer near the planet, but land and meet with Twi’lek Administrator Guldus Bemm.  He takes them on a quick tour of the city, then takes them to a cave filled with crystals – crystals possibly suitable for use in lightsabers (that’s why they called Luke).  Only there’s no crystals there – only AT-ST’s. Bemm betrayed them, hoping to give Luke to the Empire!  The Rebels fight their way out and rush to save Platt.  Too late – Golthan has already captured her and flies her off in his shuttle as the Rebels rush to save her.  The Rebels rush off the planet, spotting a Star Destroyer doing nothing but jumping to hyperspace.  They also notice – and quickly disable – a bomb set into their hyperdrive.  They inform the New Republic of the trap and Platt’s capture.  Unfortunately, the New Republic doesn’t seem too eager to help her…

(GAME ADVENTURE – West End Games – Peter Schweighofer – November 1995)   


“SW Adventure Journal: Black Curs Blues – Platt’s Rescue.”                                                *

                Thanks to Borsk Fey’yla, the Curs are now considered criminals and will not receive any help at all from the New Repblic.  Dirk Harkness approaches the Rebel group who witnessed Platt’s capture.  The New Republic may not want to help, but the Rebel group does – and Dirk’s willing to recruit them into the Curs.  Platt is being held at Golthan’s fortress on the planet Voktunma.  The Rebels are flown to the Curs’ secret base, and then sent undercover to Voktunma starport.  Sneaking and fighting their way into the fortress, they destroy the sensor and shield systems and gets Platt out of her cell.  They have to turn and fight four of Golthan’s most dangerous bodyguards, whom they defeat.  With the shields down, the Curs start to blow the fortress to bits.  The Rebels get Platt away safely as the fortress is razed to the ground.

(GAME ADVENTURE – West End Games – Peter Schweighofer – November 1995)   


“SW Role Playing Game: The Politics of Contraband.”

To be detailed...


“SW Role Playing Game -- Twin Stars of Kira: The Package.”                                              *

            A smuggler group relaxes in a bar. They are approached by a Buzchub named Und’l, who offers them a spice run from Nigel VI to Lohopa II for 25,000 credits. A few days later, they land at Nigel VI at the capitol city of Nargo. Arriving at the warehouse the spice is in, they immediately sense they’re not alone, and they go in quietly – getting the drop on a band of local thieves. They defeat the thieves, but in the process one crate is shot open – revealing not spice, but the toxic poison lexonite! They smooth-talk their way off-planet, only to run into trouble with the hyperdrive on route to Lohopa II. They find a small timer – it’s been sabotaged! At that moment, their ship is jumped by pirates. Fighting them off and repairing the hyperdrive, the smugglers move to pay the poison’s owners pay for setting them up…

(GAME ADVENTURE – West End Games – Dave Marron – 1993)


“SW Role Playing Game -- Twin Stars of Kira: Den of Spies.”                                               *

            Without the knowledge or consent of the New Republic Council (some of whom are suspected of furthering their own ends at the Republic’s expense), NR Intelligence has begun a top-secret operation to bring the neutral system of Kalinda into the NR. Specifically, they need to get their hands on some countermeasures the Kalindans developed against Imperial cloaking devices….


                At the Jolly Spacer, an eatery in Republic space, a group of smugglers are approached by a man named Lazarus Armand. He hires them to send his cargo to Kirima for 25,000. On their way out, they are boarded by an NR customs ship and inspected. The trip continues without a hitch – until they emerge from hyperspace to find a Victory Star Destroyer waiting to board them too! The inspectors are Corporate Sector Espos, who also inspects them and lets them go. Then, yet another board-and-inspect – this one an Imperial customs Corvette. After all these delays, the smugglers finally land at Verena Spaceport on Kirima. The planet is crawling with Imperial and Corporate Sector spies.  Searching for their contact, the smugglers are jumped first by the Espos, then the Imperials. As they are about to face a torture droid, a sudden battle outside their cell results in their freedom. It’s a Kalindan Police trooper, who informs them that the command circuit for the Kalindan planetary defense system that was hidden in their cargo has been recovered, the Kalindans have decided to join the New Republic, and the smugglers are free to go – with a suggestion that perhaps they should find a more honest career…

(GAME ADVENTURE – West End Games – Richard & Barbara Clark, Janelle Keberle – 1993)


“SW Role Playing Game: Twin Stars of Kira – For a Few Kilotons More.”                             *

            The Mon Tondievz mine on Krann is in trouble – sabotage is endangering the supply of nova crystals, a crucial part of the New Republic’s growing economy. A group of smugglers have come to work for Mon Tondievz, meeting with company security chief Vanel in a bar. They watch as she cleans the place with a Gamorrean and a Twi’lek. She explains the two goons work for the local crime boss. On top of that, the mining company has to deal with the House of Tagge and a branch of the Hutt Jeweler’s Guild. She brings the smugglers to a warehouse where several Kluuzot workers wait. There, they have a holoconference with company president Quarlo I’Shibix. He offers 8,000 each to haul a convoy filled with nova crystals to the Tagge spaceport, where they can be shipped to Arrgaw for refining. (The company launching pad was destroyed, forcing this route.) That means a treacherous two-day journey through the jungles, with who knows what against them.


                The journey begins. Within a few hours, a storm begins. Several false alarms occur along the way, adding to the smugglers’ unease. They come upon the remains of a Kluuzot temple. The thugs return with some friends, but are fought off. Stopping to rest and repair, the smugglers check the unstable cargo of nova crystals – and find a ticking thermal detonator! They disable it and check the cargo thoroughly, finding the crystals to be just a cover – it’s filled with eldratz, a highly illegal spice! Turning on their comlinks (a radio silence had been ordered), they find the company pad has been repaired and Quarlo and Vanel are leaving tomorrow with the real crystals. They also overhear that a group of Kluuzot guerillas are planning to attack the town. They rush back, to find the mine a ghost town. It seems he’s escaping a court martial, has been drugging the miners, and has himself sabotaged the mines to cover himself. The miners, along with the guerillas, manages to capture Quarlo and Vanel (who turns out to be an Imperial agent). A NR Frigate arrives to pick the prisoners up.

(GAME ADVENTURE – West End Games – Michael Horne – 1993)  


“SW Role Playing Game: Twin Stars of Kira – Treasure Hunt.”                                            *

                A Chikarri historian has come across evidence of a centuries-old ship, the Fool’s Gold,  filled with treasure somewhere in the Karbonni asteroid belt. A general treasure hunt begins all over the Pax system to find this ship. One Chikarri mechanic, Plako, hires a group of smugglers on Plagen to find the treasure ship. He has altered a metal detector to get past the metallic ore in the belt to find the mystery vessel. As they prepare to leave, Plako’s map suddenly gets stolen by a competing hunter, Bruce Mercy. The race is on, as the smugglers and Mercy streaks off into the belt. The smugglers reach the Fool’s Gold first and boards it. Mercy’s group also boards and ambushes the smugglers. Suddenly a THIRD pirate group boards the ship and fights the first two groups. Mercy and the smugglers are forced to work together, splitting the treasure between them once they fight the pirates off. But they don’t get to take the entire treasure – an asteroid smashes the Fool’s Gold to bits before they can…

(GAME ADVENTURE – West End Games – Todd Quigley – 1993)


“SW Role Playing Game: Twin Stars of Kira – Operation: Pet Show.”                                  *

                A small New Republic cell has been established on Ruten, in the Cerenia system, and have begun looking for ways to fight the Imperials off the planet. The main target is the brutal and unpopular Imperial Governor Bursthed. He’s got a fancy for bizarre creatures, and is planning the Ruten Pet Show. The best way to humiliate Bursthed  (and force his replacement) is to force him to stop his own show. If someone could sneak an ugly slug-rat in as Bursthed’s entry in the show, Bursthed would lose for the first time ever and would indeed stop the show. With the local underground helping out, the Rebels sneak into the governor’s home and makes the switch, taking the original entry (a glittering mynock) with them. The next day, the Pet Show becomes a fiasco as the slug-rat is revealed. One planetary government destabilized, as Bursthed starts confiscating the judges’ and contestants’ lands…

(GAME ADVENTURE – West End Games – Ed Stark – 1993)


“SW Role Playing Game -- Twin Stars of Kira: Freedom Strike Seltos.”                                *

Two months after throwing off the Imperial yoke, the planet Seltos has asked for the assistance of the New Republic. Mon Mothma sends a diplomatic team to Seltos to advise them. A group of NR intelligence agents come along for the ride as well, and they soon receive hints that there may be an Imperial plant in the new government, and they have to sneak around to find him/her. They break into the Magister of Trade’s office, only to be caught by a couple of guards. The agents fast-talk their way out of trouble and continues the break-in. They discover that Magister Sinya Deborra has been meeting with Imperial Lieutenant Hensworth, planning the Imperial retaking of the planet. They’re planning a meeting at a secret base tomorrow afternoon. The agents then go to Sinya’s home, where her pro-NR husband helps them when he learns of his wife’s treachery. They find the map to the Imperial base, and heads there the next day. Scouting around the base, they find a full platoon waiting to attack. Hensworth announces a VSD is on the way and the NR diplomats will be held hostage at the Star Hotel until it arrives. The agents steal some ships and races back to Sommin city, with the Imperials right on their heels. The local government is warned, and the agents head to the Star Hotel to rescue the hostages. Having done that, they take the diplomats and takes off, fighting their way past the VSD and returning to the NR. Having been warned, Seltos fights off the would-be invaders…

(GAME ADVENTURE – West End Games – Bill Smith – 1993)


“SW Role Playing Game -- Twin Stars of Kira: The Iskallon Factor.”                                     *

                On the planet Brevost, a smuggler group discovers some street thugs beating up on a guy. They haul the thugs off the man, who offers them a shipping contract as reward. The man, Wertram Farege, needs to send some droid spare parts to a world on the fringes, and he offers 5,000 to get him to Iskadrell. After several days en route there, the smuggler’s ship suffers a massive explosion and drops out of hyperspace. Most of the ship’s systems are out. Before the smugglers can even figure out what happened, the ship is suddenly boarded by mysterious aliens called “Iskalloni.” This cyborg race declares the ship will be impounded and everyone – including Farege – enslaved. Farege is shocked – he’s the one who sabotaged the ship so the Iskalloni could take it! And his reward for that is that he’s the first to begin  a forced transformation into an cyborged slave. The smugglers furiously break out of their cell, fights out of the Iskalloni ship, takes their ship back and creates temporary repairs, and flies away from the Iskalloni as fast as they can…

(GAME ADVENTURE – West End Games – Stewart Warley – 1993)  


“X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Warrior Princess. (#13 - 16)”

                The squadron are working on improving the combat simulators. Wedge and Tycho are called away to meet Grand Duke Gror Pernon of Eiattu, a dying world.  He reveals that a believed-dead member of the Eiattu royal family, Prince Harrandatha is alive and intent on re - establishing his planet's government with a band of upstarts.  He needs to be stopped with the help of his sister, the Princess -- Rogue pilot Plourr.    The entire squadron escorts her to Eiattu, where she is distressed to see Count Rial Pernon -- her future husband?!?


                They set off on the trail of Plourr's brother, only to run into (what else?) an Imperial attack that is fought off by Harran. To Pernon's shock, Plourr sides with her brother, agreeing that the hypocritical upper class will no longer rule the planet.  Shortly thereafter, a teenage Moff (yeah, you heard me right) named Leonia Tavira tortures a man to death -- with her lover Harran's help!! Yet, at the same time, she's planning to ambush his group...???  When the whole gang is jumped by Imperial scouts and guys in black armour, a chilling connection is seen between the Imperials and the upper class.  At the same time, Plourr makes her own shocking confession: Harran is not her brother -- because as a child, "I killed my little brother Harran with my own hands...and I'd do it again." 


                Harran was mad. Generations of genetic engineering to weed out diseases in the royal family had twisted his mind.  And in the end, to save her own life, Plourr had to beat his brains in with a rock.   And the fake Harran is quickly turning the people against Plourr, claiming she is working with the Imperials. But if he's with Tavira, who's with the Rogues..?  Tavira reveals that it's both ways -- he thinks he IS Harran, because his memories were programmed.  She plans to either walk away with Eiattu's loot, or rule as Harran's widow.  As Plourr confronts him at the successful end of the people's revolution, he snaps and tries to kill her, only to lose his hand.  The rest of the Rogues escape, with Leonia escaping with only a small part of the planet's wealth.  Plourr assumes control of a reborn Eiattu.   

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - Michael A. Stackpole - October 1996 -January 1997)


See-Threepio relates the adventures of Luke Skywalker and company up to that date to Mnemos, an Alliance computer. 

The first day of the SW newspaper strip and "Classic SW: The Early Adventures."


Jerresk, a Quarren, and leader of band of pirates based on the planet Fluwhaka, begins attacking several New Republic supply ships, and he is promptly put on the Republic’s Most Wanted list.

“Boba Fett: Twin Engines of Destruction”.


Quelii sector – home to Dathomir – comes under the control of Warlord Zsinj.  While fearing the Nightsisters destructive power, Zsinj is unwilling to waste a large portion of his fleet guarding a relatively unimportant planet.  As luck would have it, a remarkable find is made on Koratas, Dathomir’s fourth moon.  Digging through the thick, red – tinted soil, Imperial scientists stumble across several rich veins of neutronium, lommite and zersium.  These minerals are the primary components in the alloy known as durasteel, the most common warship – grade armour used in Imperial ship construction.  Excited by the discovery, Zsinj moved all his shipbuilding facilities to Dathomir, producing huge docks of scaffolding that stretched over ten kilometers in length.  Since the Star Destroyers would have to guard the shipyard anyway, they could also keep watch over the planet . . . and the Nightsisters.

"SW RPG: Cracken’s Threat Dossier." [Page 12]


Warlord Zsinj usurps the planet Kidriff 5 in the Kidriff system, and represented the furthest point Coreward that his influence extended.  The planet was strategic for two reasons: first, it was a wealthy trade depot world along several hyperspace routes; second, its natural resources included several heavy alloys which were used to improve the strength and durability of TIE Fighter hulls.  The governing body of the planet chose to build it up in the image of Coruscant, so much of the planet is covered by gleaming cityscapes.  However, the planet's cities are relatively new compared to Coruscant's, and so the atmosphere is still clear.  The Imperial forces there relaxed much of their security measures in order to increase the trade flowing through Kidriff 5's ports.

‘X-Wing: Solo Command.’


Glom Tho is the site of a battle between Imperial and New Republic forces.  It is the decisive encounter of the Hevvrol Sector Campaign. The New Republic troops were supplied with NeuroSaav Sure-Sight imagers which, according to NeuroSaav marketing material, was instrumental in defeating the Imperials.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG: Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game; Second Edition”.  Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


In the wake of the Empire's fall, colonisation recommences on Nam Chorios.  The planet is already home to descendants of the original Meridian prisoners and guards.  

"SW: Planet of Twilight." 


Ashern rebels on Thyferra contaminate a batch of bacta, lot number ZXI449F.  It would make its’ way to Imperial Center and infect nearly two billion soldiers and citizens, rendering them allergic to bacta.

"X-Wing: Rogue Squadron."


"Boba Fett: Twin Engines of Destruction." 

                Dengar finishes up a bounty on Fluwhaka, catching or killing a bunch of pirates.  But someone else is there -- Jodo Kast, a man who wears Mandalorian armour and has been passing himself off as Boba Fett. Dengar sends to word to Fett that his "twin" has popped up again.  Fett is on N'ildwab, shooting down fake Sith Nobam Nol.  Later, at Paquallis III, a horribly burned man (Fett in disguise) hires Kast to find a man who did him wrong at Nal Hutta.  Six days later, Kast shows up, and is put through a gruelling gauntlet, only to meet Fett.  A fierce brawl ensues.  Fett hits Kast with nerve toxin, sets his rocket pack to explode, tears the armour off him, and puts the antidote just out of reach.  The ‘Slave I’ flies off as the pack explodes and Kast is buried in rubble...

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - Andy Mangels - January 1997)


+5 ASW4


On his first assignment after graduation from the Imperial Naval Academy, Pash Cracken leads his entire TIE wing in defecting to the Alliance.  They become known as “Cracken’s Flight Group”, and their killing of a Victory – class Star Destroyer makes them legendary as well.

Conjecture based upon “X-Wing: Wedge’s Gamble” [Page 13].


Stormtrooper Triv Potham becomes a slave of the Gamorrean Gaffedd clan on the planet Pzob.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 235]


Leonia Tavira obtains the Imperial Star Destroyer 'Invidious' from High Admiral Teradoc by means unknown and vanishes, except for the occasional supply raid.

"SW: I, Jedi."


Brahle Logris escapes from prison on the world Tamazall.  His jailbreak may have been engineered by a member of the Drellis Syndicate.  He remains at large, and is considered extremely dangerous.

“SW RPG Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations.” [Page 10]


Rostat Manar, a Sullustan Alliance Y-Wing pilot, resigns his commission and goes to work in the private sector.  He had tired of war, and believed that he had achieved his goals. He took a position as a pilot with Event Vistas, and within a year was promoted to chief pilot aboard the ‘Nebula Queen’.   However, on a short leave, he was kidnapped and brainwashed by agents of the Imperial warlord Zsinj as part of Project minefield.

‘X-Wing: Solo Command.’


The new Corellian Diktat dissolves the Corellian Security Force (CorSec) and establishes a new, more Diktat - friendly organization, named the Public Safety Service (PSS) in it's place.

"X-Wing: Wedge’s Gamble."


Shorty after the PSS is formed, Rostek Horn's files on local politicians, Imperial liasons, etc., are deemed an embarrassment.  Assumed to be located in Rostek's home, a 'mysterious' fire consumes the house soon after, as well as those surrounding it.  One of those houses was the former childhood home of Corran Horn, Rostek's grandson.  It is later discovered that Rostek has many copies of the files located all over, protected by an unbreakable encryption code.  A few 'upstanding' citizens soon found interesting files on their 'activities,' ones that they would have liked kept secret, in their homes, all accompanied by one or two of Rostek's flower hybrids.  The hybrids actually contain the decryption keys to the files in question, embedded in their gene - coding.  Supposedly, because of his service in CorSec, and his horticultural skills, Rostek is given a large piece of land by the local government, including the land where his former home was located.  The government also builds him a large house, which they fill with listening devices and scanners.  A staff is also appointed to serve him, whose loyalties are to Rostek and not the petty officials that they report to.

"SW: I, Jedi."


Corran Horn visits ‘Treasure Ship Row’ in Coronet City, located on Corellia.  This would be his last time here, until he visits again in six years time, noticing many changes which are brought forth from the Diktat and his new Public Safety Service, formerly Corellian Security Force.

"SW: I, Jedi."  


The Slyte disappears and is replaced by his associate Bran Kemple, which causes the Belsavian smuggling industry to dry up.

"SW: Children of the Jedi."


“X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Requiem for a Rogue. (#17 - 20)” 

                Leaving Plourr on Eiattu, the Rogues set out to find a Bothan starliner that has fallen victim to a flawed navigation system.  They travel to the Malrev system, where Rogue pilot Dllr Nep hears something that guides them to the fourth planet -- and a TIE ambush.  Wedge is shot down, but the Rogues find the starliner -- missing a good portion of passengers and crew.  Something mysteriously drives crew and pilots alike into an emotional frenzy.  An attack of native Irrukiines ends the brawl, orchestrated by a power-mad Devaronian named Cartariun, who has the wounded Wedge at a Sith temple.  He is using Sith magic, putting nightmares in the Rogues's heads, searching for one who might serve him -- and giving Dllr severe headaches.  And the Bothans have their own plans for the temple... 


                Wedge escapes the Devaronian and returns to rescue the squadron from another Irrukiine attack. But one of them takes Dllr to Cartariun...  Wes figures that the head remaining Bothan, one Girov, is the reason the starliner is there, and that he murdered the liner's captain.  He discusses this with the squadron, Cartariun attempts to corrupt Dllr. When Dllr resists, Cartariun feeds him to the Irrukiine and sends TIE's after the Rogues.  But Dllr turns Cartariun's own power on him, giving the Rogues the edge in battle. Suddenly, a blaster shot fatally wounds Dllr.  A shot fired by Girov, a master of the meditative art of Jeswandi.  Girov overpowers Cartariun and seizes power.  Dllr mentally sends a message to the brain-damaged Bith Rogue pilot Herian, telling Wedge to vaporise the temple.  Girov sends out a fleet of TIE Interceptors guided by his mind to meet them.  Plourr leads a group of reinforcements.  Dllr guides Herian into an X-Wing to finish Girov and the temple, killing them both in the process.   

 (COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - Michael A. Stackpole - March-June 1997)


“SW Adventure Journal: Escape from Balis-Brough.”

To be detailed...


“SW Adventure Journal: One of a Kind.”

                On the Imperial world of Vennari, the thief Sienn Sconn needs a job and fast – his rent is overdue. He’s eyeing a old swoop in a watering hole called the Binary Bar when he spots a young woman who intrigues him.  Suddenly a screaming man runs in, closely followed by a fatal blaster bolt – and a bunch of stormtroopers who seal the place off.  The bartender replies with a grenade launcher.  The woman escapes in the chaos, closely followed by Sconn (who fights troopers off her).  They steal a strike speeder and rush off.  The Imperials are hot on their tails, led by Major Gaevril Daraada.  The woman, Shandria L’hnnar, reveals herself to be a New Republic spy with important info for them – a datacard containing the plans for “Project Orrad.”  Daraada sends an extremely dangerous bounty hunter, one Pentix Graphyt, after them. After sabotaging his jetpack, Sconn sends Graphyt flying right into the spaceport’s blockade, blowing them an escape route.  Sconn helps Shandria escape in her Y-Wing, then crawls through a power / fuel maintenance conduit to freedom.  He finds 25,000 credits in his pocket, courtesy of Shandria.  Well, at least it paid the rent…

(SHORT STORY – West End Games –Paul Danner – February 1995)  


“SW Adventure Journal: “Kella Rand, Reporting…”                                                                  *

                For two weeks, Galactic News Network reporter Kella Rand has been yawning through the torturous negotiations between the New Republic and the Indu San system.  Just as he is about to vote against the system joining the New Republic, Indu San Chief Councillor Shek Barayel literally explodes in the Council Chamber.  It’s a race against time to report the story – competing network’s news couriers are racing themselves into the system.  As she brings her bureau chief up to date on the events, Kella spots Tev Aden (an aide of New Republic Ambassador Dictio L’varren) being dragged off by Council Authority officers.  She follows after them, getting held up by Authority officers – until a blaster shot is heard.  She finds Aden’s corpse and an officer with a smoking blaster.  The officer claims self-defense.  The officers find a detonator on Aden’s corpse and runs Kella and her holocam out of there in a hurry.  Media access is revoked to all networks and the Council hall sealed.


                The Council Authorities later give a short, uninformative press conference, where they all but accuse the New Republic of murdering Barayel for his opposal of the New Republic - Indu alliance.  It seems Indu San is going to sit out the rest of the war – or worse, invite the Empire back in. Kella reviews her holo - tapes, and finds someone planting the bomb that killed Barayel – the same officer who killed Aden.  It’s a frame job!  She gleefully reveals her scoop to the rest of the GNN news team, then goes to show the clip to L’varren.  She finds herself being hunted on the street on the way there by Kaleb Darme (the officer / assassin) and Juloff (one of the GNN reporters?!?).  On the elevator up, she slips the incriminating holoclip in her hovering holo - cam to get it to L’varren if she doesn’t make it.  Sure enough, Darme’s waiting for her at the top with a knife.  He takes what he thinks is the holo - clip (it’s a blank) and tells her that Juloff – who, like him, is an Imperial sympathizer – has already erased Rand’s report and the other copies of the vidclip.  Nothing’s going to stop the Empire from moving back into Indu San, he claims. He shoots her with her gun, not knowing she’d pre - set it to stun…


                She wakes up in L’varren’s quarters.  He got the holoclip and captured Darme.  She races against the clock to make up a whole new report before the newsdroid arrives…

(SHORT STORY – West End Games – Laurie Burns – May 1995)    


“SW Adventure Journal -- A Taste of Adventure: Countdown to Disaster.”

              New Republic Senator Drextar Pym of Exarga is being held hostage on a magnetic - lift train, along with his family and the train’s passengers by an ex - Imperial commando turned cook.  The train’s rigged to blow, and the Rebels have their work cut out for them...

(GAME OUTLINE - West End Games - Tony Russo - August 1995)


“SW Adventure Journal: Droids Defiant.”                                                                               *

            Crixby Rumbo, vice president of Cosmohaul shipping, is sick and tired of his freighters being hijacked left and right by the same group of bandits – privateers hired by the Empire.  He decides on drastic action – hire a group of mercenaries to hide on the next freighter and take the bandits out.  The mercenaries are given 400 credits per person, plus a bonus 50 for each bandit they kill.  They set out on the Ghtroc freighter ‘Argent Lady’.  This haul carries some 100 R5 droids, some explosives and mole miners.  What they don’t know is that “Captain Zal” is in fact Zalto Sneerzick, droid abolitionist who plans to take the droids and a compact assault vehicle (not the so-called “mole miners”) to his base in the Mid-Rim.  Three days into the journey, Zal modifies 10 of the R5 droids, infecting them with a virus that wipes out their life preservation programming.  He also arms them.  He unleashes the droids by remote and hijacks the ship, planning to sell the mercenaries to slavers.  He locks them up in an escape pod.  Only a little later, the virus - affected R5’s turn on their human masters and slaughters the crew.  The mercs escape and disable the R5’s, only to find the ‘Argent Lady’ in orbit over an Imperial planet, with a patrol craft firing a warning shot.  The mercs escape – but so does an R5 in an escape pod…

(GAME ADVENTURE – West End Games – Thomas Bowling – February 1996)  


“SW Adventure Journal: Easy Credits.”                                                                                  *

                Intergalactic thief Sienn Sconn is working undercover at an Imperial banquet on Rydonni Prime. He overhears Moff Caerbellak and King Rilvvan K’ntarr as they plan the unveiling of a new weapon to the Empire – a weapon Draskha the Hutt told Sconn about.  A prototype weapon Sconn plans to steal.  He is yanked into a side room by Princess Kalieva K’ntarr, who demands to know who he is and why he’s here. She wants off Rydonni Prime, and is willing to help Sconn if he’ll help her.  She helps Sconn sneak into the prototype labs, where they take the prototype and take off.  Leaving town in a stolen AT-AT, they head for a transport offworld – instead finding themselves in the middle of an Imperial parade.  When Moff Caerbellak learns of the prototype’s theft, he puts a blaster to King K’ntarr’s head – in full view of Sienn and Kalieva.  Sienn is forced to reveal himself, shooting up the parade stand.  Sconn is quickly attacked by the Moff’s Mistryl shadow guard Variiese, as Caerbellak takes the King hostage.  Sconn blows Variiese up, then tries to regain control of the damaged and out-of-control AT-AT.  No luck – it’s about to walk right through the Imperial Consulate.  They jump out just as it levels the building, then makes it on foot to the Outlands and the waiting freighter ‘Corellian Thunder’.  The princess bids Sconn farewell as he takes off with the prototype… then returns to Moff Caerbellak, who’s standing over the corpse of her father.  It was all a setup by Caerbellak, as a way of finding – and eliminating – Rebel underground cells.  The Moff and the new Queen laugh at their victory…

(SHORT STORY – West End Games –Paul Danner – February 1996)


Even after the mandatory year of mourning had passed, the black hem remains on the robes of the Royal Imperial Guard as homage to their dead Emperor.

“SW: Crimson Empire.”


“X-Wing Rogue Squadron: In the Empire’s Service. (#21 - 24)” 

                Rogue Squadron goes on a scouting mission to Brentaal IV in Imperial space.  Meanwhile on Coruscant, Ysanne "Iceheart" Isard suggests to current Imperial head Sate Pestage that they lure the Rebels into an attack on Brentaal, one of the Empire's most valuable worlds.  He doubts the idea is good, as his competitors for power ("The Cabal") are there and he doesn't want to risk further splintering the Empire, but Isard reassures him -- the 181st Fighting group will be there.  The Empire's answer to Rogue Squadron, led by the best Imperial pilot alive -- Baron Soontir Fel.


                After two weeks, the Rogues are ready to fight.  The attack from Brentaal's captured moonbase leaves Janson and Ibtisam on the ground and in Imperial hands, and with the Rogues running, but an invasion ground force does reach the planet.  Pestage is ready to fire Admiral Lon Isoto, but again Isard counsels against it -- secretly making it appear Pestage is supporting him to the Cabal, undermining his power.  Fel knows all this, and vows revenge.  


                A Rebel team gets Janson and Ibtisam out. With an Imperial evacuation team on the way (sent by Isard over Pestage's orders), the Rogues begin their strike on the capital city of Vuultin.  As Janson and the ground team run interference, the airborne Rogues battle the 181st, as a female Isard agent murders Isoto and gives herself to the Rebels.  Wedge manages to outfly and capture Fel, who sends his wife's -- Wedge's sister's(!!!) -- regards.  The Cabal vow to take Pestage down, while Isard waits in the background for her opportunity to seize power... 

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - Michael A. Stackpole - August-November 1997)


After the capture of Baron Fel by the Rebel Alliance, Major Turr Phennir inherits the 181st Imperial Fighter group.  He would eventually be promoted to the rank of General.

“X-Wing: Solo Command” [Page 133] and “X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar” [Page 48].

With thanks to Adrian Ringin.


"X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Making of Baron Fel. (#25)" 

                Baron Soontir Fel, one of the Empire's most dreaded pilots, defects to the New Republic in return for the rescue of his wife. 

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - Michael A. Stackpole - December 1997)  


"X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Family Ties. (#26 - 27)" 

                Following a tear-filled funeral for the pilots who died in recent battles, a new Rogue pilot is announced: Soontir Fel.  At the same time, Wedge recommends shore leave for Wes, Hobbie, and Plourr... to Corellia...Coronet City... to find and rescue Wedge's sister -- Fel's wife -- before the Imperials learn he defected. 


                As they arrive at Fel's home, they're stopped by Corellian security officer Corran Horn, who reveals that two - year old Fyric Fel (Soontir's nephew) has been kidnapped.  Fel's wife has gone into hiding, and Fyric's abduction is to find out where she is.  When the Rogues go to the ransom site, the captors recognise them instantly.  The Corsec jump in, and Plourr goes after the sole escaping kidnapper Ilir Post, bringing him down.  Post is the man who was sent to jail by Fel once (resulting in Fel's banishment to Carida), and pulled this off with Imperial help.  The Rogues attack Post's home and rescue Fyric.  They then take the whole Fel family off Corellia.  When snubs attack, Corran helps shoot them off. The Rogues muse that Corran could make a good Rogue someday...  

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - Michael A. Stackpole - January -February 1998) 


Lowbacca is born on the planet Kashyyyk.

“SW: Young Jedi Knights -- Heirs to the Force.”


"Shadows of the Empire II: Evolution." 

                Following the fall of Xizor and the Empire, Black Sun is floundering.  And so is Guri, one of the few survivors.   Meanwhile, on Coruscant, a Falleen antique trader named Azool learns that she is alive, and sends out bounty hunter Kar Yang to find her...  Guri lands on Hurd's moon, and begins searching for Massad Thrumble, one of her creators.  Once she finds him, she asks to be reprogrammed -- she doesn't want to be an assassin anymore.


                His droid associate, "Doc," is the only one who can perform the extremely delicate operation without killing her, but it's been taken by the Pikkel sisters to Spinda Caveel on the planet Murninkam. Fighting her way past the many security measures Caveel has put around him, she rescues Doc and takes it back to Hurd's moon.  Yang is tracking her at the orders of "Azool," who turns out to be Xizor's niece. Disguising herself as a human, "Azool" starts negotiating with the Rebels -- and coming on to Han Solo. When she learns Yang wants Guri for himself, she starts out for Hurd's -- she NEEDS Guri in order to take over Black Sun. 


                Just as Doc and Thrumble are about to start reprogramming Guri, Yang jumps in.  Guri kills the bounty hunter, then insists the operation begin immediately, even as "Azool" closes in...  On Coruscant, a full-scale war has broken out among the members of Black Sun, and civilians are being caught in the crossfire.  Leia figures out that Han's new girlfriend is in fact Savan, Xizor's niece.  The Falcon rushes out towards Hurd's even as Savan reaches Hurd's and slowly tracks Guri down.  With Thrumble's very advanced security standing between her and Guri, she opts to wait for her to come out.  But no longer than a few days.  She begins assembling a gang to help her fight the droid. Meanwhile Caveel sends the Pikkel sisters out to Hurd's -- for Guri's head.  And as all forces converge on Thrumble's lab, Guri awakes, the memories of Xizor and Black Sun stripped from her mind... 


                Savan’s group tears in first, with Luke’s company close behind.  The Rebels come upon Caveel and the Pike sisters first.  The sisters refuse to even face the legendary heroes and decide to take off. When Caveel tries to argue the point with a blaster, he gets shot.  Savan’s gang reaches Guri.  Though her memories are gone, there is nothing wrong with her reflexes, and she tears them apart.  Luke and Co. take care of the rest.  It finally comes down to Guri vs. Savan.  Savan uses a password on Guri.  Guri replies with a fist.  With Savan off to a Republic jail, Luke decides that the de-programmed Guri deserves a shot at a new life, and lets her go in peace.  She finds her way to a bar, where the supposedly dead Dash Rendar offers her a drink...  

 (COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Steve Perry - February-June 1998)


With the tacit permission of the B’Omarr monks, the government of Tatooine attempts to convert Jabba's Palace into a retirement home.  It only lasts a short time before budget problems shut the project down.

"SW: Zorba the Hutt's Revenge."


"X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Masquerade. (#28 - 31)" 

                Sate Pestage is in BIG trouble.  The factions are allying against him, his hideaway on Tatooine is gone, and Isard is sharpening her knife in the background.  The New Republic is winning.  How bad do they want his power, he wonders... 


                Tycho and Soontir are assigned to escort Princess Leia to a summit on Eiattu.  They travel with Leia and Han Solo on the Millenium Falcon to Eiattu, and Tycho asks Leia along the way about Winter.  At the summit, Fel is shown around as a symbol of the Empire's downfall.  Leia calls Tycho aside -- for a passionate kiss.  It's really Winter.  The two are stunned in mid - liplock by black - clad men... 


                At the same time, Princess Leia and Wedge travel secretly through the sewers to meet with Pestage.  Pestage makes a deal: Let him live and give him immunity -- and he'll give the New Republic Coruscant on a platter.  Fel talks alone with the noble Laabaan, who arranged the capture.  Fel claims that he is on a secret mission and demands information.  Laabaan replies that he told Moff Leonia Tavira about the summit.  Fel leaves him to the Rebels.   And as Tavira tortures Tycho and Winter, Isard sets out for her base on Axxila in the Star Destroyer ‘Reckoning’... 


                At Starforge Station, Han and Fel face Rayt, the man who helped arrange "Leia's" kidnapping (and find out from his data tapes where the prisoners are), while over at Axxila Pestage promises Leia the two prisoners as a sign of good faith.  However, Tycho and Winter arrange their own way out in a Y-Wing, fighting off the Corsairs sent after them.  The Rogues and the ‘Millenium Falcon’ help rescue the two.  But how to get off the planet under Isard's nose?  The question gets even more urgent when the bloodthirsty Admiral Krennel arrives and starts dropping TIE's on Axxila's people.  Capturing a TIE, the Rogues let Fel pretend he's an agent to convince Krennel to back off.  When the Rogues make their break, Pestage orders Krennel to let them go and take him back to Coruscant.  He also lets a newly hired Leonia off the planet as well.  Isard confronts Pestage, but without proof, there's not much she can do. 

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Michael A. Stackpole -March-June 1998)


"X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Mandatory Retirement. (#32 - 35)"

                The Rogues are enjoying some well-needed shore leave, but events are moving at Coruscant -- Isard finally presents her case against Pestage to the Ruling Council.  She grounds all ships on Coruscant, but Pestage takes his yacht out anyway -- but Leonia is waiting for him, and arrests him on Ciutric.  The Rebels are very concerned.  It’s partly their fault Pestage is in the danger he’s in.  If he dies because of them, Mon Mothma reasons, they will be no better than the Empire was.  The Rogues are quickly assembled, as are a commando team and General Salm’s Aggressor wing, even as Borsk Fey’yla puts up some stiff resistance -- why get their best pilots killed to save this scum?  The others reason that by doing this, they prove the New Republic greater than the Empire ever was.  Fey’yla reluctantly agrees -- “and I just hope the price we pay is worth it.”


                Isard gives Leonia a pittance for her help -- 100,000 credits and her life.  She orders two squads to Ciutric to bring Pestage back to Coruscant dead or alive.  But the Ruling Council have their own plans -secure Pestage at Ciutric, then let Admiral Krennel and the Reckoning pick him up.  Isard is cut completely out of the loop, and the Council becomes her next target.  She has a talk with Krennel herself... 


                The combined Rebel force hits Ciutric, and Pestage is freed from prison.  As they start out, Krennel and an Interdictor arrive, forcing them to go to ground on Ciutric’s night side.  Krennel declares martial law and blockades the planet.  And the New Republic Council won’t do any more to help, even over Leia’s objections.  The Imperial Council rebukes an enraged Isard in the meantime.  And with one Rogue (Ibtisam) already dead, Krennel believes it’s only a matter of time now...


                The Rogues launch off the planet, flying into the Imperials head - on in a kamikaze move.  Mirax Terrik arrives in orbit, as does a surprise Y-Wing squadron.  Mirax is sent to the surface to act as decoy, pretending she’s taking Pestage out while the Rogues take Pestage out in a shuttle.  Pestage balks at having to share a shuttle with Ibtisam’s “animal waste” corpse.  The Imperials are driven off, but quickly prepare for another attack to cover a ground assault.  As the Rogues take off again, the assault force seizes Pestage right out from under the Rogues’ nose.  Krennel personally crushes the would-be Emperor’s neck, and seizes his worlds and forces for himself. He also wipes out Pestage’s entire family.


                Meanwhile, Isard one by one murders the Council members.  She sends the last remaining one to her Lusankya facility for brainwashing, and has a clone of herself reprogrammed.  Isard is now head of the Galactic Empire.  And all the Rogues can do is bury Ibtisam... (68)

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Michael A. Stackpole - August - November 1998)


The Empire commissions a Victory – class Star Destroyer christened the ‘Aspiration’.  Shortly later, it’s Captain defects with Prince – Admiral Krennel when he brakes away from Imperial service.

‘X-Wing: Isard’s Revenge.’


On the planet Byss, the spirit of Emperor Palpatine finally finds its way into a clone body.  Slowly recovering from his year - long journey, he orders a clone of Sate Pestage made, and delves even more deeply into his Dark Side studies.  He begins making long - range plans for the return of the Empire, including the development of new and more powerful superweapons, as well as recruiting and training an army of Dark Jedi.

"SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook." [Page 37 – 38]


Beltane, Governor of the factory planet Balmorra, throws off Imperial rule and declares it a neutral world.  Balmorra produces some of the most advanced weaponry in the galaxy, one notable military product being the AT-ST walker.

“The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons.”


Gascon acts as a neutral world during the Galactic Civil War, and is ruled by a monarchy.  The planet is powerful and independent, free from the fear of Imperial pacification efforts.  Gascon sees diplomatic overtures from both the Empire and the New Republic.  The planet's monarchy is weak and corrupt.  The King is weak - willed, and all the decisions are made by Queen Marilla and the Holy Advisor of the Akol religion.  The Queen is a Republic -supporter, but the evil Holy Advisor sided with the Empire.

"SW RPG: Envoy to the Queen" Gamemaster Screen for Second Edition”. Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


The Imperial shipyard of N'zoth is ordered to retreat personnel, and for the yard itself to be destroyed to prevent Rebel capture.  But Nil Spaar of the Yevethan labor force sees in it an opportunity.  He and a Yevethan force seize command of the only operating Star Destroyer, the ‘Redoubtable’.  They destroy the retreating Imperial transports, and Spaar personally slits Commander Paret's throat. 

"SW: Before The Storm."


The New Republic is established, and Mon Mothma becomes that Republic's first president.   

 "Heir to the Empire.”  Political infighting had been occurring as early as a year after Endor.   


Mon Mothma recruits Luke Skywalker and company into SPIN, the Senate Planetary Intelligence Network, a secret organisation of agents dedicated to helping further the New Republic's development. The New Republic government moves its capital to Yavin IV. 

A short time before "The Glove of Darth Vader." 


"The Glove of Darth Vader." 

                The Prophets of the Dark Side, a group of magicians within the Empire, predict that the next Emperor shall wear the severed glove of Darth Vader--believed lost in the Death Star II explosion.  A disguised Threepio and Artoo are dropped off for a spy mission at a large Imperial summit at Kessel, where Grand Moff Hissa announces a new Emperor to the Empire -- the three-eyed slave lord Trioculus, the secret son of Emperor Palpatine himself.  He orders probe droids sent out to Endor and surrounding space to find the glove, as well as a takeover of the former Rebel base on Hoth.


                Luke picks up the droids and takes them to Calamari for debriefing.  There, Luke and Ackbar get caught up in trying to save the Whaladon species from being hunted to extinction by one Captain Dunwell -- who sends a message to Trioculus about a discovery...  Somehow, a large chunk of Death Star debris made it to the waters of Calamari.  And among the debris is Vader's glove.  Trioculus, who isn't really the Emperor's son (It's some other three-eyed guy named Triclops), is nevertheless able to get the glove and escape Luke's attack.  Dunwell is killed and the Whaladons freed, but Trioculus is now securely in control of the Empire... (69) 

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Skylark Books - Paul Davids / Hollace Davids - June 1992)


"The Lost City of the Jedi." 

                Luke visits Han at his newly bought skyhouse at Cloud City, where an Imperial bomb nearly kills him.  Han returns him to Yavin for treatment.  After recovering, a spectral visit from Obi-Wan Kenobi sends Luke to a underground city beneath the temples of Yavin IV, to find a Jedi library -- and a 12-year old boy named Ken who is quite strong in the Force.  Meanwhile, Supreme Prophet Kadaan rejects Trioculus, knowing he isn't Palpatine's son.  But he does give the man a chance to prove himself: By finding the Lost City and killing Ken (before Ken can do the same to him as shown in prophecy), and destroying the Rebel base at the same time.  He delivers an ultimatum to the Rebels -- before suddenly going blind, a result of the side effects of wearing Vader's glove (equipped with a sonic weapon).  He begins setting the forests of Yavin ablaze, before learning that he is destroying the one medicine that can restore his sight.  He recovers the medicine, but not before being horribly burned.  Luke and Han encounter Ken, who leads them to the Lost City.  They learn that Yavin is weather-controlled from the City, and Luke uses it to put out the fires.  Ken leaves the City and joins the Rebels.

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Skylark Books - Paul Davids / Hollace Davids -July 1992)


Tycho Celchu volunteers to fly a TIE starfighter that was impounded after the Bakura Incident, into Coruscant.  The starfighter is heavily modified to fill it with sensor packages.  Tycho completes several orbits of the planet, and picks up all sorts of interesting data on the Golan space fortresses, the defence shields, the orbital solar collection mirrors, the skyhooks, the dry docks and ship factories, and everything else orbiting the planet.  Tycho then took the ship in, landing on Coruscant, and the data was downloaded.  It was shipped out by various routes and within two weeks, he was asked to fly the ship out, taking readings as he went, then hooking up with a freighter and return to the Alliance.  On his way out, two ion – cannon blasts shorted every system he had in the ship, including the self – destruct.  A Star Destroyer pulled him aboard and was captured.  Tycho was hit with a Stokhli stun spray, and was knocked unconscious.  When Tycho came to, he realized that he had been taken to ‘Lusankya’.  After three months of interrogation, his captors decided he was useless.  Tycho was shipped to the planet Akrit’tar.  After another three months, Tycho managed to escape from the penal colony, and makes his way back to the Alliance.  He was debriefed for two months but they couldn’t find anything wrong with him.  It would take a number of years for the suspicion placed upon Tycho’s shoulders by General Salm and others in the Alliance upper echelon to lift.

Conjecture based upon “X-Wing: Wedge’s Gamble” [Page 25 - 27].


"Zorba the Hutt's Revenge." 

                Looking for a house-warming gift for Han, Luke and Ken travel to Tatooine to attend the Droidfest, an annual bazaar of droids held by Jawas.  But they find that Trioculus has send bounty hunters after them, and they head to Bespin empty handed.  Elsewhere, The father of Jabba the Hutt -- Zorba, recently released from prison on the planet Kip -- has learned of his son's death, and vowed to kill Princess Leia.  Recovering Jabba's will and travelling to Bespin, Zorba outgambles Lando Calrissian and takes control of Cloud City.  At the same time, Princess Leia is kidnapped by Trioculus, who plans to make Leia his wife.  Zorba has taken Ken, and wants to trade.  Trioculus refuses with venom, and the two lock horns.  Leia is rescued by Luke and Han, who destroy the factory barge Trioculus has used to mine tibanna gas.  Thinking Leia to be killed on it, the satisfied Zorba throws Trioculus into the carbon freezer and puts him into the city museum. Realising they need to hide Leia, a marriage-minded Han takes the Falcon to a "romantic place"...  

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Skylark Books - Paul Davids / Hollace Davids -August 1992)


"Mission from Mount Yoda." 

                Supreme Prophet Kadaan has decided to take matters into his own hands.  He predicts the Alliance will fall at their new base on Mount Yoda on Dagobah, at the DRAPAC fortress where Ken is about to begin school.   At Cloud City, Moff Hissa sneaks Trioculus's slab out of Zorba's reach, only to be confronted by Kadaan, who sends the slab to his station Scardia to be destroyed.  A ship from Duro crash-lands at Mount Yoda with a plea for help.  Not only is Duro's ecology nearly gone thanks to the Empire, but Kadaan is raiding the royal treasury.   The Falcon nearly doesn't make it out of Dagobah, thanks to an ambush and Ken's accidental stowing away.  But they do get there, and they learns the Empire is holding a prisoner there -- Triclops.   At least they were -- he escaped, and Hissa is sent to reclaim him.  But Triclops finds the heroes first.  He leads them to a group of archaeologists, who they fight the Imperials off of.  Hissa loses his arms and legs, and the heroes take the Duro and their treasures to Mount Yoda. (70) 

 (YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Skylark Books - Paul Davids / Hollace Davids -Feb 1993)


"Queen of the Empire." 

                Leia is introduced to a human replica droid of herself, designed as a decoy on dangerous missions.  But when the HRD accidentally shoots a Chadra-Fan scientist, the Falcon is rushed out to Chad for a heart transplant.  Meanwhile, Luke learns why Triclops has been kept alive despite the obvious danger to the Empire: In his sleep, he invents various weapons and mutters out the specifications.  The transplant a success, Han takes Leia to Hologram Fun World -- to elope.  The giant amusement park is now owned by Lando -- and beating the pants off Zorba's businesses on Cloud City.  Just hours before the wedding is to take place, Leia is captured by Zorba, who intends to personally kill her by throwing her into the Sarlacc.  But as his ship arrives at Tatooine, it's picked up by an Imperial Moffship.  The real Trioculus is found in the ship (Zorba would never put the real one on display) and freed from carbonite.  Trioculus finishes off Zorba by throwing him into the Sarlacc Pit... or so he thinks.  He then tries to turn Princess Leia to the Dark Side -- and into his wife.  Han and company get Leia out, leaving Leia's HRD in her place. Right in the middle of the marriage ceremony, the HRD laser-blasts Trioculus with her eyes.  And as the Rebels make their escape, a defiant Zorba crawls out of the Sarlacc pit... 

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Skylark Books - Paul Davids / Hollace Davids -March 1993)


"Prophets of the Dark Side." 

                As Trioculus dies, he makes Hissa promise revenge on Leia, Kadaan, and especially Luke. Meanwhile at Yavin, Triclops is looking increasingly like a traitor -- through no fault of his own, but through a skull implant.  Luke and Ken head for the Lost City for designs for an anti-probe droid Omniprobe.  They then slip Triclops false information on the City's whereabouts, and head to Arzid for a chemical that can destroy the implant. 


                Zorba makes his way to Station Scardia to see the Prophets, who have put all the Imperial Moffs on trial.  Most are sent to prison -- Hissa is condemned to death by starvation and parasites.  The mission to Arzid is a total disaster -- Ken's impulsiveness gets both him and Luke captured by the Empire.  Ken is told he will be given the truth about his past and Luke will be spared -- IF he gives Kadaan the real location of the Lost City.  He does.  An Imperial force led by Kadaan enters the City.  He hacks the locations and files of every Rebel base from the city computer, and gleefully plans the Alliance's destruction.  He also fulfils his promise to Ken.  Ken is the son of Triclops.  The grandson of Emperor Palpatine. 


                Luke rushes to Ken's rescue.  In the attack, the City's computer and all its records are destroyed. Luke and the Rebels seal off every way into the City, leaving Kadaan and his troops trapped for good.  Shortly thereafter, Triclops vanishes into Yavin's jungle, with a goodbye letter left for Ken.  Shortly thereafter, Han and Leia marry in the Great Temple. (71)

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Skylark Books - Paul Davids / Hollace Davids -May 1993)


SPIN is disbanded.

“Essential Guide to Characters.”


Captain Obigon, commanding officer aboard the pirate Corellian Gunship ‘Null Space’, has his ship stolen from him – ironically, by the Empire.  The Empire, hungry for ships, used Zero-G stormtroopers to capture the ‘Null Space’. Rather than have his ship shot out from under him, or have his crew killed in a desperate bid to escape, Obigon surrendered his vessel. His fate remains unknown.  Obigon was served by crew - members such as Meekeef and H'Krav.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG: Heir to the Empire Sourcebook”.  Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


"Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight." 

