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We are cool. Fear us! Respect us! But most of all, join us!

Keevan wants you to join, or else he'll cry. Aww...isn't he a cutie? Here's a good reason to join the VRC.

Welcome, one and all, to the VRC!

The VRC is a group of nice people dedicated to resurrecting Vorta. Sort of. Well, that was our first purpose. It's still our main purpose. We don’t really resurrect Vorta (although an actor of a Vorta was the Re-Animator), but the name sure sounds cool, huh?

In the future, we're going to take over the government and be your leaders. It's going to be great, with benefits for all and daily reruns of Vorta-filled episodes.

Well…that's an option. We're not going to do that yet. But we might…you never know. We could strike at any moment.

Before we do this, however, it is advisable that you become a member. Unlike other groups, we send out no annoying newsletters, have no regular meetings, dues, or any of that annoying stuff. No, we're just a bunch of people who like Vorta and anxiously await their return.

For now, we're content with screencaps, fanfics, literary works, and other.

Hope you have a good time here! (And become a member while you're at it.)

*That is how many brave souls that have entered here.

Updates: 05/21/00:

May, finally. Whoops. =O Big news, big news: we now have a defector of the VRC! Ahh! Adam has defected and is now on our list of enemies. Grr. Read more about this in the Members section.


[Main page]

We'll, you're here already. If you click this on another page, you'll come right back here.

[About Us]

A little history and some facts.

[How to join]

Information for joining, which you will do. It's only a matter of when.


Our official anthem, with a catchy tune and neato lyrics.

[VRC members]

Here are a few profiles on members, as well as a listing of our enemy.


Got some questions or comments for us?


See the many reasons why we formed the VRC and check out a few of our member pages too.

[Credits and thanks]

This place wasn't built in a day, you know.

If that didn't convince you, here's a great sob story:

Kilana was a Vorta who had an assignment, which was to see that a Founder (not The Founder, mind you) returned back to Dominion HQ safely. Which also meant that the Founder had to return back ALIVE.


It was a major responsibility for just one Vorta alone, but the mean, mean, extremely mean Federation dudes actually shot down the Founder's ship, and guess what? They even said, "Hey, that's our ship! So there's some Changeling or other on there, big deal, we got it, finders keepers, nyah nyah nyah." See how childish they are? The bullies.

To quote from Kurill Prime, "having read from Sisko's psychogenetic profile, as well as Weyoun's reports on the captain, she decided a softer approach might be in order." And so, Kilana was nice. She let Sisko and the gang have safe passage to DS9 in return for the ship. She didn't trust Sisko (but then again, would you trust a total stranger who shot down the ship of your leader/resident omnipotent person of great respect? I think not.) and Sisko didn't trust her.

But alas, all this prejudice, if quiet and nice prejudice, but prejudice nonetheless, and you know with that word it only leads to bad things. Kilana sent a Jem'Hadar on the Fed ship, Jem'Hadar kills a couple of Starfleeters, and whoops, there's a dead Founder on board.

Long story short, Kilana goes back to HQ with the ashes of the dead Founder and guess what was decided? Termination! They decided to kill her, just because she didn't fulfill her mission. That was so mean! Doesn't that make you feel sorry for poor Kilana? And doesn't that make you feel sorry for all Vorta in general? So sorry that you would like to join the VRC?

DISCLAIMER: Of course, the Vorta are owned by Paramount. This site is intended to show people the VRC and how and why it's so cool. No copyright infringement intended. None at all. Nada. Zip.

And if this site is copied, then the knights who still say "Ni!" will say "Ni!"

(That's not good, by the way.)