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Kromagg Prime 2

Welcome to my Angelfire homepage, there`s links to my other webpages at expage and webspawner(My sliders fanfiction page) below. This page has got a story I wrote which is about a picture which is a portal to a parallel earth, which is ruled by Egyptians. I will also provide other links, so come back often. There`s loads of MIDI music site links at the bottom, They all work on Dreamcast (But not on the planetweb browser.)too. First is Chapter 1, 5 & Chapter 8 (I will put all 11 chapters up, eventually.)of my Sci-fi story, then the links.
The midi music you are hopefully hearing is November Rain by Guns And Roses.

Chapter 1 Of The Picture
On a cloudy June day at the markets, my mum, sister and I were just walking around looking at things of interest. You know the way it is, observing as you pass the contents of the various stalls, promising yourself not to buy anything; but you go on a spending spree.
Well, this very thing happened to me when I saw this great picture at the poster stall I was strolling by. So, while my mum and sister went to look at some dresses at the stall opposite, I went inside to look at the picture.
The picture had seven kittens within it. They were so cute, all of them: but my favourite one was the fluffy grey persian. The persian was tilting its head to one side and looked kind of puzzled and perplexed.
The picture was set in a radiant garden, five kitens were assembled in one line with their front paws resting on a log, one sitting and one lying down ready to rise. Next to the log was an alysum plant with its clustered white flowers and its scrawny outlook.
I was considering whether I should buy the picture, when this woman from behind me commented on it. The woman looked around thirty years old, which was about thirteen years older than me. She was five foot, five inches tall with long black hair, blue eyes and had smooth olive skin. It was the only picture of its kind there and I was afraid that the woman would get it before me, so I bought it..
The woman didn`t look too pleased when I handed the six dollars for the picture over to the shopkeeper. However, I was glad I bought it, it was like the kittens were telling me to buy the picture, like this overwelming urge came over me to acquire it.
Before I went through, the woman who told me her name was Mary-anne, stopped me and offered to buy the picture for fifteen dollars. I said "no" but she wouldn`t give up. "I`ll give you twenty dollars then." She said. I said "no" and left, leaving her standing in the middle of the stall looking angry and very disapointed.
It was stormy weather at the markets, the canvas over the aisles provided shelter from the rain until my mum, sister and I left. We were dodging the rain while we were rushing to the car. The billowing height of the clouds seemed insurmountable, but when we arrived at the car we got in and drove off!
As the car pulled into our driveway, a red Toyota Corrolla station wagon drove past. I normally wouldn`t have noticed. except that the driver was the woman named Mary-anne, from the markets; she must have followed us.
That was weird. Why did she follow us? It must be because of the picture. Is it that special? I`m really glad I bought it now. Oh well... I hastily ran inside thinking why the picture was so special to this woman, by the name of Mary-anne.
With the picture in one hand and grocery bags in the other, I asked my mum if she noticed the car following us? She said she had thought something was funny, but passed it off as someone taking the same route as she was taking. I dropped the bags in the kitchen, for my mum to put away. I forgot about the woman, as I rushed to my room, where I hung te picture.
The picture looked great on my dreary wall. I felt proud of my new buy. I stood facing the picture, admiring how life-like it seemed to be.
I turned my back on the picture, ready to walk out of the room, when all of a sudden I heard a loud bang. I didn`t know what it was at first, I thought it was my younger brother playing in the hall. Then I realized, when I turned to the picture again, the wall was blank where it had been. "How could a poster cause such a bang?" I thought. Something heavier must have fallen at exactly the same time as the picture. I couldn`t find anything else that could of fell. So, I picked up the picture, so it could be hung back onto the wall. When I had a look at the picture, the kittens in it were gone. The log and the plant is all that remained. Not believing my eyes, I closed them for a while, then I slowly lifted my eyelids and took a second look. It was not my imagination.
I was hysterical... Where were the kittens?
Suddenly, something brushed past my leg. I looked down to see what it was. It was a kitten from the picture."What the..." I didn`t complete my sentence, because mum yelled from the kitchen.
"Are you alright, dear? I heard a bang." she said.
Yes. It was just one of my weights falling." I lied.
Obviously, the kittens fell out of the picture, which is what the bang was. The kitten at my fet looked exactly like it did in the picture.. Except, it seemed to be growing very fast.
After what happened sank in, I found the other six kittens scattered around my room. I gathered them up and put all seven outside, via my window. My window was at the side of the house, so it was nice and private. Away from prying eyes. It was lucky I did, because all seven had already grown to my knees in height and getting bigger before my eyes.
After a while, I counted the kittens. However, there was only five. Two of them must have escaped. Before more escaped though, I went to the side of the house and put a big piece of timber, which was just lying around nearby, and the end of the passageway to block it off. The passageway was blocked off at the other end by a heavy gate, the left side was blocked off by the side of the house and the right side was blocked off by the neighbours fence. The eaves of the house covered the width of the passageway, so the five remaining kittens were trapped. With the kittens secured away, I went to look for the two escaped kittens. I just hope no-one sees them!
"Kitty, kitty, kitty." I began, but realized people would get suspicious because we don`t normally have cats. Mums allergic too them.
I went around to the front of the house and saw the red Corolla belonging to the woman from the markets, pull into our driveway.
What did she want? I dreaded to think.
I intercepted her before she could knock on the front door, thus warning my mum.
"Hello." I said.
"Hello, I`m Mary-anne, from the markets. Sorry to alarm you, but I had no way of knowing where you live, if I didn``t follow you! What`s your name? By the way"
"David. Is this about the picture?" I guessed.
"Yes. I`ve got to warn you about it."
"I already know. And the evidence is at the side of the house, but, two kittens have already escaped. I was searching for them, when you turned up." I told her.
"I`ve come to late, then. I knew I should of bought it or at least warned you about it at the markets." She said, regretfully.
"You didn`t though. Did you? Don`t worry about that. I want to know, how seven kittens came out of the poster? It`s something you don`t see everyday, you`ve got to admit."
"It`s a long and weird story." She replied.
"Just tell me." I was curious.
"Well: my husband is a scientist, who was experimenting with parallel universes. He worked on it for months, testing his different theories. He eventually found a theory he thought would work, so he got a picture of a log and a plant and tested his theory on it. The theory worked and he managed to open a window to a parallel universe."
"Like in sliders?" I enthused, as it was my favourite show.
"Yes, but your picture is only one parallel universe, not infinite amounts."
"How did the kittens get there and out again, though?"
"My husband needed something to test this new universe out, and it had to be alive. In case the atmosphere was poisonous or something. This also had to be done over a few years, to test the long term effects. He couldn`t send humans in, so he sent those seven kittens in. He gathered seven kittens up from those who didn`t want them, and just put them into the picture. They`ve been in the other universe for two years. My husband then closed the window to the parallel universe and disguised the picture as the one you have. I`m not sure how they got out." Mary-anne explained.
"Maybe, the kittens found a window in their universe, back to this universe, and when the picture fell off my wall, the kittens fell out of it." I tried to explain. But, it still doesn`t explain the bang. (Kittens are not heavy enough to cause such a bang) I hought to myself. "Talking about the kittens, lets check up on them, okay?" I finished.
"Okay." Mary-anne agreed.
When we got to the passageway I left the five kittens in, we found that the kittens had grown to five feet in height, which was about ten fet tall if they stood on their hind legs.
"How did they get so big?" I asked Mary-anne.
"It`s like I told it. My husband and I didn`t know what thae atmosphere was like in the other universe, which is probably what made the kittens grow! But that`s only a guess." She answered.
I couldn`t believe this. What will I do with seven giant cats; as this was what they had become.
