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Chapter 3

Ch3 Splinter's Mail

Leo was walking up Broadway in the open daylight. For 
some reason this was Ok. He walked on for no reason 
that he could think of. Just to get some air, maybe. 
Yeah. That was it. Northwest of the midtown area, Leo 
noticed that Broadway had changed into a dirt road out 
in the middle of nowhere. OK……He didn’t remember it 
usually being like that. Maybe they were doing some 
construction up here…. He noticed a man sitting 
underneath a tree, biting into an apple.

“Are they doing some construction up here or 

“Up where?” The man seemed amused by the question.

“The upper-wes—errrr…. Am I still in the city?”

“No young man you’re in West Virginia.”

Leo pondered that for a moment. “Hmm.. West Virginia…
Upper West Side. I guess they should be right next to 
each other. I mean they both have West in their names 
and stuff.” He began to ramble on about the likenesses 
(which trust me aren’t many) between the two until the 
old man stopped him.

“Don’t use US geography too much, huh son? Anyway what 
are you doing over here in West Virginia?”

“I don’t know….I just followed this road until it 
became a path and..—“

The man offered Leo an apple. He accepted and took a 
big bite.

“ So apparently this path didn’t take you exactly 
where you wanted to go, huh?”

“Yep.” Chew. Chew.

“I see. But it’s not too bad out here, is it?”

Leo looked around at the rolling hills. “No, its 
actually kinda …” Not wanting to say ‘pretty’ Leo 
chose “nice.”

“Sometimes that odd path surprises you. You actually 
get something out of it. Something you didn’t even 
know you wanted.”

“I guess your right.” Leo sat down next to the 
man. “So what do you people do around here with so 

The man pondered the question and opened his mouth to 
speak. “Turnofffyourfrigginalarm!”

“Excuse me?”

“Leo!! Turn of your Alarm Already.”

Leo jumped. He was in his own bed. Yeah, that dream 
was normal. Leo looked at his clock just as Raphael 
pounded the wall and managed some more half-asleep 

Turning the alarm off, Leo sat up in bed. Ugh. Just as 
he began to pull himself out of bed, a though occurred 
to him. That girl was going to help Chu this morning! 
He forgot all about that. Leo flopped his head down on 
the pillow. Another four hours to sleep…….

April fished through the mail. “It’s around 

Mike pulled on a coat and grabbed his hat. “Splinter 
got something in the mail?”

“Yeah. He had me mail something out. Wouldn’t tell me 
what.” She pulled out a letter from the pile. “Here it 
is. Straight from Japan. That’s where he had the other 
one sent to….”

“He’d probably be pretty mad if I snooped, huh?” Mike 
held the envelope up to the light.

April through him a dirty look. Mike shrugged. “I was 
only kidding…” 

“Take it straight to him Mike….unopened. He considered 
it important.”

“’Kay.” Mike left the apartment. Hmph. Even Splinter 
has a secret life.

Raph didn’t want to wake up. The bed was warm. The 
pillow soft. Not to mention the fact that he had lost 
practically an hour of sleep to Leo’s alarm. And then 
he didn’t even decide to go on his “run”. That was 
stupid that was so stupid. Four hour run. What a moron…
Speaking of which…..

“Hey, Raph you up yet?”

He always had perfect timing….

Leo heard some incoherent mumbling from the other 
signs of the door and took that as a “yes” Leo went to 
the kitchen for some breakfast. He wasn’t used to it 
being so quiet down there. Mike had run over to 
April’s. Don, although now he had a reason, had his 
nose stuck in a book. Raph was in bed. Splinter was 
off meditating—something he had been doing a lot of 
lately. Leo felt bad because he had a feeling 
something was bothering his sensei and he did not know 
what it was, and lately he hadn’t been around to ask.

Raph stumbled in and poured himself a bowl of cereal. 
He sat down quietly concentrating on the food. 
Obviously still half-asleep. He sniffled a little and 
looked up at Leo. “Howabout you be square with me. 
What are you up to.” Raph thought that was right to 
the point.

“Hmn?” Too bad Raph could easily tell when his brother 
was playing dumb.

“I don’t buy your story Leo. Sorry, I’m just not that 

Leo looked a bit more distraught by this point.

“What are yo—“ Leo had never been more relieved to see 
Mike barge into the lair.

“Guess what?! Splinter got mail…from Japan!”

Raph temporarily forgot about Leo and turned to his 
other brother. “What are you talking about?” 

Mike looked down at Raph, who was sitting there with 
his face all wrinkled up in confusion. “Seriously! It 
was sent via April…Check it out ‘Hamato Yoshi—Care of 
April O ‘ Neil. What do you think of that.?!”

Leo got up and grabbed the parcel from Mike and 
examined it closely “Hmp.”

“I know! We should open it!”


“Geez Leo, I was just kidding.”

“You were not.”

“Was too.”

“Enough!” That came from Raph. “Why don’t you deliver 
the mail to its owner and then maybe you will find out 
just what it is about.”

Leo didn’t like it too much when Raph could catch him 
being the one in the wrong. So he picked the letter 
up. “That’s what I was going to do.” Besides he could 
elude Raph for a little longer.

Don walked in just as Leo left. Raph was giving him a 
dirty look behind his back. “Did I hear that Splinter 
got mail?”

“Yeah. April had me bring it down.” Mike looked out of 
the cupboard he was digging through.

“Wow. And Mike’s here too.” Don gave a rare sly 
smile. “Didn’t bring O to practice today Mike. That 
was….well pretty funny. At least she tried.” he broke 
into a grin.

“You could have been nicer—“ Mike started. But Leo 
walked into the room, briskly with a worried look on 
his face.

“Splinter wants us in his room.”

“What’s up?” Raph tried to hide his nervousness 
through the casual wording, but his face told 

“He just said to come in. He read that letter. I think 
whatever it was shook him up.”

Don didn’t like the sound of that. He exchanged a 
worried glance with Mike and followed Leo out the 
door; the other two right in tow.

“Sensei?” Leo rapped softly on the door.

“Come in.” Splinter’s voice was even more quiet than 

They shuffled in and fidgeted slightly as they watched 
Splinter, sitting down, go over the letter again 

Finally Splinter looked up and made eye contact with 
his sons and there were tears in his eyes.

On to Chapter 4
Back to The Story Continues