(Sam Tac Jack ?! :-)


Hey, that'so our version of Tic Tac Toe. We think you all now the drill:
just try to get 3 Sams (or Jacks) in one row, and you have won.

As you have to play against yourself - that shouldn't be a problem ;-)
Click 'Play again', if you want to... yes, play again!



More "Stuff" will be added soon. We hope you like it.

This site is created for pure fan enjoyment only. I found the Tigger Tac Pooh on a 
[who'd guessed?] Winnie-the-Pooh site. I loved it THAT much, that I just had to adapt 
it for Sam and Jack. And now:
Credits for those, who deserve them: Copyright, 1997, 1998: Steven Reese - 
All Rights Reserved. This site was written, designed and published by Steven Reese (tigger@the-hundred-acre-wood.com)
URL: http://www.the-hundred-acre-wood.com
Email: mail@the-hundred-acre-wood.com

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