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Jedime's Po' Boy Star Wars Customs


General Dodonna (Rebel Briefing)


I had planned on making this figure long before it became one of the easiest and most talked about. After Hasbro announced it'd be making Captain Antillies, I needed a new rebel who wore the same outfit. Turns out, Dodonna does. I still had ot wait, however, to see which outfit they'd be makin Dodonna in. Pictures were released with him in his Ceremonial outfit, so I thought all was good. Then upon getting the figure I realized that a headswap with the PotJ Tanitive Trooper body wouldn't work! Luckily by that time Rebelscum's article was out so I went with what they did, only I also painted his rank squares the correct red. I also unfortunatly only saved the thumbnail picture, which I then had to blow back up to usual size since I don't have the figure with me to scan, so I appologize for the blurriness.


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