                The Dark Lord Jerec finds and murders Master Qu Rahn, but not before learning of Morgan Katarn's knowledge of the Valley of the Jedi.  On Nar Shaddaa, Jerec's droid employee 8t88 orders Kyle to decipher a disc found at Morgan's home on Sulon.  Kyle refuses, and after a long fight, takes the disk from 8t88.  Wounded, he is taken by Jan to the frigate Mercy, where the disc is partially deciphered.  While recovering, Kyle receives a spectral visit from Rahn, who tells him that he must take up the way of the Jedi and prevent Jerec from finding the Valley.  After being advised by Luke and Leia, Mon Mothma decides to let Kyle seek the Valley, but orders Jan to keep a sharp eye on him.


                The search begins at Sulon, where Jerec has already stripped Katarn's home of the map.  Kyle finds his old droid Weegee -- and the lightsaber left for him by Morgan.  Rahn's lightsaber.  He tracks 8t88 and the map to Baron's Hed, where he fights and defeats Jerec's youngest apprentice, Yun.  He allows the shocked young man to escape.  8t88 escapes to Fuel City, where he is destroyed as "reward" by Jerec apprentices Gorc and Pic.  Kyle kills them and takes 8t88's head -- which has a copy of the map.  Returning to the farm, Kyle learns of Jan's spying on him when Luke arrives to check up on them.  The two are able to reconcile -- and grow closer.


          As Jerec arrives at Ruusan and begins a survey (wiping out the sole settlement), Luke and Kyle defends the Rebel Dreadnaught New Hope against attack at Milagro. Afterwards, Kyle talks his way into a covert mission to Ruusan to free the spirits within the Valley before Jerec can. Making contact with the settlements' survivors, Kyle and Jan make their way to where Jerec has constructed a tower by the Valley.


            One of Jerec's lieutenants, Yun, is lured away from the Dark Side by the spirit of Rahn and decides to help Kyle even though it costs him his life. Jerec turns the tables and takes Jan hostage, trying to turn Kyle to the Dark Side. He fails (even after Kyle kills Maw), and after killing all of his subordinates, Kyle faces off with Jerec at the heart of the Valley's power. With the Valley's power already in Jerec's hands, Kyle uses his power to seal him off from the Force, leaving him vunerable. A lightsaber duel later, Jerec is dead and the spirits of the Jedi are free. Kyle carves statues of Morgan and Rahn in the Valley as a memorial, then sets out on a new life with Jan...

The manual fixes the date as five years after "Dark Forces," but the novel "Rebel Agent" amends that to five years after Morgan Katarn's death.   

(COMPUTER VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Numerous authors - October 1997)

(GRAPHIC NOVELS - Dark Horse Comics - William C. Dietz - May / September 1998)


While fiddling with computer files, 15-year old Alex Winger discovers a list of suspected underground figures. One of them is her friend Magir Paca. She warns Paca, and he disappears hours before the Imperials can arrest him. As a result, Alex begins to become involved with the underground.

“SW Adventure Journal: Mission to Zila.”


+6 ASW4


Luke Skywalker begins a long tour of the galaxy, searching for Jedi artifacts of any kind in an attempt to learn more about his Jedi heritage and prepare himself to train Jedi students. 

Between the "Son of Palpatine" series and "The Courtship of Princess Leia."


Han Solo and Princess Leia get a divorce. (72) 


Protas is born on the planet Anobis.

“SW: Return to Ord Mantell”


After spending two years as a code slicer for the fleet, Castin Donn transfers to starfighter command and enters pilot training.

“X-Wing: Iron Fist.”


16-year old Alex Winger formally joins the Garos IV underground resistance movement.

“SW Adventure Journal: Mission to Zila.”


Hutts of the Vermilic Clan act in violation to the provision that Hutt counselors cannot be held accountable for the actions of people seeking to use them against their employers.  Due to this violation, the other clans refuse to trade with them for three months, effectually driving them down the economic food chain.

Conjecture based on ‘Hutt and Seek’. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Fenig Nabon takes the con artist/Hutt counselor Ghista Dogder as her partner, the same way she had been taken in by Jett Nabon years before.

Conjecture based on ‘Hutt and Seek’. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Kirtan Loor, an Imperial liaison officer to Corellia, begins pushing Corellian Security agents to attack Rebel ships.  When they refuse, Loor accuses them all of being Rebels.  Loor arranges the murder of Hal Horn by Bossk.  After Corran Horn catches him, Loor lets him go.  When Loor tries to set up and kill Corran, fellow agents Gil Bastra, Iella Wessiri, and her husband Diric fake their deaths and join the Rebels.  As for Corran... 

"X-Wing: Rogue Squadron" and "X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble."


“SW Adventure Journal: Missed Chance.”

                ...on the run from Loor, he hides out on Garqi.  But now he’s stuck because a group of students have begun rebel activities against the local Imperials and the torpedoes a Captain Lai Nootka promised him have been impounded along with Nootka.  One student who has been trailing his X-Wing -- Dynba Tesc -- is now in interrogation, and Prefect Mosh Barris (whose career was destroyed by Thrawn’s entrance into the Empire) is well aware that Kirtan Loor is being sent to investigate him -- hence, he plans to use the public execution of young Dynba to force any Rebels out of hiding.  That is, he’ll allow an aide of his to smuggle her out and get her and the Rebels (along with Nootka and a bunch of contraband) together on a ship that they’ll destroy as a public warning.


                Just as it seems Barris will get what he wants, Corran flies to the rescue and shoots the TIEs off Nootka’s ship.  The aide (Corran in disguise) tells Loor that Barris allowed the ship to escape, resulting in Barris’s arrest.  Corran decides it’s time to join the New Republic, and (if possible) Rogue Squadron...

(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Michael A. Stackpole - August 1995)


Corran Horn takes Chertyl Ruluwoor, a Selonian, to ‘The Annual CorSec Awards Ball’.  The unattached male officers in his branch put together a pool to see who would take Chertyl to the celebration.  Each man was required to buy a ticket for five credits and the winner – whom everyone considered a loser – would get the pot to compensate for the evening.  The Awards Ball pool is a tradition dating from a time when the Director had a daughter who, as decorum dictated, could not go to the Ball unescorted.  The Director refused to order someone to ask her to go, though he did order participation in the pool.  Most years the prize is someone in the squad who has volunteered to be ‘won’, with the prize money going to the Survivors and Orphans fund.  This year, though, the prize was Chertyl, who had been sent to the unit to get some training under a cultural exchange program, and she knew nothing about it.  Most everyone who knew what was going on thought it was barbaric, but they hid behind tradition.  Corran manipulated the pool so he would win, and showed Chertyl the time of her life.  Unfortunately, biochemistry between the pair kept them from getting together . . .

“X-Wing: Wedge’s Gamble” [Page 250 – 253]. 6 months after the death of Hal Horn.


The New Republic sends representatives to the planet Kaal to negotiate for control of its valuable aquaculture industry.  Among the other negotiators were the heads of two Imperial factions and the smuggler Talon Karrde, who was interested in retrieving the crashed Jedi ship and its supposed cloaking device.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


A new form of starship fuel pump is introduced for use on X-Wings designated the T65-AFP.

“X-Wing: Rogue Squadron.”


“X Wing: Rogue Squadron.” 

                With Hobbie Klivan and Wes Janson off training new squadrons, Wedge Antilles feels it's time for a general rebuilding and reorganisation of Rogue Squadron.  For one thing, he wants to add Tatooinian Gavin (cousin of Biggs) Darklighter to the roster.  Second, he wants Tycho Celchu (recently freed from Imperial jail) back. Over the objections of General Salm, he gets what he wants and gets to work whipping the squadron into shape.


                A month later, Admiral Ackbar announces that the squadron will play a key role in the upcoming conquest of Coruscant.  Taking over the planet Talasea, the squadron will help move the Rebels coreward, towards the Imperial capital.  Meanwhile, Intelligence agent Kirtan Loor is torturing a dying man named Gil Bastra, a former Corellian Security officer who helped his mortal enemy (former Corsec agent turned Rogue pilot Corran Horn) escape from Loor's clutches.  Current Imperial ruler Ysanne Isard calls Loor to meet with her at Coruscant.  She explains that he will be her means of destroying Rogue Squadron, and the incentive -- a chance at Corran.  He sends a commando team to Talasea to murder the squadron in it's sleep.  Corran catches on to it and saves the team (with the exception of Lujayne Forge).  They plan to forge on by hitting the planet Vladet.  The next stop is the one that will open the door to Coruscant -- "Blackmoon" Borleias.  Wedge doesn't approve, however, of the foolish strategy of Bothan general Kre'fey -- disapproval that is justified when the attack results in the wounding of half the squadron.  Turns out to be just as well -- a Star Destroyer was in the area.  Reworking the strategy, they try again -- and Borleias falls.


                On Coruscant, Isard plots with Loor.  She's let it be known that Loor (the murderer of Corran's father Hal) is alive on Coruscant, thus distracting Horn.  She arranging for the capture of pilot Bror Jace, going to his dying great uncle.  And most of all, she's preparing a welcome for the Rebels on Coruscant... 

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Michael A. Stackpole - January 1996)


Shortly after the failure at Borleias, the word of Laryn Kre’fey’s part in planning the battle reaches Bothawui and causes the stature of the entire family to decline on Bothan society.  At about the same time, Traest Kre’fey, Laryn’s grandson, enters the Bothan Martial Academy system.

“The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide – Onslaught.” Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


+7 ASW4


Stormtrooper Triv Potham becomes a slave of the Gamorrean Klagg clan on the planet Pzob.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 235]


Princess Leia begins negotiations with the Hapan Cluster to bring them into the war as Republic allies. Prince Isolder, watching her from afar, falls in love with her and asks his mother Ta'a Chume to arrange their marriage.  

"X Wing: Wedge's Gamble" and "The Courtship of Princess Leia."


Neb Ufentes, a noted space vessel engineer and an expert in hyperspace theory is contracted by Drooim - Durtha Systems to develop the ShipFinder for use by the Empire.  He continues to develop newer versions of the device until he is killed by the crimelord Mahk’khar, who then stole the latest prototype.

“SW Adventure Journal.”


Shada D’ukal is on her homeworld Emberlene for the last time, and is assigned by the Mistryl Shadow Guards to be the smuggler Mazzic’s bodyguard.

"SW: Specter of the Past."


New Republic spies in the Gom system report sighting Defel assassin Londrah.

"SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."


The capture attempt on Bror Jace is bungled, and Jace apparently killed. 

Immediately before "X Wing: Wedge's Gamble."


“X Wing: Wedge’s Gamble.” 

                The X-Wing group has been on Borleias for a month, shooing off various Imperial incursions. Wedge welcomes the Sullustian Aril Nunb (Nien's sister) and Pash Cracken (son of the legendary general Airen) to the squadron.   On Noquivzor, the Provisional Council first discusses the rise of Warlord Zsinj, a dangerous new claimant to the throne, then begin planning the invasion of Coruscant. But how to get past the planetary shield generators?  


                Rogue Squadron is selected to somehow bring Coruscant's shields down, thus allowing an invasion.  Borsk Fey'yla sets up a "adjunct" mission to Kessel, to free members of Black Sun to set up the invasion.  Two weeks after the negotiated releases, the Imperials on Coruscant perfect a virus named Krytos, a disease that strikes ONLY non - humans, and can only be cured by bacta.  Isard plans to unleash the virus on Coruscant and leave it to the Rebels.  The Republic will go broke trying to treat everyone, she reasons -- and she'll plant lies to make the galaxy believe the Rebels helped spread the virus.  Corran and Erisi Dlarit are sent undercover to Coruscant for reconnaissance, as are other squadron members in two-man teams.


                Wedge and Pash meet Iella Wessiri, one of Corran's fellow refugees, and learn the Imperials know they're here.  Gavin finds himself captured by the Alien Combine, a group of aliens very angry with recent alien kidnapping’s in Coruscant.  His 'trial' is interrupted by the appearance of an Imperial Floating Fortress, which takes several Sullustans for Krytos research -- including Aril.  Corran is also nearly captured, by two of the Kessel prisoners -- apparently betrayed by Tycho.  Realising an attack is imminent, Isard decides to release the virus immediately into Coruscant's water supply.


                Corran makes his way back to Wedge and reveals Tycho's apparent betrayal.  Wedge says that's impossible -- Tycho was helping fight off Warlord Zsinj at Noquivzor at the time.  Working with the Black Sun escapees, the Squadron prepares for an attack on Coruscant's computer.  When the incubation period for the virus comes and goes with nothing happening, Isard furiously orders more virus introduced and Rogue Squadron killed immediately.  The Rogues attack on computer parts in a warehouse becomes a deadly ambush, and the Black Sun people are responsible.  Before being killed by his own lover, Zekka Thyne confirms there is a traitor in Rogue Squadron.  The squadron is rescued by a sudden appearance by Tycho, relays an urgent message: The Rogues have 48 hours to get the shields down.  At the same time, Isard informs Loor that he will stay on Coruscant to harass the Rebels after she's gone. 


                The Rogues' plan to take Coruscant is to use the planet's weather system against it, creating a massive electrical storm that will take out the planet's power grid -- and hence the shields.  If they can't get it down in time, a captured Interdictor at the system's edge will make sure the Rebel fleet doesn't crash into the shields.  The storm is set up, Corran in Tycho's Headhunter finishes off the power grid barely in time, and the Battle of Coruscant begins.  As a mass exodus begins and the Rebels seize power... Corran's ship suddenly breaks down and crashes.  Tycho is arrested for Corran's murder.  And elsewhere, Corran wakes up to the sight of the gloating Ysanne Isard... 

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Michael A. Stackpole - May 1996) 


Black Sun has Feena D’asta of the Imperial Council kidnapped, and a clone put in her place to pursue Black Sun’s interests in the Empire.

“Crimson Empire II: Council of Blood.”


“SW Adventure Journal: The Kaal Connection.”

             A New Republic diplomatic team is sent to Kaal, a struggling ex - Imperial industrial world, in an effort to provide economic and foodstuff aid.  The Empire and a warlord named Moff Prentioch are sending teams as well.  Stopping in at the Grand Imperial hotel, the Rebels try their hand at sabacc with the other negotiators.  They meet a fourth negotiator, Syndic Hart -- who is really Talon Karrde, searching for an Imperial ship that crashed on Kaal just after the Battle of Endor -- a ship purported to have a cloaking device.  The Imperial negotiator, however, plans to retake Kaal by force -- starting with the other negotiators.  Karrde leads the Rebels off in a submersible as the other two groups start fighting it out, blowing up the sunken Imperial ship himself rather than letting anyone else have it. Grateful, Kaal reaches a deal with the New Republic.

(GAME MODULE - West End Games - Peter Schweighofer/Timothy Zahn - August 1995)


“SW Adventure Journal: A Glimmer of Hope.”

              18 - year old Alex Winger conducts some recon of the mines of Garos IV, where Imperials seem to be unusually busy.  The mission goes wrong, and Winger is the only one of her resistance group to escape.  She learns the next day that the Imperials have found ore which can help them make cloaked weapons -- and Captain Brandei of the Star Destroyer ‘Judicator’ is visiting her father later that night.  She joins an attack on a convoy carrying the ore to the Star Destroyer.  After mingling at a dinner party at the Governor’s mansion, she frees a captured resistance member from the Imperial headquarters.  Just another day in the life for her...

(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Charlene Newcomb - February 1994)


The planet Mrisst, in the GaTir system, long been subjucated by the Empire, is freed by the New Republic.

“SW RPG: The Last Command Sourcebook”. Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index.


“SW Adventure Journal: Vengeance Strike.”                                                                         *

            Dirk Harkness and Jai Raventhorn are undercover as Imperial repairmen, finally within striking distance of Imperial Advisor Bregius Golthan who is aboard the damaged Star Destroyer ‘Vengeance’. With their friends Tru’eb Cholakk, Platt Okeefe and Starter nearby, they begin sabotaging the Star Destroyer even further.  They overhear Golthan talking to the bounty hunter Beylyssa  -- before the two spot and recognize them.  A fight ensues, and Golthan is killed by Dirk, with Beylyssa severly wounded.  Platt and the others start their attack, only to see the ‘Vengeance’ explode – seemingly taking Dirk and Jai with it.  But miraculously, they made it out in Golthan’s private escape pod…

(SHORT STORY – West End Games – Peter Schweighofer – February 1995)


“SW Adventure Journal: Whispers in the Dark.”                                                                    *

In the underground resistance base on Garos IV, Wink Tasion listens in on Imperial scouts at the mining center south of Ariana. The Imperials have been setting up a defense perimeter around the mines. Alex Winger listens in to this, then learns from Dair Haslip and Magir Paca that another 2,000 troops is being sent to Garos. Where is all the ore going, they wonder. The mine is nearly impenetrable now – what can the resistance do? And even worse, the Imps are starting to find the resistance’s weapons caches. Alex decides she and Dair will have a dinner date at her father’s mansion (to check out the new security provisions there) before trying to rescue the remaining weapons. They talk a walk before dinner that night, forced to act romantic with the scout troops watching them. After dinner that night, Alex sneaks out of the mansion to move a Plex missile launcher less than a kilometer from the mansion. She gets intercepted by a scout, and has to fast-talk her way back to the mansion.


                The resistance finally gets the break they need – a chance to stop the Imperials from finishing their new sensor setup at the mines. Alex joins the attacking group. Two AT-STs are in the convoy, and one is taken out – but the other one takes out Alex’s friend Cardy. Alex personally blows up the second one. The convoy is destroyed, and another small victory is won. On her way home, Alex receives another of those strange visions – and a distant voice saying, “The Force will be with you…”

My thanks to Nidia Barahona, for providing the scans of this story!

(SHORT STORY – West End Games – Charlene Newcomb – March 1994)   


“SW Adventure Journal: Heroes Need Not Apply.”                                                                    *

                The small agricultural world of Chrona has become a booming industrial world, thanks to discovery of the ship - alloy chronamite.  It has unfortunately also become a world where law and order no longer exists.  Desperate to rectify this, mechanic / honorary town adjunct Mortris Gallorr hires a group of adventurers to serve as vigilante law in the capitol of Corestrike.  After testing them in a homemade obstacle course, he hands them “Protector” badges and sends them to work.  Their first case is a disaster – a swoop gang attacking a shop are captured, but set free on a court technicality.  It seems an ex-CorSec officer turned crimelord named Themog has his fingers in the jury, ensuring chaos reigns on Chrona. Several more cases end up the same way – messed up by Themog’s influence.  The fed - up Protectors go after Themog himself, only to learn the crimelord has kidnapped Gallorr and his entire family.  They walk right into an ambush on the obstacle course.  After a difficult battle, the family is freed and Themog is caught.  

(GAME ADVENTURE – West End Games – Anthony P. Russo & Eric S. Trautmann – February 1997)  


“SW Adventure Journal: Conflict of Interest.”

New Republic Intelligence agent Selby Jarrad is sent to Verkuyl, a bacta - processing world, to foment rebellion against its Imperial rulers.  She will use the occasion of an refinery - building auction by Governor Parco Ein to confront him and either force him to surrender or kill him.  She finds herself attracted to Imperial guard Daven Quarle, whom she learns is grandson of the original ruler of Verkuyl and part of the local resistance.  But when her plan falls apart and her partners are killed, she and Quarle join forces.  They decide to carry out the plan themselves.  That is, until Selby overhears Quarle conspiring with Ein.  She faces him with a blaster -- and Quarle explains why he’d done what he has, who it’s really for -- the people of Verkuyl.  His grandfather was a tyrant, but Quarle’s own work for the Empire has greatly improved their lives.  If the New Republic takes over, he says, the people face hardship and starvation.  Does she really want to do that to them?


                She stuns him.  And 34 hours later, Verkuyl is in the hands of the New Republic.  Quarle is on the run with Ein and the other Imperials.  But Selby isn’t feeling too good about herself...

(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Laurie Burns - May 1997)  


Admiral Betl Oxtroe begins secret negotiations with the Republic.  In return for amnesty for the Imperial military, she wishes to help set up a parliamentary democracy, with the Provisional Council replacing the Imperial advisers and with Palpatine's grandniece Ederlatth Pallopides as puppet-head ruler.  An (Noghri?) assassin's blade cuts the talks short.  

"SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook." [Page 33]


Zekk is born on the planet Ennth.  

Conjecture from "Young Jedi Knights: The Lost Ones."


Professor Oron takes control of a former Imperial base in the Delani sector.

“SW Adventure Journal: Relic.”


“X Wing: The Krytos Trap.” 

                Despite the Krytos virus now running wild throughout the planet, all of Coruscant mourns the death of Corran.  Just as the ceremony ends and everyone starts to leave, Kirtan Loor blows up the memorial.  Wedge tries to talk the Provisional Council out of trying Tycho, but the circumstantial evidence against him -- in both Horn's and Jace's deaths -- is overwhelming.  And with the virus running wild and stirring up hatred in non-alien races, the trial must go forward, and Tycho likely be executed -- or the Republic falls.


                Leia is working on opening relations to the Hapans for help, and the Rogues must retrieve from a space station at Yag'Dhul bacta that Warlord Zsinj stole.  Meanwhile, Iella is reunited with her freed husband Diric.  And at Isard's infamous Lusankya prison, Corran is slowly being brainwashed.  And Loor is working to destroy any and all bacta.  Tycho's trial begins, and from the start goes badly.  At Lusankya, Corran is released into the general prison population, where he finds Derricote and the long-believed dead General Jan Dodonna, and begins planning his escape.


                The Rogues are sent to Ryloth to pick up ryll to treat the virus, then a bacta convoy from Thyferra.  Loor finds out and begins working on creating a fake Rogue Squadron to go out and destroy the convoy, resulting in even further chaos.  But when the Rogues get to Alderaan's remains to get the convoy, it's already been destroyed, along with the fake squadron -- by Zsinj.  Fearing Isard's wrath, Loor turns himself over to the Republic -- in return for immunity, he'll give them every Imperial agent on Coruscant and clear Tycho.  


                Corran makes his escape, killing Derricote in the process.  He learns via computer records that Tycho was incapable of being brainwashed -- he's innocent.  He also unintentionally discovers evidence that his father Hal had been a Jedi Knight, and takes Hal's master's lightsaber.  He makes his way to the open air -- of Coruscant?!?  He races to Tycho's trial and clears him. 


                The Rogues are informed that Loor's group is about to attack bacta storehouses all over Coruscant.  Loor is suddenly killed, and Iella kills the assailant -- who turns out to be Diric, brainwashed by Isard and thinking it was Derricote he was killing.  As the squadron fights the terrorists, Lusankya is suddenly revealed -- as a Super Star Destroyer that bursts from the planet's underground.  It blasts its' way past the Rogues and the planetary shields and hyperjumps out of the system, taking Rogue pilot Erisi Dlarit -- revealed to be the true traitor -- with it.  Isard travels to Thyferra and seizes control, leaving the whole galaxy without bacta. 


                At a special medal ceremony, Tycho Celchu is finally cleared of all charges and honoured as the hero he truly is, as the Republic breathes a sigh of relief that the last vestiges of evil are finally off of Coruscant.  Corran introduces Luke to the Jedi archives he found, and Luke reveals that Hal's master was in fact his father -- Corran's grandfather.  He offers to train Corran in the ways of the Jedi.  Corran politely says no, at least for now -- Isard must be taken care of first.  But the Rogues are told by Borsk Fey'yla that they won't go after Isard -- they're ordered to go after Zsinj instead.  And as one, the entire Rogue Squadron resigns. 

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Michael A. Stackpole - September 1996) 


Yarr Gatonne is a criminal still at large.  New Republic General Cracken once had a run – in with Gatonne on the banking world of Sestria.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.”


After the New Republic seizes Coruscant, other Core Worlds capitulate, including Alsakan, Grizmallt and Wukkar.  In short order, many heavily populated worlds surrender to Admiral Ackbar’s fleet.

“SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook.” [Page 76]


The Museum of the Republic is established on Coruscant.  The edifice contains numerous displays depicting the events of the Galactic Civil War and the years following the Battle of Endor.  It contains a room dedicated to the Battle of Yavin, which has a cut - away model of the first Death Star and a listing of the battle station's full complement of personnel.  The display is designed to highlight the destructiveness of war, regardless of the outcome.

“SW: Shield of Lies.”


+8 ASW4


 At this point in time, the New Republic controls roughly 50% of the galaxy. 

"SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook."


Denlathia, an Imperial planet is retaken by the New Republic.  The Star Destroyer Tempest was one of the few ships to survive, and brought its contents to Garos IV.

"SW Adventure Journal."


Republic Engineering Corporation is founded.  The company is financed by several of the New Republic’s key corporate supporters, and the company’s first product - the shieldships for the Nomad city on Nkllon - was commisioned by Lando Calrissian, hero of the Battle of Endor.  Following the success of the shieldship design, Republic Engineering Corporation is now concentrating on specialty designs and its lines of short range fighters and high altitude combat speeder.

“The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels.”


Grand Moff Thistleborn is released from prison on the planet Bnach and hard labor for his treachery against the Prophets of the Dark Side.

“SW: Prophets of the Dark Side.” and “SW Adventure Journal.”


Rostek Horn becomes a member of the ‘Lastdark Club’, an exclusive club situated in the tallest building on Corellia.

"SW: I, Jedi."


Grand Admiral Thrawn, now fully alerted to the galactic situation despite Isard's lies to him, takes command of the Imperial Star Destroyer ‘Chimaera’ and begins reunifying and strengthening the fleet.  He orders the construction of several new warships, but the Imperial shipyards are only able to build a fraction of them, including the Scimitar bomber.  He prepares to leave the Unknown Regions. 

"SW: X-Wing: The Krytos Trap" and "SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook."


After Thrawn returns from the Unknown Regions, Grodin Tierce transfers to the Chimaera’s stormtrooper detatchment.

"SW: Specter of the Past."


New Republic forces suffer what Han Solo calls a "fiasco" at Xyquine.  A passenger transport was destroyed, and pilot Pash Cracken had to invent the "Cracken Twist" to disguise the escaping ships' exit vectors.

“SW: The Last Command.”


“X Wing: The Bacta War.” 

                Corran Horn considers his current situation and his Jedi past, even as he grows closer to Mirax Terrik. He vows to free Dodonna and the other Lusankya prisoners.  Meanwhile, the former squadron musters their forces for the attack on Isard.  Pash Cracken is now on the hunt for Zsinj, but he gives the Rogues the Yag'Dhul station as a base, and the grieving Iella joins as well.  As they move in, Gavin, Mirax and Corran go to Tatooine to get some of the arms cache from Huff and Mirax's father Booster.


                Elscol Loro and Sixtus Quin rejoin the squadron at the station, and it's decided to distract Isard with too much action at once.  They start hitting convoys en route from Thyferra, giving the bacta to the worlds for free.  When Isard and Flirry Vorru cuts off the flow of bacta, the Rogues open the station for trade.  When a secret mission to Thyferra goes wrong, Bror Jace suddenly appears, saves the group, and rejoins them.  Elscol, Iella, and Sixtus stay on Thyferra in hopes of getting a shot at Isard herself, starting with the embarrassment of General Aerin Dlarit.  They also call upon the aid of Talon Karrde. 


                The infamous Imperial captain Convarion joins Isard and Vorru, who start murdering the families of the convoy crews as well as the populations of the planets the Rogues gave bacta to.  Wedge and Co. retaliate by attacking Thyferra's bacta-producing colonies.  But Isard finally has the weapon she's needed -- an Interdictor.  She sets up a lethal ambush at the remains of Alderaan, but the surprise appearance of an automated Alderaanian starship (The Valiant) results in Convarion's death instead.  Insane with rage, Isard starts a wholesale slaughter of Thyferra.  As a result, one of her Star Destroyer's defects to the Alliance.  The Rogues decide it's time for a face-to-face showdown at their station, and leak its' location to Isard.  As the time of battle nears, Corran asks Mirax to marry him.  She accepts. 


                The battle begins, with the strike team on Thyferra causing trouble, capturing Vorru, and splitting up the forces.  New Republic forces led by Cracken jump in and help, Corran kills Erisi, the Lusankya surrenders, and Tycho personally blows up Isard's escape shuttle. Corran and Mirax marry on the Lusankya, while the search begins for Dodonna and the other prisoners.  Rogue Squadron agrees to rejoin the New Republic, and Wedge congratulates them on this, their greatest victory.  

 (NOVEL - Bantam Books - Michael A. Stackpole - January 1997) 


Corran and Mirax Horn honeymoon on the planet Alakatha.

"SW: I, Jedi."


Gavin Darklighter and Asyr Sei’lar begin a romantic relationship, which causes unease between the members of the Bothan upper echelon such as Borsk Fey’lya.

“X-Wing: Isard’s Revenge.”


When Quelev Tapper’s smuggling band becomes too entrenched in Imperial-held areas, the Imperials dispatch a task force to destroy them.  Fellow smugglers, led by Talon Karrde, come to the band’s aide.  As a result, the remaining 25% of Tapper’s band join Karrde’s operation.

Conjecture based on ‘First Contact’. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


The Shak clan on Ryloth is discredited for trying to scam the New Republic over ryll kor.

Conjecture based on ‘Hutt and Seek’. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


With a severe Bacta shortage still in place, many medics at New Republic medical facilities make a rigid policy to conserve every single drop of Bacta, even to the point of siphoning it out of patients’ ears when necessary.  The New Republic could not afford to buy black market bacta, even if it had been available to them.

"SW: Specter of the Past."


"X Wing: Wraith Squadron." 

                The Rogues return to Coruscant and a royal heroes' welcome.  Meanwhile, at another planet, Talon Squadron is wiped out by a massive Imperial attack...  Wedge has a new idea, based on the Thyferra experience.  The Rogues had been a fighter squadron trying to be a commando unit, so Wedge wants to create a new squadron of commandos learning to be pilots as well.  He wants "pilots no one else wants. Washouts.  Troublemakers and screwups."  Admiral Ackbar gives Wedge three months to try this squadron out, hopefully to join the search for Warlord Zsinj afterwards -- and if it doesn't work, Wedge will accept a promotion to General.  The squadron is assembled and begins to be trained at Folor base. 


                But a few weeks into the training, Folor base is jumped by the Star Destroyer ‘Implacable’, under the command of Admiral Apwar Trigit, under the orders of Warlord Zsinj.  The Wraiths receive a baptism of fire facing Trigit's forces, then escape the base and head out to regroup at Doldrums.  But en route, a massive electronic failure takes place (a new weapon of Zsinj's), and the crippled squadron limps to Xobone 6.  They are attacked there by a Imperial corvette that the squadron captures.  The information from that ship sets up a new plan to get at Zsinj -- they will go undercover as the corvette's crew to find Zsinj's weak spots.  


                Their first undercover mission finds that Zsinj is establishing an economic base in the Xartun system.  They start going from world to world in Zsinj's territory, digging up dirt, then letting the Republic troops move in after they've gone to the next system.  This is only partially successful, as proven when Admiral Ackbar's niece is killed in a fight with what turns out only to be pirates.  But Zsinj is fooled into thinking the corvette (The Night Caller) is being shadowed by Rebels.  After picking up a biological weapon, they head to Todirium and put on a show for Zsinj, making it look like the Rogues are attacking the planet.  When a Star Destroyer and Frigate screams in, the Wraiths spring the trap and captures them.  The whole Squadron is honoured and promoted by the New Republic. 


                They feed Zsinj a story about an ambush, his second-in-command Admiral Trigit abandoning them, and their just barely getting out alive.  Zsinj replies that he is setting a trap for the Rebel followers at Ession.  When confronted with the large fleet, Trigit chooses to blow up his Star Destroyer. He is killed by Wraith Myn Donos (former Talon Squad member) while trying to surrender.  The few battered survivors of Wraith Squadron recuperate on Borleias before continuing the hunt for Zsinj. 

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Aaron Allston - February 1998)


"SW Adventure Journal / Tales from the Empire: First Contact." 

                Talon Karrde travels to the Morodin - hunting safari on the Great Forest of Varonat with a sabotaged hyperdrive, to find out what the operation (run by a Krish named Gamgalon) is about (and if he can get a piece of it).  He meets a red - headed hyperdrive mechanic named Celina Marniss (who seems to be more than she seems).  The safari starts well, though Karrde notes a few things amiss in the forest (like metal transponders).  It turns out that Morodins are not very dangerous game at all.  He and his assistant Quelev Tapper sneak out of the camp at night to do some snooping -- and finds a herd of Morodins, and evidence that they’re sentient -- and hunting sentients is illegal on even Imperial worlds.  The two are caught by Gamgalon, who explains that the Imperial governor of Varonat is fully aware of his operation, and complies in return for certain aleudrupe berries that, exposed to Morodin-fertilised soil, turns into a powerful blaster catalyst.  Tapper tries to escape and is killed; Karrde is saved by a sudden attack by Celina.   The two escape on Karrde’s repaired ship. Karrde offers Celina a job with his corporation.  She accepts, but adds that her name isn’t really Celina; it’s Mara Jade...

Dating corrected by Andrew Larson, who pointed out that Tapper was alive in "The Bacta War."

(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Timothy Zahn - February 1994)


“X-Wing: Iron Fist.” 

                A cyborg starts a bar brawl with the relaxing Wraiths in a Coruscant bar.  Fearing an ambush, the group jumps the “security police” who show up to arrest them.  Wedge believes the trap was set by Zsinj, who apparently now knows who Wraith Squadron is.  Colonel Atton Repness -- a corrupt officer who once blackmailed Wraith pilot Tyria Sarkin into trying to steal an X-Wing -- orders the Wraiths off leave, to prepare for the hunt for Zsinj.  Pilots Ton Phanan and Kell Tainer plan to use a possible Wraith candidate -- Lara Notsil, former mistress of Admiral Trigit -- in a sting operation on Repness.


                The Wraiths are split into three groups, each to try and second-guess Zsinj and his tactics. Unbeknownst to Ton and Kell, “Lara” is in fact Imperial spy Gara Petothel, who sends word to Zsinj about her appointment.  The Wraiths have three theories about Zsinj: Cause a governor enough trouble to send Zsinj running; join a pirate band and infiltrate Zsinj’s unit; Await a Zsinj attack on Kuat Drive Yards, where he may try to steal an Super Star Destroyer.  NR Intelligence will handle the third idea, while the Wraiths are directed to combine ideas one and two into a pirate raid on a Zsinj-friendly governor at Halmad.


                The Wraiths infiltrate an Imp base and make off with several TIE Interceptors to use as pirate ships.  The “Hawk-bats” begin promptly harassing Halmad, while at the same time working with General Solo and the Rogues on the Zsinj-hunt.  Meanwhile, Lara conducts the sting, nails Repness, and joins the Wraiths as a reward -- giving Zsinj the opening he wants to lead them into a trap on Lavisar.  But the Rebels are starting to realise that Zsinj has been leading them on a wild goose chase, and uses the Wraiths to sniff it out and escape it.  Lara is starting to have second thoughts about her double-agent status...


                Another raid reveals an unpleasant surprise -- the 181st are back.  And right behind them is the Super Star Destroyer ‘Iron Fist’.  Ton is killed, and Zsinj sends a message to the “Hawk-bats” -- Halmad is his territory now.  They can leave, stay and die -- or join him.  Minus Wedge, the Wraiths meet Zsinj to join him.  Wraith Castin Donn secretly goes against Wedge’s orders to plant a small bug in Iron Fist’s computer to send out a beacon to Solo surreptitiously.  But when he’s caught, Zsinj makes the Wraiths murder Castin in front of him.  The information they got from Zsinj clinches it -- he’s going to Kuat.  There’s no chance they can beat him there, but they CAN use Castin’s bug on the Super Star Destroyer Zsinj will steal. 


                Part of the Wraiths are put in a boarding party to capture the Super Star Destroyer (Razor’s Kiss) before Zsinj shows up to escort it out.  The others (led by Wedge, disguised as Lieutenant Kettch, a Ewok pilot -- don’t ask) are launched to attack Kuat’s defenses.  The 181st is sent out to help, and Fel flies side-by-side with “Kettch”.  The theft is successful, and both ‘Iron Fist’ and ‘Razor’s Kiss’ get away -- right into the waiting arms of the Calamari cruiser ‘Mon Remonda’ and a ragtag fleet assembled by Solo.  One Wraith, hiding right on ‘Razor’s Kiss’s’ hull, blows out it’s shield generators, and then its’ bridge.  Frustrated, Zsinj abandons ‘Razor’s Kiss’ and hypers ‘Iron Fist’ out of the battle.  And the hunt continues...

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Aaron Allston - July 1998)  


“SW Adventure Journal / Tales from the Empire: Blaze of Glory.”

Former New Republic intelligence agent turned mercenary Lex “Mad Vornskr” Kempo travels to Gabrador III with a merc team to rescue a pair of children from a Karazak slaver’s guild.  On descent towards the planet, their ship malfunctions catastrophically and the team bails out in a lifepod.  The team sets out to find the slave transport, who are working with the Pentastar Alignment (led by Grand Moff Ardus Kaine) to supply slave labor.  The two children are the Cantras Gola ambassador’s.  The slave quarters are blown to bits -- seemingly taking Kempo with it -- and the team fights through a Defel to rescue the children and takes off in the slave transport.  But from the sky, the burning quarters look like the team logo, a crescent moon...

(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Tony Russo - 1995)


"X Wing: Solo Command." 

Wraith pilot Voort "Piggy" saBinring and Admiral Ackbar are nearly killed by a brainwashed assassin sent by Zsinj.  Nevertheless, the Wraiths get a night of shore leave before joining the combined force under General Solo, as Lara and Myn Donos start to become involved.  A distress call brings the force to Levian Two, where Zsinj ambushes and very nearly destroys the Rebels.


They're fed up with playing Zsinj's games -- they want him to play theirs.  While Solo decides to go to Saffalore -- the Zsinj facility where Piggy was enhanced to fly starfighters -- they cook up a plan to create a fake Millenium Falcon (Leia's got the real one) and use "Han" as bait to bring Zsinj in.  Meanwhile, Zsinj wants to know where Piggy and "Lieutenant Kettch" came from, and personally has one Saffalore scientist killed, then orders the lab facilities moved to Iron Fist.  He's gonna set a trap at Saffalore for the Rebels.


The combined Rogue / Wraith force lands secretly on Saffalore, and walks right into Zsinj's trap. Horribly burned by the Imperials' attempt to cremate them, the Wraiths slug their way out, with one of Piggy's creators -- Dr. Edda Gast -- in tow.  The Rogues help them escape.  The Wraiths get patched up, and Myn and Lara become a official couple.  Needless to say, Zsinj doesn't take the news about the raid well. On Coruscant, Mon Mothma avoids another assassination attempt.  Then another brainwashed pilot tries to kill Wedge and Solo. Another assassin takes out Dr. Gast.  The Rogues are forced to kill their brainwashed pilot.


One Imperial Star Destroyer captain offers the Rebels all the info on Zsinj he can give -- The warlord has mutual enemies, it seems.   The Rogues realize Zsinj's plan -- to racially separate the Republic -- making it easier for him to conquer.  They decide to set a trap for him, using a fake version of the ‘Millenium Falcon’ to send Zsinj on a hunt after Solo.  On the way back from a mission at Kidriff, Face Loran discovers the shocking truth about Lara's past.  When he orders her arrest, Myn Donos -- realizing his new love murdered his former squadron -- snaps and tries to kill her, only to narrowly avoid killing Face when he puts himself between the torpedo and Lara.  Shattered, she hyperjumps away -- to Zsinj.  Dr. Gast did narrowly survive the attack, and gives the Republic the key to Zsinj's brainwashing.  The Rogues pull themselves together and continue their plan against Zsinj, as Lara plots to blow up ‘Iron Fist’ from within.


Zsinj and the Rebels crash into each other headon, with Lara and Fel leading the charge.  They're sent running with a Dreadnaught destroyed.  But not before Lara leaves the squadron a message, telling them to hit Vahaba to get Zsinj.  She also leaves a teary goodbye for Myn.  Han asks Face to get Imperial Admiral Rogriss to bring them an Interdictor.


Solo and Zsinj again have at it.  But though Zsinj gets away again, Lara has the ship’s mouse droids sabotage the hyperdrive, just after parking the Super Star Destroyer in the gravity well of Selaggis. She also frees several victims of the same experiments that created Piggy.  Strangely enough, one of the subjects is an Ewok...


Fel and the 181’st are launched to draw the Rogues and Wraiths away.  Wedge shoots Fel down -- or what he thought was Fel.  It’s actually actor Tetran Cowall.  Half of the 181’st are droid pilots, loaded with explosives.  And then a new breed of TIE -- TIE Raptors -- jumps them.  Lara arrives in her X-Wing and helps shoot them off -- until she’s blown to bits by a concussion missile.


The Iron Fist flies into a Nightcloak (developed by Zsinj to cloak everything in its range ) as he shuttles to a smaller ship and shoots out debris to make it look like Iron Fist was destroyed (it really hypers out).  He does offer his congratulations to Solo -- only to be told to “Kiss my Wookiee!” 


In the wake of victory, Wraith Squadron is decommissioned, for conversion into an Intelligence unit.  Myn Donos, having worked through his problems, is transferred to the Rogues.  And Lara Notsil did survive the battle, changed her name to Kirney Slane, moved to Corellia and sends a message to Myn, asking for another chance to be with him...

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Aaron Allston - February 1998)


At this point in the history of the galaxy, more than six hundred thousand worlds have formally aligned with the New Republic.  Since the total number of inhabited systems is over twelve million [Dark Empire, issue #3] there must be a substantial number of systems that are either in the hands of warlords, are neutral, independent, or still in the process of negotiating to rejoin the galactic government.

"SW: The Courtship of Princess Leia." [Page 4, 5]


"The Courtship of Princess Leia." 

                Worn out after five months of chasing Zsinj, Han returns to Coruscant, to find Hapan Battle Dragons in orbit.  He learns that Leia has successfully negotiated a treaty with the Hapes Cluster and it's ruler, Ta'a Chume.  They come bearing 62 VERY expensive gifts, all for Leia.  The 63rd is the greatest gift of all -- Prince Isolder, heir to the Hapan throne -- to be Leia's husband.  


                Meanwhile, investigating a late Jedi Master's home on Toola, Luke Skywalker comes upon a fragmentary record of a failed rescue attempt on a planet called Dathomir, led by Yoda -- and "repulsed by the witches."  Han isn't taking Isolder’s offer well. Both Ta'a Chume and the Republic politicians themselves are trying to force Han and Leia apart. Isolder even goes so far as to offer Han a Hapan Battle Dragon if he'll just go away. And Leia does seem to be in love -- if not with Isolder, then at least his world.  And she's falling more in love with Isolder by the minute.  Desperate to compete with him, Han goes to a card game in Coruscant's underground and puts the Falcon up for collateral.  Playing against Drackmarian warlord Omogg, Han wins a planet for Leia and her people -- a planet called Dathomir...  


                When he presents the deed to Leia, Leia's got some bad news for him -- it's in Zsinj's territory. Threepio tries to help by revealing Han's royal lineage, but it backfires.  When Alderaanian politician Threkin Horm tries to separate Han from Leia by a military mission and rush Leia and Isolder to Hapes, Han finally takes action.  He resigns his rank, kidnaps the Princess and sets course for Dathomir.  All he asks is a week with him on Dathomir.  If she doesn't fall in love with again, he'll bring her back and go to jail.  If she does, then he wants her to marry him.  Both Isolder and Ta'a Chume vow to get Leia back and kill Solo.  


                The Falcon arrives at Dathomir -- to find an Imperial fleet in orbit.  Han shoots down a Frigate and uses it as cover to land on Dathomir.  They begin hiking towards a nearby city, taking out an Imperial patrol on the way.  At the same time, Luke and Isolder arrive.  Luke crash-lands, a near victim of Ta'a Chume's anti-Jedi sentiment, and Isolder follows him down.  Luke reveals to Isolder that he is Force-sensitive.  They call upon the reptilian Blue Desert People to help them find the others. 


                Just when Zsinj's men catch up to Han and Leia, they are attacked by Force-wielding primitive women with tamed Rancors, who lead the heroes to their village.  Continuing their trek, Luke and Isolder come upon the smashed remains of a starship -- the Jedi training ship Chu'unthor.  They come upon a 20 year old Force-sensitive "witch" named Teneniel Djo, who takes them as slaves -- and Luke as her mate.  Han and Leia have already met the Singing Mountain Clan of witches, led by Mother Augwynne.  They are fighting a losing battle to keep from being corrupted by Gethzerion and the Nightsisters.  In return for Han selling them the planet and helping them fight the Nightsisters off, they will help fix the Falcon and give Han a fortune in gold and precious metals.


                Luke, Isolder, and Teneniel arrive at the village and meet the others.  Augwynne surprises everyone by awarding Isolder to Teneniel as her husband.  She introduces Luke to Mother Rell, an extremely old and senile woman who sees Luke as he will be decades from now.  She is surprised to see Isolder, though -- she thought Gethzerion killed him. Seems she can't tell past, present, and possible future apart...


                The group heads to the prison to cannibalise parts to repair the Falcon, even as Zsinj's reinforcements arrive in orbit.  But Gethzerion has set a trap for them, planning to trade them to Zsinj in return for passage off-planet -- where she'll be unstoppable.


                Zsinj starts releasing tons of orbital mines, however, and says he'll refrain from destroying Dathomir in return for Solo.  The Nightsisters attack, overwhelming Luke and the clan, but the Falcon starts to escape.  And then Zsinj's weapon comes into action -- a "orbital nightcloak" that blocks the light and heat from Dathomir's sun.  Gethzerion starts sending mental images of her murdering the prison population, promising to continue killing until Solo surrenders to her.  Finally taking responsibility for himself, he decides to face her with a detonator strapped to him, hoping to take her and the Nightsisters with him.  Gethzerion has the detonator disabled and starts torturing Han with the Dark Side.  The Falcon tears in and blasts the Nightsisters apart.  They take off in a transport, and the Falcon chases them out into space, where Zsinj's forces take out the transport.  Luke destroys the orbital nightcloak just as Ta'a Chume's fleet arrives, and Han personally blows up the ‘Iron Fist’ and Zsinj. 


                Isolder, who has fallen in love with her, takes Teneniel to be his wife and announces that the Hapes Cluster will join the New Republic over his flustered mother's wishes.  Before dying, Mother Rell gives Luke a box filled with Jedi records and teachings.  Luke predicts that Isolder and Teneniel will have a daughter, and recommends they bring her to him to train when the time is right.  Six weeks later, at the Alderaanian consulate on Coruscant, Han Solo and Princess Leia finally become husband and wife. 

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Dave Wolverton - May 1994)


“Tales of the New Republic: Hutt and Seek.”                                                                         *

                Corellian smuggler Fenig Nabon finds herself on the bad end of a deal with “partner” Ghitsa Dogder – a plan to con a Hutt, with the unwitting aid of Mistryl assassin Shada D’ukal. She greets Shada and her new apprentice Dunc T’racen as they arrive on Ryloth. They are concluding a deal with the Shak Clan, to ship Twi’lek females to Nal Hutta. Shada objects – she hauls slaves for nobody, not even for 20,000. Ghitsa claims the females are a dancing troupe, en route to Durga the Hutt. An uneasy Shada ups the price to 32,000 and accepts. Shada can sense that Ghitsa’s an Imperial, and keeps a close eye on both smugglers the whole trip. They come upon a relay buoy, meaning a likely trap ahead – but it’s too late to back out now. Shada pulls the freighter out of space, and good thing too – a Firespray-class ship is waiting for them. Shada takes it out, but recognizes it as belonging to the Karazak Slavers Cooperative. As the ship rushes to Nar Shaddaa, Ghitsa prods Dunc into a fury, telling her they had indeed been slavers after all. Shada realizes full well what Ghitsa’s trying to do – push the Mistryl into breaking their contract. But why? Ghitsa won’t answer, and won’t explain what’s really going on. Furious, Shada throws both smugglers into an escape pod and shoots them off.


                Only it turns out the laugh is on the Mistryl – Ghitsa altered the ship’s ID code to read as a slaver ship. The escape pod lands on Nal Hutta, where Ghitsa rushes to Durga’s palace and spins a yarn about his ship being taken by the KSC. He invokes Hutt law and provides the altered ID code to evade execution. Back on the smuggler ship, Shada and Dunc find a message from Fen outlining the whole sorry deal. It seems Ghitsa set all this up to ignite a gang war. Shada returns the slaves to Ryloth while Fenig and Ghitsa fly off into the stars with their ill-gotten gains…

(SHORT STORY – West End Games / Bantam Books – Chris Cassidy & Tish Pahl – December 1999)


Ta’a Chume, the Queen Mother of the Hapan Cluster agrees to the Hapan Treaty, to join the New Republic as a primary member with a senatorial representative and to allow it’s subordinate worlds to send legates.  The subsequent Hapan role in New Republic politics has been minimal.  The Hapan senator, could, by rights, claim a role in some of the most prestigious of the senate councils, but she has not chosen to do so.  Only 12 of the 63 eligible Hapan worlds have chosen to send legates to Coruscant.  The Hapan Treaty specifies that the Consortium retain sovereignty over its territories while a member so long as it conforms to the Common Charter, and that the Hapan Fleets will remain separate and independent from the New Republic military.  The Internal affairs of the Hapans remain internal.  The treaty also opened and regulated trading posts on certain Hapan Rim worlds.

"SW RPG: Cracken’s Threat Dossier." [Page 9]


"The Mixed-Up Droid."

                En route to a diplomatic function with Princess Leia, Threepio malfunctions badly and starts insulting everything and everyone in sight.  Leia and Artoo help fix him before any real harm is done. 

