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Jedime's Po' Boy Star Wars Customs




(Storytime boys and girls...)

Oh this poor little droid! Ok, first he was an extra R2-D2 from the Princess Leia 2 Pack. Then before I had a website, we got some pictures from what was then know purely as Episode 1, showing a red, and a yellow R2, unit (now known as R2-D1 and R2-D3, respectively.) Well I set out and made him R2-D1. Then when I leared of the $100 Royal Starship set I saw it had an R2 Unit that still had a red head, but was much more interesting. $100 was out of my price range so I figured I'd make my droid into the Red R2, now known as R2-R9. This figure, obviously, was in existance during the formation of my website. Eventually, however, I managed to find the set for only $30! I figured now I'd make the droid Imperial, so I could just do a black overcoat. I found two pictures of different R2 Units, and knowing that Hasbro would be releasing their own Imperial R2 Unit I figured I'd take a 50/50 chance. Well, turns out I made the wrong choice. I made R3-B4, which will soon be released as R2-Q5 (which I suppose makes more sense since he's an R2, not R3.) Now, he has been redone again! as the other Imperial R2 Unit that I've found a pic of. One more thing before I go - in the reference pic his head is turned backwards, so that big purple patch is on the back.

UPDATED - Once again this droid was modified, though at least this time he's the same character. I got the real shot of the pic I found for the reference photo, and it turns out the colors I thought were purple, were really that orangey bronze that the rest of the Imperial Astromechs have.


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