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The U.S.S. Enterprise

†= Desseced.

Click on the Actor's Names For their Bio's

Mr. Gene Roddenberry
Creator of Star Trek

James T. Kirk

Played by Mr. William Shatner

Rank: Captain/Admiral [ST:2 Through ST:4]br> Duty: Commander, U.S.S Enterprise NCC-1701
Race: Human
Serial #: SC-937-0176 CEC
Home: Iowa, USA Earth
Education: Starfleet Academy (Command), Graduated With Honors.
Awards/Honors: One of The Starfleet's Youngest Graduates To Achieve Rank of Captain. Palm Leaf of Axanar Peace Mission: Grankite Order of Tactics, Class of Excellence, Prantares Ribbon of Commendation, 1st & 2nd Class Awards of Valor; Starfleet Citation For Conspicuous Gallantry; Karakite Order of Heroism' Medal of Honor.

Did You Know?:

Kirk Had an Older Brother Named George Samuel, Whom Kirk Always Called Sam. Sam Died In 2267 during an invasion of Deadly Neural Parasites on the Planet Deneva.

Even James Kirk Didn't Escape Harassment At Starfleet Academy. An Upperclassman Named Finnegan Chose Cadet Kirk To Be The Victim of Many Cruel Practical Jokes.


Played By Mr. Leonard Nimoy

Rank: Commander/Captain [ST:2]
Duty: First Officer & Science Officer
Serial #: S179-276 SP
Home: Vulcan
Race: Half-Human, Half-Vulcan
Human Mother: Amanda Grayson
Vulcan Father: Ambassador Sarek
Education: Starfleet Academy (Sciences), Vulcan Science Academy
Personal Data: Logical, Determined, Controlled, Human Side Can Display a Wry Sense of Humor.
Awards/Honors: Vulcan Scientific Legion of Honor; Twice Received The Award of Valor.

Spock's Father, Sarek, Was a Noted Vulcan Diplomat To The Federation. His Mother, Amanda, Was a Schoolteacher from Earth.

Did You Know?:

Spock's Blood Type is T-Negative, Rare even for a Vulcan [Though it contains human factors]. He was 36 years old at the start of the U.S.S Enterprise's historic Five-Year Mission.

At the age of 7, Spock Was betrothed to a young vulcan girl named T'Pring. In Vulcan Fashion, they were Telepathically Bonded So that they would be Drawn back together at the proper time. When Spock Entered the Pon Farr, The Vulcan Mating urge, He traveled back to his home planet to take T'Pring as his Wife. But By that time she Preferred another Suitor and the bonding was broken.

Dr. Leonard H. 'Bones' McCoy

Played By † Mr. DeForest Kelly

Rank: Lieutenant Commander/Commander [ST:6]
Duty: Chief Medical Officer
Race: Human
Home: Georgia, Earth
Education: Medical Degree (Not From Starfleet Academy); Expert in Psychology, Particularly space Psychology
Personal Data: A Cynical Exterior hides a Sensitive and vulnerable person on the inside. Tends to be argumentative with Vulcans. Professional demeanor That of an old-fashioned country Doctor. Decidedly unmilitary in bearing and atitude toward authority. Dislikes Ship's Trasporter.

As of the year 2267, McCoy had been awarded the legion of honor and had been decorated by Starfleet Surgeons. McCoy Has Served Aboard The U.S.S. Enterprise and U.S.S. Enterprise-A For a Total of twenty-Seven Years.

Did You Know?:

McCoy Received at least part of his medical training at the University of Mississippi. He Had a Brief Romance with a Joined Trill Named Emony Dax While Studying there, in about 2245.

McCoy Eventually Advances to the rank of Admiral, and makes an Inspection tour of the newly-Launched U.S.S. Enterprise-D in 2364. Admiral McCoy is 137 years old at that time, and his subsequent fate remains unknown.

Because he was trained long before the alliance between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, McCoy Never acquired a working knowledge of Klingon Physiology.

"Bones"'s Favorite Drink is a Mint Julep.