It wasn`t long until Mary-anne and I noticed one of the giant cats, racing down the road, chasing an alsatian dog from a neighbours house. It was a funny sight, here`s a cat chasing a dog like a normal cat chases a mouse.. The dog was passing a car which was being taken for a drive. When the driver of the car looked at the giant cat chasing the dog, he fainted, causing him to loose control of the car. The car nearly hit a nearby telephone pole, but lucky for the driver (and probably us too.) the driver managed to apply the brakes which avoided the car crashing into the pole.
Mary-anne and I ran to the car, ready to elp the driver. The driver was still unconcious when we got to the car.
After ten minutes the driver recovered from his faint.
"Are you ok?" I asked the driver of the car.
"Yes. What was that thing chasing the dog?" The driver asked.
"It`s just a big cat, but it`s a long story. I`m sorry the cat scared you so much. Can I make it up to you?" I said.
"Just keep the cat out of my way, will you? I`m lucky I put the brakes on, before I fainted. Otherwise, I would of crashed my car and plus I probably would`ve injured myself." The driver said, angrily.
"That`s true. I`m glad you and your car are alright, though. Will you be able to drive it home?" I asked.
"Yes. I`ve recovered fully now. You better get that giant cat, or whatever you call it, before it cause anymore trouble." The driver advised.
"Thanks for being so understanding. Can you not tell anyone else about the cat?" I asked the driver.
"O.k, I won`t. I better be going now. Bye." The driver said.
Mary-anne and I said bye to the driver and he drove off.
"Do you think he will tell anyone?" Mary-anne asked me.
"No. He seemed pretty sincere." I replied.
We then went to get some rope from the back of Mary-annes car.
As we walked we saw the second cat behind the she-oak tree at the front of the house. The cat looked pregnant, so we thought that it won`t feel like running anywhere, we continued to walk to the car. We got the rope and went looking for the cat that caused the driver to faint. We found the cat a few metres down the street. I lasooed the rope and put it around the cats neck.. Once the cat was caught we sneaked it to the passage where the other cats were.. We congratulated ourselves for getting the cat to where we wanted it.
On our way back to the front of the house, we saw my sister out the back. I panicked and I thought she would tell mum about the cats.However, my sister just went outside to get something she left out before. She soon went back inside.
Mary-anne and I continued to go to the front of the house for the other cat that escaped. This one was my favourite from the picture: the grey persian. It wasn`t my favourite anymore though, because the cute kitten wasn`t so cute anymore.
Suddenly the cat let out a massive meow and three kittens came spewing out of her mouth. They landed at my feet.
"What a way to give birth." I amusingly said.
"The atmospere in the parallel universe must of done more than make the cats grow big." Mary-anne observed.
I bent down intending to pat one of the kittens. However, the mother cat took offence at this because she started chasing Mary-anne and I in an effort to protect her kittens.
We ran past the spot where my sister was a short time ago. The cat was gaining ground on us. We ran fast to make up for the cats huge footsteps.
"I was just trying to pat it, not kill it." I said to the mother cat, trying to calm it down.
Mary-anne and I reached the shed, which was in the backyard by the passageway. The other giant cats were there, lying around like normal cats do. I wished the one behind us was there! I raced in the shed and grabbed the machete that was amonst the tools. The machete would come in handy to control the giant cat.
We had the advantage when a moment later the giant cat caught up with us between the shed and the passageway. Everything was silent, because the cat was standing there trying to put me in a trance with its hypnotizing eyes; but I blinked out of it.
Mary-anne and I cornered the cat, ready to force it in the passageway with the others.. Mary-anne swung the piece of wood, blocking the end of the passageway, aside. I had my strongest arm ready so I could swing the machete, just in case the cat tries to get away. The suspence made me frustrated, because stared at me trying to put me in one of her trances again. I snapped out of it and swung the machete to threaten the cat. The machete worked because the cat grudgingly backed up into the passageway to join the other cats.
"Can you help me put the wood back into place, before the cats all escape?" I asked Mary-anne.
We eased the wood back across the end of the passageway.
We better get the mothers kittens, before she goes crazy once she notices they`re not with her." Mary-anne informed me.
So, we got the three kittens from under the tre in the front garden and transferred them to the passageway for the mother to look after. We were happy that we managed to get the seven giant cats and the mothers kittens in the pasageway. The mothers kittens seemed to be normal, thank goodness!
"When are you going to tell your mum about those cats? She will find out, even if you don`t tel her." Mary-anne said.
"Maybe I should tell her when we get inside. It will be bit easier with you with me to explain. I`m surprised mum didn`t hear the noise, though." I replied to Mary-anne.
"We will have to find a way to put the cats back into the picture. It will be a bit difficult to put five feet cats into a two feet poster!" Mary-anne made clear to me.
"Will your husband know how to put the cats back?" I asked.
"Maybe he could create a bigger window to the other universe. By the way, did anything else come through the picture with the kittens?" Mary-anne asked.
"I didn`t take any notice. Why?" I said.
"Because my husband sent two teddy bears in for the kittens to play with. He thought they would keep them occupied." She said.
"Oh. I will look afterwards." I said. absentmindedly, getting ready for my next question. "Where is your husband now?"
"Well, We had a few problems with our marraige, once I sent the picture to the markets." She said.
"I was going to ask you how the picture got there. What happened?" I asked.
"I didn`t know, at the time, my husband was testing his theory of the parallel universe out on the picture, so I sent it to the markets. I was at the markets today to buy the picture back, but you got it before me, then all this mess with the cats started."
We went inside the house, so I could introduce Mary-anne to my mum. Also, to explain to her about the picture.
"Mum. This is Mary-anne. The woman from the markets that offered to buy the picture I bought." I told mum, when I found her sitting in the living room, watching television.
"Hi, my name is Rebeckah. Were you the one hat followed us?" My mum said, sounding a bit worried.
"Yes. Sorry about following you, but there is a good reason. David and I have come to tell you about it." Mary-anne said.
"Yes mum. Do you know the poster I bought?" As I said it, mum nodded. "Well, the kittens in the picture have fallen out, plus they have grown bigger." I finished.
Mary-anne and I spent the rest of the afternoon explaining and then showing mum about the cats. My brother came out of his room, so we told him too. We also told my sister. They all didn`t believe us when we told them, but when we showed them the cats they reluctantly believed us.
"How are you going to feed them?" Mum asked, when we finished.
"Lots of cat food. I suppose. Until we find a way to put them back into the picture." I said.
With everyone in the open, (or, in the picture) I fed the cats via my window and we all sat down for something to eat.
The travellers get abducted by a woman they thought was dead, but she doesn`t appear to be who she claims to be. When the woman goes to the parallel universe, the travellers have no choice but to follow.


We arrived in Los Angeles at about 11:30 that night. The flight from Hawaii was without anymore problems. The clouds had cleared away and the weather was sunny again. Mary-anne`s husband Jack was waiting for us at the arrival gate of the airport, when we got of the plane.
"How was the rest of your flight?" Jack asked Mary-anne and I, once we reached him.
"It was great thanks for meeting us so late at night." Mary-anne said speaking for both of us.
"Thats alright. I`m just glad you didn`t get hurt to much in the plane crash." Jack told us.
"Lets go then." I said, afraid I was being forgotten.
After Mary-anne introduced Jack and I to each other, we went to Jack`s car. We got inside.
While Jack was driving us to his hotel, I heard on the cars radio that the unconcious woman from the plane crash, died.
"That woman would be still alive now if it wasn`t for Seth." I commented.
"Yeah. It`s a shame." Mary-anne said.
There was silence in the car as we thought about the woman. After a while Jack broke the silence.
"There is a green Ford Meteor behind us. It`s been behind us since we left the airport." Jack announced.
