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Beacon Light An excellent site created by my good friends Dana and Ardra.
X-Files Institute for Relationshippers One of, if not, the best MSR sites out there. The Institute has everything you could ever hope for in an MSR-site.
The X-Files Romantic FanFic Archive These people know what they're doing. Trust me.
The Complete X-Files Page While not necessarily MSR oriented, its still a great site to check out.
The FBI's Most UnWanted This is a great site dedicated to the FBI's best: Mulder and Scully.
Leia's ShipperNation Page Leia's fanfic is excellent--and this is her archive to prove it!
Gertie Beth's Fred Farm Gotta love this one.
The Fan-Fiction of Anne Haynes Anne writes some beautiful fan-fic. And if you follow the 'Links Page' link near the bottom of the page and click on 'Collage Page' you will see some beautiful collages done by Anne.
The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Evidense [SETI] Homepage

E's X-Page


Lyrical Side Archive


Truth, Trust and Love: An X-PHILES Production


I'm Linked To Andy's X-Files Page

American Athieists



Witch's Voice

Stop Hate Crimes