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Jedime's Po' Boy Star Wars Customs


Jedi Warrior

(from Jedi Council - Acts of War)


I wasn't really sure what to name this guy. He's not named, maybe he'll show up in some other comic. I finally took apart my Darth Sidious in Training Gear figure, which I was never ever happy with. I used a Darth Maul body instead of a Jedi body because of the longer skirt that the figure needs. This Jedi goes to attack the Yincorri, but Yoda just used the force to knock him down again. Warrior seemed appropriate enough as a name. Oh yeah, it's a Wedge head in case you were curious.

UPDATED - I was never happy with the cloth robe on this figure. Had I used a traditional Jedi outfit it may have worked, but I did't so it never really pulled the figure together for me. I used a modified cloak from F/X Obi-Wan. I like that the cloak has some motion to it, it fits the few frames this Jedi is in.


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