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Jedime's Po' Boy Star Wars Customs


Master Dooku (Galidraan)

(from Jango Fett: Open Seasons)


It was hard to get a refernce shot, but here's Dooku very shortly before quitting the Jedi Order. It was stongly, strongly hinted that this was the penultimate straw to his leaving (the last straw being Qui-Gon's death). There were a lot of Jedi shown in this comic, but every single one had identical robes. Something like that I usually assume is a coloring or design error, thus that's not what they'd look like "officially" and so I don't wind up doing them unless I wind up with spare parts or something. Actually with the exception of a green Twi'lek and a Klatooinian, all the Jedi are just boring-ass Humans. I figured I'd do Dooku anyway, because this version of him is totally different than the other one I did, and he has a curved handled blue saber. I also think it's possible we'll see Dooku as a Jedi inserted into Qui-Gon's funeral in the inevitable The Phantom Menace: Special Edition. After all, in the novel and comic adaptations it's mentioned that there were a ton of Jedi in attendence (even though we only see Obi-Wan and all the Jedi Council who didn't require puppetry).


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