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Titanic Tussle of the Transformers
By Mark Del Rosario

Pictures:  23 / 24 / 25 / 26

Soundwave vs. Rampage and Quickstrike:

“We’ve got a bonus match for ya’ll out there!” Rattrap snickers.  “It’s gonna be a doozie.  But don’t take my word for it, listen to Jazzy boy in the ring.”

“In this corner, “Jazz shouted, “is the all time favorite Decepticon from G1, Soundwave!  And the team that’s fighting him, is the tagteam of Quickstrike and Rampage!”

“Wait!” Diagnostic Drone interrupts.  “That’s two against one!”

“Yeah,” Rattrap muttered, “That’s because Soundwave has a trick up his sleeve.”

Ding-ding-ding! The bell clanged, announcing the beginning of the match.  Rampage shouted, “I hope you basted yourself before the match, you look tasty!”

“Soundwave superior, Rampage inferior.” Soundwave said.

“Who you callin’ inferior, ya tinhorn!” Quickstrike shouted back from behind the ropes.

Rampage lunged at Soundwave, tackling him to the ground.  “This will be over quickly!”

Soundwave spun and threw Rampage off him, crashing him into the ropes.  “Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage, Ratbat, Laserbeak: Mission, destroy Rampage.”  Instantly, 5 tapes shot out of Soundwave’s chest, transformed, and landed on the ring mat.  Rumble stood up and spoke first, “No one calls uncle Soundwave a tinhorn!”

Rampage’s eyes widened as the five jumped on top of him!  He tried throwing them off, but only to be smacked in the head by Rumble getting back up!  Rampage grabbed Ratbat and bit his head off!  Then, he swallowed the rest whole!

“Holy pasteurized cheese!” Rattrap exclaimed.  “Rampage bit Ratbat like Tyson biting Holyfield!”

“Do we stop the match?”

“Na! It’s a deathmatch, it’s supposed to happen.”

Rumble and Frenzy jumped off Rampage.  Rampage stood up full height in front of them.  “You’re next!”

“NO WAY!” They screamed.  Their arms transformed and smashed the ground in perfect G1 power!  Rampage toppled over and fell on Quickstrike!

“Get your keester off of me!”

Rampage crawled out as Quickstrike jumped in.  He was slightly taller than Rumble.  “This one’s a dwarf,” Frenzy shouted to Rumble.  “Let’s take him down!”  The two of them were about to pound the ground again when Quickstrike shot his paralizer beam on them, knocking them out.

“Ha! Now that’s kickin’ keester!”

Laserbeak and Ravage jumped on Quickstrike. Ravage grabs Quickstrike’s tail and swings him around, smashing him into the side pole!  “Oooh,” Quickstrike said.  “Nobody bites my tail and gets away with it.”

“That’s right!” Rampage jumped into the stage, in beast mode, and snapped his killer claws on Ravage, slicing him in half!  Laserbeak flew over head, only to be shot down from the sky by Quickstrike.

“The dynamic Duo of Quickstrike and Rampage are beating Soundwave!” Rattrap exclaimed.

Soundwave whipped out his gun and blasted Quickstrike, blowing him to pieces!  Rampage stared amazed as Soundwave rushed at him, knocking him down hard.  Rampage jumped back to his feet, only to get a sucker punch in the jaw from Soundwave’s heavy fist!  First one hit, then another, then another!  Rampage got smacked around until he hit the floor.  Soundwave jumped out of the ring and picked up a heavy metal chair.  He jumped back in and swung it at Rampage!  Rampage flew into the crowd from the blow!  “Is that all you got?” Rampage said, energon dripping from his mouth.

“No.” Soundwave ran and kicked Rampage’s head!  His foot drove so deep into his head that Rampage collapsed.  Soundwave bent low over him, “It is finished.”

Jazz got back in the ring, “The winner is SOUNDWAVE!!!!!!”

Soundwave raised his arm up in the air: Victorius!

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