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Chapter III - The End of Innocence, Destiny Unfolds


The Versai Chronicles III : The End of Innocence, Destiny Unfolds


    We open within the vast halls of the Versai Manor, moving along the many decorative halls, and the lush beautiful architecture that the maker, the master of the house, Val Versai has created…Ah yes you do recall when we last entered this domain, the massive staircase, East and West Wings, Master Bedroom…. and so on but what we are here for now is not a tour, now we roam through the mansion, climbing the stairs as the Versai Crest hangs upon a massive picture set right in the middle, where the path splits to the left the West Wing, to the right the East Wing…and here is where this tale of destiny will unfold…

As we pass room after room, we come upon one open door with minimal light streaming from within it…the room as we enter is decorated in a very simplistic manner, along the walls, are paintings…hand painted figures of people from the first generation of the Versai family…before the darkness, before the purge…the Versai Massacrre.before death had claimed all but three…Val, Jace, and Sara…

Gazing along the rest of this room, set apart in design from the rest of the mansion we see one thing that tells the tale of why this room was created, why every detail of the Versai past was set here, for one whom occupies the room to gaze upon and remember…a child, the crib lay in the corner of the room, gathering dust however as the time for its usefulness had expired, but to the tiny bed that lay just to the direct corner of he room, he right side, lay a sleeping angel of beauty, a child formed of pure love from one so plagued with darkness and death…

The child, was not a boy…no the delicate weaves of blonde hair along on her head were a sure sign of that, but her eyes when opened, the emerald green dazzling hue of them could strike down even the most coldest of hearts, the innocence the child contains, indeed very rare, this young one will never have to live the nightmare her father lives every night he sleeps, the ashes of his past, constantly disturbing him, disrupting his echoes into the future…her Father, Valaryc Versai…a man who’s paths have been altered by mere people again and again…will protect her, his daughter…and his wife from every allowing the massacres to ever occur again….Kitty and Val’s daughter…Krystal Versai….

She’s but the age of five now, clearly past the age of innocence where you do not know of right and wrong, but of where you must choose your path to follow, but for 5 years she has been hidden from view, from the RA, from the evils of others, whom would strike her down like Leia Gilkane, simply because of her Father’s reputation within the NSE…Here is where his daughter Krystal is safe, trained by Sacul 456, Val’s loyal guard…droid…and friend of silicon, perhaps even above those whom have souls, as Sacul could never harm his daughter, or Val, or Kitty herself. Krystal is indeed a impressive sight, a babe sleeping within her bed, melting the hearts of all who gaze upon her…but still, as we draw back from this room now, this is not where our path lies, again we pass beyond the massive “V” shaped doors of Val and Kitty’s Master Bedroom…again we approach the very man these tales are based on…Val himself…

So with that is where our story shall unfold, a look back into the past where Val himself had his second “age of innocence” as he was ripped from his mother an father’s arms not once, but twice again, fate would tear him away from another he loved…as his curse would strike again…bringing about the “end of innocence” once again, as destiny unfolds before him…

The Versai Chronicles:  The End of Innocence, Destiny Unfolds

    Val lay asleep in his bed, the covers flung around in several directions, a sure sign he has been uneasy, the dreams…flashbacks have been getting more intense, more detailed…almost as if shouting to him from the past to effect the present, none the less they do not cease, as his slender form slumbers under the thin layers of silky black sheets within his bed.

His chest rises and falls, rapidly…almost a serene state, but as usual nothing is as it appears, no something always goes on under what you know…the realm in which you have no knowledge in, a person whom allows you to know so much and nothing more. The dreams haunt Val, as they have been over the last weeks this time opening into a climatic battle, a point where his path changed once again. The visions we now share within him, the glance into the past sweep tones of black, white, gray, and shades of red and brown…an interior of a building, a familiar building as it is known by one name…The Cantina. Yes there we see Valaryc Versai, not a Dark Justice as of yet, in his traditional Master of The Light attire, consisting of his long black signature sleeveless trench coat, his knee high shiny black boots, and a deep black and silver vest across his chest, his thinner armor he used to wear much weaker compared the blood red crimson armor her dons today…

His eyes search the room, for his Force sensitivity to danger rings off within his mind, there is something coming for him, something he can’t quite place, looking from one seedy individually to another, glancing to their where their hands are placed, be it a blaster or a lightsaber, his own hands trace the folds of his coat aside, the cold, dark, menacing blade shroud of Gen Zeridian’s lightsaber, sparkles in the darkness, his gaze adverted for just a moment, a moment off guard that costs his dearly…

