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Tango Fleet - USS Lancelot


Name Awards Earned Ribbons as seen on Uniform
Derik Turner/Thomas Driscoll* Star of Starfleet, Barnes Cluster, Act of Kindness X2, Captain's Star
Max Kelly* Star of Starfleet X3, Barnes Cluster, Cross of Distinction, Honor of Excellence, Legion of Honor
Bron Mahon* Star of Starfleet X2, Legion of Honor, Cross of Distinction, Citation of Valor X3, Honor of Excellence, Captain's Star
Chad Tiffin Citation of Valor, McCoy ClusterX2
Stephen Blair* Legion of Honor, McCoy Cluster
Dodgen Aziri* Captain's star
Taran Calir* Legion of Honor, McCoy Cluster, Cross of Distinction, Act of Distinction
Tarin Cross of Distinction, Honor of Excellence, Citation of Valor
Robert Drake Act of Distinction, Captain's Star
Paul Toddman Act of DistinctionX2, Cross of Distinction, Captain's Star
Sean Archer* Cross of Distinction
Chris Hahn* Act of Kindness
James Smith Barnes Cluster, Decoration of Gallentry, McCoy Cluster, Captain's Star, Legion of Honor
Roisin Lochlainn Decoration of Gallantry
Runa Lianis* Act of Distinction
Esteban D'Aenzia Medal of Honor, Captain's Star
Cedara Nave* Star of Starfleet Legion of Honor, Honor of Excellence X2, Academy Award
Tara Lee Barnes Cluster, Honor of Excellence, Act of Kindness X2, Cross of Distinction X2, Decoration of Gallentry, Act of Distinction
K'Mena Ryan Medal of Honor, Citation of Valor, Honor of Excellence, Legion of Honor, Decoration of Gallantry
Brenda Hypatia Döl Cross of Distinction X2
Sean Gallagher* McCoy Cluster
*= No longer a crewmember