Jedime's Po' Boy Star Wars Customs

2004 Updates


11/8/04 - The Ewoks have returned! I've been quietly collecting Ewok fodder while waiting for the Trilogy DVDs to come out. Turns out that the quiality is so high that I may have accidently remade a few Ewoks due to the fact that I can make out thier fur patterns so much better. I also have a smattering of other figs thorughout the site, including the final two Escape from Peril figures.
Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back Section:
Hoth Rebel General
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi Section:
Corporal Vendi
Major Turgis
Princess Kneesa
Episode VII: Escape from Peril
Luke Skywalker (Jedi Master)
Mara Jade-Skywalker (Jedi Master)
Expanded Universe Prequel Section:
Adi Gallia (General)
Expanded Universe Early Empire Section:
West End R2 Unit (from West End Games)
Expanded Universe Post Star Wars-Section:
D-4R5(from River of Chaos)
Expanded Universe Shadows of the Empire Section:
Chewbacca (Bounty Hunter Disguise from Shadows of the Empire)
Expanded Universe Post Endor Section:
Han Solo (Saijo from Catspaw)
Expanded Universe Other Section:
Butters Nass

9/19/04 - Well, the update is up. This time it's very much just odds and ends all over the timeline, though I do have my final batch of Star Trek figures, Wave 2 (of 3) of my Episode VII figures, as well as a few more Clone Wars Jedi.
Episode I: The Phantom Menace Section:
Tatooine Hanger Droid
Episode II: Attack of the Clones Section:
ASN Droid Prototype
Episode IV: A New Hope Section:
Commaner Lajaine
General Dodonna (Rebel Briefing)
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi Section:
Harc Seff
Episode VII: Escape from Peril
Leia Organa-Solo (Chancellor) - UPDATED
Warden Kvez
Luke Skywalker (Coalition Captive)
Expanded Universe Republic Section:
Murk Lundi (from The Followers)
Expanded Universe Prequel Section:
HNN R5 Unit (from HoloNet News)
Sha'a Gi (from The Clone Wars Animated Series)
Mace Windu (Kinsal Trappano Disguise from Shatterpoint)
Ronhar Kim (from Bloodlines)
Expanded Universe Early Empire Section:
Imperial Base Officer (from Dark Forces)
Rebel Vanguard (from Battlefront)
Expanded Universe Post Endor Section:
Princess Leia (Endor Briefing from Escape)
Star Trek
Asylum Henchman (from Whom Gods Destroy)
Human-oid Data (from Q-Squared)
Dr. Bashir in Season 3 Uniform
Dr. Zimmerman (from Dr. Bashir, I Presume?)
Ensign Thirishar ch'Thane (from Avatar)
Klingon Merchant

9/17/04 - In prepping for my update I realized that I forgot to change my Hasbro link from Saga to OTC, and I also realized I'm past due to add a Star Trek logo as well. It only links to the figure page, to get to the Micro Machines you still need to go through the Star Wars section.

9/10/04 - Another loooooong hiatus. I had waiting quite some time for an Ebay seller to actually, y'know, send me the Data figure I paid him for so I could finish my Star Trek customs off in one last shot. I finally gave up in early August, then won another one and fnally finsihed it. So, many figures are on the way, both Trek and Wars (I hesitate to say shortly, however). I did finally open up my Revenge of the Sith section, though right now the only figures there are the same ones I've carted around from the post-Phantom Menace days.

6/17/04 - Finally finished with my Star Trek section! In all over 70 figures have been added, finally matching my online collection to what I have at home. I'm also finsihing up what will most likely be the final wave of Trek customs for my next update - which will also include Star Wars figures as well :)

6/13/04 - 10 more Star Trek figures added, including my 900th custom figure! The next and final update will have 17 figures, covering the post-Ds9 novels (really Season 8) as well as Voyager and a few figures that fit into the "Other" catagory.

6/12/04 - Another 13 figures added to my Star Trek page. Two more updates to go. Ten more figures will be added tomorrow, bringing us to the end of the DS9 series. The next update after that will cover the post-series DS9 books, as well as Voyager. Also find out tomorrow which Star Trek figure qualifies to be my 900th figure!