Montgomery "Scotty" Scott

Played By Mr. James Doohan

Rank Lieutenant Commander/Commander/Captain [ST:6. Then Became a Captain In a ST:TNG Ep, "Relics"]
Duty: Chief Engineer/Starfleet Engineer
Race: Human
Serial #: SE 197-514
Home: Glasgow, Scotland Earth
Education: Starfleet Academy (Engineering)
Personal Data: Devoted to Captain Kirk, but Even more so to his Beloved Starship Enterprise. And An Incurable Tinkerer.

Throughout his 52-year Career in Starfleet, Scotty has served on eleven ships. The Original U.S.S. Enterprise Was the First Starship on which he served as Chief Engineer.

Scotty served in Starfleet For Fifty-One Years, And Retired at the Age of Seventy-Two.

Did You Know?:

Scotty Reads Technical Journals ofr relaxation, and on ceremonial Occasions When The rest of the Enterprise Officers wear Dress Uniforms, Mr. Scott often Wears a Traditional Scottish Kilt.

Although Mr. Scott Never Played The Bagpipes on The Original Series, It is Presumed That he owned a set of pipes and knew how to play.

Scotty's Authorization Code For Enabling The Enterprise's Self-Destruct Sequence is 11A2B.


Played By Mrs. Nichelle Nichols

Rank: Lieutenant Commander/Commander [ST:TMP through ST:6]
Serial #: SC 442-992
Duty: Communications Officer
Race: Human
Home: United States of Africa, Earth
Education: Starfleet Academy
Personal Data: Native Language is Swahili. Effcient, Compassionate. Good Sense of humor (likes to Tease). Greatly Admires Captain Kirk For Command Abilities. Special Talents: Sings Earth and off-world ballads. Plays Vulcan Harp.

Uhura Operates the Complex Bridge Communications Station, Monitoring, Controlling And Logging All Internal And External Ship Communications And Other Auditory Phenomenon.

After Serving Aboard The U.S.S Enterprise and Enterprise-A, Uhura Becomes an instructor at Starfleet Academy. Prior To the historic Federation-Klingon Peace Conference At Khitomer in 2293, she returns to her old post for one Final Mission.

Did You Know?:

Uhura's Name Comes From The Swahili Word "uhuru" which Means "Freedom"

Uhura's First Name has yet to be revealed.

Pavel Andreievich Chekov

Played By Mr. Walter Koenig

Rank: Commander
Duty: Navigator, U.S.S. Enterprise/First Officer, U.S.S. Reliant [ST:2]
Race: Human
Serial #: 656-5827B

After Kirk's First Five-Year Mission, Chekov Was Promoted To Lieutenant And Given The Post of Enterprise Security Chief.

After Serving For many years aboard the U.S.S Enterprise as navigator and weapons officer, Pavel Rises to the rank of Commander And becomes First officer Aboard The U.S.S Reliant.

Did You Know?:

Although He was born an only child, Chekov Once Believed he had a brother named Piotr, a fact panted in his mind by a malevolent entity on Beta XII-A.

Russian by heritage, Pavel Chekov Occasionally Speaks in his native language during times of stress. He does this in 2285 on the Enterprise Bridge shortly after the death of Captain Spock, when he detects an unknown life-energy reading coming from Mr. Spock's Quarters on C-Deck.

Hikaru Sulu

Played By Mr. George Takei

Rank: Lieutenant [ST:TOS]/Captain [U.S.S Excelsior. ST:6]
Duty: Helmsman [ST:TOS]/Commander, U.S.S. Excelsior [ST:6]
Race: Human

Before being assigned the position of helmsman aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise, Sulu brifly held the title of Ship's Physicist. [As Seen in The Episode: "Where No Man Has Gone Before"]

Did You Know?:

Sulu's Many Hobbies Include Fencing, botany and old-style handguns. He always dreamed of obtaining a police special pistol for his collection.

In the late 23rd Century, Sulu Captained the U.S.S. Excelsior, Registry Number NX-2000. A Young Vulcan Serving under him as junior science officer, Ensign Tuvok, would later serve under Captain Kathryn Janeway of The U.S.S. Voyager.


Played By † Mr. Mark Lenard

Position: Vulcan Ambassador Race: Vulcan Lineage: Son of Skon, Granson of Solkar Father of: Spock

Sarek's Impressive Diplomatic Career includes the Treaty of Alpha Cygnus IX and The Coridan Admission To the Federation.

