Jedime's Po' Boy Star Wars Customs


Joruus C'Baoth (from Heir to the Empire)

Admiral Akbar (New Republic Council) (from Dark Force Rising)

AT-PT (from Dark Force Rising)

Winter (from Dark Force Rising)

Winter (Crouching from Dark Force Rising)

X-Wing (Commenor from Isard's Revenge)

New Republic Star Destroyer (from Dark Empire)

E-Wing (from Dark Empire)

Star Destroyer (Battle Damaged from Dark Empire)

I-7 Howlrunner (from Dark Empire)

New Republic AT-AT

New Republic AT-ST

Millenium Falcon (Battle Damage from Dark Empire II)

The Millenium Falcon (With Lighting Gun from Dark Empire II)

Slave 1 (Battle Damaged from Dark Empire II)

Smuggler's YT-1300 (from Mysteries of the Sith)


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