"The people in the car are probably going the same way as us. There`s nothing to worry about." Mary-anne told Jack.
"Yeah. Being followed can`t surely happen twice within a few days." I said, looking at Mary-anne. She didn`t look too pleased when I said that.
"Were you followed before?" Jack asked me.
"Yeah..." I began, but was interrupted by Mary-anne angrily saying. "Don`t worry about it.
Jack continued driving us to the hotel he was staying in. When we got to the hotel the green car continued driving down the road past us, as we parked in the carpark.
"See. No-one is out to get us." Mary-anne said, seeing the car go past the hotel.
We went inside the hotel, then Jack let us into the room he was staying at. Once we got inside the room I asked Jack if it was alright to ring my mum. He said it was fine so I rang my mum to tell her that we arrived in Los Angeles. I let it slip that we were in a plane crash and a woman died, but I managed to tell mum that I was alright. We talked about the cats that came from the parallel earth within the picture. They were behaving themselves and considering the Egyptians that rule the parallel earth they came from would of done anything to protect the only cats of that world, (including making the cats bigger) the Egyptians weren`t causing any trouble either. We said our goodbyes and I hang up the phone.
"How were you planning to help us, Jack?' Mary-anne her husband, once I was of the phone.
"I`m sorry. I lied . I can`t help you if we are here and the cats are in Australia." Jack said.
"So we came and nearly got killed on a plane for nothing." Mary-anne angrily said.
. "How else could I get David to come?" Jack asked
"Why did you want David to come?" Mary-anne asked Jack.
"Because he might have something no-one else has." Jack said. Then Jack turned to me and asked me."Did you cut yourself while hanging the picture?"
"Yeah, I got a paper cut on my finger." I answered.
"Did it bleed?" He asked.
"Yeah, quite a lot for just a paper cut." I answered.
"I thought so. You probably have a chemical in your blood that no other human has. It`s the chemical that helped me open the window to the parallel universe in the first place. It was you that opened the window after all, because windows to other universes just don`t open by accident." Jack explained to me.
"Did you think this all along?" I asked Jack.
"Yeah. It was probably the chemical in your blood, and heat that opened the window. Was it hot that day David?" He asked me.
"Yes. It was cloudy, but hot." I said.
"Did you want to test him out, or something?" Mary-anne asked.
"Yeah, but I was going to ask him first. I was going to show the conference my results, later." Jack informed us.
"I don`t believe this. You scientists are all the same. I`m not going to be anybodies guinea pig." I said angrily.
"Sorry you feel that way. I should of told you over the phone." Jack said.
Before another word could be said about it, there was a knock on the door. Jack answered the door and standing at the door was the dead woman that got killed in the plane crash.
"I thought you were meant to be dead." I said, stunned. I was standing by Jack when he opened the door, so I saw who was at the door.
"You`re kidding. You mean this is the woman from the plane?" Jack asked me, but still staring at the woman.
"Yes it is." The woman answered Jack, before I could open my mouth. "I followed you from the airport. When I found out the hotel you were staying at, I drove to the nearest gunshop and got myself a gun. I then drove back here. Then asked the manager which room you were staying at. I gave the manager a description of you, which was short blonde hair, brown eyes and six foot two inches. He told me you were in room 202 and here you are." The woman finished telling Jack.
Mary-anne came to the door. She stared at the woman at the door, which by now had a gun in her hand.
"They said on the radio report that you died. Did the doctors manage to revive you at the last moment, or something?" I asked the woman, after I saw Mary-anne`s reaction to her.
"No. The woman did die. Her body`s got a new occupant now." The woman said, puzzling Jack, Mary-anne and I.
"What do you mean by that?" I asked.
"Let`s go inside and I will tell you." The woman said, pointing the gun at us.
Mary-anne, Jack and I went inside, followed by the woman. She closed the rooms door and we all sat on the couch in the lounge
"I mean, I simply occupied the body the woman`s spirit vacated." The woman said, once she sat on the couch.
"You mean, you possessed her?" Jack said.
"Not really. Possessing implies I dominated her spirit. I didn`t dominate nothing, because there wasn`t a spirit to dominate.. The body was empty and I just occupied it. Ghosts do it all the time." The woman told us.
"Okay, but who is the ghost that occupied the woman`s body?" I asked the woman.
"I`ll give you a clue. This body is better than being stuck in a stuffed toy." The woman replied.
"You`re joking. You mean you are Rusty. I thought that we got rid of you?" I said, a bit confused as to why Rusty can`t leave us alone. Mary-anne and Jack looked a bit confused too.
"Too bad. It`s me. I found out about the woman from Seth. When he sent me to spy on you I had an idea." The Rusty woman said.
"Why did Seth send you to spy on us?" I asked
"Because Seth thought if I followed you, you would lead me to Jack. Seth was right too, because here he is." Rusty pointed to Jack and then added. "When I found out where Jack was I was suppose to go back and tell Seth. However, when I found out about the woman involved in the plane crash, I couldn`t resist the opportunity. Seth would be very angry if he found out I disobeyed it and not reporting back to it." Rusty finished.
"Seth obviously thought about it. Damn...I knew you shouldn`t of told it." I said to Mary-anne, regretfully.
"It`s lucky for me that she did tell Seth, or else I would`ve never found the body." Rusty interrupted.
"Where is the woman`s husband?" Jack asked Rusty.
"I got rid of him." Mary-anne looked scared when Rusty said that, but he put her mind at rest when he noticed her reaction. "Don`t worry. I didn`t mean I killed him. I just drove of in the rental car, when her husband went back inside the airport." Rusty finished. Mary-anne seemed to relax a bit.
"How did you know where the woman was taken?" I asked Rusty.
"It was simple! I was a ghost and ghosts can go through walls, plus no-one can see them in the light. So, when I found out that the plane was leaving for Los Angeles, I left you on the beach and started searching for the woman. Ghosts travel really fast, so one and a half hours was plenty of time to look for the woman and be at the airport in time for the flight. I searched all the hospitals in Hawaii. Eventually, after looking in nearly every room of every hospital I found the woman from the plane. I knew it was her, because I saw her boarding the plane in Perth." Rusty said.
"I remember seeing a glow in a dark corner of Perth airport." I interrupted.
"Yeah, that was me. Anyway, the doctors were trying to revive the woman whenI found her. Her husband was crying at the side of the hospital bed. Finally a flatline came up on the computer screen, indicating that she was dead. The doctors gave up trying to resusitate the woman and left the room. I knew then that I had a chance to be alive. I then entered the body of the woman, because if the body isn`t occupied within one minute of being unoccupied it is too late to be entered and the body dies for good. So, I was lucky I found the body just in time. The husband was extremely happy when he saw the body was alive." Rusty explained.
"I bet he was, but he didn`t know it wasn`t really his wife, that it was the spirit of a teddy bear.." Jack said.
"The body isn`t really what I wanted. I mean, it`s fat and unhealthy, but at least it`s a body. I then convinced the husband to sneak me out of the hospital because the doctors thought I was dead and I didn`t want to cause a fuss. We caught a taxi from the hospital to the airport." Rusty continued.
"What did the airport people say when they saw a woman that supposedly meant to be in hospital?" Mary-anne interrupted.
"They were going to ring the hospital to check what the doctors had to say about me catching the plane. However, I convinced the airline that I was okay to catch the plane. They let me get on then. They obviously hadn`t heard that the woman died." Rusty then began to laugh. Then added. "When we landed in Los Angeles, I made sure I followed you. When I heard that the guy you were meeting with was Jack I decided to follow you home. Once I got rid of the woman`s husband I was free to follow you.." Rusty answered Mary-anne`s question.
