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Jedime's Po' Boy Star Wars Customs


Ponda Baba (Surgeon)

(from Doctor Death)


Hasbro is finally making a Ponda Baba with Removable Arm, so with great sadness I had to retire my own version, which was one of the first 5 customs I ever made. I figured the most logical step was to make Ponda with his robot arm. I've seen a lot of people use 2-1B's arm, and paint his jacket blue and shirt aqua. I had remembered a ref pic with Ponda in that outfit helping Evazan prep someone for surgery but when I found it in the Star Wars Encyclopedia I saw that Ponda was wearing the outfit that I eventually made. Still though, I was perplexed - did a shot of Ponda in the blue jacket exist? After a long Internet search turned up nothing I went to the Rebelscum Custom Listserv for help. One of my fellow members was able to come to my aid (Thanks Mike!) and send me two shots, both it turned out were doctored images. One of them was the shot I had remembered - someone had recolored Ponda in the painting, and very skillfully replaced his arm with a robot one. I realized that accoring to lore, Ponda should indeed have a robot arm in the scene depicted in the painting, but I settled on the obvious answer - if you has a shoddy fake robot arm, would you go and cut the right arm off of all your jackets to show it off? No, you'd keep it covered. That answer doesn't help with the hand however, and in my version I colored it black like a glove.


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