Title: "Firelight"
Author: Rebecca Bradstreet
Rated: NC-17
Archive: Sure
Summary: Jazz gets Becca alone in front of a roaring fire.
Warning: Sex.
Disclaimer/Notes:  This is an original piece of fiction.  I'm thinking of calling the world Wild World, but I haven't decided yet.  Jason Zane "Jazz" Tyne is my ancient cat spirit, and Rebecca Elizabeth "Becca" Drake is the mage version of me.  I use :: as telepathy, and ** as emphasis.  This is unbeta'd so all mistakes are my own.  ;)

by Rebecca Bradstreet (c) 2001

"Jazz, I love you."  Becca looked at him steadily over her glass of champagne.

"I love you too, Becca."  He took the glass of champagne out off her hand, and set it aside.

"I...I know I don't say it enough.  I...I *really* love you."  She leaned toward him slowly, nervously.

"You say it plenty, Becca.  You don't always say it with words."  He reached out, and pulled some of her hair over her shoulders.  Jazz played with her light brown hair watching the firelight bring out in turns the red, and gold highlights.  Becca watched his fingers on her hair the firelight reflected in his eyes, and tried to think of something to say -- something to do.  He shifted his hands from her hair to the pale blue sweater she was wearing.  Jazz slipped his hands under the soft touch of the sweater to Becca's soft skin.  She shivered, and put her hands on his arms.

"Jazz?"  She whispered soft, and lost.

"Becca," he said firmly, warmly.  He guided her hands from his arms to his shirt.  Becca watched him place her fingers on his buttons as from a great distance.  She let her fingers unbutton his shirt slowly.  Becca was aware of each button.  They were small, hard, and cold.  Each one seemed to fight her for a moment, then slip through its hole, and allow a little more of his shirt to part.  As she worked down to the top of his pants she stopped and looked into his eyes once more.

"I..."  Becca could only sit caught in his impossibly blue eyes.

::If words are giving you a hard time *don't* use them Becca.  Here and now we don't need them.  Trust, Becca.  I love you.  You love me.  Trust.::  Jazz slid his hands under her sweater, pulled it up over her head -- passed her head, and tossed it away.  He slid his hands over her bare belly, around her waist, and up to her bra.

::Trust.:: She echoed in his mind.  Becca pulled his shirt out of his pants.  She undid the last buttons.  Becca slid it off his shoulders, and down his arms.  She tossed his shirt away.  She ran her hands over his chest -- teased his chest hair with her fingers.  Jazz laughed softly, undid her bra, and tossed it away.  Becca kissed him, once tentatively on his lips, another on his jaw, a third on his throat.  He pulled her close to him, and began to open her pants.  She lay down on the bear skin rug, and watched as he slid her pants down her body, off her legs -- her feet.  She lay naked on the rug watching him move, marveling at his body, and the warmth of the smile on his lips.  He tossed her pants away.

::You *are* beautiful.::  He told her mind to mind, letting her feel how much he believed it.  Jazz knelt next to her brushing his hands over her breasts, her belly, her hips.  She sat up and opened his pants.  He lay down on the rug next to her.  Becca slid his pants down his body, off his legs -- his feet.  Jazz watched her move, marveled at her body, and the shy joy in her eyes.  As she settled once more onto the rug next to him he put an arm around her waist pulling her to him.

::You are...:: Her thoughts were a jumble of all the things he was to her: handsome, loving, strong, kind, warm, gentle...there were so many thoughts he couldn't pick them all apart.  Jazz kissed her hard, and long.  He held her tight against him.  When Becca pulled her lips from his to gasp for air he could feel her draw each breath.  She looked in his eyes, rolled onto her back, and pulled him on top of her.

::Jazz.::  It was his name, and a jumble of *much* more.  She kissed him, opened her legs, and her mind to him.  He sank into her utterly, heart, body, and mind.  Their bodies moved, their minds mingled, and their hearts soared.  Eventually they reached the height where their bodies couldn't hold out, or on anymore.  All their thoughts were hushed in that moment -- for that moment there was only the perfect feeling of unity.  Then their tired bodies separated to lie quietly side by side on the bear skin rug.  Their hearts, and minds rested in each other until they fell asleep to dream of each other.
