Micro Machine Prototypes


The Phantom Menace

STAP (Prototype)

Sith Speeder (Prototype)

Attack of the Clones

Revenge of the Sith

A New Hope

Imperial Star Destroyer (Prototype)

Correlian Corvette (Prototype)

Jawa Leader (Prototype)

Millenium Falcon (Prototype)

Millenium Falcon (Vertical)

X-Wing (Green Prototype)

X-Wing (Joe Johnston Design)

X-Wing (McQuarrie Design)

X-Wing (Kenner Prototype)

The Empire Strikes Back

X-Wing (Bespin)

Single Pod Cloud Car (Prototype)

Single Pod Cloud Car

Cloud Car (White Prototype)

Cloud Car (Blue Prototype)

Cloud Car (Brown Prototype)

Slave 1 (Prototype)

Return of the Jedi

Lambda-Class Shuttle (Prototype)

Jabba's Sail Barge (Prototype)

Skiff (Prototype)

A-Wing (White Prototype)

A-Wing (Blue Prototype)

B-Wing (Wingless Prototype)

B-Wing (Prototype)


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