As his gaze lifts down to his sabers, the echoing of metal swiftly running along the floor rips through the cantina doors, then as hydraulics and servos snap into place, the shadow of a Droideka lines the walls as the soft fires flicker the danger to those around. Among the rustling of metal, Val can actually smell the ion gases pumping into the 8 cannons along the droids weaponry…but precious times are lost, and all Val can do his lunge away with force speed…as he calls on the Force to aid him quickly and swiftly…

It is not enough however, the red courses of fire slam into his chest at full strength, the 4 shots that rip into the metal of his breastplate could have killed him, but Val is a fighter and he does not go down so easily, no…as the searing pain from his cracked ribs ripples through him, he moves to dodge more of the droids fire upon him, dashing behind a solid table as the smoke from his severely damaged chest plate, disgusts him. His thoughts echo through his mind, “How could I let down my guard like that? ARGH…damn it all.” It all started with some twisted, foolish girls known as The Nightsisters…not the true ones but fakes, claiming such heritage. These girls wanted his newly found allies children, their souls, and THAT is what led Val to stay that one night and turn his destiny yet again, to meet and team up with the bounty hunter, not just anyone but the leader of The Guild of Hunters, VIIC…Val had crossed paths with him before and always he respected him, but this time he fought along side him…

The visions play though more so than before, as he cleared his mind, the droid’s red crimson bolts starting to crack the table Val is behind, Val had to think fast…yet even as so the mixed vision of that fateful night plays on, seeing the figures of his newly found allies actually appear in the room as the droid fires on…Yes it was Val and VIIC, but one other, a girl…a temptress whom enjoyed the carnal lusts of killing…a woman who enjoyed to bathe in the blood of her fallen victims, and her eyes…her breast, looks could make any man fall to her wills, her name was only known by one to Val, Lusty or Lustbringer…

She too joined the fray, as she was Foe Raker’s close friend, the NSE stood together in times of war, Val of course was not one of them, yet his morals and his honor has driven him to defend Foe Raker’s wife and children from the annoying exploits of these Nightsister pretenders…the screams of defeat echoing his ears as his fletchette launcher, a weapon none had gazed upon before revealed to the Nightsisters, just how much power a man could wield should he need it…and use it. That night marked the union of Val to Foe as a powerful ally and friend, as well as VIIC and Lusty, though now as ripples of time have caused, the droid seeking to destroy him was from that extinct race, the entire realm of Nightsisters whom were free to walk were wiped out for their stupidity, for what would one think would happen if you threatened a Dark Justice’s family and children? Surely fate had intervened for both Val and Foe, as through Foe Val found a new path to tread upon…to the NSE, to Sarin…

The droid has grown wise now, spinning to the left side of the table, Val quickly jumped away behind a pillar as the droid leveled his last position to bits…the searing heat from his busted breastplate still filled him with anger and rage, flipping a switch from within his gauntlet, Val signaled for help, he was in no shape to play the arrogant hero this time, and soon the immense, dominant and demanding figure of Foe Raker, burst through the door…

The battle was short lived…Foe had dispatched the droid in seconds…but the damage to Val was done, as his ribs slowly healed with the Force guiding him…he had let down his guard and would NEVER allow this again…but it is not the first time this has happened, and his penalty for doing so…cost him his lover…cost him Gen…

The scene now slips as dreams often do to yet another location, the colors of the cantina lay waste streaking to hues of lush green, reds, and browns…earth tones…Endor. Yes now as the scene plays on there as we approach lush foliage of green plant life, two figures standing apart from one another, and from one…whom holds up his hand a slight sparkle caught in he rays of the moonlight…a locket.

As we delve further on into the scene, the other man, appears angry…enraged at the sight, his eyes…deep brown, turned a red hue of blood…the figure is all to clear by the folds of his black trench coat, and brown holster along his leg, the wispy medium length brown hair billowing around the soft features of his face…Val himself…not as a NSE member, not as a a Teacher, an instructor…within the great surroundings of Endor, within the vast area of…The Dark Jedi Academy…

(from here as always the story now takes its place in a play – to storyline style for your enjoyment, now sit back since you’ve stuck with me this far, for now here lies another glance into a climatic, fate altering battle from Val’s multi-faceted past…)

The two warriors stood apart, at about 100ft distance, on one side the sunken, cold features of one whom holds a piece of Val’s past so valuable to him it has led the two to a standstill, as the dark billowing clouds gather overhead. he is the very thing Val despises, yet any darksider would love…C'ire’ T Negun, a fierce embodiment of pure evil, fueled by lust, power, anger, rage…everything the Emperor would demand but one thing…he has no respect for rules…and this is what sets him apart from both light and dark.