"I noticed you didn`t talk when you were a teddy, but you do now. How come?" Mary-anne inquired of Rusty.
"Because I use the woman`s vocal cords to talk, that`s why I sound like a woman. That`s another thing I don`t like about this body: sounding like a woman. I also use her brain for her knowledge of the words and of Los Angeles. She came fom Los Angeles in the first place, so her knowledge of L.A and the surrounding areas comes in handy! It was from said knowledge that I got the idea to go into the desert. Because there is a dungeon out there, where they use to torture people. The woman heard it on a radio station a few months ago. So , get up oftew couch will you and lets get moving." Rusty demanded, while he pointed the gun in our faces,
"Wait a minute. Why do you want to go to a dungeon in the middle of the desert?" Mary-anne asked Rusty. She was looking a bit scared as she looked at the gun.
"Because I want to go through the window to the parallel universe and the desert is the best place to do it. I couldn`t go through when I was a ghost, as it is impossible for a ghost to go through the window. Also we ghosts can only sustain our solid states for thirty seconds and you need at least a minute to travel through to the parallel universe. It is to far to travel to Perth, so Jack is going to open a window and we are going to this dungeon if you like it or not. So get a move on. Now." Rusty shouted, threatening us with the gun again.
Mary-anne, Jack and I all stood up at once. We opened the front door and starting walking to Jack`s car in the car park with Rusty following us all the way. Rusty had the gun hidden in his pocket, but we knew if we ran for it that he would use the gun. Even if the fat woman`s body that Rusty was in couldn`t catch us, we knew the bullet from the gun could. So we all obeyed Rusty.
As we arrived at Jack`s car and got in Jack asked Rusty. " Where exactly is this place?"
"Somewhere in a place called the Mojave desert. I`ll show you the way according to the woman`s memory. Just drive!" Rusty said, waving the gun in Jack`s face.
Jack started the engine of the car and started driving to the desert outside of Los Angeles.
"You know, you don`t have to wave that thing around all the time. We`re going to do what you say." Jack said, indicating the gun in the Rusty woman`s hand.
"The gun is here to remind you who`s boss." Rusty said.
Jack continued to drive us north through the streets of Los Angeles . The night sky was cloudless and the stars were shining. After about two and a half hours driving we reached the dungeon that Rusty obtained from the woman`s memory. It was a big old shabby place. Jack parked near the place.
"Okay, get out of the car. We are going inside. Has anyone got a torch?" Rusty asked, because inside the dungeon it looked pitch black and we needed some light.
"I`ve got a torch in the boot of the car." Jack said.
Jack got his torch from the boot and we went into the dungeon. The first thing I noticed about the dungeon was how hot it was. It must have been at least 40 degree`s celsius inside. The walls must have retained the heat of the desert during the day, I thought. Because it was cold outside compared to the inside. Then when Jack turned on the torch light I noticed an old cupboard in the corne of the dungeon. I walked towards it to check it out.
"Don`t try anything you might regret." Rusty told me, as I started walking toward the cupboard.
When I reached the cupboard I found the handle and opened it. A skeleton with cobwebs all over it fell out of the cupboard and landed on me. Causing me to fal then banging my head on the sandy dungeon floor with the skeleton on top of me. As I went to get up off the floor a snake slithered its slimy body over my face. I screamed and threw both the skeleton and the snake off me. The snake hissed. Rusty laughed at me.
I stood up then felt slimy things slithering over my feet. I looked down and saw snakes covering most of my feet. It sent shivers going up my spine when I realized they were rattle snakes. I looked around the fairly large room and saw that snakes were all over the dungeon floor. It seemed there were thousands of them slithering over each other as well as my feet. The snakes were covering Jack`s, Mary-anne`s and Rusty`s feet too. Skeletons were around the perimeter of the room also
"People must have been left here to die." I said, indicating the skeletons.
"Yeah, it sure is spooky in here. The skeletons seem to be watching us." Mary-ane commented.
Of course the skeletons weren`t watching us. Where their eyes were was empty sockets. As I looked at one of these skeletons a small spider crawled out of the left eye socket. I noticed that dry blood was splattered on some of the wals of the dungeon. The place had a overall feeling of being in a cemetery and it smelt too.
"Being in this place feels like being in a scene from Raiders Of The Lost Ark." Jack commented, pointing at the snakes, spiders and skeletons.
"Yeah. I hope the people that tortured them don`t come back." Mary-anne said, pointing at some torture equipment
"Does this place scare you?" Rusty asked, after hearing us speak. He asked the question in a way that implied that he didn`t expect an answer.
I nearly spewed up, the smell of the place was so bad. Plus I was sweating because of the heat.
"Okay. Enough looking around. Lets do what we came here for. This place is perfect for opening a window. With the heat and all that." Rusty said.
"How do you know that heat has anything to do with it?" Jack asked Rusty.
"Before I knocked on your door, back at the hotel, I heard you three talking about something to do with heat and some chemical. Then I realized that you were talking about the window, but I only heard bits and peices of your conversation." He said, indicating Jack, Mary-anne and I.
"Oh that." Jack said, looking a bit surprised.
"Yeah, but that`s enough talk. I want to be going to the parallel universe. So, open the window. Now." Rusty ordered Jack, pointing the gun at his head.
"Well here`s a chance to see if my theory was right: about the chemical in your blood." Jack turned to me and said.
"Does that mean I have to cut myself?" I asked, already knowing the answer, but feeling a bit apprehensive about it
We then cleared space on the dungeon floor. Jack gave me a pocket knife, that he had. I made a small cut on my finger and allowed the blood from it to dribble onto the floor.
"It`s working." Jack said excitedly.
On the floor, a clear window was forming. The window was four feet long and the same wide, enough for a person to jump through. And that`s what Rusty did as soon as the window finished forming. When Rusty jumped through it, he seemed to disappear into thin air and was gone.
"I knew it. Your blood does contain the chemical." Jack said to me, even more excitedly than the first time.
"You mean. I did open the window within the picture?" I asked Jack.
"Yes, but you didn`t know about the chemical in your blood, that set the process going." Jack replied.
"How long does these windows stay open?" I asked Jack.
"I don`t really know. I think it depends on how much of the chemical is applied. It could stay open for a few minutes, hours or a week." Jack replied.
"The window in the picture at home has stayed open for three or four days. Not much of my blood, thus the chemical, went on that. How come that has stayed open for so long?" I asked Jack.
"Maybe it had some of the chemical, from my experiment two years ago, remaining on it. The chemical in your blood plus the chemical left over, probably made it stay open longer." Jack explained to me.
"How about this one here?" I asked, pointing to the window on the floor of the dungeon.
"I guess it would probably stay open for a few hours. I haven`t really tested it out." Jack replied.
"I`m just thinking. We shouldn`t leave Rusty wondering around, in that parallel universe alone." I said.
"The window opened near or in a pyramid in the middle of the desert, last time, maybe it will this time too. He can`t cause much trouble in a desert, with no-one around." Jack said.
"What if it doesn`t open near a pyramid this time? It might open in a crowded place. If it does, then he could cause loads of trouble. We have to follow him before the window closes." I said.
"We could tell Seth." Mary-anne said, breaking her silence.
"No. Seth is probably searching for him already." I said.
"You`re right David. We will have to follow Rusty." Jack said."
"Won`t Seth find you, if you are near Rusty? After all, Seth did send Rusty to follow us in the likelihood that he will lead it to you." Mary-anne said, worrying about her husband.
"We will have to take a chance that Seth won`t find us." Jack said, but before anyone could reply, to his statement, we heard cries for help within another room of the dungeon.
"Did you hear that?" Mary-anne asked, meaning the cries.
