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Jedime's Po' Boy Star Wars Customs


Blue Snaggletooth


I knew I'd never be willing to shell out the bucks I'd need to buy a Blue Snaggletooth so i figured why not make my own? To make my first Vintage Custom I took a regular Snaggletooth and swaped out Greedo's legs. I then painted it to match the actual toy (pictured underneath) more or less. It may not be 100% acurate, but it's good enough for me (and display). I wish I had paint that matched the original's skintone but I don't. For those who don't know the story behind this here it is:
When Kenner first stared making Star Wars figures they only got black and white pictures (hence Luke's yellow lightsaber) and the Snaggletooth one was only from the waist up. Kenner made the figure normal height and with a blue spacesuit. Lucasfilm saw the figure and said it was too inacurate - in the film Snaggletooth is in a red outfit and played by a midget. Kenner changed it to the carded version, and thus the blue one became rare. Oh and the belt buckle he has is the logo on a business card the designer had in his pocket!


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