The other man, whom we now know as Val in his younger years, has can to this showdown for one reason, to protect his past and bury it from the eyes of others, and to get back a key to discovering all that his past has hidden from him, a piece of metal that holds the images that tell a thousand words…pictures of his family, of the Versai, within a ancient gold locket…that C'ire’ now holds within his grasp…

Val – C'ire’ stop this at once, do you here me! GIVE THAT BACK TO ME…

C'ire – (his eyes cold and focused upon Val) No, No little…what was it? Ah yes …Versai, you took Gen from me, I love her more so and can give her more than you’ll ever be able to offer…with this key to your JEDI heritage, you will finally lose to me…

Val – I do not care C'ire; what they think…there are things left untouched that should stay that way, you lying fool…I see through you boy, you care not for Gen you just want to finally win over me, as I have kicked your ass every time you have tried to attack me, sent you bleeding, busted, and bruised from your pathetic attempts to defeat me…admit it.

C'ire – (his face turns to that of full anger, scrunching the features as his eyes narrow to Val)ARGH…DAMN YOU VERSAI…. Perhaps, you are right…I want to see you BLEED, SUFFER…taste defeat…and yes I did call you out here for a purpose…to finally show I can defeat you once and for all, admits the forest and trees you value so much you weak fool….

Val – (smirks) Ah suck big words little boy…but you see that’s all they will be, I could stand out here and listen to you argue and rant all night, but as you see I grow tired of your words. you’d do best to BACK THEM UP!!!

With these words Val’s hands go for his own lightsaber, a lightsaber he constructed under the guidance of Gen Zeridian his Master of the Dark Ways…the bottom an exact replica of Gen’s menacing saber, but the tip the shroud is what is lacks from the others, his counterparts. his shroud many lines of steel laid and wielded to the reflector dish of his lightsaber, the handle halve exposed, the right side of it covered in a thick, rich gray casing, the durable, shiny, black steel under the casing…but the blade color that of a very unique blend of colors…not pink, not green, not blue, not even purple…the gems made of a symbiotic meld of Adegen crystals and citrine…and one other gemstone, a ruby. the mixture of red and yellow make his lightsaber blade a stunning sight to behold every time he unleashes it from its slumber…

C'ire – Oh joy Val…so eager to fight as usual...very well then (C'ire goes for his saber as well)

Val – (Val’s saber blade erupts to life, a vibrant mix of red on the exterior and yellow-orange within the center a fiery mix of light that matches the fires of rage that burn within Val’s own soul…rage of his past always put out, smothered by someone, or something, indeed the saber was a perfect match from its owner…)

Come on C'ire, you’re so eager to fight again and lose…let’s make this interesting…I win you give me the locket, you win well IF you won I suppose I would be dead, cause the only way you could ever win is if you killed me…(Val’s eyes narrow piercing C'ire’s)

C'ire – (C'ire perks a brow a bit in thought) So be it…(C'ire’s poorly constructed lightsaber blade of a plain silvery white emerges from the handle into the darkness of the night).

Val – Ah yes, I just love the color of your saber C'ire, like you nothing but a show…come now we end this draw once and for all…I’m sick of you hounding me…bring it on….(as Val says his he kneels in a defensive position often seen even to this day, where he sinks his foot back, arching it slightly, so that he may strike like a viper upon his target, even now as he draws the Force within him…)

C'ire- (stands there non-chalant)I’m waiting Val…(taps his foot)

Val moves at such Force enhanced speeds, he catches C'ire off guard, the battle is almost over at that instant as the whirl of fiery orange fury slams into C'ire’s silver blade. the hit so powerful, C'ire’s wrist is snapped back, flinging his entire body to the floor…C'ire had underestimated as usual, Val’s speed and agility.

C'ire however fuels his more intense Force power into his strength, able to actually fling Val back off his own feet, as he stands up once again, dusting himself off.

C'ire – Very impressive as usual…futile though NOW IM PISSED…

As Val looks up, quickly arising to his feet, C'ire charges head on to with his saber up in a fit of pure rage, set to bring it down and slice Val in two, however Val is a Master of his trade and saber combat is his forte, his own fiery orange saber comes up again and with a slight move to the right, watches C'ire’s blade collide off his blade, and send C'ire, crashing to the ground once again tasting the grass below his feet.