"Yeah. It sounds like someone is still alive in here." I said.
"Lets find out where it is coming from." Jack suggested to us
We went looking for the source of the cries, we had heard, kicking snakes out of our way. Being careful that the snakes don`t bite us. Brushing past cobwebs that hang from the ceiling, we went through an arch into another room of the dungeon. Jack held the torch that Rusty left behind. He shone the torch around the room we had just walked into. We found two men tied up on two separate benches. They were lying with their hands tied up under the benches. One of the men was a man in his fifties, six foot, blue eyes and had grey hair and a beard. The other man on the other bench was younger at about twenty six, with brown hair, brown eyes and was also six foot. They were both bleeding from wounds.
"Help us." The older man pleaded, when he noticed us.
"Who are you?" Jack asked the older man.
"I`m Charlie and this is my freind Tongue." The man said, indicating the younger man on the other bench. Charlie continued. "I call him Tongue, because when our captor had got tired of him talking all the time, he cut Tongue`s tongue out."
"That must of been very painful for him." Jack commented.
"I think Tongue thought it was too, because he screamed like hell when he got it cut out ." Charlie said, jokingly.
"How did you end up here? We thought no-one was in the dungeon when we got here." Mary-anne asked.
"Tongue and I were walking in the desert two days ago when we got abducted and taken to the dungeon." Charlie explained.
"We know what being abducted feels like." Jack commented.
"Yeah. We got abducted too, but we were brought here for totally different reasons." Mary-anne told Charlie.
"I heard you talking in the other room. I was thinking whether I should ask you for help or not. It sounded like you were saying some strange stuff. What was that about?" Charlie asked Jack.
"It was just nothing." Jack replied, looking embarrassed.
"Okay. Can you please untie us? Our captor might come back anytime and we don`t want to be here, if he does." Charlie said.
"Sure, we should have done it straight away, when we first saw you. Sorry about asking all the questions." Jack apologized.
Jack, Mary-anne and I went to untie the captives from the benches. Charlie and Tongue thanked us for releasing them.
"How are you going to get home?" I asked Charlie and Tongue.
"I suppose we will have to walk." Charlie spoke for himself and Tongue. He sounded like he was in a rush to get out.
"You could use my car, if you want. It will take you all night if you walk." Jack told Charlie.
"That`s very generous of you, but what will you use to get home?" Charlie asked Jack, with a puzzled look on his face.
"We won`t be needing the car for where we`re going. You may as well take it." He said, which made Charlie look more confused than before. I hoped Charlie didn`t become suspicious.
After a while Charlie and Tongue agreed to take the car. Jack gave them the keys to the car, then they left, leaving Jack, Mary-anne and I alone in the dungeon.
"Come on. We`ve got a parallel universe to go to." Jack said, once Charlie and Tongue had left the dungeon.
So we walked to the spot where we opened the window to the other universe. We arrived at the window, which was still on the ground with snakes slithering around, avoiding it like it was something poisonous.
"I was thinking. Is there some way to close the window, once we go through?" I asked Jack, thinking that if we close the window, we will stop anyone else from going through after us.
"Yes, there is a chemical to counteract the effect of the first chemical and only the first chemical reactivates it again. Unfortunately, we don`t have the couteracting chemical here. We will have to take a chance that no-one will follow us through the window. The window should shut by itself in a couple of hours, because we didn`t use much chemical." Jack told me.
"What about the heat, does that affect it much?" I asked.
"Only a little bit, but if there isn`t enough heat around, the window won`t open, however much chemical you put on. Once heat is there to begin with the window stays open, even if it turns cold later on, until the chemical rans out." Jack said.
"What about the chemical you used to close the window on David`s picture. Where`s that?" Mary-anne asked Jack.
"At the hotel, but by the time we get back from getting it the window will be closed." Jack said.
"Okay, lets go then." I said, changing the subject,
So, we jumped through the window. Jack went through first, the Mary-anne and I went through last.
Travelling to a parallel universe was a strange experience. The first thing I noticed is that it felt like I was being pulled apart. However, when I looked down at myself, I seemed to be intact. When I looked around I saw strange and beatiful colours whizzing past my eyes. Also, when I tried to speak to the others, I couldn`t. I felt my lips move, but heard nothing. Jack and Mary-anne tried to speak too, but I heard nothing from there moving lips. There was just total silence. Soon, the experience was over and we came through another window and landed on a hard stone floor.
"Where are we?" Mary-anne asked, a bit dazed.
"I don`t know. I will turn the torch on and see." Jack said. As it was night in the parallel world too. The torch seemed to survive the experience, because it worked when Jack turned it on.
We went to investigate the place we landed. Straight ahead of us, there was a passage and to the right there was an opening leading outside. We went through the opening. When we reached the outside we noticed how cold it was. We looked up to see where we had landed and we saw a pyramid towering up towards the sky.
"It seems we have landed inside a pyramid."Jack told us.
"You mean one of the pyramids Rusty`s sister talked about?" Mary-anne asked Jack.
"Yes. Seems to be." Jack replied.
"Talking about Rusty. I don`t see him anywhere." I said.
We looked ahead of us, hoping to spot the woman Rusty`s spirit was in. However, instead of seeing Rusty, we saw a meadow of flowers three metres away from the pyramid. From the light provided to us by the full moon, we saw the flowers extended for about ten metres and beyond the flowers was desert.
"That`s pretty bizarre: having flowers like that in the middle of the desert." Jack said.
They weren`t any ordinary meadow of flowers, either. The flowers were actually pink roses and the strange thing about them was that they had no stems, let alone branches. Just a single rose sticking out of the desert ground. Thousands of these pink roses stuck out of the ground with a separating space of one inch between each rose. A single blade of grass was in the middle of the separating space of each rose, sprouting from the desert ground. The grass reached the height of each rose. We counted sixty rows of this grass and rose meadow. We looked left and right as far as far as we could see around the pyramid. We saw that the meadow went around the pyramid.
"Do you think this meadow is at all the pyramids Gina talked about?" Mary-anne asked, after admiring the meadow.
"I don`t know. Gina didn`t say anything about roses, when she talked about the pyramids." I said.
We walked up to the meadow of flowers, to get a closer look and have a smell. The smell was a lot better than the dungeon, that we came out of a little while ago, I thought.
"I`m feeling a bit sleepy." Mary-anne said.
"I am too." Jack reciprocated.
And one by one we all fell asleep while smelling the roses.
This is the finish of Chapter 5. Tell me in the guestbook if you enjoyed it.
CHAPTER 8 OF THE PICTURE SUMMERY OF CHAPTER 8 A mysterious island holds the key to finding a enemy to the travellers. Jack, Mary-anne, Charlie, Tongue and I were swimming in the sea for about five minutes, when we noticed the shore was getting further away. We thought we were out to far, so we tried to swim towards the shore, but we couldn`t get any closer. Instead of getting closer we were being pulled even further away. I looked around and saw the discoloured water we were in.
"We are in a rip. What shall we do?" I yelled to everyone trying not to panic, but not succeeding very well.
"Don`t panic. We will be alright." Charlie yelled to everyone. All five of us were caught in the big rip. It threw us around like salad being tossed in a salad bowl, as everyone was trying to keep thier heads above the water. Waves were going over everyone`s head and everytime a wave went over my head I was swallowing more water. My legs were getting tired too and I was afraid I was going to drown. We were about a kilometre out to sea when I saw asharks fin sticking out of the water. It was coming towards us. "A shark is coming towards us." I gathered enough strength to yell, as I was really panicking now.
"It`s lucky I brought the stick then. Because it will create a force field around us, protecting us from the sharks." Charlie told us. Then he pulled the stick from under his waist band and touched each one of us with it and touched the surface of the water with it. "There it`s done, the shark can`t harm us now." He added.
