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Chapter 7

Ch 7

	Tess sighed. After all of the strange events
 of the day, she had forgotten to go to the bank and 
take out that money that her parents had deposited at 
home for her. Ugh. But then she smiled at the thought 
of what her parents would do if they knew she spent 
the day with a five-foot tall talking turtle. Laughing 
to herself she came up with the idea that they would 
probably say  ‘Now Theresa, see what kind of people 
you associate with in that city?’ That was a funny 
thought. She grabbed her school ID and extra 
checkbook, and hoped she could get out the money. Her 
ATM and License had been stolen along with her purse. 
She locked her apartment and headed back to Manhattan 
where her bank was.

Meanwhile in Manhattan…..

Raph was well….pretty much at a loss of ideas at this 
point. He gave a glance at Leo, but his brother’s eyes 
reflected his own bewilderment. Great. Just  perfect. 
Of course Leo couldn’t have just said what was up. 
Noooo. That would have been too easy. Stupid Leo. 
Always makes everything way to complicated. And now we 
are face to face with Hamato Hiroshi! This was bad. 

Hiroshi decided that it had been silent in here long 
enough. “So you are…..naked?”

Yeah, that’s a real easy question to answer. 

“Yeah, it looks like it, doesn’t it?” Raph looked down 
at himself.

“Raph! This is Master Sp—ummm Yoshi’s brother.” Leo 
caught himself, but not quick enough.

“Ah, so my brother teaches you his martial art skills, 
then?”  Hiroshi lifted one eyebrow. If his youngest 
daughter had been here, she would have definitely been 
calling the situation ‘whack’. At least he was getting 
a better feel for American slang. 

Leo decided to take a hold on the situation. This 
stalemate confrontation was leading nowhere. “Hiroshi, 
please I’m not trying to offend you in anyway, but 
your brother has a….a…an ailment that he is…slightly 
embarrassed with.”

Hiroshi’s expression went from a mix of disturbance 
and slight amusement because of the one on the right’s 
tact, to one of concern when he heard of his brother’s 

“He is ill?”

“Not exactly…”

“Then, what is it?”

“It is hard to explain.”

“Explain, anyway.”

Raph wanted to throw his hands up in the air. Man, 
this guy is pushy, worse than Leo!

“That is not possible at the moment sir.”

Sir…?   “Child, whatever you are, I need to find my 

Hiroshi hesitated. The one on the left seemed to take 
a great bit of offence to the last sentence. So did 
the other, the one that would not shut up, but he 
controlled himself and put his hand on the wrist of 
the other to control him.  That one did not seem to 
care, though. “Man, we have been taking crap like that 
from people like you our whole lives. Maybe that’s why 
your brother doesn’t want to see you!”

Hiroshi appeared confused. “Why would I treat him like 
I am treating….oh. Oh no! What is this ailment??!!” He 
pointed at Leo. 

Good one Raph. Now he thinks Splinter’s a turtle. Well 
he was closer than he was before…

It was time to end this. They would flee if needed. 
This was getting way to close. Splinter was going to 
be very upset as is. “Sir, My name is Leonardo, and 
you have it on my word that you will hear from us 
again, but your brother requires our presence right 
now…umm we’re late.”

“Oh no you don’t...” Hiroshi began to run forward. But 
the window was open and the other had begun to move 
toward it as soon as he realized what the first one 
was doing.


Leo and Raph were up on the roof. 

Why are we sticking around? And what was up with that 
excuse Leo. ..’Splinter requires our presence?’ Hmmn.” 

We needed to get out of there. And I want to keep an 
eye on this guy at least until he leaves April’s 

“Oh. Yeah, I guess that makes sense.”

And down below…..

“Listen, Mr. Hamato please, you must believe Leonardo, 
he keeps his word. He will be in contact with you.”

He tried to take in April’s words. It was true. He had 
came a lot close to the truth today. But what was the 
truth? And what in the world was that things? His mind 
wandered for a second and he thought of what he could 
say to the man on the plane who was going to New York 
and hoping to see those things. Hiroshi shook his 
head - getting old, off track. “Do YOU know what is 
wrong with my brother.?”

An easy two word lie. “No Sorry.”

“Fine, I will have to contact my other brother in the 
states. Do you have a phone?”

Pushy. “Sure this way.”

April showed him to the phone. He went in to the room 
and called.

April turned to Oyuki when they were out of 
earshot. “Ok, I’m guessing those two are still here 
somewhere, so I need you to entertain Mr. Personality 
here while I try and figure out exactly what is going 

“What do I do with—“

The door opened. “I need to make a trip to the bank. 
My brother is wiring me some money. Do you know the 
closest bank to here? I did not live in this area when 
I lived in the city, and thought perhaps, you would 

April smiled slightly at Oyuki. O rolled her eyes then 
turned on a fake smile. “I can show you, would you 
like me to take you?”

“I would appreciate that very much, actually. Please.”


Hiroshi appeared more polite, as if his rudeness had 
suddenly become apparent to him. He turned to April 
eyes lowered. “I know I have been a rude inconvenience 

April smiled. “That is no problem.”

“May I check back with you later for news from my 

Leave already!! “That would be fine.”

Oyuki walked to the door. Hiroshi followed. “Once 
again thank you.”

Smile “No problem, I will hear pretty soon, probably.”

“Yes, Goodbye.” And they walked out the door. 

April waited a few minutes and walked out to her patio 
as she watched them leave. I wonder where the guys 
went? To answer her question, a tiny pebble dropped on 
the other side of the patio to get her attention. 
That’s my boys. Always subtle. She went inside to take 
the stairs to the roof.

At that moment….

“…Please Please Please. Look here is my College ID. 
It’s legit. I’m sure you see them all the time. Look 
my wallet got stolen and…”

“Why don’t you use your ATM card?”

ARG! “It was in my wallet! Look I’m sorry, but is 
there someone I can talk to?”

“I’m sorry Ma’am but that’s our policy. We need state 
issued identification to perform withdrawals.”

“Fine!” She stomped out of line and headed for the 
door. She was so upset, she didn’t even notice the 
young Japanese girl until she ran into her.

“Oh I’m sorry. I just…ummm….really bad day sorry.”

The girl glanced in the direction of a man making a 
transaction at the counter. “Tell me about it. Don’t 
worry about it.”


All of a sudden there was a loud noise and everyone 
turned to look at the five men in ski masks as they 
ran in the building. One shot at the ceiling and 
plaster landed in little specs everywhere.

“Okay nobody move! Ummm…Actually everyone on the 

Tess couldn’t breath. She looked at the girl she had 
been talking to as they began to sit down. 

The girl scoffed under her breath. “These guys are 
real professional.”


The girl shrugged. She looked at her and 
whispered. “Don’t worry, I know some friends who can 
get us out of this.” She subtly pressed a button in 
her purse.

Okay. That was weird. Does this chick some sort of 
magic police button or something? Tess winced as the 
men yelled obscenities. “Me too, but I don’t think it 
would be a good idea.”

The girl smiled. “Trust me, my friends can take care 
of this no problem.”

Tess put her head down in her lap. She wished she knew 
how to get a hold of Leo. I hope this girls 
friends know what to do…

Chapter 8 coming soon!

The Story Continues