Val – My, my my C'ire…it seems as I TRIED to instruct you, you keep attacking with anger and falling flat on your butt…get up…while you can…(No longer does Val play games as his eyes narrow, he wants his locket back and he will not rest until he has done so….)

C'ire – (wipes the dirt off himself again) You got it…

C'ire rushes again to Val, this time from the side of him, bringing his saber horizontal to cut Val in half, but Val is too wise to this maneuver as he has used it several time before, he brings his glittering orange blade down, across near his chest, tucking down to his knees in seconds time as C'ire’s blade collides with his, Val feels the searing heat pass over him, catching some of his hair as it does so, having lifted C'ire’s blade up with his own Val passed under it, then slide his own saber along C'ire’s silver blade, to let the tip graze C'ire’ a mere flesh wound, as C'ire’s cries ripped into the night…Val had connected….

Val – (Val moves away, inches from C'ire, watching his handy work…his warming to C'ire in the form of crimson blood trailing down the fools side…) Have you had enough C'ire, or do you thirst for more pain…

C'ire (C'ire grabs his side, looking down a second to the blood then licks his fingers, with a sadistic wicked smile) I have just begun…

As the two gaze to one another, a light patter of rain starts to fall from the sky, maybe the beginning of fate telling the two it is going to play a part in their paths once more…Val and C'ire lock into fierce saber combat again, one swing countered by another, a flip here in a whirl of orange fury, matched by another in silver hellish clashes of light echoing though the forest…

Val looks to have the upper hand as usual, C'ire’s advances have now left him with multiple cuts and slashes along his body, but still he laps at his own blood, drawing his rage and anger from it…and a new idea gives birth within his mind…

Val – Come now C'ire, you can fight better than this…I have hardly even begun to engage you with anything of importance…

C'ire – You want pain Val? You want to feel it? (smirks as he moves away from Val, as to gain distance…) You got it…oh and by the way? Did I mention were only using lightsabers? I lied…

With those words, the truth about why C'ire has played possum is revealed as Darkside lightning rips from his fingertips, hitting Val directly, full of his anger, his rage C'ire levels Val to his knees as he tastes a small part of victory…

Val – (Val cries out, but he does not go down so easily, for he too has had another agenda)ARGHHHHHH You…ARGH…WILL…ARGHHS …….NOT…WIN…

Val channels all his rage and fire of anger within him, oddly as fate would have it the anger and pain, the indescribable agony from C'ire’s Darkside lighting hitting him gives him more strength, sure Val’s body is being inflicted with damage, but as so it is only a small price to pay as Val’s hands grow a large ball of red purple energy within them…

Val is forced to cast his lightsaber away, as the draining powers of C'ire begin to sap his strength, Val has little time…fatigue setting in…had he not been a Dark Jedi Master…he’s have died by now…now it was HIS TURN to FIGHT…back…

C'ire – (C'ire blinks and yawns with one hand) Die, Val I have little time for your squirming…just di……..WHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As C'ire wastes his time bickering and whining, he fails to catch the massive ball of purple crimson energy Val has formed, Val staying silent has now unleashed a attack of such immense rage, and focused aggression, any Jedi would fall to it, a wicked smile is spread across Val’s simmering body, the rain having grown from drizzle to more intense drops, the clouds rolling in above…the rain is another factor C'ire’s lightning had weakened…Ah but then to C'ire comes the price for underestimating one such as Val, a huge Bolt of Hatred, o immense to vast to be avoided, nails C'ire head on…as the look of pain, of defeat upon C'ire’s eyes tell all…he had failed…

Val – (gasping as his power is all drawn into the Bolt of Hatred) NOW YOU SEE WHY YOU’LL NEVER WIN C'IRE…IT IS YOU WHO WILL DIE………..