(AUDIO CHILDREN'S DRAMA - TW Kids - John Whitman - June 1995)


“The DarkStryder Campaign: The Saga Begins.”                                                                          

                While in pursuit of rogue Moff Kentor Sarne on Kal’Shebbol, Lieutenant Page’s commando team is beaten back by a strange type of technology -- technology ex-Imperial officer Jessa Dajus identifies as “DarkStryder.”  With a discovered modified Corvette christened ‘FarStar’, a mixed group is sent into the Kathol sector after Sarne and this powerful alien technology...

(ROLE PLAYING GAME - West End Games - Timothy Zahn - 1995)


“SW Role Playing Game: The Kathol Outback.”

The epic adventure that began in the DarkStryder Campaign Boxed Set continues!  The New Republic vessel ‘FarStar’ has pursued the renegade Imperial Moff Sarne into the uncharted reaches of the Kathol Outback.  Join the intrepid ‘FarStar’ crew as they track Sarne's forces through this isolated and dangerous region of space.  A strange alien species with a mysterious hidden agenda menaces the ‘FarStar’ as it ventures further into the unknown . . . Lost colonies on the verge of civil war move to protect themselves from New Republic and Imperial incursion . . . Hostile creatures invade the ‘FarStar’ as the forces of Moff Sarne strike back at the New Republic . . .

(ADVENTURE GAME - West End Games – Paul Sudlow and Numerous Authors - 1996)


“SW Role Playing Game: The Kathol Rift.”

The ‘FarStar’ has discovered the hidden lair of renegade warlord Moff Sarne.  But more than just Imperial treachery is lurking on the DarkStryder planet, and it's a shadowy menace that Sarne plans to use to destroy the New Republic!

(ADVENTURE GAME - West End Games – Numerous Authors - 1988)


“The DarkStryder Campaign: Endgame.”

To be detailed....


The New Republic moves the seat of government to the newly retaken planet of Coruscant.  At the same time, Leia announces that she and Han are expecting twins.   

"SW: Heir to the Empire." This would be nine weeks prior to the beginning of the story. 


+9 ASW4


At this point in time, the New Republic controls 75% of the galaxy. 

"SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook."


The Inner Rim is finally freed by the New Republic, a diverse region that features many agricultural and industrial powerhouses.  Planets of the Inner Rim include Ambria, Antar Four, Atzerri, Bestine, Bilbringi, Carratos, Myrkr, Onderon, Taanab, Telti and Thyferra.

Conjecture based upon "Essential Guide to Planets and Moons." [Page xv]


The New Republic sets up a trading outpost on the planet Endor.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG: Dark Force Rising Sourcebook.” [Page 89]


“SW Adventure Journal: Mission to Zila.”

                Alex Winger finds herself strapped to an interrogation table aboard the Star Destroyer ‘Judicator’. Nearby, Captain Brandei shakes his head.  “Your father doesn’t know he raised a traitor to the Empire.”


                At which point she wakes up.  A short time later, she meets her father at the Imperial headquarters of the tyrannical General Zakar.  Dair Haslip is also there.  She’s taken to having a “relationship” with Dair as cover for their underground work.  She then takes her father on a ride through the mountains in an airspeeder.  They talk about the fall of Coruscant, and Zakar’s attempts to beef up the military in the area. They get scared off by the Empire when they fly too near the mines, though.  Meanwhile, Dair is stunned to learn that Zakar is planning to build an anti - orbital ion cannon at the mines – Zakar is anticipating a Rebel invasion.  But another Imperial mentions it may not be necessary – he’s heard about a Grand Admiral that’s reunifying the fleet.  Elsewhere, Alex meets with a childhood friend (and resistance member), Shana Turi. Shana takes her out to the mountains, where they observe (from a great distance) an Imperial garrison being set up.  Alex, staring at the mountain, suddenly has another vision – a dangerous climb down the mountainside, and a brown - haired man helping her.  She shakes it off and brings holorecordings of the garrison to the resistance.  They do have some time before the ion cannon is installed – the Empire needs a plasma drill first.  They decide to blow up the parts before they can be assembled.


                Alex is left behind at the resistance headquarters while the attack takes place.  But with her growing power in the Force, she can watch the attack in her mind, as ex - Imperial turned freedom fighter Chanceller (or Chance, as he’s known now) successfully leads the assault that blows up the would - be ion cannon.

(SHORT STORY – West End Games – Charlene Newcomb – August 1994)    


A Ho’Din tapcafe is built in the capital of Bothawui, Drev’starn.  The tapcafe sits on top of one of the power cable conduits to the planetary shield generator building.

"SW: Vision of the Future."


"Heir to the Empire." 

                Grand Admiral Thrawn takes over the remnants of the Empire and begins a program of reconquest.  From a raid on the Obroa-Skai system, he learns the locations of the things he needs...  In a dream on Coruscant, Ben Kenobi visits Luke for the last time.  He predicts great dangers, yet also new friends.  With a final farewell to "the first of the new" Jedi, he journeys to the afterlife. 


                Thrawn's ship, the Star Destroyer ‘Chimaera’, arrives at Myrkr to pick up Force - repelling creatures called Ysalamiri.  Talon Karrde, currently stationed there, helps them out.  Thrawn (along with Captain Gilad Pellaeon) then travels to the planet Wayland, home of Mount Tantiss (the Emperor's personal storehouse).  They find the mad Jedi clone Joruus C’Baoth, whom he convinces to help him in return for Luke, Leia, and her unborn twins.  He also finds a working cloaking shield -- and a "small, trivial piece of technology" called Spaarti cylinders.  


                Luke, Leia, and Han makes a diplomatic visit to Bimmisaari, where they are attacked a group of Noghri commandos ordered by Thrawn to kidnap the Jedi.  The heroes kill them off and escape Bimmisaari.  Thrawn's forces attack the planet Bpfassh.  When Han and Leia arrive there, more Noghri attack them.  This time, they barely avoid capture.  They decide to hide out on Nkllon at Lando Calrissian's Nomad City.  Based on information Leia gave him, Luke travels to Dagobah and finds an old beacon call used by a Dark Jedi before being killed by Yoda.  He also receives a vision of himself at the Sail Barge battle on Tatooine -- only this time, a red-headed woman defeats him... 


                Just as Han, Leia, and Luke arrive at Nkllon, Thrawn attacks the planet and steals 51 "mole miner" machines.  During the fight, C’Baoth contacts Luke through the Force.  Chewbacca takes Leia in the ‘Lady Luck’ (Lando's ship) to Kashyyyk, while Han and Lando use a reprogrammed Threepio to pretend Leia's still with them while they look for Talon Karrde, and Luke heads to Jomark, where C’Baoth is rumoured to be.  Thrawn sees right through the deception.  He sends Noghri to Kashyyyk and ambushes Skywalker en route to Jomark.  Luke barely escapes, but is picked up by Talon Karrde's ship, piloted by Mara Jade -- the woman of the vision.  He is held prisoner on Myrkr. 


                On Abregado, Han and Lando get a contact to Karrde.  They hear from Coruscant that Councillor Borsk Fey'yla is planning something big -- something that'll put him in Ackbar's position of Commander in Chief.  The contact takes them to Myrkr to talk to Karrde.  At the same time, Luke escapes.  Mara chases him, and both end up crashing in the forest.  At the same time, Thrawn arrives in orbit.  On Kashyyyk, another near miss for Leia -- but this time, one Noghri is caught.  The Noghri, Khabarakh, abruptly realises that Leia is the "Mal'ary'ush" -- daughter of Darth Vader, who once saved the Noghri people.  Leia promises to visit his homeworld of Honoghr in hopes of luring the Noghri to the Republic's side. 


                With Karrde's help, Luke and the others escape Thrawn's clutches and leave Myrkr, as Karrde starts to evacuate.  The ‘Falcon’ travels to the Sluis Van shipyards, just in time for a massive attack -- Thrawn has used a cloaked freighter to sneak TIE's and mole miners into the shipyards.  The mole miners are being used to transport boarding parties to steal the entire New Republic fleet.  Lando uses his command codes to start up the miners' engines, disabling the escaping starships.  Thrawn muses that he's lost only a battle, not the war.  A few hours later, Leia contacts them from Coruscant with devastating news: Fey'yla has had Admiral Ackbar arrested on charges of high treason and has taken over the second most powerful position in the Republic... 

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Timothy Zahn - June 1991)

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - October 1995-April 1996)


Drend Navett takes a grenade from the dead hand of a Myomaran resistance fighter, during the reoccupation of that world under Grand Admiral Thrawn.  The grenade was of Bith design.  The grenade would provide useful to Navett ten years later when he would use it to instigate a riot directed towards the Bothans on the planet Dordolum.

"SW: Specter of the Past."


"Dark Force Rising." 

                Two weeks after the Battle of Sluis Van, Grand Admiral Thrawn attacks Talon Karrde's base on Myrkr, but Karrde's people have already left for his backup base on Rishi.  Karrde sticks around to watch, however, and only Mara's Force abilities save them from capture.  At Sluis Van, Luke and Lando have a run - in with smuggler and ship thief Niles Ferrier, then go to meet Han and Leia on Coruscant. 


                Ackbar, it seems, was paid off by the Empire for making sure all those ships were waiting at Sluis Van.  Unable to believe it, Luke and his friends begin an investigation into Fey'yla's accusations, and discovers Fey'yla is dealing with former war hero Garm Bel Iblis on New Cov to supply warships.  Han attempts to bring Iblis to the Republic's side, with little success. Lando discovers that the Dreadnaughts Bel Iblis is using comes from a legendary fleet... 


                On Rishi, Karrde reveals to Mara that he knows the location of the fabled ‘Katana Fleet’.  They find themselves trailed by bounty hunters and abandons Rishi.  Receiving information from "Delta Source" -- a spy within the Imperial Palace of Coruscant itself -- Thrawn runs the Rebel fleet in circles.  He decides to head for Honoghr to discipline the Noghri for their failure to capture Leia.  Leia is already there with Threepio and Chewbacca, trying to bring the Noghri over to the Republic's side, and barely avoids being caught by him.  


                Luke travels to Jomark to meet with Joruus, and finds himself at odds with C’Baoth’s strange take on Jedi justice.  He decides C’Baoth is insane, and vows to help him.  Mara Jade is captured and used by Thrawn to kidnap Talon Karrde.  Thrawn makes it appear to Karrde's group that Mara has sold them out.  Leia discovers how the Empire has been using the Noghri by keeping Honoghr just barely habitable, and gains the Noghri's tacit support.  Escaping from Thrawn, Mara travels to Jomark to find C’Baoth trying to turn Luke to the Dark Side.  With her (and a Ysalamiri’s) help, Skywalker sees through the deception and escapes with her.     


                Luke and Mara rescues Karrde from Thrawn, and the reunited heroes attempt to find and salvage the fleet before the Empire does.  But thanks to Ferrier's aid (and Fey'yla's interference with the Republic's recovery efforts), the Empire is able to steal almost all of the two hundred Dreadnaughts, though not until after pitched battle with Iblis's and Republic forces, a battle that indirectly results in the breaking of Fey'yla's power and the clearing of Ackbar's name. 


                At the same time, C’Baoth declares himself the new ruler of the Empire, and announces he will return to Wayland to take charge of Thrawn's project there...  After the battle, Luke rescued an injured Mara from the battlefield, and Han discovers the Empire has been using clones from the Spaarti cylinders to crew the ships.  Once the entire ‘Katana’ fleet is crewed -- in a matter of weeks -- Thrawn may well be unstoppable...   

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Timothy Zahn - June 1992)

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - May 1997-October 1997)


Hethrir, former Procurator of Justice for the Empire, tracks down his lover Rillao and steals their child from her, leaving Rillao in an abandoned passenger freighter. 

"SW: The Crystal Star."


Pash Cracken leads an unsuccessful defence of a Republic base against Imperial attack in the Atrivis Sector.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 17] 


Thrawn has clones made of all of his best warriors, and scatters them in around the Empire and New Republic to serve as a backup force should the New Republic and Empire fall to whatever is in the Unknown Regions...  Baron Soontir Fel is among those that are cloned... Thrawn experiments with a new type of Clone - Warlords who combined stormtrooper combat strength and loyalty with Thrawn’s own tactical genius.  Grodin Tierce is the template of the clone, but the project is deemed a failure, and the Tierce Clone is a ‘one of a kind.’

“SW: Vision of the Future.”


Nasdra Magrody dies.

“SW: Children of the Jedi.”


Gavin Darklighter’s R2 droid, Jawaswag, is almost stolen by a group of Jawas. The droid single-handedly fights them off, injuring one. Gavin affectionally renames the droid “Toughcatch.” It’s later shortened to just “Catch.” 

“The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide – Onslaught.”


The real Grodin Tierce dies as a part of a stormtrooper unit involved in Thawn’s campaign against Generis.

"SW: Vision of the Future."


"The Last Command." 

                One month has passed since Thrawn took the ‘Katana’ fleet.  Using C’Baoth’s Jedi meditation powers and the clones, Thrawn has beaten the New Republic senseless.  Attacking Ukio, Thrawn and C’Baoth create the illusion the Empire can now fire through shields.  But C’Baoth abruptly abandons the battle to pursue the ‘Millenium Falcon’.  Furious when they escape, C’Baoth gives Thrawn only one more chance to capture Leia and her children.  Thrawn sends a commando team to Coruscant. 


                At Leefari, Luke is investigating Thrawn's clones when he runs into Talon Karrde.  Skywalker is spotted and reported by the planet's governor.  At Poderis, Thrawn gets very close to capturing Skywalker. Skywalker manages to get to Honoghr instead.  At Coruscant, Mara Jade finally comes around from her injuries, and Jacen and Jaina Solo are born to Han and Leia. 


                Increasingly concerned about the way the war is going, Karrde sets out to find out where Thrawn's clones are coming from, and starts to enlist other smugglers.  Meanwhile, Thrawn continues to cut a swath through the galaxy.  Destroying Nomad City at Nkllon, he prepares to attack Coruscant itself.  Thrawn's commando team make their move for the children, but are defeated by Mara Jade -- who is arrested when the team names her as their contact.  When she learns of Thrawn's clones, she says she can find where they are.  The New Republic military doesn't bite.  


                At Trogan, a massive meeting of smugglers is jumped by an Imperial squad (tipped off by Ferrier), which ironically helps pull the disparate groups together.  They start attacking Imperial shipyards.  The Noghri formally join forces with the Republic.  Luke and Han help break Mara out to find Wayland. C’Baoth is already en route there... 


                The Battle of Coruscant begins, as Thrawn seeds the planet's orbit with cloaked asteroids.  Garm Bel Iblis is asked back by Mon Mothma, and he takes over the defence. Karrde's associate Ghent finally catches Delta Source -- an intricate system using the Palace's plant life.  A second smuggler meeting at Chazwa is an opportunity for Ferrier to blame Karrde for the earlier attack.  It backfires, and Ferrier tries to kill the smugglers, but is himself killed.  The smugglers formally ally against the Empire. 


                A Rebel team led by Luke, Han, and Mara arrives at Wayland. Luke helps retrain Mara in the ways of the Jedi, and the Noghri secretly defend the group.  To take out the asteroids, the Rebel fleet is going to make it look like they're going to Tangrene to get a crystal grav-field trap, but they're going to fool Thrawn and get it from Bilbringi instead.  The smugglers are fooled, and plan to get the CGT at Bilbringi themselves.  Thrawn isn't fooled.  He prepares for an attack at Bilbringi. 


                Talon Karrde informs the Rebels that the siege is over -- the real asteroids have been destroyed. Leia abruptly figures out how the clones are being made so fast -- with the Force being blocked away with Ysalamiri to prevent insanity.  And with Luke, Han and Mara walking into that trap -- Leia rushes off Coruscant for Wayland...  As the Rebel force reaches Mount Tantiss, Mara makes Luke vow to kill her rather than let her go over to the Dark Side.  The native Myneyrshi also vow to help destroy Mount Tantiss.  As Han and Lando rigs the cloning tanks to blow, Luke and Mara walk right into C’Baoth’s trap. C’Baoth blows up the Ysalamiri on the base and attacks the two with the Dark Side.  He has a special surprise for Luke -- his own clone Luuke, grown from the hand lost at Bespin and wielding Anakin's old lightsaber.  Han and Leia rush in but are knocked out. Luke offers to join C’Baoth if he'll let the others go. C’Baoth refuses -he wants Mara too.  She seizes Leia's lightsaber, then fights and kills Luuke. 


                The Republic fleet finds themselves in the fight of their lives at Bilbringi.  The smuggler groups jump into the fray.  C’Baoth begins to bring the mountain down on the heroes.  With Luke's help, Mara kills C’Baoth.  Lando and Chewie pick them up from the roof just before the cloning chamber explodes.  At Bilbringi, the Republic and smuggler forces are starting to win, and word of Mount Tantiss's fall reaches them -- just as Rukh (Thrawn's Noghri bodyguard) stabs Thrawn through the heart.  Pellaeon has no choice -- he orders the Imperial fleet to retreat. 


                Days later, on Coruscant, Talon Karrde and the smuggler groups formally organise into the Smuggler's Alliance, with Mara as liaison.  Chewbacca helps the Noghri emigrate to their new homeworld on Wayland.  And Luke has a gift for Mara -- his father's lightsaber... 

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Timothy Zahn -May 1993)

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - November 1997-April 1998)


Talon Karrde rewards one of his most loyal workers, Aves, Karrde’s co – pilot, with command of his own ship, the ‘Last Resort’, and is also promoted to the rank of Captain.

‘X-Wing: Isard’s Revenge.’


The wilderness planet named Smarch becomes home of Black Sun’s operations.

‘Crimson Empire II.’


The planet Muunilinst becomes the financial heart of the remnants of the Empire.  Known to many Imperial officers as Moneyland, it was a world steeped in history that dated from the glory days of the Old Republic. It is protected by a pair of Golan III defense platforms.

Conjecture based upon "SW: Specter of the Past."


“SW Adventure Journal: Shadows of Darkness.”                                                                   *

                Stormtroopers bust into the house of Dr. Carl Barzon on Garos IV, making off with his son Cord. Elsewhere, Chance and Alex Winger studies the mining complex, where the shuttle landing platform is almost complete.  They return to headquarters, where they learn of Cord’s kidnapping.  The Empire has been cracking down hard on Garos lately.  Alex pleads with her father to take a stand against what the Empire is doing.  She learns the Star Destroyer ‘Tempest’ is arriving soon.  She and Chance go on another scouting mission, only to witness a cargo shuttle arriving to pick up a load of ore.  More bad news awaits them when they return – the Empire has blockaded Coruscant.  They decide on an act of pure desperation – using her “governor’s daughter” cover, and on the pretense of an inspection tour, Alex must plant bombs in the shuttle platform.


                The tour begins, with Alex, Tork and General Zakar examining the platform.  She’s horrified to spot Cord being dragged into the platform.  She strikes now, Carl’s son will die.  She has no choice – she sets the bombs and leaves with her father and Zakar as the platform explodes.  A short time later, Zakar arrests Carl and drags him to their secret research facility, ordering the scientist to finish his research on how to harness the local ore as a weapon.  He holds Cord’s life out as incentive (Carl doesn’t know Cord is dead).  At underground headquarters, Alex tearfully confesses her act to Dair Haslip.  He and Paca refuses to blame Alex for this death.  Then they learn of Carl’s arrest.  It’s too late to save him – and Alex suddenly realizes that her visions of the mountainside and the brown-haired man are tied into Carl’s arrest.  Her destiny is at hand…

(SHORT STORY – West End Games – Charlene Newcomb – November 1994)


Representation in the Senate and membership of the New Republic seem to be primarily at the level of whole sectors in this historical period.  Two political parties; Rights of Sentience Party and Rationalist Party – two important organisations in the politics of the New Republic gain prominence.

Conjecture based upon "SW: Planet of Twilight", “SW: Specter of the Past” and “SW: The New Rebellion”


The ‘Guardian’ eventually makes its way to the planet Soullex, in the Fardon system, an Outer Rim backwater area.  The ‘Guardian’, crippled from Alliance attacks, makes it’s way into an orbit around the planet.  Admiral Drommel quickly subjugates the system by deploying three pre – fabricated garrisons onto the surface of Soullex.  Drommel concentrates on repairing the ‘Guardian’, sending a number of Lamda – class shuttles to Imperial controlled systems to request assistance.  However, all the regional governors he contacted were scrambling to maintain control of their own systems, and couldn’t spare any ships or men.  Recently, however, Drommel has managed to acquire components needed to repair his hyperdrive, although it is unknown how long the repair process will take.

“SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken.” [Page 7]


"X-Wing: Isard's Revenge."

                With the news of Thrawn’s death, the Rogues get some long-overdue shore leave -- and some long overdue promotions, starting with Wedge Antilles being promoted to General by Admiral Ackbar.  He is directed to start going after the remaining Imperial warlords starting with Delak Krennel, who’s going to answer for the murder of Sate Pestage and his family.  But at a party, Urlor Sette (a prisoner from the ‘Lusankya’) delivers a message -- by spontaneously dying at Corran’s feet.  The message: Somebody wants revenge on the Rogues and is using the prisoners of ‘Lusankya’ as bait.


            As Gavin Darklighter and Asyr Sei’lar plan to marry and adopt children, the Rogues follow the trail of the prisoners to Commenor and an “animal hospital” they attack with the Katarn commandoes.  They learn from the prisoners freed there the worst news of all -- Ysanne Isard is alive.  Unbeknownest to them, she’s also working with Krennel.  The New Republic continues their plan against Krennel, promising Wedge command of a rebuilt Super Star Destroyer ‘Lusankya’ to help shut Krennel down, starting with an attack at Liinade III.  Meanwhile, Fey’yla issues an cruel ultimatum to Asyr -- break up with the human Gavin, or be disowned by the entire Bothan race.


              The raid on Liinade III begins.  Corran gets shot down, but survives the crash and tears into the Imperials on the ground.  He discovers that Isard and Krennel are apparently working on a stripped - down variant of the ‘Death Star’ called the ‘Pulsar Station’.  Hyperspace capable, Interdictor capable, and built to take out large capital ships.  On Isard’s advice, Krennel sends a holo-message to the galaxy claiming that the Republic forged the whole idea of the ‘Pulsar Station’ to justify attacking him.


              As the Rogues starts hunting for solid evidence of this ‘Pulsar Station’, Iella Wessiri and Mirax Horn go undercover to find proof that all of this is a trap for the Rogues.  But they find it too late -- the Rogues are ambushed at Corvic Minor, and Asyr, Wes Janson, and a few other pilots are killed.  Suddenly, an Imperial squadron led by a Colonel Broak Vessery swoops in and saves the Rogues.  Mirax arrives in the ‘Errant Venture’ in time only to find the debris of the destroyed fighters -- including part of Corran’s X-Wing.  They also find Wes alive and a dead Quarren pilot.  They assume the worst, and soon so does the Republic.  When Fey’yla asks Booster to go back and find Asyr’s body to serve as a martyr to her people -- or kill another Bothan to pose as Asyr’s body -- Booster beats the $#!^ out of him.  He actually did find Asyr, and secretly has her in bacta now, alive.


              Colonel Vessery brings the surviving Rogues to the person who sent him to save the squadron -- and Wedge comes face-to-face with a now fully white-haired Isard.  She claims the “Isard” working with Krennel is a clone she activated during the bacta crisis a few years before.  In return for helping the Republic take Krennel and the clone out, Isard wants to quietly retire without the Republic going after her. As she trains the Rogues for the mission, Wedge and Corran’s astromech droids, Gate and Whistler, steals the info from Isard’s computer and sneaks off her base world, making their way to Talon Karrde, who brings them to Booster and an ecstatic Mirax.  They send Wedge’s message to Mon Mothma, and she orders a fleet set up.  Meanwhile, Ackbar and Cracken try to find out just what the real Isard really wants.


              The Rogues are sent to Ciutric undercover as an Imperial squadron of TIE Defenders, while Krennel prepares to strike at Coruscant itself.  Ackbar’s fleet roars in soon thereafter, to find a stronger-than-expected fleet waiting.  Corran goes in on the ground and frees the remaining ‘Lusankya’ prisoners, including Jan Dodonna.  The Isard clone, in an assault shuttle, fires two missiles at the prison complex. Wedge disables one, and a Noghri force helps the prisoners escape.  Wedge blows the Isard clone to bits, and Krennel is killed.


                At the Bilbringi shipyards, the real Ysanne Isard tries to steal the reborn ‘Lusankya’.  But Booster Terrik is there waiting for her -- as is Iella Wessiri, who personally blasts Isard to death.


                 A couple of weeks later, after the Rogues leave bio-isolation, a party is held on the ‘Lusankya’, and the squadron is reunited -- except for Asyr, who intends to stay dead (sort of), change her identity, and work within Bothan society to prevent others like Fey’yla from manipulating people’s lives.  Gavin won’t know she’s alive, but she hopes he will recover and continue his life...

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Michael A. Stackpole -- May 1999)


The New Republic begins the Honoghr Restoration Project.

"SW: Specter of the Past."


The Debble Agreement is drafted.  The Debble Agreement is a slice of the moment compromise deal that Leia Organa Solo works out between the Noghri cleansing teams, who had sworn to eradicate every memory of the Emperor’s presence on Wayland, and Garv Debble, a New Republic archaeologist who had insisted that items plundered from other worlds should be returned to their proper owners.  The agreement is informal and reasonably private.

"SW: Specter of the Past."


“SW Adventure Journal: Relic.”

In the Outer Rim Corva sector, a ancient device is discovered that becomes the focus of an intense tug-of-war between the New Republic, the Empire and smugglers.  The asking price is in the millions of credits, and several people have already died trying to claim it.  A New Republic team is sent into Corva sector to get the item.  Arriving at Tuulab, the team battles the relic’s new owner, the crimelord Mahk’khar, to a stalemate.  He gets away, and the team then searches for Professor Oron in the Delani system to learn more about the mystery object.  They find Imperials have kidnapped his daughter Meela for info about the relic.  They return to a nearby fleet, and learns that Mahk’khar is about to trade the relic to a Dark Jedi student named Durrei.  Crashing the trade, they save Meela and takes the relic to the New Republic, where it is sent to a lab for study.

(GAME MODULE - West End Games - George R. Strayton - 1995)


Almania, a Rim world that had helped the Rebels, suddenly cuts off contact from the rest of the galaxy. The Je'Har leadership changes to a dictatorship, and a series of mass slaughters begin. 

"SW: The New Rebellion."


Gilad Pellaeon is promoted to Vice Admiral.



Although Thrawn is defeated, many Inner Rim planets resent the New Republic for its failure to protect them.

Conjecture based upon "Essential Guide to Planets and Moons." [Page xv]


+10 ASW4


“SW Adventure Journal: Rendezvous with Destiny.”

            On Garos IV, freedom fighter Alex Winger has picked up clues of a secret Imperial research facility and learned a cohort of hers, scientist Carl Barzon, has been taken prisoner there.  She feels strangely drawn to handle this situation herself -- perhaps something to do with all those weird daydreams she’s been having lately.  She stows away with a New Republic group that’s sending a computer virus to that facility (that Page’s Commandos have already set bombs up in).  They travel to the facility on Sarahwiee.  Alex has only three hours to get Barzon out before they set off again.


             With the aid of New Republic commando Gil Crossear, she gets Barzon out.  But when Carl mentions private notes in his lab, Alex parts company with them and goes after the notes, only to run right into the man of her visions -- Luke Skywalker.  He’s had the same visions as her.  Fighting their way past stormtroopers, Luke and Alex take the notes and starts out of the facility, climbing down a treacherous mountainside and faking some stormtroopers out with a kiss.  They make their way back to the New Republic group’s ship and sets off as the facility explodes.  She realizes that she is Force sensitive, and her destiny is somehow intertwined with Luke’s...

(SHORT STORY -- West End Games - Charlene Newcomb - May 1995)  


“SW Adventure Journal: Counter Strike.”

            The resurgent Empire destroys the New Republic communications center within the gas giant Galaan.  The Republic is forced to spread its’ fleets and troops thin, only to find open resentment in the Outer Rim – and possible war.  A powerful Imperial faction, the Kaarenth Dissension, takes root in the Corva sector.  It is poisoning non - humans’ minds with the idea that the Republic plans to subjugate all non - humans as the Empire did.  A New Republic intelligence group is sent undercover as smugglers to trace the source of the rumors and eliminate it.  The group heads for Betha II to meet with contact Cev Malanx to receive a cargo of illerium.  Once they land, they come upon the scene of a robbery at an adjacent docking bay.  They help foil the robbery, and the human in trouble proves to be Malanx.  They continue on, to face a psychotic droid named T-11.  Defeating it, the Rebels continue on into Betha Starport, and heads into the Lady Bergruutfa cantina where they observe a member of the Dissension, Commander Meres Ulcane, giving a recruitment speech.  It works well, and the human Rebels are chased out all the way to the docking bay.


                The Rebels track Ulcane into the Spawn Nebula, where they fly right into an empty fleet the Dissension has been stockpiling.  They make their way into the spherical reactor core that seems to be the heart of the fleet, where they set charges at the reactor and escape.  The destruction of the reactor core wipes out the Dissension’s fleet as well.

(GAME ADVENTURE – West End Games – George R. Strayton – November 1995)


The text file “Why do we fight the Empire?” is released to the holo – media by Mon Mothma in the weeks following the Imperial siege of Caprioril, a New Republic Sector capital.  This text file is similar in structure to “The Declaration of Rebellion” and “A Call to Reason” that Mon Mothma released long ago during the formative years of the Rebellion.

"SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook." [Page 8 – 9]


Battles in the Kaikielius and Metellos systems near Coruscant convince many New Republic strategists that the Empire will take the capital. The search begins for a new command base, and Da Soocha V in the Cyax system was eventually chosen.
SW RPG: “Dark Empire Sourcebook” [page 82]. With thanks to Adrian Ringin.


“SW Tales from the Empire / Adventure Journal: Retreat from Coruscant.”

                In the wake of Thrawn’s death, a cadre of Imperial warlords begin an all - out assault on Coruscant. And mail courier Taryn Clancy is stuck under the planetary shields with the rest of the planet’s population. With the Republic’s defenses and communcations completely cut off, Clancy finds herself drafted into service by Garm Bel Iblis as part of the Republic’s evacuation.  She will send word to the other fleets of the Republic of the evacuation and flight to a new base.


                Clancy and Colonel Bremen set out as the shield falls, flying right into a monstrous armada of Imperial ships and just barely making it to hyperspace.  They travel to Coriallis, only to get snagged by an Interdictor.  She talks her way out of trouble, and make their way to what was supposed to be a fleet rendezvous in the Borderlands -- only Mara Jade shows up instead and tells her to go home.  A Carrack cruiser arrives, and they have to jump to the fleet’s new location.  They discover a homing beacon too late, as the Carrack follows them to the fleet.  The Rebels shoot them off, and Bremen offers Clancy a job as a Republic pilot.  She says she’ll think about it...

(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Laurie Burns - 1995)


The one person who still cared about the ‘Slave I’ was Boba Fett himself, convalescing from his encounter with the Sarlacc.  Fett was wary of further contacts with Solo and his Jedi friend Skywalker.  So he decided on a new tack; he’d buy the ship back legally.  Of course, he couldn’t do that without precautions, but he hadn’t been doing jobs for galactic big shots without racking up an impressive list of favors.  Some credits in the right hands, a few com signals to the right people, and he was ready to buy the ship as a part of a “surplus liquidation” deal.  Dummy corporations, fake ID’s and forged requisition forms can be nearly as useful as a thermal detonator in the right circumstances.  He got an old employer, Crystalboy, to do some of the middle – man work and within weeks a familiar olive drab hulk was his, free and clear again.  Once ‘Slave I’ was repaired and cleaned up, he took it and stored it in a parking orbit above Nar Shaddaa, where it floats waiting for its master to return.  Fett has only begun to collect all that he feels he is owed.

“SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook.” [Page 100]


After the New Republic retreats from Coruscant, a formal ceremony is held by the Empire to reconsecrate the capitol world as Imperial.  This earns General Balan a triumphal parade and fame across Imperial space.
SW RPG: “Dark Empire Sourcebook” [page 76]. With thanks to Adrian Ringin.


The Imperial warlords consolidate power over Coruscant, only to degenerate into civil conflict.  In addition, an unexpected, massive new wave of Imperial attackers from the Core Systems begins a vicious (and largely victorious) offensive on the reeling Republic, forcing the galaxy to consider the Republic “Rebels” once again.  Thanks to a long abandoned "Project Haven", the Rebels establish a new base on the Pinnacle Moon of Da Sootcha. 

"SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook."   


Now that the final victory over the Alliance seemed inevitable, the factions of the old Empire tried to establish a government.  The Old Republic had endured many calamities, and yet survived them all.  Until the collapse of order that spawned the Empire itself, the Republic had survived for millennia against disasters, plagues, wars and betrayals.  Surely the Empire could shake off its lethargy and restructure itself to the coming times.  Suspicious to the point of paranoia, the Emperor had always scrupulously avoided any delegation of power.  Major decisions made by ministers or advisors had to be personally ratified by his chosen servants, usually Grand Vizier Sate Pestage.  He allowed, even cultivated, the rivalries of his ministers, warriors and bureaucrats.  What none had dared speak in more than a whisper in years past was nor a topic of open debate among the ruling bodies of the Empire.  The most important officials in the government, Imperial Advisors like Ars Dangor, blithely suggested the new ruler be selected from their ranks by election.  All the Advisors would convene in the old Senate building on Coruscant and, in secret negotiation, would select a ruler and crown him.  They would then sit in as a legislative body, overseeing the new ruler’s decisions.


The Moffs and Grand Moffs, front line governors of the realm, approved… with a single caveat: they must be allowed to join the convocation.  They further suggested participants get a number of votes equal to the number of worlds they controlled.  Realizing this would stack the odds in favor of the governors, the advisors politely demurred.  None of this sat well with the COMPNOR leadership.  Wealthy party functionaries and corrupt officials, they were out for themselves as much as anyone, and exploited the fervor of their supporters.  These followers were CompForce chiefs and other New Order purists in the government.  As far as the “true believers” were concerned, the Empire was the New Order, and to make any decision based on political convenience was nothing short of treasonous.  They demanded litmus tests of ideological purity.  Most intransigent of them all were the officers of the Inquisatorius.  Charged with rooting out all that smacked of the old ways during the Great Purge, they had long since outlived any usefulness.  Though a new Grand Inquisitor hadn’t been appointed since Lord Tobin died in an accident on Weerden, they were unaware of their unpopularity.  They felt prosecuted by COMPNOR, military and advisors’ operatives, believing them secretly beholden to Rebel interests.  They resented the independence of the military and staged show trial after show trial to cow resistance.


Meanwhile, the navy and army had quite different opinions.  It had always been they who had maintained the Empire, by force when necessary, so who better to rule than those who controlled that power?  Realizing how useless a direct claim to the throne would seem with the war still raging, they appointed themselves kingmaker, even if they had to turn the power at their command against their fellows.  Grand Admiral Thrawn’s huge success was limited to retaking territory, not uniting the Empire itself.  Instead of reuniting the disparate elements of the Empire, the unfinished victory only served to push them farther apart.  With victory almost within reach, the stakes were suddenly that much higher and the potential for bloodshed had risen proportionately.  The navy demanded the right to pick a new Grand Admiral from the chain of command and continue as planned.  Of course, the army demanded a say in the matter as well.


In response, the bureaucracy claimed the warlord’s defeat invalidated this claim and had crippled the offensive.  With regional armies and CompForces at their disposal, they felt confident enough to rattle their weapons.  Finally, after months of political maneuvering, the standoff ended.  The inevitable occurred, as tensions escalated and violence exploded.  The remnants of the Empire were now engaged in a full – scale civil war.  No one is sure how or why, but fleets bombarded rival worlds from orbit, destroying whole planets.  Unlike the attacks by the New Republic, which avoided wholesale destruction of property and lives, no such mercy was granted by Imperials.


What side you supported even determined what the conflict was called, much as the war against the Empire had gone by many names: “Rebellion” to the rulers, the “Galactic Civil War” to the insurgents.  Most outsiders called this conflict “The Imperial Civil War”.  COMPNOR / ISB purists called it “The War of Purification”, while those opposing the militarists began calling it “The Mutiny”.  Most just referred to it as the “Time of Destruction”.  Perhaps the most interesting aspect was the role played by those who still maintained a link to the Dark Side.  Though the opportunity existed, none of them made any sort of claim on power.  Most believed the supporters of the Dark Side dead or sufficiently discredited, and most of the contenders preferred it that way.


Since the Emperor had given his two major secret police agencies overlapping authority, they fought constantly.  Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) and the Ubiqtorate of Imperial Intelligence even assassinated each other’s operatives on a regular basis.  Now, with full – scale war raging, their tenuous truce collapsed.  Imperial Intelligence published proscription lists naming “enemies”.  Partisans were offered incentives to betray and assassinate their fellows, and by doing so gain possession of their property.  Initially very successful, this method of operation was duplicated by ISB, and eventually by others as the sides splintered further.  Seeing a window of opportunity, the New Republic pressed its advantage to the fullest, sending its captured Star Destroyers to stir up even more trouble.  But no one, not even the numerous pretenders, could see that the Mutiny was not an accident.  It was being allowed to happen, all involved manipulated by some unseen and unknown player.     

“SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook.” [Page 33 - 35]


The A-9 Vigilance Interceptor is introduced into the Imperial fleet.  At roughly the same time, the E-Wing Fighter is introduced into the Rebel fleet after having been in prototype for six years.  With the success of the E-Wing, FreiTek, Inc. increased the size of its design department and continued to work on new fighter designs for the New Republic.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 1] and “The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels.”


In the wake of the growing turmoil and lack of a centralized government, a group of worlds break off from the galaxy.  Renamed the Dawferm Selfhood States, they form a protective federation.  Another group of worlds breaks off and forms the Botor Enclave.  Some individual worlds, like Lianna in the Tion, institute home rule.  The Corporate Sector Authority, with a large volume of space and the largest of the neutral states begins to sell weapons to any group with ready cash.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 34] and “SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook.” [Page 73]


"Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith." 

                On the New Republic base of Altyr 5, Captain Kyle Katarn is tutoring Mara Jade in the ways of the Jedi.  But when a pair of asteroids park themselves in Altyr’s orbit and begins bombing and landing troops on the base, Kyle leaves Mara behind and steals a shuttle to one of the asteroids.  Stealing an assassin’s rifle, he sneaks into an Imperial base and makes his way to the asteroid core, using its’ own weapons to destroy the second asteroid and then rigging the coolant system to blow as he escapes on the shuttle.  When he returns to base, he tells Mara goodbye -- on the asteroid, he spotted references to an ancient temple on Drommond Kaas, a temple the Empire doesn’t want people to know about.  Mara’s on her own...


                A short time later, Mara is sent to the palace of Ka’Pa the Hutt on the orders of Mon Mothma.  In return for amnesty, Mon Mothma wants Ka’Pa to deliver badly needed supplies to the Republic.  But the paranoid Ka’Pa wants nothing to do with a friend of Skywalker -- Jabba’s killer.  Mara sneaks into the palace and confronts the Hutt at gunpoint.  It’s a standoff -- until Ka’Pa offers her a job as a “sign of good faith.”  A rival, Takara, has stolen some eavesdropping equipment.  If Mara can return it to him, he’ll help the Republic.  Mara travels to Katraasi Spaceport to find Abron Mara, lieutenant of Takara.  Abron leads Mara on a long and ultimately futile chase throughout the spaceport -- as she soon learns when she’s captured and thrown in Takara’s dungeon.  She breaks out, only to find herself in a Rancor pit.  After defeating the Rancor, she makes off with the GCT Ka’Pa mentioned and meets with his men at Takara’s north dock. Ka’Pa keeps his word and lets Mara have the supplies.  (73) 

(The game summary continues below.)

 (PC VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Numerous authors - 1998)


"Dark Empire." 

                A Rebel - captured Star Destroyer with Luke and Lando on it crashes onto Coruscant.  Han and Leia come to the rescue.  While there, Luke comes upon an old holo - recording of the Emperor, in which he speaks of his discoveries of the Dark Side, including the ability to create Force storms.  One such storm comes and spirits Luke away from the planet, bringing him to the planet Byss, in the center of the galaxy.


                There, the unthinkable: Emperor Palpatine is revealed to be alive, reborn via an unholy joining of cloning and Dark Side sorcery.  Palpatine attempts to sway him to the Dark Side, offering him control of a new brand of weapon that strip a planet's resources and converts it into weaponry: "The World Devastators."  Realising he has no other choice, Luke allows himself to be corrupted, attempting to learn just why his father chose to do so, as well as to sabotage the Empire from within.     


                The World Devastators, developed by the Death Star design team of Maw Installation, is being used on the planet Calamari, resulting in a fierce one-sided battle there.  Leia and Han, looking for clues to Luke's whereabouts, travel to the smuggler space city of Nar Shaddaa, where Han runs into some smuggling buddies (old girlfriend Salla Zend, mechanic Shug Ninx, and Mako Spince, who betrays him to the bounty hunters), and where Leia encounters Vima-Da-Boda, an elderly fallen Jedi (and descendant of Nomi Sunrider).  They also learn that another old foe has managed to return from the dead -- Boba Fett, who wants to give Han to the Hutts.  They barely escape Fett and Spince's trap, and make their way to Byss.    


                Leia is taken by the Emperor, who reveals the existence of the Jedi Holocron, a holographic cube used in Jedi training.  Leia, pregnant with her and Han's third child, takes the Holocron and escapes with Han and Salla to the Rebel base on Pinnacle.  They send information from Luke to Lando Calrissian on Calamari, enabling his forces to destroy the World Devastators.  


                The Emperor (now in a fresh young clone body) arrives in orbit over Pinnacle Base in the flagship Eclipse, demanding Leia and the Holocron.  Facing Palpatine as a Jedi Knight, Leia brings Luke back from the Dark Side. Uniting their power in the Force, Luke and Leia together destroy Palpatine and his flagship. 

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Tom Veitch - Dec 1991-Oct 1992)

(AUDIO DRAMATISATION - Time Warner Audio - John Whitman - 1993)


While the Emperor is dead, General Wessel (in league with Carnor Jax, a Royal Guard) meets secretly with the Imperial Ruling Council.  Jax's assistant Blim quickly disposes of those who would reveal the treachery.  Jax manages to convince the Emperor's personal physician to tamper with the Emperor's clone tanks to ensure that any future clones of Palpatine are defective.  Another Dark Side Adept, Sa-Di, begins destroying the tanks. 

"Dark Empire II" and "Crimson Empire."


Leonia Tavira first appears working in league with the Invid pirate gangs.

"SW: I, Jedi."


During the battles that drove the New Republic from Coruscant, one of the many ships that crashed to the planet's surface destroys the home of Corran and Mirax Horn.

"SW: I, Jedi."


"Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith." (continued) 

                Mara Jade is put on “babysitting” duty -- protecting the Jedi Holocron on a Corvette.  But pirates with a Frigate and an Interdictor yanks the Corvette out of hyperspace and makes off with the Holocron. Mara stows away on their Frigate, which brings her to the base of one Kaerobani, an arrogant crimelord who loves collecting rare artifacts. She retakes the Holocron and escapes to the Republic.


She hasn’t heard from Kyle in quite some time, and so she travels to Drumond Kaas herself.  She finds the presence of the Sith almost overwhelming, as she has to battle “guardian” statues, Noghri, vornskrs, and even a dark version of herself.  She is put through a gauntlet, only to find Kyle -- corrupted into the Dark Side by the temple’s influence.  He puts her through another gauntlet, then faces her in a lightsaber battle to the death.  Mara spots a mural on the wall of the temple that provides the key to saving Kyle -- she shuts off her lightsaber and offers her life to him.  Kyle finds he just can’t murder his friend in cold blood, and returns to the Light.  The two leave Drumond Kaas and returns to the Republic.

 (PC VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Numerous authors - 1998)


Now considered a Jedi Master, Luke Skywalker encounters a Dark Jedi named Kam Solusar at the derelict space city Nespis VIII.  Luke is able to turn him back from the Dark Side and gains a new ally in the war. (74)   


When not a part of Princess Leia Organa’s political entourage, C-3PO often works with the Republic staff in the cryptology department.

"SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook." [Page 20]


"Dark Empire II: Operation Shadowhand." 

                Dark Jedi trained by Emperor Palpatine (led by one Executor Sedriss) begins "Operation Shadow Hand", the Emperor's master plan to retake the galaxy.  Palpatine again takes a clone body.  The Republic Council decides the time has come for a direct assault on the Emperor's capital on the planet Byss, over Luke Skywalker's strong objections.  They will use battle droids recently developed at Balmorra (themselves recently attacked by Sedriss) to stage a Trojan Horse style invasion led by Lando and Wedge.


                Leia and Han journey again to Nar Shaddaa (which they visited months before) to find Vima-Da-Boda before she dies, engage in battle with Boba Fett, and find yet another hidden Jedi; the half-droid King Empatojayos Brand of Ganath, who agrees to leave his hidden kingdom and help them.  Luke and Kam visit the planet Ossus, an ancient Jedi stronghold, and meet a primitive Force-wielding race called the Ysanna.  Sedriss attacks, but is killed by the dying actions of Master Ood Bnar.  Two of the Ysanna, Jem and Rayf Brogan, join the two as Jedi initiates.     


                The attack on Byss is nearing defeat for the Rebels when smuggler allies led by Salla Zend help evacuate the survivors.  Later that day, the Emperor fires the new Galaxy Gun -- a massive weapon with the abilities of the Death Star but with much longer range -- destroying Pinnacle Base.  (The Rebels manage to escape just prior.)  A last-ditch attack on Skywalker and the Solo family on New Alderaan fails (though Jem Brogan is killed in the battle), and Leia gives birth to her and Han's third child, Anakin, at the new Rebel base on Nespis VIII.    

 (COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Tom Veitch - December 1994-May 1995)

 (AUDIO DRAMATISATION - Time Warner Audio - John Whitman - 1995)


The leader of the Gama-Senn people, a humanoid alien species, pledges his system's allegiance to the reborn Emperor after witnessing a demonstration of Palpatine's devastating Galaxy Gun.

“Dark Empire III: Empire’s End.”


"Boba Fett: Bounty on Bar-Kooda." 

                As a wedding gift to Anachro, the daughter of Orko the Hu’un -- and Orko himself-- Gorga the Hutt hires Boba Fett to eliminate one of Orko's chief problems, a pirate named Bar-Kooda. Fett meanwhile is after the magician Wim Magwit.  When learning of the bounty, Fett decides to kill two birds with one stone....


                When Magwit learns Fett’s after him, he suddenly dies by choking on one of his show birds. Fett isn’t quite convinced by his act, and digs Magwit out of his grave and revives him with stimulants. Magwit once did an act for Bar-Kooda, and he isn’t nearly worth as much as that pirate (200,000 credits). So Magwit, in return for his life, will serve as bait for Bar-Kooda. He puts on his act for the boorish pirate, complete with the “disappearing hoop trick” -- a matter transporter that Fett’s waiting on the other side of. He yanks Bar-Kooda through the hoop and beats the crap out of him. He yanks Magwit with him and Bar-Kooda’s body as he plows a ship through the side of Bar-Kooda’s to escape (killing the pirate gang by vacuum). Fett collects his bounty, Magwit goes free, and Bar-Kooda gets served up to Orko on a silver platter -- literally. Anachro and Gorga marry. 

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - John Wagner - December 1995)


"Boba Fett: When the Fat Lady Swings." 

                On their honeymoon, Anachro is kidnapped from Gorga by pirates at the planet Skeebo.  Fett is hired to find and rescue Anachro. Fett trails the pirates once they’ve taken the ransom, beats them to a pulp, and tracks Anachro to a network of mine tunnels called Skeendu. Unbeknownest to Fett, Bar-Kooda’s even uglier brother Ry-Kooda is after him. He hauls Anachro out by tying her neck and tail to his swoop. He takes on Ry-Kooda and buries him in a cavern cave - in. 

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - John Wagner - September 1996)


"Boba Fett: Murder Most Foul." 

                Gorga has just hired Fett to murder his father-in-law, when he hears his wife Anachro is pregnant!  But it's too late to stop Fett -- and he's not the only one who wants Orko dead. Fett travels to Orko’s palace on Orkana, where he decides to do the Hu’un a favor and warn him that “a bounty hunter known to myself” is after him. He’ll protect Orko for more money than Gorga paid him. Orko gladly pays up -- but that night, an unseen being eviscerates Orko. Furious that this death happened before he was paid, Fett investigates -- and realizes Ry-Kooda must not have died after all. Anachro won’t speak to Gorga and travels to Orkana for her father’s funeral. Ry-Kooda attacks her -- then Fett shows up and attacks Ry-Kooda, blowing him in half. Gorga arrives just as Anachro goes into labor and delivers a little tiny Huttlet. Fett heads off, wanting nothing more to do with these two... (75)

 (COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - John Wagner - August 1997)


+11 ASW4


"Dark Empire III: Empire's End." 

                With his last clone body rapidly aging due to the corruption of the Dark Side, genetic flaws and his extreme anger against the Skywalkers, Palpatine decides on a desperate last gambit.  He bends the Empire's resources to taking any of the three Solo children, in the hopes that the introduction of Jedi DNA into his system will invigorate him.  The Solo family find themselves chased across the galaxy by Palpatine and his forces.


                After a terrible last battle on Onderon (in which Rayf Brogan is killed), Han Solo kills Emperor Palpatine's body, and the dying King Empatojayos Brand claims Palpatine's spirit in his body  to prevent it from ever coming to life in another body again.  At the same time, the Galaxy Gun and the planet Byss are destroyed.  On Onderon, the New Republic is re-established. In the wake of the victory, Vima-Da-Boda vanishes, never to be seen again.  As the New Republic rebounds and recaptures it’s territory, and Coruscant again becomes the capital, Luke, Leia, and Kam Solusar now face the prospect of re-establishing the Jedi Knights from scratch.    

