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An excellent work, a masterpiece of fantasy, science fiction and high seas adventure. Meet John Chandegnac, soon to be renamed Jack Shandy by the crew of pirates aboard the Vociferous Carmichael . The ship on which he is destined to change from humble puppeteer to menacing pirate. Powers outdoes himself here, creating an atmosphere of majic and adventure. Orson Scott Card said of the book that it reminded him of the reason he turned to reading.

This is a great book. It shines with Powers's talent for taking well known events and historical figures and weaving them into absurd supernatural plots. Read this book. Oh and by the way, there's a lot of typical Powers in here, body switching, ghosts, magic and mythology. This one comes highly reccomended, but good luck finding it. It is sometimes available on EBay, I'd check there first. My girlfriend got a copy for me for a present and she paid $20.00 or so for a paperback!