The Golden Leaf Inn
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The Golden Leaf Inn

Based on the world of The Wheel Of Time

The Golden Leaf Inn

The Golden Leaf Inn

As you touch a rune on the portal stone, you are transported to the gardens behind the Inn. Looking across the pond, as the water ripples ever so slightly in the brisk air, your eyes turn up to the back of the Inn. While walking beneath golden-green leaves that twinkle in the sun, as you approach the Inn’s rear entrance, you are filled with a sense of peace that you can’t explain...

"The small, rustic town of Rindel is a peaceful place far from the noise of bigger cities. News of the Bore has only just reached its inhabitants, and they, being the simple down to earth types that they are, take it as a fanciful travelers’ tale. Here many of the conveniences of modern technology go mostly unused.

The town’s greatest disturbances are the Inn’s new caretakers, I, Sei’taer’aman (Sei for short), and my betrothed, Chasaline.

Chasaline inherited the Inn just this past year from her parents who were, “getting too old for such things,” as her mom put it. Though, a more energetic pair of old busybodies I’m not sure I’ve seen.

It was more out of convenience that we ended up here at the Inn. We needed a place to stay after we left the school of Collam Daan quite hastily, and Chasaline’s parents were more than happy to exchange our working at the Inn for room and board. Now that they’ve moved out, we inhabit the eastern (right) apartment of the Inn.

Actually, we’re currently looking for someone to be the Inn’s innkeeper, as Chasaline and I are rather busy with our own endeavors. So, if you’re interested, find me again and we’ll talk.

Ah, but I do go on.

Rooms are 3 silvers a night, 4 with the evening and morning meal."

~ History provided by: The World Of Robert Jordan's The Wheel Of Time

~ The MP3 music on this site is from the Wheel Of Time computer game. Check it out, because it is, as I must say, rather Kick Ass.

~ Please also have a look at my betrothed's MSN Web Community, Rose of the Sun . She has done quite a few nice things with it. Thanks Chasaline.

~ If you don't have a Dragonmount RPG character, click Here to join. It's free, of course. Entering The Golden Leaf Inn does not require you to have a Dragonmount RPG character, though I highly recommend it.

RPG Structure at Dragonmount:

Click Here to Enter the Inn

Chasaline Al Ellisande