 (COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Tom Veitch - October -November 1995)

 (AUDIO DRAMATISATION - Time Warner Audio - John Whitman - 1996)


In the wake of the Second Battle of Coruscant, General Wedge Antilles is ordered to restructure Rogue Squadron yet again, this time to incorporate more than just X-wings.  Wedge’s argument that the purpose of the squadron would be compromised was met with opposition from those who said that the success of the new multi - starfighter squadron would be enhanced if it bore the name Rogue Squadron.  Wedge reluctantly agrees, but decides to command the new Rogue Squadron from afar.  He takes command of the Lusankya and uses it as a base of operations for the squadron, which now has over 100 starfighters of various makes and models available to it.

Conjecture based upon “Crimson Empire Handbook.” Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


The Emperor's captured physician tearfully tells the Republic of his (and Jax's) treachery.  The confession is overheard by Kir Kanos, one of the Royal Guard.  Skywalker and Solusar kill one of the guards, but Kanos is only wounded.  On his way back to Yinchorr, Kanos is attacked by stormtroopers.  He kills them all off, and reveals Jax's betrayal to the rest of the Royal Guard.  In the wake of Palpatine's final death, Carnor Jax and General Wessel establish a Ruling Council until his power base is great enough to allow him to rule the Empire.  Jax orders the Royal Guard all killed, but Kanos escapes... 

"Crimson Empire."


"Crimson Empire." 

                Stormtroopers track Kir Kanos to Zaddja, only to walk into a trap.  Kanos actually travels to Phaeda, and kills several members of the Ruling Council.  Jax grows even more obsessed with finding and killing Kanos.  Tem Merkon leads Kanos to a hideout as the Empire puts the entire planet under martial law by Colonel Shev and Jax and Wessel set out for the planet... 


                Kanos is introduced to Mirith Sinn, a New Republic agent who recruits him.  But Merkon secretly betrays the NR secret base to the Imperials.  As they attack, Kanos dons his Guard uniform and heads out to fight them, brutally beating them back almost single-handed.  Kanos begins to seek a way off-planet, as the Rebels fall back to their base at Collo Fauale.  Jax appears in orbit.  Merkon's treachery is discovered, and he is killed.


                The Imperials capture what appears to be Kanos, heading to his ship -- but instead it's Mirith.  She is taken to the garrison headquarters and tortured as a second Star Destroyer arrives in orbit and begins bombarding the planet.  Mirith finally is forced to reveal Kanos's location -- Yinchorr.  She is released, and promptly tells the Republic to send reinforcements to Yinchorr, including Rogue Squadron. 


                The group attacks Jax's Star Destroyer, aided by an Super Star Destroyer -- the now Republic-owned Lusankya, under the command of General Wedge Antilles.  Kanos uses a bomb-loaded TIE Scimitar to blow up the Star Destroyer, but Jax is already heading down to the planet in a shuttle.  His troops are taken out by Kanos, and as Sinn rushes down in a Skipray, the two Royal Guardsman face each other in their former school for a fight to the death...  


                It's a long, tough battle, but Jax has the advantage -- the Dark Side of the Force.  As Sinn kills the snipers Jax set up as insurance, Kanos finally overpowers the would-be Emperor. Sinn and her Trandoshan friend Sadeet say they'll take Jax alive for trial.  At which point Kanos kills him.  And then kills Sadeet before Sinn's eyes.  As he walks away, intent on a bloodbath for the Imperial Council, Sinn vows she will one day kill HIM... 

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES- Dark Horse Comics - Mike Richardson / Randy Stradley - December 1997 - May 1998)


Iella Wessiri, a New Republic Intelligence operative and Corran Horn's ex CorSec partner, manages to procure a safe - house on Coruscant for Corran and his wife, Mirax, to use as a temporary home.

"SW: I, Jedi."


Xenophobia between old Imperial families and aliens on Coruscant is eased, due to the recent attacks on the planet by Imperial warlords.

"SW: I, Jedi."


“The Bounty Hunters: Kenix Kil.”                                                                                           *

                Kir Kanos lands his Skipray at Baramorra, leaving his ship in the hands of a young boy. He walks through the raining streets toward the castle of one Boss Banjeer, nephew of a member of the Imperial Ruling Council. Undercover as a “simple trader,” he learns how Banjeer controls a ton of sadistic bounty hunters who are terrorizing the populace. He makes a quiet transmission to Tav Kennede, telling him to bring a list of things to Baramorra. He tells him to “look for a bounty hunter named Kenix Kil.” He buys a suit of armor to set up his new identity, then gets “invited” to visit Boss Banjeer. After leaving the messenger Jahnar-Kooda in the mud, he is confronted by Banjeer and some stormtroopers. Banjeer forces him to prove his skill by shooting a cup out of a kid’s hand. Knowing full well that shot would blow the kid’s hand off, Kir instead does a trickier shot that drenches the young man. Banjeer is impressed, and asks what bounty Kil is currently after. “Kenix” says he’s after Kir Kanos, he knows where he is, and he agrees to lead Banjeer’s hunters to his hiding spot. He brings them to a blasted mountain range – where he cuts them to shreds. He then attacks Banjeer’s castle and skewers the small-time tyrant. Two days later, Kennede arrives with the stuff. Kir decides to leave Baramorra, leaving the Skipray with the young boy and taking an X-Wing instead. After a few stops, he instead to travel to Genon, where Banjeer had said a Hutt was in need of bounty hunters…

(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - Mike Richardson / Randy Stradley - October 1999)


Supplies gathered during periods of political instability pour forth, to combat the conditions on the recently war-ravaged Coruscant.

"SW: I, Jedi."


Gavin Darklighter begins adoption proceedings for a pair of orphan boys who lived near the Rogue Squadron hangar during the Thrawn crisis. He falls in love with the social worker involved with the case, Chandrilan Sera Faleur, and marries her.

“The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide – Onslaught.”


“Tales of the New Republic: Jade Solitare.”                                                                               *

A stranger walks into the docked Wild Karrde, looking for Talon. He gets to the bridge and aims a blaster at Mara and Chin, saying “my employer would like a word with all of you.” The ship is boarded by the stranger’s friends, and the entire ship’s crew is hauled off to a mansion. The employer, an industrialist named Ja Bardrin, decides Mara is a good choice for his jobthe rescue of his daughter Sansia from a Drach’nam slaver named Chay Praysh. And if Mara doesn’t go undercover as one of those slaves to rescue her, he’ll kill the entire Wild Karrde crew. Mara makes her way to Torpris, where Praysh’s manor is located. Unfortunately, something does go wrong in her “recruitment” – they find her lightsaber (Luke’s old one) and tosses it away, to be grabbed by a Togorian female named H’sishi…


                Mara is put to work digging hatching krizar pupae from nutrient slime pits. She works her way to Sansia, who tells her that Daddy wants the ship (the Winning Gamble) she was captured in more than he wants her. Mara fakes an injury long enough to get the infirmary and snag some vials. She returns to Sansia’s side in time for dinner, where she uses the chemicals to set off a fire. She tries to take Sansia and escape, but Praysh gets the drop on her. He starts torturing the both of them, and then receives from a captured H’sishi…a cylinder with the markings of one of Bardrin’s competitors. The Togorian suddenly throws Mara’s ‘saber over to her, allowing her to slice ‘n dice the criminal gang. They take off in the Winning Gamble.


                They find Karrde at Bardrin’s mansion, aiming a blaster at him. Mara’s put together a puzzle that’s been forming in her mind – Ja set up his own daughter to be kidnapped, so that he could crush Praysh and capture some high-tech prototypes from his competitors, the Uoti Corporate. The Gamble had a fancy targeting system that would have mapped out his entire attack plan for him. Sansia rewards Mara for her work by giving her the Winning Gamble, targeting system and all. Karrde brings Luke Skywalker up to date, and he leads an NR force to free the slaves there. Mara’s feeling a little hemmed in, and Karrde offers a solution – put Mara into business for herself with a small trading company. Sansia’s more than willing to set her up. Mara prepares for her new future, starting with renaming the Winning Gamble. Now, it will be known as the Jade’s Fire…

(SHORT STORY – West End Games/Bantam Books – Timothy Zahn – December 1999)   


Mirax Horn begins pressuring her husband, Corran, with the idea of having children.

"SW: I, Jedi."


"Crimson Empire II: Council of Blood."

           The Mining Guild freighter ‘Draisini’ is jumped by a pirate gang who couldn’t care less for the ship’s ore cargo -- they want the REAL cargo...  On Ord Cantrell, the Imperial Council holds an emergency meeting.  Nobody can come to an agreement on what to do next.  And just after the meeting, Council member Burr Nolyds gets blown to kingdom come by a message disk.  Xandel Carivus is elected head of the council.  But he has a dark figure working him from behind the scenes -- a man known as Nom Anor... 


                On Genon, the pirate gang arrives at the palace of their boss -- Grappa the Hutt, a member of Black Sun.  Grappa has just struck a deal with Mirith Sinn (who has left the Republic) to help her find and kill Kir Kanos -- who has just arrived at Grappa’s under an alias, to request some aid himself. On the planet G’wenee, Kanos (under the alias Kenix Kil) captures Imperial customs officer Tarrant Snil (who interefered in Black Sun business) -- at the same time as someone murders Admiral Banjeer, leaving Kanos’s knife at the site.  Meanwhile on Smarck, Grappa meets with Macus Kryniph to deliver some gree spice.  In return, he is given Council member Feena D’asta, drugged out of her skull. Snooping around, Mirith discovers a cloning area hidden in Kryniph’s base. The terrified human Council members are blaming the alien members for the murders, who vehemently deny it.  The evidence that Kanos is involved is presented.  Carivus orders a manhunt for Kanos, only to have his position openly challenged by D’asta (or IS it D’asta?).  He narrowly wins a vote, but is scared enough to go to Anor.  The dark figure decides another assassination is necessary...


                At Grappa’s home on Genon, Kanos brings him Snil, whom he feeds to the Zanibars.  Grappa starts a party -- but violently clears the room when he receives a message from Nom Anor -- which Kanos spots. He also learns from a source about Mirith’s presence.  Carivus puts an army around himself, and informs Anor that General Immodet has been killed -- this time really by Kanos, not them.  Anor doesn’t care.  Carivus goes on to arrest the rest of the Council, including “D’asta.”  Grappa receives a surprise visitor -- Mirith’s former soldier Massimo, who’s willing to tell him what her real mission is.  He finds Mirith as she tries to free the real D’asta.  He throws both Sinn, D’asta and Massimo in the dungeon, just as he discovers that he’s been helping Kanos...  At the same time, a Zanibar attempt on Kanos comes to nothing.  In a rage, Grappa murders the Zanibar, Kayniph and everybody else at the party.  Then he orders a search for Kanos -- who is at that moment arriving at the Zanibar homeworld of Xo.  He bails Mirith out, only to be chased across the planet’s surface.  Mirith takes the time to reveal what the Empire did to her, trying to sway Kir over to her side.  Coming upon an ancient temple that predates the Old Republic, the two are again occosted.  Kir gets Mirith out with the aid of a friend of his, and surrenders to the Zanibar -- who then turn him over to Grappa.


            Carivus survives an assassination attempt, only to find the assassins are Black Sun men -- and a clone of himself.  Deciding he’s more important than Nom wants him to know, he disbands the Council and declares himself Emperor, telling Anor he doesn’t want or need his help anymore.  Just after that, a New Republic attack led by Sinn blows Kayniph’s clone base to bits.  Black Sun member Y’ull Acib orders Grappa to hold Kayniph at his base until he arrives.  Mirith and the Republic army arrives, frees Kanos and D’asta, and locks Grappa up in his own dungeon.  Meanwhile, D’asta’s angry father goes after Carivus with an armada.  With his fighters unable to repel D’asta’s forces, Carivus is forced to give him the D’asta clone to survive.  But Kanos, Mirith, and the real D’asta arrives as well.  Once the truth about the clone is revealed, Kanos very much wants to kill the clone.  Mirith and Kanos are suddenly at odds again, but this time she convinces him to go after the real target: Carivus.  They attack the would-be Emperor’s palace, and Kanos personally kills Carivus.


          Meanwhile, Grappa is set free by his Yuzzem servant (whom he promptly locks up).  He contacts Acib, only to learn that Dengar has told Acib the truth about the whole mess.  Black Sun’s forces are coming for him.  When the Zanibar demand their reward money, and Grappa refuses to pay it, he finds an even worse fate in store for him as he’s carted off to the Zanibar’s cannibalistic “ceremony.”  For the others, all’s well that ends well.  Baron D’asta will run his section alone for a while, with Tav Kennede helping. And Kanos, with a goodbye kiss to Mirith, flies off into the sunset...

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Mike Richardson / Randy Stradley - November 1998 - April 1999) 


Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin Solo are moved to the planet Anoth for safekeeping, with Winter taking care of them.  After a few months, it is decided to bring Jacen and Jaina home to Coruscant.

Between "Empire's End" and "Jedi Search." 


“SW Adventure Journal: Betrayal by Knight.”                                                                        *

                At long last, Garos IV is almost within the reach of the New Republic – and vice versa.  For Alex Winger, the moment of truth – when she must reveal her true loyalties to her father – is at hand.  But she has bigger problems, for it seems the Empire has put a Dark Jedi named Jaalib Brandl in charge of the evacuation of Garos – possibly the man who led the attack that destroyed her former life as Alex Turhaya, and probably the “dark man” she’s seen torturing her in her nightmares.  After an acting performance, Governor Winger introduces Alex to Jaalib.  Brandl draws Alex and Winger to a safehouse when the hangout Chado’s Pub is blown up by what he claims were Rebels or underground members – but Alex senses was really him.


                In the safehouse, Alex puts down her father’s curses against the resistance for the bombing – and finally reveals herself to be one of them.  She leaves him to consider her words, only to be lured out of the safehouse by Brandl.  He reveals to her that he blew up the pub as a message to the Empire; that he no longer wants any part of them or this war.  And the way he’ll set that separation in stone is to kill Alex and her father.  He cuts her arm deeply with his lightsaber, then laughs as the nearby safehouse explodes – Governor Winger is dead, but he now has other plans for the Jedi wannabe.  She staggers back to the destroyed safehouse, to find her father still alive but horribly wounded.  She can’t help him, and Brandl won’t help him.  Given no other choice, Alex gives herself over to the Dark Side to heal her foster father. With that horrible act, Brandl leaves her and Governor Winger on Garos as the New Republic finally arrives…

(SHORT STORY – West End Games – Patricia A. Jackson and Charlene Newcomb – February 1997)


Andur, a New Republic functionary, is appointed as vice‑chairman of the newly formed Orbital Debris Committee.

“SW: Jedi Search.”


On behalf of the New Republic, Mara Jade attempts to open diplomatic channels with Kessel as representative of the Smuggler’s Alliance -- and is flatly rebuffed.

“SW: Jedi Search.” [Page 4]


Moff Disra begins searching for an actor talented enough to portray a resurrected Grand Admiral Thrawn.  

"SW: Specter of the Past." 


"I, Jedi." 

                Rogue Squadron, under the command of Colonel Tycho Celchu, is on the hunt for Moff – turned -pirate Leonia Tavira, who's running a gang and fighting and thinking circles around the Republic.  Pilot Corran Horn has his own problems -- his wife Mirax wants a baby.  But when he gets home to Coruscant, he finds her gone -- in every sense of the word. Including his sense of her in the Force. And his memories of her.


                When he learns she vanished hunting Leonia, Corran decides he needs the help of Luke Skywalker.  Luke has his own plans concerning the Jedi, and he hopes Corran will participate. Corran takes up the alter ego of Keiran Halcyon, and becomes a student candidate for...

(The novel description continues below.) 

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Michael A. Stackpole - May 1998)


"Jedi Search." 

                The ‘Millenium Falcon’ travels to the planet Kessel for the first time in years -- but this time, Han Solo and Chewbacca are arriving as ambassadors, to open New Republic diplomatic relations with the planet.  The minute they enter orbit and transmit diplomatic greetings, the ship is jumped by literally hundreds of fighters and shot down, crashing into the harsh planet’s surface.


                On Coruscant, Luke Skywalker addresses the new Republic Senate.  He asks that the Republic sanction and assist a search for Force sensitives in the galaxy, and help him establish an intensive Jedi training center -- an academy to resurrect the Jedi Knights.  The Senate overwhelmingly agrees.  Luke finds it harder to convince Leia to continue her training -- she’s seemed to reach a barrier in her growth, and her political career is increasingly getting in the way.  During their argument, Luke suddenly discovers a way to detect Force powers by provoking an energy reflex in her.  The next day, while overseeing reconstruction efforts, Wedge Antilles comes upon an abandoned torture center containing paddles that can seemingly take midichlorian readings of people -- another way to find new Jedi.


                On Kessel, the badly injured Han and Chewie are dragged before the planetary leader Moruth Doole.  The sadistic Rybet (and his assistant Skynxnex) accuses Han of spearheading an invasion.  Han smugly denies it -- and Doole’s use of glitterstim to read his thoughts confirms it.  Terrified of what the Republic will do as a result of his rash actions, Doole has the ‘Falcon’ seized for his use and has Han and Chewie sent to the deepest mines to spend the rest of their (probably very short) lives.


Back at Coruscant, Threepio and Artoo have been working through Imperial records and have turned up some leads on potential Jedi.  Luke is already checking one out at the volcanic planet of Eol Sha. He finds a Force - sensitive named Gantoris, who’s scared of the Jedi -- he’s dreamed of a “dark man” who will destroy him.  But after Luke passes some hazardous tests involving a dragon and a firepit, Gantoris reluctantly agrees to join him.  Lando and the droids check out another lead at the blob races on Umgul -- no luck, though they do expose a fraud and help the amorous Duchess Mistal find her husband.  At Bespin, Luke picks up another candidate named Streen, an old man who wants to learn how to keep from hearing other people’s emotions and thoughts.


                Now in the darkest mines of Kessel, Han meets a young prisoner named Kyp Durron; a boy who has spent almost his entire life in the mines due to the Empire’s cruelty.  On Coruscant, Leia -- angry at Han and Chewie’s absence -- welcomes Jacen and Jaina home for good and finds she has a lot to learn about being a mother.  She contacts Doole, who informs her that Han and Chewie never arrived at Kessel. Alarmed, she asks Lando and the just-returned Luke to go to Kessel and find them.


Back at the mines, Han, Kyp and Chewie find the miners and themselves targeted by a glass - like giant spider who apparently creates the spice.  Chased by the monster, the three find themselves on the surface and take the opportunity to steal a shuttle.  Doole sends his entire private fleet after them.  Their only chance to navigate through the Maw -- the black holes surrounding Kessel.  Kyp surprises them by revealing he is Force - sensitve -- and he proves it by flying the shuttle through safely.


                Leia arranges for Gantoris’ people to be moved off the dangerous Eol Sha to Dantooine, then prepares a diplomatic reception for Ambassador Furgan of the Imperial Academy of Carida.  Furgan proves himself rude beyond measure, culminating in him throwing a drink in Mon Mothma’s face.  Meanwhile, Han’s shuttle emerges beyond the Maw -- and toward an asteroid station flanked by four Star Destroyers. The three are taken to Admiral Daala, who learns of the Empire’s -- and her lover Willhuff Tarkin’s -- fate. Furious, she orders her staff to prepare to leave Maw Installation -- she intends to destroy the New Republic system by system, using a new weapon they’d developed called the Sun Crusher.  Later on, an alien scientist named Qwi Xux privately questions Han.  She reveals that she designed most of the Death Star (in fact, there’s a scaled - down prototype version floating out by Maw Installation), and she wants to know how well it worked.  Only it seems she didn’t know what the Death Star or the World Devastators (which she also designed) were really used for.  She refuses to believe the truth, and shows Han the Sun Crusher -- a ship that can start a supernova in a star, thus destroying entire star systems with one shot.  Lando and Luke arrive at Kessel under aliases.  Doole is taken in by Lando’s entrepeneur act and shows them around his base.  Artoo (who tagged along) spots the ‘Falcon’ among the ships in Doole’s fleet.  They confront Doole, only to be chased off in the planet.


                Swayed by Han’s arguments, Qwi hacks into Daala’s files and reads the uncensored version of her interrogation of Han.  Horrified at what she helped happen, and alarmed at Daala’s plans, Qwi helps break Han, Chewie and Kyp out and flies them off Maw Installation in the Sun Crusher.  Daala sends her ships after them.  One Star Destroyer is destroyed by a black hole as Kyp flies through them.  Daala chases after them even harder.  The two chases -- Doole after the ‘Falcon’, Daala after the Sun Crusher -- crashes head on into each other.  As Doole and Daala start slugging it out, the reunited heroes hyperjump away from Kessel.  Han is finally with his family again, Lando gets a fortune in reward from Mistal (he decides to invest in spice - mining), and Luke tests Kyp at Han’s request -- to find the young man is very strong in the Force!  Thanks to Mon Mothma, Luke can now gather his candidates at the new Jedi Academy on Yavin IV...

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Kevin J. Anderson - March 1994)


"SW Adventure Journal: Firestorm." 

                Tionne, researcher of Jedi lore, is exploring the planet Ossus for ancient relics – she finds a statue of the Jedi Master Odan-Urr.  Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker is setting up his Jedi Academy, dealing with the struggles that such a task brings.  Tionne, travelling from spaceport bar to trading station to backwater outpost lives by her wits and survives by using her stringed musical instrument that her grandmother gave her to sing Jedi ballads.  One night on Ord Mantell, she meets a rodent like alien named Fonterrat, and makes a deal with him that secures her the location of Exis Station, the legendary Jedi space station.  Eagerly, Tionne sets off for Exis Station to find historical records of the Jedi, even though she has been warned that Exis Station is unstable because it is been drawn closer and closer over the centuries to the star that it orbits.  With the suggestion of Tionne, Fonterrat also sells the information to the New Republic government, and it makes it’s way to Luke Skywalker via Han Solo.  Tionne and Luke both head for Exis Station.  The two encounter each other just as the station starts to break up, and all Tionne can salvage is a holorecording of Nomi Sunrider.  Luke invites Tionne to train at Yavin IV, as she has slight Jedi potential and she can help with the teaching of future students with her Jedi knowledge.

(SHORT STORY - West End Games – Kevin J. Anderson - 1997)


Brakiss, a Force - sensitive Imperial spy, infiltrates the Jedi Academy of Yavin IV.  Luke Skywalker knows of Brakiss’s true loyalties but trains him anyway, hoping to turn him away from the Dark Side.  A few years later, when he exposes Brakiss to a Dark Side test to face himself, the student sees something so horrible he leaves Yavin and returns to the Empire. 

“SW: The New Rebellion.”


Poisoned with a nano-virus inflicted on her by Ambassador Furgan of Carida, Mon Mothma becomes deathly ill and begins transferring her duties upon Leia, preparing the Minister of State to replace her. Between "Jedi Search" and "Dark Apprentice."


"Dark Apprentice." 

                A month has passed since the events at Kessel, and 12 students are now studying at the Jedi Academy.  Gantoris and Streen have been exploring, and spotted an obsidian temple in the jungle.  Wedge Antilles drops by to deliver supplies and news, and reveals that he’s been assigned as Qwi Xux’s bodyguard.  Leia and Ackbar arrive at the planet Vortex for a diplomatic meeting, only to have tragedy occur -- Ackbar’s B-Wing malfunctions, smashing into the Cathedral of Winds and killing 358 Vors. Unbeknownest to him, his B-Wing was sabotaged by Terpfen, a Calamari mechanic who (thanks to a skull implant) is being forced to work for Ambassador Furgan on Carida.


                Han is treating Kyp to the life he missed out on, turboskiing in the polar regions of Coruscant. When a droid bears news of the tragedy at Vortex, Han rushes to the ‘Falcon’ -- to find Lando and Chewie working on it.  An rapidly escalating argument with Lando leads to the two playing a sabacc game for possession of the ‘Falcon’ -- and Lando wins.  Crushed, Han is forced to be a mere passenger on his beloved ship to pick up Leia.  Ackbar is court - martialed, but chooses to resign from the Republic Navy before a verdict is reached.  He returns home to Calamari in disgrace.


                Elsewhere, Admiral Daala is spoiling for a fight.  Attacking a Corvette on a New Republic shipping lane, she learns of the recently established colony on Dantooine.  She viciously wipes the colony out, murdering every last member of Gantoris’ people.  And speaking of Gantoris, something is very wrong.  He’s building a lightsaber with somebody’s help.  And a day after admitting Luke isn’t the “dark man” of his nightmares, he attacks the Jedi Master.  Luke’s beginning to have nightmares about this “dark man” himself.  And a short time later, the shadowy figure tries to openly turn Gantoris to the Dark Side. Gantoris manages to resist -- until the spirit reveals what Daala did to his people.  Lashing out in anger, Gantoris attacks the “dark man” -- who burns him to a crisp.


                On his way to Calamari, Ackbar visits Winter, who is babysitting Anakin Solo in secret on the hidden world of Anoth.  But thanks to Terpfen’s treachery, his ship is bugged -- and Furgan is given the location of Darth Vader’s grandson.  At the Academy, two new students arrive -- Mara Jade (who had to endure Lando coming on to her on the way) and Kyp Durron (who flew the Sun Crusher into the gas giant Yavin immediately prior on New Republic orders).  On Coruscant, Leia is brought to Mon Mothma’s side. The great leader is dying from a mystery disease, and she begs Leia to bring Ackbar back.  Leia tries to do so at Calamari, with the help of ambassador Cilghal, but Ackbar’s too ashamed of his part in the Vortex tragedy to return.  They are attacked by a probe droid that sends a signal out before it self - destructs.  Daala receives the signal and moves in to attack Calamari.  Ackbar is forced to take charge of the planetary defenses, and recognizes Daala’s strategy as based on Tarkin’s.  Ackbar manages to destroy one of Daala’s Star Destroyer’s.  Han rushes in with a New Republic fleet and the ‘Falcon’ (which he just won back from Lando), and Daala retreats.


                Back at the Academy, Kyp is learning the ways of the Jedi very fast.  And the dark spirit that killed Gantoris -- the former Dark Lord of the Sith Exar Kun -- is moving in on him as well.  He lures him to the dark temple with Dorsk 81, then knocks the cloned student out as he tutors the impatient Kyp in the ways of the Sith.  He lashes out at a song of Tionne’s (another student) about Nomi Sunrider.  When he learns about Daala’s actions, he becomes consumed by anger at the Empire that robbed him of his life and steals Mara’s Headhunter.  He travels to Endor to visit Darth Vader’s funeral pyre, declaring himself the new Dark Lord of the Sith.


                On Coruscant, two-year-old Jacen and Jaina have gotten tired of Threepio and Chewie’s babysitting and go on a little adventure of their own through Coruscant’s underground.  They come upon a secret colony of accountants-turned-exiles, and helps bring them to the surface.  While all this is going on, Furgan prepares to attack Anoth and Daala prepares to attack Coruscant itself.  Cilghal, who Leia noticed was Force - sensitive, joins the Academy herself as Mara storms off the planet, hitching a ride from Lando. Yet another sabacc game puts the ‘Falcon’ back in Lando’s hands -- but he impresses Mara by generously giving it back to Han.


                Now completely corrupted, Kyp Durron goes on a rampage. Tracking down Qwi Xux (who’s been touring Vortex and Ithor with Wedge, growing closer to him in the process), he brutally wipes her mind of all her knowledge and most of her memory.  He then returns to Yavin and drags the Sun Crusher out of the gas giant.  He attacks Luke himself, overpowering the Jedi Master with Kun’s help.  Traveling out into space, he uses the Sun Crusher’s supernova torpedoes to detonate the Cauldron Nebula in an attempt to take Daala out.  Daala loses her other Star Destroyer, manages to escape herself.


                And at the Academy, the students find Luke’s comatose body -- not physically dead, but completely devoid of his spirit...

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Kevin J. Anderson - July 1994)


"Champions of the Force."

                Kyp Durron continues his genocidal vendetta against the Empire, as he attacks the Carida system. Ambassador Furgan and his assault force escapes for Anoth as Durron detonates the Caridan star.  But he learns too late -- thanks to Imperial lies -- that his brother Zeth is on Carida.  He races to the surface just in time to watch his brother be incinerated.


              Han and Leia arrives on Yavin IV with Jacen and Jaina.  They find the Jedi students demoralized and on the brink of giving up.  Leia gives them a huge pep talk, only to be affected by the destruction of Carida... which also manages to wake Luke’s disembodied spirit up.  Han decides to try to find Kyp, to see if there’s any way possible to bring him back from the Dark Side.  He takes off with Lando, who’s still trying to woo Mara.  After informing the Council on Coruscant of his plans, Han sets off on Kyp’s trail. Meanwhile, the spirit of Exar Kun manipulates the students in an attempt to kill Luke’s body.


              Freed from Furgan’s control, Terpfen travels to Yavin and tearfully confesses his crimes to Leia. They then rush to Calamari to recruit Ackbar’s aid.  Furgan, using his MT-AT’s, smashes through Anoth and captures Anakin.  But the little baby manages to Force - nudge a GNK power droid to rescue him, and Terpfen personally kills his tormentor.  Meanwhile Chewie, Threepio and Wedge leads an assault team to capture Maw Installation and free the Wookiee slaves there.  The Imperial scientists escape with the Death Star prototype, rigging the station to blow.  The Rebels barely manage to stop it in time -- just in time for Admiral Daala to return.


            Luke makes a startling discovery -- Jacen and Jaina are able to see and communicate with his spirit. He’s able to use that to defend himself when Kun sends some Sith - made beasts to kill him, fighting through Jacen as the two - year-old singlehandedly cuts down the monsters with Luke’s lightsaber.  The Jedi figure out a way to destroy Kun -- by attacking him as a team, with all their powers in the Force combined. As they do so, Han manages to locate Kyp.  Kyp almost destroys Han -- but when Kun is killed by the Jedi (including the spirit of one Vodo Siosk-Baas), Kyp finally sees how he’s been manipulated and surrenders. And with Kun’s death, Luke’s spirit returns to his body.


            Kyp is tried by the New Republic Council, who is more than ready to execute this mass murderer. But Mon Mothma, now barely clinging to life, makes it clear that the New Republic doesn’t have the right to judge him -- only the Jedi can.  He is sent to Yavin, to have his fate decided by Luke.  Han flies him back to Yavin, where Leia and Anakin are waiting for them as well.  They decide that they will protect their own children from now on. Luke, to everyone’s astonishment, forgives Kyp.  Han rushes Lando to Kessel, where he will take over spice production once they deal with the barricaded Doole, while Ackbar formally returns to his duties as a New Republic Admiral.  Terpfen reveals that Mon Mothma’s illness is a result of poison -- the drink Furgan threw on her.  And there is no cure.


              Luke leads Kyp to Kun’s temple, and orders him to go in and face whatever’s inside.  He faces a vision of Kun.  Kyp manages to choke down his instincts to attack, and is rewarded when the vision changes to that of Zeth -- who tells him he forgives him.  When Kyp steps out of the temple, Luke declares him a Jedi Knight.  On Kessel, Doole blunders his way into the hands of the spider creatures, saving the Rebels the trouble -- at which point the Death Star prototype arrives.  It fires at Kessel, yet misses and destroys the Garrison Moon.  The Rebels and smugglers attack the station...


             Leia is again brought to Mon Mothma’s side, where she is told that Mon Mothma has resigned as President of the New Republic -- and she names Leia as her successor.  Luke brings Kyp to Leia, and tells her that Kyp must do one thing more to be absolved -- he must destroy the Sun Crusher himself by flying it into a black hole at the Maw.  They fly right into the raging battle, which eventually joins up with the fight between Wedge and Daala at Maw Installation.  As Han, Lando and Mara sabotages the Death Star’s superlaser, Daala blows up the repair work Wedge did to Maw, setting it on self - destruct again while she hacks into the computers and steals all of the weapons information, then blows Maw Installation to cinders.

As Daala’s Star Destroyer limps toward the Core systems, Kyp flies the Sun Crusher up to the Death Star and uses one of the supernova torpedos to damage it, then leads it on a chase right into a black hole. Both superweapons are destroyed, but Kyp survives -- barely -- by crushing himself inside a message cylinder and launching it.


              At Coruscant, Cilghal pushes her new Jedi powers to the limit to crush Mon Mothma of her illness. She succeeds, but Mon Mothma refuses to return as President -- it is Leia’s destiny to lead the New Republic into the future.  Lando and Mara takes over as partner - owners of the Kessel mines.  The heroes of the Republic assemble for a celebration at the rebuilt Cathedral of Winds on Vortex, as the new Jedi Knights hold their own celebration at the Academy...

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Kevin J. Anderson - October 1994)


"I, Jedi." (continued)

                Feeling he's learned all he's going to learn at the Academy, Corran Horn leaves and joins forces with Booster Terrik to begin the search for Mirax.  He goes undercover on Corellia and makes his way to his grandfather Rostek's home.  Rostek fills Corran in on his family's history and his heritage.  Corran comes to the difficult decision that he is simply not a Jedi, and starts relying on his old skills to infiltrate Tavira's operation.  Just as he gets in good with them, Rogue Squadron attacks.  Horn uses the Force to convince the Rogues to throw the fight.  His actions draw Leonia's attention -- and her attraction.  She gives him a month to decide if he will become her lover.  And he is sorely tempted, knowing that accepting would put him closer to Mirax.  He realises that his only path now is to combine the two people he has been -- Corsec agent and Jedi Knight -- into one.  He constructs his own lightsaber. 


                He begins terrorising Leonia's forces, using Jedi skills and Corsec toughness at the same time. Leonia's partner Shala the Hutt decides to deal with the pesky Jedi, but he is no match for Horn.  With the aid of the Caamasi Elegos, he prepares for Leonia.  She knows a Jedi is running around -- but she thinks it's Luke.  And then Luke really does show up.  Along with Rogue pilot Ooryl and a few Ysalamiri. Together, the Jedi take on Leonia's hired Jensaarai Force-sensitive warriors, then race to save Mirax on Susevfi before Leonia can figure it all out and kill her.  They find her in a Jedi meditation trance forced on her.  Corran breaks it with a kiss.  


                At that point, the main Jensaarai -- the ones who kidnapped Mirax in the first place -- reveal themselves.  Corran battles the leader and defeats her.  As Leonia prepares to strafe the planet from orbit, New Republic reinforcements arrive.  When Corran projects an image of a giant Super Star Destroyer -- and the Sun Crusher -- at Leonia, she panics and flees from the system.  The Jensaarai are shown the memory of what truly happened between them and Corran's ancestor, and consider joining the Jedi.  Corran rejoins Rogue Squadron, personally blows Exar Kun's temple to powder, and tells Mirax that their first child will NOT be named after her father... 

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Michael A. Stackpole - May 1998)


The New Republic orders a massive ship designing and building program, the “New Class” project, to replace all existing Star Destroyer and other Imperial-era design ships.  

“SW RPG Cracken’s Threat Dossier.”


Cion Marook of Hrasskis becomes a Republic Senator.

“SW: Before the Storm.”


Nichos Marr, a Force-sensitive Jedi student, is stricken with Quannot's Syndrome.  With the aid of Stinna Sha and Ssi-Ruuk entechment technology, Marr's mind is transferred into a droid body.  He and his fiance, Cray Mingla, continue their studies. 

Six months prior to "Children of the Jedi." 


“SW Adventure Journal: Two for One.”

                Cryle Cavv and his nephew Sien Sconn, two intergalactic thieves and acquisition specialists are approached by New Republic Intelligence General Airen Cracken to help steal Admiral Drommel’s Super Star Destroyer, ‘Guardian’.  Cracken informs the two that they have discovered Lambda – class shuttles making trips to Imperial controlled systems requesting parts for the damaged hyperdrive of the ‘Guardian’.  The plan is for the two of them to hijack a shuttle that will take them back to the ‘Guardian’.  Eventually, after a few mishaps, the two get their shuttle, and make their way to the Super Star Destroyer.  On, arrival, the Imperials realize that something is up, and sound the intruder alarm signal, and send out a search party for the pair.  Cavv and Sconn make their way to the detention block, and find a group of Republic prisoners.  Sconn is shocked to find that his old girlfriend Shandria is one of the prisoners.  The two disable the hyperdrive, but an alarm is triggered, and they are captured.  During their interrogation, neither lets any information slip to Admiral Drommel.  The Admiral, finally getting his ship fixed after many years, orders it into hyperspace, but a droid (in league with Cavv and Sconn) changes the navigation, and sends it into a waiting New Republic fleet.  His ship wounded from previous battles, Drommel refuses to surrender.  An Imperial Captain shoots Drommel dead, tired of the man’s merciless commands and executions of fellow officers.  The New Republic captures the ‘Guardian’. (76) 

(SHORT STORY -- West End Games – Paul Danner - November 1997)


+12 ASW4


Leia is approached by a member of the New Alderaan movement, who tells her that there are people willing to murder Qwi Xux and the other living designers of the Death Star if she gave her blessing.  Leia refuses to do so.

One month before “SW: Children of the Jedi.”


Stinna Draeshine Sha, a teacher at the Magrody Institute, is murdered.  She had studied under Nasdra Magrody (who had trained most of the designers of the Death Star), and had taught Cray Mingla, one of Luke's newest Jedi students. 

Shortly before "SW: Children of the Jedi."


The Empire relocates its’ capital to the Sartinaynian system in the Braxant Sector - code named Bastion, overseen by Chief Admistrator Moff Disra.  The main Imperial records library is moved to Bastion, which includes duplicates of the Emperor Palpatine’s private records, including the Caamas document.  Little do the Imperial heirarchy know that a hidden dummy file is placed in the library which has an encrypted homing beacon which is engaged only in hyperspace, giving the exact whereabouts of the current Imperial capitol to Captain Parck and the Chiss at the Hand of Thrawn fortress on the planet Niraun.

Conjecture from “SW: Specter of the Past,” assuming it would take a year to find a suitable planet. 


"Children of the Jedi."

                For the heroes of the New Republic, the Time of Meeting on Ithor is a well-earned vacation -- a vacation that, for Leia, is marred by the news of Stinna Sha’s murder.  But the vacation comes to an abrupt halt when a crazed old man, who turns out to be Han’s old friend Drub McKumb, accosts the group during a ceremony.  He is found to be brain - damaged by massive amounts of the hallucinogen yarrock.  But in his bed, he babbles wildly about “the children in the well... Plett’s Well... the children of the Jedi.”


Surprisingly, the mention of Plett’s Well unlocks previously hidden memories inside the minds of Nichos Marr and Cray Mingla, two of Luke’s students.  Luke mind - probes them, and pieces together the location of this hidden sanctuary -- the planet Belsavis.  Han and Leia go to check it out.  However, Luke and the students soon find themselves haunted by nightmares -- and a growing sense of impending doom. Another mind - probe provides coordinates to this potential danger.  Luke and the students set off with Threepio in the ‘Huntbird’ to check it out.  They find the coordinates lead to an asteroid belt -- and the ship is suddenly hammered by a turbolaser attack from a giant asteroid on the belt.  The ship limps to the Gamorrean colony of Pzab, with Luke badly injured.


                Han and Leia arrives at Belsavis and talks to Chief Person Jevax.  It seems the people of Belsavis are themselves coming out of a decades - long state of amnesia, abruptly remembering the Jedi sanctuary set up by the Jedi Master Plett -- and the horrendous battle that ended that sanctuary.  Nobody can seem to find the underground passages of Plett’s Well, however.  Leia senses a hidden door inside the Master’s abandoned home, as well as a sense that someone... familiar... is watching her.


                The ‘Huntbird’ picks up a signal from Pzab, and comes upon a retired stormtrooper named Triv Pothman.  He tells the Jedi about a project he was a part of.  He and his fellow troopers were waiting for a ship thirty years ago -- a ship that never arrived.  But even as they talk, an Imperial lander parks in front of the barracks, which captures the group and a bunch of native Gamorreans with robot arms and stun blasts...


                Luke wakes up inside the massive asteroid, which turns out to be a superstarship called the ‘Eye of Palpatine’.  This ship has been sending automated landers all over the galaxy, picking up various aliens and “indoctrinating” them into stormtroopers.  Cray and Triv have been brainwashed, and Nichos has been fixed with a restraining bolt.  But the brainwashing hasn’t completely taken -- the Gamorreans (separated into the Klagg and Gakfedd clans) are fighting each other.  And the Eye’s computer -- “The Will” -- is malfunctioning psychotically, refusing to even admit there are aliens on board and obsessed with finishing its’ mission -- travel to Belsavis and wipe out all life on the planet.  Still in terrible shape, Luke and Threepio start looking around and learns that someone in a Y-Wing managed to stop the ‘Eye’ from fufilling its’ mission the first time, managing to cripple it for all these decades.  A clue as to who it is comes when a Jawa Luke saved, presents him with... a lightsaber?  The Jawa leads Luke to where it found the ‘saber, a shaft leading to the Eye’s computer core -- where that Jedi apparently died stopping the Will.   


                Han and Chewie manages to finally find the underground caverns, to find them filled with a fortune in various salvagable junk -- and a bunch of smugglers who been down there for years.  Those smugglers, of which Drub was apparently a part, were victims of an Imperial experiment in mind control that has left them insane.  Han and Chewie barely manages to escape, and calls Mara Jade for help.  She tells them that she learned years ago that the “children” managed to escape whatever Palpatine had in mind for them.  That night, Han and Leia find themselves attacked by -- Artoo?!?  They find themselves forced to blast the droid.  As Chewie tries to repair him the next day, Jevak suggests that the droid malfunctioned due to the enviroment.  A little later, Leia again senses that familiar presence and chases her down.  It turns out to be Roganda Ismaren, former concubine of the Emperor.  She’s been hiding out here since the Emperor’s death, and she begs Leia for her silence -- she has nowhere else to go.  Leia agrees... but later remembers something Nichos said about the children.  One of them had been Roganda’s brother -- she’s Force - sensitive!


                On the ‘Eye’, things quickly go from bad to worse when the Kraggs take Cray and Nichos hostage. The Will declares the two to be Rebel traitors, serving up faked evidence and sentencing them to death by firing squad.  At the same time, it begins doing whatever it can to kill Luke.  But some other unseen presence seems to be helping Luke as well, something that’s thwarting the Will’s actions... something that identifies herself on a computer terminal as “Callista.”  She reveals that the ‘Eye’ was reactivated, after all these years, by someone who used the Force.  She is... was... a Jedi Knight who gave her life and joined her spirit with that of the ship.  The two gets to know each other, and find they have a lot in common... and incredibly, they fall in love with each other...


                Ackbar calls Leia, and tells her all the Imperial warlords in the nearby Senex sector have decided to take vacations... they’re meeting somewhere.  She later spots Drost Elgin (an Imperial) and Ohran Keldor (one of the Death Star designers) meeting.  She trails them with a repaired Artoo... only to be ambushed by them, Roganda -- and her son, a young teenage boy named Irek.  Irek uses the Dark Side on Artoo (as he did before), but Leia manages to distract him long enough for Artoo to get away.  This arrogantly evil young man is the one who brought the ‘Eye of Palpatine’ back to life and is bringing it to Belsavis.  She learns that Nasdra Magrody, the man who taught many of the Death Star designers, became Roganda’s prisoner and operated on Irek, giving him his frightening ability to manipulate machinery.


                Now barely able to do anything, Luke figures out a new way to fight -- have Callista impersonate the Will to the other aliens.  He struggles to reach Cray before the execution -- only to run into the brainwashed Triv.  He breaks Triv’s brainwashing, and manages just barely to get Cray and Nichos out. Cray is furious that Nichos wouldn’t lift a finger to help -- he had a restraining bolt and was ordered not to. The droid / man is haunted by this, wondering if he really is Nichos or just some fancy simulation of him. Unfortunately, both Luke and Callista know in their hearts that he is the latter.  Callista tells Luke she is preparing a set of tapes concerning all she knows about Jedi training to give him after he leaves.  Luke is tormented -- destroying the ‘Eye’ will mean losing her for good.  And he can’t ask her to do what Nichos did -- and end up with a simulation that’s not her.  He will have to distract the booby traps set around the computer core shaft while Cray climbs up it and rigs the ship to blow.  As they discuss this, the ‘Eye’ goes to hyperspace.


                On Belsavis, the Imperial warlords gather around Roganda and Irek.  They intend to use the ‘Eye’ (when it arrives) as the nucleus of a new, unified Imperial fleet.  As Artoo makes his way back to Han and the ‘Eye’ leaps into the Belsavis system, Luke and his allies herds the alien “stormtroopers” into the lander ships.  Roganda and Irek are alarmed -- the ‘Eye’ is not responding to his commands.  They decide to bail out, and Leia makes her escape.  The chase runs into Han and Chewie, and Keldor is killed in the process. She warns Jevax to get everyone underground fast, while Roganda and Irek races off the planet.


                Luke is ready to go up the core shaft, to blow the ‘Eye’ and die with Callista if need be -- but Cray won’t let him.  She stuns him and puts him on the shuttle, then distracts the grid while Nichos goes up the shaft himself.  A few minutes later, with both shuttles en route to Belsavis, the ‘Eye of Palpatine’ explodes.


                Mara Jade picks up the shuttles in the ‘Hunter’s Luck’... as well as an escape pod found in the Eye’s debris.  Inside is Cray’s body.  But the spirit inside that body... is Callista.  Cray gave up her life to give Callista a new one -- with Luke.  But nothing comes without cost -- Callista can no longer use the Force.  But they can worry about that later; they’re just glad to be together.

Thanks to Gary Tonkin for correcting me on Drub's fate!

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Barbara Hambly - April 1995)


“Tales from the New Republic: Simple Tricks.”                                                                         *

                Smugglers Fen Nabon and Ghitsa Dogder are stuck on the planet Lesvol for a month until some decent repair parts can arrive for their wrecked hyperdrive. Ever the conwoman, Ghitsa decides to take advantage of the opportunity by passing herself off as a Jedi Knight, making judgments for cash. The month quickly passes, and Ghitsa lets the successful con job go to her head. Just as she learns what caused the energy flux that caused the hyperdrive to blow in the first place (sabotage), Fen gets a visitor – Zeth Vost, a Jedi student from the Academy. He’s heard about Ghitsa and wants to meet her. Only they find Ghitsa has been kidnapped.


                Working together, they find Ghitsa has been taken aboard the freighter Rook, at the nearby town of Nad’Ris. They start to open up about each other -- but Zeth reveals a little too much, and Fen realizes to her horror that Zeth is really Kyp Durron – the most infamous mass murderer since Palpatine. She’d love nothing better than to kill him…. but she needs his help to get her partner out of danger. Together, they get Ghitsa out of the grip of Counselor Ral (of the Hutt Desilijic Clan, who wants to know what the heck Durga the Hutt is up to), who takes off only to have his ship destroyed by a hole Kyp put in the hull to allow escape. Kyp flies them to the Jedi Academy, where they arrive at the same time as the injured Luke Skywalker and the newly re-embodied Callista. Fen and Ghitsa take off, studying over what little evidence they have on Durga’s scheme. It’s clearly something military in nature. With Ghitsa now reformed from her conning ways, they decide to take their info to Talon Karrde…

(SHORT STORY – West End Games/Bantam Books – Chris Cassidy and Tish Pahl – December 1999)


Gaeriel Captison marries Pter Thanas on Bakura. 

"SW: Assault at Selonia."


Tahiri Veila is born to moisture farmers Tryst and Cassa on the planet Tatooine.

“Junior Jedi Knights: The Golden Globe.”


+13 ASW4


The Hutts investigate Jabba's abandoned palace on Tatooine, searching for codes Jabba had to unlock the Imperial computers of Coruscant, searching for the plans to the Death Star in particular. 

Immediately before "Darksaber."


The planet of Adumar on the edge of Wild Space, having sent out scout ships, has learned of the existence of the New Republic and the Empire.  They wish to learn about these governments before deciding which, if either, to side with.  Adumar begins to hire slicers to create interfaces between Adumari and Imperial and New Republic computer systems.  New Republic Intelligence learns of this, and places Iella Wessiri undercover as a slicer.  She is hired and taken to Adumar.

“X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar” [Page 84]. With thanks to Adrian Ringin.


Talon Karrde sends Mara Jade out in search of Jorj Car’das.  Lando Calrissian insists on tagging along. The search starts at Dagobah and works its way outward over a period of three years, eventually going cold in the Kathol Republic, where at the time, crosh - hide coats become the style of the region.  During the journey, they visit Pembric 2, and foil an assassination attempt on the local smuggling cheif, Lord Bombaasa, which Talon Karrde uses to his advantage in gaining a favour six years later.

“SW: Vision of the Future.”



                Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, cloaked by the Force and riding with the Sandpeople, have returned to Tatooine to investigate the reports of the Hutts at Jabba's palace, and in secret hopes of contacting the spirit of Ben Kenobi and aiding Luke's new love Callista to recover her Jedi powers.  They are successful in the first... but not in the second. 


                In the Hoth asteroid belt, Durga the Hutt mines minerals for his newest project, which involves the aid of Bevel Lemelisk, and the Death Star plans Durga stole from Coruscant.  On Yavin IV, graduation has come for Kyp Durron, Cilghal, and Dorsk 81, who leave Yavin to serve the galaxy.  Meanwhile, in the Core Systems, Admiral Daala is finally forced to serve one of the warlords, Supreme Warlord Harrsk, and is used by him to eliminate his rivals -- until she double-crosses him and destroys his ship.  This brings her to the attention of Vice Admiral Gilad Pellaeon, Thrawn's right - hand man, and he asks her to work with him.    


