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Now if a stereotypical anime company did Babylon 5 (why does that name remind me of the two-hour too long Pat Labor 2 yawn fest I saw yesterday), you'd get something bizarre: - halfway through, the audience would finally realize that the Minbari weren't just monks with headpieces. - 

Talia Winters would be a space bimbo that sang idol songs in bad English. - Garibaldi would grunt a lot. - 

Ivonova would be fighting off the wayward hands of Londo. - 

Sinclair would hit someone so hard they literally exploded. - 

The StarFuries would have 8 varieties (fans would argue about which could beat which); and scenes with them would take up over half of each episode. - 

Missiles will zigzag when shot. - 

Psi-corp folk would sweat a lot and scream when they sensed something. - 

There would be the same about of politics, but it would dominate the story line, yet be incoherent. - 

The Earth wouldn't have a president, but instead a teenage princess. - 

The shadows would rip heads off of people. - It takes just one person to stop the entire war in the last 5 minutes of the series.

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