A Quick Guide To Rebecca's Buffy/Angel Opinions

This is the Buffy/Angel version of my Opinion Quick Guides.  Because Buffy/Angel are still in production I won't rank their seasons.  I will make lists of the characters and episodes I do love and hate.  You will be able to quickly see if we have anything in common.  There will be some editorializing because I can't resist, but I hope this will spare us from uncomfortable, "I love that character!  Oh?  I could really do without him," discussions.

One Warning: These opinions are of course subject to change.

The Episodes I Love
1. "Faith, Hope, and Trick" (Angel is back from Hell.)
2. "This Year's Girl" (Riley is out of the hospital.)
3. "The Yoko Factor" (Angel and Riley meet without killing each other.)
4. "New Moon Rising" (Oz comes back if only for an episode.)
5. "Sanctuary" (Angel helps Faith.)

The Episodes I Hate
1. "Hero" (Doyle dies.)
2. "Becoming Part 2"  (Angel goes to Hell.)
3. "Wild at Heart" (Oz leaves.)
4. "Goodbye Iowa" (Riley is injured.)
5. "What's My Line Part 2" (Spike is injured.)

The Characters I Love
(And I really mean *love* so please don't abuse them around me.)
1.  Angel (The vampire cursed with a soul.)
2. Riley (A farmboy poor and perfect...well perfect.  *vbg*)
3. Oz (A rock 'n' roll werewolf...how cool is that! *bg*)
4. Spike (The vampire that went in search of a soul.)
5. Doyle (The eyes...the accent...so he liked Cordelia.)

The Characters I Hate
(Well, hate maybe a bit strong here but "The Characters That Can Annoy the Hell Out of Me" just doesn't have the same ring.)
1. Dawn (Wow, maybe my little brother is the best...nawh.)
2. Fred (Rescuing her was one thing, keeping her around...)
3. Joyce (Thanks to syndication dying does not get you off this list.)
4. Buffy (So you're the Slayer?)
5. Harmony (Two words, "Blondie Bear.")