                On Yavin IV, Mara Jade visits to warn Luke that something's up with the Hutts -- and to see for herself the woman who won Skywalker's heart.  Shortly thereafter, Threepio discovers the computer theft.   Durga is already working with the plans, along with Lemelisk and General Sulamar.  They reduce the Death Star design to its barest bones, the planet-smashing superlaser and little else.  The result is a giant cylinder resembling a lightsaber -- hence, "Darksaber."  Pellaeon and Daala call a conference of the warlords, killing them all when they cannot agree to unite.  They take charge of the fleet, with Daala commanding the Super Star Destroyer ‘Knight Hammer’.


                At the Mulako Corp. Water Quarry (a tourist comet), Luke and Callista work to reawaken her powers, while Han and Leia visit Durga at Nal Hutta - with the New Republic fleet.  Durga distracts them, but General Madine covertly puts a tracking device on Durga's ship.  Qwi Xux spots Lemelisk there as well.  Luke shows Callista where he was trained, Dagobah, where they make a chilling discovery: Callista can use the Force -- but only the Dark Side.  They continue on to Hoth, where they find a group of stormtroopers, and a group of Wampas with one very angry one-armed leader.  


                Daala and Pellaeon have built the Imperial fleet to strong levels, and they decide their first target will be Yavin IV.  Kyp Durron and Dorsk 81 discover this, escaping to warn the Jedi.  Daala responds by attacking Dorsk's homeworld of Khomm first.  Admiral Ackbar splits the fleet -- half will go to protect Yavin, the other will find ‘Darksaber’.  The attack fails and Pellaeon's group is literally thrown across space, but Dorsk 81 is killed.  Daala continues on a blasting spree throughout the Republic.   


                At the Hoth belt, General Madine and a strike team infiltrate the ‘Darksaber’.  The team is found, and Madine and his group are killed.  Durga decides to test the unfinished ‘Darksaber’ on the Rebel fleet, and Lemelisk wisely takes an escape pod out, and is captured by the Rebels.  The ‘Darksaber’ is destroyed, and Durga killed.  


                The battle rages on at Yavin.  Callista, torn between her love for Luke and her fear of never being what he needs, steals a TIE Bomber and attacks the ‘Knight Hammer’, confronting Daala herself.  Daala defeats and stuns Callista, escaping in a pod herself minutes before the ‘Knight Hammer’ explodes.  She resigns her rank and gives full control of the Empire -- what's left of it -- to Pellaeon. 


                A memorial service is held for Madine on Coruscant, but is unofficially as much for Callista. Luke returns to Yavin, his work at the Academy all that's left for him now.  He is overjoyed -- and saddened- to receive a holo message from Callista, a "Dear Luke" letter telling him that she's still alive, but has to go out on her own to recover her powers.  When she regains them -- IF she regains them -- she'll return to him... 

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Kevin J. Anderson - November 1995)


Gilad Pellaeon is promoted to Admiral, and Supreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet.



Valin Horn is born to Corran and Mirax Horn. 

"SW: Specter of the Past."


"Jedi Academy: Leviathan." 

                The experimental mining colony of Corbos.  A grimy place where personal profits are eaten up by the costs of operation and ore hauling.  But a routine blast results in the discovery of a massive reptilian fossil -- and a mysterious attacker...


                On Coruscant, President Organa-Solo receives a distress call from Corbos, and decides to send two Jedi to Corbos to deal with the crisis.  On Yavin Four, Luke introduces Kyp Durron to their newest student -- Dorsk 82, clone of the late Dorsk 81.  Kyp takes him to his predecessor’s grave, deals with a jungle creature descended from one of Exar Kun’s experiments, and agrees to help train him.  Luke, upon receiving a call from Leia, decides to send the two young Jedi to Corbos, with Streen and Kirana Ti as backup.  They receive an old ship called the Celador Sash (owned by a trader whose parents were saved by Ben Kenobi long ago), and take off. 


                They find an empty colony in shambles.  Kyp is being deafened by the colonists’ screams of terror through the Force.  But there is no one left -- not even as corpses.  He leaves Dorsk to battle the threat himself, while Dorsk panics and calls the Academy for help.


                Meanwhile on Yavin, Tionne searches the Academy’s records on Corbos.  She discovers that Corbos has been colonized many times over the ages -- and every time, the colony was destroyed.  Streen and Kirana Ti take off upon receiving the call from Dorsk.  They meet up with him and find themselves pitted against a green ooze-like life form in a cavern, which they handily defeat.


                Kyp finally discovers the Leviathan, which absorbed the miners’ memories as it ate them, and attacks it alone, calling down a bolt of lightning to kill it, and then tearing it open to release the spirits of the dead colonists.  The screams are quieter, but they’re still there.  And as the other Jedi meet up with him, Kyp discovers why -- there’s another, larger Leviathan out there.  Working together, the four Jedi forces the Leviathan into the colony’s power generator, electrocuting it.  The Jedi return to Yavin, with Dorsk deciding to stay as a student.

 (COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - Kevin J. Anderson - October 1998 - February 1999)


Having left the Empire, ex-Admiral Daala becomes President of the Independent Company of Settlers, a group of bitter ex-Imperials who set up a colony of one and a half billion acres on the planet Pedducis Chorios.

Prior to “SW: Planet of Twilight.”  


A New Republic deep - space scout returning from a mapping mission in the Unknown Regions stumbles across the planet Adumar.  This accelerates Adumar's plans to become more familiar with the New Republic and the Empire…

Just prior to “X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar” [page 8, 84]. With thanks to Adrian Ringin.


“X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar.”

              At a cafe on Coruscant, Wedge Antilles braces himself to break up with Qwi Xux -- and relieved when Qwi beats him to it.  They were both good for each other -- Wedge as an anchor for the amnesiac Qwi, Qwi as the “first love” Wedge never got a chance to have.  But now Qwi’s moving on with her life, and it’s high time for Wedge to get a life.  As he’s in the process of packing up to go find one, however, General Airen Cracken forces a mission on him -- play diplomat at Adumar, an Unknown Regions world that could be a great source of proton torpedoes, and loves fighter pilots.  Wedge, Tycho, Wes and Hobbie head off on the Republic Star Destroyer ‘Allegiance’.


              Following a brief skirmish over the atmosphere, the Rogues receive a heroes’ welcome as they land.  After settling in at a former pilots’ dorm, next stop is a banquet with the perator of Cartann, Pekaelic ke Teldan.  Teldan offers Wedge a native guide, Cheriss ke Hanadi -- a girl who gets a crush on Wedge.  He also learns of some other visitors -- such as Imperial fighter ace (and General) Turr Phennir.  It seems the Adumari are playing Republic against Empire, seeing who can offer the better deal.  He also notices Iella Wessiri working undercover amongst the crowd...


              There’s something more going on than meets the eye, and the Rogues know it.  But until they know more, it’s business as usual.  Such as familiarizing themselves with the local “Blade 32” starfighters, and then fighting off assassins.  Wedge meets secretly with Iella and learns how Adumar found out about the outside galaxy and made plans for contact.  Adumar is a fractured world, with the nation of Cartann the largest and most powerful.  The game plan is for Wedge to persuade Adumar to join the Republic and maybe form a world government while he’s at it.  But when it comes to personal matters, Iella’s avoiding him -- just like she’s been ignoring him for years.


              Wedge and the boys spend the next few days getting to know Adumar... and the more they see, the less they like.  And New Republic ambassador and local intelligence head Tomer Darpen is pushing Wedge to start acting more like the Imperials, who are gaining the lion’s share of popularity.  Wedge really doesn’t want to do it -- but if he refuses, he loses what little’s left of his life.  His curiousity gets piqued when, mulling over his problems in a bar, he comes upon Imperial Admiral Teren Rogriss doing the same.  It seems that if Adumar chooses the Republic, the Empire will break their word and Rogriss’s ship (the ‘Agonizer’) will tear into both planet and Rebels.  And Rogriss knows it, which is why he’s feeling guilty. Wedge finds his way to Iella’s “home,” and asks her to break the communications blackout ordered by Darpen and get in touch with Cracken to let him know what Darpen’s up to.  She won’t do it, but she will put him in touch with Rogriss.  But things take a more personal turn... and soon the two are embracing like the lovers they always should have been.


              The next morning, Teldan has an announcement -- he is now leading a world government on Adumar.  Too bad nobody told the other leaders of the planet that.  War seems imminent - a war Darpen helped start.  Cheriss is now aware of Wedge’s reborn relationship with Iella and tries to kill herself in duel after duel.  He talks some sense into her, but she still has to go through with her next fight -- which she loses.  Janson intervenes and challenges her opponent before he can kill her.  The fight descends to an all -out brawl which Wes wins.  A little later, Wedge meets with Rogriss.  He offers the old general a way out of his dilemma -- join the Republic.  When Teldan announces war against the opposing nations, he asks both parties to lead his forces into battle.  Phennir accepts -- Wedge refuses.  Teldan angrily exiles the New Republic group from his planet.  And with the X-Wings impounded, and everyone solidly against them, it doesn’t look like the Rogues will make it off Adumar alive.  It takes their every resource (including cross -dressing) to make it to the spaceport and get out on Blades.  But they’re too badly battered to make it to space and they’re forced down, rushing to Iella’s to hide.  Iella abandons her mission and joins the Rogues when they learn that Darpen himself had convinced Teldan to hunt the Rogues down.  He’s gonna wipe out everyone who can reveal his crimes to the Republic.  A healed Cheriss reveals the opposing nations are willing to help the Rogues out, in return for a favor -- lead the forces of every other nation on the planet against Cartann.  Wedge, after a talk with Iella, agrees.  Iella heads up to ‘Allegiance’ and informs the crew of Darpen’s treachery as Wedge and the Rogues set up strategy.  After giving the forces an extremely rousing speech, Wedge leads the starfighters of Adumar into battle...


              The attack is long, brutal, and bloody.  The Rogues fly right into a flurry of fire to reach their impounded X-Wings.  With the X-Wings in hand, the Rogues cut a swath through the Cartann and Imperial fighters.  Morale shattered, everybody surrenders -- everybody but Teldan.  He sees no honor in it.  Wedge convinces him to retire instead, leaving the throne to his eldest son.  Shockingly, Prince Balass refuses to surrender either -- but does offer a truce instead.  The people accept, and the Adumari Union is born. Wedge has Darpen arrested and transported up to the ‘Allegiance’.  And Rogriss arrives to formally ask for asylum, to stay on Adumar and train their military.  A few days, the Imperial fleet arrives. The Republic / Adumari forces repulse them.  The mission is a complete success, and Wedge has a girlfriend in the bargain.  All’s well that ends well...

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Aaron Allston - August 1999)


+14 ASW4


A new version of the Incom X-Wing starfighter is produced, the T-65AC4.  It has speed to match an A-Wing, but is still as rugged and sturdy as the original X-Wings.  The AC4's incorporated numerous advances in targeting, fire control, and power distribution.  Armament remained similar to the original.

“SW RPG: The Jedi Academy Sourcebook.”


The Honor Guard of the New Republic is issued a new white-and silver BlasTech rifle.

One month before “SW: Planet of Twilight.”


G2-9T, a series of repair droids is developed.

“SW: Specter of the Past.”


Preparing for a trip to the Meridian sector, Leia is warned in a message not to go there or trust Seti Ashgad - a message from Callista. Alarmed by the message, she calls on the protection of the Noghri for the first time in three years. Luke goes with her in the hopes of being reunited with his love, as does Threepio and Artoo. 

Immediately before "SW: Planet of Twilight."  


“Planet of Twilight.” 

                Leia and Luke undertake a secret mission to the Meridian sector - Leia to meet with Seti Ashgad, leader of the Rationalist Party on Nam Chorios, Luke to find Callista.  Unbeknownst to Leia, the entire crew of her two ships are dying from the Death Seed, unable to contact her.  Just after Luke heads down to the planet (more like shot down), Leia is kidnapped by Seti, who is in league with a mysterious Chorian named Dzym, Imperial Admiral Larm and Beldorion the (Force sensitive!!) Hutt -- leaving only Threepio and Artoo to get help.


                The two droids find their way to the New Republic base at Durren -- to find the orbital base under attack by locals, Death Seed rampant and a full-scale revolution underway.  They find themselves captured by Captain Bortrek of the pirate ship Pure Sabacc and taken to Celenon.  But Artoo turns the tables on the thief, and they go to Nim Drovis instead.  


                Meanwhile, Luke befriends a young Chorian named Arvid Scraf and starts investigating the planet, the very well armed Newcomers and reports of a Force storm - a storm he's shocked to realise he caused.  On Coruscant, Minister of State Carlist Rieekan falls deathly ill; a victim of poison, and the Council is deadlocked without either of them, paralysing the government.  Certain something's wrong, Han takes Chewie and Lando and sets out after her. They find a spaceship wreck and nearly get wrecked by several tiny ships.   


                Luke discovers an erratic old Jedi named Taselda who claims to be helping Callista rediscover her powers.  He sets off to find her stolen lightsaber at Ashgad's house, then realises the insane woman is manipulating him.  He also discovers the cause of his Force problems; a kind of crystal called "Spook" crystals, found all over the planet.  When Seti shows a doctored image of Leia to the Therans – fanning the flames of their anger with lies put in her mouth -- Luke sets out to discover his motives…. and learns the weapons being issued to the Rationalist Party come from the two New Republic ships.   


                Leia's already figured it out -- the crystals are also used in Needles, hyperspace-capable miniweapons of dangerous power.  She escapes (with the aid of one of Ashgad’s men, Ligeus) and calls Luke through the Force.  On his way to her, he finds a different kind of life on Nam Chorios... and Leia finds Callista.  It turns out that the small insect parasites called drochs are lifedrinkers -- they are the cause of Death Seed.  And the oldest of them all is Dzym (in fact he's been using his powers to keep Seti and Beldorian alive and young -- Seti is pretending to be his own son). Dzym is planning to use them to escape Nam Chorios, to spread his lethal species throughout the galaxy. Callista explains all this to Leia, and tries to help her face her fears of mastering the Force, possibly to fall into the Dark Side – and of letting her children do the same.  


                Han and Lando dance past an invasion fleet while after many adventures, Threepio and Artoo are finally picked up -- by a bitter and tired Daala who doesn't like Seti's scheme one bit.  All forces converge on Nam Chorios, where Leia finally embraces the Jedi heritage she’s been trying so hard to avoid and kills Beldorion, and Luke -- in contact with the living, sentient Spook crystals -- kills Dzym and Seti as they try to transfer themselves and the drochs to the Imperial fleet. Shocked at the destruction, the Imperial fleet is chased off by the combined forces of Han and Daala.  Luke and Callista say a final, silent goodbye, and Daala is unexpectedly reunited with a lost love – Ligeus -- as the heroes leave Nam Chorios behind...    

 (NOVEL - Bantam Books - Barbara Hambly - April 1997)


The Jedi discover the Books of Massassi, the ancient texts of Yavin's original inhabitants, in a collapsed underground chamber. 

"SW: Before the Storm."


A Morish native discovers a fully functioning Imperial communications center in the High Tatmana mountains, complete with encrypt / decrypt modules, a space / planetary monitor module, and a self – contained Generations III power generator.  The Old Recluse would become famed as a ‘clairvoyant’ who could ‘see the future’.

Conjecture based upon “SW: Specter of the Past”.  Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars Index. This would have given the Morish ample amount of time to establish his reputation as a clairvoyant by the time of ‘Spectre of the Past.


The Cavrilhu Pirates construct an anti - Jedi trap at their Kauron asteroid hide - out.

“SW: Specter of the Past.”


"The Crystal Star." 

                While on a peaceful tour of New Republic planets with their mother, Leia's three Jedi children are kidnapped from the planet Munto Codru.  That horrible fact is worsened by Leia's realisation that she can no longer sense them through the Force.  As she, R2-D2, and Chewbacca trail the kidnappers, Luke, Han and Threepio travel to the Crseih research station on vacation, investigating reports of a lost group of Jedi.  They discover a white dwarf star (slowly freezing into a perfect crystal) and a nearby black hole.     


                On an artificial world, the children are told by an Imperial lord named Hethrir who tells them that their parents are dead.  He and a teenager named Tigris will take care of them.  He is in fact an Imperial lord, the former Procurator of Justice for the Empire, who is training "Empire Youth" in the ways of the Dark Side as part of his "Empire Reborn" plan.  One of them is a young centaur girl named Lusa. 


                On Crseih station, Han is reunited with Xaverri the magician.  She was the one who called them out there in the first place, to investigate a strange phenomenon caused by a being named Waru.  Leader of a religious cult, Waru has supernatural healing powers, and a mysterious, overwhelming influence over Luke... 


                 Leia finds an abandoned ship full of injured people.  After helping them, she learns their attackers were the kidnappers.  Disguising herself and Chewie, she heads for the kidnapper's hideout.  On Cresih, Luke is falling more and more under Waru's spell, convinced he should come with them to the Republic. But when the being kills an Ithorian child and sucks it's life-energies into itself, Han becomes certain Waru must be stopped.  Xaverri explains that Hethrir summoned Waru into existence in a series of rites during the time of the Empire, when Cresih was Hethrir's headquarters, a prison world and torture palace. Hethrir offered lives for Waru to absorb.  In return, Waru would give Hethrir absolute power over everything.  And Waru's influence is turning Luke against Han.  


                With the aid of a dragon, Jacen and Jaina escape from the Empire Reborn compound.  At the same time, Leia discovers Hethrir's worldship and rescues the twins and other children.  But Hethrir has already taken Anakin and Lusa to Cresih, to give to Waru. She also learns that Rillao, a female alien who has been helping them, was a Jedi trained by Vader and used to produce a child -- Tigris -- with Hethrir to serve the Empire. 


                As Leia approaches the planet, the freezing star begins to blunt the Force, stripping away Luke's powers and leaving him distrustful of Han and Xaverri, and desperate for Waru's help.  Just as Waru is about to absorb Anakin, Tigris finally turns against his father, pulling the child clear, and Luke gives himself to the creature.  Leia dives into the liquid creature after Luke, followed by Han, as Rillao battles Hethrir.  Waru wants to use Luke's energy to return to his home dimension, but Han and Leia pull him back from the brink of destruction.  Angry, Waru absorbs Hethrir instead, and departs from the universe. Xaverri vows to help the children back to their homes.  The heroes barely escape Cresih in time, as the crystal star explodes, wiping out the station.    

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Vonda N. McIntyre - December 1994)


Malinza Thanas is born to Gaeriel Captison and Pter Thanas on the planet Bakura. 

"SW: Assault at Selonia."


+15 ASW4


An Almanian Jedi student named Dolph leaves at the most crucial juncture in his training when he receives word his family is in danger from the brutal Je'Har government.  He returns in time to find his family -- staked up on the bridge of the Je'Har palace, dead for several days.  Giving in to his rage, Dolph renames himself "Kueller", after an ancient Almanian army general who was ruthless in his approach.  He adopted the use of a Hendanyn death mask after discovering one among the ruins of the Je'Har temples, and began collecting similar masks from around the galaxy.  As Kuellar, he begins working to topple the Je'Har government and begins exterminating the Je'Har by planting specially - built droids in their midst.

"SW: The New Rebellion."


The droids that are used to help topple the Je’Har, and later plague the rest of the galaxy, begin production and distribution under the supervision of Brakkiss.

"SW: The New Rebellion."


Luke Skywalker achieves the ability to cloak objects.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page xviii]


Nine-year-old Zekk is one of the few survivors when the village of New Hopetown on Ennth is destroyed by a volcano.  He stows away aboard the cargo ship ‘Lightning Rod’ and is taken in and raised by the pilot, Peckhum.

“SW: Young Jedi Knights -- Shards of Alderaan.”


           +16 ASW4


The K-Wing bomber is developed by the New Republic.  From the front, the K-Wing resembles the letter K, lying on its long side.  The central fuselage is studded with four wings: two larger wings extend upward, while the shorter wings at the bottom act as landing skids.  The four wings have eighteen unique positions, which can be adjusted depending on weaponry and payload.  It has three primary thrust engines, two on the lower wings and one at the rear of the fuselage.  The two ‑ seated fighter is flown by a pilot and a gunner / bomber, and was designed to fly in gravity - dense arenas.  The K-Wing has no hyperdrive, being an atmospheric bomber.  Its primary mission is as a bomber, and it is the equal of the TIE Bomber in armament.  It can also be armed to the teeth as a starfighter, but the ship suffers in maneuverability when more weapons are added.  Thus, it is not a dogfight ship.  It was first tested by the crew of the ‘Monitor’, and was first assigned to active duty with Task Force Quickfire.  It first saw combat with the Fifth Battle Group near Bessimir.

“SW: Before the Storm”.


Kiles L'toth, a Dornean, is appointed as the New Republic's associate director of the Astrogation Survey Institute.  Kiles had previously served with Etahn A'baht in the Dornean Navy.

“SW Before the Storm.”


The E - series droid is one of the latest models of protocol droid.  It became the baseline standard on many frontline New Republic Fleet vessels.

“SW: Before the Storm.”


"SW Adventure Journal: Murder at Slushtime."

                Visiting Gamorr during it's annual holiday, Callista Ming is dragged into a mystery -- a crew-member of the ship she was on, Guth, is being accused of the murder of Vrokk, a boar he was going to fight in the holiday.  Investigating, Callista learns that Drokk was killed by a kheilwar, a creature released on Vrokk by his brother Rog.  She kills the kheilwar with the aid of Drokk's wife Kufbrug, and frees Guth. 

(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Barbara Hambly - August 1997)


Lando Calrissian and Mara Jade return to Coruscant, back from the Kathol Republic in search of Jorj Car’das for Talon Karrde.

"SW: Vision of the Future."


The structure of the New Republic has been in flux for the majority of its existence and continues to adjust itself.  Recently, the New Republic underwent another internal reorganization in an effort to more closely serve the needs of its’ member worlds.

"SW RPG: Cracken’s Threat Dossier." [Page 60]


"Before the Storm."

                 It is a time of tranquillity for the New Republic.  So why, Senator Tig Peramis wants to know, is "Darth Vader's daughter" authorising the commission of a new fleet?  He doesn't believe her when she says it's to protect the Republic.  And for that matter, neither do other senators. 


               More remote and detached than ever, Luke decides to leave the Jedi Academy in the hands of Streen and become a hermit, even going so far as to rebuild his father's castle on Coruscant as his private hideaway.  Elsewhere on the planet, the New Republic prepares to celebrate its' 1,000th straight day of peace, and the Falcon has just been completely refit by Fleet technicians as a gift to Han.  But first, Chewie's flying it home to Kashyyyk to visit his family. 


                Meanwhile, bored of the easy life, Lando gets himself reactivated as a General and goes out with Threepio, Artoo, and Lobot on a mission to investigate the "Teljkon vagabond," a mystery cruiser that's popped up in various places.  Leia opens negotiations with Viceroy Nil Spaar of the Koornacht Cluster. Even though the negotiations go well, Spaar is secretly planning something ugly... 


                Luke's meditation is interrupted by the arrival of Akanah Pell, a Fallanassi and adept of something called the "White Current" -- something similar, yet very different from the Force.  She has sought him out to give him something he's always missed -- his mother, who has been completely erased by a vengeful Palpatine from both the history books and the collective memory of the galaxy.  His mother, who may be among the Fallanassi Akanah is searching for, as well as her own family.  An angry Leia wants no part of it -- she's buried her past, and if Luke wants to go looking for his, he need not bother coming back. 


                An investigation of a wrecked Star Destroyer turns up something alarming -- a great deal of Imperial "Black Sword Command" warships is missing.  Ackbar begins a private search for the ships.  Leia, frustrated that the talks with Spaar are at a standstill, forbids him to search in the Koornacht Cluster.  When Leia asks Spaar to help her find the ships, he orders his lieutenants to stand ready...


                After studying the vagabond, Lando and Colonel Pakkpekatt's fleet attempt to dock with it and just barely stop it from hyperjumping away.  It transmits a signal, which is translated to be the genetic code of the Qella.  When Lando transmits a response, the ship let him and his group in.  No sooner does he board than the Qella ship cuts the docked vessel away and hyperjumps away from the Republic force.  


                Growing increasingly concerned about the Yevetha (and how they're learning everything about the Republic while telling them nothing about themselves), Ackbar and Admiral Drayson send the Fifth Fleet out to the Rim near the Koornacht Cluster.  Han comes along at Leia's insistence. 


                Luke and Akanah begin their search for "Nashira" at Lucazec, and are jumped by two Imperial agents they easily defeat.  After talking with the most vocal anti-Leia members of the Senate, Spaar abruptly stops all negotiations and takes off.  Addressing the entire Senate, Spaar says Leia tried to keep him from taking off by violent means.  He also shows the remains of a New Republic spy ship in Yevethan space (it was really a probe outside the system, destroyed and brought into the Cluster).  The Senate is completely turned against Leia now, and the Fifth Fleet is called back home. 


                Immediately thereafter, the entire Black Fleet is turned loose on all non-Yevethan worlds in the Cluster, slaughtering the populations and then moving in their place.  A lone survivor gets word out to the Republic.  Leia, furious with herself, is thinking of resigning, but Ackbar and Han talk her out of it. The Fifth Fleet is rushed out to Koornacht's borders.  Spaar contacts the entire Republic on the Holonet, and accuses "the daughter of Vader" of attempting to set up a second Empire and invade the Koornacht Cluster with the non-Yevethans' help.  If she is not removed from office immediately, he warns, "then be prepared for war." 

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Michael P. Kube-McDowell - April 1996)


The Tusken Raider Sliven is nearly killed in an attack against smugglers.  Badly wounded, he finds his way to the Veila home.  Over the next two months, the family cares for him.  Suddenly Sliven’s tribe attacks, killing Tahiri’s parents.  Stricken with guilt, the Sandperson adopts Tahiri as his daughter.

“Junior Jedi Knights: The Golden Globe.”


"Shield of Lies." 

                Now prisoner on the Qella ship, Lando and company begin to explore the ship, but find out very little -- other than that the ship is alive.  It comes out of hyperspace in the Prakith system, in Imperial space.  When the Imperials appear, the vagabond destroys one Frigate and jumps away, the other ships in pursuit. 


                Luke and Akanah leave Lucazec for Teyr, the next planet on the search, repairing her ship along the way.  Landing at Prye Folas, they check out the tourist attraction called the Teyr Rift, and then continue their search at Griann.  They are led from there to the planet Atzerri.  Luke increasingly finds himself both attracted to -- and suspicious of - Akanah, even as she begins to teach him about the White Current.  While Luke takes in a show at "Jabba's Palace," Akanah confronts Joreb Goss -- her father.  She has no luck finding her people even with him.  As they leave, Luke finds out the truth about Akanah from Coruscant -- her ship is an inheritance from her late husband Andras.  And there's no record of the Fallanassi anywhere in the galaxy.  Is she lying to him about everything?  She now leads him to the planet J't'p'tan, far out in the galactic boondocks -- uncomfortably close to the Koornacht Cluster.  Could the Yevetha have been there already? 


                On Coruscant, things are going from bad to worse in a hurry.  The New Republic fleet is massing at the Cluster's borders.  Han tries hard to get a morose Leia to lighten up with a beach vacation.  When she returns to work, she starts signing all the attacked planets of the Cluster into the New Republic, shocking the Yevetha and an increasingly hostile Senate alike.  Admiral Ackbar takes the survivor from Polneye, Plat Mallar, under his wing and begins to train him to be a pilot.  Leia sends a fiery ultimatum to Spaar -- leave the non-Yevethan worlds or prepare to fight.  


                A week passes.  Spaar does nothing. Leia orders the Fifth Fleet into the Cluster to blockade the attacked worlds.  The Yevethans attack and batter the fleet, and force hostages onto screens to say that if any Yevethan ships are attacked, they will all be killed.  On what was to be the 1,000th day of peace for the New Republic, an unofficial war has begun.  And the Ruling Council begins impeachment proceedings against Leia, but it is shut down early.  Recon missions into the Cluster bring chilling news -- virtually the entire Black Fleet is there, in Yevethan hands…. more than a match for the Fifth Fleet.  And then every spy pilot is killed.  


                Another fleet is rushed out into the Cluster, with Han leading them.  But believing Leia to be attempting the annexation of Koornacht and a takeover of the Republic, now ex-Senator Peramis warns Spaar.  A few days later, Spaar contacts the whole Republic -- he has a very bloody Han Solo as a hostage now.  And now the Council is ordering Leia to either resign or be forced out of office -- before the whole galaxy goes up in flames... 

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Michael P. Kube-McDowell - August 1996)


Almania finally asks the New Republic for help.  Caught up in the Yevethan crisis, the New Republic ignores and forgets Almania's plea. 

"SW: The New Rebellion."


"Tyrant's Test." 

                Seeing young Lumpawarrump through his coming-of-age hunt -- a hunt he's failing -- Chewbacca receives word of Han's capture and stops the hunt.  He and his family refits the ‘Falcon’ for the second time in as many months and takes off for the Koornacht Cluster.  Meanwhile, Lando's group searches for the control nexus of the vagabond. 


                As impeachment proceedings commence against Leia, Luke and Akanah arrive at Utharis for repairs.  Akanah grows very worried about the news of war, and the possibility of Luke getting involved -- something she wants to avoid at all costs.  Han is dragged before Spaar again, who shows off his hundred ship-strong fleet and orders him to call the Republic and tell them to leave the Cluster now or face total -- and certain -- annihilation.  Han refuses, and Spaar disembowels a prisoner in front of him. 


                The Imperial ships catch up to the vagabond and badly damage it.  Lando summons the Lady Luck by remote, and Pakkpekatt's group follows it.  Lobot figures out a way to communicate with it, and learns it is heading for Maltha Obex, the Qella homeworld... 


                With Leia's popularity dropping almost hourly, and the galaxy unaware of Han's plight, Intelligence Admiral Drayson, who has been working behind the scenes all throughout, leaks Plat Mallar's story to Cindel Towani, who distributes it across the media.  At the same time, the traitor who sold Han to the Yevetha is finally revealed.  Just then, Spaar makes another, scarier announcement -- the Yevethans have signed a treaty with the remains of the Empire, who are now helping them.  It's a fraud, Leia knows -- but all the people in the galaxy who got the message don't know that.  A brief skirmish takes place in the Cluster, ending in a stalemate.  Spaar sends another message -- he beats Han to a bloody pulp on screen for twenty minutes, and then the words...  "Leave Koornacht now."


                Luke and Akanah reach J't'p'tan -- to find a Yevethan warship is orbit.  Akanah uses a White Current trick to disappear, leaving Luke in the middle of a war-blasted wasteland.  Luke finally realises what she's been up to -- and is rewarded by the appearance of the Fallanassi Circle.  They tell Luke to leave now, that there is no Nashira to meet him.  Furious, Akanah draws back the veil of illusion that covers the world to reveal a glorious civilisation.  Luke does manage to talk them into using their illusion powers to help end the crisis. 


                After speaking with Mon Mothma, Leia addresses the whole Senate.  She formally declares war on the Dushkan League -- not because of Han, but because "it is the right thing to do."  The Millenium Falcon arrives at N'Zoth.  They fight their way into the Super Star Destroyer being used as a prison, and Chewie and his son battle their way past the Yevethans and finds Han. One of the prisoners -- a Fallanassi - uses illusion to fool the Yevethans into thinking Han is still board while the Falcon escapes. 


                Luke arrives at the Fifth Fleet's location and outlines his plan.  The Falcon arrives at that point. Lumpy is now officially an adult, and has taken the name Lumpawaroo (Waroo for short).  The New Republic fleet arrives in orbit over D'zoth, delivering a final warning.  The Fallanassi present the illusion that the fleet is much bigger than it actually is.  Spaar responds with defiance, and orders the battle to begin.  At that moment, Imperial major Sil Sorannen stuns Spaar and orders the Black Fleet out of the Cluster and back to the Core.  The Yevethans literally fight to the last ship. Sorannen has a very unpleasant fate for Spaar -- he is bundled into an escape pod and ejected while the Star Destroyer is in hyperspace. 


                Elsewhere, the vagabond arrives at Maltha Obex.  As Lobot wonders where the planet's two moons are, the vagabond turns hostile and begins attacking everything in sight.  The Fallanassi prepare to leave for their home.  It is revealed that "Nashira" was all a lie, used by Akanah to secure Luke's help.  It seems her mother had brought the Empire down on the Fallanassi years ago, and spirited her daughter away from them.  As they say their goodbyes, Luke is told that when Leia is ready to follow her destiny, "She would be welcome among us."  


                As they leave, Luke is called to Maltha Obex to help save Lando and his friends.  He figures out that the planet's disaster was caused by the crash of its moons.  He realises that the ship is a toolkit to rebuild their world -- and discovers there are millions of Qella in suspended animation, far below the planet's surface.  With their help, the vagabond begins the task of melting the planet's ice.  One week later, Luke destroys his private hermitage on Coruscant and rejoins the rest of civilisation.  Now more at peace with himself, Luke is welcomed back with open arms into the family. 

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Michael Kube-McDowell - January 1997)


The husband of Gavin Darklighter’s sister is killed fighting the Yevetha. She and her children move in with Gavin and his wife Sera.

“The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide – Onslaught.”


A new model of X-Wing fighter is created, the T-65D-A1, one that no longer needs an astromech unit.  The new model boasts additional computer power, providing more maneuverability and increased in – flight operations for the pilot.  General Wedge Antilles orders all X-Wings to be refitted to the new configuration. 

“SW: The New Rebellion.”


+17 ASW4


Pter Thanas dies of Knowt's disease, two days after his wife Gaeriel Captison is voted out of office as Bakura's Prime Minister.

"SW: Assault at Selonia."


Moff Disra, after a long search, discovers the con – man known as Flim, also an accomplished actor and impressionist.  Flim begins his long transformation into a ‘fake’ Grand Admiral Thrawn.

SW: Specter of the Past.”


The planet Shalam opens negotiations with the New Republic.

“SW Tales of the Bounty Hunters.”


"The New Rebellion."  

                On Almania, a man in a death's head mask -- Kueller -- has just caused a holocaust.  In league with a former Jedi student named Brakiss, he caused the 1,651,305 people on Pyrdr to die in an instant.  The shock of the tragedy reverberates through the Force, rattling every Force - sensitive in the galaxy.  


                Elsewhere, Han Solo is asked by a smuggler friend named Jarril to check out a big problem in "Smuggler's Run," a problem he won't talk about.  All he'll say is that several smugglers have been going there and getting rich -- and turning up dead immediately thereafter.  Moments later, as Leia reluctantly welcomes new ex-Imperial representatives into the Senate, the Senate Hall is blown to bits -- and the older, non- Imperial Senators are the ones killed.  As Han rushes to Leia's side, Jarril is fried by two stormtroopers.  A factioned and upset Senate calls for an independent investigation.  When emergency elections are held, even more ex-Imperials join the Senate.   


                As Han sets out to find Jarril, Lando has already found his ship and corpse in deep space and tows them both to Kessel.  In Jarril’s computer records, he finds... “Cargo delivered.  Fireworks spectacular. Solo knows.  We can count on his involvement.” 


                Believing Brakiss to be behind the Senate bombing, Luke begins his own investigation.  Han heads off to Smuggler’s Run and meets up with some other old friends.  Lando heads off after him, quietly fearing Nandreeson, a smuggler he once did wrong who lives in the area.  Artoo and Threepio uncover sabotage of Luke’s X-Wing, disassembled by Kloperian mechanics and reconnected with an Imperial bomb hidden in the computer.  Tatooinian mechanic Cole Fardreamer discovers bombs in other refurbished X-Wings too.  When guards discover them, a Kloperian blasts Artoo apart.   


                Luke tracks Brakiss to a droid factory on Telti, where the former student delivers a message for Luke to go to Almania -- then begs him to go to Yavin and forget it instead.  Luke decides to go to Almania.  On Coruscant, the now mostly ex-Imperial Senate has learned of Jarill’s deathbed fingering of Han and ordered his arrest.  When Leia protests, she herself comes under suspicion.  Han and Lando, however, are more worried about Nandreeson, who’s put Lando in a death trap and seems to know what’s going on. 


                Just as Luke reaches Almania, the sabotaged X-Wing he’s flying in explodes.  He barely survives the crash landing.  Kueller transmits an image of him to Leia, and a demand -- give him control of the New Republic, or her entire family dies... and then the people of the Republic itself.  He demonstrates by killing all life on yet another world.  Leia responds by resigning and turning her post back over to Mon Mothma, then setting off after Luke with the aid of a small fleet Mon Mothma and Wedge cobble together.  A repaired Artoo sets out himself in a freighter with Threepio and Cole to find the place where the bombs were made.  Han and Lando deal with Nandreeson and start to head for Almania themselves -- until droids explode around everyone on Smuggler's Run.  Droids that were stolen from Coruscant.  Han ferries the wounded to Coruscant and calls Mara and Karrde.  The droids and Cole arrive at Telti, meet Brakiss, and find a massive droid junk heap. 


                Luke finally faces Kueller -- his former student Dolph.  Extremely strong in the Dark Side, Kueller proves more than a match for the injured Luke.  As the makeshift fleet arrives, Leia lands on the planet.  Luke breaks out with the help of a psychic Thernbee and meets up with her.  The fleet is caught off guard by the appearance of an Imperial-looking fleet.  Luke and Leia make their way to her ship (the Alderaan).  But Luke stops, to face Kueller in a battle of wills, with Kueller egging him on and feeding on his rage.  Luke decides the only thing he can do is give up and let Kueller kill him, allowing his spirit to help Leia.  But the timely arrival of Han, Mara and some Ysalamiri makes Kueller weaker.  As he activates the droid bombs -- Artoo defuses them on Telti.  And Leia shoots the evil ex-student down.  All the victorious heroes return to Coruscant, where a more tolerant Leia is reinstated as President. 

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Kristine Kathryn Rusch - November 1996)


The Devaronian, Labria, flees to the planet Peppel after four mercenaries on Tatooine recognise him as the “Butcher of Montellian Serat”.

“The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 227]


+18 ASW4


After his mining operation on Kessel collapses, Lando Calrissian quietly invests in Dometown, an underground city recently found in Coruscant.  He begins developing the town into a prosperous community.  

"SW: Ambush at Corellia."


Han Solo becomes offical New Republic liason to the Independant Shippers Association.

Conjecture.  "SW: Specter of the Past."


"Ambush at Corellia." 

                While working on the Falcon is preparation for a trade summit (and family vacation) on Corellia, Han and Chewie meet a woman named Belindi Kalenda, a Republic intelligence agent who wants to "use" them as cover for an intel team.  Seems the previous teams have all vanished.  Something is going on -- they just don't know what.  The two ex-smugglers find a probe droid listening in.  It tries to shoot it out, but gets shot up instead.  Han refuses to speak of it to his family, which results in some tension. 


                Luke Skywalker gets asked to Mon Mothma's house, where she points out that while Luke's life work is done, his life is not -- where will he go from here?  She suggests that his future path may be Leia's own path -- politics.  And to help him prepare for it, she sends him over to Lando to help him with a special project of his own. 


                Kalenda heads for Corellia in a freighter, but is shot down over the planet and crash-lands.  The Falcon itself launches soon after, but not before Luke presents Leia with a new lightsaber built just for her.  Watching the launch as well is Pharnis Gleasry, agent of something called the "Human League"... 


                At Dometown, Lando presents his project to Luke -- he wants to get married.  More specifically, he wants to get married to someone RICH.  He wants Luke there as a nice show of just how big a deal he is.  Luke brings the droids, and they send off in the Lady Luck wife-hunting.  First stop is Leria Kerlsil, where only the droids' last-minute intervention prevents Lando from marrying Karia Ver Seryan, a life-witch who would have been the death of him in a few years.  Meanwhile, far away, an unnoticed star goes supernova... 


                Growing increasingly worried, Han tells Leia what's going on and goes out of hyperspace early. Sure enough, there are "Ugly" military craft waiting to attack the Falcon at the expected point.  They make tracks to meet the ship, but the attack shows they're pre-programmed -- and Corellian ships shoot them off the Falcon.  It was apparently all a show -- what's going on here? 


                Meanwhile, Mara receives a timed message for Leia from Gleasry, and she heads for Corellia as well...  The Solo family is getting settled in, with a Drall tutor named Ebrihim selected to see after the kids, along with his astromech droid Q9-X2.  They've learned that the planet is on the verge of economic ruin, with all three races (Human, Drall, Selonian) at each other's throats.  Uneasy, Han heads out into Coronet City's streets to see for himself how bad the planet's gotten in his absence, only to get jumped and captured by the Human League, who beats him and dumps him at Leia's doorstep.  


                A few days later, Ebrihim shows the Solos around the planet.  At an archaeological dig, Anakin finds his way to a massive underground installation.  After a disastrous meeting with wife-candidate Condren Foreck -- who's just back from her honeymoon -- Luke and Lando head toward Sacorria, one of the Corellian system's outer worlds, in search of another possibility named Tendra Risant.  This one turns out to be... promising.  But Triad cops show up and give them 18 hours to get the hell out of the system.  Whatever’s gonna happen, it's imminent.  Han secretly meets with Belindi, and tells her to stand ready.  


                The trade summit begins, with far less delegates than hoped for -- most of them scared off.  Mara meets up with Han and Leia, who plays the message cube.  The cube contains star coordinates -- a circle of stars, with Corell itself in the center, and time dates -- someone is going to blow up each of these stars at certain times if they don't do what the mystery messenger says. 


                At that moment, the leader of the Human League makes his move.  All over the entire system, race riots of unprecedented barbarism break out.  The communications systems have been shut down. Chaos reigns in the streets.  As Coronet House is bombed, Chewie takes the kids and flies out of ground zero, but Human League fighters cripple the Falcon.  


                With the whole system in flames, a Holonet message goes out.  The leader of the Human League -- the man who began the war -- is revealed to be none other than Han Solo's sadistic cousin Thrackan Sal-Solo.  He declares himself the new ruler of the Corellian system, declares the secession of the system from the New Republic, and orders all non-human races out of the system in one month -- or he'll vaporise the whole system.  He then shuts off all system communications. 


                Han sneaks a copy of the message cube to Belindi, and causes a distraction to give her time to get out of the system.  But even as she escapes, and Luke and Lando do likewise, an interdiction field of unbelievable strength comes into existence around the entire system, cutting Corellia off from the rest of the galaxy -- cut off from any help...  

 (NOVEL - Bantam Books - Roger Macbride Allen - March 1995)


"Assault at Selonia."

                Han Solo is left to rot in a Human League prison.  Thrackan decides (for his own amusement) to pit the tied-up Han against an angry Selonian named Dracmus.  The ‘Lady Luck’ rushes to Coruscant, where Luke and Lando meet with Republic Intelligence.  They determine that the interdiction field and communications jamming both come from Centerpoint Station, an old station in the system.  There's no way the Republic can put together a fleet in time, so they'll have to borrow one -- from Bakura.  And Luke is going to have to talk to one of the great missed opportunities of his life -- Gaeriel Captison -- to do it.


                Then Belindi arrives and talks to Luke.  Gaeriel agrees to help them.  The damaged ‘Millenium Falcon’ flies to Ebrihim's homeworld of Drall, where the family stays with his aunt Marcha.  Han finds himself with a new cellmate -- Drackmus.  The two plot an escape.  Meanwhile, Leia is held captive in Coronet House.  And Mara Jade has just been made to join her, and they plan to escape as well.  The two escape plans go well, and the ‘Jade's Fire’ leaves Corellia.  As the next inhabited world in the "Starbuster" plot is hastily evacuated, Bakura puts together a task force to go to Corellia.  A temporary block to the interdiction field has been made, allowing the fleet to get at least within the system.  The world of Selonia will be taken first as a staging base. 


                On Drall, Ebrihim learns that a massive archaeological dig is going on -- like it is on every world in the system.  And there is growing evidence that Thrackan is not the true mastermind of this plot.  Han and Drackmus head to a Selonian refugee camp.  From there they head to Selonia -- where Leia, Mara, and Tendra are also heading.  Ebrihim, Chewie, and the kids check out the dig.  They find a giant repulsor -- a repulsor big enough to move a planet.  It becomes clear now the whole Corellian system is artificial -- created by moving planets from system to system untold ages ago. 


                The Bakuran fleet batters their way to a distance three days from the system.  A fleet is ahead of them.  And Han's, Tendra's and Leia's ships enter the area just as the fight starts.  Suddenly, an invisible weapon blows one of the Bakuran ships apart.  A planetary repulsor.  Someone has been coordinating all the opposing forces of Corellia.  And now that someone has access to an incredible weapon.  And just as Wedge finishes the desperate evacuation of 15,000 people, the second star on the Human League's list explodes.  The next one has millions of people... 

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Roger Macbride Allen - July 1995)


"Showdown at Centerpoint." 

                While Han, Leia and Mara head to Selonia, the Bakuran fleet closes in on Centerpoint Station, and Anakin Solo figures out how to activate the planetary repulsor on Drall.  Thrackan finds out about it and sends a team to capture the Solo children.  Luke, Gaeriel, Kelenda, Lando and the droids board Centerpoint.  They meet Centerpoint officer Jenica Sonsen, who explains that the station was evacuated after the first supernova.  She had no idea (until they told her) that Centerpoint was the cause of the problems.  The droids note that the power coming from Centerpoint is increasing.  The heroes scramble into an airlock before the interior of Centerpoint becomes uninhabitable.  Lando puts it together -- Centerpoint is the "starbuster." And it's about to go off again.  


                On Selonia, talks between Leia, Han, and Mara with the Selonians turn into their imprisonment. And despite Republic Admiral Hortel Ossilege's best efforts, Thrackan personally comes to Drall and snatches up the Solo children and control of the Drall repulsor.  He shuts off the jamming just long enough to send an image of him with the children across the system.  The Selonians are shocked -- in a system that values family above all else, this man is threatening his own.  Luke arrives, and the heroes compare notes. 


                With Q9's help, Anakin frees himself and some of the others.  With Chewie and Ebrihim still inaccessible, Jacen and Jaina fly the Falcon for the first time and disables Thrackan's ship.  Lando and Ossilege rescue them and seize control of Drall's repulsor back, as well as finally capture Sal-Solo.  The planetary repulsors, the heroes decide, are the key to beating Centerpoint.  Fire one when Centerpoint fires again to deflect the shot, and Centerpoint will explode. 


                The interdiction field goes down, and a giant fleet arrives.  The true masterminds of this mess reveal themselves -- the Sacorrian Triad.  They're en route to Centerpoint, timed to arrive when Centerpoint fires at the next star system.  The only option left to the heroes of the Republic now -- suicide mission.  As a cranky Anakin works feverishly to ready the Drall repulsor, the Bakuran fleet throws themselves at the Triad forces, sacrificing themselves long enough for Admiral Ackbar to arrive with a very hastily prepared New Republic fleet.


                In a kamikaze move, Gaeriel and Ossilege give their lives by blowing up their crippled ship to take out most of the Triad fleet in the process.  At the very last second, Anakin uses the Force to finish the preparations and fires the repulsor.  Centerpoint Station -- and the Triad fleet -- are disabled.  The weary heroes come to Drall to relax and reflect.  Marcha is appointed the new Governor of the Corellian sector. Gleasry is arrested.  And wedding bells will soon be ringing for Lando and Tendra... 

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Roger Macbride Allen - October 1995)


+19 ASW4


After a long two - year transformation period and with a little surgical alteration and judicious use of dyes, Flim becomes the embodiment of the late Grand Admiral Thrawn.  Specialized, self - powered surface inserts were created to make Flim’s eyes glow red, and his vocal control allowed him to quiet a room in no time.

“SW: Specter of the Past.”


A new group of Nightsisters is organised by Brakkiss, based in the Great Canyon on Dathomir.  This new clan allies itself with the Empire and treats males as equals.  He also establishes a “Shadow Academy” to teach these and other Force - sensitives in the ways of the Dark Side.

“Young Jedi Knights: Shadow Academy” and “The SW Encyclopedia.” [Page 68]


The Grand Convocation Chamber of the New Republic Senate is completed, its’ construction stepped up out of necessity after Kueller’s bombs had weakened the structure of the old Senate Hall beyond repair.

"SW: Specter of the Past."


The anti – gravity sport called Boga Minawk becomes very popular at the Dona Laza tapcafe.

Shortly before “SW: Specter of the Past.”


Leia Organa-Solo goes on a leave of absence, and the Calibop senator Ponc Gavrisom becomes acting President of the New Republic.  

Shortly before "SW: Specter of the Past."


“Specter of the Past.” 

                The Empire is down to almost nothing.  And Admiral Gilad Pellaeon knows it.  He calls for all the Moffs to meet him at Bastion, at Moff Disra's home.  It's time, he thinks, to do the unthinkable.  Time to surrender to the New Republic.  


                Luke and Han travel to the planet Iphigin to settle a shipping dispute.  But the talks go nowhere, and pirates start to attack.  Han and an increasingly restless Luke fight them off.  Luke gets the sense that clones were in the pirate ships.  


                Leia and the children are enjoying a vacation on Wayland with the Noghri.  But a Devaronian named Lak Jit has stolen several datacards from Mt. Tantiss, and nearly gets away until cornered by Talon Karrde.  On one card is -- "The Hand of Thrawn." 


                The eight surviving Moffs of the Empire reluctantly agree with Pellaeon's proposal.  But Moff Disra has a plan of his own.  With former Royal Guardsman Major Gordin Tierce, Disra is about to confront the Republic with one of its worst nightmares realised.  First, he has the same information Jit found -- the revelation that the Bothans were responsible for the Caamas Massacre.  And he's about to release it to the galaxy.  Then, he will reunify the Empire under a seemingly resurrected Grand Admiral Thrawn (actually a skilled actor named Flim in the role).  While working with Cavrilhu pirates to help destabilise the Republic further, he plans to use Thrawn's hidden cloning facilities for an even cleverer plan... 


