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it was not long ago, this girl, was not a slave....she was a Free Woman, wearing the required robes and veils. she lived in the City of Port Kar, Scourge of the Gleaming Thassa, Home of Pirates, thieves, Warriors, and slaves.

It was there she met this Man, this Warrior, Young and Brash...~giggling~ to herself as she remembers, in the Tavern called Gorean Shores.

Out of the darkness He strode, unafraid, steel blue eyes sweeping the Free Women, and slaves alike. This girl was somewhat taken with Him, so gentle, yet, so obviously deadly...Much sought after was He, by FW and slave alike. ~smiling~ He captured this one's interest over time.

she watched Him quietly, speaking with Him on occasion, Then, suddenly He was gone, having been taken away on a long journey, several moons He was gone. Then, just as suddenly as He was gone, He returned, with news that He moved to a new city, where He was appointed to it's Council, a place of honor, and position

she of course, came to visit Him in His new Home, so much did she wish His attentions, that one night she overstepped her bounds as a FW, she spoke so far out of turn that she angered Him. So lulled by His gentle nature she forgot that He was a Warrior, and that He was not obligated to take her words.

He didn't either, immediately He dragged this one to the slave post, stripping her veils, exposing her, then as if that were not enough for Him, He stripped her naked as well. The fear this one felt at that moment is something she will never be able to describe.

Screaming for release, this one was whipped, over and over, her will slowly being beaten from her, her defiance draining just as slowly. her mind was awhirl with the things that were happening to her.

He urged her over and over to submit, to accept her fate, as she had no choice anyway. so finally, accepting her fate, she begged no more, Yes Master! she screamed, she will submit, just do not punish her anymore".

her spirit tamed, she began to think on this, on the possibility to be His, His property, His to use whenever, and however He wished, in a strange way her heart sung at the thought, she began to see that it was her destiny to be slave, and that to serve THIS Master was her path all along,

The girl is sad to say that Master Shadowglade, had to depart on a long journey to the Sardars, His return is unknown, He released this one,handing her the key she clutches in her hand, the key to the ko~lar of silver with onyx stones that once encircled her neck. His words echo within her....

...."girl, what I expect of you is be the best kajira Gor has ever known, free of pettiness, incredibly skilled, graceful, beautiful, and devoted to her slaveness, do your home honor little one, and thus you are doing ME honor even while I am gone, know that I love you as much as any Man can love a slave, and strive to do your best always...that is all I ask"

~she has found she is happy, content, and whole in her womanhood, freed at last by the chains that bind her~

~la kajira~

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her story continues....
Master Shadowglade
