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Jedime's Po' Boy Star Wars Customs


Tyvokka (Jedi Master)

(from The Stark-Hyperspace War)


Tyvokka seems to be quite a popular custom these days. I already explained how I made him to the customs listserv I'm on, so here's a nice cut and paste:

For my Tyvokka I used a Mechanic Chewie and basically glued pieces of clothing onto him. The lower skirt is one and a half Tessek skirts, a Cantina Bandmember shirt (just the front - you can't see the back) with a bit of Valorum's skirt underneath, and finally Lak Sivrak's skirt for the wide belt, with the narrow belt drawn on it with sharpie. For the outer robe I used a Naboo Accessory Set jedi robe. I stretched it out to reach far down enough, and rolled back the very end of his sleeves so it looks like he rolled up his sleeves, since they didnt reach.


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