C'ire leveled by the bolt, flies back 20ft, his saber caught in the blast shatters instantly to pieces, as the poor construction allows the hate and anger of the Bolt of Hatred to mis-align his crystals, and spread them about, the casing of his saber weak brittle, cracks under the pressure …to nothing but bits of metal, as a piece of C'ire’s honor dies…when a Jedi loses his lightsaber the disgrace from it…is immeasurable and never forgotten…

Val – (Val grins as he sees the sparkles of C'ire’s once mighty weapon, return to the ground in which is was mined and constructed…) HOW DIES IT FEEL C'IRE, TO LOSE HMMM? (his voice lowers a bit) To lose what you have worked hard to accomplish to your own stupidity…lack of vision…your lightsaber is no more, and YOU have to explain to Gen now why YOU LOST IT

C'ire cannot say much as the shock from the bolt overtakes him, coupled with his widened eyes at the complete annihilation of his lightsaber caused by one man he had again underestimated and suffered for it…from Val, the anger burning within C'ire, focuses into one more devastating attack, one more desperate use of his Dark Ways to turn the tides, for now he was at Val’s mercy in a lightsaber fight, but he cared not…he was going to win this time and nothing on earth, heaven or hell will stop him. or rob him of his victory…

Val being a Master, senses C'ire’s intent, before hand, feeling the Darkside rage inside C'ire once more, and cannot decipher what C'ire is planning to use but he is sure of one thing, in C'ire’s mental state, he was above costs…or pain, he was at the very peak of Darkside callings…he had been to the level where nothing could touch him nothing could bring him down…and all Val could do was quickly channel his efforts into a form of defense to hope he could withstand what C'ire had intended to do next…

C'ire – I………will………not……….be………robbed…of…my…VICTORY ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The force of C'ire’s words ripple through the forest, his scream shatters trees around, falling like dominoes one after the other, and Val is knocked 30ft back into them as they shatter, the ground is torn open from the impact of C'ire’s full Darkside cry of pain, and anger…of desperation…of the power known as a Force Scream…

The sound could shatter your eardrums, and Val having flown 30ft slams into a tree, his ribs shatter like ice, does to the ground from the sky, the rain had increased to a drenching downpour – thunder and lighting streaked the sky, the thunder only rivaled by the sonic vibrations of C'ire’s Force Scream, Val had however managed to survive for one reason alone, sensing C'ire’s attack, he had quickly channeled every ounce of strength he had into a lesser force shield, yet amplified by his rage and anger to C'ire, and to the fates themselves for taking his family, enough to not defeat C'ire’s power but MATCH IT……

Val – (feeling his rips shattered his words are drawn out…weak) You….fool….you….stupi…id …..fool….you could ha….have killed us……both….you idiot….you see…why…….you fail……you lack……control…..*coughs up blood*

C'ire’s body had taken a major toll, his wounds from Val’s saber slashes which where mere lacerations, had ripped open from the force of his scream, torn the flesh apart, as C'ire was a crimson bloody mess. The cost he paid for such rage and desperation…his entire body was numb from the searing pain of the Darkside that expelled from his lungs, his voice barely audible as his larynx was strained to his limits, his vocal cords had been strained and slightly torn as blood streamed from his mouth, with each syllable he uttered…

C'ire – But……..I………..I……….won………….suffer………hahahah…….you are…..the fool………..Val………..YOU…….under…estimated………me…….even now…….I heal………from the Darkside……..within me……I heal……and soon…….you………will………..die………..but….not…….from…….my………hand….tonight…….I have……more……in store……for…you……

Val – (Val felt the Dark healings beginning to take hold around him, restoring his torn ligaments, muscles, and cracked/shattered bones…having taken damage, but not a severe as C'ire, Val speaks to him….) Ah…Yes …C'ire, but…you had to rely on desperation…and I STILL live…as long as I live, you will NEVER win…

C'ire – (looks to a lone figure behind Val, a person wrapped in dark clothing, like a ninja, drawing a blaster from its belt, aiming to Val)….So… then….Val, in …..your weakened…. state, how then…do you intend…to deal with…that? (points to the figure)

Val had been playing possum to a point, calling his lightsaber back to him he ignites the orange blade…but the rain from the sky makes the light spark, and sputter, DAMN a saber was useless in the rain, he quickly raised his lesser force shield again as the lone figure fired off a round of blaster bolts to him.

C'ire – NO! He’s MINE! (he strains his voice a bit only to cough more blood)

The figure nods to C'ire and tosses him the blaster…

C'ire (C'ire catches the blaster as he watches Val slumped against a tree) CUT THAT TREE  (coughs) NOW!

