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Jedime's Po' Boy Star Wars Customs


Corran Horn (CorSec)

(from Family Ties)


This is my third Corran figure, and I have yet to use the same head. Naboo Obi-Wan now joins Pilot Luke and Cantina Han. He's an extra parts customs, which explains the wide arms. His legs are from the new Bespin Han, and the torso and arms are from Lak Sivrak. The torso I liked, cause even though it's a jacket-over-shirt type thing, the cut had the same lines as Corran's single breasted outfit. For his head I wasn't sure what hair color to give him. His black hair in the comic was noted by Michael Stackpole as an error, but on the other hand, Corran has dyed his hair before so he could have just gotten back from an undercover mission, or, like on Earth, he dyed hsi hair cause he wanted to. The mark on his face wasn't a marker slip, I was trying to have his hair fall like in the comic, but I don't think I was successful.


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