Charlie`s point was proved, as the shark came right for us. I was nearly having a heart attack as I watched the shark getting closer. However, the shark was being blocked by something and it couldn`t get us. The shark tried several tiimes, but it still couldn`t get past Charlie`s force field. I was very thankful that Charlie brought his magic stick, then.
We encoutered other sharks, even a white pointer, but the force field stopped all of them. By this time the rip still was pulling us out deeper into the sea. The rip had pulled us out about two and a half kilometres when I saw something emerging from the water I pointed it out to the rest. The thing was emerging about hundred metres away and as it rose, I saw that it was made from thick solid glass. As it rose further it formed the shape of a dome. The dome was massive as it kept on rising out of the sea. The rip was pulling us in the directon of the dome. As we stared at the dome rising from the water, we were being lifted out of the sea. It felt as if we were standing on sand, but the sand was rising too. A few minutes past and we were totally lifted out of the sea. We were standing on a beach which meant that it was the sand that lifted us. The beach that had formed extended for ten metres. Then rising out of the sand was a massive dome, which had first lifted out of the sea and had drawn our attention to it.. I estimated the dome had to be at least one hundred and fifty metres in height and the same across. The amazing part was that there was a sparkling city within the dome.
"It`s an island." Charlie siad, in amazement.
"Sure is. Do you want to check it out? I asked everyone. Everyone agreed to check the island out. We walked around the perimeter of the island. As we walked we saw that the island was a perfect circle. The distance from the sea to the dome was the same all around, meaning the dome was in the centre of the beach. The whole outlook of the island gave you the impression that you were on a flying saucer. We finished walking on the soft squeaky sand of the beach and went inside the dome, which we entered via a sliding door.
Once inside the dome, we were faced with a city consisting of skyscrapers of varying heights. There wer no houses and the dome appeared to have no other people in it except us.
"Is this meant to be Atlantis or something?" Mary-anne asked.
"I don`t know, but if it is, isn`t Atlantas meant to be near Greece?" I siad, not expecting an answer to my question.
We continued to explore inside the dome. The skyscrapers wer arranged so that the tallest of about sixty storeys was in the middle. Then going down in height to forty soreys, then twenty storeys at the lower region of the dome. There were two sixty storey buildings, plus four forty storeys -- Two on each side of the sixty storey ones -- and four twenty storey buildings -- Two on either side of the dome.. Scattered amongst the ten skyscrapers were white flowers, sprouting out of the white sand.
"My eyes are strained, after counting all of them storeys." Charlie joked, pointing to the buildings.
We all had a rest, because our legs were tired after having to stay afloat in the rip, plus walking on the island.
Also, I felt sick from swallowing sea water. We admired the refracting light of the sun, as it shone through the thick glass walls of the dome. The light shed magnificent colours onto the city. The colours it shed included red, mauve, orange, blue, laser green and pretty pinks. There was a breeze blowing on our faces, which was funny because the breeze from outside the dome couldn`t get in. The white flowers swayed in the breeze.
"Do you want to go inside one of the buildings?" Mary-anne asked everyone. We thought it was a great idea.
After everyone rested for a little while more, we stood up and walked to the nearest building. On the way, I asked Charlie if he had removed the force field, which had protected us from the sharks, from around us.. He said he hadn`t. So he touched us all with the stick and said the force field was removed now. We reached the nearest building, which Charlie reckoned had brought on a overpowering urge in him to go in. The building was one of the two sixty storey skyscrapers. We walked inside and a strange thing happened. The ground floor of the skyscraper began to immediately change as soon as we entered. A blinding white light turned the whole floor white. Then the light was gone as fast as it came and we were on the deck of a ship. The ship was rocking on a rough sea and we found it tough to keep on our feet. It was quite a large ship we were on, with people running around the decks. Charlie noticed a few of them and tried to get thier attentions, but they ran past without acknowledging he was there. In fact, the people didn`t notice any of us. It was like we were invisible to them.
"This is the ship Tongue and I was on." Charlie informed us.
"Yeah, but why are the people ignoring us?" Mary-anne asked.
"I don`t know. Lets just see what happens." Charlie replied.
I was feeling seasick from all the swaying of the ship, so I went to the side of the ship and vomited overboard. I felt much better. Walking back to join theothers, I looked at the sky and saw dark storm clouds. I guessed there might be a storm later on.
The ship was heading for a large rock, more like a boulder than a rock I thought."That looks like the same rock that wrecked the ship last time!" Charlie pointed out to us.
The building we went in seems to be making Charlie and Tongue relive the shipwreck they were on. However, the question is how do we get out of here? I didn`t know. So, I watched as the crew of the ship climbed the masts, so they could unfurl the sails -- as the sails weren`t down when we arrived on the ship. I noticed Charlie and Tongue was amongst the people climbing the masts. However it was the Charlie and Tongue from the past, as Charlie and Tongue was standing here with Jack, Mary-anne and me.
The sails of the ship was soon unfurled. Then someone said "Belay" and the ropes of the sails was secured to the cleats of the ship. The ship was still heading towards the rock, but it looked like we were going to miss it. The strong wind was blowing agaist the sails, thus the ship was moving fast. The steering wheel of the ship was being steered by someone from the crew. There was a moment I thought the ship was going to hit the rock, but we managed to turn in time to avoid it.
"I don`t get it. Last time, we hit that rock and sank because of it." Charlie told me pointing to the rock.
Then the Charlie and Tongue from the past walked past us. They must of gotten down from the mast while we were so rapted on the rock. The past Tongue said something to the past Charlie and it was the first time that I heard Tongue`s voice. I was going to ask the present Charlie, how could Tongue talk, then I remembered that Tongue got his tongue cut out later, at the dungeon. It was still wierd to here Tongue talk.
Suddenly, lightening struck one of the ship`s masts. The top of the mast burst into flames. Then there was a massive thunderclap and it began to rain heavily, which extinguished the mast-top fire. A stronger wind blew against the sails, causing the ship to go faster on the choppy sea. I saw whitecaps on the sea, caused by the fierce wind. I kept watch on the sea and as I watched, a whirlpool was forming a few metres from the ship. I yelled to the crew of the ship that I spotted the whirlpool, but it was no use as they couldn`t hear me. Thankfully, one of the crew spotted the whirlpool and things were done to prevent the ship from being pulled in.
In spite of all the efforts of the crew, to prevent the ship from going into the whirlpool, we were still being pulled in. The ship reached the edge of the whirlpool and went in. We were being drawn in slowly to the centre. Masts on the ship snapped then whacked a person on the head. People were falling into the sea as they lost thier grip on whatever they were holding on to. The past Charlie and Tongue even fell into the sea. The ship was falling to pieces as it went faster round to the centre of the whirlpool. Just then, as we were sliding into the sea, we were suddenly not on the ship anymore, but standing on the ground floor of the skyscraper. It turnd out that we all blinked at the same time and it was this that got us out of the scene that the building put us in.
"Wow...That was close. I thought we would die for sure>" Charlie said, looking relieved.
"Do you really think we would have died if we stayed there any longer? We weren`t actually on the ship." Mary-anne said.
:Just because the crew of the ship couldn`t see us, doesn`t mean we weren`t there. I reckon we could have died." Charlie said.
"The main thing is, we are back." I said, then asked. Do you want to go and see the other building?"
Everyone agreed to go to one of the other buildings. We walked over to the forty foot skyscraper on the left of the one we just went in. We reached it and went inside.
