WARNING this website is not intended for people under the age of 18, if you are offended by jokes about farts, butts', poop, and dirty words like ca ca please LEAVE NOW!...But if you like original thought, and stupidity ENTER!

contact us at: lspankypeg@aol.com


Yo my homies! a lot of you turd lords continue to ask The mighty Kelslord, "Hey what are you doing where's The old school you hairy jew monkey!?" Well I decided to bring the oldschool back and yes! Even try to retard proof it some more. I'm gunna post news right here all about the crap I'm workin on! Guess what? I just revamped my sexy site. Note the cool category selector button things down there..dude scroll down dumb ass,.. If your here about the MUD I work on with the notoriouse "big red" Yes we have a host and yes! We have a bug that is totally kicking are asses! So that game is down for a bit, but the cool ass site for it is up It's called C3 if you're wondering what the heck that weird ass page is all about. AKA chicken Curry Calamari I stole the name from Derek, but he's fat so he has no rights. Well anyway please enjoy the tons of useless crap that collects on my site that I have the steel die cast nuts to call art...Oh if you're confused like 90% of the wiffle ball Ronald Reagan rejects out there, REPO INC is all about me and my friends, and are weird lives in the the big shitty, SIDEWAYS8 is a comic book slash cartoon i've been toying with forever now, and Chicken Curry Calamari Is a MUD, Multi User Dimension AKA a online RPG that uses text over a prog like Telnet. If you are dumb this means squat to you go back to your chat rooms..

What choo talkin bout Willus? !YOUR MOM MAN!