6/11/04 - 16 more Star Trek figures have been added, covering the first 3 seasons of DS9. Next update will be 13 more figures from Season 4 and most of Season 5 - right up until they switch to thier grey uniforms.

6/9/04 - I'm on fire! The first of many parts of my Star Trek update is up. They're going up in series order, all on the same page, so I'm not going to bother posting individual links, or marking the figures as "NEW" since I only had 8 figures there to being with. So, anyway, the first 15 new figs are up, 3 from the Original Series and 12 from The Next Generation. The next update will be figures from the first 3 seasons of Deep Space Nine, my main custom focus (as in all of the rest are from extra parts!).

6/8/04 - Only one day between updates? Boy that takes me back. Today is the grand opening of my Episode VII page with 13 figures from Escape from Peril! Check em all out. And come back soon for the many many Star Trek figures that are on their way, which will take us past the 900 mark!
Episode VII: Escape from Peril

6/7/04 - Is it really June already? I've got 26 more figures in todays update. Waiting in the wings are still my Star Trek custom figures. Through great luck in cheap lots I actually managed to get about all except for 5 figures I had planned to make. I have a whopping 71 Trek figures to add at this point and will be doing so hopefully starting next month. In between then and now I'll be adding a dozen or so figures from Episode VII: Escape from Peril, the first of the lost Star Wars Episodes that we're recreating over at the's Virtual Sequels project. Episode VII's script and artwork is currently available and we'll be starting work on Episode VIII shortly.
In the Episode I: The Phantom Menace Section:
Darth Sidious (Vintage)
Trade Federation Diplomat
Passel Argente (Senate)
In the Episode II: Attack of the Clones Section:
Bith Jedi
Jango Fett (Apartment)
Twin Kee
Battle Droid (Vanity Fair)
In the Episode IV: A New Hope Section:
Greedo (Vintage)
In the Expanded Universe Republic Section:
Shang-Troy Thanabo (from Mythology)
In the Expanded Universe Prequel Section:
Mandelorian Clone
Clone Wars R2 Unit (from The Clone Wars Animated Series)
Flalios (from The Clone Wars Animated Series)
Nico Diath (from Blast Radius)
Tae (from The Battle of Jabiim)
A'Sharad Hett (from Enemy Lines)
In the Expanded Universe Shadows of the Empire Section:
Cliff Wampa (from Shadows of the Empire)
Luke Skywalker (Zeltron Party from Chatenuse to the Stars)
In the Expanded Universe Post Endor Section:
Luke Skywalker (Diplomat from Diplomacy)
Luke Skywalker (Solay from See You in the Throne Room!)
Luke Skywalker (Saijo from Catspaw)
Princess Leia (Saijo from Catspaw)
Luke Skywalker (Hurk Battle from Small Wars)
Princess Leia(Hurk Battle from Small Wars)
In the Expanded Universe New Republic Section:
C-3P0 (Tatooine Marketplace from Tatooine Ghost)
In the Expanded Universe New Jedi Order Section:
Lt. Prann (from The Final Prophecy)

3/25/04 - Well, I'm back after a long, long hiatus. The figures added today have been scanned in since late November. This update puts us over the 800 figure mark, and of course by now I have plenty of figures still to be added - though my next batch is almost entirely Star Trek. Also, my 2003 updates have been moved to thier own seperate page.
In the Expanded Universe Prequel Section:
Kai Justiss (from Kashyyyk in Flames)
Clone Trooper (Rain Planet from The Clone Wars Animated Series)
Alpha (from Jango's Legacy)
D-90 (from Hero's Call)
In the Expanded Universe Shadows of the Empire Section:
Polar Scout (from Star Wars Gamer)
Chewbacca(Wookie Disguise from The Big Con) (UPDATED)
Princess Leia (Infiltration from Ellie)
In the Expanded Universe Post Endor Section:
Luke Skywalker (Palpatine's Apprentice) - FIGURE 800!
Rik Duel (Iskalon from Still Active After All These Years!)
In the Expanded Universe New Republic Section:
Han Solo (Escort from The Other)
In the Expanded Universe New Jedi Order Section:
Hiksri Jith (from The Final Prophecy)
In the Star Trek Section:
Geordi LaForge in Classic Uniform
Dr. Selar (from The Schizoid Man)


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