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What The Future Holds

Welcome to the Future and what it Holds! I know that’s really cheesy but hey, the site needs an introduction and I’m the one who got stuck doing it. My name is Loreena, Leena to my friends. These other two are Maria and Rachel, my sisters.
For those of you who are new to WTFH (no, that does not mean What the Fecking Hell), here’s what it is. You all know the X-Men, right?
And the Brotherhood!
Maria, I got stuck with the into, so we’ll do it my way, alright? Geez. So you all know the X-Men and the Brotherhood, right?
They wouldn’t be here if they didn’t.
What if they get lost and didn’t mean to be here?
Guys, we need to get the intro done! It’s already really long!
So let the people read more. It’s good for their literacy!
Be quiet. Anyway, this whole site is based on those ideas, that humans in the very near future will begin to evolve into something new. Well, we’re some of them, and this site tells our story. I’m the one who writes everything down about what happens. I’m writing it in a story format so it’s easier for you to read. Rachel types it all up and manages the site. Maria and I share the duties of drawing, as it is a rather difficult and time-consuming task. And all three of us are sources of input and ideas. If you have any ideas for us, please, please, please let us know! Thanx!
::Smiles and poses with Rachel and Maria::
Is it over?
I think so
Good. Let’s get out of here.
::All leave::

(Click To See Larger Image)

This site is still being worked on, so please come back soon to see if we've added or changed anything new!


The Archive (The Story)

The Picture Archive

Profiles of the Characters (Including the Original X-Men)

Our Advertisements (Banners & Buttons)

Tell A Friend (Tell a friend about our site!)

Message Boards (For both the X-Men and the BrotherHood)

Mutant Chat (Chat Room)



Chapter 9 Typed up and Ready To Be Read ~ 6-18-01
Pictures in Picture Archive Updated to Thumbnails ~ 6-26-01
Rachel Broke Her Finger, So The Story Won't Be Updated For Awhile, Unless Leena or Maria Are Willing to Do It *EHEM* ~ 6-25-01
YaY! Rachel's finger has healed! Story will soon continue! ~ 7-22-01
Chapter 10 Typed up and Ready To Be Read ~ 7-22-01
New Group Picture Add (See above^) ~ 7-22-01

Disclaimer: All original X-Men characters were created and are owned by Marvel Comics and whoever else. We don't own them, although we wish we did! :)

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Hey! Its our Page Gardian^
Page Gardian? Ha! this thing couldn't hurt a fly!
Awww, what a cute widdle kitty! *Pet pet*

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