Did You Know?:

Before Sarek Met Amanda, he had been married to a Vulcan Princess With whom he had a Son Named Sybok. [Spock Later Reveals this Info to Kirk in "Star Trek 5: The Final Frontieer"]

When he was alone with Amanda, Sarek Allowed himself to Express *Some* Emotion. In "Journey To Babel" He gave amanda a mildly flustered look and even smiled when she teased him.

Christine Chapel

Played By Mrs. Majel Lee Hudec Barrett~Roddenberry

Rank: Chief Nurse Race: Human

Chapel Also Serves as Dr. McCoy's Surgical Assistant. Chapel Gave up a Career in Bioresearch to Sign On The Enterprise.

Did You Know?:

Chapel is aware that there is no such thing as a vulcan death grip.

Chapel is close friends with Uhura.

Dr. David Marcus

Played By † Merritt Butrick

Rank: Doctor [ST:2] Duty: Scientist, Genesis Project Race: Human Father: Captain James T. Kirk Mother: Dr. Carol Marcus

Early in Life, David Developed a Low opinion of his Father, Captain James T. Kirk, Referring to him as "That Overgrown Boy Scout" -- A Descripotion that highly amused his mother.

Did you Know?:

David Enjoyed Teaming up with his mother to play bridge after dinner against the other Regula I Staff Members.

One of David's Favorite Phrases was, "Well, Don't have Kittens."

It could be said that David Marcus had to die on the Genesis Planet for the Crime He committed. His unethical Use of Protomatter in The Genesis matrix Caused Much Death and Destruction, for which he was responsible.

Janice Rand

Played By Mrs. Grace Lee Whitney

Rank: Yeoman [ST:TOS]/Commander [ST:6]
Duty: Captain's Aide [ST:TOS]/Commuincations Officer [ST:6]
Race: Human

Janice Was originally Conceived of as a love interest for Kirk. However, her alluring Femininity was balaanced by a strong, no-nonsense character that pushed her beyond that limited beginning.

Commander Janice is one of Captain Sulu's Most Valued And Respected Officers Aboard the U.S.S. Excelsior.

Did You Know?:

When The Enterprise Was Refitted in 2271, Rand Returned to service As Transporter Chief. By 2286 she had transferred to Starfleet Command on Earth, and while there helped cordinate massive emergency procedures when Earth was threatened by a seemingly hostile alien Probe.

Another transfer took her back into space in 2290, when she was made communications Officer of the U.S.S. Excelsior, Commanded by Captain Hikaru Sulu.

By 2293, Rand has become the leader of The Excelsior's gamma shift, or night shift.

Rand Never Logged Captain Sulu's Aborted ------- And unauthorized ------- Attempt to rescue Captain Kirk And Doctor McCoy From The Klingon Authorities who had Falsely Convicted them of assassinating Chancellor Gorkon in 2293.

Rand Catches Her Final Glimpse of the Original Enterprise in 2285, immediately after a savage attack by Khan Noonien Singh had severely damaged the ship ------- and just before the vessel's destruction at the genesis planet.

Captain Willard Decker

Played By Mr. Stephen Collins

Rank: Captain [ST:TMP]
Duty: Commander, U.S.S. Enterprise
Race: Human

Will Seems to have possessed all of the Qualities necessary to make a good starship captain, but history will never know for sure. He Never Got The Chance To Command.

Did You Know?:

Willard Decker Was the Son of Commodore Matt Decker, Who had Sacrificed his life in 2267 to destroy a Nightmarish planet killing machine in the L-374 system. Willard Possessed Many of his father's best traits; Loyalty, Dependability, Courage and Intelligence. He was Also Brutally Honest and Stubborn.

Contrary To Most Stereotypes, Young Decker Preferred To Err on The Side of Caution, Whereas the older Kirk, as always, took great risks. The Two Clashed Constantly, but in the Space of Their Single Shared Mission. Each Learned To Respect The Other.