The same thing happened in this building, as did in the other one. Everywhere turned white, then we were standing atthe poster stall at the markets. Mary-anne and I was looking at a picture. The picture was of seven kittens arranged around a log, the same one I brought a few days ago. We must be reliving a scene from Mary-anne`s and my past. As I stood there watching the past Mary-anne and I looking at the picture, I wished I could tell myself not to buy the picture. However, it was probably like the scene on the ship, that we could only watch. I tried to say something to my past self anyway, but my past self didn`t even hear me. So, I gave up and watched the rest.
I watched as the past Mary-anne went to the shopkeeper of the stall and ask for the picture of the kittens. The shopkeeper went over to the poster rack and removed the picture from its plastic covering. Then he handed it to the past her. The past Mary-anne gave the money for the picture, to the shopkeeper. The then walked out of the stall, into an aisle between the stalls of the markets. The past me was standing in the poster stall, looking at other pictures he could buy. I thought he heard me after all, but he probably didn`t. The past me ended up buying a poster with a picture of a cute puppy on it.
Jack, Mary-anne, Charlie, Tongue and I decided to follow the past Mary-anne, to find out what happens next in this alternate past. So, we exited the stall and followed the past Mary-anne up the aisle. A lot of people we had bumped into were left looking very confused as they wondered what bumped into them. when, from thier points of view, nothing was there to bump into. We followed the past Mary-anne as she bought some groceries, then left the markets. We followed her as she walked to her car. She arrived at her car. When she opened the back door, to put the groceries in, we quickly entered the car. It was very cramped in the back, with five people and a few grocery bags on the seat, but we survived.
Luckily, Mary-anne`s house wasn`t that far, so we didn`t have to tolerate the cramped conditions for long. We were thankful to get out of the car, all the same, when the past Mary-anne opened the backdoor, to get out the groceries. We all entered the past Mary-anne`s house.
After the past Mary-anne had put the groceries away, she took the picture that she bought and put it flat on the kitchen floor. Watching her we saw that she went to a kitchen cupboard, then she brought a jar of something out. The jar had some sort of chemical in it. As she started to pour it on the picture, I realized that she was going to open a window to the parallel universe. It was cloudy and still raining, but it was hot inside the house. The conditions were perfect to open a window.
"Were you going to open a window, if you got the picture?? I asked the present Mary-anne, not believing what I was seeing.
"Yeah, but only to see that what my husband said about the parallel universe was true! I thought it was a perfect time to do it, because my husband was at a conference and I had the house to myself.: Mary-anne explained to me. "Didn`t you care about the risks, if you went through?" I asked Mary-anne, as she watched herself, beside me.
"I wasn`t going to go through the window. I was just going to open it, to see that it was real." She said.
By the time the past Mary-anne had succeeded in opening the window. underneath the picture of the kittens and the log,
there looked like there was a shimmering clear window. The Mary-anne from the past put her hand through the window and it seemed to disappear. She quickly withdrew her hand from the window, when it began to get pulled into the picture. The picture made a popping sound as the hand was withdrawn. We saw rippleson the surface of the window as though it was water and a stone was just thrown in, causing the ripple effect.
Suddenly, something large came bursting out of the window. It landed on the kitchen floor, with a thump. I looked at what it was, as it lay still on the floor. I noticed that it had a human shape, was about six feet tall and was covered from head to toe with white bandages. I then realized that what I was looking at was a mummy.
The mummy moved, then slowly got to its feet. It turned its head as if to look around. I saw that the mummy`s eyes, mouth and its nostrils weren`t just slits and holes cut into the bandages, but they seemed to be natural slits and holes. It was as if the bandages were the mummy`s flesh. I then remembered the time I saw a mummy. Earlier on today when I ran to the top floor of a pyramid, so I could let a stick absorb some of the pyramid`s magic powers.. I was thinking that the mummy I saw in the pyramid, did not chase me and wasn`t alive. Then I thought , that the mummy I saw before could have been alive and just watching me. If the pyramids could make a teddy alive, then it could probably make a mummy alive too, I thought.
The mummy in the past Mary-anne`s kitchen finished looking around when it saw the past Mary-anne, standing by the picture. She stared at the mummy with a non-believing look on her face. Then the mummy started to walk towards the past Mary-anne. She ran away from the mummy, so the mummy stopped walking and ran after her in pursuit. The mummy was soon gaining ground on her and after a while caught up with her. It lept onto her, knocking her to the ground. Then, the past Mary-anne had banged her head on the floor and was knocked unconcious. We had seen that the mummy then put it`s hands around the unconcious past Mary-anne`s neck. It was going to strangle her, if we didn`t do anything. We had decided that we weren`t going to stand by and watch the mummy strangle the past Mary-anne to death. So, Charlie, Tongue, Jack, Mary-anne and I went to grab the mummy, hoping to get it off the past Mary-anne. We couldn`t budge the mummy as it sat on top of the past Mary-anne. with it`s hands around her neck. It was too strong for the five of us. We grabbed it around the neck, plus we even tried to scratch it`s eyes out, but all we managed to do is get it angry. The mummy looked at us with hate in it`s eyes, as it seemed to see us. As it looked at us, it finally released it`s grip from around the past Mary-anne`s neck. As it rose of her, it pushed us away. We ran for our life`s, away from the mummy. It ran after us in pursuit.
"Okay, it`s time to leave. I`ve had enough.: Mary-anne said.
"Everyone, Blink your eyes at the same time." I said, in and out of breath voice. The mummy was fast approaching.
We had all blinked at the same time and we were then standing safely on the empty ground floor of the skyscraper.
We had then exited the building and strolled across to the forty storey building next to it. We entered the building, then there was a instantaneous white light and we were all standing in a room. Actually, it was my room, plus we saw there was a picture of a cute puppy, hanging on the wall. It was the picture I had seen my past self buying in Mary-anne`s alternate past. This was obviously my alternate past we were watching. I had also seen my past self had cut his finger. I looked at the picture again and I had noticed that blood, from the cut, was dribbling down the picture`s surface.
The picture fell to the floor, but my past self didn`t notice as he had turned away from the picture. A puppy came out of the picture. I looked at the picture and I saw that the image of the puppy was gone. It was just a blank space, where the picture of the puppy was.
"Do you know of any other pictures that are windows, that take you to parallel universes?" I asked Jack, looking at the puppy that came out of the picture. "I think that one of my colleague`s at work told me once, that he might try to open a window. But I didn`t think he would go through with it." Jack explained to me.
I thought that the colleague probably did go through with it and succeeded. I also got thinking of a thing that has bugged me for days. Which was of the image of the thing that came out of the picture. How could an image of a puppy disappear from the picture, when the puppy came through the window. It had made me think of how the image of the kittens also disappeared from the picture, when they came through the window. Then I thought of an explanation for the disappearing images. I thought, maybe the images on the pictures were some sort of hologram and when the thing had come through the window, the hologram disappears.
While I was thinking, the puppy sneaked behind my past self. My past self then backed up and fell over backwards, as the puppy made him fall. He fel to the ground and as a result he became unconcious. I couldn`t believe it, as I stood there looking at my past self lying motionless on the floor. My mum and my brother came into the room to see if my past self was okay. They saw the puppy, then wondered where it came from. We decided this was the time to go, so we blinked out of there. We were standing on the ground floor of the skyscraper.
"This means there are two pictures in which the window to a parallel universe is in. We will have to get the puppy picture, when we get back to my world." I told everyone.
Everyone had agreed to my suggestion: that we would have to go to the markets to get the puppy picture, when we returned. We then talked about the implications of what the alternate pasts were telling.
"The purpose of it seems to be: that it was showing us what our life`s would be like, if we chose to do things differently." Charlie said, referring to the alternate pasts we saw on the ground floor of the skyscrapers. "You mean. That Tongue and you would have died in the whirlpool, if the ship you two were on hadn`t gone into the rock and sank." I replied to what Charlie said.