                The Inner Council is informed of the new information, and act predictably angry.  Jit has already been spreading the information as far as possible.  And meanwhile, a group of cloaked Star Destroyer's quietly gather near Bothawui.  Luke goes undercover to track the Cavrilhu.  Nearly caught and killed by a clever trap, Luke breaks free, and runs into Mara who rescues him from the asteroid base before it self-destructs.  Across the galaxy, anti-Bothan riots are breaking out, aided silently by the Empire.  When President Gavrisom suggests the Bothans help the Caamasi find a new homeworld, Fey'lya reveals the Bothans have been frauding people - they don't have enough money to do it.


                Leia is sent to Kothlis with Han to confirm this.  Disra quietly sits back and plans an attack on Pellaeon, under the guise of Corellian fighters (Pellaeon was going to surrender the Empire to Garm Bel Iblis).  Pellaeon meanwhile prepares to travel to Yaga Minor to get the one document that reveals exactly which Bothans were responsible for the Caamas massacre. 


                As Talon Karrde talks to Booster Terrik on his ship about helping him find the clones, a strange TIE fighter variant buzzes them -- transmitting Thrawn's name, then vanishing.  While recovering from the mess at the Cavrilhu base, Luke receives a shocking vision of the future through the Force...  The first part of it comes to pass when an Imperial sniper tries to kill a Bothan clan leader and Han Solo both.  He fails, but makes it look like Solo took a shot at the leader in front of a huge crowd, and chaos ensues.  The two barely survive. 


                Mara tracks the mystery TIE to a quiet planet, and a ravine fortress.  When she is knocked out and taken, Karrde calls for Luke's help to rescue her.  Senator Miatamia of Diamala and Lando Calrissian are captured long enough to show "Thrawn" to them, then released to spread the word that the Grand Admiral is alive. 


                The Rogues find themselves in serious trouble -- it seems the anti-Bothan sentiment has spawned a "Vengeance" movement.  And the New Republic, terrified at the news of Thrawn's return, is coming apart at the seams.  Han and Leia send the children with Chewie to Kashyyyk and calls Karrde.  Lando talks Karrde into finding the one man who might get the Caamas document - crime lord Jorj Car'das.  Then a Mistryl agent named Shada D’ukal appears, and asks to join the Republic, claiming she can get the document.  Karrde and Shada join forces to search for it. 


                Rogue Squadron is all that stands between Bothawui and a Leresen war fleet.  Corran stops them from locking S-foils in position - the X-Wings have been sabotaged by Leresen mechanics.  There's nothing they can do but watch them slaughter a Bothan space station.  Caamas is just used as an excuse now, as the Republic splits into a hundred armed camps ready to settle ancient scores.  Han thinks it's a good idea -- and Gavrisom agrees -- if he and Leia just disappeared on vacation for a while.  


                The attack on Pellaeon takes place.  But the admiral learned from his days with Thrawn, and he sees through the deception.  He wipes out the group and waits for the real Bel Iblis to arrive.  And Luke races toward the ravine fortress, desperate to stop the last part of his vision: The death of Mara Jade... 

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Timothy Zahn - November 1997)


"Vision of the Future." 

                Republic planets are starting to defect to the Empire, and “Thrawn” is graciously letting them in as part of a plan by Tierce and Disra to lure the mysterious “Hand of Thrawn” out into the open.  Luke arrives at Niraua, and meets winged creatures named Qom Qae.  One, a child, leads Luke to their rivals, the Qom Jha.  Mara is with them, and together they convince the two groups to join together and help them find a way into the fortress.


                Wedge and Corran join the search for the Caamas document, while Karrde and Shada’s search leads them to Pembric 2, where they get word to Car’das that they’re coming.  They head on to the Kathol Republic.  On vacation at Pakrik Minor, Han and Leia come upon a shock -- an Imperial cell of clones -- clones of Soontir Fel, created by Thrawn.  All they want is to be left alone, but promise to help lead Han to Bastion to get the Caamas file.  A Noghri brings a message for Leia -- Bel Iblis wants to see her immediately.  Han calls a reluctant Lando away from he and Tendra’s underwater mine on Varn to help.  As he leaves, Karoly D’ulin follows him in hopes of finding Shada.


                As they make their way toward the hidden fortress, Luke and Mara begin to open up about things that have bothered them about each other for a decade.  Luke learns from her how the Dark Side has been haunting him and damaging his judgment over the past decade.  Mara learns from him how her desire for a life of her own has blocked her Jedi abilities.  Hacking through lightsaber-proof walls, they break into the fortress -- populated by Thrawn’s species. 


                On Bothawui, Wedge and Corran stumble onto a plan to blow up the planet’s shield generators, leaving the planet at the mercy of the vengeful races of the Republic.  Meanwhile, Leia is met by Ghent, the Caamasi Elegos, and the message from Bel Iblis outlining Pellaeon’s plans for peace.  Leia meets with him, and is offered the Caamas document in return for the Empire retaining it’s place in the galaxy.  At the same time, Han and Lando are arriving at Bastion, and Bel Iblis is planning a raid on the Yaga Minor base with Booster Terrik for the document themselves.


                Just as Han and Lando (along with Lobot and a Verpine) are being detected on Bastion, Zothip arrives to get some payback from Disra.  Pellaeon, there to confront Disra, finds evidence of Disra working with pirates and interfering with Pellaeon’s peace overtures.  When Zothip moves to kill Disra, Karoly kills him in revenge for the Cavrilhu’s attack on the Mistryl.  “Thrawn” presents Han and Lando with the Caamas Document, and claims that Fey’yla was behind the attack on Han and Leia on Bothawui, and lets the stunned pair go.  But only halfway back, they learn the document has been altered.


                Karrde and Shada finally find Car’das’s hideaway -- the mythical world of Exocron.  They find only a senile and dying old man, and an empty computer.  But a Aing-Tii fleet is heading for Exocron, and Talon decides to stay and fight. Bel Iblis, readying his attack on Yaga Minor, calls Wedge and Corran back as the two Bothan agents prepare to sabotage the shields.


                Growing still closer together, Luke and Mara reach the Palace interior, and make a chilling discovery -- a secret Empire Thrawn had built up during his years serving the Empire in the Unknown Regions.  She meets Admiral Voss Parck, who explains the history of Thrawn’s relationship with the Empire to her.  He also introduces her to the real Soontir Fel, and asks her to join them.  She throws the offer in his face.  The two Jedi break out with the Qom Jha’s aid, and discover that “The Hand of Thrawn” is the fortress itself -- shaped like a hand.  Mara makes the most painful sacrifice of her life by remote flying her ship (the ‘Jade’s Fire’) into the fortress, severely damaging it.


                Car’das calls Karrde back to see him, dropping his “dying” act.  He reconciles with Karrde, telling him of how Yoda saved him years ago, and how he was led to save his life by joining the Aing-Tii.  He gives them a datacard of information and sends them on their way.


                Leia arrives at Bothawui, but Gavrisom isn’t too excited at Pellaeon’s offer -- he’s seriously considering painting the Empire an enemy again just to save the Republic from civil war.  Carib arrives as well, offering the clones’ help to Leia.  Despite the efforts of the mysterious old woman, the Imperial Bothan agents blow up the planetary shields.  Simultaneously, Imperial agents fire down at Bothawui from a Ishori ship and transmit recorded attack orders in six different languages, setting off a massive firefight between the worlds of the Republic.  Han and Carib note suspicious activity in a passing comet -- which turn out to be three cloaked Star Destroyer’s, which take them in tow.


                Bel Iblis and Booster arrive at Yaga Minor, only to find “Thrawn” waiting for them.  They resolve to take as many Imperials with them as they can. Rogue Squadron and Talon Karrde also show up there... Making their way back into the fortress, Luke and Mara find what they feared they would find -- a clone of Thrawn himself, almost ready for release.  Fighting a couple of sentinels, they flood the room via an adjacent lake.  With Mara’s envisioned death, and Luke’s own, seemingly imminent, Luke asks her -- if they survive -- will she marry him?  “Yes.  I will.”


                Fed up with the bickering, Leia seizes control of the Ishori ship she’s on with the Force and drags it out to the comet as Lando talks the Diamala into following.  Found out, the Star Destroyers drop their cloak and start firing.  Lando is asked back into becoming a General, and he leads the now unified Republic fleet -- plus a private army Fey’yla had stashed away -- into attacking the Star Destroyers, who turn and run. 


                Meanwhile, as the fight at Yaga Minor continues, Pellaeon shows up.  He uncovers “Thrawn’s” true identity as Flim, and reveals that Major Tierce is a clone.  A failed experiment to join Thrawn’s genius with the Empire’s best warriors.  Tierce snaps and attacks, only to be beaten to death by Shada. Pellaeon orders a cease-fire, and Karrde gets the Mistryl bounty called off of Shada.  It turned out he had given Pellaeon the information he had needed.


                Mara uses her ‘saber to flood the cloning alcove, detonating the fusion generator within.  Putting themselves in hibernation trances, they dive into the rushing water...  And emerge on the lake’s surface. Luke wakes first, to find Mara exactly where and how she was in the vision.  But waking her up only requires four words: “I love you, Mara...”


                Artoo had gotten Thrawn’s copy of the Caamas Document, and with it the crisis in the Republic is finally resolved.  Two weeks after the battle of Bothawui, the final peace treaty between the New Republic and the Galactic Empire is signed.  Karrde is now head of a joint Intelligence operation between the two sides.  Luke decides he’ll convert the Academy into a pre - Jedi school and allow one-on-one apprenticeships.  But first, he and Mara have a wedding to plan...

(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Timothy Zahn - September 1998)


Wedge Antilles and Tycho Celchu retire following the signing of the peace treaty, turning command of Rogue Squadron over to Gavin Darklighter. They present him with a special ring commemorating the event. Wes Janson and Hobbie Klivian also retire from New Republic duty.

“The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide – Onslaught.”


In the wake of the Caamasi problem, many high-ranking Bothan military officers resign.  This void of power in the Bothan ranks helps propell Traest Kre’fey through the ranks, which will eventaully lead to him being an admiral by the time of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion.

“The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide – Onslaught.” Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


“Tales of the Bounty Hunters: The Last Man Standing - the tale of Boba Fett.”

                Old age and old injuries are finally starting to catch up with Boba Fett -- as boredom and an uncertain future are catching up to Han Solo.  While the latter leaves Coruscant to joyride in the ‘Falcon’, Fett accepts a bounty on the infamous “Butcher of Montellian Serat” -- Labria the Devaronian.  He drags him in the ‘Slave IV’, where the old criminal offers him something very valuable to let him go -- old music that was banned by the Empire.  Fett refuses, but Labria begs him to at least sell the music to a certain person after he’s gone.  Fett delivers Labria to Devaron for the unheard - of reward of 5 million credits -- just enough to get Fett a new leg, and to afford cancer treatment.  As he mulls over this, he receives a message: Han Solo is on Jubilar.  It’s time to finally settle an old score, once and for all.


                On the way, Fett listens to Labria’s precious music, and finds himself unusually touched by it.  He arrives on Jubilar, and goes on the hunt for Solo. The hunt ends with Han and Fett in a faceoff, both sticking a blaster in the other’s face.  Only two things will happen -- they either both walk away, or they both die.  They can’t trust each other to drop their guns... but strangely, they find they don’t hate each other anymore, either.  They finally give it up, each going back to their own lives.

(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Daniel Keys Moran - December 1996)


With the war against the Empire over at long last, Corran Horn resigns from Rogue Squadron and becomes a full time Jedi Knight.

“The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide – Onslaught.”


To replace the destroyed Jade’s Fire, Luke has a new vessel, the Jade Sabre, built especially for Mara.

“The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide – Onslaught.”


                                                             +20 ASW4


“Union.”                                                                                                                                 *

                Luke and Mara enjoy a brief pre - wedding vacation at the Vlassy nature preserve on Garqi, while Leia finally announces the upcoming nuptials to the rest of the galaxy.  Listening to a cacophony of reporters asking questions, Leia finally gives up and shoves Threepio in front of the microphone.  This turns out to be the worst thing she could have done, as the happy couple find out when they return – the small little wedding they had planned has turned, thanks to Threepio’s out-of-control imagination, into the biggest bash the galaxy will likely ever see.  Almost every friend Luke and Mara ever had is invited, along with a ton of other people they barely know.


                Leia takes Mara shopping for a wedding dress.  Every great designer in the galaxy takes their best shot, but nothing satisfies Mara – not surprising, given the choices.  But the Force does finally send a good dress Mara’s way in the form of a Twi’lek assistant designer named Jari’kyn.  Meanwhile, Kam Solusar and Corran Horn suggest to Luke a private, solemn Jedi wedding ceremony prior to the big public one. Artoo-Detoo is hired to be the ringbearer for the ceremony.


                While off on the Imperial world of Dolis III… the people still loyal to the old Empire hasn’t taken the wedding announcement well at all.  Moff Derran Takkar, in particular.  He vows he’s gonna bust up the wedding any way he can, as the ultimate act of revenge for the Empire. Assembling a guerrilla unit, he heads for Coruscant. Luke, haunted by dark nightmares of the future, nevertheless goes through with the Jedi joining ceremony set at the restored Jedi Temple. It is presided over by Kam, and attended by almost every Jedi in the galaxy. The ceremony goes off beautifully, even as Takkar’s men go undercover as “bug exterminators” to infiltrate the wedding site. Han and Wedge drags Luke to the Red Rancor for the bachelor party, attended by almost all of Luke’s male friends. Takkar’s men can’t resist the opportunity, and starts a bar brawl to try to get at Luke – only one of their own, Banner Sumptor, pulls them off. He says he wants them to know whom it was who took Luke out, and why – but in fact, he’s haunted by his conscience…. 


                That night, it’s Mara’s turn to be haunted by nightmares. A bad omen, she wonders? Elsewhere, the Imperial group rages at the failure of their plan. But Takkar’s wife Anlys offers a sure-fire bustup – nail the would-be wife at the one place she’s sure to be alone…. the dress fitting. The next morning, the Rebel women relax at a spa, chatting about their macho husbands and marriage in general. They decide to blow off some steam by challenging a group of aliens to a game of slingball. They leave the group on the floor begging for bacta. Meanwhile, the husbands are themselves being fitted and gossiping. Anlys (who’s having an affair with one of the Imperials, Royal Guardsman Chik Apla) deduces the identity of the dressmaker and sends Chik there to assassinate Mara. As it turns out, the former Guardsman isn’t even close to a match for Mara, and he ends up in the hospital. The two lovers are getting increasingly jittery, but decide nothing can keep them apart, and they’ll move forward with the wedding as planned…


                The Imperials are ready to go all or nothing. Moff Takkar lays out a plan – Chala Venan will hire thugs to provide a distraction. Banner will charm secrets of the ceremony out of the female coordinators. Iry Danta will find a way in and out of the wedding site. Anlys will find some information. And Takkar himself will be buying vehicles and weapons. Lots of weapons…


                At long last, the big day finally arrives. As the guests gather, Takker and his forces move into position. Anlys and Banner jumps Jari’kyn as she’s transporting the dress to the ceremony. Anlys orders Banner to kill the Twi’lek….and he finally reaches his breaking point, attacking the thugs with Anlys instead. Jari’kyn knocks the Moff’s wife out herself. Banner approaches Talon with the entire plan, and they quickly bring it to Luke, Han and Wedge. Wedge tells Luke to hang back – “You’ve saved the galaxy enough. Now the galaxy is going to pay its debt to you.” He takes Chewie, Tycho, Corran and Kam with him to take down the Imps. A swoop gang hired by Chala attacks – the Rogues and Jedi takes them both. Chewie captures Iry as he leaves the sewers. Booster Terrik (who was babysitting everybody’s kids during the ceremony) joins in.


                Meanwhile, disguised as an Ithorian, Takker makes his way into the ceremony itself, which he loudly interrupts. He has a comlink that will download a virus into Coruscant’s computers, destroying the Holonet if the wedding isn’t stopped. Luke, in one of the greatest speeches of his life, talks Takkar down. He actually invites him to join the ceremony! (The virus wouldn’t have worked in any event – the computers had been protected against that since the NR took Coruscant.) The ceremony resumes, and Admiral Ackbar declares Luke Skywalker and Mara husband and wife…

(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES– Dark Horse Comics – Michael A. Stackpole - November 1999 – February 2000)


With the threat from the Empire effectively ended with the treaty with the Imperial Remnant, the New Republic begins to focus its space forces on policing pirate activities and the like.

“The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide – Onslaught.” Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


+21 ASW4


On a visit to Tatooine, Luke and Tionne discover Tahiri and her strength in the Force.  She agrees to leave the Sandpeople and study at the Jedi Academy.

“Junior Jedi Knights: The Golden Globe.”


"Junior Jedi Knights: The Golden Globe."

                 11-year-old Anakin Solo, youngest son of Han and Leia, begins Jedi training at the Jedi Academy in a special class devised for Force-empowered children.  One of the fellow students he meets and befriends there is 9-year old Tahiri, an unmasked Sandperson from Tatooine.  They discover that they’ve been both having the same strange dream -- about rafting together down a stormy green river.  They both sense that something is calling them, telling them to sneak out of the Academy and journey down this mystery river. And they’re also told to bring Artoo-Detoo along.


               They find the raft waiting for them at the nearby river.  No sooner do they set out than a huge storm hits, nearly drowning Tahiri.  They make their way ashore and travel through the jungles -- to find a Massassi ruin.  The Palace of the Woolamander.  And something evil can be sensed inside.  They choose to explore, and discover old Massassi bones, and dark voices that taunt the two.  Anakin is forced to face his fears that he’ll end up like his grandfather and namesake.  Making their way past that, they find a puzzle set into a wall.  Solving that, they discover a large, shimmering crystal globe.  At the foot of it is a sleeping, rabbit-like creature.  When it wakes up, all it says is “Ikrit.”


             Inside the globe, Anakin and Tahiri can sense the tormented spirits of children -- lots of children. Realizing that they’ve been gone six hours, the children, Artoo, and Ikrit make their way back to the Academy.  Luke is very upset with the two for running off and confines them to their rooms.  There, Ikrit reveals he is the voice Anakin has been hearing -- the little creature’s a Jedi Master!  Ikrit reveals that adults like him and Luke cannot break the curse that holds the spirits of the Massassi children within the globe -- or else it’ll shatter.  Only Anakin and Tahiri can do it...

(CHILDREN'S BOOK - Berkley Books - Nancy Richardson - August 1995) 


"Junior Jedi Knights: Lyric's World."

                Anakin and Tahiri befriend a shy young girl named Lyric.  She’s a Melodie from Yavin VIII who seems to recognize the symbols Anakin copied from the Temple of the Woolamander.  She’s seen them on her world.  But she’s about to leave tomorrow for Yavin VIII, to begin a transformation into mermaid-like adulthood. Anakin and Tahiri ask to go along, and the group goes to Yavin VIII in the Lightning Rod with Peckhum.


           No sooner do they land than an avril -- a huge bird -- carries the ailing Lyric away.  Anakin and Tahiri make their way to the avril’s nest and rescues Lyric, getting her to the algae-filled cove needed for her transformation.  Immediately thereafter, they have to defend the Melodies’ eggs against rodents, and the transforming Lyric against a gigantic snake.  As they carry the now-adult Lyric to her new watery home at a crystal lake, another rodent -- raith -- attack occurs.  This time one of the young Melodies, Sannah, uses the Force to kill it.  Lyric invites them to join her underwater, to speak with an elder who may understand the symbols.


           The elder, Aragon, doesn’t quite remember what the symbols were about -- until Anakin uses a memory-sharpening Force technique to help him.  After learning what the overall message meant, they travel to the symbols themselves to decipher them.  A huge purella-spider paralyzes the two young Jedi and drags them to her web.  They figure out a way to trap it in the web itself.  When they return, Sannah asks to go with them to the Academy.  Luke agrees to train the Melodie, who helps Anakin figure out the message.  To save the children, he and Tahiri have to enter the Golden Globe...

(CHILDREN'S BOOK - Berkley Books - Nancy Richardson - January 1996) 


"Junior Jedi Knights: Promises."

                Six months have passed since Tahiri joined the academy, and it’s time for her to decide whether to commit full-time to the Academy, or return to Tatooine to stay.  And the decision must be made on Tatooine.  Anakin tags along as she returns to the desert world of her birth.  She introduces him to Sliven, leader of her tribe of Sandpeople.  Together, they ride out into the desert, where they learn that Sliven made another promise.  Tahiri must go out into the Dune Sea without provisions, and then return to the tribe in a week, thus proving her mettle.  Either Tahiri returns to the tribe -- or Sliven will die.  To make the deal harder to refuse, Tahiri is told that if she accepts the challenge, she will be told the story -- the WHOLE story -- about her parents and past.


               She accepts, and is told about Sliven’s history with her parents, and the circumstances of their deaths.  And with that, she and Anakin head out into the desert.  They encounter many dangers, including a baby Sarlacc, Jawas, and a krayt dragon.  But ultimately they do return in time.  And after a few days to rest and heal, the two children are ready to take on the curse at Yavin IV.  The dark spirits in the globe try to kill the children’s spirits before they can be freed, but the two children are able to draw them out to freedom. The spirits journey to the afterlife, and the globe self-destructs.  They find Luke outside the temple, having been told everything by Ikrit.  He congratulations the two, saying how proud he is of them...

(CHILDREN'S BOOK - Berkley Books - Nancy Richardson - April 1996) 


+22 ASW4


The ExGal Society -- a group of scientists searching for life outside the known galaxy -- found the ExGal-4 outpost on the planet Belkadan in the Dalonbian sector.  Among the first people assigned to the station is Danni Quee.

“SW: Vector Prime.” Borrowed with thanks from James McFadden’s Chronology.


"Junior Jedi Knights: Anakin's Quest."

                Anakin returns to the Academy after a brief vacation with his family.  But the young boy is disturbed, restless and haunted by nightmares of the Emperor claiming him for the Dark Side.  After talking with Luke, he decides to confront his fears of the Dark Side once and for all by going into the dark cave on Dagobah.


                The next day, the cargo ship ‘Lightning Rod’ arrives with another shipment for the Academy. Anakin and Tahiri are startled to find a stowaway in the ship -- a boy named Uldir who wants to become a student.  Problem is, Luke cannot sense Force sensitivity in him.  Uldir asks to stay and try to learn anyway.  If in three months he can use in the Force in any way, Luke will accept him as a student.  He does make the boy ask his parents’ permission first, though.


                Ikrit learns of Anakin’s plans and asks to go with him, Tahiri and Artoo on the ‘Lightning Rod’.  (Unbeknownest to them, Uldir again stows away.)  On the trip, he shares a story about his life.  They land near Yoda’s old home only to have to save Uldir when he nearly gets himself killed jumping out of the half - sunk ‘Rod’. Ikrit later teaches the kid a lesson about impatience and rash actions by letting him almost kill himself by walking up to a butcher bug.  He doesn’t quite get it, and acts moody and rude all through the trip to the cave.  Along the way, they have to hide out from a giant spider.  They arrive at the cave, and each enters one at a time.  For Uldir, the cave holds nothing.  Tahiri receives visions of her parents and her Jedi grandfather.  Anakin enters... and sees a duel between a Jedi and a Dark Jedi.  And both their faces are his.


                Anakin finally understands.  He, and only he, can decide his destiny.  But there is more one quest to be finished -- Ikrit’s.  He wishes to visit the home of his beloved teacher, Master Yoda.  They learn that Ikrit can change his fur color, for camoflage... or, in this case, to mourn.  And with that, the group returns to Yavin...

(CHILDREN'S BOOK - Berkley Books - Rebecca Moesta - March 1997) 


"Junior Jedi Knights: Vader's Fortress."

                Tionne arrives at the Academy with a new ship of hers -- an antique called the ‘Lore Seeker’ that carries a shipment of old Jedi - related relics.  But more importantly, she’s got a lead to something even more important to Luke -- Obi-Wan Kenobi’s lightsaber!  It’s in an old castle on Vjun - a castle Luke recognizes as Bast Castle.  Luke has an urgent meeting on Coruscant, so Tionne, Ikrit, Artoo and  the kids will have to go to get the ‘saber.  Tionne tells the kids about lightsabers on the way.  Ikrit reveals his true nature to Tionne as well, and promises to tell her some stories of the Jedi.


                After a rough landing, the group spots an old cargo shuttle near the castle.  A difficult climb through sleet and jagged stairs later, the group finds themselves dodging security lasers.  Anakin manages to deactivate the system with Artoo’s help.  They split up and begin exploring, facing various booby traps along the way.  They finally find the lightsaber -- only to have it snatched out of their hands by someone calling himself Orloc, the “Mage of Exis Station.”  He sends Tionne and Ikrit flying down a trapdoor, and then disappears in a cloud of smoke and mocking laughter.  Anakin, Tahiri and Uldir go after him.


                They split up again, and it’s Uldir to catches up to Orloc.  Orloc charms the young lad, promising to make him more powerful than a Jedi, and asks for his help in finding the other item he came for -- a Holocron.  That or he kills the lad.  Anakin and Tahiri arrive, but neither has the strength left to get the lightsaber out of Orloc’s hands.  Tionne and Ikrit reaches them, and recaptures the ‘saber.  Orloc vanishes in smoke again, and the group goes to Vader’s private quarters and claims the Holocron (which belonged to a Master named Asli Krimsan).  Suddenly, more smoke -- Orloc’s laughter -- and the Holocron is gone. Another fight ensues, and the Holocron is retaken as Orloc falls down the trapdoor.  The Jedi heroes use a ship from the castle hangar to reach the ‘Lore Seeker’, and Anakin offers the newer ship to Ikrit.  The little Master dubs it the ‘Sunrider’.  The return trip is made to Yavin, and their find is presented to him...

(CHILDREN'S BOOK - Berkley Books - Rebecca Moesta - June 1997) 


"Junior Jedi Knights: Kenobi's Blade."

                Luke is called away to Coruscant, so Tionne and Ikrit will be teaching the kids for a while.  Anakin is tinkering with a holo projector he made.  Tionne invites them all to watch while she peruses the new Holocron.  The holo image of Ashi Krimsan mentions a Jedi library at Exis Station -- where Orloc said he was from.  Meanwhile, Uldir is getting increasingly angry and upset at his lack of progress.  Time’s running out for him to show any Jedi potential.  Desperate, he steals the Holocron and Kenobi’s lightsaber and travels to Exis to get Orloc to show him how to unlock the Holocron’s secrets.  The others take off after him in the ‘Lore Seeker’.


                Uldir arrives at Exis, only to be taken captive by a group of droids and Ranats under Orloc’s command.  Uldir presents him with the items and begs for his help.  And incredibly, the magician does seem to be helping him use the Force.  At that point, the Jedi arrive and start fighting their way through the droids and Ranats towards them.  They retake the Jedi artefacts and blunders their way into Orloc’s headquarters.  They discover the machines Orloc has used to conduct his and Uldir’s “magic.”  Ikrit makes Uldir see how Orloc has lied to him -- then, when Tionne is hurt by a blast of scalding steam, he takes up Kenobi’s lightsaber to face Orloc in battle.  Uldir helps save Anakin and Tahiri from an assassin droid as Orloc fights the ‘saber out of Ikrit’s grip.  Anakin takes it up and slices into Orloc, disabling the “magical” machines strapped to his chest.  Humiliated at the loss of his power, he vanishes in a puff of smoke.


                Uldir flies the battered group home in the ‘Lore Seeker’.  He’s now accepted that he’ll never be a Jedi, and now thinks of taking up piloting.  A week later, Ikrit has built himself a new lightsaber as Uldir leaves the Academy for good...

(CHILDREN'S BOOK - Berkley Books - Rebecca Moesta - September 1997) 


            +23 ASW4


"Young Jedi Knights: Heirs of the Force."

                Jacen and Jaina Solo have been training at the Jedi Academy for a month, along with Teneniel Djo's daughter Tenel Ka and the snobbish Raynar Thul.  Han and Chewbacca bring a new trainee -- Chewbacca's nephew Lowbacca -- to the academy.  To help the young Jedi understand him, Chewie and Threepio have made a small handheld translator droid named MTD (He unfortunately got most of his personality from Threepio).  The Wookiee is also given a gift -- a T-23 skyhopper the kids can fix up and fly. 


                On the first flight, Lowie notices something shiny out in the Yavin jungle.  When the kids head out to investigate it later, they find out it's a crashed TIE Fighter.  It's been sitting there since the Battle of Yavin, 23 years ago.  They secretly begin repairing it as well.  Just when it's almost ready, the pilot Qorl appears and catches them.  Worn out and battered down, Qorl wants only to return to his Empire, even if there's almost none of it left.  And if he has to kill the children to do it, he will.  He forces them to finish repairs, then takes off to blast the Jedi Academy to bits.  But the twins deliberately botched the repairs as well as left a crystal snake in the cockpit.  Lowie has made it back and called the Falcon for help.  Qorl has no choice but to escape.  The reunited young Jedi return to the academy and get back to their training and the T-23 restoring. 

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Boulevard Books - Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta - June 1995)


"Young Jedi Knights: Shadow Academy."

                While Tenel Ka receives a visit from Ambassador Yfra, the other young Jedi travel to Lando Calrissian's GemDiver station in the Yavin gas giant. Lando takes them hunting for Corusca gems (Jacen gets one).  Suddenly, an Imperial fleet pops up in the Yavin system.  Led by a Nightsister named Tamith Kai, the Imperials smash the station and kidnap the Jedi children. Luke and Tenel Ka track the Imperials to Borgo Prime as the Republic mobilises their forces.  


                The children come to en route to the Core.  Qorl has betrayed them and is leading them to a cloaked "Shadow Academy" used by the Empire to train Dark Jedi.  The school "dean" is Brakiss, former student of Luke.  When they resist his teachings, Brakiss tortures them and places them in separate cells.  Luke and Tenel head to Dathomir on their search and learn of a new group of Nightsisters, being trained at the Great Canyon by Brakiss.  They decide to go undercover. 


                Tamith begins training Lowie, while Brakiss concentrates on the twins.  Both work on increasing the children's anger.  Brakiss forces the two children to unknowingly fight each other using holographic disguises.  He plans another trip to Yavin to steal all the other trainees.  The Nightsisters take Luke and Tenel to the Shadow Academy, even as the children begin their escape.  The united group fights off Brakiss and Tamith and blasts free in the Shadow Academy's state-of-the art ship Shadow Chaser.  The Jedi return to Yavin and begin preparing for when they will face Brakiss again... 

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Boulevard Books - Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta - Sept 1995)


"Young Jedi Knights: The Lost Ones."

                The Jedi head home to Coruscant for a vacation.  Jaina is particularly looking forward to seeing Zekk, an adventurous lad who often appears with the Academy's cargo ferrier Peckhum.  The group reunite with the Solo family and get reacquainted with Zekk.  He in turn leads them on a search through Coruscant's underground to find a valuable hawk-bat's egg.  They are set upon by "The Lost Ones," a gang of orphans who live in Coruscant's underground.  They beat the gang back and return home to incubate the egg.  


                Zekk is invited for a diplomatic dinner at the Solo's.  His manners prove embarrassing, and he runs away -- only to run into Tamith Kai, who shows him that he is Force sensitive.  Meanwhile, the space cruiser Adamant (commanded by Admiral Ackbar) is disabled in Coruscant space by Imperial fighters led by Qorl.  The Imperial jettison the crew in lifepods and take the ship. 


                Zekk finds himself in the Shadow Academy, where Brakiss and Tamith begin educating him in the ways of the Dark Side, turning him against his Jedi friends who never told him of his potential.  A cargo shuttle leaving Coruscant is blown apart, seemingly colliding into nothing.  The young Jedi investigate, even as Peckhum shows up wondering where Zekk is.  Believing him to be a victim of the Lost Ones, they set out into their territory.  


                And they do find Zekk -- who has fallen into the Dark Side and is recruiting Lost Ones into the Shadow Academy.  The Jedi are stunned, but allowed to return home to send the word.  They realise that the Shadow Academy is mobile -- and in Coruscant orbit.  Brakiss -- who seems to be taking orders from Emperor Palpatine, resurrected AGAIN -- takes the Shadow Academy away just as the Jedi uncloak it, taking Zekk and the Lost Ones with him.  The shattered young Jedi return to Yavin, bearing a goodbye message from Zekk (who clearly doesn't know what he's getting into)... 

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Boulevard Books - Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta - Dec 1995)  


"Young Jedi Knights: Lightsabers."

                With Brakiss clearly intent on creating a new group of Dark Jedi as well as a "Second Imperium," Luke sees no other choice but to accelerate the training of the current Jedi students.  For Jacen, Jaina, Tenel, and Lowie, he decides the time is right for them to build lightsabers.  Over the following several days, they do just that.  Lightsaber training begins.  Suddenly Tenel Ka's lightsaber -- built hastily and carelessly -- shorts out.  And before he can stop himself, Jacen chops Tenel's left arm off.  


                Already leery of using a lightsaber, Jacen is traumatised by the tragedy.  And before he can get a chance to apologise to her, her grandmother scoops her up and takes her back to Hapes, certain that Tenel was not meant to be a Jedi.  Only then do the teenagers learn of her royal heritage.  


                The students are unable to even look at a lightsaber again, let alone use one.  Tionne consoles them by telling them the tale of Nomi Sunrider, and how she took up the path of the Jedi.  Meanwhile, even as Ta'a Chume (Isolder and Teneniel are on some diplomatic mission) tries to cruelly reconcile Tenel to her royal future, the young girl refuses an artificial arm.  Luke decides it's time to tell the children about Tenel's past, and to take them to Hapes to see her.  


                Meanwhile, at the Shadow Academy, Zekk is falling more and more into evil, as is the Lost Ones. Some of the gang are being trained as stormtroopers, some as Dark Jedi.  Palpatine addresses them via hologram, and tells them that they will be the creators of the Second Imperium.  Luke arrives at Hapes with the kids, who are ecstatic to see Tenel again.  He learns that Ta'a Chume sent her parents away to evade an assassination attempt shortly before she arrived. Jacen and Tenel begin to heal each other's emotional wounds -- and then an attempt is made (via bomb) on her life.


                The group is rushed to Reef Fortress, where Tenel decides that while she will learn more about diplomacy and politics, she will not be what Ta'a Chume wants -- she will be a Jedi.  The children set out on a waterspeeder, only to run into some killer seaweed.  They chop their way out, and learn their speeder was programmed to go there!  There's only one possible suspect -- Ambassador Yfra.  


                Zekk is lightsaber training now as well, and he passes his final test -- by murdering a Dathomirian student.  Brakiss selects him as leader of the upcoming attack on Yavin IV.  At night, the Reef Fortress is set upon by Bartokk assassins.  The children and Ta'a Chume head out in a waterspeeder and kill off the assassins, then return to find Yfra prematurely announcing Chume's death and martial law.  Yfra is arrested, and Tenel's parents -- who survived their own attempted murder by Yfra -- come to see their daughter at last.  She slowly, carefully constructs a new lightsaber.  The children -- again including Tenel, who will learn to live and fight with only one arm -- return to Yavin. 

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Boulevard Books - Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta - March 1996)


"Young Jedi Knights: Darkest Knight."

                Something seems to be bugging Lowie, and the gang learns what when the ‘Falcon’ arrives -- his sister Sirra, haunted by the recent death of her friend Raaba, is about to undergo her own highly dangerous rite of passage.  Chewie and the kids head out on the ‘Shadow Chaser’ to Kashyyyk.  The ‘Chaser’ leaves hyperspace right in the middle of an ion storm, but they muddle through. 


                Zekk is sent on his first mission -- to Kashyyyk, to find and attack a major fabrication facility for computer parts.  The second part of his mission -- kill his former friends.  As Jacen and Jaina get to work repairing the Chaser, Lowie finds that trying to help his sister and actually helping her are two different things. The other kids tour the fabrication facility, where Republic starfighters are being upgraded to prepare for the possible fight against the Second Imperium. 


                The Emperor -- at least, what seems to be the Emperor (encased in a giant black tank) arrives at the Academy.  He refuses to speak to a disturbed Brakiss at all.  At the same time, Zekk and his warriors (using Wookiee holo-disguises) begin their attack, blowing up the fabrication plant.  One of the Nightsisters, Garowyn, steals the repaired Chaser -- or tries to.  Chewie and Jaina kills the Nightsister. Jacen, Tenel, Lowie and Sirra shoot TIE's down from the sky, then flee into Kashyyyk's lethal lower levels, Zekk and Tamith (and far behind them, Jaina and Chewie) hot on their heels.   


                The young Jedi have to fight Kashyyyk's ecology as much as the Dark Jedi.  Lowie and Sirra both deal with Vonnda Ra, and Jaina has to deal with Zekk.  Zekk, torn by his feelings for Jaina, lets her live, but warns her that the Imperium will destroy the Jedi academy.  The battered Imperial force returns to the Shadow Academy.  Zekk lies and says he killed the young Jedi.  The holographic Emperor informs the Dark Jedi to set course for Yavin.  With a final farewell to the now-honoured Sirra, the young Jedi race the Shadow Academy to Yavin... 

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Boulevard Books - Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta - June 1996)


"Young Jedi Knights: Jedi Under Siege."

                The Jedi Academy hastily prepares for an all-out assault.  As Tenel gives the students a crash course in ground combat, Jacen and Jaina help set up planetary shield generators.  Peckhum arrives with emergency supplies, just as the Shadow Academy enters orbit.  Stealth TIE's drop down.  One crashes, but the other manages to blow up the shield generators.  Communications are jammed, cutting Yavin off from the rest of the galaxy. 


                The Jedi evacuate the Great Temple and race into the jungle, as Dark Jedi jump from a battle platform to the ground.  As Jacen takes Peckhum's ship (the ‘Lightning Rod’) to try to stop the jamming, and Jaina works on repairing the shields, Tenel and Lowie takes on the battle platform with Tamith on it in the T-23.  They only get themselves shot down.  


                A bloodbath rages in the jungle.  Brakiss is deliberately trying to win this the hard way -- an even match of Imperial versus Republic, dark versus light.  He openly challenges Luke to a duel at the Temple of the Blue Leaf Cluster.  Despite a fierce battle, the ‘Lightning Rod’ gets far enough out for Jacen to send out a distress call.  It's clear the fight will be over before anyone arrives, one way or the other.  Zekk calls up a huge storm -- just as the crippled ‘Lightning Rod’ blasts by.  When Raynar attacks, Zekk completely humiliates the boy, leaving him there in a slimy river. 


                Qorl is fed up with Norys, a former Lost One whose brashness and rage is outweighing his sense and skills.  When Norys concentrates on blowing up the ‘Lightning Rod’ rather than attack the academy, Qorl blows him up.  Tenel Ka beats Tamith, and she and Lowie help destroy the battle platform. Reinforcements come in from GemDiver Station and the New Republic, and an air war begins.  Suddenly, the Imperium's reinforcements arrive as well. 


                Luke and Brakiss duke it out with lightsabers.  Luke destroys Brakiss's saber, and the Dark Jedi flees back to the Shadow Academy.  Lando, realising the Imperium is using their own computers against them, turns the tables and disables all the fleet's shields.  The New Republic fleet slowly wins the battle, shooting Qorl down for a second time.  The pilot heads back into the jungle -- this time to stay.   


                Brakiss storms into the Shadow Academy, blasts past the Royal Guards, and finally faces Palpatine -- who isn't there.  It had all been a sham by the Royal Guard to pretend Palpatine was alive.  The last guard escapes and triggers the self-destruct mechanism, blowing Brakiss and the Shadow Academy to cinders.  The final battle occurs at the Great Temple, where a broken - down Zekk guards the gate.  It all comes down to a final lightsaber duel -- Jaina versus Zekk.  Realising Zekk wants to die, Jaina turns off her lightsaber and offers her life to him.  When he sees the ‘Lightning Rod’ return to port, barely in one piece, he begins to surrender...


                And at that moment, the Great Temple explodes, bombed in a final act of evil from the Second Imperium.  And Zekk is right in the middle of the explosion.  Days later, the Jedi slowly start to rebuild themselves and the Academy.  And among them is Zekk, who miraculously survived and prepares to begin a new life... 

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Boulevard Books - Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta - Sept 1996) 


+24 ASW4


Led by Nom Anor, the people of Rhommamool begin rebelling against the oppressive rulers of their sister planet Osa Prime.

Conjecture based on “SW: Vector Prime.” Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


"Young Jedi Knights: Shards of Alderaan."

                After a brief relapse and coma, Zekk comes to in an almost-rebuilt Academy.  Han Solo stops by, needing to speak to Raynar.  His father Bornan has vanished.  Elsewhere, Nolaa Tarkona (Twi'lek leader of something called the "Diversity Alliance") hires Boba Fett to find Bornan for a MASSIVE sum... 


                Haunted by the Dark Side and the memories of what he did, Zekk leaves Yavin for Ennth. Peckhum leaves him the repaired Lightning Rod as a gift.  At the same time, Isolder and Teneniel leave their daughter a gift -- her very own spaceship, the Rock Dragon.  Anakin arrives as well, to help with the Temple reconstruction efforts.  With Leia's birthday coming up, the kids decide for the Rock Dragon's maiden voyage to travel to Alderaan -- what's left of it -- to find a relic to give her as a present.  


                Zekk finds his homeworld on the verge of disaster, as it's moon travels too close in orbit to the world, wrecking havoc.  The last members of the planet's population are evacuating.  And when the turmoil ends, they return to start anew -- until the next pass.  Unable to tolerate that kind of horrible cycle, Zekk sets out again.   


                When the children arrive at the Alderaan system, they hunt for a crystallised piece of Alderaan's core.  As they start back, they're suddenly savagely attacked -- by Boba Fett in the Slave IV.  They take refuge in an asteroid, but Fett causes a cave-in and seals them inside, scans their computer, then blasts inside and confronts them -- where is Bornan Thul?  They don't know, so he intends to hold them hostage until Solo tells him where Thul is.  MTD turns the tables and scans Fett's computer, and the kids blast free and warn Han not to approach.  As Fett moves in for the kill, the Lightning Rod suddenly shows up and forces Fett out of the system. 


                The kids and Han compare notes -- Nolaa Tarkona is hiring as many bounty hunters as possible to find Bornan Thul.  Zekk announces that he will become a bounty hunter himself.  The group returns to Yavin, where Jacen and Jaina present Mom with the crystal core shard. (77)  

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Boulevard Books - Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta - Jan 1997)


"Young Jedi Knights: Diversity Alliance."

                Raynar Thul's mother Aryn sends a call from the trading fleet of the Thul family to Raynar on Yavin, checking up on him.  She asks him to return to the fleet, where he'll be safe.  Luke and the kids escort him there in the ‘Shadow Chaser’.  On Ryloth, Nolaa Tarkona gathers non-human worlds to the Diversity Alliance and receives word from Fett on what happened at Alderaan. 


                While Luke returns to the Academy, Aryn treats the kids to an Alderaanian Ceremony of Waters. She suddenly receives word of a transmission inside the Tradewyn -- there's a traitor aboard.  A nasty -looking ship appears, demanding either Aryn or Raynar.  The helmsman, Kusk, kidnaps Raynar and tries to spirit him to the other ship, but is stopped by the Jedi.  The enemy ship, the ‘High Roller’, is destroyed with Kusk's brother on it.  


                On Borgo Prime, Zekk stumbles onto a lead to Bornan Thul...  The Jedi begin their own search for Bornan, starting at the abandoned world of Kuar, where Thul was going to meet someone.  Zekk arrives at what little is left of the human colony of Gammalin. Everyone is dead, from kind of biological weapon. And Zekk suddenly comes face-to-gun with Boba Fett.  Searching on Kuar, the Jedi come upon a piece of Bornan's clothing, and a message -- "If I am caught, all humans [are] in mortal danger."  Continuing the search, they come upon an impossibility -- the supposedly dead friend of Lowie, Raaba.  She explained that she failed her rite of passage through sheer cowardice, and fled from her world in disgrace, eventually joining the Diversity Alliance.  It seems to be a movement where non-humans can band together and protect themselves against human atrocities. 


                Fett will not kill Zekk - the boy acted with honour.  Together, the two bounty hunters search for clues as to who exterminated everyone on Gammalin.  A message left by the now dead alien who brought this plague upon the planet explains that his boss -- the one with the plague -- was Nolaa Tarkona.  And the only one who knows how to stop it is Bornan. 


                Raynar's uncle Tyko appears on Kuar, and helps the kids repair their ship after they fight massive arachnids.  Raaba disappears again, returning to the Diversity Alliance.  A sudden attack from above blows up Tyko's ship, and the kids and Tyko finds themselves on the run from a resurrected IG-88.  The droid takes Tyko and leaves.  It's a very disgruntled group of young Jedi who return to Yavin, determined to check in with Zekk and their families. 

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Boulevard Books - Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta - April 1997)


"Young Jedi Knights: Delusions of Grandeur."

                The Young Jedi busy themselves with little things -- hatching a gort egg, Raynar's return, meeting Peckhum, Lowie worrying about Raaba and then telling Sirra her friend is not dead.  Zekk returns to Borgo Prime and meets with a cloaked prospective employer, who wants him to find Tyko, and to send a message to the Thul family.  Zekk realises it's Bornan himself. 


                Raaba pops back up at the Academy, and goes with Lowie back to Kashyyyk.  After he leaves, Luke returns with a surprise for the children -- a now almost - grown up Lusa, ready for her training.  She tells a frightening tale of how, two years before, she may have been responsible for a human family's death -- working for the Diversity Alliance. 


                Hunting for the Thul family at Ziost, Zekk is set upon by Dengar.  He manages a difficult escape and gets the message to Aryn...  On Ryloth, Tarkona reveals her plans.  She's gotten her hands on a plague made by Evir Derricote, creator of the Krytos virus.  This one, however, works only on humans and is far more lethal.  Even Emperor Palpatine was afraid of it.  The reason she is after Thul is because he alone knows where a depot with sufficient supplies of the plague to wipe out all humans in the galaxy is. 


                Puzzling things out in his mind, Zekk meets with Boba Fett on Tatooine and asks for advice.  From Fett's words, he decides to find Tyko, get paid by Bornan, and then run HIM in.  Raynar and Lusa are becoming very friendly.  He decides he'll go to Mechis III to watch over his lost uncle's droid factory.  He asks the others to come with him.  At the same time, Zekk finds clues on Kuar that leads him that way as well.  To their shock, they find Tyko there. And IG-88 -- who's serving him?!? 


                On Kashyyyk, Raaba convinces Lowie and Sirra to go with her to Ryloth, to meet the Diversity Alliance...  Tyko set up his own kidnapping, hoping to flush Bornan out.  He assists the kids, helping upgrade MTD's systems.  Zekk appears and rejoins his friends.  And then Dengar shows up, convinced Bornan is hiding there.  But the new Jedi are too much for him, and he takes to his heels.  They reprogram IG-88 to find Bornan and send him out, as Zekk resumes his search and Tenel alerts her parents to the problem... 

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Boulevard Books - Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta - July 1997)


"Young Jedi Knights: Jedi Bounty."

                Armed with new information from Ta'a Chume about the Diversity Alliance, the Young Jedi have a new mission -- get Lowie out of Ryloth!  The kids sneak onto the planet, leaving the ‘Rock Dragon’ for the Diversity Alliance to pick up.  As Tarkona and company examine the ship, a message comes in from Boba Fett alerting her to Zekk's treachery.  The kids explore, and find a massive stockpile of weapons. Tarkona is ready for war.


                They are suddenly found by Raaba, who hauls them to Tarkona while making sure Lowie has no idea they're here.  Tarkona decides to let them rot in the ryll spice mines.  Meanwhile, after Bornan secretly sneaks to him the navicomputer containing the plague's location, Zekk rushes to Yavin IV.  He and Luke barely keep a Bothan assassin from stabbing Lusa to death, and begin to plan a counteroffensive, beginning with a rescue on Ryloth.   


                Sirra and Lowie stumble onto the ‘Rock Dragon’.  Lowie gets the heroes out of slavery and gets them free with Luke, Zekk, and Lusa's help.  Along with them is Kur, a Twi'lek slave who agrees to spill all about the Alliance.  The Senate prepares an emergency meeting, ready for war... 

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Boulevard Books - Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta - Oct 1997)


"Young Jedi Knights: The Emperor's Plague."

                After getting some badly needed recovery time, the Solo children address the Senate.  It's decided that an investigation team will be sent out to Ryloth immediately.  Zekk and Raynar race out to Bornan Thul's hiding spot, but Boba Fett has caught up to him at last.  The kids get him out, but Fett has already hacked the location of the plague warehouse out of Thul's memory banks, and quickly gives it to Tarkona.  Nolaa musters her forces into an armada, leaving a few representatives on Ryloth to stall for time while she races out to the warehouse. 


                Realising what's about to happen, the Young Jedi send off a call to the Republic forces, then beat Tarkona to the isolated asteroid warehouse and readies it to blow.  Lowie makes a chilling discovery -- there are other types of plagues here.  Enough to wipe out all life in the galaxy.  With the explosives set, the Jedi fight through Tarkona's operatives and launch -- to face the armada.  Just when all seems hopeless, the New Republic Fleet (part of it, anyway) appears and starts fighting. 


                Lowie, MTD, Bornan, Raynar, and Zekk are still on the asteroid, and Nolaa is disarming the bombs.  Lowie finds IG-88 and enlists his help.  Nolaa viciously murders Bornan with the plague, then escapes with Raaba's help -- and with the plague in her hands.  The Diversity Alliance is defeated, and the asteroid destroyed.   Meanwhile, Raaba sees Nolaa is dying from one of the plagues, and realises just what she's been up to.  She hyperdrives them as far away from the New Republic as possible. 


                The galaxy begins to pull together and heal their mutual wounds -- and stifle their prejudices.  For Lowie, a message from Raaba -- "If I survive, I'll find you."  Raynar is promoted to full Jedi Knight, and Lusa and Zekk officially become students, to the delight of Raynar and Jaina.   