Lt. Ilia, Navigatgor

Played By † Mrs. Persis Khambatta

Rank: Lieutenant [ST:TMP] Duty: Naigator Race: Deltan

The Deltan Race is More Highly Developed Sexually then most other humanoids. Deltans Take An Oath of Celibacy When Entering Starfleet.

Did You Know?:

Lieutenant Ilia has the ability to block feelings from pain in humans.

The Natives of Delta IV Do Not Have Hair on Their Heads, Except For their Eyebrows and Lashes.

Lt. Saavik, Navigatgor

Played By Mrs. Kirstie Alley

Rank: Lieutenant [ST:2]
Duty: Navigator
Race: Vulcan

Like Kirk, Saavik Achieved The Rank of Lieutenant While Still a Cadet at Starfleet Academy.

Did You Know?:

Saavik's First opportunity to pilot a starship out of spacedock was on the training cruise that became the Project Genesis Mission.

After The Genesis planet is destroyed. Saavik Chooses to remain on Vulcan rather then return to active duty in Starfleet.

Some Say The Reason why Saavik Stayed on Vulcan was Because She Was Pregnant With Spocks Child. Who Knows if we'll ever find out if that's true or not?

Lieutenant Valeris

Played By Mrs. Kim Cattrall

Rank: Lieutenant [ST:6]
Duty: Helmsman, U.S.S. Enterprise-A
Race: Vulcan

Valeris was the First Vulcan To Graduate At the Top of her class at Starfleet Academy. Captain Spock Was Valeris' Sponsor at the Academy. Spock Intended Valeris To Replace Him as Enterprise Science Officer.

Did You Know?:

Valeris Suggests Serving Romulan Ale at the Officers' Dinner for the Klingons to "Make Time Pass More Smoothly" But in Reality To Creat an Atmosphere Where Everyone's Inhibitions would be lowered and their true feelings emerge.

The Next Generation Crew

Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Played By Mr. Patrick Stewart

Rank: Captain
Duty: Commander, U.S.S. Enterprise-D
Race: Human
Home: LaBarre, France, Earth.

Picard's Favorite Drink is Tea, Earl Grey, Hot. Members of his Family Are Winegrowers.

Did You Know?:

One of Picard's Favorite Pastimes is Playing Dixon Hill, A 1940's Hard-boiled Detective, in a holodec program.

Picard's Mentor at Starfleet Academy was Boothby, The Groundskeeper.

Picard Acted as arbiter of Succession for gowron, current leader of the Klingon High Council.

Commander Will Riker

Played By Mr. Jonathan Frakes

Rank: Commander
Duty: First Officer, U.S.S. Enterprise-D
Race: Human

Often Referred to As "Number One", Riker is Directly Responsible for the Well-being of the Crew and all away team missions. As of 2369, He had been Decorated five times by Starfleet Command.

Did You Know?:

As a boy, Riker and his father often played the challenging sport of anbo-jutsu. Riker's Lifelong anger at his father was finally released during an anbo-jytsu match in 2365, when father and son mended their relationship at last.

Riker's Hobbies include Cooking and playing Trombone. He's one of the few people onboard The Enterprise-D Who can stomach Klingon Cuisine, and in that same spirit of sensual adventure. His favorite shore leave spot is Risa, A spicy Planet Devoted To Pleasure.

Lieutenant Commander Data

Played By Mr. Brent Spiner

Rank: Lieutenant Commander/Commander [ST:7,8 & 9]
Duty: Second Officer/Science Officer
Race: Android

Data was graduated from Starfleet Academy with Honors in exobiology and probability mechanics. Data has Difficulty grasping the concept of humor. Data Cannot use contractions.

Did You Know?:

Data Acted as father of the bride at the wedding of Chief Miles O'Brien To Keiko Ishikawa.

Data Tried his hand at poetry with "Ode to Spot" A Tribute to his pet Cat.

Data's Birth Date is listed in Starfleet records as February 2, 2338.

Data is the only crew Member aboard the enterprise who is capable of functioning without sleep.

Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge

Played By Mr. LeVar Burton

Rank: Lieutenant Commander/Commander [ST:7,8,& 9]
Duty: Chief Engineer
Race: Human

Geordi traveled extensively as a child because his parents were in Starfleet. His Father is still an exobiologist, and his mother Silva, served as Captain of the U.S.S. Hera before the ship's mysterious disapearance in 2370.