The figure quickly draws an ancient weapon Val had never laid eyes one before, a sword that was like none other, the hues of the weapon never before seen to him in any record he glanced upon, but even more disturbing the blade had cut straight through the tree, and as such, the massive Fir crashed upon him, blocked only by the lesser force shield, he felt the strain to hold the shield around him increase by ten fold, instantly sending him crashing to his knees…. he was losing…

C'ire – YES CRUSH HIM! No wait…let the tree fall, there is so much more things worse than death…I want him to feel…

As the tree’s weight overpowers him, Val moves quickly to the left, rolling away, the shield shatters in small purple sparks a loud crash, echoes from the forest, the dust stirring is cut short by the thundering rain upon the forest floor.

Val looks up from his position, the tree had just barely missed him, about 2 centimeters from his leg, his eyes searched the forest…Cire was not where he was…he had moved and Val had been distracted!

C'ire – (C'ire’s voice echoes from all points, as he uses what remains of his voice to disrupt a lock onto his location) Val, Val, Val so resourceful…. but I’ve allowed you to live this far, yet the game is over…time to finally LOSE Val…

Val looks around but still sees nothing, then a shattering pain rips though his chest, the smell of gas hissing in the air, and burned flesh searing…cauterizing, looking down Val knew what it was now…he had been shot…

C'ire – (C'ire looked down, holding the smoking blaster in his hand to Val’s eyes) Wakey, Wakey…THAT IS BUT ONE FEELING OF PAIN YOU WILL FEEL VAL…now sleep boy…I know one shot to your chest will not kill you, but the events of tomorrow will destroy you from everything you hold dear……….I guarantee this time there will be no turning back…The Council shall see to that…

As Val hears these words, echo through his mind the last he thing he sees before fatigue over takes him is C'ire’s cackling and the dark figure standing over him…even the strongest Dark Jedi Master can only take so much damage, and indeed this night went to Cire…but that was but one battle in the final showdown to follow the next day…as Val passed out into unconsciousness…the Force healing the damage….


    Like a mirror shattering we are thrust back into the present, Val’s body thrusts from his bed, screaming in utter terror NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO……….The sound so loud, so sudden, a girl bursts in from outside his Master Bedroom, wrapped in a robe that extends form her shoulders, down to her ankles, her long silky blonde hair, curling about her neck and back, like a lioness’s golden main, match the dazzling golden-brown highlights of her eyes…his sister, Beizun Versai…

She had heard his scream in the night, his utter voice of terror, and came to his aid, his wife Kitty was not within the Mansion, outside…tending to things. Bei looked into Val’s eyes like a mother to her own child, full of worry and concern. Val’s own mind raced back to where he was. The rain and green forest, drawn back to the sunlight, and soft red hues of his Master Bedroom, as his consciousness brought his senses back to where he was, the blurry image of his sister’s eyes, coming into focus…

Bei looked to him, waiting for her brother to come back to his senses before asking any questions, buzzing through her mind…she knew Val was a strong warrior, but to those he trusts, he also has his own dark secrets…in which few know. Val’s eyes again gazed into the soft golden pools of radiance from his sister…his lips drawn back in a soft smile, as he looks to Bei…

“I’m sorry Sis, it was just a bad…nightmare.” Val replied this to her but he knew it was not a nightmare, but a memory he had driven deep to hide, which inevitably broke through the surface. Bei raised an eyebrow as he tells her this, as his sister she knew it would take more that a nightmare to scare her brother, but she did not reveal her curiosity, finding it better to let things go…for now."

Val looked to Bei, hugged her softly and warmly then told her in words soft and smooth...

“I must go Sis…now…. I have something to take care of, wish me luck.”

Bei wanted to burst out and say, “In your condition!”yet she held back, her brother was stubborn and once his mind was set, nothing could stop him from his path. Val turned back after, strapping on his belt, with his lightsabers, adjusting his boots to Bei again and merely whispered to her...

“I love you Sis…so much, thank you for letting me be a part of your heart as your has became a big part of mine…tell Kitty, I have another matter to attend to, and to understand whatever happens…to love me and understand it  is something that I must do…”

Bei blinked a bit, running her fingers through her golden locks of hair, narrowing her eyes in thought but had no time to respond, as she looked up, Val had vanished. She walked to the window and gazed out just long enough to see Val’s Marauder Corvette “Assailant” take off into the atmosphere of Ithor.into space, and all she could do was honor his wishes and wonder…what was he going to do now…

Val’s mind was set into one thing, the past he had suppressed was exposed fully now, he had again reached the end of innocence, as destiny, his destiny unfolded once more…there was one girl he had to speak to, to pass on his legacy to her, and show her she’s not alone, she’s not just a small part of his life, and her name was Foe’s daughter...

Leia Gilkane……….


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