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Boulevard Books - Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta - Jan 1998)


+25 ASW4


"Young Jedi Knights: Return to Ord Mantell."

                Two Jedi graduates revisit their old school -- Kyp Durron and Streen.  As Kyp helps reassure a now in retraining Zekk, the kids call Han to let him know he's there.  Turns out Han is already on the way to Yavin IV, with Anakin and a surprise for the young Jedi -- he's gonna be Grand Marshal at the Blockade Runners Derby at Ord Mantell, and the kids are invited too!  


                When they arrive there, an old enemy of Han's is waiting -- Czethros.  To their surprise, he welcomes them.  The following morning, the Falcon takes a run on the race route, with Han trying to beat the race record (which he set years ago).  Ironically, the Falcon's mad speed is what saves it from the field of space mines that nearly blows it to bits. 


                After a brief flurry and delay, the race is allowed to take place.  Tenel Ka and Lowie win the race -- but piloting the ship is Zekk!  As the children celebrate, they are suddenly set upon by creatures that steal the space mine fragments.  A new lightsaber-wielding fighter joins them in fighting off the creatures -- a woman who claims Han murdered her father long ago.  She is Anja Gallandro. 


                When Han refutes her claims, she challenges him to check out her war-torn world of Anobis, a world that has received no help from the Republic.  In reality, it's all a set-up -- orchestrated by Czethros, the new head of Black Sun, who is paying Anja off by feeding her andris spice addiction.  En route to Anobis, the Falcon stops and shuts down an arms trading ship.  They continue on to the desolate planet and begin learning about the problems there.  They also fight off an lethal group of knaars. 


                Anja leads them to her mining village, only to watch her people take them hostage.  She leads an attack on a farming village, only to accidentally kill the mining village leader's brother.  He marshals his forces to wipe the farmers off the planet -- until the Jedi tell him of the weapons trader Lilmit, dealing to BOTH sides to keep the war going.  Negotiations to end the war begin, with Kyp and Streen showing up to help destroy the weapons.  And Anja is offered to become a Jedi student at Yavin.  The perfect opportunity for her and Czethros... 

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Berkley Jam Books - Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta - May 1998)


"Young Jedi Knights: Trouble on Cloud City."

                Anja’s been at the Academy a few weeks, and while Luke doesn’t detect the Force in her, she’s affecting things all right -- she got Zekk and Jacen all over her and Jaina and Tenel jealous.  Lando shows up and offers to let the kids try out SkyCenter Galleria, a new amusement park he’s building on Cloud City.  The kids gladly accept.  Anja is coming along as well.


                They arrive to startling news -- Lando’s ex-smuggler partner Cojahn is dead, victim of an apparent suicide.  But Cojahn was anything but suicidal, so the kids offer to investigate, even as Anja sarcastically ridicules their ability to investigate anything.  Lando quietly tells the kids that he suspects Anja’s an andris addict -- he’s seen the signs before.  Anja alerts Czethros to the situation, warning him to cover his tracks if he’s involved in Cojahn’s death.  He orders his operatives on Bespin to kill the Jedi.


                The investigation does turn up one anomaly -- Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes was to play at SkyCenter’s opening, but took off suddenly the day Cojahn died. Lando, Jaina and Zekk take off for Clak’dor VII after them as the others continue poking around.  They find the band in a mud hut, hiding out from Black Sun.  Hunting down a disgruntled Ugnaught who had gotten fired by Cojahn, the Jedi (minus Anja) are caught in a death trap by Black Sun assassins who throw them out a garbage chute.  Lowie and Tenel keep themselves from falling. Jacen doesn’t. 


                Figrin reveals that Cojahn was killed because Black Sun was trying to infiltrate SkyCenter and profit off it, and Cojahn was trying to expel them.  The gang heads back to Bespin.  Jacen is saved by a young thranta rider named M’kim, who takes him to a floating island for safety.  He learns from him that Czethros personally murdered Cojahn.  Jacen is picked up by the ‘Lady Luck’ and joyously reunited with Tenel and Lowie.  Comparing notes, they check Cloud City records -- and find them tampered with.  A little clean-up, and Czethros is revealed.  Another ambush occurs, this time with chameleon creatures -- and Cloud City guards.


                The group uses the SkyCenter itself to catch the turncoats.  An alert is sent out, and an arrest warrant put out for Czethros.  A purge of Cloud City personnel begins.  After enjoying M’kim’s official instalment as part of the thranta - riding circus, the gang returns to Yavin.  And Anja is at the edge, with her supply of spice cut off and nearly gone...

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Berkley Jam Books - Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta - Aug 1998)


After setting up SkyCenter Galleria on Cloud City, Lando Calrissian moves on to a new challenge, and invests in a mining production in the Dubrillion system.  He also invests in research and development into a new shield technology, and as a side venture, sets up a pilot challenge course in the local asteroid field, calling it “Running the Belt”.

Conjecture based upon “SW: Vector Prime.”


"Young Jedi Knights: Crisis at Crystal Reef."

                Things are going great for the young Jedi Knights.  Peckhum has dropped by to visit, and Zekk has just finished the building of his lightsaber.  But for Anja Gallandro, life is anything but great.  She’s going through spice withdrawl.  Almost mad with pain, she steals the ‘Lightning Rod’ and takes off for Kessel.  The kids aren’t far behind her in the ‘Rock Dragon’.  Meanwhile on Kessel, Chief Administrator Nien Nunb just barely survives an attempt on his life...


                Anja arrives, finds Lilmit, and forces out of him the truth -- Czethros had been behind the war on Anobis, and is currently stockpiling spice near the Crystal Reef resort on Calamari.  She leaves to sabotage the operation.  The Jedi arrive shortly thereafter.  In return for Nien’s help, he asks them to look out for any more trouble.  They too find Lilmit, and learn where Anja’s gone.  Jaina and Lowie stay behind to protect Nien as the others head after her, requesting Ambassador Cilghal’s help.


                But there’s little they can do when Nien’s own guards give him up to Black Sun operatives. Czethros arrives, now the new owner of Kessel.  He plans to use Black Sun to set off sudden coup’d’etats across the galaxy and bring the New Republic to its knees in the coming days.  And the two Jedi are in hiding, listening to his plans.  They use MTD to destroy the transmitter Czethros was going to transmit his go-signal from, then rescue Nien.


                The other Jedi reach Anja, and learn Czethros’s plan from her.  With the unintentional help of a sea creature, the andris supply is destroyed -- and the Jedi are trapped under the polar ice cap.  After Cilghal cures Anja of her withdrawl, the group cuts their way free with lightsabers -- the last time Anja will use hers.


                Jaina, Nien and Lowie chase Czethros into the deepest levels of the mines.  He has no intention of facing his superiors in Black Sun, and has to be frozen in carbonite to be taken alive.  The exhausted Jedi return to Yavin. Luke has a surprise for them --a ceremony of thanks will be held for them by the New Republic.  Their training is over, and it’s time to prepare for new lives.  Anakin has figured out a way to root out the Black Sun cells, so that threat is over.  Anja announces she will leave after the ceremony, and Lando hires her as a pilot.  The ceremony is a rousing show of thanks to the Young Jedi Knights, as Tionne sings songs of their adventures... 

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Berkley Jam Books - Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta - Dec 1998)


Leia Organa-Solo finally steps down from the role of President of the New Republic, content that she has done enough. A general election is held for her successor, and she is horrified when it turns out to be the last person she wanted to have the job – Borsk Fey’yla. The ascension of Fey’yla to power causes many of the New Republic’s most reputed figures, among them Admirals Ackbar and Drayson, to retire and drop out of sight.

Prior to “Vector Prime.”


Luke Skywalker takes the graduated Jacen and Anakin Solo as his Padawan apprentices, while his wife Mara takes Jaina as her Learner.

Prior to “Vector Prime.”


An aging Luke Skywalker, realising he won’t be around forever, constructs his own Jedi Holocron and begins recording his adventures (and those of his friends) for posterity, and relates the entire history of the "Star Wars" saga to date. (78)   


At around the same time, a group of scholars on Obroa-Skai compiles their own independent record of the Galactic Civil War.

This, of course, being the back-story for Stephen J. Sansweet’s “Star Wars Encyclopedia.”


Kyp Durron and his apprentice, Miko Reglia, join with twelve non - Jedi starfighter pilots on the Outer Rim and begin policing pirate activities in the area as the “Dozen-and-Two” starfighter squadron.

Conjecture based on “SW: Vector Prime.” Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Mara Jade Skywalker and several others are infected with a strange disease at the direction of Nom Anor.  All but Mara and one other infected person die.  Mara uses the Force to hold the disease back, and the other victim is taken to Coruscant for testing, but continues to decline in health.

Conjecture based on “SW: Vector Prime.” Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


With Mara becoming increasingly ill, Corran Horn takes her place as an instructor at the Jedi Academy.

“The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide – Onslaught.”


The Mon Calamari Star Defender ‘Viscount’ is commissioned, the first in a new class of ships.

Two weeks prior to “SW: Vector Prime.”




“Vector Prime.”

Ambassador Leia Organa-Solo, her Noghri bodyguard Bolpuhr, Mara Jade-Skywalker and her Padawan apprentice Jaina Solo travel in the ‘Jade Sabre’ to the planet Rhommamool, which stands on the verge of war with its’ neighboring world Osarian.  Mara warns Leia not to underestimate Rhommamool’s leader, a mysterious black - armored man named Nom Anor who no Jedi can seem to sense in the Force. The ‘Jade Sabre’ is set upon by Osarian starfighters, and Jaina successfully evades them.  Leia realizes it’s simply a face - saving show of force – that completely backfires when a reckless Jedi Knight named Wurth Skidder kills the Osarians.  Leia docks at the Calamari Cruiser ‘Mediator’ and rips Skidder mercilessly for unwittingly sabotaging her peace mission. Down on the planet, Anor leads the fanatic Rhommamoolians in destroying a pile of droids…


                At ExGal-4, a solitary outpost on the Outer Rim, a signal is detected – a planet or comet, flying in from outside the galaxy.  Unbeknownest to the scientists stationed there, one of their own (Yomin Carr) is a tattooed, disfigured being in a human disguise that contacts his superior – Nom Anor.  Anor directs him to hide the signal as best he can, and cut off any communications between ExGal-4 and the rest of the galaxy. On Coruscant, Luke Skywalker and his Padawan Learner Jacen Solo meets with the new President of the New Republic – Borsk Fey’yla.  The High Council is alarmed at the news of Skidder’s actions, as they are of the increasingly reckless actions of the 100 or so Jedi across the galaxy.  Luke is facing a difficult decision – whether or not to re - establish the Jedi Council to rein the Jedi in.  Jacen, who has adopted a personal view of the Force, is opposed to the idea.  He says as much to Luke.


                Leia finally meets with Nom Anor, who plays up his resemblance to Darth Vader and treats her with blatant contempt.  He learns from a little pet of his that a lethal disease he infected Mara with years ago is still ravaging her, despite her strength in the Force.  He tells Leia in no uncertain terms for the New Republic to stay out of this conflict.  He then arranges for their relaunch to fly over the droid - smashing party in the town square, disgusting the already angered Leia.  Luke and Jacen return to find Han, Chewie and Anakin working on the ‘Falcon’.  Luke asks Han to find him some inside information on what’s going on with the Outer Rim Jedi.  There’s only one man who can provide that – Lando, who now runs a pair of planets called Dubrillion and Destrillion, near an asteroid belt called “Lando’s Folly” – where a dangerous gambling game called “running the belt” is played.  They decide to head there with Leia, Mara and Jaina when they return.


                The mystery comet crash - lands on the ice world of Helska IV, where an organic base begins to grow under the surface – a base filled with the tattooed, disfigured beings.  As they return to Coruscant, an increasingly ill Mara confesses her worst fear to Leia – her fear of never giving Luke the child they both want.  In the ‘Falcon’s’ main hold, an argument between Jacen and Anakin over what the Jedi Knights should be leads to a vicious lightsaber duel.  The calm Jacen easily defeats and humiliates the hotheaded Anakin.  With the family reunited, the ‘Falcon’ and ‘Jade Sabre’ sets off for Dubrillion.  On ExGal-4, Carr’s sabotage of the station moves up to murder of the scientists.  Beyond killing some outright, he is using genetically manipulated beetles to poison the planet’s atmosphere, creating toxic storms that smash into the outpost.  Back at Rhommamool, Nom launches a missile attack on Osarian.  Jacen talks about his fight with Anakin to Luke, who worries over his apprentice’s pride.  Han and Chewie stop at a bar to feel out exactly what Lando is up to – which is as a testing ground to find better ways to mine asteroids.  He’s got help too – Jedi Master Kyp Durron and his “Dozen-and-Two Avenger” X-Wing squadron. 


                Some of the ExGal-4 scientists, led by one Danni Quee, flies out to Helska IV in an aging ship to investigate the mystery comet, only to be attacked head - on by what looks like a meteor shower flying up from the planet – but turns out to be a giant swarm of spacegoing locusts that fly right through their shields as if they weren’t there and smashes the ship to bits.  It crashlands on the icy world.  Danni is the lone survivor, and she is taken captive by the tattooed beings, who call themselves the Yuuzhan Vong.  The heroes arrive at Lando’s operation, where he invites the Solo children to try “running the belt.”  Anakin and Jacen try it first, with Anakin winning the race.  Then Jaina tries it – and sets a new record, beating Kyp Durron’s.  As Carr finishes off the ExGal-4 scientists, Nom Anor travels up to the ‘Mediator’ for a talk – only to fly out of the bomb - filled shell in an A-Wing as it docks and explodes, taking the ‘Mediator’ with it.  He decides the next Yuuzhan Vong worldship (the mystery comet) will crash on and take over the planet Sernpidal, as the next step in a masterplan to create what he calls “The Praetorite Vong.”  He hopes to draw out some of the New Republics fleet and wipe it out at the same time, gradually depleting his enemy’s forces.


                Kyp praises Jaina on her win, and invites the three children to join his Jedi squadron. Jacen and Anakin are still squabbling, with the latter very tempted to join Kyp.  Lando harangues Han and Chewie into finally taking a shielding TIE Bomber out on a belt run themselves.  Midway through the run, their shields suddenly (and suspiciously) go down – and then all contact is lost.  Luke rushes out in a TIE, fearing the worst… and finds Chewie miraculously landed the Bomber on an asteroid.  The two are brought back, but Han is not so sure of Lando anymore.  Lando, on the other hand, has another favor to ask – makes a cargo shipment to Sernpidal…


                Kyp and the Dozen-and-Two pick up a distress signal from Danni’s wrecked ship and divert to investigate.  They fly right into the Yuuzhan Vong’s starfighter “swarm.”  The insects effortlessly wipe out the Dozen-and-Two Jedi heroes in mere minutes.  Only Kyp survives (limping out of the system, extremely damaged), as well as a Jedi apprentice named Miko Reglia who is taken captive and thrown into the brig with Danni.  Luke hears of a distress call from ExGal-4 and heads out there with Mara…


                Kyp Durron faces the fight of his life, against one of the locusts that managed to jump into hyperspace with him, grab on to his X-Wing and continue to damage it.  He’s finally forced to climb out of the X-Wing and kill it with his lightsaber.  But it still leaves him with one nearly destroyed ship.  He starts towards Sernpidal, hoping for a miracle.  There will be no miracle for Miko, though, as the Yuuzhan Vong begin torturing him physically and mentally in an attempt to learn the limits of a Jedi Knight.  They use Danni against him, telling him she is “worthy” of being converted into a Yuuzhan Vong – he is not.  They also begin dangling him over a giant, hungry, telepathic creature called a yammosk… a creature which is the centralized brain of the Praetorite Vong.


                The ‘Falcon’ arrives at Sernpidal to find everyone in a panic, all screaming “Tosi-karu!”  A strange old man, supposedly there to spend his last days in peace, explains that Sernpidal’s closest moon, Dobido, is falling out of orbit and on a collision course with the very city they’re standing on.  Sernpidal’s got seven hours to Doomsday.  Anakin senses that whatever’s bringing the moon down is on the planet, just east of Sernpidal City.  The ‘Falcon’ rushes to that location, where Han and Chewie begin loading up as many refugees as they can carry while Anakin goes to find and destroy the source of the gravity pull.


                Luke and Mara arrive at the now almost uninhabitable Belkadan.  They find tons of beetles all around the ground and blood soaked walls.  Mara seems strangely intrigued by the beetles, sensing… something… about them.  While Luke looks around, Mara and Artoo start to download the station database.  Suddenly they are savagely attacked by Yomin Carr, now shorn of his human disguise and declaring himself the “beginning of the end for your people.”  Mara faces a one-on-one battle she can’t win, with her disease working against her as well as the organic weapons Carr is using.  She manages, against all odds, to kill Carr.  But she collapses immediately thereafter.  Luke drags them all into the ‘Jade Sabre’ and takes off.  Mara senses that her illness, the warrior and the beetles are all connected.  They find an organic communicator, as one of the Yuuzhan Vong tries to contact Carr.  Learning about the comet from Artoo’s download, they rush to Helska IV.


                Anakin finds the gravity well – another of the Yuuzhan Vong’s organic creations.  It proves impervious to blaster fire, and quickly buries itself beneath the surface.  Han arrives to pick Anakin and the old man – it’s too late to save Sernpidal now.  Vowing to at least keep this creature from destroying another world, the mysterious old man jumps down the crater with a thermal detonator.  He does take the creature with him, Anakin senses.  Returning to the city, with only minutes left, Anakin and Chewie rush to free the trapped refugee ships so they can take off.  They start back for the ship – and then hear the cries of a trapped toddler.  They both go back for the boy, then starts back to the ‘Falcon’ – then a boulder hits Anakin.  With the storm far too violent to get anywhere, Chewie struggles back to Anakin and throws him into Han’s arms – then gets thrown back by the heaving ground.  As the boy wakes up, Han struggles to get the Falcon close enough to save his friend.  Anakin takes the controls from Han – and  turns the ‘Falcon’ away from Sernpidal and into space.  As Han watches in horror, Chewbacca raises his arms and gives a final cry of defiance to the falling moon – and is then visibly incinerated along with Sernipidal and Dobido. Han is completely devastated.  His lifelong friend, his greatest ally, is dead.  And Han’s own son was the one who killed him. 


Unbeknownest to them, the Yuuzhan Vong has prepared a fleet of insects to track the refugees of Sernpidal to the nearest world and destroy them.  The insects – and the injured Kyp – reaches the refugee fleet at the same moment.  Han picks Kyp up and fights off the insects… only to spot a ton of even larger, organic starfighters chasing them.  At the same time, Luke and Mara are attacked over Helska by almost a thousand of the insects.  They just barely escape, and race back to Dubrillion.


Han almost tears Lando’s head off when he arrives, but Lando insists it wasn’t his fault – and 20,000 people would now be dead if Han and Chewie hadn’t gone there.  The reunited Solo family mourns, with Han still placing the blame on Anakin.  The young man knew full well they ran out of time and couldn’t have saved Chewie.  Leia and the twins know it too.  But Han won’t listen.  Leia puts in a call for a nearby Star Destroyer to help protect Dubrillion.  Han vows to be fighting with the rest of the defense forces – and shockingly, so do the three Solo children.  Leia promises to fight alongside Han.  The battle is joined, but the New Republic forces are all too soon overwhelmed by the Yuuzhan Vong’s insects and rock - shaped starfighters.  The Solo children are forced to “run the belt” to escape certain death, joining their powers in the Force to make it out alive.  But only Jacen and Jaina make it out…


Han and Leia manages to find Anakin and bring him back as Luke and Mara arrive.  Lando tells them of Chewbacca’s death and lets them mourn.  Luke realizes Helska is the Vong base and decides to infiltrate it using Carr’s human disguise and a captured Vong ship.  Threepio manages to translate the Vong’s language.  But just as Luke prepares to go, he finds Jacen and Jaina have beaten him to it and are themselves en route to Helska in the “coralskipper.”  With the Star Destroyer ‘Rejuvenator’ arriving, the hastily prepared fleet takes off for Helska.


Jacen, hearing a cry for help through the Force, bores under the surface into the Vong base as Jaina watches from behind the nearby sun.  That doesn’t hide her from the coralskippers, which come swarming at her.  The fleet arrives and picks them off her.  Jacen is surprised to find that Danni was the source of the psychic cry.  As the Vong move to execute Miko, Jacen attacks.


Suddenly, thousands of coralskippers smashes into the New Republic fleet.  Turbolasers do nothing against them, thanks to another type of ship - creature that can generate a gravity well.  The entire Yuuzhan Vong fleet works against the New Republic group with a terrifying level of symbiosis – joined together, Anakin realizes, by something similar to, but not at all, the Force.  The Rejuventator is mere scrap metal within minutes.  On the planet, Miko dies fighting the Vong as Jacen struggles to get Danni and get away from these warriors.  He takes off and joins the shattered remnants of the New Republic fleet as they retreat all the way back to Dubrillion.


All gathered together at Dubrillion, the heroes (now including the apparently Force - sensitive Danni) compare notes.  They realize that the yammosk – the war coordinator – is the key.  If it isn’t destroyed, the Yuuzhan Vong will effortlessly conquer the entire galaxy.  But how to get to it, with the entire Vong armada between them and it?  Anakin and Danni comes up with a plan – use the yammosk’s energy against it, reflecting it back upon itself with shieldships – which will increase the level of evaporation around the creature, hence cooling down the volcanoes, hence freezing the yammosk to death. With no element of surprise, and with all the odds against them, the now shieldship - reinforced fleet hits Helska.  Incredibly, it works – the yammosk freezes, and the entire planet shatters under the strain of the freezing.


Mara, now critically ill, plans to leave Luke to find a Force - filled planet to try and figure out what is happening to her.  Leia has decided to go back into politics.  Han flies the ‘Falcon’ to the remains of Sernpidal for a private memorial service for Chewbacca.  He feels completely destroyed – the seeming aura of invincibility that had protected him and his friends is gone.  And he senses it is only the beginning. No one is safe.


No one is safe.  For on Rhommamoolian, completely unbeknownst to the New Republic, Nom Anor prepares for the next phase of the Praetorite Vong’s conquest of the galaxy…

(NOVEL -- Del Rey Books - R.A. Salvatore - October 1999)


In the wake of the battle of Helska IV, Luke Skywalker records his thoughts on the pending Yuuzhan Vong threat into the Skywalker Holocron.  The entry is as follows:  “I have fought the worst of all wars and witnessed the redemption of evil.  I’ve seen balance restored to the Force.  But order can turn to chaos, as it did when I was born.  Now, with my loved ones and my loyal allies, I face a new challenge unlike any before. And I’m not sure if this time we can win...” (79)

Conjecture based on voiceover to the “Vector Prime” commercial. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


Han Solo begins mentally coming apart at the seams, blaming himself for Chewbacca’s death. He begins drinking heavily.

“The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide – Onslaught.”


A week and a half after the Yuuzhan Vong are driven off Dubrillion, they return – in force. They smash the planet to ruins, toying with the defenders and using them to cull the weak from their own herds.

“The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide – Onslaught.”


The New Republic mourns the tragic death of the great hero Chewbacca. See Threepio and Artoo Detoo take it upon themselves to prepare a special tribute to the fallen Wookiee legend, interviewing family and friends alike, gathering stories and anecdotes to share with the rest of the galaxy.

“SW: Chewbacca.”


Nom Anor is killed in the war between Osarian and Rhommamool. With his opening salvo against the Republic considered a failure, a new Yuuzhan Vong leader, Shedao Shai, takes charge of the invasion effort.

“The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide – Onslaught.”


“Dark Tide: Onslaught.”                                                                                                               *

Two months have passed since the tragedy at Sernpidal and Dubrillion. On what was supposed to be their final smuggling run, pirates Urias Xhaxin and Dr. Anet Karl find their would-be prey under attack by what looks like a hyperdrive-capable asteroid – that smashes their Nebulon-B Frigate in mere seconds. In fact, in only two shots…


Leia Organa-Solo and Danni Quee addresses the Republic Senate about the looming Yuuzhan Vong threat. The Republic Senate, led by President Borsk Fey’yla, all scoffs at Leia’s story and dismisses her warnings as “a bald attempt to take control back from our hands.” Leia is told to follow Mon Mothma’s example and “fade away quietly.” Senator Elegos A’Kla does decide to investigate the Vong himself.  Rogue Squadron commander Gavin Darklighter is sent a simulated battle against a Vong coralskipper from Admiral Traest Kre’frey. He lasts exactly 25 seconds – the best anyone’s done against it. Kre’frey speaks with Gavin later and brings him up to speed. He explains that his hands are tied by Fey’yla – he doesn’t want anyone even looking like they’re taking this seriously. But he does want Rogue Squadron out on the Rim, simulating as a “pirate group” that he and his forces can pursue. And if they run into anything along the way, well…


Luke Skywalker summons every Jedi Knight in the galaxy back to the Academy at Yavin IV. Kyp Durron is all for taking the fight to the Vong – better to be damned for at least trying than damned for doing nothing. His words reveal just how close to the Dark Side Kyp is getting again. And most of the Jedi agree with him. Luke assigns the Jedi to recon missions – they need to know more about the Vong and their plans.  Above all, he warns, they need to hold together, or be torn apart. “And with us will fall our galaxy.”  Luke assigns Anakin to go with Mara to Dantooine, where she hopes to regain something of her health. Jacen doesn’t want an assignment – he’s not sure he wants to be a Jedi Knight anymore, and is considering becoming a hermit. He can’t accept that the Vong can’t be sensed in the Force, and believes that turning inward and increasing his perception of the Force may provide a way to defeat them. Luke asks him to stick around, because they’ve saved the most dangerous assignment for last – He and Jacen will go with Artoo to Belkadan to see what the Vong were trying to create there. Corran and Ganner Rhysode are being sent to Bimmiel, a world the Empire declared off limits for unknown reasons, and which a xenoarchaeological team disappeared from a few months ago. Corran and Ganner bump heads almost immediately, with Ganner warning Corran not to get in his way. Luke worries about Mara being in the Vong’s attack range, but she reassures him – she may learn for certain what connection her illness has with the invaders.


The Rogues come upon the battered remains of the pirate Frigate. Captain Xhaxan tells them a horror story of the Vong’s ruthless attack. Leia, Jaina and Danni Quee arrive on Agamar. Leia pleads with that planet’s council to help her to prepare the Outer Rim for further attacks. They promise they will at least, unlike Coruscant, give her a fair hearing. Corran and Ganner arrive at Bimmiel at the same time, on the freighter Dalliance. They find themselves fighting the stormy deserts and a pack of slashrats, but they do make their way to the archaeologists’ camp. Luke and Jacen are stunned to find Belkadan almost completely back to normal, atmosphere-wise. They find a grisly warning – a smashed R5 with a human skull put in place of its’ head.


Mara and Anakin arrive on Dantooine. Mara is trying to get Anakin to stop relying on the Force so much, to learn what he can do without it. And he is starting to listen. Corran and Ganner meet Dr. Anki Pace, leader of the archaeologists. She thinks Jedi have been raiding the site, stealing items and wiping the memories (up to two years’ worth) of the eyewitnesses. Corran tries to get her to trust him, but without much luck. She is convinced enough to show them something they’d found, the mummified remains of someone who had raided the planet 50 years ago…. and they recognize it as the corpse of a Yuuzhan Vong. Luke and Jacen explore Belkadan, and find signs of a non-native plant – almost certainly Vong – growing like weeds through the planet, obliterating all other plant life along the way. They also find a small village of various species, affilicted by mutations. It appears to be a coralskipper shipyard using slave labor and run by merciless Vong killers. They’re growing these new ships fast. Jacen wants to free the slaves, but Luke pulls him back – that’s not what they’re here for.


Gavin takes a T-65R recon X-Wing into the area where the pirate fight had occurred. The other Rogues accompany him. The coralskippers are waiting for them. Armed with new combat programming and modified weapons and shields, the Rogues are ready for the Vong. Although a few are lost, the Rogues win the first engagement. Leia arrives on a shattered Dubrillion to meet with Lando. He has holos of the Vong’s asteroid ship to give her. Meanwhile, Jaina starts to befriend Danni. Corran and Ganner comes upon a concentration camp similar to the one on Belkadan. They witness firsthand the sadistic, fatal (and for the Vong, downright fun) treatment the Vong dishes out to their mutated slaves.  Jacen sneaks out on Luke and returns to the Vong camp to try to free the slaves. It backfires, and he ends up in a fight he can’t win against a Vong warrior – and learns too late that not only can’t he sense the Vong with the Force, he can’t affect them with it either.  The Vong warrior holds him face-down in a lake, drowning him…


Leia and Lando compare notes with Traest and Gavin. They are preparing the people of Dubrillion to evacuate, and they’re certain the Vong will strike then. Although Gavin tries to prevent it, Leia gives her blessing for Jaina to join Rogue Squadron as a starfighter pilot. The refugee convoy takes off, and the asteroid warship and coralskippers are waiting for them outside the planet’s orbit. The Rogues take the fight to the asteroid ship, but it turns the tables and creates a gravity well, making it impossible to jump to Agamar. The convoy is forced to go to Dantooine instead…


Jacen regains consciousness chained to a pain-amplifying rack. A Vong begins seeding him with a coral protrusion on his face – the mutation they’d seen in the slaves.  Luke rushes in to save him, using both his and Jacen’s lightsaber to fight three warriors. It takes everything Luke has to put them down.  He pulls the seed free from Jacen. The slaves have vanished, probably dead. He grabs Jacen, pulls him on their ship, and rushes to Dantooine as well. Corran and the archaeologists study the little beetles the Vong use and learn a way to counterengineer them into a weapon – to make the Vong vunerable to the local slashrats (they’ve used the beetles to create a repellent scent). They learn the Vong have taken two of the scientists captive.


Two Vong attack a Dantari nicknamed Tuber. Anakin cuts them both down. In return, Tuber gives him some roots to help an increasingly sick Mara with.  All forces converge on Dantooine. Down below, Anakin and Mara are on the run from the enraged Vong. The Jade Sabre has been destroyed, and the Vong are occupying the planet. Anakin puts himself between Mara and the Vong, ready to fight to the death – and then Luke and Jacen arrive to even the odds. The heroes reunite and gather their strength. Mara realizes that her resting actually accelerated the disease – it seems to be trying to cut her off from the Force, the only thing keeping her alive at this point. She’s going back to fighting it and the Vong full-bore and channeling the Force as much as possible. “As long as I’m fighting, I’m not dying.”


The Rogues prepare to take on the air cover the Vong have over the warriors now occupying Dantooine. It looks increasingly like the Vong are cutting a swath through the Outer Rim clear to Ithor. Jacen has finally accepted that Jedi have a responsibility beyond their relationship with the Force, and decides to accept Danni as a friend and nothing else – at least for now. Luke praises and thanks Anakin for so bravely protecting Mara. The counterattack finally begins. Leia and Mara discover to their horror that the Vong have infiltrated the refugee camp in human disguises and begun slaughtering the people, even as a massive ground assault approaches them. Leia and Mara battle the Vong infiltrators, who manage to murder Leia’s Noghri bodyguard Bolphur with their bare hands. The Vong send their brainwashed slaves into battle first, letting them get slaughtered while wearing down the heroes’ ranks. The number of slaves is just too numerous, and the battle slowly turns in the Vong’s favor.  A side remark by Jacen gives Luke a great idea…


Corran plans to take the scientists and get offworld, spraying the village with the synthetic killscent. He can’t chance taking the slaves with them – they might be plague-carriers.  He and Ganner stage a distraction at the Vong camp, only to be captured. The killscent spraying begins, giving Corran and Ganner a chance to fight back. As Ganner gets the slaves out, Corran takes on the warriors – only to be pierced by a poison-laced spear. He holds the warriors off just long enough for the slashrats to reach them, then collapses. Ganner grabs him and takes him with the slaves. Luke fires a spread of torpedoes at a Vong ground warshp, then seizes the black-hole shield with the Force and diverts the torpedoes to hit where the shield isn’t placed. The warship is destroyed, but the strain of using the Force this much knocks Luke out. Overwhelmed, the heroes and refugees (what little’s left of them) flees Dantooine. But once again, that damned asteroid-Interdictor stands in their way. Leia realizes – all of this has just been exercise for the Yuuzhan Vong. The Vong have been studying the enemy, trying out new techniques. And now they’re caught in a closing vise. Kre’fey suddenly appears with his task force, and pulls them out of the deathtrap.


The united group arrives on Coruscant to confront Fey’yla and the Senate with incontrovertible proof of the Vong’s existence and activities. Ganner and the scientists made it to Agamar and added their report to Luke and Leia’s. It seems they were only saved by Agamarian NR Captain Rimsen, who noticed the military was being quietly pulled back from the (unbeknownest to them) Vong battlesites. It was he who brought Kre’fey to Dantooine in the first place. Gavin and Kre’fey demand an answer from Fey’yla – he clearly knew what was happening in the Rim. Why has he kept the Republic and the military in the dark?!? Kre’fey threatens that the NR military will mutiny if Fey’yla doesn’t reveal the truth to the galaxy and begin an all-out war effort now.  Wedge and Tycho privately approach Gavin later and offers their support. The New Republic is finally in the war against the Yuuzhan Vong – but are they in time?


Shedao Shai surveys the destroyed camp on Bimmiel, where two of his own family fell to the cursed “jeedai” – namely, Corran Horn. He vows he will personally kill Corran…

(NOVEL – Del Rey Books – Michael A. Stackpole – February 2000)


“Dark Tide: Ruin.”

To be detailed...

(NOVEL -- Del Rey Books – Michael A. Stackpole - June 2000)


“Agents of Chaos: Hero’s Trial.”

To be detailed...

(NOVEL -- Del Rey Books – James Luceno - August 2000)


“Agents of Chaos: Jedi Eclipse.”

To be detailed...

(NOVEL -- Del Rey Books - R.A. Salvatore - October 2000)


+26 ASW4


“Balance Point.”

To be detailed...

(NOVEL -- Del Rey Books – Kathy Tyers - November 2000)



To be detailed...

(NOVEL -- Del Rey Books – Michael Jan Friedman - February 2001)



To be detailed...

(NOVEL -- Del Rey Books – Michael Jan Friedman - April 2001)



To be detailed...

(NOVEL -- Del Rey Books – Michael Jan Friedman - July 2001)



To be detailed...

(NOVEL -- Del Rey Books –J. Gregory Keyes – October 2001)


+27 ASW4



To be detailed...

(NOVEL -- Del Rey Books – Troy Denning - November 2001)



To be detailed...

(NOVEL -- Del Rey Books – Matthew Woodring Stover - January 2002?)


+29 ASW4


The Alliance War Bond is guaranteed to mature around this period of time.  While it was a risky investment at best during the time of the Galactic Civil War, the bonds allowed the Alliance to obtain badly needed credits.

"SW RPG: Rebel Alliance Sourcebook."


c. +30 to +50 ASW4 (?)


The events of  "STAR WARS: EPISODES VII - IX" take place... maybe. (80)


+31 ASW4


The Anoth system collapses on itself.

“SW RPG Jedi Academy Sourcebook.”


+203 ASW4


The ore - rich worlds of Neena Province tap out.

Conjecture based upon “SW RPG Lords of the Expanse.” With thanks to Nathan Butler’s Timeline.


c. +1,000 ASW4 (?)


The Skywalker Holocron and other records, fables, and legends of that time are combined into the massive First Saga of the advanced Holocron "The Journal of the Whills."  


c. +1,011 ASW4


After centuries of moving closer and closer to the Kessel system, the Maw finally consumes and tears the planet Kessel apart.

“SW RPG Jedi Academy Sourcebook.”


c. +5,000 ASW4 (?)


An attempt by a spacecraft of the Star Wars galaxy to enter our own ends disastrously, and the ship is destroyed just inside our galaxy.  A sea of debris flies out into space -- including a copy of "The Journal of the Whills."


+10,188 ASW4 (1973 A.D.)


After floating in space for millennia, the copy of "The Journal of the Whills" crashes intact on Earth.  It lands in Modesto California, in the backyard of young American filmmaker George Lucas.  Wisely deciding to keep its existence secret, Lucas secretly begins researching and translating the Journal, dramatising parts of it into a feature film screenplay.  (He's learning to translate as he goes, so it takes him four years and five drafts to get it right.)  After United Artists and Universal balks at the project, 20th Century Fox agrees to produce Lucas's dramatised work.  He creates Industrial Light and Magic to reproduce the holographic scenes shown in the Holocron.  (81)


10,191 ASW4 (1977 A.D.)


The first part of Lucas's masterwork is released...






(1.)                Originally I thought this was from the RASSM Star Wars FAQ, but I have been corrected to recognise Mike Beidler, author of the Star Wars Literature Compendium as the author of this definition of canon.


(2.)                Of course, the “Star Wars Encyclopedia” was written before the prequels, so obviously yes, the prequel movies are canon, as are their adaptions: novels, comics, etc . . .


(3.)                NASA has changed this date from 15 billion years ago to 13.5 billion years ago due to recent updated estimates of the age of the universe.


(4.)                Originally, I had the Alderaan humans evolving on Alderaan after an asteroid wiped out the Killiks, but I have been recently corrected by Dan Wallace who informed me that the humans colonised Alderaan.  I conjecture the date of –27,500 BSW4, because by the time of the formation of the Republic during –25,000 BSW4, Alderaan is a booming civilisation and a founding member.  To accommodate this, with the hyperdrive coming into mainstream galactic use circa –25,000 BSW4, I have stated that it took centuries for the colonists to arrive at Alderaan.  It is known that other species had use of sub – light space travel (Hutts, Xim the Despot), so it is plausable the colonists set forth from Coruscant and it took them many years to reach their goal.  My previous note, about the evolution of humans, still can apply I believe, except for the case of Alderaan.  It is plausible that in the Star Wars universe, humans evolve separately on different worlds such as Coruscant, Chandrila and Corellia.  I assume that the Coruscant humans would be the most advanced civilization out of the group.  Also, I assume that the Corellians evolved after the unknown aliens created the Corellian system.  This entire scenario is plausible, as on Earth, human kind has evolved into different races on one planet.  I assume that this could occur on a galaxy wide situation, and remember, that this IS fantasy / myth!


(5.)                Note that there were at least several previous Senate Chambers in different colours.  See the various ‘Tales of the Jedi’ comics for example.  The Senate Chamber in the ‘Tales of the Jedi’ comics seems to have been for system - based representation, since it had millions of seats rather than just the thousand or so seats of the sectorial senators in ‘The Phantom Menace’.  Thanks to Curtis Saxton for pointing that out.


(6.)                The -25,000 BSW4 year date has always been drawn upon Obi-Wan Kenobi’s line in Episode IV – ‘for a thousand generations . . .’ The Jedi being delegated under the Judicial Department is from the ‘Episode I Scrapbook’.  Note, throughout the saga, Chancellor, President and Chief of State is used as the title for the executive of the Republic.  One assumption, as all three titles could be used: Chancellor of the Galactic Senate, and President of the Republic.  Chief of State could by a summery of both.  Also, titles could be used according to cultural traditions.


(7.)                Aurebesh is the written language that is seen in Luke’s X-Wing cockpit when R2 is talking to him, likewise when Anakin is in the N-1 cockpit, and when Darth Maul is looking through his macrobinoculars.


(8.)                Tales of the Jedi Companion does not give an exact dating for the fallen Jedi who corrupts the Sith race, and claims the title of first Dark Lord of the Sith, but it has to be after the formation of the Jedi, and well before the golden age of the Sith Empire.  I have placed it here to allow for the ‘long lineage’ of Sith Lords, and for time to allow them to gradually build up their Sith Empire.


(9.)                Many people comment on how this long period can be a ‘golden age’, well although major conflicts do occur in the Galaxy during this period, they are not all encompassing wars such as the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War.


(10.)             I assumed this Academy location to be Carida, it is not stated in the ‘Dark Empire Sourcebook’.  Another Academy location that is known is Raithcal Academy.


(11.)             This ‘new sect’ of Sith ties in the information provided with ‘The Phantom Menace’ novel to the earlier Dark Horse comics, giving an overall internal consistency.  This new Sith sect may actually be more of a revival incorporating new Jedi leadership and old, degenerate Sith monks.  At the end of the ‘Tales of the Jedi’ comics it seems clear that a large number of minor Sith monks and mages have escaped, including Ommin's assistants from Onderon, and some of Exar Kun's dark Jedi who were out on assassination missions throughout the galaxy.  Who knows what other Sith pockets persisted undetected, like the Onderon group?  The Phantom Menace’ novel gives emphasis to the leadership of these schismatic Jedi, but surely they must have uncovered some living remants of the classic Sith, otherwise they would not have adopted the same "Sith" name.  Thanks goes to Curtis Saxton for that reasoning.


(12.)             When Ewok scouts belonging to Chief Chirpa’s tribe discovered the protocol droid, C-3PO, they believed him to be the Golden One.


(13.)             The “Star Wars Episode I: Visual Dictionary” states that the palace was built ‘centuries’ ago, so I chose 5 centuries.


(14.)             The “Star Wars Episode I: Visual Dictionary” states that Finis Valorum had an ancestor who was also Supreme Chancellor ‘centuries’ ago, so I chose 2 centuries.


(15.)             There appears to be a discrepency between ‘Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley’ and the ‘Tales of the Jedi Companion’ regarding the known habitation / colonisation of Tatooine.  Furthermore one of the human Jedi (Dace Diath) in the ‘Tales of the Jedi’ comics was born on Tatooine, proving that the planet was known at that time.  This is confusing considering the later references to Tatooine settlement.  I suggest that the early settlers may have lost contact with the outside galaxy and reverted to barbarism, becoming the Tusken Raiders.


(16.)             Note: "The Phantom Menace" indicates Anakin Skywalker actually built Threepio, but I choose to interpret this to mean that Anakin rebuilt Threepio from junked remains.


(17.)             Conjecture that Qui-Gon Jinn is born on Malastare until further information is provided.  One clue is that he seemed to know about Pod racing on Malastare, but he could have encountered that on one of his many travels as a Jedi.  He simply mentions having visited the planet.  He has also visited Tatooine and Coruscant in the past, so he could just as well have been born in either of those places.


(18.)             Note that this character is the male Beruss, not to be confused with the female Doman Beruss from Corellia featured in the X-Wing novels.


(19.)             Based upon the age of Peter Cushing during the filming of Star Wars Episode IV.


(20.)             The ‘Behind the Magic’ CD-ROM entry probably refers to his adopted homeworld after Episode III.  Like the old - draft screenplay version of Qui-Gon's age, this date for Kenobi's birth is difficult to support.  Judging by his facial features (makeup etc) in ‘The Phantom Menace’, he's meant to be in his thirties.  Judging by the fact that he was in his sixties in ‘A New Hope’, he must have been about thirty in ‘The Phantom Menace’.  Sansweet's timeline makes him 28 in ‘The Phantom Menace’ and 60 in ‘A New Hope’.  ‘The Phantom Menace’ novel and tie - in novels say several things:  - from Qui-Gon's point of view, Kenobi is in his "mid - twenties"  - from Kenobi's point of view, their partnership lasted over 20 yrs [p.249] - their partnership began when Kenobi was almost 13 years old.  Explanation: Qui-Gon is forgetful or is using a longer calendar or is affected by the fact that Kenobi's face looks boyish for his age.   Kenobi is actually somewhere in the range of 28 - 34 years old in TPM.  An age of 28 could arguably be described as "mid - twenties" anyhow.  Thanks go to Curtis Saxton for the analytical comments.  Nevertheless, I will opt for the current official age of Obi-Wan Kenobi, 25 years, and the birth year of –57 BSW4.


(21.)             Luke thought it rather odd that Jorus C'Baoth 'assumed' the title of Jedi Master.


(22.)             Based upon the age of Don Henderson during the filming of Star Wars Episode IV.


(23.)             The Phantom Menace” movie and novelisation states / hints that the midichlorians caused the birth of Anakin, but more information could be revealed in Episodes II and III.


(24.)            This has been...all over the place in the timeline to date. The reason is (and most other) Clone Wars dates have been moved to this section is because it was recently revealed that Jorus C'Baoth is alive and well at the time of TPM (According to "Episode I Adventures" by Scholastic). Consider yourselves warned right now -- ALL dates concerning the Clone Wars are hereby considered suspect at best, and will remain so until May 2002 (or thereabouts). These dates are most certainly NOT right, and won't be right until Uncle George finally tells us, once and for all, what the heck the Clone Wars were anyway.


(25.)            Remember, they said Clone WARS, not Clone War.  This earlier conflict apparently was the start of a series of conflicts, heading up to and including the time of the Prequels.  The Wars also had to start just after the Outbound Flight, as mentioned in “Heir to the Empire.”


(26.)             Nejaa left home when the first Clone War began, so Rostek's Jedi information preservation entry is correct.  When the first Clone War ended, more battles and wars prevented him from returning home.  These other battles would last until the second Clone War, where all the smaller battles he previously fought in all came to a point or conclusion.  Nejaa then dies towards the end of the second Clone War, so the entry for Nejaa's death doesn't need to be changed either.  It might be a little bit of a stretch, but it is the only way to have all the characters' initial entries and birthdates be correct.  Annotation thanks to Michael Zeiger.  It looks more and more likely that the two (or multiple) Clone War situation is more likely to fit the Bantam novels into harmonious continuity with the prequel trilogy, and after all, as Chris McElroy has stated, Luke mentioned Clone Wars not Clone War!


(27.)             Based upon the age of Richard Le Parmentier during the filimg of Star Wars Episode IV.


(28.)             This was originally dated c. -15 BSW4, but has been moved backward due to word that Fett will be in Episode II.  The CD-ROM “Behind the Magic” strongly hints that the Mereel backstory may be just a cover, and Fett’s true origin is yet to be revealed.  There are rumours that Anakin’s childhood friend from TPM, Kitster, will be revealed to be Fett in Episode II. Again, these rumours are unproven as yet.


(29.)             It had originally been dated -45 BSW4 in the earlier version of this timeline, based upon the Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn.  But this new date is the date to be used in the upcoming Star Wars Episodes II and III.


(30.)             There is a growing controversy concerning the birthdate of Luke and Leia.  The early non-film material indicated Luke (and thus Leia) was 20 as of ANH, and the setting of Episode III would at first glance seem to fit that date.  However, newer Expanded Universe material (and official Lucasfilm sources, up to both the Encyclopedia and  "Behind the Magic") indicates the Skywalker twins are in fact 18 as of ANH.  Somebody's obviously wrong, unless Episode III in fact spans a period of two years (which is in fact possible).  This will remain as is until Episode III settles the question.  According to the CD-ROM “Behind the Magic,” the“molten pit” origin of Vader also may or may not be accurate.  It has been hinted that George Lucas has another form of hideous injury in mind for Vader in Episode III. The Dagobah stopover is based on Luke's line in SW V that Dagobah seemed somehow familiar to him.  Bail's middle name of Prestor is from the SW Radio Drama Script.


(31.)             Information provides no date, but this occurs after the formation of the Empire.  Since Palpatine had a strong anti alien bias, I assume that he would institute this policy very soon after the beginning of his reign.


(32.)             SW VI.  Leia said she had died when Leia was young.  Leia was old enough to remember that she was “beautiful, kind... but sad,” so I conjecture she was two at the time.


(33.)             I have placed this story at –10 BSW4 because; Tremayne remembers meeting Vader when he was 15, and Palpatine is mentioned as weeding out the ‘corrupt Jedi’, now I assume this would be when Palpatine and Vader first formed the Empire, and Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader in Episode III, which takes place –20 BSW4.  I placed this story 10 years later when Tremayne would have been 25.


(34.)             Assuming a clone body lasts about 4 years before decaying.  It would also explain the Emperor’s different appearance in “The Empire Strikes Back.”  Just as Ossus was a center for the light side of the Force (a Jedi learning center), Korriban was a planet of the Dark Side and the Sith, thus Palpatine would have gone there to clone / regenerate himself.


(35.)             Lando said in "Heir to the Empire” "{Han} was supposed to go for one of the flashy chrome - plated yachts on the yard instead of the freighter I'd been quietly upgrading on the side for myself."


(36.)             This would have given Leia time to gain experience in political matters, as well as gain her position in the Alliance. She would have been about 17 (or maybe 15) at the time.


(37.)             SW VI would indicate a three-year construction period, assuming the second Death Star's construction was begun immediately after the first's destruction.  It was pointed out to me by Patrick Gonet that in "SW: Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina," a part for Death Star II was involved in the "Hammertong" story, indicating Death Star II was under construction already.  I personally choose to interpret that as meaning the station was in pre-production, awaiting the success of the first test of DS1 to authorise full construction.


(38.)             Originally I had placed the Corellian Treaty during –3 BSW4, but Dan Wallace offered some advice that made me change the date to –2 BSW4.  “Another thing I noticed a while back but forgot to comment on was your placement of the Corellian Treaty.  I had some conversations with Ann Crispin about her trilogy and confirmed that ‘The Hutt Gambit’ spans about two years, finishing up at 3 years pre - ANH.  Then there's a six-month gap until the Falcon wager (year 2.5).  Then there's at least half a year with Han and Salla before he heads off to the CSA (year 2).  Then later, we see Bria in an unspecified time period, where she reflects on the fact that the Corellian Treaty was signed a month ago. So I'd have to peg it at something less than two years before ANH.”


(39.)             This would seem to the 'first victory against the Empire' referred to in the SW IV introduction, although the radio program had Bail Organa refer to the capture of the Death Star plans as that battle.


(40.)             Lando Calrissian is mentioned to be with Vuffi Raa in the Audio Drama, indicating a date of 5 ASW4.  I choose to interpret this as a mistake on the author's part.


(41.)             Lord Tion may have been involved in the Tion Hegemony of "Han Solo and the Lost Legacy."


(42.)             Davin Felth would later go on to give the immortal line, "Look sir--droids!" in SW IV.


