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Name: Michaelangelo

Fave Weapon: 'chucks (then he had to give it up for
some stupid thing-i don't remember-bah!)

Personality: Fun loving, caring, but sometimes he can
be kind of overly self-concerned

Fave Show: Tom Green

Fave Listens: Anything...he feels like at the time.
A little Buffett, Crash Test Dummies. He also likes
mocking boy band songs and when in a bad mood listens
to a well hidden Hanson CD (just don't ask)

Mikey would have to be my second favorite 
character. Once again, he was shown as 
one-dimensional in the cartoon version and TMNNM 
versions. (although Mirage and Image both did'nt-
applause to the B&W)My hope is to show Mike in some 
more adult situations to show and expand on his 
expanding maturity...
