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The World of DragonLance as seen through my eyes WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF DRAGONLANCE

Welcome to the World of Dragonlance, as seen through my eyes. This page is dedicated to the AD&D world of Dragonlance. I have been a fan of this world since the age of 16 and still enjoy reading about the events after 9 years.

This page contains a list of all novels and accessories ever printed as well as a list of major NPC's, both villains and heroes. This part is designed to be a resource for DMs and will include some of my creation with a brief bio. And check the news for any Dragonlance updates. A list of links is available here.

Febuary 3,2000---I added a list of reading in chronological order. I also added a complete list of maps
January 21,2000---I added a map of Ansalon and some NPC's. I have also added theAnsalon Calander.

NEWS--Updated 2/3/2000

Look here for any new information on Dragonlance Products

Current News

Old News
  • Wizards of the Coast is re-releasing the Chronicles Trilogy with ALL NEW cover art.
  • Best of Tales Vol. 1 has been released!!!.
  • Dalamar the Dark has been released!!!.
  • New books to be released in 2000-- Wizards is releasing two new series and some independent books. The hero from the 5th Age books will be featured in a series aptly titled The Dhamon Saga. The first book is called Downfall. Jean Rabe is the author.
    A new series called The Crossroad Series begins with The Clandestine Circle.
    A new addition to the Dragonlance Classic series is scheduled for release in July 2000. The Citadel is written by veteran Richard A. Knaak. New information on the War of Souls Trilogy-- Looks like The War of Souls will introduce an era on Krynn. There will be a new spiritual leader who follows the "One God". How this is going to impact the current vacancy left by the Chaos War, we will have to wait and see. For more information go to The War of Souls webpage. This is a good source of information.

Any comments or suggestion, Please let me know!!!!!

Castle Evilbane

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