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Jedime's Po' Boy Star Wars Customs


Aurra Sing (Bespin)

(from Aurra Sing)


I was really looking forward to doing an Aura Sing custom. While I can't say she has the appeal of Boba Fett, she is a pretty cool bounty hunter. Where was she in Attack of the Clones? Well, she was never OFFICALLY announced to be in it. She was rumored to be, quite heavily, she was unoffically confired to be in it, but no one from Lucasfilm ever said that she woudl definatly be in the film. Someone had a theory that her character became Zam Wessel which I can agree with. Lucas may have seen Aurra at the time and thought it would be cool to have her in Ep2, but then it just didn't plan out. He didn't actually create her, she was created for a canceled video game that was supposed to be the SW version of Tomb Raider (hence she was to be SW's Lara Croft) As with Aalya Secura, Lucas saw the drawing, liked it, and she found a place in the movie.


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