(43.)             U-3P0 is from the Customizable Card Game.


(44.)             Rookie One is a completely different character from Luke.  His backstory, while similar, is obviously different.  His Rebel Assault adventures take place at the exact same time as Luke's and have a direct effect on Luke's adventures, too.  In the game, the people at Lucasarts made it so that Rookie One fired the shot that killed the Death Star.  Michael Zeiger made up another end that puts it in canon.  He had Rookie One and the Cmdr. who saved him (much like the Millenium Falcon) pull out of the Death Star trench.  They get back to base ahead of Luke and the others so they aren't seen.


(45.)             I’ve since been reminded by Pablo Hidalgo that Mace’s name is short for the Squibbish name Macemillan - winduarte.  So it’s just a really cool coincidence. :)


(46.)             This explanation to one of ANH's key mysteries was put forth by George Lucas in 1978 as a tie-in to the (then) upcoming Holiday Special, and was included in "Behind the Magic."


(47.)             Note: The authenticity of this series of Star Wars comic books is somewhat questionable, but is included for this list to be as complete as possible.  Dark Horse recently re-released the Marvel Series as a limited “best of” collection.


(48.)             The hand loss is from "Dark Force Rising," the unfortunate fate of Lemelisk from "Darksaber," and the construction of the Death Star from the assumption such a task would take three years.  The reported version of Alderaan's fate is from the Marvel series, #30. Tarkin’s reported demise is from the SW Adventure Journal.


(49.)             From the SW IV radio program.  Jabba (yeah, I know they said it was 'Heater', but come on--who else could it be?) threatened to hire Fett if Han failed to pay the debt, which of course he did. As for Mosep: Yeah, I know, I’m really reaching. But it’s the only way to fit the reprinted appearance of this early Jabba into canon. Mosep comes from the SW Collectible Card Game.


(50.)             Jabba as presented in this pre - ROTJ comic was VERY different in appearance.  This was recently reprinted in Dark Horse's "Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago," with the original Jabba’s appearance still intact. Hence, as mentioned in the last sidenote, I’ve come up with using Mosep (from the card game and SW Encyclopedia) as a way to keep it in canon.


(51.)             This was date - locked by "Galaxy of Fear: Clones," which revealed that Vader knew Skywalker existed as of a year after ANH. See the last two sidenotes concerning Mosep. It’s probable the real Jabba would have reinstated the bounty sooner or later anyway, but this explanation fits the comic into canon.


(52.)             This version of Luke and Fett's first meeting is more likely than the preceding animated segment.  It is possible that the Rebels fashioned the story completely as a present to Lumpy, drawing upon their recent memories of Fett.


(53.)             This story is cheesy as hell, and George Lucas has publicly stated he would like every copy of it burned, but Chewbacca’s family (introduced here) have been incorporated into the canon via “The Black Fleet Crisis” Trilogy.  And there is absolutely no truth to the rumour that Han got Princess Leia drunk before she tried to sing the "Star Wars" theme.  No truth at all...  ;) The animated adventure “Starlog 3-27-1”, played for Chewbacca’s son as a Life Day gift, is probably apocryphal due to Han and Fett’s prior acquaintance in “Star Wars: A New Hope Special Edition.”


(54.)             All three issues of this short - lived series were considered apocryphal; however, a left field mention of this story’s events in an “X-Wing” novel has brought this one issue into the canon.  Artwork borrowed (with thanks) from "Lord" Toby Markham.


(55.)             Used in the comic as the intro to "Classic Star Wars: The Return of Ben Kenobi," it has been reworked by Jack Camden and now by myself to serve as the intro to the following stories.


(56.)             "Dark Forces" and "SW: Darksaber" presented two conflicting accounts of Madine's defection to the Alliance.  This is my own personal attempt to fuse the two.


(57.)             A further attempt to smooth over the continuity of Madine’s defection. This little tidbit comes courtesy of “SW: Rogue Squadron.”


(58.)             No date is given for the placement of the story, but it is known that it is after ‘A New Hope’, and is set during the time of the Empire, so I arbitrarily chose to set in +2 ASW4.


(59.)             The Jabba comics are dated here as he is in his "fat Elvis form" and it doesn't contradict any other dating material.


(60.)             This occured after "Classic Star Wars: The Rebel Storm" since the Executor was already built in the comic version.


(61.)             This story was originally considered apocryphal, but was put here as a tribute to the late Brian Daley.  Thankfully, Kevin J. Anderson has formally reinstated it into the canon with "Young Jedi Knights: Return to Ord Mantell."


(62.)             Corporal Drazin is from Decipher’s Star Wars Customizable Card Game.  CCG should be considered equal with the expanded quasi – canon, as many of the West End Games authors helped out in the writing of Decipher’s material. 


(63.)             Luke’s severed hand and lightsaber, stored in the Mount Tantiss warehouse, will be used later by Joruus C’Baoth to make a clone, Luuke Skywalker.


(64.)             There is an apparent contradiction in that Luke lost his lightsaber in TESB, yet has one in the post-TESB Marvels, then builds a new one in SOTE.  It has been conjectured that Luke was using the lightsaber he took from Baron Tagge at the end of “Dark Lord’s Gambit.”


(65.)             This planet is possibly the same Yinchorr featured in “Crimson Empire.”  The placement of this story here also explains Leia’s behavior in the two succeeding issues.


(66.)             According to “The Truce at Bakura.”  Cloud City was again under Imperial control by the time of ROTJ, to be freed again then.


(67.)             Mara's inability to kill Luke is detailed in "Heir to the Empire." And rather than get into the controversy of 'who fired the shot that blew up the Death Star--Wedge or Lando?', I decided instead to have them share the credit.


(68.)             There is much dispute about the fate of Sate Pestage.  Mike Stackpole didn't do his homework and forgot that Pestage made it to Byss after being deposed by enemies on Coruscant [Dark Empire Sourcebook].  This is a major part of the backstory of Dark Empire.  Pestage held power (briefly) because he was the keeper of Palpatine's personal archives and the Imperial Seal, and he thus controlled the succession.  He refused to determine a successor for Palpatine, which is why he came to be resented.  If Pestage literally died in the X-Wing: Rogue Squadron – Mandatory Retirement comic, then the Imperial Seal and archives would never have reached Byss.  Therefore the Pestage clone theory doesn't work, although it will have to do until the fate of Pestage is ultimately decided.  Fortunately the comic doesn't actually show him dying.  He simply has a nasty man grabbing his neck.  In Isard's Revenge there are several characters that state a belief that Pestage died, including most of the New Republic leadership, but his death is never stated as an objective fact.  It is just an assumption held by people who were not present.  Obviously, he made his escape to Byss secretly.  Thanks to Curtis Saxton for information for this annotation. Michael Zeiger offers an explanation to the Sate Pestage problem.  Although Sate Pestage did meet with the Rebels and set up a deal with them, he was smart enough to know that things might go wrong.  So he created a clone of himself, and when the time came, it was used as a decoy while he the real Pestage escaped.  The clone was made in a facility that was later found by Ysanne Isard.  Thinking it unused, she made a clone of herself there too, one that caused her a great amount of difficulty later on.  Pestage's clone was to try to successfully make its way to safety, after being deposed, and secure itself in Pestage's seat of power.  Then the real Pestage was to travel there later, so he would be installed on his throne and his clone would be dealt with accordingly.  Things went wrong, just as Pestage worried that they would.  His clone was captured and killed by Krennel, along with his family.  Disappearing for a few years, he watched from a hidden place as Krennel and Isard where defeated by the New Republic.  Soon after hearing of the Emperor "Reborn," he traveled to Byss, along with Palpatine's personal archives and the Imperial Seal.  Palpatine reinstated him as his Grand Vizier, and Pestage was back in power.  This will correctly fit Curtis Saxon's annotation about the subject, and it will show that Mike Stackpole didn't lose his mind!  It makes a lot more sense too, doesn't it?  All of my inferences are drawn from evidence presented in the Dark Empire and Rogue Squadron series (books and novels).  Thanks to Michael Zeiger for that explanation!


(69.)             This series of 6 young adult novels is dangerously close to apocryphal, since it dates Han and Leia's marriage at around this time and has several inconsistencies and flaws. However, it IS being referenced in the books (the most recent example being Zorba in "Rebel Dawn"). Again, it is included here in the interests of being as complete a list as possible.


(70.)             Don't ask me how they name a mountain of Dagobah after Yoda and yet Leia doesn't know he lived there in "Heir to the Empire." Like I said, I don't write this stuff.


(71.)             Yep, I know what you're thinking.  There's no way this and "The Courtship of Princess Leia" could exist in the same timeline.  Unfortunately, the SW Insider (and Mos Espa official site) disagrees.  So, I have come to the only possible conclusion, the only way to fit it in canon.  But you're NOT gonna like it.  Look down below...


(72.)             Conjecture from "Prophets of the Dark Side."  I TOLD you weren't gonna like it.  But, as I said, it's the only way to fit the "Son of Palpatine" series in.  And given Han and Leia's oil and water relationship together, it's not really unlikely that they married, got divorced quickly, spent a couple of years getting their collective acts together, and remarried for good, wisely choosing to forget the previous aborted marriage.  It's been known to happen in our world.


(73.)             The manual sets this add - on five years after "Jedi Knight," and the conclusive dating of that moves it here. Now we know what Mara was up to during the Dark Empire Trilogy.


(74.)             Between Dark Empire I and II.  A graphic novel by Tom Veitch entitled "Lightsider" was intended to reveal more about this but was cancelled for various reasons.  This would be six months after the end of “Dark Empire.”


(75.)             Thanks to “The Phantom Menace” establishing that there can be female - only Hutts, this series has been brought back into canon.


(76.)             This short story mentions Ysanne Isard, Grand Admiral Thrawn and Admiral Daala in the past tense in the notes following it in the Star Wars Adventure Journal, so I placed it here.  It is unknown what became of the Super Star Destroyer ‘Guardian’, as it would have greatly helped in the cause of the New Republic.  Perhaps it is under constant repair.


(77.)             Well, now you know -- Luke and Leia were born sometime in January. Take a pick as to the day, and plan whatever celebration...


(78.)             Originally the backstory of a giant book, "The Star Wars Chronology" by Kevin Anderson, which was tentatively set for April 1999 and used the background outlined here, until the license was switched from Bantam to Del Rey, which now intends to release Spring 2000 as an Essential Guide, without the backstory and co-written by Dan Wallace.  This backstory will remain here regardless to complete this Timeline.


(79.)             This information is based on the 30 second commercial for the “Vector Prime” novel.  I figured that if the character, not the actor, was doing the voiceover, then it could stand to be placed in the timeline.  Since the character was Luke, and it fit in fairly well, I figured it would make sense as a Skywalker Holocron entry.  Take it with a grain of salt.  Thanks to Nathan Butler for this reasoning!


(80.)             George Lucas has announced that he will not make the Sequel Trilogy, citing the unliklihood that he'd live to finish it.  Of course, hope springs eternal, and this will stand as is in hopes he will one day change his mind...


(81.)             Perhaps the ‘Journal of the Whills’ was brought to our galaxy by the E.T. race?!  After all, it seems that they made their way to our galaxy and visited a certain little boy named Elliot, perhaps they visited Earth years before that as well, and one of their scout ships crashed, containing the mythical tome?  They were part of the Galactic Senate in Episode I after all, perhaps the E.T. race is the first race from the Star Wars galaxy to reach ours, after all, the Star Wars saga did happen ‘a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away . . . .’!  Even more intriguing is the thought that perhaps E.T. as seen in the movie “E.T.: The Extraterrestial” is a Jedi!!  You could argue that he did possess Jedi attributes, ie: levitation, telepathy, etc . . .!  (Not to mention the fact he seemed to think a kid wearing a Yoda Halloween mask seemed kinda familiar… -- CGM) This is really all in fun, and is a humorous stretch of the imagination, but I thought it was a cool idea!  George Lucas and Steven Spielberg are friends, so I am sure that they would appreciate this!


(82.)             Of all of the Official Continuity comics Dark Horse has produced, Tales from Mos Eisley has been regarded by many (well, those who actually realize it exists at all) as the absolute weakest of the lot.  “Heggs’ Tale” takes the cake within the comic, though.  This is, to date, our first and only look at time travel in the Star Wars universe (assuming Hegg wasn’t just drunk off his ass and making it all up).  It appears that whatever phenomenon Heggs encountered caused him to be able to walk from the “present” into a “past” that never actually happened.  Once there, he could walk around in the “past” like normal, but he passed through solid objects like a hologram, and could be heard, but not seen by the people in the “past.”  Also, time seemed to work in a completely backwards fashion.  Heggs destroys a grumph egg in the present in order to cause a creature in the past to never have been born.  For this to make any logical sense, the creature would have to either exist in complete temporal reversal of how everything else does (i.e. “time’s arrow” points the opposite direction, akin to one of Stephen Hawking’s theories), or the egg would somehow have to have been transported into the past from a point after Heggs’ “present” to a point before the young Heggs’ encounter with the creature.  At any rate, the story pretty much sucked, but at least now we can say that time travel does exist in Star Wars, albeit in a highly idiotic manner.  (Let’s just hope that the events Heggs experienced were a fluke.  I’d hate to see a Del Rey arc using this kind of time travel.)





·         Some items are not necessarily chronological, eg: stories that occur in the same year, or even occur at the same time.  Some of the entries towards the end of a year happen at some point in the year, but you can't get more specific.  Note, that some of the stories could happen simultaneously, eg: The Jedi Academy Trilogy and I, Jedi.


       Cool explanation borrowed with thanks from James McFadden.


·         Recently, Chris has discovered through his top secret sources associated with Lucasfilm, that story entries that we had the heroes involved in for roughly 2˝ years while they were still on the planet Yavin to be incorrect.  The problem being the time span we had, and our sources say that these stories while the hero’s are on Yavin occur in a six-month period.  Our timeline has now changed to reflect this.  It really does make sense, because you wouldn’t take longer than six months to evacuate the planet after the Imperials have discovered your secret base.


·         I have heard some people mention the discrepancies between Episode I and the ‘Expanded Universe’ novels and comics in regard to Jedi training and traditions.  People may ask, a Jedi is allowed to only have one apprentice at a time, yet in the ‘Tales of the Jedi’ comics and the Jedi Academy trilogy, this is not so!  This is easily explained.  Let’s take the ‘Tales of the Jedi’ scenario.  The Jedi Code and resulting traditions would have evolved during the four millennia time span until ‘Episode I: The Phantom Menace’.  Remember that the Jedi Council depicted in Episode I resembles the Senate during the same time period – caught up in traditions and procedures.  As for the Jedi Academy trilogy, Luke would not have known about the ‘one apprentice rule’.  His previous Masters, Obi-Wan and Yoda would not have bothered with copious amounts of Jedi procedures and traditions, they just wanted to focus on training him.  Later on in life, Luke used the Jedi Holocrons as a source of information, and they dated centuries, even millennia before Episode I.  Apparently, in the ‘New Jedi Order’ novel arc that will be published by Del Rey, Luke reforms the Jedi Council.  Perhaps this new series will provide a link somehow to the Prequels, in that Luke finds more information concerning the Jedi of the era.


·         Another question readers might ask, “Why are the Clone Wars never described fully in the Expanded Universe novels?”  Obviously the simple answer is that George Lucas forbade writers stepping on his toes, that would be his territory to cover during the Prequel films, and he wants to keep it as a suprise.  Internally in the Star Wars universe, it is another question altogether.  After all three Prequels are completed, and people view / read the saga from start to finish, they might wonder – why was Amidala never mentioned in the novels after ‘Return of the Jedi’ or why wasn’t the Trade Federation mentioned, etc . . . I assume / hope that an explanation is given.  We know that Palpatine erases records of the Jedi Knights on his ascendancy as Emperor; maybe similar records are lost as well concerning other events.  Maybe the Clone Wars are too horrific that people just don’t want to remember and talk about it.  I suppose that the characters do remember these events, it’s just that George Lucas doesn’t want the writers to let them remember ;)




The galactic standard second appears to be identical to the metric second.  Higher units of time are reckoned according to the clock and calendar of Coruscant.  A standard minute consists of 60 seconds; an hour consists of 60 minutes; a day consists of 24 hours.  A standard week consists of 5 days; a month consists of seven weeks.  A standard year is 368 days, including ten months, three fete weeks and three other holidays.


The dating systems of the Galactic Republic and Galactic Empire are unknown.  At least two proposals for dating standards have been used in quasi - canonical literature.  Both are unsatisfactory:


1.        In Timothy Zahn's novel Dark Force Rising, a calendar based on the Emperor's rise to power was used. Unfortunately there are a number of continuity problems with Zahn's dating.  The worst problem is that he has Vader's adult career well underway several years before Episode I, in which he will be a ten-year-old boy.


2.        In West End Games' Star Wars Adventure Journal there is a regular series of newspaper - style articles using a dating scheme that puts The Empire Strikes Back at around year 37.  However this cannot correspond to the Emperor's rise to power, since Episode I was only 35 years prior to The Empire Strikes Back, and the takeover probably takes place in Episode III (only 23 years prior to TESB).


 NOTE:  In the Official Continuity Star Wars universe:

368 days                =              1 year

60 minutes             =              1 hour

24 hours                 =              1 day

5 days                    =              1 week

7 weeks                  =              1 month

10 months + 3 festival weeks + 3 holiday days = 1 year


NOTE:  By the Tapani Sector's domestic calendar, which is Galactic Standard with local names, the year flows as follows:


                Month 1:                                Elona

                Month 2:                                Kelone

                Holiday 1:                              Tapani Day

                Month 3:                                Selona

                Festival Week 1:                   Expansion Week

                Month 4:                                Telona

                Month 5:                                Nelona

                Holiday 2:                              Productivity Day

                Month 6:                                Helona

                Festival Week 2:                   Shelova Week

                Month 7:                                Melona

                Month 8:                                Yelona

                Holiday 3:                              Harvest Day

Month 9:                                Relona (The Freeworlds Region of the Tapani Sector also recognizes

                                                        Relona 10 - 15 as Independence Week.)

                Month 10:                              Welona

                Festival Week 3:                   Winter Fete


Also, the week flows as follows:


                Day 1:                                     Atunda

                Day 2:                                     Katunda

                Day 3:                                     Satunda

                Day 4:                                     Datunda

                Day 5:                                     Natunda


By this we can extrapolate that the year, whether Tapani - named or not, in the Star Wars galaxy flows as follows:

2 months, 1 holiday, 1 month, 1 festival week, 2 months, 1 holiday, 1 month, 1 festival week, 2 months, 1 holiday, 2 months, 1 festival week.


Appendix A: The History of Rogue Squadron


With thanks to James McFadden and Bob Vitas


The famed Rogue Squadron rose from the ashes of Red Squadron, the most famous fighter squadron at the Battle of Yavin.  Though the Rebel Alliance was victorious that day, victory came at a high cost.  Only two of Red Squadron's pilots survived: Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles.


In the months that followed, Red Squadron would be re-formed under the leadership of Commander Narra.  Much of Narra's famous Renegade Flight was part of the new squadron, in addition to Skywalker, Antilles, Wes Janson (who had missed the Death Star assault due to illness) and other top pilots.  As Skywalker's prominence in the Alliance grew, he became Narra's second-in-command.


Often, the squadron would operate as two groups within one.  The first group was led by Narra and was built around Renegade Flight, while Skywalker commanded Rogue Flight -- built up around Antilles, Janson and veteran pilot Zev Senesca.  As Rogue Flight was given more autonomy, Skywalker devised a new type of squadron.  The "Rogue Doctrine" established Rogue Flight as a group having no standing orders, ready for any special missions which might arise.  In this capacity, the Rogues participated in various missions following the evacuation of the Alliance's Yavin IV base, including an assault on Imperial forces on Tatooine and the rescue of recently defected Imperial officer Crix Madine from Kessel. Both the Rogues and Renegades remained part of the larger Red Squadron.


Shortly before the Battle of Hoth, Renegade Flight was dispatched to escort a convoy on its way to Hoth with supplies needed desperately by the Alliance forces at Echo Base.  The Rogues remained on Hoth and welcomed many new pilots, including Derek "Hobbie" Klivian and former Imperial pilot Tycho Celchu.  The convoy protected by the Renegades met with disaster when an Imperial ambush at Derra IV killed all personnel.  Narra and Renegade Flight was no more, and the much needed supplies never came. Out of this tragedy, Skywalker's group had an even heavier burden to bear with fewer starfighters and pilots to defend Echo Base.


When the Empire discovered the base on Hoth, the infamous Battle of Hoth would soon follow.  In an organization such as the Rebel Alliance, the terms "official" and "unofficial" have little meaning, but the pressing need for snowspeeder pilots and gunners forced the Rogues to add many unofficial members into the group.  Twelve snowspeeders fought attacking Imperial walkers in a desperate holding action, hoping to give the Alliance enough time to evacuate the base.  The Rogues fought valiantly and slowed down the walkers using tow cables, a tactic devised by Skywalker and Alliance tactician Beryl Chiffonage. Many pilots were lost in the battle and many others wounded.


After the evacuation of Echo Base, the Rebel Fleet met at a secret rendezvous point.  Antilles temporarily took command of the Rogues as Skywalker trained to become a Jedi Knight.  Skywalker reached the rendezvous point after his confrontation with Darth Vader at Cloud City.  While recuperating from his injuries, he and Antilles formed a twelve - member squadron around the core group of surviving Rogues.  Rogue Squadron was born.  Under Antilles' command, the squadron was involved in many brief skirmishes while protecting the fleet.


Once Skywalker was fit to return to duty, he and the squadron were involved in many dangerous missions.  Rogue Squadron became a symbol of the Rebel Alliance, gaining near - legendary status.  As Skywalker's duties outside of the cockpit became increasingly important, he often turned command over to Antilles.  One of Luke's final missions commanding the squadron was during the Battle of Gall, when the Rogues fought off Imperial forces in an attempt to flush out the bounty hunters who had abducted Han Solo -- then frozen in carbonite.  After that battle, much of Luke's time was spent planning the rescue of Solo from the gangster Jabba the Hutt.


By the time Solo was freed, the Alliance was readying for the most important battle it would ever fight.  In what would become known as the Battle of Endor, Rogue Squadron was absorbed into the various squadrons that would partake in the assault upon the second Death Star.  Antilles took the role of Red Leader -- so named to honor the memory of his squadmates at Yavin -- and led the starfighter squadrons with General Lando Calrissian.  Many Rogues died in that battle, and those who survived would have very little time to enjoy their victory.


Immediately following the Battle of Endor, Rogue Squadron participated in the mission to defend the planet Bakura.  That incarnation of the squadron was a hastily formed unit that Antilles created by finding the best pilots he could among the survivors of Endor to join the remaining Rogues.  After the Bakura mission, many of the pilots were assigned to other squadrons.  After the dust settled, Rogue Squadron was a lean six member team, consisting of Antilles, Janson, Klivian, Celchu and two new members: Plourr Ilo and Dllr Nep.  Over the next two years, the team's roster underwent constant change as the squadron participated in many missions during the New Republic's infancy.  Many Rogues lost their lives in those difficult times.  It was during this time that the Alliance High Command discovered that the Empire's current leader, Sate Pestage, was willing to negotiate with the Alliance, hoping to save the faltering Empire.  Though Pestage met with the Alliance in secret, the other Imperial commanders learned this and sent Pestage into exile.  It was decided that Pestage should be rescued to show the galaxy that the New Republic would not operate as the Empire did.  Rogue Squadron was chosen for the task.  The mission nearly succeeded at a high cost, but Pestage stayed behind, believing he had the support of Imperial Admiral Krennel and his forces.  Pestage was sorely mistaken and died by Krennel's hand.  Though the mission ultimately failed, it went a long way in bolstering the galaxy's opinion of the New Republic.


Two and a half years after the Battle of Endor, Antilles was called upon to reinvent Rogue Squadron.  Old hands Janson and Klivian left to establish their own squadrons, while Wedge had to face the fact that Rogue Squadron was now a symbol of the New Republic and he had political issues to consider.  He now was asked to create a squadron comprised of pilots from a wide variety of planets. Political pressures aside, Antilles still created a unit worthy of the name Rogue Squadron, fighting Imperial forces led by Ysanne Isard.  It was this new squadron that was instrumental in the battle to take Coruscant, establishing it as the capitol of the New Republic.


For a brief time, the new Rogues were involved in a conflict known as The Bacta War.  The entire squadron resigned in order to pursue a private war to liberate the world of Thyferra from Isard.  During that time, a temporary Rogue Squadron was formed under the command of Derek "Hobbie" Klivian.  The squadron was only in place during the "true" Rogue Squadron's absence, but once the Rogues returned home, Antilles turned command over to Klivian in order to create a new type of unit known as Wraith Squadron.  Once that new squadron was established, Antilles returned to Coruscant and commanded both the Rogues and the Wraiths during the New Republic's campaign against Warlord Zsinj.  In the wake of Zsinj's defeat, Antilles was reinstated as Rogue Leader.  In that capacity, Wedge and the Rogues battled the

Imperial forces led by Grand Admiral Thrawn.


Shortly after Thrawn's defeat, Antilles reluctantly accepted a General's commission.  He continued to command the Rogues in their battle against Krennel, who was now leading his own private Empire, based on the planet Ciutric.  It was discovered that not only had Isard survived her previous encounter with the Rogues, but that she had cloned herself and that clone was supporting Krennel.  For a time, the Rogues were presumed dead -- a fact that they took advantage of in their fight against Krennel.  Both Isard, her clone and Krennel were defeated and the Rogues liberated the prisoners Isard had arrested during her reign. Among these prisoners was the commander of the Rebel base on Yavin IV, General Jan Dodonna.


A short time later, Wedge took up the responsibilities of his new rank to help lead the fight against the clone of Emperor Palpatine in his attempt to retake all the Empire had lost since Endor.  He turned over command of the Rogues to Tycho Celchu.  Without Antilles at the helm, the Rogues participated in the Battle of Mon Calamari, fighting the clone Emperor's World Devastators.


Following the Second Battle of Coruscant, the New Republic began a reassessment of its’ forces. Over his own strong objections, General Antilles was ordered to organize a new Rogue Squadron, one based on multiple brands of fighters to allow for greater flexibility in battle. Disgusted with this, Wedge chose to command this new squadron from afar, as commander of the Lusankya (which allowed the Rogues over 100 different fighters). The first operation of the revamped Rogues was at Phaeda, as they aided in the liberation of that world and the toppling of would-be Emperor Carnor Jax. Over the next several years, Rogue Squadron continued its proud tradition without Antilles, fighting pirates led by Moff Leonia Tavira, involved in the battle against rebellious Imperial Royal guards and other important campaigns.  Eventually, Wedge returned to Rogue Squadron, which has continued to strike fear in the hearts of its enemies and has become a symbol of the New Republic's constant battle against injustice and oppression.



Battle of Yavin (Red Squadron)

Battle of Hoth

Battle of Gall

Battle of Endor

The Early Years

Prior to Battle of Brentaal

After the Battle of Brentaal

Liberation of Borleias









Tycho Celchu


Garven Dreis

Luke Skywalker

Wedge Antilles

Wedge Antilles

Wedge Antilles

Wedge Antilles

Wedge Antilles

Wedge Antilles

Exeuctive Officer










Wedge Antilles

Zev Senesca

Will Scotian

Tycho Celchu

Elscol Loro



Peshk Vri'syk


Biggs Darklighter

Wedge Antilles



Tycho Celchu

Tycho Celchu

Tycho Celchu

Nawara Ven



Hobbie Klivian



Nrin Vakil

Nrin Vakil

Nrin Vakil

Bror Jace


Luke Skywalker

Wes Janson



Wes Janson

Wes Janson

Wes Janson

Gavin Darklighter


Jek Porkins


Wes Janson


Dllr Nep


Soontir Fel

Riv Shiel


Elyhek Rue




Hobbie Klivian

Plourr Ilo

Feylis Ardele

Rhysati Ynr


Bren Quersey




Plourr Ilo

Feylis Ardele

Avan Beruss

Erisi Dlarit






Feylis Ardele

Hobbie Klivian

Hobbie Klivian

Corran Horn


Theron Nett




Herian I'ngre

Xarrce Huwla

Xarrce Huwla

Ooryl Qrygg






Avan Beruss

Avan Beruss

Plourr Ilo

Lujayne Forge









Andoorni Hui



Liberation of Coruscant

After leaving the NR

Battle of Thyferra

Search for Zsinj

Battle of Sluis Van

Battle of Bilbringi

Search for Invidious



Tycho Celchu









Wedge Antilles

Wedge Antilles

Wedge Antilles

Wedge Antilles


Wedge Antilles

Tycho Celchu


Executive Officer




Nawara Ven


Nawara Ven




Asyr Sei'lar

Asyr Sei'lar

Asyr Sei'lar

Wedge Antilles


Wedge Antilles




Rhysati Ynr

Gavin Darklighter

Gavin Darklighter

Tycho Celchu


Tycho Celchu


Hobbie Klivian



Erisi Dlarit

Riv Shiel


Pedna Scotian


Lyyr Zatoq

Wes Janson



Gavin Darklighter

Rhysati Ynr

Rhysati Ynr

Hobbie Klivian


Hobbie Klivian

Gavin Darklighter



Nawara Ven

Inyri Forge

Inyri Forge



Wes Janson




Pash Cracken

Tycho Celchu

Tycho Celchu

Gavin Darklighter


Gavin Darklighter

Reme Pollar



Riv Shiel

Nawara Ven

Nawara Ven

Ran Kether


Myn Donos




Corran Horn (empty)

Corran Horn

Corran Horn

Koobis Nu


Khe-Jeen Slee




Ooryl Qrygg

Ooryl Qrygg

Ooryl Qrygg

Corran Horm


Corran Horn

Corran Horn






Ooryl Qrygg


Ooryl Qrygg

Ooryl Qryyg



Aril Nunb



Asyr Sei'lar


Asyr Sei'lar







Inyri Forge


Inyri Forge





Appendix B: The Leaders of the Galaxy



Old Republic

The Galactic Empire

New Republic

The Fringe

-232 BSW4

-32 BSW4


-20 BSW4

c. –5 BSW4

Year 0

+4 ASW4 (Post ROTJ)

+6 ASW4

+9 ASW4

+10 ASW4

+11 ASW4


+13 ASW4


+19 ASW4

+20 ASW4

+23 ASW4

+25 ASW4

(???) Valorum

Finis Valorum

(???) Palpatine







Emperor Palpatine



Sate Pestage

Ysanne Isard

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Emperor Reborn

Xandel Carivus

Ambassasdor Furgan

Admiral Daala

Admiral Pellaeon











Mon Mothma




Leia Organa Solo




Ponc Gavrisom

Leia Organa Solo


Borsk Fey’lya




Jabba the Hutt

Jorj Car’das

Prince Xizor

Talon Karrde









Co – Author and Editor:

















Thank you:
































Christopher G. McElroy



Michael Potts




Michael Zeiger

  Has contributed many items, including

  Neeja Halcyon related info, and many

  entries based around the Lucasarts games.

  Very grateful for his assistance!


Matthew Holm

Kari Tikka

Andy (Error! Reference source not found.)

Joe (Error! Reference source not found.)

Gary Tonkin

Nathan Butler

Nye Sovine (Error! Reference source not found.)

Matt Buckley (


Michael and Denise Okuda

  Author of the excellent “Star Trek Chronology”

  the format of which partially inspired this



Roderick Vonhogen

  For allowing me to put my timeline on the

  web in the first place


Scott Thompson

  Who has contributed such incredible artwork

  to the online version of Time Tales


Paul “Ghent” Ens

  For bringing this page to the Force.Net


Brendan Tonkin


Bob Vitas

  For his incredible unofficial encyclopedia


Dan Wallace

  For his Planet’s guide and his great opinions and suggestions


Curtis Saxton

  For his analytical comments


Bill Slavicsek

  Author of A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Second Edition, for originally creating the "BSW4/ASW4" dating system that has become the standard Star Wars dating system for this and other timelines.



George Lucas

  For creating this wonderful universe


Jack Camden

  For his excellent ANH-TESB timeline that I

  have used here


Steve Almond

James McFadden

Steve Sansweet

  All for helping lay the groundwork





Hi Michael,


Thanks for the kind words and the timeline. What a

lot of work you must have put into it!






Vonda N. McIntyre, author of ‘The Crystal Star’




Thanks for the timeline; I'll put it with my reference materials.”


Aaron Allston, author of the ‘X-Wing: Wraith Squadron’ series of novels.




Thanks a lot.  Your stuff is really cool.


Jorge A. Christian



Hi Aaron, it's Michael Potts again, here is the updated version of Timetales for April.  I hope you enjoy it, what do you think of it, do you like it, would you consider it as a resource??


I do enjoy it; thanks for sending it to me.  It is a helpful resource.


Aaron Allston, author of the ‘X-Wing: Wraith Squadron’ series of novels.



I really enjoy your timeline . . .”




Mike Zeiger

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Dear Mr. Potts,

I wanted to thank you again for sending me a copy of Time Tales.  Your Time Tales is, in my opinion, one of the best pieces of fan - created Star Wars information on the Internet.


Thanks again,


Michael Zeiger


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Dear Christopher,


I just wanted to write and compliment you on an excellent compilation of the Star Wars Universe!  You and your assistants must have put an enormous amount of time into this, and I am really impressed with it.




Denson Conn

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Wow!  What an overwhelming amount of time and effort must go into such an endeavour!  And it is very well written.  I am looking forward to printing it out and taken the time to actually read it.  I was wondering if you have a web site for this.  I'd love to post the info on my site.  Let me know!

Take care,


Thanks once again, and thanks for creating such a fantastic piece of work!


Robert Scott

aka ScOttRa


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HOLY SHIT!!!!  I have NEVER seen a word document that was over a megabyte big!!  Jeez, you guys really did your research, didn't you! :)  Anyway, looks pretty damn good to me! :)




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Thanks for timetales!  I really like what you have done! that is so great!  Keep up the good work and as always,


May the force be with you,


Chad Rawlings

Director of The Star Wars Realm

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Spectacular, I've honestly never looked at the whole thing but just skimming the last and first pages . . . I want to read this whole thing when I get a chance . . .


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Great job, guys!  I haven't had a chance to read it all, but it looks good so far!  Do you have a website on that I can link to?  I'd like to put it on my Links page, as well as the timeline page.


I also congratulate you on actually receiving mail back from some of the authors.  The only one who's ever responded to be is Kevin Anderson, although Mike Stackpole did respond via my website's hosts!


Keep up the good work!


Regards, and MTFBWY,


Bob Vitas

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Hello Michael,


I've only had the opportunity to glance through Timetales and it is truly beautiful.  You've done, from what I've seen so far, an amazing job.  Kudos to you.  When I have the opportunity I will look at it in detail, but as I said, from what I've seen it is truly impressive.



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Thanks for the timeline.  I appreciate the updates, its really awesome.



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Michael, I know we have had differences in the past regarding my timeline located at, however after many years of effort, I have taken my timeline off of the internet, mainly because I haven't the amount of time I should like to dedicate to it's updates.  I have, however, placed a link to your site in it's place as once you introduced me to your site, I found that yours was what I was attempting to create, and was partially discouraged to find it had already been done.  I now realize that this job was fine while I was beginning it with little competition, but with so many Star Wars Timelines on the 'net and so little time on my part, I would rather leave that job to those with the time.  I humbly bequeath on you and yours a title granted to me by a previous fan of mine... that of "Historian of Things That Never Were."  Keep up the good work, and if you would like a copy of my timeline to use to see if there is any information I may have that you may not (which I seriously doubt) all you need do is ask. Thanks again! -Josh Bobbitt










A Certain Point of View

Ambush on Corellia

Anakin’s Fate

Anakin’s Quest

Assault at Selonia

Aurra Sing

Battle for the Golden Sun

Before the Storm

Blaze of Glory

Boba Fett: Bounty on Bar-Kooda

Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire

Boba Fett: Murder Most Foul

Boba Fett: Salvage

Boba Fett: Twin Engines of


Boba Fett: When the Fat Lady


Bounty Hunters: Scoundrel’s Wages

Breaking Free

Bungo n’ Rusti get Carry-out

Champions of the Force

Children of the Jedi

Classic Star Wars

Command Decision

Conflict of Interest

Cracken’s Rebel Field Guide

Cracken’s Threat Dossier

Crimson Empire


Crimson Empire II: Council of


Crisis at Crystal Reef


Dark Apprentice

Dark Empire

Dark Empire Sourcebook

Dark Empire II

Dark Empire III: Empire’s End

Dark Force Rising

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook

Dark Forces

Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight

Dark Forces: Rebel Agent

Dark Forces: Solder of the


Darkest Knight



Death in the Undercity

Death Star Technical Companion

Delusions of Granduer


Diversity Alliance


Do No Harm


Ewoks: The Battle for Endor


Finder’s Fee


First Contact

Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races

Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp


Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley

Galaxy Guide 9: Fragment from  

  the Rim

Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal


Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens –

  Enemies and Allies

Galaxy of Fear: Army of Terror

Galaxy of Fear: City of the Dead

Galaxy of Fear: Clones

Galaxy of Fear: Eaten Alive

Galaxy of Fear: Ghost of the Jedi

Galaxy of Fear: Planet Plague

Galaxy of Fear: Spore

Galaxy of Fear: The Brain


Galaxy of Fear: The Doomsday


Galaxy of Fear: The Hunger

Galaxy of Fear: The Nightmare


Galaxy of Fear: The Swarm

Game Chambers of Questal

Han Solo and the Corporate

  Sector Sourcebook

Han Solo and the Lost Legacy

Han Solo at Star’s End

Han Solo’s Revenge

Hard Merchandise

Heir to the Empire

Heir to the Empire Sourcebook

Heirs of the Force


I, Jedi

Imperial Sourcebook

Jabba the Hutt: Betrayal

Jabba the Hutt: The Dynasty Trap

Jabba the Hutt: The Gaar

  Suppoon Hit

Jabba the Hutt: The Hunger of Princess Nampi

Jedi Academy Sourcebook

Jedi Academy: Leviathan

Jedi Apprentice: The Dark Rival

Jedi Apprentice: The Hidden Past

Jedi Apprentice: The Rising


Jedi Bounty


Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith

Jedi Search

Jedi Under Seige


Kenobi’s Blade

Lando Calrissian and the

  Flamewind of Oseon

Lando Calrissian and the

  Mindharp of Sharu

Lando Calrissian and the

  StarCave of ThonBoka



Lords of the Expanse

Lyric’s World

Mara Jade: By the Emperor’s


Marvel Comic Series

Masters of Teras Kasi

Missed Chance

Mission from Mount Yoda

Mission to Lianna

Murder at Slushtime

No Disintegrations, Please



Planet of Twilight

Planets of the Galaxy: Volume


Prelude to Rebellion


Prophets of the Dark Side

Queen of the Empire

Rebel Alliance Sourcebook

Rebel Assault

Rebel Assault, Chapter II: The

  Hidden Empire

Rebel Dawn


Rendezvous with Destiny

Retreat from Coruscant

Return of the Jedi

Return to Ord Mantell



River of Chaos

Rogue Squadron

Science Adventures: Emergency

  in Escape Pod Four

Science Adventures: Journey

  Across Planet X

Shadow Academy


Shadow Stalker

Shadows of the Empire

Shadows of the Empire II:


Shadows of the Empire


Shards of Alderaan


Shield of Lies

Showdown at Centerpoint

Side Trip


Slave Ship

Slaying Dragons

Spare Parts

Specter of the Past

Splinter of the Mind’s Eye

Star Wars 3D: Loose Ends

Star Wars: A New Hope

Star Wars Encyclopedia

Star Wars Episode I: Incredible

  Cross – Sections

Star Wars Episode I: Scrapbook

Star Wars Episode I: Racer

Star Wars Episode I: Visual Dictionary

Star Wars Galaxy Magazine

Star Wars Journal: Queen


Star Wars Kids

Star Wars Missions


Star Wars Pizazz Magazine Serial

Star Wars Sourcebook

Star Wars Special Edition


Tales From Jabba’s Palace

Tales From The Mos Eisley


Tales of the Bounty Hunters

Tales of the Empire

Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of

  the Sith

Tales of the Jedi: The Fall of the

  Sith Empire

Tales of the Jedi: Golden Age of

  the Sith

Tales of the Jedi: Knights of the 


Tales of the Jedi: Redemption

Tales of the Jedi: The Freedon

  Nadd Uprising

Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War

Tales of the Jedi Companion

Tatooine Manhunt

The Bounty Hunters: Aurra Sing

The Courtship of Princess Leia

The Crystal Star

The Cure

The Darkstryder Campaign

The Darkstryder Campaign: The

  Saga Begins

The Emperor’s Plague


The Empire Strikes Back


The Essential Guide to Characters

The Essential Guide to Planets   

  and Moons

The Essential Guide to Vehicles

  and Vessels

The Ewok Adventure: Caravan of


The Fight for Justice

The Final Exit

The Golden Globe

The Glove of Darth Vader

The Graveyard of Alderaan

The Great Herdship Heist

The Hutt Gambit

The Illustrated Star Wars


The Isis Coordinates

The Jabba Tape

The Last Command

The Longest Fall

The Lost City of the Jedi

The Lost Ones


The Mandalorian Armour

The Most Dangerous Foe

The New Rebellion

The Paradise Snare

The Phantom Menace

The Phantom Menace

The Star Wars Holiday Special

The Truce at Bakura

The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook

The X-Wing Strategy Guide

Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook

This Crumb for Hire

TIE Fighter

Tinian on Trial

To Fight Another Day

Trouble on Cloud City


Twin Stars of Kira

Tyrant’s Test

Vader’s Fortress

Vader’s Quest

Vector Prime

Vision of the Future

Vow of Justice

Wanted by Cracken

X-Wing: Iron Fist

X-Wing: Isard’s Revenge

X-Wing: Rogue Squadron

X-Wing: Solo Command

X-Wing: The Bacta War

X-Wing: The Krytos Trap

X-Wing: Wedge’s Gamble

X-Wing: Wraith Squadron


X-Wing Alliance

X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Apple

  Jacks Special

X-Wing Rogue Squadron:

  Battleground Tatooine

X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Family


X-Wing Rogue Squadron: In the

  Empire’s Service

X-Wing Rogue Squadron:


X-Wing Rogue Squadron:

  Requiem for a Rogue

X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The

  Making of Baron Fel

X-Wing Rogue Squadron:

  Mandatory Retirement

X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The

  Phantom Affair

X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The

  Rebel Opposition

X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The

  Warrior Princess

X-Wing Rogue Squadron


Zorba the Hutt’s Revenge

Short Story


Young Reader Novel

Young Reader Novel



Role Playing Game Material


Short Story











Short Story

Short Story




Short Story

Short Story

Role Playing Game Material

Role Playing Game Material





Young Reader Novel




Role Playing Game Material




Role Playing Game Material

Computer Game

Computer Game

Graphic Novel

Graphic Novel


Young Reader Novel



Role Playing Game Material

Role Playing Game Material

Young Reader Novel


Young Reader Novel


Short Story


Television Movie


Short Story

Short Story

Short Story

Role Playing Game Material



Role Playing Game Material

Role Playing Game Material


Role Playing Game Material


Role Playing Game Material


Young Reader Novel

Young Reader Novel

Young Reader Novel

Young Reader Novel

Young Reader Novel

Young Reader Novel

Young Reader Novel

Young Reader Novel


Young Reader Novel


Young Reader Novel

Young Reader Novel


Young Reader Novel

Role Playing Game Material

Role Playing Game Material








Young Reader Novel



Role Playing Game Material







Role Playing Game Material


Young Reader Novel

Young Reader Novel

Young Reader Novel


Young Reader Novel


Computer Game


Young Reader Novel


Young Reader Novel







Young Reader Novel


Role Playing Game Material

Young Reader Novel




Computer Game

Short Story

Young Reader Novel

Role Playing Game Material

Short Story

Short Story


Short Story


Role Playing Game Material



Young Reader Novel

Young Reader Novel

Young Reader Novel

Role Playing Game Material

Computer Game

Computer Game



Short Story

Short Story

Short Story

Feature Film

Young Reader Novel


Short Story


Computer Game

Young Reader Novel


Young Reader Novel


Young Reader Novel








Young Reader Novel




Short Story



Short Story

Short Story




Feature Film

Reference Material

Reference Material


Young Reader Novel

Computer Game

Reference Material


Short Story

Young Reader Novel



Choose Your Own Adventure Books


Role Playing Game Material

Role Playing Game Material



















Role Playing Game Material

Role Playing Game Material




Short Story

Role Playing Game Material

Role Playing Game Material


Young Reader Novel


Feature Film


Reference Material

Reference Material


Reference Material


Television Movie


Young Reader Novel

Short Story

Young Reader Novel

Young Reader Novel

Role Playing Game Material

Short Story


Coffee Table Books


Role Playing Game Material



Short Story

Young Reader Novel

Young Reader Novel



Short Story



Feature Film


Television Movie


Role Playing Game Material

Reference Material

Role Playing Game Material


Computer Game

Short Story

Short Story

Young Reader Novel


Role Playing Game Material


Young Reader Novel





Role Playing Game Material









Computer Game

Computer Game























Reference Material


Young Reader Novel

Charlene Newcomb

Roger Macbride Allen

Marc Cerasini

Rebecca Moesta

Roger Macbride Allen

Tim Truman

Douglas Kaufman

Michael P. Kube-McDowell

Tony Russo

John Wagner

John Wagner

John Wagner

John Wagner

Andy Mangels


John Wagner


Mark Schultz


Dave Marron

Jim Anderson

Kevin J. Anderson

Barbara Hambly

Russ Manning / Archie Goodwin

Timothy Zahn

Laurie Burns



Mike Richardson / Randy Stradley

Mike Richardson / Randy Stradley

Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta

Kevin J. Anderson

Tom Veitch


Tom Veitch

Tom Veitch

Timothy Zahn




William C. Dietz

William C. Dietz


Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta

Kevin J. Anderson

Michael Nystul


Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta

Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta

Erin Endom


George Lucas / Ken Wheat / Jim Wheat

Peter Schweighofer

Kevin J. Anderson

Timothy Zahn







Rick D. Stuart




John Whitman

John Whitman

John Whitman

John Whitman

John Whitman

John Whitman

John Whitman

John Whitman


John Whitman


John Whitman

John Whitman


John Whitman




Brian Daley

Brian Daley

Brian Daley

K. W. Jeter

Timothy Zahn


Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta

Michael A. Stackpole


Jim Woodring

Jim Woodring

Jim Woodring


Jim Woodring



Kevin J. Anderson

Jude Watson

Jude Watson

Dave Wolverton


Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta


Kevin J. Anderson

Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta

Rebecca Moesta

L. Neil Smith


L. Neil Smith


L. Neil Smith


Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta


Nancy Richardson

Timothy Zahn / Michael A. Stackpole



Michael A. Stackpole

Paul Davids / Hollace Davids

Joanne E. Wyrick

Barbara Hambly

Paul Danner

Tim Truman

Charlene Newcombe

Barbara Hambly

John Terra


Jan Strnad

Nancy Richardson

Paul Davids / Hollace Davids

Paul Davids / Hollace Davids



Vincent Lee


Ann C. Crispin

George R. Strayton

Charlene Newcomb

Laurie Burns

George Lucas / Lawrence Kasdan

Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta

Laurie Burns

Louise Simenson


Jude Watson / K. D. Burkett


Jude Watson / K. D. Burkett


Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta

Ryder Windham

Steve Perry

Steve Perry




Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta

Michael P. Kube-McDowell

Roger Macbride Allen

Michael A. Stackpole / Timothy Zahn

K. W. Jeter

Angela Philips

Pablo Hidalgo

Timothy Zahn

Alan Dean Foster

Len Wein

George Lucas

Stephen J. Sansweet

David West Reynolds




David West Reynolds



Jude Watson


Mike W. Barr

Roy Thomas / Archie Goodwin


Ryder Windham / Dave Wolverton

Roy Thomas / Archie Goodwin







Tom Veitch / Kevin J. Anderson

Kevin J. Anderson

Kevin J. Anderson


Tom Veitch


Kevin J. Anderson


Tom Veitch

Kevin J. Anderson



George R. Strayton

Bill Slavicsek / Daniel Greenberg

Tim Truman

Dave Wolverton

Vonda N. McIntyre

James L. Cambias

Timothy Zahn



Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta

George Lucas / Leigh Brackett/ Lawrence Kasdan

Andy Mangels

Dan Wallace




George Lucas / Bob Carrau


John Peel

Patricia A. Jackson

Nancy Richardson

Paul Davids / Hollace Davids

Bill Slavicsek

Daniel Wallace

Ann C. Crispin

Kevin J. Anderson


Christopher Kubasik

John Wagner

Timothy Zahn

Patricia A. Jackson

Paul Davids / Hollace Davids

Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta

K. W. Jeter

Angela Phillips

Kristine Kathryn Rusch

Ann C. Crispin

George Lucas

Terry Brooks


Kathy Tyers




Ryder Windham

Larry Holland

Kathy Tyers

Ryder Windham

Kevin J. Anderson / Rebecca Moesta


Michael P. Kube-McDowell

Rebecca Moesta

Darko Macan

R.A. Salvatore

Timothy Zahn

Jan Strnad


Aaron Allston

Michael A. Stackpole

Michael A. Stackpole

Aaron Allston

Michael A. Stackpole

Michael A. Stackpole

Michael A. Stackpole

Aaron Allston

Larry Holland

Larry Holland

Ryder Windham


Michael A. Stackpole


Michael A. Stackpole


Michael A. Stackpole


Michael A. Stackpole


Michael A. Stackpole


Michael A. Stackpole


Michael A. Stackpole


Michael A. Stackpole


Michael A. Stackpole


Michael A. Stackpole




Paul Davids / Hollace Davids