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Basic Soil Information


"Soil Replenisher Incorporated: Changing your soil for the better!"

Basic Soil Info

Soil can be described in many different ways, such as heavy, light, sandy, clay, loam, poor or good. Scientists typically describe soil according to its:

Color, Compaction, Moisture content, Organic content, pH, Profile, Structure, Temperature, and Texture

Soil color can provide information about organic matter in the soil, drainage, biotic activity, and fertility.To be healthy, a soil needs to be able to breath and water needs to be able to move through it reasonably easily. Compacted soils don't allow much air to circulate to the root zone and water (rainfall or irrigation) tends to just run-off. This increases erosion and strips away vegetation and topsoil. A normal, loosely compacted soil helps to absorb and retain water, releasing it slowly, and allows the root zone of plants to "breath". These soils are generally more productive, since plants can grow much more readily. Dense, highly compacted soils typically have less plant growth, which increases runoff.The amount if moisture found in soil varies greatly with the type of soil, climate and the amount of humus (organic material) in that soil.The organic content of soil greatly influences the plant, animal and microorganism populations in that soil. Decomposing organic material provides many necessary nutrients to soil inhabitants. Without fresh additions of organic matter from time to time, the soil becomes deficient in some nutrients and soil populations decrease.Soil structure tells how the soil affects the movement of water, air and root penetration into the soil. The geometric shapes of the soil determine how it is put together.Soil temperature has a significant role in helping to determine the rate of plant growth, and whether a plant will even survive. The temperature in your soil changes greatly with depth.

Most living things need three basic things to survive: Food, Water and Air. If you said that plants get their nutrients from soil then you're right. The most important nutrients in soil are: Nitrogen, Phosphorus,carbon, and Potassium. Nitrogen helps above-ground leafy growth and gives dark green color to leaves. Phosphorus encourages plant cell division. Without phosphorous, flowers and seeds could not form. Phosphorous also helps root growth and protects the plant from disease.Carbon is perhaps the most essential nutrient to plants, and for that matter humans as well. Carbon acts as the fuel source for virtually all organic chemical reactions and is vital to every cells ability to live and grow. Most plants derive carbon for energy production and growth from the air, water and soil. Like phosphorus, potassium increases the plant's resistance to disease and encourages root growth. Potassium is needed for the making of chlorophyll.

There are many products that help strengthen soil but one company, SRI, tests your soil before hand and measures the amount of nitrogen that is needed.This revolutionary formula will enrich the soil and replace the nitrogen that is essential and vital for healthy plant growth. SOIL REPLENISHER 2000 is a nitrogen crystal that will replenish lost nitrogen in the soil that plants remove during growth. Whether you are a gardener, a farmer, or a agricultural corporation this product is guaranteed to work for your kind of soil!

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