"Yeah. Mary-anne probably would of died too. You could have died also, because in the past you knocked your head on the floor pretty badly, when he fell unconcious." Charlie said.
"We should be thankful on how things turned out, then. Shouldn`t we?" I asked. Everyone agreed to this sentiment.
"Do you want to go into another building?" I asked everyone. "No, I don`t want to go into another one." Jack said. He sounded a bit panicky, when he said it.
"Come on. Just one more and then we will quit." I said.
Jack reluctantly gave in and agreed to go in one last building. We entered one of the twenty storey skyscrapers. The same thing happened as did in the last three buildings we went in. The white light disappeared, the next thing we knew we were at the entrance to a pyramid.
We entered the pyramid and the first thing we saw, inside the pyramid, was a teddy chasing a kitten. I recognized the teddy as being Rusty, because he was a darker shade of brown than his sister was. I also recognized the kitten as being the mother cat, the way she looked when she was a kitten. "Why are we seeing Rusty`s alternate past?" I asked Mary-anne. "How would I know. I thought the person had to be in the building, to get his alternate past shown." Mary-anne said.
"I thought so too. Unless the spirit of Rusty is here or is in somebody here.." I hypothesized.
As we talked, Rusty had caught up with the kitten, then he had shoved it against the pyramid`s wall. The kitten instantly fell to the ground, then Rusty ran up to it and gave it a kick and he kept on kicking it until it looked like it was dead.
"How horrible." Charlie commented, as the kitten`s blood was spreading on the flooor.
"I guess the kitten would have died too. What a shame!" Jack said, with a smile on his face, which I found a bit peculiar.
"Why did you smile, over the cat getting killed?" I asked Jack, thinkink Jack wouldn`t say a thing like that.
"I`m sorry I smiled." He replied.
"Obviously, Rusty was going to kill a kitten, if things were different, but why are we seeing this?" I asked.
I then thought about the dream I had, when I fell asleep , under the influence of the flower meadow. The dream was about Jack betraying us and joining Rusty. I also thought of how quiet Jack was ever since we woke up in the flower meadow. Then I thought of Jack not wanting to go inside the building and on how he smiled when the kitten was being beaten up by the past Rusty. I made a guess, based on these things, that Rusty had possessed Jack plus this was why we were seeing Rusty`s alternate past.
"Are you inside Jack, Rusty?" I turned to Jack to see if I was right. "Of course Rusty`s not inside me." Jack said.
"How do you explain that we are seeing Rusty`s alternate past, then?" I asked defiantly.
"I don`t know. Maybe he`s standing here as a ghost." Jack tried to explain. "Its pretty dark in the pyramid and I don`t see any ghosts." Mary-anne said, sticking up for me.
I agreed with what Mary-anne said, then asked Jack again if Rusty was inside of him. Of course, if Rusty was inside Jack, then Jack wouldn`t be able to tell me because Rusty was probably controlling what Jack said. So, I threatened to get Seth if he didn`t tell me. After I threatened him, he told me that he was indeed inside Jack.
Before we talked more, we all blinked out of the pyramid. We were left standing on the ground floor of the twenty storey skyscraper. It was dark when we got back. The skyscrapers were all glowing, which provided us enough light to see by.
"I thought you could only occupy dead people?" Mary-anne asked Rusty, turning to Jack.
"Ghosts can occupy living people too, but they have to be asleep to be possessed. I got sick of that dead woman`s body, as it was fat and unhealthy, but when I saw that Jack was asleep, I knew it was time for a body swap. Jack`s body is much better. It is slim and fit. Jack is a bit harder to control though. He keeps on trying to resist me. This is why he was so quiet, because I was afraid that he might tell you that I had possessed him.." Rusty said, in Jack`s voice. "That explains the women`s body, we found." Charlie commented. "And that explains why you didn`t want to go into that last building, because you thought you might be found out." Mary-anne commented. "Yes. Unfortunately I couldn`t escape Jack`s body either, because he has to be asleep for me to exit his body. So, I`m trapped in this body until Jack falls asleep." Rusty explained.
"Good. That piece of information will come in handy, while we wait for Seth to come." I told Rusty. The expression on Jack`s face told me that Rusty regretted telling me that he was trapped.
Then, Rusty tried to escape, using Jack`s legs to go. However, Jack must have been trying to fight Rusty`s spirit and gain the control of his body, because Jack`s legs wouldn`t let Rusty go anywhere. It looked like as if Rusty didn`t like that."You said you wouldn`t tell Seth, if I told you that I am in Jack." Rusty said, in a pleading voice.
"I lied, so that you would tell us." I replied.
"Mary-anne`s husband might regret it, if you get Seth. Seth wasn`t very happy when Mary-anne said that Jack opened the window in the first place." Rusty said, hoping to change our minds.
"We will take the risk, if it means we will get rid of you." I said. Mary-anne, Charlie and Tongue agreed with what I said.
"I should have stayed in the dead woman`s body after all. At least she was easier to control." Rusty said, regretfully.
We all exited the building, then walked out of the dome. We decided to leave the mysterious island that told us our alternate pasts. Rusty refused to go, but when Charlie and Tongue got on either side of his arms, he agreed to follow us. "Can you put the force field on, so the sharks can`t get us?" Mary-anne asked Charlie.
Charlie agreed to activate the force field, to protect us. We lept into the sea and Charlie touched as all with the stick, plus he touched the stick to the water. Charlie said he had activated the force field. We swam to the beach. Swimming back to the beach was a much harder task than being carried out by the rip., because I had began to tire after we had swam about a kilometre. On the way back to the beach we encountered a few sharks, but I didn`t panic at the sight of them this time, because I knew they couldn`t break through the force field. My legs were killing me, by the time we reached the beach, but the main thing was that we had arrived. We looked back at the island and the buildings underneath its dome were glowing in the night sky. We were the only people left on the beach.
When we walked to the spot we left our belongings at, when we went into the sea, we discovered that our wallets were missing. This made me feel angry, but I got over it.
Charlie said we could call Seth from the spirit world with a ouija board and I said we should try his idea out. Because of this we postponed our trip to Australia, for at least a day. Besides, we had now found Rusty, plus we didn`t have the money for the plane trip. However, Charlie also said that we do not have to worry about getting money, because he knew of a way to get all the money we needed. I didn`t argue with him.
The flowers we had collected were also missing, but Charlie said we could get more at the pyramid in Australia. I was glad Charlie came along.

This is the finish of Chapter 8. Finally you`ve arrived at the links.

My Expage Webpage.
My Sliders season 6 fanfiction page.
Sign Guestbook.
Read Guestbook.
The owners of this site claim to be aliens preparing earth for thier return in 2003
The Jar Jar Binks Shrine- For Those Who Love Jar Jar Binks.
The Jar Jar Jobhunt-For Those Who Hate Jar Jar Binks
A page that has an I.Q test, death test, love test, purity test and other fun stuff.
Home And Away- An Australian Soapie.
Slidemania`s Sliders Fanfiction.
Gallery Of The Absurd.
Ad Graveyard.
Help With Using Scanners.
Rage-A Australian Music Show That`s On Friday And Saturday Nights.
The Internet Movie DataBase-This has information about movies,t.v, actors etc
MIDI Collection of Movies And Tv Themes.
The MIDI Library-got music from games, country,pop, rock tv etc
The MIDI Mirage-Loads of rock, pop etc bands
MIDI Express-Hundreds of tv and movie themes, plus loads of bands and wrestling themes
Star Wars MIDI Collection.
Nirvana MIDI
National Anthems MIDI- where you click on flags to hear anthem


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