Jedime's Po' Boy Star Wars Customs


Romulan Battle Cruiser

(from Star Trek: The Animated Series)


During the Original Series the Romulans and Klingons has an alliance. In reality this was done so that they could show off the new Klingon Battle Cruiser model that was built for the third (and final) season of the show. While in the show the ships were identical, when the cartoons started running the Romulan's cruiser had yellow highlights on it. So I added that, and then also put an orange bird on the bottom. I've done this with all my Romulan customs, since it seems to be a signifying mark on all their ships (even the Warbird, while not painted, has a bird relief on it.)

UPDATED - When I found a ref pic (FINALLY!) I saw that my memory wasn't that acurate about the yellow markings on the Romulan ships. Unfortunatly I had layered on the yellow so thick that I couldn't scrape it off. Though the ship model was grey in real life, they had always appeared to be light blue, so I repainted the whole ship. I also got rid of the bottom markings, and the bird, since they's obviously not there.

UPDATED (sort of) - In the Remastered version of The Enterprise Incident the Romulan D7s are shown with the Romulan bird on it. I guess I was eight years ahead of my time!


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