Jedime's Po' Boy Star Wars Customs


Dark Side Adept

(from Invasion of Theed)


What started as a simple head swap became so much more. The Dark Side Adept is from the new RPG's 1st sourcebook (the one that comes with Roworr) and I think I got the facial markings right, but I'm doing it from memory. Though you can't see it, the eyes are red as well. After the headswap (Obi-Wan head onto a Sith Lord Darth Maul Body) I decided that I simply HAD to reposition the arms. Sith Lord Maul would have been the best Maul out there, if only they had articulated his arms. I straightened out his right arm so he doesn't look like a waiter, and to his left I made several modifications. First I brought it in a little bit, then rotated the glove a bit so his hand could hold his saber vertically. In addition I added articulation at the forearm so he can swing the saber! I sliced the arm and then imbedded a pushpin in it (it worked for Micro Machines, it can work here.) Last but not least I cut his double saber in half, giving him the part with the removeable blade.

UPDATED - For a while I wanted to redo the facial tattoos on this figure. First I had done it from memory, ths time I had the reference in front of me.


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