By Stardate 50893, Lt. Commander La Forge Has Replaced his VISOR ------ Visual Instrument and Sensory Organ Replacement ------ With State-of-the-art Optical Implants.

Did You Know?:

Geordi has other interests besides engineering. He once hand-constructed a perfect replica of the sailing ship Victory as a present to his former Commanding Officer, Captain Zimbata. He has an Uncanny knack for Languages, and he enjoys playing watson to Data's Sherlock Holmes on the Holodeck.

When He was Eight Years old, Geordi had a Pet Circassian Cat ------ but that didn't prepare him for Spot, Data's Pet Feline, Who has attacked Geordi on several occasions for no apparent reason.

La Forge's Ocular Implants are Sufficiently Sensitive to detect a weakness in a warp plasma conduit Lt. Reginald Barclay Fabricates For The Phoenix. To Correct This Flaw La Forge orders Barclay to Reinforce the Conduit's copper tubbing with a superdense material called a nanopolymer.

Lt. Worf, Security Chief

Played By Mr. Michael Dorn

Rank: Lieutenant
Duty: Security Chief
Race: Klingon

Worf Was Promoted to Full Lieutenant And Given the job of acting security officer following the death of Tasha Yar.

Did You Know?:

Worf Wears A Traditional Klingon Sash over his uniform, a Privilege for which he had to receive special dipensation from Starfleet.

Worf's Interests include the Very Difficult Hobby of building ships in bottles ----- replicas of ancient klingon sailing vessels.

Guinan Introduced Worf to his first Glass of Prune Juice, which he now Proudly refers to as a "Warrior's Drink"

Counselor Denna Troi

Played By Mrs. Marina Sirtis

Rank: Commander
Duty: Ship's Counselor
Race: Half-Betazoid, Half-Human

Betazoides Are Powerful Telepaths, but since Deanna is only Half-Betazoid, She is Empathic only, Meaning that she can feel the Emotions of Others But She Cannot Read Their Thoughs.

Deanna Had to take the engineering qualification of the Bridge Officer Examination Four Times Before Passing.

Did You Know?:

Deanna Loves Chocolate, And her favorite drink is valerian root tea. She likes to play Poker with her Fellow Officers and thanks to stories told to her by her father when she was a child, she has a fascination with Earth's Acient West.

Deanna Called Riker "Imzadi" The Betazoid Word For "Beloved"

In 2369, Deanna Had a Taste of a different type of command. During an unddderground mission to aid the defection of Romulan Vice-Proconsul M'ret to the Federation, Troi was abducted by a Romulan Operative And Surgically Altered to Romulan Form. Finding herself Trapped aboard the Romulan Warbird Khazara, She impersonated a Tal Shiar Officer. Using the Status of the Elite Intelligence Service, Troi Pulled Rank on The Captain of The Khazara, Manipulating the Situation To Enable M'Ret's Transfer ---as well as her own return--- to the U.S.S. Enterprise-D.

Dr. Beverly H. Crusher, Chief Medical Officer
Played By Mrs. Gates McFadden

Rank: Commander
Duty: Chief Medical Officer
Race: Human

Crusher Entered Starfleet Academy Medical School in 2342 and graduated in 2350. She first reported on board the U.S.S. Enterprise-D on Stardate 41154, 1400 hours, 3 minutes.

She Was assigned to serve on the U.S.S. Enterprise-D in 2364, and the Enterprise-E in 2372. When Forced to activate the Enterprise-E's Autodestruct Sequence, Crusher's Command is Crusher-Two-Two-Beta-Charlie.

Did You Know?:

Jack Crusher Proposed By Sending Beverly a Book Entitled "How To Advance Your Career Through Marriage."

Beverly Was Awarded First Prize in the Tap and Jazz Competition At St. Louis Academy. She Taught Data To Dance, With More Luck then she had Teaching Wesley. Beverly Interned with Dr. Dalen Quaice on Delos IV. And she has a Fear of Heights.

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In Memory of...

Meet The Crew Of S.S Enterprise Nx-01